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Pedagogical pensioner - picture book 2018

- what it was all about…

Ene-Silvia Sarv
01.01. - 31.12.2018.

© Ene-Silvia Sarv, 2019

Publisher: E-S Sarv, Tallinn.
Editor: Katri-Evelin Kont

Pikasilla Puka

Karula, Vissi
South-Estonia tricycle-journey, summer and autumn, 2018.

To begin with briefly – ........................................................................................................................ 4
On Family ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Summer Birthdays - Hendrik Jaak 16, Triinu-Liis 18 .............................................................. 6
Estonia 100 .............................................................................................................................................. 9
The story of Linnahall (City Hall) .................................................................................................. 10
Birthdays - spring and the fall… ................................................................................................... 12
Ventures at Mähe, at Katri-Evelin’s home.................................................................................. 16
Mister Solba ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Christmas ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Enesilviasarv herself .......................................................................................................................... 22
+30o C… +30o C… +30o C… ............................................................................................................. 22
The First target - Helme Cemetery and Helme Settlement ................................................. 23
Second target – Valgamaa, Karula ............................................................................................... 28
Karula Ist time. The Orthodox Church of Karula .................................................................... 31
Karula - Tallinn I ................................................................................................................................... 35
Karula 2nd time. Karula Vissi or Pikkjärve Cemetery ............................................................. 36
Karula – Tallinn II ................................................................................................................................ 43
Culture, a lot of … ............................................................................................................................... 44
Academic-professional ...................................................................................................................... 47
In the footsteps of the Estonian-Latvian-Lithuanian educational renewal (1987+)... 47
Estonia 100 - Book Series. Estonian Education 100 ............................................................... 58
Viive-Riina Ruus (3.09.1936 - 11.07.2018) - colleague and friend in education
innovation, science, EEF… ................................................................................................................ 61
MoE Strategic Project Input “High and Vocational Education Scenarios 2020 - 2035”
- Content Editor Activities................................................................................................................. 64
Johannes Käis - importance for today's and tomorrow's teachers .................................. 66
Ukraine Georgia - educational missions ..................................................................................... 68
On Thinking Bee-like things ............................................................................................................ 76
Activities of Talgujad-group (Thinking hummings/bees group) ........................................ 76
Rotators/whipboards/hummings .................................................................................................. 77
About school and - back to school, for a moment................................................................... 85
Congress of Culture and Education, Tallinn-Viljandi-Tallinn, 23-25. Nov. ....................... 94
To conclude .......................................................................................................................................... 98
Appendix. Overview of Academic things, 2018 ...................................................................... 100

To begin with briefly –

What happened and what was done, sometimes - well done

Some things are planned - and can't be done. Some things will just come and
happen. And some are evergreen in their repetition … . Among second, one
was the organization of an endless family and professional archive and of the
thinking-bees handbook. What just came about were both – meetings, exciting
and challenging - as well as sad farewells. There was also a cycle of birthdays
and of memorial days, and Saturday night meditation-hours, and spring
planting of flowers … .

I had three to four major challenges in 2018:

- compelling yourself to be tempted to work with a new computer,
- "Fighting" with English-language articles in Baltic history - from editing to
discussions with good old friends from Lithuania and Latvia,
- Prof emeritus Ene Grauberg’s project "Higher and Vocational Education
Scenarios 2020-2035" - Content editing,
- "domestication" of an electric tricycle - a trip in southern Estonia
- 25-lesson school week - Physics in 8 - 12 grades + 2 more months for upper
secondary school classes.

In addition, there were: several conference presentations and workgroup

leadership; a few lectures and a couple of think tanks (thinking bees planned
and lead by me); a bit of instruction and counseling on a master's thesis; a lot
of reading (also searching for worthy material in the Internet); a monthly
Talgu Club and Talgu Academy; Georgia and Ukrainian missions (teacher
education MA, school culture)… Some good-byes to those who passed away,
and some welcomings to new ones, family-events, thoughts about the
presence and existence of families, leftovers, and traces… and meetings with
classes I studied together and with the one I taught …

For me it is also good to get an overview of things when they are written down
and visualized in pictures. It will be shared with family and friends if they
should have an interest in something.

To sum up, I can say that for me, Igor Mang's (Estonian astrologist) horoscope
has been completed for the year 2018 - Unbelievable, but true. I read this
from Maaleht in January 2018 (that as Aquarius, I’ll have many professional
challenges, on the edge of my abilities, unexpected out-calls, etc.). At that
moment, I thought it was all nonsense: It is nice for me as a pensioner to do
something, but I still choose it as much as it seems interesting…
In fact – 2018 was a really crazy year… so, let’s go … .

Who is who?
Daughters – Katri-Evelin and Kai-Riin, in their 40ies.
Grandchildren: Katri-Evelin’s sons Roman Neso or Rommi and Aleksander Eeri
in their 20ies; Kai-Riin’s daughter Triinu-Liis and son Hendrik Jaak - under-

On Family

End of one school-stage and start of a new

It's still one of the most important things for the youngster - when one school
gets over, and the next decision is made.
The fact that Hendrik passed into 3-4 schools in Tartu at the spring trials was
strong. Making a choice, and then - staying away from home in a new school -
it's still a couple of years ahead.

I also changed my school after the 8th grade (because of the heart matters
…). Instead of a literature class by Vello Saage, a famous Estonian teacher, I
was studying car repair with a classmate Aime, with whom we shared a school
desk for several years - two girls in the group of boys. I managed, but this
took at least a year.

For Hendrik, the elementary school (Waldorf school in Viljandi) is finished, and
the gymnasium is far from home. Mighty and challenging, all the more so
because he has two schools at the same time (high school and music college).
Resilience in this first year is very much needed. He has probably some help
with his new computer and a computer course … school graduation gifts.
The end of the school was nice, just hearty – for the soul, spirit, and body.

Summer Birthdays - Hendrik Jaak 16, Triinu-Liis 18

In my "my" time, both 16 and 18 years were traditionally important birthdays.

16 years of age gave me a passport, 18 - the right to elect (and to buy
cigarettes and alcohol, which has not been important for me).

Hendrik-boy got 16 - I owe him a birthday album that's still unfinished on my

computer (a good program went old). However, the cake was magnificent and
the party was at home and in the city - the time of the folk festival in

Triinu-Liis – now 18 years old - a young beautiful lady. Driving course as a gift
and - driving licenses for the new year was made. It seems that summer
practice with a lawn-tractor has been a good thing. In the summer, she
washed the dishes in the cafe and did some other work in Viljandi and on a
farm in Finland.
Does a further study lead Triinu from "the dwindled Viljandi" next summer?
Her answer was "sure it will!"

Triinu-Liis at Hellenurme
grassland (2017, yes, but so
nice just to keep floating
out of memory).

A party in the house and party outdoors. Cake and Lake… Triinu's meter-hairs

became a Kadi-made proud crown-hairdresser… I called it “Great Deed No. 1

of Triinu-Liis's Birthday”
Swimming around the fountains of Paalajärve is a "Great Deed No. 2". There
were some more of Deeds, I am sure.

Sometimes you can convince someone, "Take a picture of me, please!" J


Estonia 100

Yes, Estonia got 100 - no matter how it was, but I was repeatedly invited to
presentations of the jubilee series books (this is a “extra” of academic
activity), blue-black-white was carried and waved and ate; the Pope visited
Tallinn - what was interesting and respectable watch TV.

Great Joint Singing at the

Song Festival Grounds.
Ms. President, folk singers,
and royal guests ...

And the "three graces" in

front of TV … singing, with
coffee and cake and in very
good mood …
(Ene, Katri-Evelin, Ellen)

In fact, it is strange to think that my great grandfather (Jüri Sarapuu) moved

from Estonia to Siberia in 1895, the grandfather-grandmother (Jaan and Olga
Solba) opted into Estonia a few years after its independence and the War of
Independence (ca 1920). In 1941- 44, they were forced into Siberia. The songs
and stories of my childhood were still from the grandmother's life on Siberian
Lillikülä and Tartu's Karlova-Ropka border streets and valleys. And those 1st
Republican songs - "I'd like to be at home when apple trees bloom, .... when
rye fields yell… ”

The story of Linnahall (City Hall)

A famous example of a 70's architecture The Tallinn City Hall has been
waiting for renovation throughout all 25+ years of independence. A concert-
hall with excellent acoustics, an ice rink ...

Part of the building was recently used as a Tallinn-Helsinki high-speed ship

terminal, with a helicopter landing area on the roof. Over the years, stairs
have broken down and limestone walls have been covered by a rather
unbalanced "art". We/I love the building. We have been there in 80ies, at the
Congress of Estonia’s Independent Culture and Education (1989), at concerts
and hockey … I have been here
with children, grandchildren,
guests and with friends (2013,
dear colleague Vivienne Collinson
from Michigan and EERA, and
Andrei Gozak – a friend since
60ies, Moscow). What a splendid
view – sea with boats and ships (to
and from Helsinki, Stockholm) and
the Old (limestone) Town just to
South and South-Wes and new
glass buildings to West.

Vivienne Collinson, Andrei Gozak and

me on the top of the City Hall, 2013.

The City Hall (re)Painting Project was great! Excellent both in content and in
pedagogy. To make a symbolic time-story-myth visualization on all walls (until
the renovation starts) - what a brave idea! All the more so - it was a project of
school students. The architect of the building praised it!

2018. Here it is – on the half-way to be washed away … I took a walk around and was
so sorry.

The plan – 15 days to make.

Now – result of 7 day work.

Before – result of 37 years.

Thank you, Pirados, for this


The Tallinn Heritage Board, however, found that the painting was breaking the
monument and it had to be washed away ...

Throughout all my soul I supported this project…. and I gave my signatures to

petition…. I visited painters - Pirados's - headquarters. And I was outraged by
the mindset of "heritage" officials and "ordinary people" who banned the
attempt. What a political ad (of former school-head, now the Parliament
member)? Ah yeah, - blue-black white… (Estonian national flag)?!

In Estonia, it is customary - in the broadest and narrowest sense - too often

great things are not to be recognized and acknowledged, but in small ones -
frenzy, whether envy or "principle" ... Sorry.

Birthdays - spring and the fall…

We have three birthday-seasons during the year.

The first birthday-season is from February to the beginning of March (myself,

lots of siblings, my daughters). This year it was an exceptionally busy time for
all of us. I was in Georgia and Ukraine, Kai-Riin's family was in Sweden - at
Vasaloppet ski marathon, etc. Anyway - we had all birthdays …

The cake! Good for all! Wine from Georgia!

The second birthday-season is from the 31st July - 1st September (the
youngest ones in Viljandi; it has been reflected earlier).

The third season - "big boys," is from the end of August - middle of October.

Roman Neso - Oh, what a gorgeous, strong, joyful young man and a wise
beautiful lady Kadi beside him (with cats called
Watson and Holmes).
Roman moved to a new place in the summer. Good
that I wasn't riding a bike for Sunday-morning
pancakes to Kalarand by the City Hall (where they
lived before).

Living still in a rental apartment, in the end, they

can get to their own home! They bought it in the
lovely wooden house from 20-30ies, but with
contemporary kitchen and sauna.


A needed renovation just

First of all – take the old
wallpaper down! The best
time to start this work is
with birthday parties (well,
some are limited to taking

We had a pleasant evening, fun (with a few adventures), friendly cats. And
brother Sass (Alexander Eeri 1 ) was caught via the blue Skype screen
(Australian early morning).

In the summer, Aleksander-Eeri (Sass) has been in Tallinn for a while at a

friend's funeral. The very sad reason for the trip to Estonia. I saw the funeral
via TV and did not believe my eyes – was there really Sass or - probably I was
mistaken … But he was. Just arrived.

Aleksander Eeri Laupmaa is an actor and writer, known for Takso (2015), Klassikokkutulek 2: Pulmad ja
matused (2018) and Zero Point (2014).
He made theater projects in Australia and got a lot of positive responses in newspapers. Abduction
From the Serail was the project by BK Opera Melbourne (July, 2018).
He performed also in The Actor Crack’d by Bill Marshall in Melbourne (Sept, 2018).

Tick! It was a really big one! When and where it happened - nobody knows. All the
family is busy to help. Landing from the southern side of the globe to the northern
hemisphere is not so easy, as we see.
We in Tallinn were so pleased with the arrival of australicus. Even with a tick.

After some days in Tallinn Sass left back to Australia. He has worked in farms
and coffee-restaurant to have the visa. Now he was free to participate in some
theater projects in Australia, July - September (!!!!)

In the autumn, the two-year work visa ended. And so, in October, he got a
surprise birthday party right off the plane.

He didn’t know that

there was all the
family …

This happens when

mommy sucks over -
good actors both.

So - here they are - two big boys making their own unique life-way.

Ventures at Mähe, at Katri-Evelin’s home

Entrepreneurial-active are they all … Be it a mother's day

or a settlement's cafe-day family café or a fall juice
A good picture is over 1000 words (not always, but…)

Mother's Day. What a mothers! What kind of kids!


Garden-café at Mähe

In Tallinn, there is the tradition for garden-cafes in nearly every district. It is

just one day - maybe in May, or July. For Mähe, it was the 10th of August this
Katri with her classmate and sister Kai-Riin
and, all the younger generation decided to
participate. Everyone had the task,
everything was prepared, and it was a really
busy day.

I was not the team-member, just the invited

one. So - I'm going to a garden cafe riding
the tricycle from Kristiine district to Mähe,
to Priimula (Primrose) street, Katri-Evelin’s
home. It is a 20 km one way, and I have to cross all the City center!

Riding via Mähe around the noon I found all streets empty and many gardens -
full of quests.
Katri-Evelin’s garden cafe was nice,
inspired by Selma Lagerlöf's Pipi. Drink
and food were super, a pleasant
atmosphere, a good number of people
There was a lot of experience for the
team, especially for those who were just

Below - Triinu-Liis as Pipi.


