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Hi guys, I am Amruta 28 years working wife

with loving husband and no children, I got

married 2 years back. I am fitness freak and
maintained myself with fig of 34-26-34 with
fair skin, my height is 5’4”. I am working in
company where we have to work in 24*7
shifts. I am sharing my experience with cab
driver of my company. We have company
transport facility so every day I travel with
cab, once I had night shift for two months
that time only one driver used to pick n
drop me his name was Javed, he was
around 40 years in age not so good looking
with little pot belly but had good beard. I
never had any interest in him, we regularly
used to talk on normal things while
traveling as for this shift I used to be alone
in cab. While our talks I told him that I am
thinking of joining driving class, as I don’t
know how to drive car. So he asked me “If I
don’t mind he can teach me how to drive” I
said how it is possible as I am having night
n you also work at night. He said we are
alone while going home (my shift time is 6
pm to 3 am) so that time there is no traffic
also so he can teach me that time and will
not take any fees. I was bit skeptical about
his proposal but later thought that if I am
getting free tuition why I should deny it n I
finally agreed to his proposal. That time I
wasn’t knowing this is going to change my
relation with him.
Next day after office hours our class
started, on the way as we went to long
deserted road we switched the seat, I went
to driver seat and he sat next seat in front.
I tried to drive but as I was very scared to
drive so I did it all wrong n we missed an
accident, that makes me more scared of
driving so I somehow stopped the car but
immediately got down, he comforted me
saying that this is normal no need to worry
I will learn but as I was scared he dropped
me home.
Next day after office he suggested me that
there is open ground on our way where we
can go and begin the class as on ground we
have nothing to fear of accident, as my
office is outskirt of city the ground was
totally out of city and time being 3.00 am
there was no possibility of someone being
there for at least 4 hours. We drove there,
as the ground was just a big open space
there was pitch dark and no sign of
anything in sight. As we went there, we
switched the seats, now he started
instructing me but still I was getting
confused a lot, once I presses accelerator
instead of brake, somehow I stopped the
car but got scared like shit n started crying
that I will never be able to learn driving. He
put his hand on my back n hold one hand
with his hand. I got bit relaxed with his
touch, then he suggested that
J: If you don’t mind I have suggestion.
A: What?
J: Let me sit behind you so that in case you
have any problem I can control the car
A: How can we sit on same seat?
J: Don’t worry madam, you can trust me I
won’t do anything wrong.
A: I trust you but it will be uncomfortable
for both of us and what if someone comes n
see us.
J: madam no one come to this ground till 10
am in morning so don’t worry and its just
matter of few minutes. Once you get
confidence you can drive alone I will just
instruct you from side seat.
After thinking I agreed, that day I was
wearing kurti and leggings. Then he came n
sat on seat then asked me to come inside,
he spread his legs to give me space to sit.
Car seat being not big enough to
accompany two people, I had very narrow
space to sit, somehow I sat between his
legs but his belly was touching my back, it
was like he was hugging me from behind
but Javed was not doing any undue
advances. He started the car n instructed
me drive. Our thighs and hands were like
one on other, I somehow drove for some
time and was happy with my progress. Also
I was bit aroused with being so closely
sitting with other man than my husband.
This continued for two days, I got used to
his touches now, he used to put his hands
on my waist, shoulders, but I never
objected as he was touching me
professionally. But it started making wrong
effect on me I started getting aroused with
his touches as my hubby was recently busy
with his work and haven’t fucked me well in
last almost 4 months. I was thinking that he
will make some advances to fuck me but
alas he wasn’t doing anything, he was
behaving way too professionally. But here I
was getting desperate and frustration start
building in me. Next day I decided to get
little bolder, so I wore sleeveless salwar suit
with duppatta which has deep neck in front
and back, it revealed lot of cleavage n back,
as it was winter days I used to wear jacket
on it so nobody in my office would think
otherwise for me. Once the office was done,
we moved to the ground and I removed my
duppatta and jacket in order to seduce him,
I wanted him to take a lead. So went n sat
in front of him, within minutes I found his
hard cock poking me from behind, I was
more than happy so started driving. His
beard touch on my bare back was making
me mad and his head was on my shoulder
so he could see massive valley of my boobs
but today he kept his hands away from me
n this make me little more frustrated. I
moved back to touch my back to his belly n
chest then I felt he too was aroused n he
put hands on my thighs n brushed his chin
with my bare shoulder, I was happy with
this movements. He moved hands on my
thighs waist even kissed lightly on my back
making my pussy wet, but suddenly his
phone rang n someone asked him to come
immediately. I was pissed off for this, as I
thought I will get good nice fuck but all in
vain. Next day after office I went for cab but
didn’t found Javed, there was different cab
today with security guard. So I tried calling
him but his phone was off. I was surprised
with the events, next day I called him in
J: Hello
A: Hello Javed ji where have you been, why
didn’t you come yesterday?
J: Sorry madam, actually I was on leave
A: What happened? Is everything all right?
J: Yes. But I am requesting for shift change
in office.
A: Why? N what about our classes.
J: Better you join driving school, I won’t be
able to teach you.
A: But what happened? You only promised
me to teach now everything was going
good, why the hell you suddenly changing
shift? (I was angry more as I wanted his
cock n this bastard was teasing me)
J: Madam to be honest, yesterday you wore
such sexy clothes, your sexy back was in
front of me. This is too difficult for me to
control, something bad may happen.
A: Oh nothing will happen, I didn’t say
anything to you then why are you worried. I
want only you to pick me up from office
J: No madam you don’t know how difficult it
is for me to control myself, I don’t want
that to happen
(Now this bugger wants me to beg for his
cock, I was angry but aroused same time as
I like dominant men who make woman beg
for fucking)
A: No. You will come to pick me, I want to
learn driving from you. So tomorrow don’t
give any excuse.
J: Ok madam will try. (He said n
disconnected the call)
Next day I was wearing tight jeans and
sleeveless shirt and jacket on it, but before
boarding cab n removed the jacket n kept in
my bag and opened one button and sat in
back seat. As we went to ground he got
down n ask me to sit, he said he will teach
me from another seat.
A: No. let’s continue our regular way, I am
not fully confident to control car.
J: No madam, you don’t understand. I am
unable to control myself looking at your
sexy body, I will do something wrong.
A: then do it, I don’t care.
J: Ok fine.
I sat with him on driver seat, as usual he
put hands on my waist, today he can see
my cleavage through the open button, and I
had my hairs tied in pony so my entire neck
was visible. He said today let’s get a step
ahead, I said what do you mean? He said
will instruct me without talking, I was
amazed n asked how? He said when I have
to turn left he will put his hand on my left
hand and for right he will move hand on my
right hand. If he put my right thigh I have
to accelerate, if he touches my left thigh I
have change gear and when he touch my
belly I have to apply brake. I find it too
interesting n I was instantly turned on with
his suggestion. I immediately agreed, he
too was now confident that I am in game
now. So he put hands on my waist n then
slowly he was moving hands on my bare
hands and thighs, we both were enjoying I
could feel his erection on my ass. Suddenly
he put hand in forward n touch my belly I
apply brake n we stopped. I asked him why
do you asked me to stop.
J: madam your skin is very soft so I got lost
n so touched your belly
A: you naughty. (I said this with seductive
J: I know madam.
A: I can understand javed don’t worry.
J: So should we go home?
A: It’s just 4.00 I think lets practice more
for some time and then we can go,
J: Ok madam
He got hint that I am also enjoying. So he
pulled me even closer to him n said madam
lets drive bit faster. But there is one
problem, I asked what? He said how can I
ask to horn? I thought a bit n said touch my
neck for it, but he said it is uncomfortable
for him to move hand so much. Then with
naughty smile I asked him to kiss my neck.
He was more than happy to listen this, we
started again n he put hand on my right
thigh to accelerate n pressed it gently. I let
small moan, he understood I too want the
same, now he kissed me on neck n I horn
the car. This encouraged him n he started
giving me kiss more times. I too was
enjoying this game, he suddenly moved his
left hand in my shirt n put on my naked
waist n started moving on it. Now both of
us were aware that what we were doing but
still we were acting like we are driving. He
cock was poking my ass from behind, his
beard on my bare neck making me ticklish,
in some time he said lets add more
concentration to your drive, I said what
plan you have? He said he will do anything
to me but I must concentrate on driving
without reacting. I found this very
interesting so I readily agreed. So he was
like ready for this so he immediately pulled
me on him n asked me to drive. I started
driving n he pinched my waist n kissed my
neck, I moaned a little, he immediately
responded that concentrate on driving,
which I obeyed. Seeing positive response
from me he became bolder n licked my neck
n was playing with my soft belly. Now
things were getting out of control from me
n was getting bolder n bolder, he got hold
of my bra covered boobs n started pressing
them, this was too much for me I stopped
the car he got bit scared but without saying
him something I let out a moan. This was
green signal for him n he continued his job,
I put my hands on his hands n helped him
to press my boobs harder. But he stopped
all activities, I was frustrated n asked.
A: What happened please continue.
J: But madam. I can’t do it with you, as I
don’t do this to anyone else then my wife
and girlfriend.
A: then think me as your gf.
J: No I can’t
A: Why not?
J: Because my gf always behave as my
command n doesn’t say no to me.
A: ok. I will also do the same.
J: I call them by their name, I use slang
(I was so desperate to get fucked that
without knowing I was agreeing to his
A: ok then don’t call me madam, call me
J: Listen madam. I know what you want n I
will give it that to you but I have my
A: I am fine with it.
J: First listen. I will call you by name, I will
use filthy language, I can abuse you, you
can’t say no to anything. You will behave as
I order you.
A: ok I am ready, you can do whatever you
want but please continue.
J: ok. Then listen amruta, get up n remove
you shirt completely and keep it in back
seat and stand out of car.
I immediately got out n open back door
opened my shirt completely and kept it on
back seat. He too came out of car n stood
ahead of me, I was waiting for his next
J: wow you have such a sexy fig bitch, now
open my shirt while kissing my body.
I immediately got near him, kissed on his
lips n started removing his shirt button, his
body had lot of hairs I kissed his chest n
removed all his button while kissing chest,
fat belly.
J: I never imagined you are such a good
whore amruta, I thought you are good
decent lady.
A: I am decent lady, just doing this for you.
J: Shut up you slut n keep doing what I told
you. Now go to front of car n bend on the
bonnet with your hands spread on bonnet.
I went to car laid my upper body on bonnet
with hands upside, my entire back was just
covered by thin bra strip. I decent working
lady was lying half naked on bonnet and
taking order from a 40+ year’s driver of her
cab, this thought was making my pussy wet
like anything. My panty was soaked with
the juices, he came behind me n slapped
hard on my ass.
J: what a ass you have amruta. You know I
wanted to fuck that tight ass from the day I
saw you, whenever I used to see you with
tight jeans I wanted to slap that ass hard.
He kept slapping my ass while saying this
to me, then he bent down licking my whole
back. He was pressing my ass n side of
waist, he removed hook of my bra n pulled
me up n threw the bra on front glass of car,
now I was topless with my short
mangalsutra around my neck. As soon as he
turned me I locked my lips with his n moved
my legs around his legs, we kissed for 10
min like that n he pushed me down. I sat on
my knees n opened his pant to my shock his
cock was surrounded with thick hairy bush
smelling with piss but most shocking was
his cut cock was almost 9” in length n 4”
thick which makde me crazy like hell. I
suddenly took that in my mouth n started
sucking it, though his size was choking me
but I was beyond my control due to lust. I
kept sucking his dirty prick, he pulled me
up n removed my jeans n panty threw
everything on front glass, picked me up n
put on the bonnet, I spread my legs to
welcome his cock, he too pushed his dick in
me. It was hurting me as I never took this
big in my life I cried
A: please pull it back its hurtinggggggggg
J: shut up you whore, you deserve to be
fucked like this in open air.
He kept pushing inside, I had tears in my
eyes. But without caring he started
pumping me holding my boobs, within
sometime my pain subdued n I started
A: aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
J: yes you bitch shout like that
He fucked me for while like that n again
turned me around, cold bonnet was
touching my hot boobs and he pushed
again from behind n kept stroking like no
tomorrow. I was moaning with pleasure, he
took my both hands n locked them with his
one hand on my back, now my body n face
was on bonnet n he was ramming me from
behind like riding a horse. I came atleast 4
time in a while, he kept fucking me for 20
min in that position n was about to cum he
asked me to be on my knees n came on my
boobs, he asked me to spread cum on my
boob n don’t clean it. I obeyed him then he
pulled me up n we kissed like lovers. It was
almost 4.30 am, we got dressed up n he
dropped me at home. I was so satisfied that
I slept peacefully after many days.
TO be continued……
I went to cab n got into back seat, the
driver wished me hello I gave him tens
smile. Once we got out office campus, he
asked me “Madam should we go to
ground?” with this question shiver went
through my body n I recalled entire
previous episode. I was in dilemma whether
to go or not so kept mum but the driver
again asked me and suddenly came out of
my mouth “yes”. We reached ground, as
usual it was pitch dark quite away from
main road with nothing really insight. I got
down to get into the driving seat with
Javed, my heartbeat rose. I got in front of
him in seat n we started driving, today I
was bit tense but the driver was behaving
very professionally. He was not even trying
to touch me but somehow my mind was on
last episode with him. He was instructing
me verbally only without touching and here
my body was having waiting for his touch,
after some time I pushed my ass little back
to touch him. He might have understood
about my intensions but still was behaving
very professionally. I was trying to suppress
my urges but my body wasn’t responding
as per my wish and I moved back n sat
directly on his cock, still there was no
response from him. I got totally
uncontrolled n took his hand and placed it
on my boobs, he immediately withdrew it n
asked me to stop. I stopped the car n
literally pushed me out from seat n he too
came out of car.
Javed: Madam what are you doing?
Amruta: Why are you behaving this like
this, as if you don’t know anything?
Javed: Madam yesterday only you asked me
to forget everything what happened
between us and now you are behaving like
Amruta: Yes but now I feel horny by your
touch so.
Javed: Madam Listen carefully, I am not
your toy that you will use as per your wish.
Amruta: I am sorry I didn’t mean that.
This was unbelievable that a young sexy
married woman was saying sorry to a
middle aged ugly fat guy in middle of night
at some isolated space. In my wildest
dreams I never imagined something like
this will ever could happen to me. There are
many people including some handsome
guys of my office try to hit on me but I
never entertained them but here I was
getting desperate for this ugly fat bugger.
I tried to get close to him but suddenly
went to back of car n lit his cigarette, I
followed him n stood in front of him.
Javed: Madam you rich people have this
problem they always think they use poor
people like us as per their wish and we
have no feelings
Amruta: I am really sorry Javed I never
meant that. Please try to understand I am
married woman, I was tens that if someone
knows then it will ruin my life.
Javed: That’s what I am telling you, go get
fucked by your husband don’t come to me.
Amruta: I am really sorry Javed. Please do
whatever you want I won’t say anything to
I didn’t believe that I actually said this to
him with little bit tears in my eyes.
Javed: No not possible and also there won’t
be any driving classes from tomorrow, I
don’t want to come with you.
Amruta: Javed please don’t so this to me, I
am really sorry. I will not say anything but
please fulfill my desires.
Javed: So tomorrow again you will msg me
n do time pass.
Amruta: No, no I will not say anything trust
Saying this I try to hug him but he stopped
me again, I looked in eyes with lust he just
smiled while letting out smoke from his
Javed: Madam you really want to do this?
Are you fully sure?
Amruta: yes I am very sure
Javed: Ok but listen I have my conditions, if
you agree to them may be we can do.
I was hell happy listening to this n hugged
him tightly, but he pushed me aside
Javed: Madam listen to me first, I will tell
you conditions you think to it and then tell
me if you are ok.
1. First I assure you that I won’t create
any problem in your life.
2. I will behave professionally in front of
other people here and whenever we two are
there I will call you by your name and you
will call me Javed ji
3. You have to obey all my commands
and you can’t say no to anything.
4. I will abuse you, torture you or do
whatever I want you are my property.
5. Most important is I will fuck you as
per my wish and not yours.
Now go inside the car in your seat and think
on this. If you agree to all of this then come
out of the car by removing your top and
lose your hairs, when I complete smoking
this cigarette not before that.
Saying this he lit another cigarette and
turned around with his back towards car. I
got into car n started thinking, I was in
huge dilemma what to do. I was scared if I
agree to his demands he may misuse the
same and ruin my life and if I don’t my
pussy will remain unsatisfied. My heartbeat
was at peak and mind went blank.

