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This audit was based on ASHGAL accommodation standards.
Only 40 % of the regulatory requirements related to conditions of worker
accommodation were fulfilled by Crompton during the visit.

Major non-conformities have been observed such as:

- Poor preparation for fire prevention and firefighting (presence of LPG cylinders ,rice cooker, boilers
inside rooms no smoke detectors ) no evidence of trained fire warden, no proper standard evacuation
plan displayed at corridors or strategic locations insufficient firefighting equipment, insufficient warning
signs, no evacuations signs , ,no notice boards etc)

- Poor preparation for medical emergencies (no nurse , no doctor,no trained first aider, etc)

- Poor maintenance of camp (exposed live cables, broken electrical sockets &damage ACs, etc)

- Poor hygiene (no pest control services , no available soap/detergent at washing sanksetc)

- Overcrowded bedrooms (more than 4 beds per room, use of bunk beds, less than 4sqm available for each
occupant , no proper lockers ),

- No adequate camp registration files ( camp induction , camp rules , camp HSE policy , no any records of
first aid, waste management , water testing , cleaning plan , no any maintenance inspection list , no
municipality permit , no civil deference permits , no medical insurance policy , no residence record , no
traffic plan etc)

- No recreation ( no playgrounds , no WIFI, no indoors games , no TV room )

- The under construction areas not protected or adequately isolated , no proper fallen protection for all
second floor (no Gard rails )

Action plan
Photos Action Action Date

1 month

3 month

6 month
For all man power will work at

- At maximum ROOM occupancy

by 4 workers
- bunk beds forbidden to be used
all bunk beds must to be replaced
with normal beds
- Proper cupboards or locker must
to be provided to all workers.
- Proper shoe rack to be provided
to each room. x
- All rice cooker LPG and water
boilers and food to be removed
from rooms.
- All improvised and unsafe
electrical connection must to be
removed at once
- All damage Ac must to be
replaced 1 month

3 month

6 month

- Cleaning regime to be
- Kitchen water source to be
provided with 3 water filters
- Immediate maintenance must to
be conducted to AC and kitchen
ventilation fans.
Adequate firefighting equipment’s x
to be provided in each kitchens

Action plan
Photos Action Action Date

- Proper fire evacuation plan to be

updated displayed at all corridors.

1 month

3 month

6 month
- All corridors and essential areas
to be provided with adequate
number of Fire extinguishers to
- Install / provide manual fire alarm
in different location at
camp.(temporary )
- Smoke detectors and emergency
lights to be installed inside rooms
- Warning posters to be displayed
at generators room and panels x
- Evacuation signs to be displayed
at each corridors
- Send some of camp staff for
firefighting training.

1 month

3 month

6 month
Immediately all second floors must to be
provided with guard rails

1 month

3 month

- Adequate medical emergency 6 month

signage with contact list.
- Camp must have adequate first aid
station with certified nurse from SCH
- Adequate number of medical kits
- Adequate number of certified first

Issued By Reviewed by

Name Ahmed Roshdy Name Andrew Merrison

Occupational health & safety

Position Position HSE Manager

Date 08/07/2015 Date 08/07/2015

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