The journey from Madara to Priimula (two streets named after flowers)
sounds beautiful and mysterious, but I had a new bike route, and it was a long
one. The Seaside Cycle Path and Pirita-Mähe streets are pleasantly driven and
have nice views. If only this (central) city wouldn't be there … Even across the
country to South Estonia, it takes less effort …

Juice making in September

Juice making in September is great. Ripe apples – all the garden full of apple

Juice making IS NICE, especially with good company and on a warm sunny
Thanks to Kadi's mother who helped us with a great juice-machine…
Apple cutting was the right thing for me to do (my fingers were just a little
blistered). Especially mature apples I put into the bag to bring them to Madara
for a new taste and smell in my kitchen. The apple juice bowl (oh, what juice!)
has long been empty. And all juice-bags are gone from the freezer.

Mister Solba
My grandfather Jaan Solba's plaster bust (by Anton Starkopf ca 1949-50) got
bronze cast with the help of the sculptor’s grandson Hannes. Thanks to Katri
for all this business-organization! When we went to Hannes in June to get the
sculpture, it was a nice afternoon until the moment when Kati's car (the
statues in the trunk waiting to go home) no longer took a voice. All of this
company explored and repaired, but ... that car was left in that yard.

Here – Teet and me in our garden, in Tartu, Teguri street 29, 1948.
For me, my grandfather was still Teet (adaptation either an Estonian "taat" or a "ded"
in Russian).
Together with him, we gave food to the chickens, and with him I learned haymaking,
grafting apple trees, doing woodwork ...

Mr. Jaan Solba was the carpenter and the gardener.

In our garden at Teguri street, we had 40 fruit trees, all the best kind from
university gardens. He was the scene-master in theatre Vanemuine and built
several houses for professors of Tartu University (and our house, of course).
He also built sculptor Anton Starkopf's house in Tartu in the 1930s and
helped him when he was suffering Soviet regime repressions. His and one
another sculpture of me (5 years old) was a sign of gratitude for the help at
that time.

The place of the plaster-bust would be on my red (mahogany) bookcase - as it

has forever been since 1950. The bronze one stays with Katri.

We got together at Kai-Riin in Viljandi for Christmas. One of the most
enjoyable things: food, gifts under a fir tree, an active dwarf and a traditional
family orchestra - who is present, it plays (or takes pictures), who is not -
delights elsewhere. Everyone has their own instrument and an affordable
batch - this is something of a baroque…

The dwarf Aleksander-Eeri is a smart dwarf…. Knowledgeable in finding

gifts under the Christmas-tree, in sharing gifts and listening to gift-stories…

What was there …? Anyway, my watering pot is excellent in the job… sweets
are just a memory… one got Ecco's 'Rose Name', another – the Estonian
Dictionary, etc.

Enesilviasarv herself
+30o C… +30o C… +30o C…

At the summer of 2017, I bought a three-wheeled bicycle with an electric

motor from Valga County. Kai-Riin's family helped me to review it, tried it out
and put me on the train. It wasn't a big ride this fall (2017). A couple of times
I turned around on the streets close to home. This year, I began to
"homologize" more seriously on the quiet streets of Tallinn, or - to practice
myself. Master men in the bike shop regulated everything they needed -
brakes and engine, lights, etc.

Gradually, I got used to it and in June, I started the South-Estonian bike tour. I
took the train to Puka and then - on the tricycle. So: 11. - 14. July Tallinn -
Puka - Tõrva - Helme - Tõrva - Valga - Karula - Valga and the second part of the
trip was done at 8. -10. October ( Tallinn - Valga - Karula - Valga - Tallinn). As
total, I was over 250 km on saddles. My principle - cycling is the work of the
bone engine, and electricity can be used only on steeper


July 11, at 7.00 am in Tallinn,

then at 10.26 Tartu, and then at
12.33 on the Small-Emajõgi
- this is what the camera says.

The 30-kilometer “jump” from Puka over the Pikasilla Bridge to Tõrva was the
first real tricycle-lesson: to try not to turn off the right road (I was without GPS
– just the old fashioned printed map and signs by the track); to stay on a
narrow track (ca 30 cm on the edge of the road); to get up the mountain; to
learn the features and brakes of the electric motor… All the way, the drivers
kept as far as the width of the road promised - maybe my yellow vest and the
rare tricycle were the reason. Thanks! (PS1. Didn't the French suddenly
abandon this idea of yellow vests from me? PS2. In Tõrva was said to be
another tricycle man, at least last summer.)

In general: the cyclists who traveled on the way to me always waved

cheerfully. Pleasant and affordable inns and eateries were both in Tõrva and
Valga. In the meantime, it was a nice (still cautious!) downhill slope, but
sometimes - the tongue was hanging on….
I wanted to look at the familiar Helme Vocational School and Manor and Park,
the Helme Home-History Museum, cemeteries, churches - places of family
origin (all roots from century-two before “my time”) in both Helme and beyond
– in Karula …
Everything that remains in the eye-ear is valuable - still something new to
know! The maps were printed out from the Internet, and it was good. All road
signs, unfortunately, are set according to the needs of car drivers, they are
too rare for the cyclist (the difference between the speeds is very high).
However, good people are still here - whoever asks will get the answer.

The First target - Helme Cemetery and Helme Settlement

Helme Cemetery is in Tõrva (on the outskirts of Helme): Helme was once an
important center with its Order Castle and manor and church. There I
searched for the Sarv's burial ground. Father Aleksander Sarv lived alone for a
long time and died when I was on a business trip in Riga and got sick of a 40 0

C fever in Tallinn. There was no mobile at that time and there was no way to
report anyway. Sister Malle went to the funeral. Now I got to the grave.

In the afternoon of arrival, I searched for a cemetery and a graveyard - I found

it, looked over. I studied the cemetery thoroughly - there are many names
familiar to me from literature or history or life, interesting tombs. The next
day, I bought a beautiful lantern and planted it on the tomb (artificial orchids
are nice also …, of course).

Sarv's grave-plaz, Helme-cemetry. At the rear, there is the Iron Cross from the 19th century
that belongs to one ancestor of this family (Elias).

Some giant mushrooms grew up in the cemetery wall (it is not used in Estonia
to take away anything from a graveyard). I found the famous Slave-stone on
the far side of cemetery. (Nice mythology about a girl-slave. She ran away, and
when she was tired and sat on this stone – the stone felt so sad that became
soft as a pillow… this sitting trace we see today).
The gravel road went out over the wavy fields to Helme-settlement for 2-3 km.
Somewhere in these fields, we skied during vocational schools’ winter-sport-
days (1970s-80s) - now I was tricycling here!

Helme's old manor house is waiting for repair. The Sacrificial-flow is still flowing
and improving eyesight as thousand years before.

Helme settlement is a bit decayed, yet fascinating in its both - ancient and
school-times culture from 50-80ies.

In the park, I saw a lady who looked like Laine Vettik - she was! We got an
hour and a half to tell and remember. We drank coffee; we ate the cake.
Laine's cherry-jam jar is in the fridge…, and I hope to hit dear Ada on some of
the next trips…
Laine was a Math teacher (yes!), she
was loved in a vocational school. Her
photo-albums were full of travel
pictures, with long explanations, and
her home was ad is full of crafts,
embroidery. She is still writing
articles and tutorials for handicraft
magazines (and still manually!).
The school main building now
became a nursing home, but
unfortunately, its inhabitants are not
capable of knitting or other crafts…

Helme Vocational Secondary School used to host Republican plowing

competitions, winter sports days for vocational schools, and days for
vocational school female staff. School culture included the school's female
ensemble and the orchestra (I remember - director Tali played the
saxophone). “Three dove cafe” still bears in mind… Here were summer sport-
camps for children, comsomol camps for young people from vocational
schools, etc. (Unforgettable - one of the most beautiful love appearances in a
contest was won by a curly Russian carpenter-boy from Tallinn with an
Estonian-language speech to a pretty girl, from totally Estonian school. The
soul took hold, so beautiful, the jury and listeners said. Young love …)

Indrek Peil, University of Tartu researcher (now –

physics teacher at Saaremaa) and me in front of
Helme Vocational School symbol and the mansion.
1987, September.

1987, September, there were about 50 people

here for ten days of thinking hummings. The
process was led by Valdo Ruttas from Tartu
University and supported by Estonian SSR
Teacher CPD Institute where I was the deputy of
the head. The aim was to create a new concept of
school physics for Estonian National School
curriculum: physics teachers, physicists from

University and research institutes, psychologists, kindergarten teacher,

physics methodologists (including Ene Sarv). Experts to control ideas were
vocational teachers and students of Helme. The school took us all without the
rent - the premises for the groups and the lodging - because it was important
to everyone! This was the first attempt towards independence of Estonia (that
arrived five years later, 1992) – to work out the independent Estonian
education/school curriculum. We wanted education, free from USSR, Moscow-
dictatorship and ideology, present even in physics programmes and in

These are lively memories for me as I drive to Helme and move around there.
With the transfer of a vocational school away to Valga in 90ies, fading began.
The great school culture, and also the community culture here, has
disappeared. Though - it is planned to expand the care home for the elderly.
Workshops, dormitories, workers' workshops under apartment buildings,
singing-field and stage in the park,… most are still waiting for rebirth. The
schoolhouse I didn't photograph… sadness.

The famous storks had probably left their nest… this high fir tree was no
longer noticed. (They always attended our concerts and walked among public
fearlessly, especially the one who loved the accordion.) However, there is one
stork walking in the field!
And at the bus stop, there is an overwhelming surprise - an ice cream seller!
(PS. +300 C!)

Over the fields, the road (2 km) goes to Helme Church. The grain-fields on two
sides of the church-manor path are the same as in the 80s.

The stone over the former church-graveyard is engraved:

A place to forget everything bad and remember everything good.

Beautiful ruins and park!

church …

The big tree has traces of

thunder, lightning.

The church mansion is now a local home-history museum - and more. An

older couple is lifelong museum keepers. Mr. leads me to where and what to
see, from the basement to the attic. I am happy to buy a solid book about
Helme Cemetery. What's more, the local doctor retired, moved to his
daughter, and brought his library to the museum for distribution to people. I
also got Consuelo by George Sand, I-III - my mother's former favorite book,
which disappeared from my shelf - and some more. Fortunately, the tricycle
basket is bulky - it can hold a lot.
In Helme Local History Museum, I also find some traces from Sarv's. What
ancestral branch it is - needs further research. However, one Mr. Sarv is on the
picture (the 1930s), and the woodworking tools are the same as in my
childhood workshop at our attic. If your grandfather and father are carpenters
or cabinetmakers, you can wade in shavings and plane early on. At the age of
5, I made my first bird-gage - at least that's what I have in memory. (The

museum's wood tools would like the hand of the master to do everything and
put it right, as my eyes said.)

The Board of the Estonian Youth

Association Riidaja Department in the
Room Teachers of Riidaja Primary
School in 1938. In the middle of the
picture is the head of the school
Voldemar Sarv.

Photo in the exhibition of Helme Local


Second target – Valgamaa, Karula

Tõrva's pleasant and clean and stylish De Tolly hotel was kind to allow me to
stay for another night. I recharged the tricycle's battery, ride to the cemetery
again, dined in a nice cafe (called "Latvian Embassy"), and then - started
towards Valga.

The highway along the Estonian-Latvian border was not very busy and in three
hours, I reach the town - Valga. I didn't bother to jump to Latvia, although the
idea was… . Signs and links to the Strawberry Barns on the Road ... Careful
truck drivers passed me with a big arc because the road wheel-bar (ca 40 cm)
does not take into account the width of my tricycle (ca 1 meter).

Hot it was! However, these were great hours between forests and meadows!

Tõrva - Valga, 13. July. Sign of Mulgimaa - county I just left.


At Konnaoja (border-river between Estonian Valga and Latvian Valka parts of town, at
15.37. No border crossing …. (maybe next summer).

In the city, I found a nice café near the border. Delicious food and pleasantly
cool inside ... At the Metsis Hotel, I found a free room where my tricycle in the
yard was well seen.

The battery is charging, the yellow

vest is resting on the chair, and my
bed is waiting for me after this
long, hot, but still enjoyable day …

In the hotel restaurant, I found a local newspaper and read, that at Karula St.
Mary's Church, there will be a Johnson-brothers concert tomorrow at noon.
They perform good-quality ethnos- and holy music, and I used to enjoy them
many years ago. Great, I thought, so I get into the church. Last summer, we
were admiring the Orthodox Church in Karula as we walked through the
ancestral trails. It was locked.

In the morning, I got up early. The breakfast and food offered by the hotel
were pleasant to the vegetarian. So I was ready for cycling and spirit-
refreshment. At the hotel, I agreed that if I call before 5 o'clock pm, I can stay
for another night or even for longer. I was ready to explore Karula as long as
it takes. And then - through the charming Valga (except the bridge leading
over the railway, which is only suitable for the circus-rider) - to Karula.

No other night in the Metsis-Hotel was used. On my way from Karula back to :I
got a call from my daughter and another from one of the colleagues: “You
probably don't read the newspapers at this time and do not listen to the news,
but our colleague Viive-Riina Ruus died unexpectedly.” It was clear that there
has to be a break in hiking, and I have to go to Tallinn.

However, I shall tell the Karula things in two subsequent stories, and Professor
V-R Ruus belongs to the academic chapter.

So let's begin this day - the journey from Valga to Karula (July 14). It was a
pleasant light traffic road from Valga (almost 5-6 km), then about 10 km of an
asphalt road - all mostly downhill (it seemed). Beautiful houses, farmsteads,
water eyes here and there between low hills and forests. Unfortunately, the
clearing of the forest was still in sight (just nothing left from the beautiful,
dignified, and rich mature forest), and not a few. Heavy driveways on the
right-left testify of timber transport …

The state forest was supposed to be the treasure, heritage for our
grandchildren. So it was confirmed in the reforms of the 90s ... Will it be?