What will Amruta do???????????????????

Wait for another update.

Update 2
Lust has completely taken over my mind
and then I finally decided to get the cock in
my cunt. That time my mind was not in
place and beyond thinking about the
consequences. I removed my top, also
loosen my hairs, slowly stepped out the car
and stood in front of him in that condition.
He was happy to see me like that n gave me
wicked smile.
Javed: So Amruta is ready to be my slut?
Amruta: yes javed ji
Javed: Oh my god you are quick learner my
little slut, but I won’t proceed until I feel
you are completely ready.
Amruta: Please Javed ji do whatever you
want but satisfy me.
Javed: Ok my little slut, first come here and
lit my cigarette.
Saying this he pull one more cigarette and
handed over the lighter to me, I obediently
took the lighter n lit the cigg. He pushed all
the smoke on my face, if somebody else
would have done this I would have slapped
him there itself but here I just closed my
eyes n smelled the smoke, slut inside me
has woken up now. He then asked me to
remove his shirt, I started doing the same
but lost control on myself n started kissing
his hairy chest n licked his nipple, he left
out the moan with it.
Javed: Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh Amruta you are
bitch in heat slut. Keep doing it.
I removed his shirt completely n put it on
bonnet n started kissing n licking his chest
madly. He also turned on with this n pulled
my face locked lips with me. I was waiting
for this I hugged him tight n responded
immediately for his kiss. We kept sucking
each other’s lips I extended my tongue in
his mouth n licked his tongue n mouth I got
the taste of smoke, which I hate a lot but
itch in my pussy was not going to let me
stop doing that. He threw away his cigg and
took me in embrace, his hands started
moving on my bra covered back and went
to my ass in jeans. While kissing he started
to mauling it, my moans were getting
suppressed in the kiss, he slapped my ass
playfully. While his one hand was playing
with my ass his other hand came to my
belly where there is bit of fat, he played
with the fat and pinched it sometime and
moved further to boobs n pressed it hard.
His attention changed from my lips n he
started going down by kissing my neck, as
soon as his mouth came on my cleavage my
hands moved back n removed hooks of my
bra, after removing the hooks my hands
went to back of his head. He was busy
kissing n licking my boobs, loose bra was
hanging on it, he took the bra n threw it
aside we were beyond caring where it is
landing. He sucked my boobs alternately
some time n took my erect nipples in teeth
n I let out moan
h Javed ji it feels so good please don’t stop.
His licking and sucking of my boobs was
adding on heat in my body. He pushed me
on the bonnet n keep going down by licking
my under boos, my sexy belly n as he put
his tongue in my navel my cunt juices were
start flowing like river. He hands were
working on my boobs n his navel was
playing with my navel. He then got up n
again pulled me towards him I hugged him
like lover, put my lips on his lips. We were
kissing like lovers for long time, then I
moved my mouth from his lips n licked his
chest fat belly n my hand moved to his pant
n opened it and there was my tool waiting
for me. Pungent smell of his cock turned me
on n I licked his entire shaft from bottom to
top, put my tongue in his pee opening. He
gone mad with it n bent down to press my
boobs I lift little to give him access to my
Javed: Amruta you are a great whore
I smiled to him n continued the blowjob,
doing my tongue magic.
Javed: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh Amruta darling
keep sucking you are the best high class
slut I have seen.
He then pulled me up n hurriedly removed
my jeans n panty in one carried me in his
arms n opened the back door of car. He put
me there such as my upper body was on
seat n legs outside of door, he came in my
Amruta: Javed ji please put that your strong
cock in me n make me your slut
I wondered how this came out of my mouth
but I was beyond thinking I just wanted his
cock in me. He suddenly pushed his cock n
there itself I had my orgasm.
hh javed jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Soon Javed started to slowly plough his
cock in and out of my pussy, he really
started to go to down on my tits and
nipples, chewing, biting, pinching, and
grabbing a tit in each hand and whacking
them together making a slapping noise.
After a couple of minutes my huffing and
puffing turned into moans of pleasure and
lust. Javed took this as a signal to pick up
the pace and he started to thrust harder
and deeper until a minute later his big cock
was bumping against my cervix, his balls
slapping against my ass. Now in full control
Javed raised his head and moved his hands
from my tits and said “Raise both your
arms above your head…I want to see those
great big fucking tits flop around while I
fuck the shit out of your juicy tight cunt…” I
raised my arms above her head as Javed
proceeded to hammer into my now dripping
wet cunt at a furious pace. My moans were
increasing in volume and intensity as his cock
relentlessly ploughed into me, rubbing my G spot
with every stroke. I cried out “My god! What the
fuck are you doing to me” just before my body
arched, froze rigid and started to shake
uncontrollably as my mouth opened wide and one
long word escaped my lips
“Ffffuuuuucccccckkkkkkkk” and I was hit by
another orgasm. I never has two orgasms in one
fuck. I pulled him on me n kissed his lips
Amruta: aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks
Javed ji this is so gooooooood
Javed: you have sexy body amruta darling, now
come on get up n be good bitch n get on all fours.
I like a trained bitch immediately turn myself n
offered my cunt from behind to my new lover. He
slapped my ass few time n hold my waist slowly
inserted his cok in my cunt from behind
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh javed
ji your cock is awsomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Javed: Slut this is start of your journey with my
cock you have to go long.
Saying this his pumping slowly increased I
moaning like a mad woman n he kept fucking me.
He bent a little n kissed my back n put his both
hands on boobs n kept fucking vigorously. He
kept fucking me in same position n again got up n
pulled my hairs
He was fucking like there is no tomorrow,
suddenly his tempo increased n he left my hairs,
pulled out cock n came on my ass n back. I
collapsed on the seat in that position n then got
up to see him he was standing out with my bra in
his hands and cleaning his cock with my bra. I
got to him n myself cleaned his cock with my
Javed: That’s like obedient bitch. Good whore you
are doing good.
I hugged him n kissed his lips.
Amruta: Javed ji you are really a man, this was
one of the best fuck I had till now.
Javed: Slut don’t worry I will make sure your
cunt will have more fun here onwards.
We then got dressed n he dropped me at my
Next two days we had pretty much the
same schedule. On Thursday morning when
I was managing my morning chores my
phone rang I saw it so it was my husband’s
call, I received it.
Husband: Hello darling what are doing?
Amruta: Hi baby just finishing my morning
H: Darling listen I called you to inform that
we are soon getting a big order.
A: Oh wow baby that’s really great.
To be honest I was little happy thinking that
if business goes well may be he will give me
more time. I thought we will have some
nice time this weekend.
H: Ya. I am going to take that order so I will
be travelling out of city tonight and shall
come to home on Saturday evening so that
we can have nice weekend.
A: Oh great I am so happy. Finally we will
be spending some quality time together
after so long time. Darling please come
H: yes dear just a day time n then all yours.
I need to go now. Bye love you.
A: Love you too.
I completed my chores, went to sleep for
some time as I have to leave for office by
evening. I was getting ready for office I
thought to wear something interesting as I
was not worried about the return timing. I
wore black push up bra and same color
panty, then I put tight black leggings and
red tight deep neck kurti. Just I couldn’t
reveal my cleavage in office to put black
duppatta to cover my front and kept my
hairs loose with clip in top to cover my
back, put light make up n light pink lipstick,
after getting ready I saw myself in mirror n
smiled looking at myself, thinking my deep
kurti is going to arouse someone a lot. I
went to office and started working, my
mind was constantly thinking about the
driving classes, what will happen today. It’s
been 2 weeks I started learning and now I
was quite comfortable behind the wheels
and moreover comfortable with Javed’s
cock. It was getting more and more out of
hand as I was able to control myself in front
of him, he was getting more abusive n I was
getting more dominated. Yesterday he
asked me lick his fat belly n I obeyed him,
infact his hairy n sweaty body was making
me more aroused as I never had such
experience, my hubby has habit of shower
before we have sex.
I was lost in these thoughts n suddenly I
had tap pat my shoulder, I looked up it was
my colleague Priya standing behind me.
Priya: what happened Amruta? What are
you thinking? I was calling you.
Amruta: Oh dear I am sorry just some
personal stuff.
P: Is everything alright?
A: Ya ya no problem.
P: There is some problem with server,
manager said that it will be resolved in
morning only so they have arranged our
transport and asked us to go home.
A: oh that’s good, alteast we can good
sleep at night after long time.
I saw timing it was 12.30 am, my mind was
happy stating that I have more than 4 hours
to spend with my Javed, I got excited by it.
Before leaving I went to washroom made
my hairs, applied little make n put little
dark lipstick and left to cab. My mind was
racing while I entered the cab, as usual he
was behaving very professionally in
company. As soon as we left the company
premises and came on road, he gave me
wicked smile
Javed: So madam we have more time today,
you want to take me to ground or should I
drop you at home.
Amruta: Javed ji nobody is at home today so
problem, we can practice more.
And give him seductive smile, I saw his face
in mirror he got excited and we went to the
ground. But to add disappointment there
were couple of cars n few cheap people
were drinking there, he immediately took
car out of ground n said
J: Slut I think we cannot use this ground
now, as we come here late nobody is there.
A: Javed ji now what to do? I want to stay.
I said in seductive tone like a slut. He then
thought for a while.
J: We have one option, but I am not sure
whether you will like it or not?
A: just tell me.
J: if we go few more KM outskirts there is
one lodge we can stay there but in that
case we might get late to your home.
A: No javed ji, lodge is too cheap place. Can
we go to some hotel?
J: I don’t have problem in hotel but it will be
problem as no hotel give room without id
and then you might be revealing your
A: ya that’s also true. So what can we do?
J: As you said nobody is at your home we
can go there.
A: No no that’s not possible out security
people will come to know and it will spoil
my reputation as they will what are you
doing in my house for long time at night?
Can we go to your place?
J: Amruta one on my friend stay with me so
again problem for you.
A: Oh god we got more time n this problem.
J: Darling lets go to lodge, its outskirt on
city where no one knows you also we don’t
have to give id so no problem.
I thought for a while n understood that’s
the only option.
A: But is it safe? I heard there are raids on
J: Its totally safe I went there earlier as well
so don’t worry. Trust me.
A: ok will go there.
He was happy n so was I, he drove for
almost 30 min, being late night there was
any traffic. We had come out of city and
after sometime he turned on small road
from highway. After half km I saw lodge, it
was too cheap kind of lodge and there was
only small pan shop besides this shady
lodge. I was sure this is used only for shady
business, we stopped car sideways to road
n my heart was beating like hell. First time
in my life I was going to enter such a cheap
place with cheap driver.
Javed: Amruta are you sure that you have
no problem? Once we are out of car you
remember my terms.
I curiously looked the lodge once again, it
was old kind of building not completely
shady with not much lights around. Some
old two wheelers and one rusty auto
standing there, in corner there was old
rusty board with small bulb on it with the
name “Relax Lodge”, then I saw one couple
coming out of the main door, both were
young the girl was dusky with obsence
clothes worn by her n then he handed over
money to her n left on his bike. The girl
went to that auto and they both went off.
Oh my god this area is used by cheap
prostitutes as well? Thought came in my
mind. My thoughts were broken with
javed’s voice
J: Amruta what are you thinking, don’t
delay now we don’t have all the time.
A: ok Javed ji I am ok with this for today.
J: Then listen slut you have to obey each
and everything of me, you know that.
He went to his role of dominator n I stupidly
obeying the same.
J: Now listen you are not any working
woman, you have to behave as my keep. So
remove your duppatta now.
A: Why? We will do it inside.
J: Randi jyada dimag na laga warna tereko
tere ghar chhod deta hu. Already late hua
hai bahut. (Slut don’t question me else I
will drop you home now. It’s already late.)
A: Ok sorry.
I said this n removed my duppatta
J: That like good slut. Now apply dark red
lipstick and cover you face with duppatta
and keep your neck n boobs open.
I obeyed him. I adjusted my duppatta such
that my face was covered with eyes open
and entire neck was open, it was showing
good amount of cleavage. The idea of
exposing to some cheap crowd at place was
turning me on. I saw javed has went out, I
also came out immediately. I saw the timing
it was 1.30 am. We started walking towards
the entrance, with every step my heart
beats were increasing. As we reached the
entrance I saw there was a small counter
like arrangement basically big table and
behind that a guy was standing. He seemed
to be around 35 yrs old with good physic
but dark as hell, as I enter I saw his eyes
were fixed on my cleavage, my mangalsutra
being short it was visible to him in open
neck. I was having mixed emotions of
shyness and arousal, I lowered my eyes n
looked towards javed, it seems he was
enjoying this.
Counter Guy: Javed bhai bahut dino baad
aaye. (Javed you came after long time)
J: Ha bhai aj kal busy ho gaya hu. (ya got
little busy)
CG: Aur ye maal kaha mila tumko? Pehle
kabhi dekha nahi? (Where did you get this
chick, never seen her before?)
J: Are ye apni personal setting hai randi
nahi. (This is my personal setting not
CG: Jabardast maal pataya bhai tune. (You
got hot chick this time)
J: Ha chal jaldi room de timepass mat kar.
(Give me room keys don’t waste time)
He gave the keys to Javed
CG: Bhai second floor 203 number
We started walking towards stairs there
wasn’t proper lighting so I was walking
carefully. Suddenly Javed grabbed my ass n
A: Randi chal jaldi yahi raat gujarni hai kya?
(Slut walk fast, you wanna spend night in
stairs or what?)
I paced up my walk n looking at stairs,
people have spited there a lot of pan and
tobacco. The walls were colored red with
their stains, I saw few condoms dropped
here n there in stairs. Finally we reached to
our room, I was pretty excited n hugged
him as soon as we entered the room.
J: Sali Amruta tuze dekh k lagta nahi k teri
chut me itni aag lag rehti hai. (Amruta you
doesn’t look like so much horny woman)
A: aapne meri aag bhadka di hai javed ji,
jaldi se ise buza do. (You had made my so
much horny now quench my thirst fast)
But it seems that he was in no hurry, he
pushed me aside n said
J: Don’t worry today we have ample of time
n I shall make sure of fucking the hell out of
you. But we are in no hurry, I don’t wanna
rush today as we have good place and time
so let’s relax.
A: ya that’s true we will have some quality
time in “Relax Lodge”.

I winked saying this, he too smiled back

siting on the bed. I went near him n put my
hands around him, he pulled me in embrace
we went kissing like long lost lovers.
He removed my duppatta completely while
kissing my lips n his mouth then slid to my
neck the sensitive area, this was enough
for my pussy to start leaking. My one hand
went to his shirt n started opening the
buttons, while his hands were busy with my
boobs he was softly handling them.
This experience was new for me as till date
we never had time and space to enjoy the
luxury of the foreplay.
He pushed his one hand inside of my kurti
n was caressing my belly, I was feeling
ticklish. He came back to my lips n I pushed
my tongue in his s mouth our tongues
played for some time.
Heat was building inside me, as his
another hand went to my as on my leggings
he started kneading them like manic.
J: Amruta you have very sexy ass.
A: It’s your dear javed ji, now please take
J: Are itni kya jaldi hai Sali ruk to aj jam k
maje luga tere aur batauga k Javed ki randi
itna aasan nahi hai. (Why so much hurry
slut today I am going to use full n let u
know that being my slut isn’t easy)
He then pushed me aside n called
someone, I later realized he called up the
counter guy.
J: Bhai Javed bol raha hu mere room me
mast beer bhej aur gold flake ka packet.
(This is javed, send chilled beer n pack of
cigarette to my room)
Then he turned to me n said
J: Randi paise layi hai na? Wo waiter ko
dede jab wo aayega tab tak mai mut k aata
hu. (Slut have you bought the money? Give
it to waiter when he will come till then I will
be back from bathroom)
I went to my purse pulled the money n
lifted my duppatta to cover myself then I
heard his rough voice.
J: A randi tuze bola kya mai pehene k liye?
(Hey slut did I asked you to wear that?)
A: Lekin javed ji uske samne kaise jau waise
mai? (But how can I go in front of him like
J: Sali jyada jaban na chala jitna bola hai
utna kar. Tu meri randi hai mai jo bolu wo
karegi agar bahut sharam aa rahi to yaha
se jake apne pati se chudwa aur dubara
mere pass nahi aana. (Slut you are talking
too much, you are my slut just do as I say. If
you are feeling so shy go get fucked by
your husband n don’t ever come to me)
I felt like crying, I have never been insulted
like this before by anyone. In normal
circumstances I would never had tolerated
this but here I don’t know why, I was
getting dominated by just a cab driver. I felt
like shouting on him but my body was
betraying my mind. I slowly put down my
duppatta back on table near my purse n
stood there like dumb statue while I saw
him entering and locking the bathroom.

Suddenly I heard knock on the door, I

wasn’t expecting the waiter to come so
early. I feeling so shy to open the door so I
didn’t moved inch he knocked the door few
times. Javed shouted from batroom
J: Abe behri ho gayi kya Sali, darwaza khol
aur saman leke bhej usko wapis. (Hey bitch
have you gone deaf, go n open the door)
I went to door with heavy heart I opened it,
I saw a waiter standing at door smile
lecherously to me
Waiter: Madam wo aapka saman jo aapne
mangaya tha. (Madam this is stuff you
I just opened the door, let him inside n
closed it as I didn’t wanted anybody else to
see me like this.
The waiter came n put the stuff on table n
was looking at my boobs, then I realized
javed’s fondling had my kurti go down n
massive cleavage was exposed to this low
class bugger. I said angrily to him
Amruta: Rakh diya na ab niklo yaha se. (You
have kept it now get lost)
Waiter: madam paise to do.
Then I realized so took purse n handed over
the money to him, he brushed my hands
while doing so, I immediately pulled my
hands back, still he was looking at me.
A: Mila na paisa ab jao (You got money now
W: Madam waise aapko dekha nahi yaha
kabhi pehle, aap dusre lodge me kaam karti
ho kya? (madam haven’t seen you before
here, are you working in some other
I was pissed off by his question n replied
A: Mai waisi aurat nahi hu, achi ghar ki
shadidhuda aurat hu. (I am not that kind of
woman, I am married form good family)
W: to yaha iske sath kya kar rahi ho? Ye to
sala humesha yaha aata hai randiya
chodne. (What are doing here then? This
bugger always come here to fuck whores)
A: Tumse uska koi matlab nahi hai, tum
niklo yaha se wo aajayege bahar abhi.
(That’s none of your business, you leave
now he will come out)
He then went to door, as I was going to
close it he came closer n said
W: waise madam is lodge me aane wali aap
sabse sexy maal ho, Javed bhai ki to aj aish
hai. (Btw madam you are the sexiest bitch
came to this lodge till now. Javed is going to
have great time.)
I surprisingly smiled to his comment n
closed the door, went back to bed n sat
down. Javed came out of bathroom in just in
his undies, I was surprised n aroused to see
him like that.
J: aagaya kya apan maal janeman. (Darling
have our order come?)
I nodded my head in yes n said
A: javed ji aap aise muze kisi k samne jane
mat bolo, wo waiter bahut gandi tarike se
dekh raha tha n bol raha tha. (javed please
don’t ask me to do this again, the waiter
was looking n talking dirty with me)
J: Sali jyada ud mat, ab tu muze batayegi k
kya karna hai? Jyada nakhre kiye to bahar
sabake samne nangi bhej duga tuze. (Slut
you don’t order me, if you do tantrums I will
pared you naked in front of all people)
I was insulted again n tears came to my
eyes. I think he saw that
J: Sun amruta I have told you already about
my conditions and you agreed so I am doing
this to you. I never behave badly with you
any other places and respected your life
but when it comes to fucking I fuck only on
my terms. It was you who asked me to fuck
I never approached you.
I was just listening to him with my head
down n tears in my eyes.
J: yaar please don’t spoil my mood now by
doing all this non sense things, else we will
leave from here.
Saying this he just woke up n started
packing the things, as I was aroused I
immediately hold his hands n said
A: I am sorry Javed ji, I didn’t do it
intentionally, but I have never done this
before so I feel problem.
J: Don’t do this emotional drama. You want
to get fucked so be shameless while
fucking, that’s the only way I enjoy the
fuck. We are anyways far away from your
life you have no problem even you get
fucked here by entire men in lodge. No one
will ever know.
A: I am so sorry I wont repeat this again,
trust me.
I said this while sobbing.
J: Amruta listen this is last time I am saying
this to you. If you want to continue it will
be on my terms else we will leave n I will
never bother you. I have many cunts to fuck
even from the company you work, don’t
think you are something great n I will never
get another memsab’s cunt to fuck. But
trust me you will never get a man like me to
fucks and also respect your life.
I kept sobbing while I was listening to his
talks, but he was true he never troubled me
or tried to blackmail me. But one thing was
surprising when he said that he had sex
with other women of my company, this
made me jealous. So I decided to shed out
shame n fuck him, I wanted to hear from
him that I am the best woman he has ever
Sense of jealousy can take a woman to
anywhere, I was humiliated listening that
other women in my company are better
than me. I was angry, so I woke up n wiped
my tears went to him n said
A: javed ji I am sorry for my behavior, I
wont repeat it ever. You can use me as
much as you want.
J: I am not in mood now because I don’t
trust you. Once your cunt itch is gone, you
will do this drama again.
A: No I will not do this ever. Please trust
me. I will do anything and everything you
J: Will you expose your body to other like
waiter again?
A: yes I will surly.
J: will you fuck someone if I ask?
This was tricky as I wasn’t sure whether he
is really gonna ask me do the same so I was
J: See this is you, selfish bitch. Priya from
your company is much better whore of
mine. She will get fucked by even a dog if
ask her.
I looked at him surprisingly, he was smiling.
I knew Priya, she used to behave like a slut
but never thought she has been fucking like
a whore to this watchman. Again jealously
took over me n I said
A: Yes I will fuck anyone you say.
J: No you wont. You just say.
A: NO, I will fuck anyone you say, trust me
last time.
I never knew I was getting into a trap laid
by him, but my burning cunt has taken over
my brain so I was behaving like a shameless
J: You have to prove it then?
A: now you want to fuck me now with
someone else/
J: not fuck darling but lets see, if you really
going to obey my commands.
Amruta: Ok tell me anything and I will do it
for you.
Javed: Amruta this is final chance and if you
don’t obey my commands I forget about
everything and you will never see me again.
A: don’t worry about that, this will not
I was literally convincing the cab driver like
a lover would do.
J: Ok then, bring me the beer bottle.
I obediently went to the table n bought the
bottle handed over to him, he was smiling
at me. He opened the bottle with his teeth.
I was impressed with that n gave him
seductive smile. He pushed his hands in
front n asked me to drink.
I was little hesitant but looking his
expression changed I pulled bottle from him
n drank 30% of it in one go.
He licked his lips looking at me, I was
breathing heavy due to the alcohol.
J: Good, you are trying to improve. Now pull
the cigg n lit it.
I went to table put down the bottle there,
pulled out the cigg from pack n lit it and
kept in front of him.
J: I don’t want to smoke, now you will
These was tense moment as I have never
smoked in my life, but I was having no
option. So put it in my mouth n try to puff
it, as I took little smoke inside I coughed
He immediately came closer to me n rubbed
my back.
J: You never smoked before?
I nodded in negative.
J: No problem, my sluts must smoke. I love
memsaab smoking, it’s just fucking hot to
see cigg in those sexy lips.

I nodded n again tried to take a puff, but

the same thing repeated. As half of cigg
was over I was bit comfortable and at the
end I successfully took one puff.
He pulled me closer n kissed my lips as
reward for learning to smoke.
I too was happy n kissed him back. We
kissed for while then he pushed me away.
J: you are fast learning slut, priya took
some time to get habituated.
I was happy that in small time I made him
say that I am better than that filthy bitch.
I think he came to know that my
comparison with Priya was making me
insecure, he seems to make full use of it.

J: Now do one thing keep that cigg in one

hand and take the bottle in other hand.
Take one sip and one puff, do it alternately.
The alcohol started making effect on me, as
I rarely drink with my hubby I am not much
used to it. I went to table n took the bottle
in my hand, again like mad woman I drank
another 20% bottle in one go. Now I was
little high as I have finished half the bottle
and also for first time I was smoking.
J: Amruta Sali jaldi kar, time nahi humare
pass jyada. (Amruta make it fast we don’t
have much time)
I slowly finished the beer and cigg. I was
tipsy now, quite high due to the alcohol and
I saw he was really enjoying my state, but I
was in little sense that time n spoke up
Amruta: Is this only you wanted? Look at
me now I did as you say, now please come n
fuck me.
J: You are in too hurry my bitch, the game
has just began. I have been very gentle
with you till now but that time is over for
A: I don’t care javed just come here n fuck
Saying this I tried to get close to him, but
he went away teasing me.
J: first of all bitch remember your fucking
place, this is not your office or home. You
need to call me Javed ji, don’t ever try to
forget the rules.
A: Sorry Javed ji, but please fuck me.
J: I told you bitch, I fuck only on my terms.
A: But I did what you asked me to do, now
J: I don’t feel like fucking you slut, I too
need to get some beer.
I then looked around but he had ordered
only one which I drank so there was no
other beer. I asked him to get another from
waiter. He asked me to call, I was high by
now but didn’t had option so was looking at
phone then he directed me to the old rusty
intercom near the bed.
I somehow picked it up n he dialed, it was
received by counter guy
CG: Hello kya chahiye? (Hello what do you
A: Yaha pe ek beer bhej do. (Send beer
CG: Randi room no bata, muze kya pata tu
kaha chut marwa rahi? (Whore tell me room
number, how do I know where are you
getting fucked?)
A: Sale mai randi nahi hu, yaha room no
203 me bhej. (Bastard I am not whore, send
it to room no 203)
I disconnected the call. I wasn’t aware what
the hell I was saying.
Javed hold my waist n kissed me deeply
while squeezing my ass n boobs with both
of his hands. I kissed him back with my
tongue inserted in his mouth, the alcohol
has made its effect I was burning with heat
I catched his groin on towel n tried to
remove it but he pushed me away n said
J: Listen slut I am going inside the
bathroom and this time I want you to tease
the waiter little bit. If you make this
happen, I will fuck you.
A: Javed ji your slut will make you happy
don’t worry.
He went inside the bathroom, I went to
mirror besides the bathroom door and
looked at myself. I was looking hot in that
attire, deep neck kurti n tight leggings
quite cleavage visible.
I then decided to get ready for the waiter
so I pulled red lipstick from my purse n
applied on my lips it was dark red lipstick, I
tied my hairs in pony just to reveal my deep
neck in front n back, adjusted my kurti such
that lot of cleavage was visible and waiting
for him to come, within few minutes the
door knocked.
Like a slut I went to open the door, the
same waiter had returned this time he
noticed that I was exposing too much to
Waiter: Kya madam abhi tak kuch hua nahi
kya? (Hi madam, nothing happened yet?)
Drunk Amruta: Tuze kya karna sale apna
kaam dekh. (Mind your business bastard)
W: Are aap gussa kyu ho rahe madam, aisi
sexy aurat ko abhi tak kuch kiya nahi ispe
bharosa nahi hota. (I am not able to believe
that nothing is done to such sexy woman)
I was flattered to his compliment.
A: Hum karne k liye hi aaye hai, sahab daru
pine k baad karna chahte hai. (We are here
to fuck but sir wants to fuck after drink)
W: Madam bura mat bano lekin aap randi
nahi to yaha kyu aayi ho? (Madam if you
aren’t whore, wy are you here?)
A: Wo mere bf hai andar jyada bol mat, tuze
kya karna hai. (I came with my bf, none of
your businesss)
I don’t know what happened to me, I went n
lit one cigg in my sexy red lips. The waiter
was looking stunningly at me.
W: Madam aap kuch bhi bolo aapki harkate
to ekdum randiyo wali hai. (Madam even if
you say anything I can say with behavior
that you are whore)
A: sale nikal yaha se bahut bol raha tu ab.
Ha hu mai randi lekin bas apne sahab ki.
(bastard get lost, you are crossing your
limits. Btw I am whore but only to my sir)
W: Muze pata hai tu randi hi hai, Sali tuze
chodne ka bada maan kar raha hai. (I knew
already you are whore I am dying to fuck
A: aukat dekh apni sale nikal yaha se (be in
your limits n leave now)
W: Ha jata hu madam, muze mere paise
dedo. (yes I will go just give me my money)
A: ha deti hu
Saying this I went to table n took purse in
my hand and came back to him, we were
standing to close to each other, suddenly
purse feel from my hand. I bent to pick it
up, as I bent half of my boobs were visible
to him, even my bra. I stood in the same
position to tease him more, his mouth was
open to see such beautiful boobs from so
near, and I could sense his rock hard cock
making tent in his trouser.
I then got up n gave him the money, I
escorted him to the door n open the same
to make him leave. He went out but
stopped n said
W: Madam itni seva kar raha kuch tip nahi
dogi kya? (Madam won’t you give me tip for
A: kitni chahiye bata? (Tell me how much
you want?)
W: paise chhod madam, aapke bable dikhao
thodi der pehli ki tarah. (I don’t need
money just show me boobs like before)
I smiled to him n asked him to come inside
room, as soon as he came in I closed the
door n I pulled my kurti in front to give him
view of my bra covered boobs.
The door was away from bathroom so there
wasn’t any chance for javed to see what is
happening at door.
He suddenly grabbed my boobs n before I
could react he kissed me on lips. Alcohol
has already made me weak but somehow I
managed to push him back n closed the
door. As I closed the door I saw the
bathroom door opening.
J: Slut you are doing good, now come n give
me beer.
I handed over the beer to him, to my
surprise he drank all in one go, kept the
bottle away n pulled me n hugged me tight.
We started kissing and soon our tongues
mate, he pushed me on bed. Removed my
kurti n kept licking my body from lips to
navel, he then removed my tight leggings
along with the panty.
J: Amruta you really have sexy body, I am
not yet satisfied even after fucking you so
many times.
I was happy to hear that comment from
him. Now I was only in my bra and he was
licking my belly.
A: Javed ji please fuck me hard its enough
I think he too was hot so he immediately
dropped his towel, pushed his cock in my
slippery cunt.
He rammed it inside me n kept pumping me
for some time, I was aroused as hell, as I
finally had some cock in my cunt.
J: take it slut, aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
aaaahhhhh take it, you are so tight amruta
A: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh fuck me
hard javed ji, fuck your whore hard.
J: yes babyyyyyyyyyyy
He kept pumping me for a while, I don’t
know it was alcohol or what but surprisingly
he came in my cunt in almost 10 min and
collapsed on me. I kissed his lips n we were
laying in same position for long time.
He rammed it inside me n kept pumping me
for some time, I was aroused as hell, as I
finally had some cock in my cunt.
J: take it slut, aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
aaaahhhhh take it, you are so tight amruta
A: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh fuck me
hard javed ji, fuck your whore hard.
J: yes babyyyyyyyyyyy
He kept pumping me for a while, I don’t
know it was alcohol or what but surprisingly
he came in my cunt in almost 10 min and
collapsed on me. I kissed his lips n we were
laying in same position for long time.