The label of the protected

area - hidden in the bushes!
It is no wonder that bad
things happen to the forest ...

The Karula Orthodox Church at 11 am - everything is silent, doors are locked

and no sign, an announcement of a concert. I looked for little round and took
a ride to the manor - from there we traveled through the family in the year,
admired the beautiful alleys and mansions. Crank a bike and crank - no one
anywhere. Finally, I find someone to get any information. I ask: Where is this
Karula Mary Church where the concert comes? He says: I don't know, maybe at
Lüllemäe, but I don't know for sure and have not heard anything. For me,
Lüllemäe has nothing to do with Karula. I only use my smart-phone to make
calls and messages (not GPS, unfortunately).

Well, back to the church - with a super-gentle hope ... Silence.

Later in Tallinn, I discovered that for centuries Lüllemäe belonged to Karula.

And Karula Mary's Church (Lutheran Church) is really in Lüllemäe. For me, it
might have been in the concert announcement. Still from Tallinn, not local…
(and see, they also don't know - a piece of self-understandable culture is

Karula Ist time. The Orthodox Church of Karula

The center of the ancient parish of Karula (supposedly already in the 14th
century) was and is Lüllemäe. Only the Karula-landscape and the Karula manor
were present in the legends and stories of my grandmother, nothing else.

Some of the children of my great grandfather Jüri Sarapuu had Orthodox

names - Gabriel, Olga, Vassil. They were born in Estonia before the family left
to Siberia in 1895 to get their own land there. Perhaps they were baptized in
the Orthodox Church, and possibly in the Church of the Defending of the
Mother of God, built in the 1870s, known as the Church of Vissi or of Karula.
So the insight into this church strikes me. I want to look outside, look in the

I'll get to archive materials in winter, and maybe get into the church next
summer ...

This way, the stairs and

foundation blocks stand firmly
in place - still with iron!

Who needs, can call the church


Later, when talking to some villagers, the church came forward. “Nothing has
been done here at newer times. The last collective farm chairman repaired the
roof, windows (stained glass) and floor (80ies). But then that time ran out… ."

It is a proud-beautiful stone building - an example of the most beautiful

building art on my mind - solid granite in the form of rocks and blocks, bricks
giving a finer shape, and lace-frame window stained glass to add airiness. On
the other hand - all this stone serves the color and gentleness of paintings
and windows ...

All windows are too high for me. Through 1-2 windows, I can see inside (only
the sealing), throughout others - only one hand reaches to take some photos,
and I see the interior of the church through the camera.

Karula - Tallinn I
I had to hurry to the train to get to Tallinn for colleague's funeral. I was
uncertain - how long it takes to reach the Valga railway station. The road back
to Valka was in many places long uphill, squeezing the last kilowatt of the
battery, and there was this bridge over the railway, which was very unpleasant
and uncomfortable for the cyclist. The road to the bridge was narrow. I would
definitely disturb the cars with my tricycle. However, the footpath was barely
the width of my tricycle and there were a few street lighting poles in the
middle of the footpath. Nevertheless, I reached the station almost an hour
earlier. The station building was nicely spacious and has a reading shelf. What
a good habit! Take it and read while waiting for train or bus, take it with You -
and bring something to the shelf, if you can.

Almost four hours, I was traveling by train from Valga to Tallinn ... How cool
and friendly-active people are cyclists! There is a place on the train for 6-8
bicycles and a baby carriage. With my non-standard bike/trike at the
beginning, there were 12, and then - 21 bikes! Bicycle Marathon people came
to train in Elva. Some traveled to Tartu, some to Tabivere, most - to Tallinn.

On the right - the kind marathon-boy - he made a photo of me. Thanks!


FB got several pictures -

this train ride was so

The sad reason for going to Tallinn confused my plans. The unexpected passing
away of Viive-Riina led to the fact that in the next two-three months, I edited
and supplemented hundreds of pages of lengthy and complex text for Ene
Grauberg's project: Philosophy – Education - IT Future, References-Commas-
Schemes, etc. All this had to be done alongside the previous agreements. The
continuation of my own Karula trip was on hold.

Karula 2nd time. Karula Vissi or Pikkjärve Cemetery

Another Karula trip (15-17 Oct 2018) started again in the morning from
Tallinn. (In retrospect, it seemed like it was just a few weeks from the first -
but the papers-tickets show the other way.) I looked for a hostel at a suitable
location (near railway station and near Karula Road) on the Internet, made a
reservation and found it nicely in the afternoon.

The host of the Jasmina hostel was kind enough to introduce both the room
and the visitors' kitchen and other things. I always have a french-press for
making coffee, but not food with me. And I also wanted to see Valga. For
supper, the hostess led me to the nearest best place – the Conspirator. In the
Conspirator restaurant, I got an excellent dinner - especially the cake "The
flowers for the mother" (or the like). Everything was tasty and was worthy of
the Radisson Hotel, but the price was only one third! (I compared it with a
recent project-end gala dinner.) Next to me a lady had the supper with a 7-8
year girl. It looked like they were everyday clients here. Probably she was a

In the morning the hostess did an excellent omelet and coffee. Good start!
At Jasmina Hostel, I became acquainted with the 10-year-old Jasmina. This is a

great girl, like her father and grandmother, who run this hostel to secure the
future of the child!

This time the road to Karula seemed easier, and I had more opportunities to
look around, enjoy houses, farmyards, old traditional post office building and
lakes here and there.

In the first Karula trip, I saw loose sand on the way to the cemetery and a 5
km sign. The battery was also quite empty and the way back to Valka - long
uphill. So I left without going to the cemetery then.

This time the trip-days were more pleasant than the summer - soft sun, bright-
golden forest! So I went to the cemetery. This road was about 3-4 km up to
the hill, there was sand, but quite well-drive-able (the summer's dry sand had
been replaced by damp, autumn). It all was infinitely beautiful. (Only one
valley - felling - made me sad …)

Why a cemetery? What to look for? - maybe a Sarapuu name is appearing, but
rather something from the former Karula, the soul of the countryside... This
Vissi cemetery is called the Baltic German cemetery in the writings and also in
Wikipedia. I only saw a few German names there, some Russian names and
other Estonian names, well over three quarters.

Beautiful forged crosses on tombs (as in the older cemeteries in North-

Estonia) and unnamed wooden crosses like the Lillikülä village in Siberia. ("In
the old days, it was not customary to put names on the cross. Own people
knew who was buried and where they were buried. But now you no longer
know - after all these wars and others ... Those who knew - have themselves
been buried," I was told in Siberia.)

A few fresh burials ...

There is a special charm in these crosses and semi-submerged burial sites.

Not anxiety - just a charm - the beauty of decades, century(s) survived human
hands and nature, and the smooth going "away" ...

There have been family-lines (and somebody is today here, around us,
somewhere), there have been blacksmiths, stonemasons ... There are trees…

Siberian "funeral garden" is

such a suitable concept –
cemeteries, funeral sites
live like gardens their own
lives ...

In south Estonia, there are so many associations: forests and valleys, names in
cemeteries - known from school, from family stories, acquaintances ...

A couple of names were also familiar with Lillikülä tales - Suija, for example.
That doesn't mean they're the same family-line, but - who knows. Lillikülä-
estonians came all from that was Livonia for centuries, including all South

The grave of Jaan Lattik, the writer.


Was there more?

There are no South Estonian cemeteries, unfortunately, documented in Haudis

(central register of burials). It would be a gratifying project for some high
school classes - to make a plan and inventory of your village cemetery…

I studied and photographed this cemetery quite thoroughly, almost through

every tomb. Some tombstones are legible, some are decipherable. Probably
the custodian has document-plans-registers.

My three-wheeled "horse" is waiting for me there in the cemetery ... He doesn't ask
for hay, he's not trying to go away.

A few families were tidying up the tombs. I got a few minutes to talk about
Sarapuu and ancestors, villagers and history, the knowledge-gathering. It was
said that there is one active woman who collects local cultural heritage. Even
so, there are some neighbors who are frenzied, send to her evil messages
(emails, of course) … the village life cannot progress like this, admitted. New
things like Maakogu2 and parish representations in the Maakogu were not
heard about.

On the way back to Valga I passed the Karula Orthodox Church once more -
and again I was not able to miss the beauty of it, another – the autumn-

Maakogu / Estland (Peoples) Assembly - Estonian grassroots movement, NGO, including
representatives from all counties, parishes, villages. It was founded in February, 2018 to give voice to
people outside cities and parties to decide and take responsibility. No party member can be in the
decisive body of Maakogu. Of coutce – all this movement is in the stage of becoming, building up the
structure, voted representatives network, etc. There are no paid postions – just voluntary work and
personal responsibility. (Look the County-represantives Rotator in Academic chapter.)

Karula – Tallinn II

From Karula Cemetery and the Orthodox Church, I arrived to Valga in the
dark. I missed the evening train to Tallinn. However - it was just a day of
pleasure, even more – the blessed day.

In the hostel Jasmina I was kindly given a room for another night with a
friendly price (lucky me, the next day the house had to be 100% full of
Lithuanian tourists).

With lovely girl Jasmina, I had a little school talk; and we had a conversation
on family and child development issues with her grandmother.

Everything that was needed for a small supper was there - in a comfortable
kitchenette in the lounge. After this long day, I had a deep sleep at night, a
nice omelette, a really excellent and strong coffee from a hostess in the
morning. Riding to rail-station, I enjoyed early-morning streets, nearly finished
renovation of city-center and was sorry about the not so good state of the
music-school building. I passed the county museum and decided to visit it
next time I'll be in Valga. With no hurry, I got the Tallinn train (no marathon-
cyclists this time).

Back in Tallinn, I wrote a good review on Booking's homepage. One previous

man's opinion also praised everything but a "cumbersome girl who just asked
who and what ..." The grandma, the hostess had it on her heart and tried to
silence the girl all the time I was there. I comforted the grandmother - this
critical man had a problem with himself, in the soul. I praised a nice and
helpful young lady, in English too.

Culture, a lot of …

It was a rich year of cultural events.

Sittow's exhibition in KuMu 3 (Renaissance Tallinn artist, pictures collected

from New York museums, European royal houses, first time in history!). House
of Čiurlionis in Vilnius had several paintings I never saw before. The Amber-
museum in Palanga, Great Guild House with Beethoven's 7th in Riga, Opera
House and Carmen in Tbilisi. To the cultural side of this year, I like to add the
Estonian Culture and Education Congress, TV and the Internet (Mezzo,
Philharmonics of Berlin…).
One impression I got was: beautiful art and architecture, new or old, still
exists. You will find it if you walk in the city; you will find old photos from the
FB “Old Tartu/Tallinn” pages, you find it also in the cemetery... And the old
tree is as well an art (created by nature and man together). Even more – it is
culture, as it is preserved and invites to admire it.

In the old park behind the Helme school (medieval mansion) - there is a tree
with an exciting cavity. Tõrva/Helme Cemetery is home to stumps that have
become / turned into wood sculptures. Karula Orthodox Church has a very
mottled tree with a wonderful moss pattern.

KuMu - Estonian State Art Museum.

An ancient tree (and that means 60 years for some tree, 100 for the other,
and sometimes 200-300-1000, even 3000 years) is dignified, worthy of
admiration and respect. The Roman Colosseum is preserved; stone funerals
are labeled and protected as an archaic heritage, as well as an oak tree
planted by Estonian 1st President in 1934 in Helme school park. But why not
evenly evaluate the 80-year-old pear tree in the city center in our Madara-
street garden? And a partridge in the moss in the woods, or in Viljandi or

In the KuMu (Estonian Art Museum) courtyard - after Sittow's exhibition. Kai-Riin took
pictures. Teacher is in a good company. Great sculpture!

Hello! I heard at the exhibition: "I am Marika Vares, a teacher. We are FB-
friends. So nice to meet in person.” ... Suggestion from her: “At first go there,
then you have to go to the next door - but there is a shorter order further on."

Sorry! No formal order at home – still it is an Unknown

endless moment of organizing the history … Formatted: Font:(Default) Lucida Sans,
(material penetrated by nonmaterial, spiritual by 12 pt, Font color: Auto
This is also a kind of culture-process for me -
Margaret Shillan’s, Gozak’s, oncle Hendrik’s and Ms
Estam’s paintings are framed and on the wall of the
best possible light. Others are still waiting.
Family photo albums are scanned … Most of loose
photos are waiting for some free days and suitable
Archive of education – step-by-step worked
One more year, please! Or – better three!
It seems to me – I like the process of becoming
more than supposed final system and order.


In the footsteps of the Estonian-Latvian-Lithuanian

educational renewal (1987+)

2018 was another year in the endeavor of the Baltic Association of

Historians of Pedagogy to complete the trilogy of Baltic educational history
1992-2004 (third book of the series, started by the colleagues from
Latvia). Estonian articles have been made (4 with my participation), edited
(8). Unfortunately, there was practically no feedback from the editor-in-
chief. It is especially important for the papers from 1987 - 1992, about the
treatment of historical educational events, which were the basis of
independent education later. Of course, the roads of the three countries
were very different, but we had shared work in the framework of popular
movements - the Baltic Council of Education, sketches of a document of
teacher ethics, etc. The common memorandum of three Educational
Councils was signed in Tallinn (1988).

In April, a meeting of the Baltic Association of Historians of Pedagogy

(BAHP) took place in Riga, where these difficulties came to light and
remained without a solution. Perhaps, for the current editor of the
collection this was unimportant, cumbersome and for other Latvian-
Lithuanian colleagues as well.

Why the importance of that time is not perceived, is underestimated?

I think; it stems from the interruption of historical memory. As a result, the
history is often written by those who have not actively experienced it
themselves, or who kept it from happening.

There was an interesting exhibition about the technical progress (the

meeting was in the university showroom) and the story of the Estonian
school in Riga, which I didn't know much before.

Alongside the Pedagogical and Historical Society Meeting, I walked around

the Old Town (I lived in the heart of the city, Eveline’s hostel in Riga). I
made a wonderful visit to Riga's prestigious Guild-house building and
listened to Beethoven. In the Soviet era, there was a House of Trade Unions
in the building, and in that hall, I had also listened to Beethoven's VII (in
the 1970s). At that time, this building in its proud colors was
unprecedented for me! Now I have seen cathedrals and concert halls in
many parts of the world, but - it's still great and enjoyable for the eyes and

The whole ambiguity in dealing with the historical aspects of the 1980s-
90s brought me to Vilnius and Riga in the summer. I missed the Latvian-
Lithuanian colleagues-friends long years. Now where was the objective
need to meet dear colleagues (Aina Vilcina, Violeta Jonyniene, etc.) from

the Baltic Education Council and through them also with other keepers of
the renewal-time memories.

Here, these tours are:

Latvia - Riga. Baltic Association of Historians of Pedagogy (BAHP) meeting,
12-14.04. 2018. Hostel Eveline.
Lithuania - Vilnius-Palanga-Vilnius. Violeta Jonyniene et al., 30.05-6.06.
Latvia - Riga. Aina Vilcina et al., 8.08 - 11.08. Victory hostel.
(PS. Accommodation is important - it creates opportunities and mood.)

Lithuania, May, 30 – June, 6.

Violeta Jonyniene was a young

enthusiast of educational novelties in
the late 80s. Violeta was a student of
the great figure of the Lithuanian
education and national movement
Sajudis - M. Lukšiene. Violeta
immediately grasped the idea of
educational innovation and the
establishment of the Lithuanian
National School and participated in
the Baltic Education Council (I
remember her from Jurmala, 1988 and beyond). Already in 1988-90, at
Lukšiene's recommendation, she introduced a new concept of primary
school (local history and nature) teaching materials for both students and
teachers (learning kit). I saw and admired them then. She is currently a
psychologist, educator, in-service trainer.

We discussed the activities at those times and the shortcomings,

inaccuracies, or the curiosity of their reflection throughout their diversity,
from political factors to the scientific education and competence of
researchers. We walked in Vilnius, had lunch in Vilnius’s “Christiansen”
(settlement with its laws and culture in the center of Vilno), visited st
Anna’s cathedral, etc.

Non-academic aside.
As Violeta's husband, Aidas Marcenas, a
poet, was in Violeta's parents' house in
Palanga (summer!), we drove there for a
couple of days. Palanga delighted me
with everything - sea and sunset, sand
dunes, parks, amber museum… . There
was a party and a young gentleman in
the park at the museum (from whom I
asked for the direction) called me right
there - come to my brother's wedding.
No - I wasn't in the wedding dress…, but
we talked about his own bride…
Palanga - amber kiosks with authors'
jewelry, and with amber sold by weight.
Aidas Marcenas gave me a book
dedicated to me, a poetry collection (a
Russian translation that the author is
very pleased with). This is what I have
now on the table, and - it should be
translated into Estonian, really! He is
considered “Lithuanian Ehin".

Violeta introduced me to the grandiose house of the Ministry of

Education. There I had an hour-and-a-half presentation for a large group of
officials. (I did complete the slide show, thanks to the Ukrainian-Georgia
conferences-seminars!) There was also a lively conversation, discussion
about the success and development of
Estonian education, teacher's and
teacher training.

I sensed a clear gap between the

and formal-controlling wing (more
specifically, between the opposite
paradigm carriers) in the large dome
hall of Ministry. For the "Formalists" my
story didn't fit, though there was no
direct denial. (As an experienced
schoolmaster, I see the audience quite
I had no need to deal with diplomacy - I
made a pretty academic lecture and
answered questions as based on my

belief-knowledge-experience. (I always introduce myself: I am a physicist,

not a twisted politician or diplomat. Things are as they are.)

There was one stubborn older man (How to check the teacher? School?
How to make them teach correctly?). About him, Violeta said he was her
main opponent in the ministry. Later, I learned that my performance was
organized by people who are concerned about the state of education in
Lithuania and the planned reforms. Some of them might remember me
from the times of reform and articles published by me or about my
lectures in Lithuania. It was, however, a Violeta-directed thing - a very
useful and informative experience for me.

We also visited a number of educational memory and high knowledge

bearers at the University of Vilnius and the Pedagogical University/Institute
(threatened by merging with Vilnius University). Some most impressive
minutes follow below.

Meile Lukšiene – leading member of Lithuanian Sajudis (National Front

1988+) Grand Old Lady of educational reform

At the Vilnius Pedagogical Institute is the most impressive auditorium

named after the grand old lady of Educational Reform in Lithuania Meile
Lukšiene. It includes exhibition dedicated to her activities, compilations of
her articles (incl. Educate for Freedom in Lithuanian, Russian, English).
Lecturers and researchers of the Institute maintain an education based on
philosophy of innovation and freedom.

At M Lukšiene’s auditorium. Left - Violeta, rihgt – Ramute.

“Educational reform of Lithuania 1988 – 1997” by Ramute


Ramute Bruzgelevičiene has compiled and

published a very comprehensive monograph on
Lithuanian educational innovation (cultural-
political context). We visited her at home.
Ramute prepared for me the book with half
hundred signs for pages where Estonia was
mentioned, and the digital copies of chapters.
The 30-page English resume at the end of the
book and tens of calendar tables also let us to
guess the content of the matter without
knowledge of language.

Thank You, dear Ramute!

Unfortunately, this work is not done in Estonia.


Violeta’s learning kit

Left - Violeta at the 1988 Educational Innovation Conference in Jurmala.

Violeta's learning kits in the late 1980s were both inspirational and
frustrating for teachers. These kits were supported by M Lukšiene (Violeta
was her former student). I remember these from the beginning of the 90s:
a textbook-workbook for a child on
each topic, and a teacher book.
Teacher book had four different
methodologies for dealing with every
topic. If you're still accustomed to only
one recommended / obligatory
methodology, it's really hard… . For
many, this was complicated, to choose
- this needed to be learned and
exercised. In many ways, teachers had
to learn to be free, be creative, be

At that time, we had the so called

"curriculum wars" in Estonia 4 . It was a kind of paradigmatic conflict
between a social-constructivist and didactic-centered approach. We had

Look for example:
Drafts: E-S Sarv. Historical background of educational reform in Estonia, and Baltic cooperation;
V. Rõuk, E-S. Sarv. Estonian Curriculum: Becoming independent, 33 pp;

some new conceptions of curricular subjects (physics, chemistry, primary

classes subjects) and experimental textbooks. Nevertheless, it was long
way to Violeta's example.
Here we see the difference of pathways of educational reforms in our

The concerns of Lithuanian education

Practically all Lithuanian colleagues talked about the development of

education. Trends are worrying. Teacher training is intended to be
transferred to universities, passed over to 'competent' professors-lecturers
there (academic specialists, e.g. psychologists who lack practical
knowledge and knowledge of teacher education and contact with school
reality). Ministry of Edcation (some officials, not all, as I saw at meeting in
MoE) wants to establish a rigorous control of schools and teachers to
'increase the level of teaching' and so on. Only private school leaders and
teachers seemed optimistic and confident - they are relatively
independent, as I understood Irena Pranskeviciute5 and her colleague -
private school principal.

This disruption of pedagogical and school/institutional culture is quite

general and worrying. Unfortunately, decision-makers do not perceive the
loss of a significant part of professional and organizational knowledge.
Well, even in the USSR, it was the easiest way to show that you were doing
something - demolishing.

At Violeta's request, I was happy to compile a set of files for her. These
were materials and presentations on Estonian education, teacher training,
some of the most important world-scale studies and prospects in English
and Russian. These can be used to share with stakeholders.

Thank you, dear Violeta, Ramuta, Aidas, Irena and Lithuania!

E-S Sarv. Educational/Pedagogical and research paradigms change 1991 – 2004: case of Estonia.
Published: Ruus, V, Sarv, E.-S. (2000). Changes in Estonian curricula (1987-1999) and some
thoughts on the future. In. Beck, B, T., Mays, A. (Eds). Challenge and Change in Education: the
Experience of the Baltic States in the 1990`s. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Irena Pranskeviciute I met in February in Ukraine at Vinniki conference.

Latvia, August, 6 – 9. Aina, Anita, Riga

Aina. On the right - Anita and her Latvian Teachers In-Service Institute's
Educational Innovation Monograph.

I didn't see my long-time colleague Aina Vilcina for 15 years. Our links
started and were particularly intense in the years of educational reform
(1988+). We had the closest co-operation during dozen years of the
International Humane and Waldorf Pedagogy Seminary "The Threshold"

A strong group of educators from Latvia was concentrated around Aina.

Together they came to Tallinn, traveled to Ekaterinburg (photo below,
1995, Aina – 6th in right side) and graduated. Their graduation project was
the performance of Exupery's
Small Prince (Aina's initiative).
Moreover, everyone had a
deep personal research or
artistic project. Waldorf school
was founded in Latvia and
method spread. Always during
the Threshold-course, Aina
was indispensable both in
making time-tables and
carrying out the inter-session
contacts between students and lecturers over the world. She also led the
nature-observation sessions. Aina had a chance to study at the Emerson
College for a year. She lived with the family of Wilkes6 in the same room
where I was living two years earlier. More than 10 years she was the

Alfild Wilkes - scene eurythmy artist. John Wilkes - founder of water research, flow-form art and

deputy-rector of Attistiba, a social-pedagogical private higher-education

institution in Riga, and later - its leader. Even now, she is busy in her quiet
way, and - is going to opera every month.
Of course, we talked of how people's lives and our great idea(l)s have
evolved. We discussed about what are today's worries are and how they
relate to the history of education.
Aina also organized my meeting with Anita Šmite, who wrote a book on
the history of the Latvian Teacher In-Service Training Institute and, in
particular, on the education reform and its people in 1987-92.

I am happy, that I had

chance to visit Aina at her
lovely home with good
coffee and a noble cat.

Below – Jurmala Conferenece

on Baltic Education reform.
Who is who?

So we went through some photos from 80ies to get the names of people
from Baltic Education Council (Jurmala-conference). And we recalled our
days with The Threshold-Seminar (where Aina started as student and was
later my second hand in organization of the seminar together with Elsa
Gretchkina 7 ). We discussed the destiny of Attistiba–university, and all
twists in the educational field – similarities and differences in our

Thank You, Aina, Anita! We’ll keep going!

Elsa Gretckina (1932 - 2014) - former minister of Education of ESSR (1980 - 1988). She was long
time seen as a pro-Soviet leader. However, she also was the one, who fully supported the Estonian
SSR teachers' Congress (26, March, 1987). This Congress declared the renovation of Estonian
National school (new national curriculum, change of the concept and content of history, etc.). She
visited Emerson College (1992) and helped to organize the sessions of the International seminar
The Threshold.

Aspiration and need to create a joint retrospective monograph matured

at the Lithuanian-Latvian routes and conversations. The great work has
already been done in Lithuania by Ramute Bruzgelevičiene (in the context
of political-cultural changes) and in Latvia by Anita Šmite (in the context of
in-service training for teachers).

On books and on people (in Vilnius Pedagogical Institute) with Violeta and
Ramute. In the center - Estonian Education Platform (conception, vision of
education, published in Estonian, Russian, English) from 1988. Some people
remembered it as "the push forward" in their reform.

When the content editing of the educational scenarios 2035 ended in

September, I took over the articles of Lithuanian colleagues for Book III of
the History of Education, which is still in progress. The same line also
includes the re-editing, rewriting of articles written or co-authored by me.
These are on the developments of the Estonian curriculum, school culture,
education reform 1987-92, the change of educational paradigm.

It was such a pleasure to see friends from the "becoming" years and to
meet the same devotion, wisdom, futures' thinking. I'll try to get out from
all unexpected (but very educational) business of 2018 and go further with
our co-operation ...
I couldn't leave out the great personality – Riga
The same can be said about Vilnius and Palanga.
More than hundred photos will remember me
those days.

Estonia 100 - Book Series. Estonian Education 100

Reviewing and editing one of the chapters (1987+) in the book "Estonian
education 100" brought me invitations to presentations of Estonia-100
books. Up to now it is very enriching opportunity.

The presentation of the “Estonian Science - 100” took place at the Estonian
Academy of Sciences (EAS) House in Toompea. The former house of
Uexküll (freemason?) is so rich of art and symbols - and a great contrast to
its contemporary use. The book, published in the spring, is interesting,
exact and condensed. Although it is sad because the name index does not
contain any educator. Not mentioning at least the USSR Pedagogical
Academy Member Heino Liimets is meaningful. His theory of the pupil's
lifestyle as a whole was groundbreaking in his own time. He became an
honored doctor of several Western universities. It was really rare in Soviet
era. The honorable Academician, Member of EAS, Engelbrecht, said: "The
volume of the book was limited - everything did not fit in". What else he
could say to me …

At the end of the year, in November, the President and members of

Academy spoke about the importance of education in the same hall on the
Science day of the Congress of Culture and Education.

On September 26th, the Estonian Education 1008 was presented in the

Pedagogy Museum.. Great work from authors and publishers. Of course,
192 pages mean a bit of space, but the list of names shows that the
maximum has been done. Speeches at the presentation - ordered and
spontaneous, acknowledged and added nuances.

Varik, V., Sirk, V. (2018). Eesti hariduse 100 aastat. (100 yearsyars of Estonian Education.) Sari EV
100. Tallinn: Post Factum.

Veronika Nagel, director of the Pedagogical Archives Museum, presents a book to

Väino Ratassepp. He is/was loved teacher in the Tallinn High School of Music,
songwriter, a dignified co worker as chemistry-methodologist from the time of
the Teacher In-service Training Institute9 (70-80ies).

I made some notes for my reviewer’s speech:

It is good that we have Estonian Education 100!