Now continued…

To be Honest I wasn’t satisfied as this was

fastest sex we had, I needed more but he
seemed to be in no hurry.
He was sleeping next to me naked and I
was resting in same position with my bra
and mangalsutra.
We laid for some time in the same position,
then I woke up went to bathroom.
As I enter I noticed it was very dirty
bathroom with Indian style toilet and
separate space for bath but there was
shower and a tap with bucket kept near it. I
wasn’t sure if the shower was working, on
small wall there was mirror hanging which
would show half of the person in it.
I found red stains there as well on the
walls, I wondered if this have ever been
clean then I realized that this kind of lodge
is used for fucking by low class people, so
expecting hygiene there was of no use.
Anyways I just had to spend couple more
hours here so, I don’t need to worry about
the cleanliness, just finish the business for
what I am here. I thought to myself and
then smiled shamelessly looking my almost
nude body in the half mirror.
I peed there, corrected my hairs n cleaned
my pussy and came out that dirty bathroom.
I saw Javed has woke up from bed n was
smoking near the table.
As I went near him, he threw the smoke on
my face, I closed my eyes and inhaled it,
already I was high due to alcohol but again
due to smoke I was getting high.
He pulled me by my waist closer and I
bumped on his fat belly, both were looking
into each other eyes, he must have seen
lust in my eyes, he inhaled and threw
smoke once again on my face.
I pushed my face forward n his direction
kissed his smoky mouth. Wow I was getting
different feeling while kissing with the
We separated after minute of kissing, he
inhaled once again and kissed me with
smoke inside, we were kissing my mouth
opened and he released the smoke in the
smoke in my mouth.
I never had such experience, I like the kink
in this. We repeated the same till the
cigarette was finished. This aroused me
beyond the limits, literally the river was
flowing from pussy, and my nipples went
rock hard in my bra.

In moment of heat I just put my lips on his,

we started kissing passionately. He
inserted tongue in my mouth, I sucked it
with great lust. His hands moved to my ass,
he pressed at hard so I left moan
uuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmm he
slowly started feeling my smooth thighs. He
pressed me on wall while kissing and
started kneading my ass.
Javed: kya makhmali skin hai teri janeman.
(Darling your skin is soo silky smooth)
I was getting more aroused with his words,
I understood that liquor have started
showing effect. Anyways that language was
turning me more on. We were kissing
passionately; I was moving hands in his
hairs while our tongues were playing with
each other. He moved his attention to my
neck from lips he licked my neck to
cleavage I left out light moan
mmmmmmmmmmmm his tongue work
was making magic. He was kissing and
licking my neck and shoulders, pulled the
bra straps little down,
J: Abe kya mst lag rahi to, Sali kya maal hai.
Balls to bhare bhare, Makhmali skin, ubhri
hue gand. Tune galti kardi chinaal muze
raat bhar bulake aaj to mai teri chut faad
daluga. Randi banauga tuze meri. (You are
looking hot as hell, you are fucking piece of
meat, full grown boobs, silky skin, tight ass.
You made a mistake by calling me for night,
now I will tear down your cunt and make
you whore)
OMG he was speaking so vulgar, but I was
liking it his talks increased flow of my
pussy. He was pressing boobs madly and
kissing, licking my cleavage. He forced
opened my bra and started to suck my
boobs while pressing other, he was too
excited that he was forcing my complete my
boobs in his mouth. I was moaning
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. My
boobs turned red due to his sucking. I was
dripping wet, now I wanted his cock. I
pushed him, kissed his hairy chest, moved
my tongue around his chest and sucked his
nipple. He was enjoying my act with
J: kya kaamal ki chudkkad hai Sali. Itne din
se dekh raha, sidhi sadhi lagti thi. Aaj pata
chala ye to sabse badi chinaal nikli. (You
are big fucking slut, I was looking you for
so many days n thinking you are decent one
but today I realized you are big time whore)

I moved down and pushed his towel down
completely, noticed his cock once again lot
of hair were there and smell of piss with my
cunt juice was coming. But I was beyond
thinking anything that movement. I looked
at his eyes lustily n moved my tongue from
bottom of his cock to head. He closed his
eyes in ecstasy I slowly took his cock
completely in my mouth and started
h kya chos rahiiiiiiiiiiii merrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
jaaaaaaannnn aaj tak itna badhiya kisine
nahi choooooosaaaaa
(You are sucking so good, nobody has
sucked me better then you)
He started pushing my head on his cock. I
deep throated him. I then took it in my hand
and sucked his balls. He just went mad and
was moaning wildly, without wasting time I
started kissing his stomach, chest again
moved upward and kissed his lips. Again we
were kissing passionately, he pushed me on
floor and started licking my pussy, oh my
god the moment he touched his lips on my
pussy, I came immediately on his face,
without hesitation he drank all my cum. He
kept licking my pussy I started moaning
liccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkk itttttttttttt
He inserted his two fingers n moved them
wildly and slowly he inserted his tongue in
my asshole, first time I experienced this, I
was in heaven ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh it
felt so good. I again came this time
moaning loudly.
maaaaaaaaaaaajjjjjjjjjjjjaaaaaaa aa
He came up n started kissing me n gave my
cum in my mouth. I happily licked it.
A: ab dal bhi do na raha nahi jata (Please
put it in, I can’t wait)
J: kya dal do. (What to put?)
I hold his cock.
J: mu se bol chinal Sali. (Slut say it)
A: are tumhara lund meri chut me dal do.
Mai tadap rahi hu. (Put your cock in my wet
cunt, I am thirsty)
I was too hot I tried to pull his dick but he
moved back. I was annoyed. But he was too
J: bol tu meri randi hai (Say you are my
A: ha ha mai teri randi hu, chinal hu. Ab dal
de andar. (yes yes I am your slut, your
whore, now please fuck me)
He: bol k muzse roz chudvayegi. (Say you
will fuck me daily)
I know he was insulting me, he want to
degrade me, but lust has taken over me. I
had completely forgotten my status, my life,
family just was his slave for the time.
A: ha aap jab bologe, aapse chudvaugi. Dal
de andar. (Yes I will fuck whenever you say,
now please put it in)
He then smiled at me n inserted his dick
completely inside in one stork. I started
moving my hips with rhytm.
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my pussy was
feeling in heaven. He was ramming his dick
in my cunt. I had closed my eyes n enjoying
the motion.
h aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
meeeeeeeeee haaaaarrrrddddddddd
I turned him down n sat on his cock n
started riding it wildly. I pushed my hairs
back bent my head back so that he can get
good view of my bouncing tits. He was
pressing them. He pulled me down n took
my boobs in mouth n while sucking give me
powerful stroke from downwards. I was
mad by his fuck. I came twice n process but
he hasn’t come yet. I pushed me aside got
up took my hair in his hand and put my
head on sofa inserted his cock from back
and again was stroking wildly n pressing my
boobs n kissing my back.
J: mai choot raha hu chinal. Kaha pani
girau. (I am cuming slut, where to cum?)
J: andar mat chodo meri boobs pe dalo.
(Don’t cum inside, put It on boobs)
Saying this I turned n offered him boobs. He
came all over boobs and his body felt on
me. We both were totally exhausted,
breathing heavily.
I said this n went to bathroom, cleaned his
cum on my boobs, pissed n came back to
see he was lying on bed. I went near him,
he pulled me in his strong arms n we were
laying on that dirty bed like lovers. We were
exhausted with double round today. I was
very happy that we got more time today and
enjoyed a lot.
I was lost into the thoughts that how well
we fucked today, also 3rd person like waiter
kissed me apart from javed and my
husband, but Javed’s voice woke me up
J: Amruta where have you lost.
A: Nothing dear.
Saying this I kissed his cheek.
J: It’s 4.30 am I think we should leave from
here, we would need another hour to reach
your home.
I too check my phone it was really 4.30 am.
Though my mind wasn’t really ready to
leave now, due to enjoyment and also
tiredness but I thought I have office
tomorrow. I must get sleep, else I won’t be
able to work in office tomorrow.
I reluctantly woke up and wore my clothes
took my purse adjusted my duppatta and
we left the room. He gave back the keys to
counter guy and I saw he was smiling at me
lecherously, but I didn’t wait there n
directly went to the car.
I saw they were having some vulgar talk
about me, it wasn’t audible to me from that
distance but they were laughing and looking
at me.
I ignored them, Javed came there in while. I
get back into back seat like normal working
woman I was and we started driving.
Before reaching the highway I checked my
purse n I realized that I forgot the phone in
room. When I checked the timing, I kept it
on bed near the pillow and forgot to check
the bed before leaving.
As soon as I realized I shouted stop, he was
amazed n applied the brake suddenly,
making the car to halt. He was looking at
me with surprising expression
Javed: What happened amruta? Why did
you shouted, I got scared.
Amruta: Javed ji I think I left phone in
room, please take back the car.
I said in tension. My phone has security
lock, so no problem of someone misusing it
but it was expensive one so I was scared.
Javed: ok ok, don’t worry darling. I am
taking the car back.
He immediately drove the car back to lodge
and asked me to get it.
I was so lost in phone’s thought did not
realized that I am going all alone inside
such cheap lodge. I hurriedly went there,
thanks to god that bastard counter guy
wasn’t there but waiter was there at
Amruta: Where is the guy?
Waiter: What happened madam? He has
went for refreshment.
He said with wink and action of fucking. I
felt shy with this response.
A: actually I forget some stuff in room, I
need the keys immediately so please call
Waiter: Don’t worry madam, he asked me to
handle the counter so I will take you to
A: No no I will get it myself, please give the
W: Think madam I can help you to find it.
A: I don’t think so, just give me keys. Else I
will call Javed ji.
I said with irritated voice, I think he got
scared with Javed’s name and started
looking for keys and handed it over to me. I
hurriedly went to the room, got to the bed n
looked for phone but unfortunately it wasn’t
I was scared to death when I saw it, though
it was locked if the person who has it sells it
to someone I may get in problem.
Also I cannot afford to lose it as my
husband has gifted me this expensive
phone, like mad I searched entire room but
wasn’t able to find it.
I wasn’t able to understand where it would
have been gone? As it was not more than 15
min we left the room, one thing I noticed
was the bed was proper that means
someone has come to the room after we
I decided to go back to counter n ask the
counter guy about it. So I just pulled the
door n went back to counter, I saw Javed
was in car n signaled me what happened? I
signaled him that it wasn’t there and I will
come, jut asked him to wait.
Then I spoke to the waiter who was sitting
at counter
A: I didn’t found my stuff, can you please
check who has cleaned the room?
W: Madam nobody went there, can I come
with you? May be we can look again.
A: ok let’s go.
We started moving into the dark stairs as
we were climbing stairs from first floor, I
heard big moaning voices of man and
woman. I felt shy after hearing loud noises,
this waiter was smiling at me. The moaning
voice was coming from the room near the
He just stopped there, started talking with
W: Madam this is normal for us, don’t feel
so shy. This is our Raghu saab who manage
counter. I don’t know what he does, but I
near lot of noise out of his room. No woman
gets fucked by him silently.
As he stopped n spoke, unknowingly I was
also stopped to listen him though I was
feeling shy, he continued
W: He always keeps eyes on the girls and
women coming to this lodge and whenever
he strikes the deal he fuck those girls. Many
times call girls are there so they have no
problem getting fucked by other man as
long as they are getting?
A: Oh my god there are call girls as well.
Came out of my mouth instantly, maybe
there was alcohol effect there on me so I
said but later I regretted saying this.
W: madam this is cheap lodge not some
business hotel, people here come only for
fucking. This is so isolated that no normal
person can come here. Even Javed had
come here sometimes with call girls.
A: What are talking about?
W: Yes madam, what do think he has come
first time with you here? He is our regular
I was bad listening this, I felt that time
treated by him like another of his fuck toy. I
had mixed feeling of jealousy and anger in
my mind but I changed with his next
W: But to be honest madam first time he
has come here with such a hot and sexy