"My period" is 1952 - 2018+.
School reform period 1987-1992 and further to 1997:
- Lithuania has a monograph by Ramute … (with a number of references to
- In Latvia, their Teacher In-Service Institute-based monograph (Anita …),
but both lack a broader, more philosophical understanding of this breakthrough
- There are some MA and doctoral works in Estonia, but rather narrower-deeper
than complex ones.
However, individual and documentary work remains. But - documents do not
reflect the full reality of activities, thoughts, events, ideals.
Prof. Emeritus J Orn saw similarities between the 1987-92 and 1918-20 processes
(especially in the spiritual, idealistic plane)
Estonian Education 100 - smooth, objective, comprehensive book.

Thanks to authors and publishers!

VÕTI - Republican Teacher In-Service Training Institute. It existed until 1989.
The Institute rganized in-service training and CPD for teachers in general education schools,
provided methodological materials, conducted research. The voluntary Public Pedagogical Research
Institute for teachers was organized worked as branch of VÕTI.

As Veronika Nagel said, they were somewhat worried of my speech: I am

usually quite judgmental. Well, I always tried to be objective, not just
critical. My special interest - chapter on the education innovation - was
largely based on my “green book”10. Perhaps it would need much more
time to dig deeper into the archives of the Pedagogical Museum itself and
the state archives. In both, I have found untapped documents for my latest
curriculum and other articles (not to mention my own home archives and
cultural layer). However, time and volume constraints were hard for the
creators. Great work from authors and publishers. Of course, 192 pages
mean quite a bit of space, but the list of names already shows the weight
and coverage of what has been done.

Speeches at the presentation - ordered and spontaneous, acknowledged

and added nuances. (V Ratassepp gave his CD to the museum, and to
some of his colleagues - this is also part of Estonian educational history.)

After a long time, many of my former colleagues were together in the

museum's auditorium and at the reception in the classroom… No one
became younger. Some of them, who were mentioned in the book, had
already left this earthly world.
It was lovely afternoon. Unfortunately – I had to leave before the closing. I
had to get to Haapsalu for the rotator/hummings with the Pärnu Adult
Gymnasium teachers.

Sarv, E.-S. (1997, 1996). Demokraatiast ja humanismist õpetajale: Eesti haridusuuendus - hariduse
demokratiseerumine ja humaniseerumine. (On democracy and humanism to teacher: Estonian
education renewal – democratization and humanization of education). Tallinn.

Viive-Riina Ruus (3.09.1936 - 11.07.2018) - colleague and

friend in education innovation, science, EEF…

We had agreed with Viive-Riina that in autumn when all the summer
holidays are over, and other tasks finished we will seriously overlook the
years of education renewal. There have been many mistakes and biases in
reflections of these years and events. This is due to the circumstances and
policies then as well as now, and lack of information. The role of some
people is underestimated or misrepresented because of someone's
position at that time (even the Wikipedia is far from objectivity and
truthfulness). We decided to set out a more detailed plan on the next
weekend when I am back from my hike.
Unfortunately, we met - paying last tributes to Viive-Riina. Her 80th jubilee
poster received an additional In Memoriam page. In the summer, many
people, colleagues were not available, but whom I found both in Estonia
and elsewhere - their words became a part of the poster.

Viive-Riina Ruus 80 (2016), and farewell (2018). Tallinn University.

Speakers: Ene-Mall Vernik-Tuubel. In the background - the poster that I was able
to compose in a few days.

Speakers: Peep Leppik - Colleague from the Pedagogical Research Institute and
from the days of Educational Innovation. Imbi Henno - Viive's former doctoral
student. Maria Jürimäe - a Young employee of University of Tartu Curriculum
Development Center since 2000.

I also spoke for a few minutes: the unexpectedness, the inaction,

agreements and plans we had. After all, the poster was the main thing,
readers were constantly there, and Viive's daughters got it as a PDF

Memories. Indrek Tart, Indrek Grauberg, …, Reet Laja, Ene Grauberg.

Viive-Riina was a reformer, correct in her research, if necessary - very

direct and helpful with her clear and reasonable thinking.

At 2012-13, I created an e-learning material about the identity of the

teacher and the researcher .... For this, Viive wrote a short "becoming-
story"11 that we examined in depth.

Eesti kasvatusteadlased oma akadeemilisest identiteedist ja selle kujunemisest. (Estonian
education scientists on their academic identity and its formation). V-R. Ruus. Materjal (In) E-S Sarv.
(2013). Akadeemiline habitus, akadeemiline identiteet. (Academic habitus, academic identity).

If in our conversations something special emerged, I remember Viive's

special pose-gaze, when she, by her very nature, was trying to figure it out
and integrate into her world view, field of knowledge. Occasionally, it later
appeared in some of her speeches, writings… For example: at the Viru
Square 4 building, in Curriculum-laboratories of Tallinn University
(Pedagogical university at that time, 1997-99) we discussed “Estonia's state
of being” - has it reached puberty? not yet? or - is it a neurotic state of
being? This discussion would be actual today … Wouldn’t it?

Good by, dear colleague and friend.


MoE Strategic Project Input “High and Vocational Education

Scenarios 2020 - 2035” - Content Editor Activities

My major end-of-summer project was editing the content of the input to

the Ministry of Education's strategy project “Estonian Education and
Science 2035”. The material compiled by Prof Ene Grauberg's project team
focused on the development of higher education and vocational education
based on philosophical, digital, and EU contexts, and offered three
development scenarios to the year 2035. I was attracted to content editing
by Ene Grauberg - they had an agreement with Viive-Riina Ruus, but ... she
was no longer there.

It was a glorious proposal and - a tremendous job. However, it was very

enriching and instructive! Texts of intelligent people - reading makes
smarter and wiser. There were a lot of matching and coordinating articles
of different authors. About 15-20 pages I had to write myself (on Bologna
process and especially Estonia's different development scenarios 1987-
2015). I also designed the visual diagrams for 2035 scenarios.

agents - human,
work, cultural
Outer factors
environment -
global Technology

Sustainability of

Visualisation of main influencers.

For me, the universality of three main influencers (as on the scheme)
combines with two dimensions in the scenario Estonian Education - 2015:
inclusion versus exclusion/alienation, Innovation versus conservatism.
Here is the space for combination, foresight! Probably I can develop this
idea in future or – someone will use it in the Strategy-2035.

Ene Grauberg was very active and creative - every text was re-written and
developed several times, and upgraded and re-made… . Finally; the so-

called Analytical Review 12 (164 pages) was completed, and the brief
summary (36 pages) for those team members and officials who may not
read the long text. A pretty big text (about 350 pages in my computer)
was released by ThinkTank Nord as a book at the end of the year.

I had too short time for perfect editing - some repetitions were left in
these texts (whether it is bad or not - repetition lets you remember and
observe better), the structure is a little jumpy, and so on. However - these
texts are meant for philosophical-perspective consideration of
professionals and interested people, not for the leisure time. After several
months, I read and thought it once more - an interesting-enlightening

In any case, the three scenarios deserve attention and consideration, and it
is a pity that the strategic groups overlook them:

• Estonia and Estonian Education in the Wind of the Globalizing World:

• Negative threat scenario Digital shock and/or quiet extinction,
• Positive scenario New prosperity.

Thanks to this work, I almost completed an article on Estonia's future

scenarios and their role in the development of education. Based on this, I
will present a report in September 2019 at the WEDA conference
“Reshaping the Global Future of Education” in Dalian (China).

Ene Grauberg, Ene-Silvia Sarv (toim/Ed.). (2018). Eesti jätkusuutlik areng: kutsehariduse ja
kõrghariduse stsenaariumid aastateks 2020–2035. Analüütiline dokument. (Sustainable
development of Estonia: scenarios of vocational and higher education for 2020 – 2035. The
analytical paper.) MoE.

Johannes Käis - importance for today's and tomorrow's


I was invited as keynote speaker for conference-presentation for the

Harju County branch of the J Käis Society (November 14). I liked the
topic: "Johannes Käis - importance for today's and tomorrow's
teachers"13. I knew his works and importance for Estonian education in
30ies, but never studied his legacy in deep and from original papers.
Now I looked through the manuscripts and other resources in the
Pedagogical Archives Museum. The materials found and what was
previously read had to be considered in the context of today's
knowledge and problems. It was very interesting and enlightening!

Johannes Käis's Journals of Reading and Nature Observation. Handwritten and

Machine-Written Materials are archived in the Pedagogy Archive Museum.

The slides (in Estonian) : E-S Sarv. (2018). Johannes Käis – olulist tänastele ja homsetele

When I summarize why and in what way J Käis is important today, I came
up with a list (certainly not exhaustive):
• pedagogical-developmental basics - we can find them in all new,
including experience- and/or science-based pedagogical systems.
• Pupil and Learning-centeredness -
– Researching and considering the individuality of the child,
– Designing and implementing a learning process in a creative and
discovery manner.
• Well equipped Study room (subject laboratory); study visits / field-study
(experience, vitality).
• The participative and knowledge creative culture of his teacher-training
• Teacher self-development and in-service training (now called lifelong
learning, CPD).
• Today it is especially important to bring to reality the world of smart
phones: for discovering, for working with your hand and mind, for living

It was surprising to consider, how much of Johannes Käis's ideas and his
Teacher Seminar principles had been survived in Estonian pedagogy and
school via Soviet years. Even more impressive was to find out how he tried
to make the best from Soviet pedagogy in his writings at the end of 40ies.
Even so, the most imposing for me was his observation and reading
journals ... and child-observation materials for teachers.

Ukraine Georgia - educational missions

A separate big chapter in 2018 was the support for Ukraine school
education and the development of teacher training for/in Georgia
universities (UNICEF-INNOVE project since 2015).
So: Lviv 22 - 25 February; Tbilisi February 26 - Mar 3.

Ukraine Education

Near Lviv in Vinniki, there is a sanatorium boarding school, where director

Lilia Svistovich organizes international conferences for years: academic
presentations, practical workshops, collective brainstorming. General
attitude and message through all presentations and workshops of this
conference were "Child and child's development; child's happiness is the
center of education." I made a presentation about school culture and
school joy. It was interesting participate in the world café (led by a lecturer
at the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship, Ukrainian). However, the
method of thinking humming/bee and of a rotator is more appealing to
me - it is more objective, less dependent on the interpretation of the game
leaders, attitudes, field-specific competence.

For me, the most important was to see an interesting school, a great
teacher-company. The hub of the conference was the Ukrainian alpinist
Sergei, who has long tied with Georgia and who is building a children's
alpinist base there.

Sergei Chumachenko – alpinist-instructor and educationalist (Kiev, Kharkov).


Школа, счастье
- исследования и реальность

Эне-Сильвия Сарв

24 February 2018

The first day of the conference

was completed by a national
restaurant and excursion to Lviv,
where one clock shows the exact
local time (21-minute difference
from the official Kiev time). Silk-
hat watchman can say one
sentence in 30 languages, in
Estonian too.
The souvenir shop is probably
open 24 hours. I got a gift - a T-
shirt of Olesja Ukrainka there late
night. It was very nice for me - I
knew her poems well at school
and university.

There were several follow-ups after meetings in Ukraine.

One of the followings was the invitation to meet with the educational
leaders and teachers of the city of Torun in Poland. They came to study
good education of Estonia, attended several schools, gathered a lot of
impressions and questions. Three hours in Tallinn's Dzingli Hotel
conference room was full of expert thought developments. This I like!
In the end - a big joint photo was made. The organizer of the whole
thing, the headmaster of the school (who talked about democratic
school culture in Lviv) was elected Mayor of Torun in the summer, if I
got it right.

One Vilnius private school carrier (Irena Pranskeviciute) wanted to launch a

similar school culture survey (TLU 2004-2007, so-called TOIME/coping
study). In May, I collected the questionnaires for her, adjusted/corrected
the Russian language, thought through the recommendations. In June in
Lithuania, we met and discussed the school culture and the study matter
for several hours. Did this study start? - This information is not yet

And there was a Skype interview to the Belarusian newspaper…

(recommended from Lithuania).

In summer, the MoE or/and local government wanted to close the Vinniki
school. The headmistress turned to all supporters via FB - please, write a
supportive letter! Of course, we did! This international support surprised
officials - and school survived.

Ukraine education is at this stage, as we were in Estonia in the early

1990s. There are many formal top-down management attempts, but there
are also tremendously enthusiastic searches, self-initiatives supported by
entrepreneurs. 2017 I went to a conference in Kharkov (no salary, but
flight and accommodation were from organizers, the same with Lviv 2018).
I made several Skype and webinar presentations at other conferences and
in the “non-conference” workshops… Human/child-centeredness, value-
based, school culture, PISA … - everything is interested in, questioned,
learned. In Ukraine, there are some areas that we have not been up to -
e.g. questioning. In the mid-1990s, I amplified it in teachers CPD courses,
in some writings, in lectures, but this direction has not been more
thoroughly highlighted. However - a good/smart/guiding question is both
engaging and motivating…

From Lviv, I flew over Kiev to Tbilisi.

Caucasian Mountains under the wings of an airplane! … So far I was

always flying at night. Now, on the day, the sight was fabulous ...

Georgia Teacher Education Development

During only one week, I had seminars and presentations at UNICEF-

office (project carrier), and at four universities (Gori, Telavi, Kutaisi, and
the University of Sukhumi in Tbilisi). This was an effective continuation
of last year's Gudauri rotator. So Gudauri workshop (2017) turned out
to be a success and was on track (look at the first slide, after next

Seminar and group work were alive. As always, in Georgia, the work is
going quickly and sparingly. It would be good to understand Georgian
... But more or less you will understand whether it is going well. And
there is always someone who can give you an overview of what's
happening right now, be it English or Russian. (Already in the group
work methodology, I have added for rotators in foreign language new
role - the referent-interpreter). Presentations were made in Russian or
English and if necessary, specified and discussed in Georgian

The starting point of the seminar was Gudauri Rotator / Workshop

(2017 Autumn). There the basis of ideals and values was formulated at
the same time as a framework for teacher training. The lectures at
universities developed them further. Now (2018) I looked over the
slides, and I was not happy with them. Nevertheless, they went to the
right place; it seemed. Just those who wanted a "good Estonian recipe"
were disappointed. (Programs and syllabuses are all available in English
- instructions for downloads, and materials on GoogleDrive were
shared). This "soup" must be created in every country and every
university. Dandelion salad cannot be made in the tropics ... or Everest.

From ideals and values – to framework

I. Group work 1 “TE ideals, values, goals” (human, ins,t, Tbilisi, Georgia
community) => poster and presenta,on (4-7 minutes per group),

General mee>ng I. Outcome – shared ideal, values, … 26-28. 02. 2018.
II. Group work 2 – “TE competencies and prac>cal skills
to achieve” (3 groups – 3-… areas of framework)
Программы подготовки учителей
General mee>ng 2. Outcome - sugges,ond for the MA – некоторые аспекты
framework document компиляции
III. Group work 3 - TE learning process, outcomes/
assessment etc – addi,ons and sugges,ons Эне-Сильвия Сарв

General mee>ng 3 – Gudauri
Editorial commiIee – Works with proposals up to … 9.10 7-8.10. 2017.
lunch Сарв 2017 34

Мой лозунг, моё убеждение, моя

Мечта –
чтобы каждый ребенок каждый день
школа, учитель и родитель работают на 50
лет в будущее – ждал школу с радостью и
сегодня, в каждую минуту, на каждом уроке, ушел из школы довольным
создадим общество и мир наших внуков, и даже в 50, 70, 90 лет вспоминал(а)
правнуков. школу и учителей добрым словом за
хороший фундамент

E-S Sarv 2018 1 E-S Sarv 2018 4

Once again, the necessary programs and curricula for universities,

faculty members from the Estonian universities ÕIS (curriculum e-
environment) were downloaded. I had to do a lot of translation work in
previous years (mainly from Estonian to Russian, to make things
understandable). Now most of the things were in English, and Georgian
professors might much better work with English texts. However, there
were a lot of explanations, commentary on the choice of literature and
methodology and justification for the evaluation. My longtime partner
was the University of Batumi. Their Master's (3 + 2) program was
already outlined, translated into English. (In 2012, I was there with the
TLU Rectorate Group and did a mini-rotator with faculty & students, and

later visited them via the INNOVE-UNICEF project). In any case, this
program was completely rewarding and allowed other university teams
to take a 'measure'. I commented it quite thoroughly to faculty
members. Mission nights are always filled with this kind of activity, +
some nice dinners that can't and won't be given up.

Good group-work,
seminars, discussions - we
became friends in the
course of these UNICEF-
Georgia & INNOVE-Estonia
missions (5+ years).

This time the mission report was only 13 pages + slides of

presentations (in English-Russian), the previous ones were 60-90 pages.
All the additional materials were also distributed to universities at
Google Drive. However, the Framework Requirements for Teacher-
Training Curricula from MoE and later commenting on four university
curricula and preparing the program for Gori University “Teacher Ethics
and Lifelong Learning” lasted until summer. At the beginning of July, a

message was received - all the universities' master's programs (5-year

teacher training, the first in Georgia) were accredited. Well, it was really
nice to know!

By the way - the Tbilisi Opera House has finally been restored. I had all
these 5 years observed it and waited ... and waited. Finally - here it was
- a glorious-golden 19th century. And their Carmen was really amazing!
Just imagine famous Georgian men-singing on the big stage. The
chorus had 60 singers ...

On Thinking Bee-like things

Activities of Talgujad-group (Thinking hummings14/bees


Each month there are two Skype events - Club Evening and Talgu Academy.
The club is quite informal, communicating on actual issues, and is led by
Juss (Jüri Plink). Ideas come and go and intermingle. For Academy, Valdo
always prepares a (philosophical-methodological) summary of the previous
recordings and text/slides with new ideas for the academic session.
These are the Russian and Western thought classics + the latest
educational and future views of OECD, World Bank, UN, and other
It is Wisdom and Meanings, Turmoil and Integration to us ... - a gratifying
and always enriching co-creature.

The Talgu/hummings (?)-book has already 150+ pp. Some of the cultural
layers have been picked up, which were related to school physics and the
whole educational innovation.

Märdimetsa's IX Talgu/Bees Day (in Valdo's summer house, South-Estonia)

in May was summing up and generalizing and advancing as always.
Perfectly good weather, great work in the open-air garden, delicious-
refreshing soup, drum and spell, and flag ... a wonderful companion to
academic thinking. It is always (already the 9th time) reflective,
generalizing and future-oriented. This time we tried to reach the holistic
configurator of thinking and acting for community’s futures.

Thinking hummings for organized, co-operative thinking with exact methodology and reflection
sounds great! (For me it associates with Asimov’s Found and Jim Botkin’s works, Club of Rome).
Thank You, Ruuta!

What a soup (thanks to Maia!), and drums (Juss and margus), and intense co-thinking …


Good (co-operative) thinking-bees that last for days, and for months or
years are not met in Estonia today. Their time was 2-3 decades earlier, at
the period of big changes and massive innovations.
Nowadays it is mostly meetings with prepared presentations ... The
Ministry of Education's strategy process (Strategy - 2035) is long, with
repetitive working group meetings. But, as much as I know - there are no
technologically organized collective thinking processes, maybe perhaps
elements only.
A one- or two-day rotator seems to be more affordable in today's world,
but rarely used anyway (well, sometimes there is world coffee, Open space,
Although - the EURA process of the past showed the possibility of co-
operative thinking in three years and 100+ sessions (Estonian Talgujad

Whip-board is the exact translation from Estonian “kerilaud” used instead of the foreign "rotator."
Term “hummings” is the creation of 2019, but a really good one. Here I use all three words as

and Ural ODI School, via Skype or webinar; led by Valdo Ruttas, 2009-
2012). The complicated Cyclotron-rhythm was developed and established.
Different experiences and knowledge of participants led to bright ideas
and to individual and to group knowledge creation. For me it was the best
example of how Nonaka and Takeuchi's model re-creates itself. We lose so
many human thought-energy, under-use human capital narrowing the co-
operation to prepared papers-meetings-voting as it was 100 and 200+
years ago.

Whip-board/rotator/hummings (the "order" - organised thought-activity) -

this is the need that speaks to you. These are interested people, the
penetrating idea, etc. It is always important for me (as the rotator's leader)
to get to know the parties involved (school, county, people). I need to
study the background materials available, to discuss the aims and
potentials with the client and colleagues (Talgujad). This is how
preparatory texts and guides for participants of the rotator are born + a
proper content review and participatory assessment analysis, reflections
during and after the process. In some cases, there is also a more academic
article as an outcome (e.g. from the rotators of the Estonian Education
Forum in 2015 and 2017).

2018 was a year of two rotators for me.

Estonian County-Council rotator

At the initiative of Agu Vissel, a rotator was held on April 7 in Tartu, UT

Education Innovation Center.

MAAKOGU ETTEMÕTLUSKERILAUD 2018 § kahele olulisimale allikale – oma kogemus/teadmine ja akadeemiline teoree4lis-
uurimuslik teadmine – ning
§  oma ideaalile ja tajule heast kogukonnast, ühisknnast ning tulevikuprognoosidele,
Maakogu ideest tajutavatele tendentsidele –
- inimesed, kogukonnad, kihelkonnakogud -
võrgustikuks saamine
• väljendada-kaardistada oleviku-tuleviku elu ja koostöö,
• diagnoosida Maakogu-kihelkonnakogu-kogukonna tänast olekut Ees<s , potentsiaale-
Agu Vissel võimalusi,
Ene-Silvia Sarv, § hinnata nende olulisust ja võimalikke arengusuundi,
Konsultandid - Valdo Ru7as, kõik osalejad § näha lahenduste spektrit (arvestades lokaalseid ja üle-ees4lisi,ka globaalseid arenguid),
§ visandada lahenduste realiseerimiseks vajalik tegevusväli ning visandada-kavandada
7. aprill, 2018 tegevusi-e?evõtmisi.

E-S Sarv 2018 1 E-S Sarv 2018 2


•  postrid, rühmatööde esitluste videoklipid ja

sõnaseaded/teks6d, jms et kehutada kaasa lööma
laiemat MK seltskonda ja inimesi kihelkondades;
•  ideed ja plaanid osalejate isiklikuks ja koostegevuseks;
•  ideaalis – tekivad algatusrühmad mõneks
e9evõtmiseks, projek<ks;
•  sisend Asutava kogu 2 kärajale.

E-S Sarv 2018 4

Some examples of introductory slides (1. slide. Idea: people, parishes, counties –
becoming a network. 2. Conception. 3. Possible outcomes.). Participants listening
to the presentation of the group at the general session. Group-work posters
(right) and table for participatory-evaluation (left).

It was a great and well-balanced activity - male people;farmers are mostly

serious-minded (with good humor). With a pair of complicated specimen,
Ruuta and Agu could cope within their group.

Results: The tables and summaries of the presented ideas and activities
were believed to be the input of the County Handlers and Discussions - if
not officially, definitely through the participants. And these thoughts go
with everyone until they find an app. That's how it unfolds.

For me, the output was the article "The Strange Things in the Mind and
Work of the Estonian People". It was finished with 3 pages of references,

etc. (recording - April 29). My reflective idea moves from “back-view”

scenarios (1997) )16 to April 2018, asking “What do the people want…”:
Dissatisfied and annoyed people - they don't like:
- RailBaltic as a breaker for people, farms, nature.
- The giant cellulose pulp mill, which is being pressed, although the people
(and Local Government) are clearly against it.
- Felling of forests, not evaluating
• nature as a complete ecosystem (trees-seeds-mushrooms-berries,
animals) and people as part of it (the forest is more than a timber-
• the traditional / ethnos-cultural value of places (sacred places,
ancient forms), family-tradition of mushroom- and cranberry,
blueberry spots somewhere only they know.
- Subjecting people to aspects of vital and emotionally important
aspects/services to the principle of material profitability.
- The unfairness of parties, corruption, voicing "the only truth", etc.

What the people/people's initiative does

- "Clean the environment, etc." - "Let's do it!",
- Save forests and sanctuaries - "We buy community forests",
- Support/donations for cancer patients and families, etc. (altruistic
- Talking-communicating about significant things - "annual opinion
- Problems in our/education field – role of all kinds of NGOs - umbrella
organizations (Teacher Collaboration Chamber, Education Forum, etc.) -
old and brand new.

Then, Agu's desire for the restart and/or gear shift (in Estonia) sounded
like an appropriate metaphor. Agu already highlighted these on the
educational / learning rotator (2017).

Why didn't the summative paper come to an end - I don't know anymore.
However, all materials and my outcomes-draft were sent to all participants
and to Estonian Council, as far as I know.

Sarv, E.-S. (1997). Ajastupilt ja haridus - üks võimalikest vaadetest Lyotardi rada järgides. (Time-
picture and Education – one possible view in footsteps of Lyotard.) Haridus 4, 25-29.
Sarv, E.-S. (1998). Eesti hariduse võimalikud minevikud. (Possible pasts of Estonian Education.) Rmt
Loogma, K, Sarv, E-S. (Koost. /Ed.). Eesti ühiskond ja haridus - 2015. (in - Estonian Society and
Education – 2015). Tallinn, 45 – 53.
Sarv, Ene-Silvia (2001). Eesti kui riskiühiskond : inimene ja haridus. (Estonia as Risk-Society: Human
/Person and Education.) . Eesti sotsiaalteaduste II aastakonverents : 23.-24. november 2001, Tartu :
teeside kogumik (119 - 120). Tartu: Tartu Ülikool

Pärnu Adult Gymnasium (PAG) Development Plan - rotator


Pärnu AG development plan rotator/humming took place 27-28. Sept in

Haapsalu. Thanks to this, I went to Pärnu for a tricycle-tripe in summer to
get the feeling of the school and to talk to school leaders about it. This
was a wonderful day – train, school, tricycling in Pärnu, beautiful forest-
parks and seaside paths, mushrooms and apples, and a Healt-capsule in
the SPA hotel.

Non-academic aside. To Haapsalu, I arrived in the darkness, late in the evening

(in the afternoon, there was a speech at the presentation of the Estonian
Education -100 book in Tallinn). Dark. No taxi. A kind lady showed me the right
direction. The way to the hotel (1,5-2 km) was at the seaside and due to recent
storms, it has two slots (150 and 200 meters) under the water. Sometimes it was
20 cm, sometimes 30-40 cm. Oh, how cold it was ... But the hope was that there
were no holes under the water and that the road was still in the right place… I felt
really brave but exhausted after this wet-cold darkness. Happily - the sauna in the
SPA-Hotel was still opened and hot ...

Võimalik esmatulemus
Haridus-ihaluse teokssaamine
•  Personaalse haridusideaali ja kollek4ivse ideaalide-ideede
PTGs “lehviku” või “spektri” ning kooli arenguvõimaluste
selitamine, teadvustamine
•  Kerilaua rühmade tööst kujuneb kooli järgmise (Kool - 100)
21. sajandi 20ndate potentsiaal perioodi arengukava alus – visioon, missioon, tegevussuunad,
(+ käsit(l)us, uuring, ar4kkel, õppematerjal vm.)
Ene-Silvia Sarv
Protsess - Hariduskerilaud
27.-28. september 2018 -  Keerutus – 3-tasemeline (inimene/õppija-õpetaja; õppekava/
õpikeskkond -kool; ühiskond/Pärnu/KOV/riik)
Pärnu Täiskasvanute Gümnaasium
-  Sõelumine arengukava aspekBde ja arendus-ideede, tegevuste
välja määratlemiseks.