woman like you.
I shyly smiled on his comment, I was
surprised that I was responding to his
comments and listening to his nonsense
talk, at the same time loud moans in the
side room were arousing me again.
I controlled my mind, started climbing the
stairs again but I felt he was walking too
close to so I rushed towards the room and
opened it.
We again searched but couldn’t find it
W: Madam Wait here I will check with the
cleaner if he found something.
A: ok. Please make it fast I am getting late.
He went out of room, as the door was little
open I was able to hear those moan.
Oh my god what the hell is he doing inside
that the bitch is shouting so much, I felt
little ticklish inside my cunt. My steps
unknowingly went to the door to listen
those moan, I was so engrossed in that I
didn’t realized waiter was coming, he came
near door n pushed it.
He was surprised to see me near door and
listening the moans
W: Madam I think you are loving the
screams, if you want you can also enjoy the
I felt so uneasy to listen this comment, I
blushed and said
A: No no its not like that, I was just waiting
for you, I need the phone.
We both knew that I was lying, I was feeling
shy that I got excited to those sounds and
getting exposed to low class waiter, so I
looked down but didn’t realized the waiter
has come inside, I suddenly looked up with
the surprise of him coming inside.
A: Why are you coming in? Where is my
stuff? Does somebody steal it?
He showed me the phone, I got relieved
finally I got the phone and it is not stolen.
A: thank you please give it.
He didn’t hand over to me, but said.
W: Madam you think, we are cheap poor
people so we will steal your phone.
He said me with very sad face.
A: No it just came out of my mouth sorry.
I felt bad looking at him expressions, that I
accused him of stealing. He gave the phone
to me and closed the door, we were
standing outside the room n while he was
locking the room I said
A: Sorry I didn’t mean to say that you stole
the phone but just I was worried so it came
out of my mouth.
W: Leave it madam. You rich people always
think that we poor people are very bad and
behave badly with you. The cleaner has
taken it so nobody else should take it and
kept it properly with him. He even told me
that he was going to ask our manager
about the same but as Raghu bhai was busy
he kept it with himself.
Saying this he made very sad face, his
expressions was making me guilty, I
suddenly kept my hand on his shoulder with
A: I am really sorry for my words.
He pushed my hand away n said
W: Leave it madam. We returned your
expensive phone and you didn’t have the
courtesy to say thanks, whereas you
started accusing us of stealing.
A: I am really sorry, please come with me to
the car I will give you some money.
W: See madam this is your arrogance of the
money, you think you can buy any poor
person for some money.
A: Hey I didn’t mean that, I was just trying
to reward you.
W: If you truly want to reward me do it here
else leave it.
A: But my purse is in my car, how can give
you here.
W: Madam you can reward me like you done
the same while giving tip.
A: No no, how can I do that. I was bit high
so I did it.
W: Correct madam, you think you can use
us as you want and then accuse us. Leave it
lets go downstairs.
A: Are yar. Why don’t you understand? I
didn’t really mean all that.
He just locked the door n turned backwards
to move. I suddenly felt sad for him n hold
his hands n said
A: Hey please don’t be sad, I am not feeling
well to leave you like this.
I didn’t understand that time, he was
playing with my emotions, but I had effect
of alcohol so I got really dumb to
understand that. The effect of sex, alcohol,
smoke and the moans in that room made
my brain stop to work.
A: I will reward you
He felt happy listening this and tried to hug
me there itself.
A: No not here open the door I don’t want
to do this here.
He joy were touching the sky with this, he
immediately opened the door n pulled me
inside and closed the door behind me.
He tried to kiss my lips but I moved my face
away so his lips landed on my cheeks, I
think he was too happy that he got such
high class lady so he wasn’t here bothered
much about anything, he kissed, licked my
cheeks and neck. His one hand was busy
playing with my boobs and another with my
I pushed him away and said
A: Its enough, now let me go, Javed ji is
waiting for me downstairs.
W: Madam I saved your so expensive phone
and this is the only reward you are giving
to me. Its true madam you were acting only,
you aren’t giving this whole heartedly.
A: I let you kiss me and also let you enjoy
my body still you are not convinced?
W: Madam just imagine if you would have
lost the phone, how much you would have
to be suffered? And tell me is your reward
A: What you want me do now? I don’t have
much time.
W: See if you really want to give reward,
give me atleast hand job.
A: Whatt???????????
W: See I knew you never mean what you
I don’t know what the hell was running my
mind but I agreed to his demand. He was
smiled and dropped his pant, I saw his dick
not much bigger it was around 7” but it has
great girth, almost thick as my wrist and
dense bush around his dirty cock.
I saw his cock, it was already rock hard due
to kissing and fondling me. I unwillingly
moved my hand toward his cock, as I
touched it was hot as iron, current went
through my body and I was getting
aroused. Somehow I controlled my feelings
and started shaking his cock vigorously.
He seemed to be on 7th heaven, his eyes
were closed any enjoying my soft hands on
his dirty hard cock.
I was shagging him but he was nowhere
close to cumming
A: Please cum fast, I have to go.
W: madam I am trying but what I should do,
you show me your boobs may be due to
that I will cum.
I straight away rejected the idea and kept
shagging, but after sometime my hands
were paining so I went close to him took his
hand and kept on my boobs and started
kissing him. He immediately started
pressing boobs harshly, I think that was
enough for him, I felt his cock getting hard
in my hands.
I immediately moved it to other direction
and hot fluid came out of the dick and fell
on the floor, he seemed satisfied.
A: Now happy? Got your reward?
W: yes, thank you madam. You are so sexy.
I didn’t wait there, immediately took my
phone and ran toward the car and got in
back seat. Javed was looking at me when I
sat there.
J: What the hell you were doing inside?
What took you so long?
A: Actually the phone wasn’t in room,
somebody took it while cleaning the room. I
was searching the person so it took time.
J: I was actually going to come inside, I was
scared that if someone tried to molest you.
This is common at this lodge.
A: Luckily nothing sort of that happened,
the waiter helped me to get that, so I had
not much trouble.
I think he got convinced and started the car
n we left to my home.
I was feeling guilty as hell in my mind that
today I let another person in my life to
touch and feel my body also shagged him,
with this thought I don’t know when I slept
in back seat. Javed woke me up when we
reach my apartment and bided my bye. I
rushed to my flat and slept like a dog, I was
dead tired today.
Next day when I woke up I had guilty
feeling in my mind that what I had done?
Javed might be safe for me but getting
involved with another person is how much
But that time the lust has so over taken me
that my brain wasn’t working at all. I was in
dilemma that should I tell Javed about this,
but I decided against it as he might think
me as low level woman who is willing
sleeping with another men. Once he came
to know about my other escapades he
might not even care for my safety and may
reveal about me in the office, so it’s better
not to let him know about it.
To be honest that time I was really feeling
horny thinking about that, this was first
experience for me to be in such place with
such people. I had fantasies about it earlier,
even I said it to my husband that will go to
such pace sometime, it never happened but
here it was fulfilled by my cab driver.
I have never heard a woman moaning so
much like that call girl, it was exciting me
at some point and even I imagined myself
in the place of the girl. Later I felt ashamed
of myself that I have become so slutty.
I decided to take a break from all this for
few days and spend the time with my
husband so that I will help me to get back
to normal. It was anyways Friday and my
husband was supposed to come tonight, so
to surprise him I took a leave from office
and thought we shall be spending long
weekend somewhere out of the town.
I went to parlor done waxing, face cleaning,
hair setting and came back to home, even I
shaved down there n make my pussy silky
smooth. I was just waiting for my darling
hubby to come back. It was afternoon so I
just went asleep for some time thinking
that I will be awake all night, then I was
just feeling shy that now a days I have
become so sex maniac, all the time I think
only about the same.
My sleep broke with the call from my
Husband: Hello dear
Amruta: Hi love, when are you coming I am
waiting for you baby.
H: Dear I just called you to tell that I have
to extend my visit, the signature on the
order is pending from director and it will
take another two days.
I was very angry listening to this
A: Oh come on, I don’t care about all this,
you promised me that you will be here
today and we will be spending the weekend
together. Now you are saying that you
won’t come another two days.
H: Dalring please calm down, try to
understand this is very big order, if we get
this our financial worries will end. We will
be in better position financially.
A: you always say this to me. We were
planning this from last six months and you
still are busy. Why don’t you understand me
how bad I feel?
H: I understand dear but this is last time
please trust me. I promise whatever
happened next weekend we will go to some
beach and spent time together.
A: but this is last time, if next weekend this
doesn’t happen then trust me, you will see
worst side of me.
H: I promise you dear just bear for two
more days. I love you.
A: ok fine. Love you too.
Though I say ok to him I was really furious
because I had prepared so well for this
weekend and importantly I needed this
weekend with him to suppress my slutty
thoughts, as I was getting nastier day by
day. I just was unable to understand what
to do now because I had taken leave from
office stating health reasons so I can’t go to
office and my husband was returning after
two days means this bloody weekend I had
to spent it myself all alone.
My mood was totally down, once I had
thought of calling javed here but that would
be dangerous as my apartment security will
come to know as one of the guy keeps
stalking me so he will surly come to know
about my visitors. I called my friend to
come over but she had planned with her
husband, this was making me angrier about
my husband.
I kept watching the TV mindlessly, it was
around 6 pm and my message tone beeped,
I checked it was javed.
Javed: Hello madam, is everything alright?
I decided not to reply. But after couple of
hours I was really getting boar so I replied
Amruta: Yes. Why?
Javed: I came to know you are on leave so
just I was worried.
I felt so nice that this guy also cared about
me more than my husband. That makes me
sad about my husband and bit affectionate
about javed so I replied.
A: No, actually I was having some plans
with my husband but he got stuck at work.
J: Oh sorry to hear that madam. So what are
your plans now?
A: Nothing as such, he will return on
Monday so just alone till the time.
I replied in emotional mood, without any
J: ok madam. Can I say you something?
A: yes sure.
J: Actually madam tomorrow is my birthday,
I am staying away from my family and I was
missing them so just wanted to share this
with someone.
A: Oh javed ji please don’t feel so sad, why
don’t you go to your home for some days.
J: Not possible madam, we have to save
money working here and send it to them so
that they can survive. I cannot take
frequent leaves, so do it only on festivals.
We don’t have luxury like you madam.
I was really feeling sad for this guy now, he
was so caring and nice but has to suffer due
to his financials. I being emotional I replied.
A: Javed ji I am sorry to hear that but
anyways I am all alone and so are you, we
will meet and celebrate your birthday.
J: Really madam?
A: yes Javed ji.
J: But where shall we meet? Public place if
someone see us then it will be problem for
you. I don’t want any trouble.
A: let’s find some place.
J: but madam, most of places in our city will
be crowded tomorrow and someone may
see us.
Actually what he was is was true,
weekend’s people keeps traveling so there
was possibility of getting caught by
someone. Then nasty thought came to my
mind about going to lodge and my cunt
immediately became moist and that itch I
spoke out
A: We can go to that lodge, if there is no
J: Really? That will be best birthday gift to
A: ya sure, we will go there.
I was worried with the thoughts about
going there and spending couple of days
there, but slut inside me convinced me that
it will be great fun. So we finally agreed to
go there and night time being safe to travel
we decided that he will pick me up at 10