E-S Sarv 2018 1 E-S Sarv 2018 6

Rühmad ja tak+d
I - inimene (õppija, õpetaja, kooli töötaja)
Õ - õppekava (sh pädevused, õppevaldkonnad, jm + õpikeskkond, e-
keskkond jne)
K - kool – kui õppiv teadmus-organisatsioon, koolikultuur / kooli
majanduslik aspekt
V - Varia – kool, kogukond-ühiskond-riik, KOV, inimesed …

4 sisu-takD +
5. kokkuvõte-refleksioon-jätkutegevused

E-S Sarv 2018 10


Slide on left.
Protsessiskeem – sisutak.d rühmades The process – content tacts (I – IV:
(I, II, III, IV-A,B rühmatöö) group-work+ general session /
group presentations); V - value-
assessment and planning)
IDUDE BAASILT! dream, experience, knowledge, etc
IHALUS – võimalikud POOLE/
isiklik ADUMINE, Arengukava
arengud, tegevused,
unistus, kirjeldamine,
nende nende kontseptsioon, II. COMPREHEND INNOVATIONS,
kogemus, tugevused- sõelumine, edasised
teadmine täiendamine,
nõrkused-ohud osalushinnang sammud. DESCRIPTION, SPECIFICATION,
uusimast jm Algatused PROTSESSI
E-S Sarv 2018
13 - possible developments, their
strengths, and weaknesses-threats
Some slides from introduction.
DESIRE - activities, screening,
participatory assessment.
KNOWLEDGE BASE! - Concept of the
development plan, next steps.

Systems-view – state-> community-> school and educational desires


The groups worked hard, focused. The school community was present,
including the pupils' representation and the local government…
As a group-work result - every poster was meaningful, content-rich. The
presentations flowed smoothly, the questions “did I understand correctly”
and the comments - sensitive, relevant, pedagogically broad.
About a third of teachers and school management did this kind of group
work with me earlier, preparing school's previous development plans - but
only as half-day sessions. They experienced other forms of group-
processes also.

Some dissatisfaction remained with me from this rotator - how the editors
came up with summaries and interpretations of the results and screenings
and how the development process progressed at school. I received my own
summary within a week or a half and passed on to school. (A new cycle of
editing Strategy-35 materials has already begun - a summary of papers
was needed for MoE). So the feeling was that the process continued to slip

away. Of course, I trust the PAG people and the leaders absolutely, but
maybe they waited from me more ... or something else? Could it be a
consecutive and more precise process before sketching the rotator or -
exactly fixing it? However, these are a strong school and leadership -
wouldn't it have been their intruder intervention ...

This indecision was perhaps because in the university, I formed the

wholeness of the study process myself and was responsible. Subject
content, setup, portfolio learning, rotator, follow-up seminar, collaborative
projects, and portfolio exam - everything was comprehensive and flexible,
multidimensional designed, and completed.
"Ordered project " starts and ends in the customer's hand and stays out of
my full care, unfortunately.

To conclude - my greatest gratitude to PAG Headmistress Karin Kurvits

and to all organisers, participants for this interesting process and
experiences (including "apple-forest" near-by Pärnu and the water-way ii
deep darkness). Without You, I never could have all this!

About school and - back to school, for a moment

My class from Tartu 7th High School

In May, I got together with those students who were in my class in Tartu
(1970-71, Tartu 7th Secondary School. I was the form-mistress). My
memory is in the laboratory behind my physics classroom with Küllike and
Tiina: “Teacher, you are still here! We brought you one Nurri! ”. (Then these
tiny 20-gram chocolate bars were great news.) When I left school, I was
given a big-big yellow bear. It is still on the couch (today with a bit of a
state of affliction - many generations of children have gone over him).
Coffee-service with Moka-cups is nicely in the buffet and sometimes in use.
… And the intelligent Inge, and Harri - "surpriser", and the "carboy" Karl…
and Eha and Vaike… and the modest Enn, and Valeri ... Some are already
on the heavenly tracks, but the companions still remember them.

I've often been invited to these class meetings - I should have noticed
changes, but every time I am surprised - what ladies and gentlemen they
became now! Who is a lawyer, who is a business owner, a farmer who
works at the university, … just try to bring the names-faces together! As
always, they had a well-planned-organized reunion, and they know what
troubles anyone ... as it was in school-days.
Well, it's a great company! 50 years already!

A place for the reunion - a great Uhti tavern or pub or ... As always, the
girls had set the thing so that the boys were put into the production work:
the aprons were laid, and the cake has to be made. Well, this video stacked
on my computer is worth watching! Photos do not give everything…

Work! Work! Enn, Harri, Valeri, Karl,…. - every one making their own…

Satisfied Cake-Man Karl. Hey! Where's the cake?

All this class in the picture together this time.

To the Uhti-party I came straight from Märdimetsa's bees/hummings (the

presentations and discussions continued on without me). And also I went
away from Uhti - in Viljandi the next day had to be Hendrik's school
graduation. Daughter Kai-Riin came to me by car, with Hendrik-boy as a
card reader.

So this party lasted without me - and for a long time, as I heard later! Girls
take care of those who need to sleep in their lord-room before they go
home ... No one is allowed to fool around: "We know them from school
time and know how to keep everyone alive." Well, I remember one and the
other ... for the sins of the children, I got reprimanded from their parents,
and I tried to relieve the mischief.

My high school class from the 7th high school of Tartu, 55

years from graduation
It was once The School on Lina Street, then The 5th School, afterwards The
7th High School, now it is The Karlova School. The names change, the
building stays. I studied there twice: from 1-2. class; and later three years
in high school (9.-11. class). We, classmates are still coming together, but
the number of us is dropping from year to year.

There is still someone who organizes the class together (FB is a great
help!), this time - Kaja Peebo (now Raid). The upstairs restaurant of the
Tartu bus station was really nice. It was convenient for passengers from
Tallinn to come and go. We talked about what everyone is doing, how are
the families, we looked at each other and the pictures ... There was no talk
about politics, but about household and gardening and hobbies and work.

On the left - Tiiu Uibo (now Otsus) - a great friend in school years and later. We went to
the Literary Olympics together, we were in the camp with music and poetry folk (Milli
Lõhmus/Toon, Raimo Kangro, Tiina Vabrit/Shubin, Udo Otsus) in Kabli-beach and Kihnu-
island in the storm of 1967. In the same picture, there is our class organizer Kalli and a
rower Helle. Tiiu always seems to me as a school-desk-neighbor (desks were always for
two those days), although we didn't really sit together - she was (probably in the last
class) on the first desk; I was with Aime - at the 2nd table.
On the right picture - desk-mate Aime Kuldre (now Paavel). We studied car repair specialty
in production education at high school together with boys. Other girls were all sellers and
chefs. The third closest friend and desk-mate Melita was this time missing ...

Of the few boys, only Kalju Tisler was present - we played with him in a
wind/brass orchestra and sometimes in a school band.

Girls became grandmothers, solid and stylish. Most are already retired.
There is a great sports-lady Kaja, who is now active as an administrator in
the Estonian National Museum. Most are busy as grandparents.

Everyone is getting older and problems are coming. Eyesight, Alzheimer,

... One of the classmates from Tallinn asked me to accompany her on the
bus - her sight did not allow her to walk alone (I received a free ride as a
companion!) She has a strong family, and everything is all right at home.
The other one manages also, but cannot drive and do not see/pick
mushrooms anymore. The third's spouse is in a complicated state after the
stroke in the nursing home. Good words reminded the departed
classmates and the missing ones ... But nevertheless, it was a joyful and
enjoyable afternoon.

This time I had no chance to talk longer-deeper to anyone eye-to-eye - I

mean Tiiu and Aime in particular. To visit Aime, I was going to ride a bike
in summer (via Vellavere and Tõravere to Meeri where she lives) - but I
couldn't. Tiiu is on Kiidjärve in the summer… Maybe next summer I will
ride a trike there…

Classmates, Aug 2018.


School-weeks at Tabasalu Gymnasium

End of October. I just finished editing the texts of the so-called Grauberg
project (input to Education - 2035 strategy). Now I hurried to edit the
English articles for the Baltic educational history as the language-editor
was waiting for the materials to get paid before the end of the year.

Unexpectedly - there are e-mails and a phone call from the Substitute
Teachers NGO on the last days of school-holiday. The physics teacher left
the school suddenly and there is no-one to go to classrooms next week.
Come and teach all the physics, 25 lessons, for one week, please! These
were my university-students, which founded this NGO and were now on the
phone. School tried to find someone, but the physics teachers are deficit in
Estonia. ... With conflicting feeling I agreed. It was a big responsibility.
Teacher left no information about pupils (except marks and topic-titles in
the e-school journal) and did not answer the school-head's calls. And I will
have such a big editorial work to do next month ...

Well – I started with a group work, to get to know how they think in
general, where are misunderstandings, and - what is their attitude to
learning? The Teacher in me was still there, and physics as well …

The first “Physics for me” on the big wall in the classroom was pale (in content),
didn't show experience in systems-visualization (categorization, etc.). (Well –
some bright discoveries were present in every grade.) It was good to know! So via
physics we started to get familiar with learning styles, thought model, thought
experiment (poster at right), systems-approach and complexity. Physics is the best
tool to understand a universe, nature near-by, the kitchen and even the human

General laws and understandings -

( philosophy, nature of knowledge,
awareness and ma9er, human being, etc)
- par=cles and fields/energy

Galaxies, stars, cosmic ma9er, planets, …

Sciences - inquire, explain (physis, chemistry,


Physics - ma5er and energy, fields and

par?cles, laws of physics

Light, electo-magne=c phenomena,

laws, etc
Knowledge - observa=on,
exoeriment, tought-models;
hypothesis ->theory
Elementar par?cles and fields, forces, processes -> universe,
Sun, Earth, human, ant, tree, smell, emo?ons ...

Diagram of the physics system I created for my pupils. It suits to all classes, but
the explanation varies according to age and program topics, snd student’s
mindset. School physics slide-series did cover student group-work on “physics for
me” and physics as science. The system approach is natural for some people;
others need to build the system as small steps.

As new teachers were found only for primary school, there were another
2.5 months to teach in high school classes. It cannot say that I was totally
happy with myself. Focusing on the school was an episode beside all other
responsibilities I had. Only now, in January, can I see what the 12th class
needed, and how in the 11th grade potentially "deep physicists" are
confused with pure humanitarian ... Let them forgive me, which didn't
come out and look at the slide-series in e-school. There is a development-
basics for anyone who just wants to learn.

20 years had passed since the last school year, and the necessary self-
made materials were no longer there. I created many topical slide shows,
some self-assessment rubrics, and found some experimental videos in the
Internet. Most of all I liked two slideshows for pre-Christmas hours -
• For school physics from today - stars and events,
• Sapere aude - dare to be wise (thanks gorthis idea thanks to the old
colleague, school physicist Indrek Peil!).
Physics let you talk about everything - from philosophy to feeling, from cell
to politics.

Different "portraits" of the

same galaxy -
"Beauty is in the eye /
wavelength of an

The same for every class

and every student - how
you look, so you see.

Substitute Teachers NGO - thank you for this unbelievable and incredible
experience. The "pushing" me to "TV3's pride" gave me the chance to do
PR for teachers. Tabasalu School Youth Council (Risto, Steven) and other
school-students - thank you for giving such a positive response to my first
school weeks. In fact, the students were very sympathetic and the general
atmosphere in the school as well.

During those weeks some things I started - happened, and some - didn't.
Teaching and physics are like cycling - you don't forget but be ready!

One of the brightest impressions of school life was the Business Day.
The wafers and booklets of student companies that were purchased in the
Day went on Christmas gifts to grandchildren.

A great aside. A small second-class boy was standing in front of the ice-cream
table of student companies and looked. Stepped a-step away and back again…
"Do you want ice cream?" I have no money ... "Nothing, wrong! Take - uncle will
give you one". (Dialogue between the little boy and the "uncle" Risto from 11th
grade). Well, that's great! You had to see it!

Experience & Findings from school-months

• Regular school work is unparalleled, but already out of the comfort
• students are nice, meaningful, need support to recognize their own way
of learning;
• e-school is not a suitable solution for child/personality development
support and learning-centered cooperation from the point of view of
education and general competences, but rather a means of total control
(by both - the school and the parent). However, this could be further
• Physics textbooks are mostly in line with the concept that was created in
the 87-90s. Human, culture, community, and then physical world view and
technology, including paradoxes and history - these are all aspects of the
school physics, the contemporary curriculum. These help to learn and to
teach with meaning;
• Wide and well-prepared use of substitute teachers would provide relief
for teacher shortages.

The echo of the school week(s)

One day, I got a phone call:
“Here TV3, I'm Anneli Adermann. … You have chosen "the pride of TV3"…
“What is it about now? …
“The NGOs of substitute teachers presented you after the feedback from
pupils and the Commission…”, etc. It ended with the TV3 broadcasting
group in Tabasalu Gymnasium, interviews to Feliks Undusk, recording of
lessons, the introductory program in TV and festive evening at Maarjamäe

One of the TV3 tape photos I like the most. They may sue me for copyright
infringement (but there is my face, and the scarf is a mine!). …

In that dignified line, I was the oldest and for a tiny act. And the smallest one,
this 5-year-old boy was there for the greatest act: he saved one life in his
summer, his father's life, who had been seriously wounded by a big pull…

Thanks to those who nominated me for the award, to supporters,

companions… (By the way, I have discovered my former students, both the
Substitute Teachers' Association and the TV3-Seven People.) These school-
weeks were not the biggest and most important thing in my life.
Nevertheless, school and pedagogy have been always central for me. It is
nice if teachers are somehow highlighted. It was a pleasant evening with
interesting people. The noble venture from InBank and TV3 and - a
beautiful glass artwork for everyone to commemorate…

A couple of things I wanted to bring forward, to sound in interviews and

hopefully, it succeeded:
• Every lesson of the teacher is a show, a play, a performance. With the
difference that when an actor gets boredom, it is embarrassing, but
tomorrow there will be a new audience which doesn't know the previous
thing. The teacher has the same audience every day …
• Keep teachers, there are few of them, especially good teachers (this is
also a rare talent).
• Parents - trust the teacher, the e-school is not to control the teacher (or
the child). You have a common goal - to achieve the best development of
the child…
• The world is physics is the world. Exciting!