I was getting ready to spend a night with

the cheap driver, this feeling made me feel
guilty as well as excited. I consoled myself
saying that my husband will also be
enjoying his business trip there keeping his
wife dry so why should I worry about it?
Already I had done so much grooming for
my husband but now I was spending night
with another man. I packed a small bag
with some sexy clothes considering to
spend entire weekend with my secret cheap
As I wasn’t going to office that I decided to
dress bolder to excite my cabbie to give
him nice birthday view.
So I wore nice dark blue colored push up
bra which added a boost to my already C
cup showing sexy cleavage with matching
blue panty. I was in dilemma whether to go
for traditional or western look then decided
for western so put on the tightest black
Capri in my wardrobe, which was showing
exact curves below the waist including my
panty line, above that I preferred tight light
blue shirt coming to my waist line and
having V neck, put on high heels and tied
my hairs back to give view of my sexy
I was looking simply hotter in that outfit,
anyone would die to fuck me if sees in it. I
was lost in my looks while observing in the
mirror, I then took bold step to remove my
short mangalsutra and tied the long one,
applied the darkest red lipstick shed I was
having and took out my high heels.
I was waiting for him on my couch and
getting impatient, I got call from him saying
he is reaching in 10 min. I was so excited
that I hurriedly rushed down, fortunately
there was no one downstairs to see me that
sexy outfit.
But I wasn’t so lucky because as I reached
the gate and was waiting for him, someone
called me
Unknown voice: Hello Madam, you are late
I turned around to check who’s that to my
surprise he was the same stalking bastard
watchman of our society, I hated him a lot
because he always used to check out every
woman of our apartment. Especially me,
whenever I used to come from night shift
he used to give leeching smile to me and
also used to rub his cock in front of me as
no one else used to be around that time.
He was a tall 6’2” fellow with very good
muscular body, tough dark in color and had
habit of eating gutkha, I think he was of
same age as mine but I never had any good
feeling about him. I just hated him a lot so I
always used to avoid talking to him.
Amruta: Sorry?
Watchman: Madam you generally go around
5 so asked.
Amruta: Please mind your own business.
W: Madam I was just asking, why are you
getting angry at me?
Amruta: ok I have late office today so going
I replied in angry tone.
W: Ok madam, sorry if you don’t like me
asking you.
I didn’t reply to him but thanks to god
javed came with his car there. I
immediately got into rear seat, just to show
that I am going office like normal.
He too took out the car and we started our
J: Madam thank you so much for spending
time with me on my birthday.
A: No problem, actually I was also getting
boar with the sudden cancelation of my
J: don’t worry madam I will not boar you.
A: javed ji I know that.
Saying this I winked at him. He understood
that I have got into slutty mode. So he
adjusted mirror on my boobs and was
surprised to see sexy cleavage.
J: Amruta you are looking a lot sexy today
in this shirt.
A: Javed ji I have dressed like this to make
your night special.
J: Darling that’s good. You know how to
please your master, don’t you my slut?
A: Yes, your slut knows how to please her
J: Amurta I will make sure this is going to be
your most memorable weekend. Just be a
good whore and obey my commands.
A: yes javed ji, you don’t worry about that,
like last time I will do as I say.
J: that’s my good whore.
After some time we came out of the city, he
was driving on the highway, he stopped
near some dhaba (cheap motel kind of
place which is used generally by the truck
A: what happened javed ji?
J: Slut how many time should I tell you not
to ask me questions.
A: Sorry.
J: you see the pan shop there near dhaba?
A: yes
J: Good now go there and take 2 cigarettes,
lit one there smoke and then come back
seat in front.
Like an obedient slave I went there, the
drivers were looking at me like they were
going to fuck me right there. I seductively
went to the pan shop, the shop owner was
looking me with his jaws open. He was old
fellow 60+ years old, fat, bald, sitting there
with his dhoti and sleeveless kind of shirt.
Amruta: Give me two gold flakes
He was so dumb struck that I didn’t
respond to my request so again I said
A: bhai sahab do gold flake dena. (Mister
please give me two gold flakes)
Pan Shop owner: ha ye le lo. (Ya take this)
I gave him the money and looking for
A: Where is lighter?
PO: please take this.
I took one stick in my fingers and was
looking to keep the other but my outfit
wasn’t having pockets so wondering where
to keep but all people were just looking at
me with their eyes wide open. I felt so
proud to get so much attention so decided
to tease them a bit, I took other stick and
keep it in my cleavage by pulling down the
shirt little bit and there I was showing them
a lot of cleavage, as our car was visible
from there, so I think no one dared to do
I put the stick in my mouth seductively
open my red lips and lit it, puffed the
smoke and smiled at the owner while giving
the lighter back, he also brushed hand but I
didn’t say anything. I went back to car
walking seductively and puffing the
cigarette. Before going to car I made sure
my shirt was in good position and another
stick was in my hand.
I was sure that Javed was unaware about
the things happened at pan store as my
back was towards him, I felt so slutty that I
was even hiding things from Javed like the
waiter and now this. I came back and sat in
car front seat, we smiled at each other.
After driving another 15 min we reached
near the lodge and I took my belonging
from the back seat, put the scarf around my
face keep the neck open as instructed by
We went to the counter, I stood away from
the counter still the guy Raghu looking at
me like fucking with his eyes. I felt shy with
his look as I remind those moans, it was
making my pussy moist, I controlled my
emotions and went to room, this time our
room was not close to stairs but in the
corner of third floor also back facing.
As soon as we went to room he pushed me
and kissed hard on lips, I too responded
with same vigour, e pressed n slapped my
Javed: Oh kya kadak ban k aayi hai tu aj
randi, dekh k hi lund khada ho gaya. (Oh
slut you have come to today in very sexy
look, I got immediate erection in first look.)
His praise was making me wet down stairs,
we kept kissing for a while, he was playing
with my body but I had something else in
my mind, so I pushed him aside. I looked
J: What happened slut?
A: Javed ji it’s your birthday so I have
surprise for you. Please wait for some time.
J: No I can’t wait till I put my cock in that
filthy cunt, I am holding my erection from
long time.
A: Javed ji please listen to me, I want to
make something special for your birthday
so please wait, we have all the time. I am
staying with you till Sunday so we have two
J: Oh darling it’s really difficult to wait, let
me fuck you once.
A: Javed ji please wait for some time and let
me give you my surprise. Then I will do
whatever you say for remaining two days.
J: Are you sure you will do anything?
A: yes you know I do it.
J: Ok then.
Saying this he went to bed and sat down.
Actually I had bought small pastry and
candle for him but I don’t want to open it in
front of him also I wanted to change into
something sexier. But he was sitting there
A: Javed ji can you please go out and come
after I call you?
J: What the fuck is this? Do whatever you
want to do here only. I am not going
He was furious.
A: Please javed ji, try to understand its
surprise I can’t do in front of you and trust
me you will be more than happy.
J: Yaar this is too much but it is also
exciting, I am going down for smoke make
it fast, I can’t wait for long. Make sure it is
great, else I will be pissed off.
A: you won’t regret trust me.
He went out of room, I was happy with that
and started the preparation fast. I took out
the pastry and candle but there wasn’t any
plate, also javed took the lighter so I wasn’t
having lighter. So I picked up the intercom
and dialed the number.
A: hello, I am calling from room no 306 I
want two beers and cigarettes also bring
lighter and plate.
Waiter: ok madam. I will bring.
I put my bag on the bed and pulled out my
sari blouse and petticoat, I wanted to make
his birthday special. I was feeling very
erotic that time as I was going to get ready
for cheap driver instead of my lover,
already kissing and fondling made me wet. I
was about to change the attire, I opened
my shirt buttons but suddenly the door
knocked, so I closed the button but in hurry
one button remained open.
I opened the door and to my shock the
same waiter to whom I gave hand job was
standing there with plate and lighter in his
hand, I took him inside and closed the door.
W: Madam you are looking hotter than
previous night, I wish to fuck you here
A: Don’t be in your dreams keep that things
on table and go away.
Saying this I moved near bed and covered
my belonging under dirty blanket, I don’t
want him to see that. I turned back to see
his eyes were glued to my cleavage and he
wasn’t moving an inch.
W: Madam is your birthday today?
A: No its Javed’s birthday.
W: Wow what a lucky fellow, getting served
by high class woman on his birthday.
A: Shut up and go.
W: Really madam someone need to be
really lucky to have to on his birthday. You
are looking fucking hot in this dress.
A: don’t flirt with me.
Though I was loving his words but I wanted
to get ready for my lover, so I wished him to
leave asap.
W: Madam at least give me hand job like
other day.
A: Shut up you rascal, I am not such
woman. I did it because you gave me my
phone that day.
W: Oh come on, you are getting ready to be
fucked by driver and not even ready to give
me handjob. Even though I am helping you
to arrange.
A: Not now please.
Suddenly came out of my mouth which I
regretted later.
He was man with no patience, he just
hugged me from behind and touched his
cock on my tight ass. This made me go
weak in my knees.
A: Please listen to me I will give you hand
job but not now. He is waiting for me down
W: Ok but at least a kiss.
I agreed, he was happy for this and I turned
around and kiss him on his lips. We kept
smooching for some time and his one hand
was busy fondling my boob and other with
my ass.
I pushed him back n said please leave now.
He immediately left the room licking his
lips. I locked the door from inside and
removed my shirt and Capri, I was just in
my bra and panties admiring myself in
Then I picked up the black color petticoat
and tied it around my waist on the panty
line, way below navel. Then a black color
sleeveless blouse which was having deep
neck in front and back, this is stitched it for
my honeymoon and never wore outside as
it reveal a lot of flesh. I was looking damn
hot in that attire exposing heavy cleavage,
my fleshy belly, and entire back. I draped
red transparent saree above, it was enough
transparent to give glimpse of my cleavage
and belly under it. I loosened my hairs, tied
long mangalsutra around my neck and also
put high heels on.
I looked in mirror, I was looking like a high
class prostitute in that dress. I called javed
and asked him to come up, I lit the candle
and turned off the light, kept the door
unlocked. He came n knocked, I asked him
to come inside.
As soon as he entered he was absolutely
speechless looking at me standing there
with pastry in my hands in that small
candle light with my sexy attire. He
immediately locked the door n said
J: Oh my god. I never imagined my birthday
to look like this, you are looking fucking
sexy in this, I will die to fuck to forever.
I shied to his comment n looked down n
A: Happy birthday Javed ji, from your slut.
Hope you like it.
J: Forget like, I love this you fucking bitch I
will now fuck your brains out.
A: Please don’t hurry let’s eat cake.
I pushed my hand with cake to him, he blew
the candle and there was pitch dark. I
didn’t want to miss this chance so moved
forward n kissed his lips saying happy
We kissed for minute n separated. I gave
pastry in his mouth he took a bite n moved
his mouth towards me to take bite from the
same. I happily obliged and took a bite and
kissed his lips. He took remaining pastry
from my hands and put it on table and
immediately grabbed me started kissing me
wildly. I too was burning in fire so
responded him with same vigor, we were
kissing like mad guys, he slided my pallu
down n looked at milky cleavage.
J: Wow your boobs are so sexy I never had
such white spongy boobs in my life.
He put mouth on my cleavage n kissed n
licked it like dog, he hands were busy in
opening buttons of my blouse. He was so
excited that he didn’t wanted to waste any
time so pushed the cup down n started
sucking my boobs alternately.
I put my hand on his cock, it felt like hard
rock to me. I understood why he is in so
much hurry now.
He undid my saree threw it on the table and
with one hand skillfully undid my petticoat,
now it was lying near my feet.
I came out it, as he was busy with my boobs
I took this chance n removed his shirt n
threw it on floor. We were beyond caring
about our clothes. I pulled his head up n
gave my tongue in his mouth he sucked it
so badly that I thought I will hit my orgasm
there itself. I went down licking and kissing
his hairy chest, doing so I removed his pant
and took cock in my mouth and thoroughly
sucked it.
As the lights were off, we were unable to
see out expressions but we needed a strong
fuck so I kept sucking it for minute like
hungry bitch.
He pulled me up n pressed my back against
the wall again went down licking and
sucking my boobs. He hurriedly pulled my
panty down n threw it away and got up. He
took my one leg up n inserted his hard iron
rod in my cunt
I left out a loud moan
He kept ramming me, I was moaning with
the pleasure I was getting. He put his lips
on mine to shut me up we were kissing as
his cock was moving in my pussy like a
He then turned me around n made me
bend. There I was standing putting my
hands on wall, little bent in the waist, my
open blouse was hanging there and bra
pushed down of my boobs.
He again started pumping me hard from
behind, his one hand moved to my boobs n
kept playing with it. His one hand was kept
on my waist for balance. I had orgasm there
itself so with one hand I pulled his head and
moved my head back ward to kiss him, he
kissed for while n put his both hands on my
waist n kept pumping.
As his pumping increased I knew he was
about to cum and I was true. He pulled out
the cock n came on my ass with loud
moans. We both were painting with
hardcore fuck. Then went back n lied on the
bed, I too cleaned my as with tissue n lied
near him. I was tired to correct my cloths.
I put my arm on him n said
A: Happy with your slut Javed ji?
J: I am so happy my slut, you are really
good. I thank to god that I got your lovely
and juicy body.
A: I am so happy that you liked my gift. I
had great fun.
J: Ya baby. The fun has just started, you will
have lot at end of this weekend.
I said with this with a kiss, I lied down in his
arms, wondering what is going to happen
I was lying in arms of Javed on bed wearing
just my blouse and bra, he has his arms
around my back. He tried to get up, I looked
up at him with question on my face and he
pointed at beer. So I smiled n got up, wore
just panty, took the bottle from table and
handover one to him and took one for me.
We did cheers and started sipping it from
bottle, this time without him asking I just
got up n lit a cigarette.
J: Wa randi to tu mast train ho gayi hai re.
(Good slut you got trained well)
Saying this he slapped my ass before taking
cig from me, I left a seductive moan.
A: Javed ji ab aapka bdy hai to itna farz to
banta hai mera. (It’s your birthday so it’s
my duty to do it)
J: Kuch bhi bol par dil khush kar diya tune
mera aj. (You really made me happy today)
A: Maine aapko bola than a mai aap ko
bahut khush karugi. (I told you that I will
make you a lot happy)
He pulled me to his lap, keeping his bottle
sideways I happily sat down there he
pressed my boobs by that hand.
Now the situation was like this, I was sitting
in his lap without my saree exposing a lot
of my flesh and he just had his undies on
and we were sipping the beer alternately
from same bottle also sharing the same cig
for smoke.
I never ever in my wildest dreams imagined
that I would end up doing this kind of
activity, not only getting fucked in cheap
lodge by a cheap driver but being his slut
and trying everything to make him happy.
We were enjoying the situation like teenage
lovers, sipping same beer, smoking same
cig and kissing n fondling each other in
The atmosphere in the room has become so
erotic that I was turning on again. I started
moving my hands on his hairy chest, he
understood that I am turned on but still
didn’t initiate any action but continued
sipping and kissing.
Like this way we finished three beers and 6
cig, we both were pretty high that time and
also I was lot aroused I starts kissing him
he too responded but his power seem less
may be due to alcohol. I got up pushed him
back on bed licked his fat belly moved up n
sucked n licked his nipple, pulled down his
undies licked his shaft looking seductively
at him. He was hard with my treatment to
his body
I was sucking his dick and gave him deep
throat in between, now as the lights were
turned on we were able to see each other
this time. I was pretty excited to see a
chaste high class wife in her blouse and
petticoat giving him blowjob in such a
cheap lodge.
He got up n also made me stand kissed my
lips, I too responded our tongues were
playing again. He opened the blouse
buttons and this time removed completely
from my body, licking my cleavage neck at
the same time, I thought I am going to have
good foreplay so encouraged him by
pressing his head against my bosoms. He
also licked my mangalsutra looking me in
eyes, this pervert action flooded my pussy
with juices.
Now I was only in my bra and panties with
my long mangalsutra dangling on my
boobs, I was getting impatient so I took my
hands back n unhooked the bra in one snap,
but it was still covering my body as his face
was packed on my bra covered boobs, he
understood that I unhooked the bra so he
gave little space to remove it completely
from my body, now I was only in my panty.
He kept sucking my boobs one after
another, his one hand went to my panty
covered ass n he slapped it hard.
erotic moan came out of my mouth.
He again came near to my face n started
licking my face, his rough tongue was
turning me on. He licked my neck, n moved
to boobs he licked it entirely and took it in
mouth and started sucking it. Oh my god
that was great, I was having my boobs
sucked after months. I was moaning