Congress of Culture and Education, Tallinn-Viljandi-

Tallinn, 23-25. Nov.
The Congress took place as a result of the cooperation between the
Estonian Education Forum and the Culture Council. V-R Ruus was an
initiator and a strong ideological backbone of this event. She passed away
at the high point of the conference preparation. I had been in the process
from the beginning, but then I was doing other things. In the autumn, I
was once again in preparation for Congress.

As the leaders of the three-day Congress organizers decided to invite

professionals - from National Broadcasting or theater. I said that day-
leaders had to be profoundly competent people, not stand-ups. Joonas
Hellerma and Indrek Treufeld were, in my opinion, the first (and almost the
only) choice. Science Day was headed by Treufeld and Educational Day in
Viljandi - by Joonas Hellerma. Great! The preparation of Hellerma allows
him to manage the co-speaker / panelist each time professionally and at
the same time in a balanced manner and objectively, convinced me again.

The Science Day in the House of the Academy of Sciences brought

education to the consciousness of the scientific people in higher
education, as was demonstrated by the key-speakers and panels. There
was nearly nothing very new to me on any day - but it's my specialty for
50+ years. However, a lot of exciting recognitions - it was good.

Panel of Academy Members. Academy President T Soomere moderates (left).


The President of the World Universities Association spoke of personality-

oriented education17. Enjoyable presentations from Estonia (TLU, UT, TA) -
complexity (E Tõugu), complex systems (J. Engelbrecht) and others.

It is good that these approaches (finally) are also linked and emphasized
outside education, pedagogy, and education. It is the way that "real
science" begins to discover - recognize and recommend to education what
has long been known and done there; if not in mainstream education,
alternative and innovative educations were available and free for
innovations. Sometimes modern existed just under another name.

Thus, the complexity was one of the central themes of the CECE
Comparative Education Research Conference in Copenhagen (2002, e.g.Dr.
Mason18 from Hong Kong and others). I was sitting next to him at the lunch
table, and the story went out of theory to school. Together with Raivo
Vilu 19 , we wrote an article for the EEF in 1997 in Ida-Viru School
Development, where the concept of complexity was used (school
development as a complex field, which included different communities, as
well). Complexity and system thinking in the 2008 book on Teacher
Study 20 were already presented in the structure of research and
interpretations. Students made cooperative projects on this subject each

The sustainable social construction of the future depends on effective education and effective
application of sciences. Dr Alberto Zucconi - Maailma Kunstide ja Teaduse Akadeemia varahoidja,
Maailma Ülikoolide Konsortsiumi peasekretär.
Mason, M. (Ed.). Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education. Wiley-Blackwell Publisher.
Sarv, E.-S., Vilu, R. (1997). Ida-Virumaa kool(-i arendus) - virtuaalsete (kultuuri-) kogukondade
loomise ja arendamise tiigel. (Development of East-Viru County Schools as Melting-pot of Virtual
Cultural Communities.) Rmt Hariduse tugisüsteemid paljukultuurilises Eestis, Ida Virumaal. (in
Support Systems of Education in Multi-Cultural Estonia, in East-Viru County.) Jõhvi: Eesti
Haridusfoorum`97, 35 – 44.
Sarv, Ene-Silvia. (2008). Õpetaja ja kool õpilase arengu toetajana. Õpetaja enesest ja
koolist.(Teacher and school as supporters of pupils’s development. Teacher on her/himself and on
school.) Toim L Pallas, K-E Kont. Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastus (raamat +CD, Statistilised lisad: L
Pallas). Ptk 1, 2.
Nt: Ailar Lyra, Kai Rei, Kadri Siller, Maarja Tinn, Mirjam Meremaa-Pärn, Piret Jaagu. (2009).
Inimuuringud ja kompelkssuse teooriad. (Personality research and complexity.) Kooperatiivse
tõlke kokkuvõte J. Horni artiklist. Tallinn, TLÜ.

The same story is with concepts like reflection, holistic, and value-
centered. This "we knew for a long time" is merely a statement. In order to
reach mainstream thinking and education, it is necessary that these "big"
and "real" and "hard" sciences/scientists/influencers discover this
knowledge and talk about it. "Talk - it is important".

The education day at the Ugala Hall in Viljandi and the State Gymnasium
was crowded. Panel discussions and group work were meaningful. The
summaries appear as a compendium on the EHF website, I hope. For my
part, I wrote a summary of the group on educational research and the
integration of formal and non-formal education (the group I was asked to

Ugala Theter Hall in Viljandi long before the start of Congress. In the foreground,
Jüri Jürivee - a long-term director of a vocational school and a member of the EEF
panel and board (he passed away in 2019).

Kristi Mets-Alunurm studied the educational science (articles, projects,

etc.) classified in the Estonian Science Information System database (ETIS).
The statistical analysis was done only based on titles, but it also showed
areas that were less studied… The keyword-based analysis would have
allowed us to dig deeper. In the last five years, only 1-2 names have been
represented by educational economics, education policy and management
strategies, and theories of educational institutions. However, it is in these
areas that important decisions are made that concern virtually everyone.
So, knowledge-based educational decisions can be just a dream.

Of course, the formal and non-formal education (Mary-Ann Talvistu, Piret

Sepp) should be integrated into school-based learning and be considered
in the curriculum. By the way, in the Saskatchewan (Canada) curriculum,
each year a student can / need to have at least two credits for extra-
curricular learning (as it was in the late 1990s Evergreen curriculum). The

combination of the two thematic groups went rather satisfactorily, and

mutual enrichment took place. However, the out-of-office output is also in
the knowledge and work of the people and the organizations they run.
This is how explicit knowledge becomes everyone's personal, tacit
knowledge (I refer here to Nonaka and Takeuchi).

Since input from Viljandi day was also expected to be included into the
MoE 2035 strategy, I formulated the need to:
• achieve formal teacher status (including salary, etc.) for out-of-school
teachers (museum teachers, etc.),
• begin to consider (as a burden) extra-lessons and weekend activities for
students with teachers,
• integrate extra-curricular museum time and other learnings (and also in
workplace training and in-service training) into the curriculum for general
But the importance of this day and of Congress itself for the educational
people was certainly greater than the proposals for the MoE.

I missed the conclusive day in Estonia Theatre - school week behind and
the other coming … and editing the articles was still in progress.

Participants gather to sum up Viljandi Education Day. Something we're discussing

with Marju Lauristin… Reet Laja is preparing to chair the end of the day.

Day summaries from groups -

a great lack of space!

To conclude
The 10 -15 pages were planned but came ... instead. Some things are
listed above. Some only referenced in the Appendix. And some are out of
the way - nice knitwear from sister Malle, bike tours to Juhani's plant in
Kivimäe and to the Baltic station market (strawberry and mushroom), pear-
stick from a giant-pear tree in Madara's garden, refrigeration stuffing with
strawberries and more…

Very busy year! A calm, enjoyable retirement status is somewhere hidden.

Again, I found myself on the computer at 3-4 am (Africam - sky blue and
animals on the move; writing; slide-show for school or Georgia or Ukraine).
Yeah, but at night, there is a text ... I was still looking for a few days to
sleep. The school is over - it's time to rest! The Christmas and New Year
congratulations were unfortunately, not sent off. But perhaps this long
story compensates that was not done last year ...
What I miss? Surely this is the annual February routine to evaluate EERA
NW1 proposals ... Not easy, but always enlightening experience. How many
good and important research is out there ... And the session planning ...
OK. There is strong leadership and the e-Conftool ...

It was such a pleasure to see friends from the "becoming" years and to
meet the same devotion, wisdom, futures' thinking. I'll try to get out from
all unexpected (but very educational) business of 2018 and go further with
our co-operation ...

Self-discovery does not end; good people are predominant in the world -
some are leaving this world; others are born; children-grandchildren are
exciting to watch and live with (and let them go ...). In my mind, they are
always present. Friends are everywhere - over the years; spiritual ties are
getting stronger when they are kept in mind - at least once every week,

Keep going! as said my Eurythmy-teacher Glenys at Emerson College.

Keep going! With pleasure and enjoyment and doing that you can ...

The garden from my window (+ eleven fruits on my citrus-


Madara Lillevilla

Appendix. Overview of Academic things, 2018

History Of Pedagogy And Educational Sciences In The Baltic Countries:

1992-2004: An Overview (Riga University?, Ed. I Kesture)

Content editing by E-S Sarv

-- Lithuania – 8 articles ca 100 pp.
– Estonia – 10 articles ca 150 pp,
E. Mägi, V Rõuk. From a Separate Special Education to an Inclusive Education
Paradigm in Estonia (1990-2004).
T. Õun. Development of a national curriculum for pre-school child care institutions
in Estonia in 1990-2004.
V. Varik. Changes in the network of Estonian general education schools,
M. Oja. History teaching 1990–2004.
R. Liivik, M. Sirk. Changes in vocational pedagogy after the restoration of
independence in Estonia.
Written (and edited) for 3rd book (2016/17-2018):
Ene-Silvia Sarv. Historical background of educational reform in Estonia, and Baltic
cooperation, 19 lk;
V. Rõuk, E-S. Sarv. Estonian Curriculum: Becoming independent, 33 lk;
E-S Sarv. Educational/Pedagogical and research paradigms change 1991 – 2004:
case of Estonia, ca 20 lk (töös ja kipub kasvama …);
E-S Sarv. School culture 2004 – endeavor for learning organisation, 23 lk.
E-S Sarv. School-physics programme – 10 years cooperative knowledge creation, ca
10 lk (töös)

Ene Grauberg project (Sustainable development of Estonia: scenaria of vocational and higher education
for 2020 – 2035. The analytical paper.) MoE.
a) Editorial work (repeatedly):
Analytic text, 165 pp,
Book, 350 pp,
Summary, 36 pp;
b) Texts by E-S Sarv ca 20 pp (author mantioned in footnotes) :
Overview of Bologna process,
Overview of Estonian Futures Scenarios,
Schema fot futures scenarios on VET and gigher education (4);

Reviewing and commenting

Book Estonian Education 100 - Review of the Educational Innovation Chapter (for
the publisher);
Reviewing and commenting on the Georgia Teacher Training (MA) Framework
Program, and Batumi and Telavi University Teacher Training Programs.

Poster “Viive-Riina Ruus 1936 - 2018”, ca 20 pp.

Study materials on school physics

Slideshows and additional materials:
• Introduction - self-introduction and physics as a system
• For school physics today - stars and events
• Sapere Aude - do not be afraid to be smart
• 10th class - Physics in Our Experience and Knowledge, Kinematics of Kick
Movement, “Down from Tiskre Hill”, Dynamics, Vibrations and Waves
• 11th class - Electromagnetism, Electromagnetic Waves, Optics, Atom
• 12th class - Physics of the micro- and mega-world, Sapere Aude - to be


The role of the middle tier in high-performing education systems: Estonia. 23 pp.
- interview with key-informer, sources analysis, overview, and conclusions. (Nov-
Dec, UK research project from EERA colleagues S. Bubb et al.);

(in addition to Baltic educational history articles)

Ene-Silvia Sarv. (2018). Learner and (learning) society in the 21st century Estonia.
Estonian Educational Forum-2017 on the basis of participatory evaluation. 16 p.

Ene-Silvia Sarv. (2018). Learner and (learning) society 21st century Estonia.
Estonian Educational Forum-2017 on the basis of an evaluation table. 25 p. With
Horn, E-S. (2018). Estonia's Future Scenarios and School. (Manuscript, author's

Other activities

Regular (academic) Skype seminars 2 times a month: Talgu-academy; Virtual

Equal Opportunities Gate Club.
Estonian Culture and Education Congress in November - participation in the
planning of education day, management of the work-group, written
“Today's School and School Physics” - materials and a theoretical overview plan

Estonian Counties Council Rotator (Preparation, Conduct, Summary):

From the idea of a county assembly - people, communities, parish

collections - becoming a network. Thinking board on April 7, 2018, Tartu.
(1 day, action / process plan - 4 pages, summary).

Pärnu Adult Gymnasium Development Plan (2 pp + summary, September)

E-S Sarv. 2018. EDUCATION rotator “PAG Development Plan in the Context
of the 21st Century” 27-28. September 2018. Haapsalu. Work plan. 7 pp.
E-S. Sarv. 2018. EDUCATION rotator “PAG Development Plan in the Context
of the 21st Century”. Summary. 4 pp.

Georgia / Tbilisi - Teacher Training Curriculum Development

(2 day seminar-rotator-workshop, + lectures at 3 universities, Feb-March),
report 13 pp.


• Vinniki (Ukraine) International Conference: "School, happiness - studies and

reality" (Feb 24).
• “Программы подготовки учителей MA - некоторые аспекты, with consultations
• Lithuanian Ministry of Education: “The success and problems of Estonian
education” (June).
• Johannes Käis - importance for today's and tomorrow's teachers. J. Käis Society
Conference Scientific Report, 14th November. Peter's School. (Archive-based
preparation and slide show + article draft.)
• An insight into the development of the education sector. Kristi Mets and Ene
Silvia Sarv. 24.11. Culture and Education Forum Education Day “Learning and
Growing for People”, Viljandi.
+ some shorter presentations and conversations
Estonian Culture and Education Forum Education Day

Presentation of the book “Estonian Education 100”,

Meeting with the educational activists of the city of Torun in Poland,
Baltic Education History Association meeting in Riga, etc.

Scientific / socio-organizational activities

Congress of Culture and Education 2018 “Human Development and Learning in

Estonia’s Culture” - Preparatory Commission - Member
NGO Estonian Education Forum - founding member
EERA - Honorary Member
IFORE, EFO, EAPS, BHAS, KAU, etc. - active member of

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