He was teasing my nipple with his tongue.

He kept sucking and pressing boobs
alternately. He slowly shifted his attention
from my boobs to stomach; he went down
kissing and licking the soft flesh of mine.
He inserted his tongue in my navel……..
I left the moan it was too good, I was
enjoying a lot. He then moved down and
removed my panty in one stroke. He put his
tongue on my love hole n started licking it.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is only
thing came out of my mouth. He inserted
his tongue in it.
He was having great sex skills. He was
mounding my boobs while licking pussy. I
came on his face he licked it happily.
He come up with my cum in his mouth and
transferred it to my mouth while kissing
me, I too licked it like a slut. I touched
down his cock with my hands n directed it
to my cunt, while spreading the legs, he
adjusted himself kissing me and slowly
inserted his cock.
I gasped
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this
time he was being very gentle n slowing
pushed his entire length inside. Once he
was completely in his speed increased, I too
started responding to his strokes from
down side. He looked inside my eyes n
locked lips with me, I was loving this
passionate fucking with him. He kept
pumping for 10 min, this time he wasn’t
eager to change the position, my
excitement was increasing with each of his
stroke. But suddenly his speed increased
and he got up pulled out his cock from my
burning pussy n spread cum all over my
He seems exhausted so lied down
immediately besides me, I loved the session
but I wasn’t expecting him to cum so early,
I still didn’t have the feeling of satisfaction.
I got up went to bathroom, emptied my
bladders which were full due to beer and
cleaned myself entirely, came back to room,
lied next to him.
He was drowsy but I was still awake as my
cunt was still unsatisfied. It would have
been half hour or so, we were sleeping
suddenly there was knock on door, I was
terrified who will be at this time? I just
woke up Javed n asked him to check who’s
at door.
He got up, put on his undies and went to
open the door, I immediately pulled up the
blanket to cover myself. Javed just opened
little bit of door and talking to someone
there, I wasn’t able to hear the
conversation, but it continued for 5 min or
so, I just understood Javed was trying to
convince other person. I didn’t know who
was that and what was they talking about,
but the he closed the door and came to me.
A: What happened Javed ji?
J: It was Raghu the manager of this lodge,
actually we know each other well as I am
coming here since long time. He came to
know from the waiter that its my birthday
today so he came to wish me.
A: Oh that’s great.
Though I said this I was feeling jealous as
he might have fucked many women before
me and that thought was giving me anger,
but I kept calm.
J: come on now get up n wear your clothes.
He said me while wearing his own clothes.
A: Why what happened? We were supposed
to stay here.
J: We are staying here, Raghu is coming
back here. He bought some whiskey and
want to have peg with me.
A: Oh no. We have already drank much, you
are already high. Also why in this room? I
don’t want to be in this room with..
Before I could finish my sentence, he
grabbed my hairs hard, dragged me out of
the bed and hold close to him like a beast.
I could smell the alcohol from his mouth,
he was pretty high that time.
J: Listen bitch, don’t forget your place. You
are just one of my fucking whores, I am
treating you nicely but now you are taking
undue advantage of the same.
I got shit scared with new attitude of this.
A: Javed ji, I am doing whatever you are
saying, but why are you calling another
person in our room.
As soon as I finished the sentence, I got
hard slap on my face. I started crying
looking down, I was hell shocked with
things going on.
J: Amruta look at my face
I still was sobbing looking down, but his
grip on my hairs tighten n I looked up to his
J: Amruta you whore, I told you many times
about the terms of getting my cock and you
agreed, correct or not?
I kept sobbing without replying, he grabbed
my hairs and pinched my nipples.
J: Answer me slut else I will kill you.
I nodded my head in positive.
J: Good now stop all this fucking drama and
get ready like a good slut you are, else I
will dump you on the highway naked for all
people to fuck.
I got frightened with his threat, picked up
all the clothes and went to bathroom
crying. I locked the door from inside, my cry
What I have done? How I can I degrade
myself so much for this bastard driver? Few
weeks back I was loyal respected wife,
though I flirt with some guys but never
went ahead of healthy flirting. Now I was
being insulted by this bastard in cheap
I never realized that agreeing to his
conditions will be resulting in scenario like
this, but alas I was only to blame as I was
the fool to listen everything of him by
surrendering to my sexual appetite. But
there was no option in front of me other
than to obey. So this time I decided to go
with the flow though not whole heartedly.
I wore my all my clothes but this time I
wore the saree in conservative way above
my navel, but blouse was short with deep
neck so however hard I try I wasn’t able to
cover my open back. I came out wearing all
clothes with hairs loose, my makeup has
gone due to heavy crying and my face was
looking dull. I was expecting Raghu to be in
room but he wasn’t there and Javed was
sitting on bed smoking, I didn’t looked at
him just walking towards the bed.
I don’t know what happened to him but he
immediately got up n came to me n hugged
me, there was no response from my side.
J: Look Amruta, we are here to enjoy the
time. I have always been nice to you,
haven’t I?
I just nodded.
J: I never troubled you and also have no
intension to do the same in future. Do
anyone knows you here?
I nodded negative.
J: Then why you behave like a college going
girl? Have I asked you to sleep with other
I nodded negative. I don’t know why but my
mind started to get convinced. I was trying
hard to remain strict.
J: You know other women never disobey me
or question me. That your office girl Priya
has slept with 8 of my friends just because I
asked her to do.
I surprised to hear that, but continued not
J: She is really good, she has good body and
face even she is very wild in bed. Other
woman Mona she was much better in bed
and satisfied me like a cheap whore. Wow
that has been really the best time.
The effect of alcohol was very much in me
and now I was getting jealous that he was
praising other women that also of my office
that too Mona, she was pretty married lady
and used to get lot of attention but I never
thought she will be having affair with this
driver. I didn’t even know whether he was
lying or telling truth but my brain was not
in position to think that.
J: I know nobody would have treated you
the way I did today. But it was you who
made me angry by behaving like fool.
Thanks for giving me company but you have
spoilt it in end.
It was effect of alcohol or his talks I don’t
know, but now I started feeling guilty for
spoiling his mood and that too on his
J: I think let’s make this our last time, I will
call Raghu and ask him not to come. I will
drop you home and we will never meet
again. Enough is enough, I can’t tolerate
Saying this he started walking towards
phone. I like a fool ran to catch him up n
A: Sorry javed ji, I didn’t mean that.
But he pushed me away n called
J: Raghu bhai aj plan cancel karte hai, kal
mai wapas aata hu Priya ko leke fir jam k
maje karege. (Raghu cancel the plan I will
come tomorrow with Priya and we will have
My insecurity and jealousy increased with
her name, I started begging him
A: Javed ji I am sorry, please listen to me
and please forgive for my misbehavior.
J: Madam please stop this drama, collect
your chores we are leaving now.
His tone has changed from Amruta to
A: Javed ji I will never say anything to you,
its your birthday I am culprit of spoiling
your mood. I will correct it.
Saying this I dropped my pallu and went to
him tried to hug him but he pushed me
away put my pallu on.
J: Madam please enough I am not in mood.
Let’s finish everything.
I directly felt down n hold his legs beggar.
There were tears in my eyes.
My brain was saying what the hell are you
doing, few minutes’ back you decided to cut
off all the ties with him and now he is doing
exactly what you want still you are begging
this fucker. But my mind was blank and
wanted to continue.
I think this made little change in his
attitude n he immediately pulled me up
affectionately. But he was adamant on
J: Madam all ok but we will go. I am not in
mood, we will see later what to do.
A: No javed ji I am here to spend weekend
with you. I will not go and please call me
amruta, slut, whore don’t call me madam.
J: No madam this has happened many times
and I am not interested in this relation now.
Again there was tears in my eyes n I said
A: Javed ji please give your slut a last time,
I won’t disappoint you. Please remember
how much I prepared for your birthday, I
want you to be happy.
He pulled me close n put hand on my
J: Then why you behave like stupid bitch
amruta? Why all of sudden you do drama?
Listen as you celebrated my birthday,
considering that I am giving you final
chance. But this is final chance, if you
overreact even one single time. There is no
other escape.
I became happy to listen that, I immediately
hugged him and kissed his lips, he too done
the same.
J: Now listen because of you I have cancel
the plan so you will call him to come and
remember you have to behave like a good
slut of me and a good host to my friend.
I smiled n said ok. I went to phone n called
the counter
Raghu: Hello Who this?
A: hello I am calling from 306. Javed ji
calling you in room.
R: But he just called me said to cancel.
A: Ya but he has changed the mind, so
please I request you to come to our room.
R: Ok I will come in 10 min.
A: Javed ji he will come in 10 min.
J: Now wash you face, get ready to a good
host to him.
I went to bathroom again and washed my
face, applied little make up also red
lipstick. I was so dying to make javed happy
that I readjusted my saree made it below
waist and also pushed my blouse to expose
my cleavage more. I smiled like slut and
came back to room. Javed was happy to see
me back in this avatar. The door knocked,
he was going there to open but I stopped
him n asked to sit on chair. Even he was
surprised to see change in me.
Javed was sitting in the chair and the
knocked again, I adjusted my clothes made
sure that my pallu is in position and not
exposing the cleavage still my back and
belly was visible due to the low waist saree.
I opened the door with smile, he was shell
shocked to see me in this attire, looking at
me with his jaws dropped I smiled at him n
asked to come in.
He came in, I locked the door. Javed
immediately called him
J: Are welcome Raghu
Raghu came back in his sense with his voice
and went near to Javed n hugged him
R: Javed bhai happy birthday. You didn’t tell
us but thanks to waiter he informed me
looking at the cake in your room.
J: it’s not like that Raghu, anyways thanks
for wishing me.
Raghu handed over the bottle to him as gift
and javed was delighted to see it. I saw it
was some whiskey bottle not expensive
kind of but I think these people are
anyways not able to afford the expensive
J: Let’s have peg celebrating your birthday.
J: Ya sure thanks a lot for this gift to me
Javed handed over the bottle to me n asked
to make pegs for them, I asked them to be
seated so Javed sat on chair and Raghu
opposite to him on the bed.
I took the bottle n made couple of pegs n
handed over to Javed first, he winked at me
and then I turned around to give the glass
to Raghu, I had to bend a little which made
my pallu displaced, giving glimpse of my
cleavage to Raghu, he licked his lips
looking at it and gave me wicked smile, I
did not respond to his advances and went
away from him.
As javed was about to say cheers, Raghu
R: Madam is not going to join us.
I just looked at Javed with question in my
eyes, I replied with eyes to have one, so
unwantedly I made a small peg for me as
well and took glass in hand. I sat on the
handle of Javed’s chair. We made a cheers
and started drinking.
R: Javed bhai thank you so drinking with
J: Its my pleasure Raghu, I should thank you
for doing all this
R: Are Bhai you are our regular customer
also my good friend so it’s my duty to give
small token of our friendship.
J: You have made my birthday more
wonderful with this Whiskey.
R: Please don’t say that Javed bhai, you
already are enjoying here with madam.
J: Oh that’s true, she had made this as my
best birthday till date.
Saying this he kissed my cheeks in front of
him, I was feeling little awkward to be in
this position but I didn’t have other option
so I was going with the flow. Javed put his
one hand on my waist n caressed a little, I
felt ticklish with his touch. Already I was
horny n now alcohol was adding its effect
on me. Due to javed hand, my saree was
little displaced so part of my smooth belly
was visible to him as most of the time
Raghu was looking there only.
R: Javed Bhai, can we have cig
J: Yes sure, there is point in drinking
without smoking. Darling please take cig
Saying this both of them laughed, I just
smiled casually, got the packet and pulled
one cig lit it and gave it to javed, also I
pulled another n gave it Raghu but didn’t lit
it. He put that in his mouth and asked for
lighter, Javed signaled me so I went near
him n lit it bending a little, again he got
view of my cleavage. This time he was bold
to give me flying kiss, as his actions were
not visible to Javed. I became shy n
immediately went to my place, adjusting
the pallu.
They both have finished their pegs n javed
asked me to refill. This time I made pegs on
table n give it to them without bending. I
saw disappointment on Raghu face as this
time he didn’t have feast of my cleavage.
They again finished the second one also the
cig was over, Javed seems to be high as he
already had finished 3 beers and Raghu was
normal so there was not much effect on him
after two pegs.
Javed asked to make another but I wasn’t
willing as I didn’t wanted him to go out of
his senses so this time I made small peg for
Javed n larger peg for Raghu n filled coke in
it. So they were not aware about this. Also
smaller one for me, we started drinking but
I too started getting high as already I had
beer n now whiskey it became a cocktail.
Javed asked me for cig I opened the pack
and gave them cig, Javed was really high
with two large pegs n now getting bolder
with me. This time he directly pulled me to
his lap while drinking, I was in such position
that my one side was towards Raghu,
unfortunately it wasn’t covered with saree,
so he eyes were having feast of my belly
and blouse covered boobs. I was sharing cig
with Javed and Raghu was looking lustily at
me like he was stripping me with his eyes. I
was also enjoying teasing someone and so I
too grew bolder n put my hand around
Raghu must having be jealous due to this
but unable to do anything.
R: Javed bhai you are really lucky you are
enjoying such a hottie with you on your
J: That’s true brother, she is really
R: I can see that she has amazing face and
her fig is just sexy.
J: Yes, she has such a sexy fig. I never wish
to leave her body, that’s so addictive.
My cheeks were red due to the shame as
they were talking nasty about me, Javed
was totally under influence of alcohol and
Raghu was taking advantage of the same.
While talking Javed suddenly pinched my
hips n I bit my lips with it, I was getting
turned on due to talks and movements of
Javed’s hand.
R: by the way brother who is she?
J: Darling please tell him who are you to
A: I am Javed ji girlfriend.
J: Tell him frankly bitch, you are not just my
girlfriend but my personal slut.
I was so ashamed so say this just looked
down with the same. Raghu was looking at
me for answer and Javed again pinched my
A: I am Javed ji personal slut.
R: You have such a good collection of sluts
Javed Bhai.
J: thanks bro.
R: but I don’t believe about her brother
because your other sluts are really horny
they always used to kiss you get fondled by
you even in front of me but she is just
shying away.
Javed was bit upset to hear this as he
thought I am not totally in his control,
alcohol effect and taunting from Raghu was
making him freak. He looked me with anger
as he thought this is insulting for him I also
got the point. So I immediately kissed him
on lips, we smooched for 2 min n then
J: Look she also is not shy brother, all my
sluts are like this.
Raghu was happy to see me as while
kissing, my saree was displaced giving him
a good view of my belly. I wasn’t able to
adjust the saree due to fear of Javed so I
just remained quiet. Suddenly he said
R: Javed bhai I need cig.
I got up giving angry look to Raghu but he
was smiling like bastard. I picked up the
packet but to my surprise there wasn’t a
single cig, I remembered having two cig
there, then I realized this bastard is playing
some trick. I said to Javed that cig is over,
Raghu was quick to reply
R: Oh that’s sad, Javed bhai I will go n get
But to my surprise Javed said
J: No Raghu you are my guest, I cant ask
you to go like this, let this bitch go n get it.
I was surprised to listen this as he was
treating me like a slave but I didn’t want to
make him angry so decided to go. I wanted
Raghu to leave ASAP as I was little horny n
wanted to have one encounter with Javed
before going to sleep. I adjusted me clothes
n went down to get cig as soon I went to
ground floor, I saw the waiter was there at
W: Madam how come you here? I thought
you would be enjoying with both of them till
A: Shut up I want pack of cig.
W: So your one round over or what?
A: Shut up rascal I am not like that, I just
came here with Javed and not interested in
other things. Just give me pack.
W: Madam come on don’t forget how horny
you were when you listen the moans of that
girl on that night.
Suddenly that pic came to my mind n I felt
little wetness down there. Alcohol and
smoke was making me lose my senses. I
reply with shame
A: Oh no no, nothing like that happened.
W: Don’t lie to me madam, you were so
horny that you were imagining y cock as
Raghu’s while giving me hand job.
This conversation was turning me on, so I
decided to cut it down.
A: Just give me packet.
He got one packet but didn’t gave it to me
but said.
W: I will give it but anyways you can try
Raghu tonight, you will have more fun
maybe I can hear your moans like that girls.
I was so ashamed to listen it that, just
snatched the packet and ran toward stairs,
he wasn’t able to move from there, so I
went upstairs and entered the room but to
my horror they had one more peg on while I
was away and Javed was pretty high.
I lit the cig and handed over to them, I was
sitting in lap of Javed he directly kissed me
on lips n pressed my boobs, he seemed to
be very horny, may be they had some nasty
talks while I was away but he was openly
fondling me I too was aroused due to it n
looked towards Raghu with lust in eyes. I
moved his hands like he was pressing my
boobs, I immediately looked to Javed. In 5
min Javed movement reduced n regained
Suddenly Javed got up, so was I n said
J: I will be back from bathroom.
I was horrified by thought that for some
time I will be alone with Raghu, I could see
tent formed in his pant.
Javed started walking towards the
washroom, my heart was beating faster and
Raghu was smiling lecherously at me. I just
looked down in shame, as soon as he went
inside the washroom, Raghu came near me
R: janeman ek baar muze bhi chance dede,
bada maja duga, siddha jannat dikhauga.
(Darling give me one chance and I will show
you heavenly pleasure)
I just looked down in shame, actually I was
feeling horny and wanted to be touched by
him as already waiter has reminded me of
the moans of call girl, I had taken alcohol
more than my capacity and to add more
effect Javed had fondled me. But to show I
am not like common whore I said
A: Nahi mai sirf javed ji k liye aayi hu yaha.
(No I came here only for Javed)
R: Ek baar mera lund legi to mere liye bhi
aayegi tu Sali. (Bitch once you take my cock
you will come here for me as well)
Saying this he came closer to me n hold my
hand n put it on his cock above the
trousers. I wanted to withdraw the hand
immediately but my horny mind didn’t allow
me to do that. Instead I kept it there, he
sensed that and put his hand on my ass n
grabbed it, little moan came out of my
mind. But I came back to sense immediately
and got away from him.
He knew now that I wanted the cock but I
was just shying away, so he again came
R: Are nakhre kyu kar rahi chal mast maje
karte hai (Why are you acting like this,
come on lets have fun)
A: Nahi mai sirf Javed ji k sath hi karugi (No
I will do it with Javed only)
R: Ek baar balble to dikha meri jaan.
(Atleast show me your boobs once)
A: Nahi please aap dur jao Javed ji bahar aa
jayege (Please go away Javed will come out)
R: Are kuch nahi hota tu dar mat pallu hata
(you don’t worry just remove your pallu)
I denied but didn’t move away from him,
this time he got little bold and removed his
cock from pant n showed me.
R: Dekh tere liye kab se khada hai (See this
is hard for you from long time)
I was mesmerized by its size it was 10” long
but 4” thick, that made me go weak in my
knees, sensing this he immediately put my
hand on his bare cock, to my own surprise I
tightly grab it, he wasted no time in
grabbing my boobs with his hands.
R: Hila jor se (Stroke it)
I stroked it for few times and we listened
some noise from toilet, I immediately came
back to sense and moved away from him.
R: Are kya hua? (what happned?)
A: Wo aa jayege please ab nahi (He will
come not now)
R: Matlab baad me degi na? (Means you will
give it later)
Saying this his smiled cunningly, I didn’t
respond and the door was about to open,
we immediately corrected our clothes and
regained our positions. I was looking at
Javed, it seems like he was about to be
passed out and he too realized it so said
J: Raghu I think I drank too much, lets finish
I was happy to listen as I thought Raghu
will go away and I can have final round with
Javed, but Raghu had some other plans.
R: Ok Javed bhai, we will just have a last
J: No yar, please I think I will pass off.
R: Nothing happens by a peg, we drank
earlier as well, don’t worry about it, its just
one peg
J: Ok fine.
I was disappointed to listen this as I knew if
javed drink more he won’t be able to fuck
me and I didn’t wanted that to happen so I
decided that while making peg, I will make
very small for javed and bigger one for
Raghu. But then unexpected happened he
got up and came to table n said
R: I will make last peg for us, madam don’t
Javed was sitting on chair, I was near the
table, it was behind the chair so Javed was
unable to see what is happening behind, I
was worried as I knew he will again take
advantage of this and I was right. As soon
as he reached near me, I came behind me n
pushed to table n pressed his hard cock on
my ass, I started looking my struggle
because of this, he was grinding his cock
while making peg, that made me close my
eyes and he immediately made bigger pegs
for both of them n whispered
R: Kya mast gand hai re teri, masalne me
maja aayega mere ko. (You have sexy ass, I
will enjoy squeezing it)
I didn’t respond, he pressed me hard on
table n kissed my bare back n turned
around with pegs. They both started
drinking I was standing behind Javed’s
chair, there was now lust in my body which
was getting reflected in my eyes. Raghu
was looking lustily in towards me, javed
was too drunk to notice.
R: Madam one cig please.
J: Give it to him only I don’t want any now.
This is time I intestinally went to him with
cig, put it in his mouth and tried lit it but
this time my pallu was displaced totally and
he was having clear view of my valley, on
pretext of holding cig he extended his hand
and squeeze my boobs, I just smiled looking
at him, my back was towards Javed so I was
sure he won’t notice.
I got up n again stood behind javed but
didn’t correct pallu, he was looking with his
wide open eyes towards my boobs. I too
started teasing him by winking, Javed was
talking something to Raghu but he was
having difficulties in concentrating to Javed
due to me.
To tease him more I removed the pallu
completely n bend down licking my lips n
from behind I kissed Javed while looking
towards Raghu, he was getting impatient
but unable to do anything. Soon their
drinks finished and Javed said
J: Thanks Raghu for the drink lets meet
Raghu understood he wanted Raghu to
leave so he got up, I too immediately
corrected my pallu and Javed escorted him
to door, I again to tease him blew a flying
kiss, I can see anger in his face. But then
Javed locked the door n came to me, he
kissed me wildly but he was losing balance,
I was hell horny so kept kissing him madly,
removed his entire clothes he dropped
himself on bed, he was totally lost in
alcohol, I took his cock to suck as he wasn’t
erect, I sucked for a while but he wasn’t
getting erection, so got up to kiss him and
to my surprised he was dozed off like that
only on the bed. I still went to him n tried
to wake but he was totally not in this
I was pissed off and irritated like hell but
unable to do anything, already I was too
horny due to drink, fondling and teasing of
Raghu, I went n lied next to javed fully
dressed but I wasn’t getting sleep due to
my wet pussy.
Raghu’s cock was flashing in my mind again
and again, but I was trying to control my

I was lying there on the bed and unable to

sleep due to the thoughts. I wanted a cock
inside me but at the same time a wife in me
was saying to control myself as I have
already lost the dignity by fucking with the
office cab driver and now my mind was
craving for the cheap guy working in some
cheap lodge. I did not wanted to be a slut,
but the lust in my mind was making me
Somehow I was controlling my mind and
trying to stop it from thinking about the
fuck and tried hard to sleep. But destiny
had some other plans for me, I was being
restless and unable to sleep. I check the cig
but it was over so I called the reception,
this time someone else received it again I
was bit nervous and asked him to deliver
the cig to my room. I was lying on bed only
and then the door slowly knocked, my
heartbeat rose listening that knock as javed
was out of sense and I knew I won’t be able
to control myself if waiter comes.
I went to door slowly and opened door to
my surprise Raghu was standing there,
seeing him my lips went dry.
R: Please have this.
I was looking at him with full lust and to my
surprise he did not make any advances but
behaved professionally and handed over me
the cig. I was feeling sad that the person
who was about to fuck me is showing no
interest but then I thought he must have
masturbated that’s why he isn’t interested,
so I was about to close the door he asked
about Javed
R: Where is Javed bhai?
A: he is sleeping inside.
R: Ok then can I smoke with you?
A: No he is sleeping in room and I don’t
want him to see us together smoking.
He understood I too wanted his company
but I was scared of Javed.
R: don’t worry, he drank too much and
won’t wake up till morning.
A: What if he woke up in between? I will be
in total mess.
R: ok then, come out then we will smoke in
A: No please, I don’t want to smoke outside
people may see me.
R: Wait then I will see if some room nearby
is open.
We both knew that this was not about
smoking but fucking, still we were
pretending that. He went off hurriedly, I
came back to room and applied make up n
lipstick as it was bit displaced due to
Javed’s activity and waited for him at door.
He came back almost running n knocked, I
immediately opened the door.
R: There is one room vacant on the other
side, we will smoke there.
Saying this I came out n locked the door
from outside n followed him. We started
walking to the other side of corridor and he
went to last one n opened the door. I went
inside the door and he too followed n
closed it
R: Sorry madam but I don’t have cig, I hope
you don’t mind sharing with me.
I was expecting this so I said
A: Ya no problem
Put the cig in my mouth seductively by
pulling my tongue n keeping back again and
asked him for the lighter. He handed over
me the lighter n brushed my hand doing it.
I looked at him with the lusty eyes and lit
the cig, took a long puff and handed over
the same to him.
While he was taking puff, his eyes were
constantly at me so I licked my lips looking
at him n just slid the pallu little bit to give
him the glimpse of my cleavage. He smiled
at me seductively and handed over the cig
to me. As soon he handed the cig, he went
and sat on chair little away from him. I took
the puff again n released the smoke looking
into his eyes, walked a bit to him n gave
him cig.
Next he did was again taking a puff and
handed over back to me, I was getting
impatient as he wasn’t making any move
towards me. So slut in my body woke up n
decided not to think about anything but get
his cock.
So this time a made a very bold move, I
went to him took a long puff, bent down n
directly kissed his lips n transferred the
smoke in his mouth. He immediately pulled
me towards him n I sat on his lap by putting
my both legs spread. He was quick to kiss
me this time n I was happy as finally he
made some move. He pulled the cig from
me n extinguish the cig n threw it away.
We realized that its not time for teasing
and to move to our business for which we
are here. We started kissing madly to each
other, I kept my hands behind his head and
was kissing him deeply. I could smell the cig
and gutkha from his mouth but nothing to
be cared in front of the burning pussy.
He extended his tongue and I welcomed it
by opening my mouth. His right hand went
to my saree covered left boob n grab it
immediately. We were kissing so deeply
that I was able to taste the gutkha particle
from his mouth, I removed my one hand
from his back n removed my pallu.
He was getting wild with each passing
moment as I could sense his pressure
increased on my boob. His left hand was
now at my ankle n started his journey to up
with my saree n petticoat enjoying the
softness of my body. My both hands came
forward n tried removing his shirt, one by
one I removed all his shirt buttons n started
moving hands on his bare hairy chest, his
body shape was better than Javed as he
wasn’t having pot belly. Seems like he used
to work out I was able to figure out by the
touch of his hard body.
He went down licking my neck n cleavage
R: Wow you have a silky smooth skin baby
A: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I just moan in response.
R: I knew you wanted my cock but
unnecessary acting you were doing,
I didn’t respond but the pulled me sideways
n asked again,
A: yes I need your cock
R: That’s like a good slut
Saying this he patted my saree covered ass,
I again took his lips in mouth n sucked it.
Heat inside me was just uncontrolled by
this time, I pulled out his shirt completely,
he too didn’t wait n unhooked my blouse n
pulled one boob out of bra n licked the
nipple n took it mouth, he was sucking like
a baby.
I pushed his head on my boob with my one
hand and I was feeling his bare back with
another. The room was filled with my
moans. He also took out another boob from
my bra and I took my efforts to remove my
blouse and bra from the body to let him
enjoy my bare boobs, his rough hands were
making red marks on my soft white skin, he
suddenly bit on my boob n I screamed
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please don’t
But his was not going to listen it anyways,
he kept sucking my boobs alternately, I
pushed him aside n got up from his lap, he
too was quick to get up n hug me there
itself, first time our entire top body was
touching each other as both had the flat
bellies, my boobs crushed entirely in his
chest and my belly was touching his, there
was absolutely no gap in between our
upper bodies.
I couldn’t resist at this moment n again
kissed his lips, he too responded with the
vigor. Meanwhile he removed his pant while
kissing me only n took my hand to keep on
it, to my surprise he wasn’t wearing
anything inside and his cock was rock hard
standing like a poll. That made my pussy
more wet n I bit his lips, he slapped my butt
really hard with that bite.
He pushed my aside n spit on my face, I
didn’t feel offended but to his surprise I
licked some of his spit from my lips, he
became happy with the response n spit
once again, I again licked it with my
tongue. He immediately spit few more
times n spread it on my face entirely and
licked it with his tongue.
This was new experience for me as I have
never done such thing in my life, though I
seen some in porn movies.
He asked me to open my mouth and I
obliged to his command, this time he
directly spit in my mouth and I happily
swallowed it. He kissed me on my lips just
like giving reward for my cheap n dirty act,
I responded the kiss. He quickly removed
my saree from petticoat and untie the
petticoat as well, now I was just in my
panties and mangalsutra there kissing him
R: You are such a great whore yar. I never
thought you will be so wild n submissive.
Saying this he slapped my ass. He then
made me stand near the bed, asked me to
bend by keeping my hands on bed. As soon
as I bent down a hard slap hit my panty
covered ass.
R: Wow you have amazing ass, whats the
size bitch?
With this question there was another slap
A: 36
I shouted in pain, but it was making him
R: Your boobs size?
Again another slap, he was slapping me
with every question.
A: 34
R: Are I forgot to ask, whats the name of
this whore?
R: Wow what a sexy name. So are married?
A: aaaaaaaaaaaaa
R: Great I always love married whore they
are just wild in the bed.
Again a slap, my ass cheeks were red due
to his attack, I was damn sure my shouting
would have been audile outside like the girl
on that day.
He stopped n again pulled me in his
embrace n kissed me wildly, he pushed me
downwards to his cock. I too happily went
there, kissed the tip of his cock and I could
hear his moan with the touch of my soft
mouth on his hard cock.
I slowly licked his shaft n took in my mouth,
he started moaning with my sucking
R: Ohhhh Amruta you are good
suckerrrrrrrrrr, you suck better than many
I was happy to hear that I have good skills.
I kept sucking his cock and he hold my hairs
n gaged me, I too tried to take it entirely.
As I had already taken of Javed taking this
wasn’t main problem for me, I
deepthroated him for a while n then he
pulled me up.
Removed my panty in one go, threw me on
the bed, came near me put my both legs on
his shoulder, I was getting ready for the
long awaited fuck. And finally he inserted
the cock inside me, I closed my eyes in
hhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkkk me eeeeeeeeee
R: yes bitch I was waiting for
He rammed inside me n started increasing
his speed, I was enjoying his strokes
A: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
R: What a tight cunttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
A: Fuckkkkkkkkkkk meeeeeeeeeeeeee
He needed no more instructions, he held
my waist n started stroking really hard. I
was getting a lot of pleasure and my pussy
release its orgasm, as it was waiting a long
time for a cock. With my orgasm he pulled
me up n made me sit in doggie style.
He put back his cock in my cunt from
behind, hold my waist n his piston started
moving inside me. He then held my hairsn
started slapping my ass with each stroke
like riding horse. I just loved the rough way
he was treating me and got another
orgasm, he kept fucking me in this pose for
while n then got up n sat on chair n asked
me to come n sit.
I went to chair put my both legs on his both
sides sat down taking his cock in my cunt,
then put my two legs on chairs side n
started jumping on his cock.
hhhhh keep jumpingggggggggggggggggg
Saying this he pulled me to his side n
kissed me, I kept jumping for a while
kissing n got tired in sometime. He
understood that n lifted me in same
position n kept me on bed in missionary
position n started fucking me hard.
He bent down n sucked my boobies while
fucking me hard, I was also responding to
his strokes from downwards. He took my
mangalsutra in his hand n kept it on my
boobs n sucked it with the nipples, this
made my another orgasm, in few minutes
his stroke increased, so his grip on my
boobs. He suddenly pulled out his cock n
came all over my boobs n mangalsutra.
He seems satisfied, so was I. then he did
weird thing, he took my mangalsutra
soaked in his cum n took near my mouth
asked me to lick his cum on it. I felt so
weird n exciting, so without any resistance I
licked all the cum from it.
He was happy that I obliged to his
command, he kissed my lips as reward.
R: I liked your body a lot, it is really sexy.
I just smiled n kissed him in response.
We lie there for some time and he got up n
started wearing the clothes, I looked at
R: Darling I need to leave now, I have
business to manage.
A: Sure
R: I had great time with you, you are such
big whore
I smiled in response
A: I too enjoyed with you Raghu.
He started leaving the room and I stopped
A: Wait let me also come.
R: You dress up n lock the room and keep
the keys with you, I will take it later.
A: Ok
He left and then I just lie down for some
more time and then got dressed up, locked
the room and went to my room. Javed was
sleeping peacefully and snoring, I just
looked at him n smiled.
I lied near him n thinking, what a slut I have
become, before 2 weeks I was loyal wife
committed to my husband and now after
Javed my pious cunt has taken another cock
of Raghu. But to be honest I wasn’t having
any guilt in my mind but it increased the
horny feeling inside me. I tried to sleep but
was unable to sleep due to heavy snoring of
Javed, I looked the watch it was showing 4
in the morning. I have to spend one more
day here and maybe I was thinking of
having Raghu one more time.
Oh my god what a whore I have become, a
thought cross my mind but I just smiled to
my own thought. As I was unable to sleep I
just went to washroom for pee I heard small
noises from side room, those noises were
enough to make me horny again. I hurried
myself out of washroom and thinking to call
Raghu as tomorrow it wont be possible
when Javed is awake so I dialed the
reception but no one answered.
Suddenly I remembered the noises from
side room n I felt jealous “is he fucking
other girl? Even after fucking with me?” so I
decided to peck outside to check if
possible. I slowly opened the door n try to
peck but my bad luck I wasn’t able to see
anything. So I again went to washroom to
check the noises, the moaning was still
continued so I again decided to peck. As
soon as I opened the door I saw waiter
going that door, so I waited for him to come
When I saw him coming out and locking the
door, I signaled him he immediately came to
W: madam what happned? What are you
doing here?
A: Nothing, just was unable to sleep so try
to peck out.
W: Where is sir?
A: He is drunk n slept there.
I pointed towards the bed, he smiled at me.
I was curious to know who was there in
room, so asked him.
A: So you went to serve your boss?
W: no he is downstairs and tired. Why you
want him or what?
I felt little better to know that he isn’t
fucking someone, so I smiled myself.
A: No I just heard the noise from my near
room so I thought he is there.
W: No he is downstairs, but even if you
want he wont come now.
A: Why?
W: He has fucked someone and tired now.
A: Oh really?
W: Ya. I thought he fucked you but you
don’t looked fucked.
A: Shut up don’t say such words to me.
W: Oh come on madam you seems horny so
you came to check the noises.
A: Nothing like that I was board so I pecked
W: Can I come in?
A: No if he wakes up then it will be
I looked nervous after I said that, I casually
A: Who is in that room?
W: he is a truck driver, whenever he come
to this route he visit our place.
A: ohh
W: he is also good fucker madam like my
A: Shut up I am not interested.
W: If you want I can show you there
A: How?
W: I am going inside to give him cig his face
won’t be to the door you can give a peck
and he won’t be able to know this.
A: No no. I don’t want this.
W: See madam anyways you were looking
for that I suggested rest your choice.
A: But what if he finds out
W: Don’t worry, he won’t. He is too drunk
and never bother about door. Also I am not
asking you to come inside just a peck from
A: Is it really safe?
W: Madam either you trust me or leave it
After thinking about it for a minute, I
decide to go for small adventure. So I
nodded him in affirmation.
W: I will go inside n keep small opening in
door then you can have a peek inside.
I nodded n he went inside, as said by him
he didn’t close the door completely there
was some gap in between, I just pecked
through it and instantly my nipples went
hard with the scene inside.
The man was heavy built without pot belly
totally naked and he has lifted the girl in
his arms, the girl was kind of slim girl with
big ass. Her legs were on his hands and she
has put her hands around his neck and they
were fucking in standing position. This was
too much for my cunt it immediately
started oozing the juices. I have seen this
in porn but never in real, so I was horny
with the scene, I immediately came to door
of my room and the waiter came in 2
W: So madam you like it?
A: How can they do in front of you?
I asked with amusement.
W: Come on madam, she is whore of this
lodge and I also have fucked her so nobody
has the problem.
A: That’s weird.
W: So satisfied by watching or want to join
A: Shut up you bastard.
W: Madam but I am too horny now after
watching that, can I kiss you?
A: Are you mad? Javed is here if he wakes
up he will kill you.
W: Are madam I am just asking for kiss.
A: No no I can’t.
Though I also was horny and wanted a cock
but was afraid. But his insistence and
moaning noise was making me weak. So I
finally gave up
A: let’s do a thing, your boss and javed was
drinking in other room and kept the keys
here. We can go there.
He was jumping with joy with my answer, he
has no reason to say no.
W: I will just keep the stuff downstairs and
come back.
A: Ok then come to that room in the corner.
Saying this I pointed towards the room
door, he immediately went downstairs. I too
got the keys closed my room n went there. I
thought of giving him surprise so removed
my saree n kept on chair, I was just
standing there in blouse and petticoat. I
close the door but didn’t locked it, he came
in few minutes n knocked the door. I asked
him to come in.
As he stepped in he was surprised to see
me this way, he immediately locked the
door n came hugged me, directly put his
lips on mine. I was too horny to resist so
kissed him back. We were hugging n kissing
each other while standing there only.
His hands were moving on my open back
and feeling the smoothness of the skin,
slowly one hand went down to grab my ass.
I left a small moan with his pressure on my
ass, I pulled him closer to me and now my
boobs were crushed in his chest.
My cunt was already releasing its juices and
he was getting too impatient to leave me. I
pushed him to get some breath he just
parted lips but kept hugging me.
He didn’t gave me much time to breath and
again pressed his lips on mine, we were
again engrossed in deep long kiss. He took
my hand n kept on his cock, the hardness of
it made me wanted to get it inside my cunt.
I stroked his cock above his pant, he then
parted from kiss
W: Madam please take it out
I immediately obliged n took it out n
started stroking it, pulled his head n my
cleavage n he was busy licking the same.
With his one hand he tried to pull my
petticoat up but I slapped his hand to stop
him, he understood n kept pressing my ass
above it.
He started requesting
W: Madam I have a request
A: What
W: Please suck my cock, I am too horny and
I don’t have any money to fuck a whore.
A: So you think I am whore to be fucked
I said angrily.
W: NO madam it was my dream to touch
you. You are sexiest woman I have seen in
my life, thanks for allowing me to touch
you. But after I saw them in room my mind
in uncontrolled, so I am requesting.
A: No way I won’t suck your cock.
W: Madam please help a poor guy last time,
I won’t ever bother you.
A: Don’t make emotional blackmail, I won’t
budge this time.
W: madam please try to understand, my
cock is aching and I am just asking for a
suck. At least take it in mouth for minute.
While we were having this conversation, we
were kissing each other in between and he
was continuously fondling my body. I was
already horny with lot of fondling and also
wanted to have some fun but my mind was
trying to control me. But finally slut in me
awake n asked me to have fun. Also I was
feeling sad for this poor guy as I haven’t
allowed him anything more than kiss n
fondling. So I said him
A: ok remove your clothes n sit on chair.
He was too happy he pulled his shirt n
threw aside n dropped his pant down and
hurriedly went n sat on chair looking at
I smiled at his impatience and to his
surprise removed buttons of my blouse one
by one seductively licking my lips. He tried
to get up but I signaled him to be there, he
was waiting for my next move.
I slowly went to him, to his surprise I put
hands on his shoulder he was about to say
something but I put my finger on his lips to
not to talk. Took hold of his cock with my
one hand went slowly downwards n looked
at his cock n took my mouth near it then
looked in his eyes he was waiting to take it
in mouth but I just smiled n got up.
I could the frustration is face but I was
smiling at him, I decided to give me best
surprise of his life n hold his cock, pulled
my petticoat till knees n sat down on his lap
by adjusting his cock directly into my cunt.
(As I had already removed my panties in my
room only). I could sense his expression it
was like he was on cloud nine, I started
moving on his cock n took his hand n put on
my bra covered boobs.
He immediately grabbed it hard n started
thrusting his cock in my cunt from
downwards. My job was done now his speed
increased n kept fucking me from
downwards, I pressed my boobs on his face
he licked it.
Our tempo was increasing with time, I
pulled one boob out of bra and gave it in
his mouth, and he was quick to suck the
same. He wasn’t much skilled in fucking so
impatiently he was sucking my boob n
thrusting from below.
I got tired of this position as my knees
started hurting, he sensed that and we got
up I stood up n put my hands on top of
chair, he adjusted himself on my back side
pulled my petticoat to waist n inserted his
cock from behind.
It was erotic scene, I was bend down on the
chair with my petticoat bunched around my
waist from behind, one boob out of my bra
and mangalsutra hanging down he was
thrusting me from behind holding my waist.
He kept pumping from behind n soon was
about to come n asked me where to release
his juice.
A: don’t cum inside, pull it out.
He immediately pulled the cock out n cum
on my bare ass. We were exhausted due to
our session as I had already fucked twice
before n rested on the chair. He sat down
on the bed
W: Madam I don’t know how to thank you
this was best fuck of my life.
A: my pleasure, but this is last time. Never
expect this again.
W: Sure madam, this is lifetime memory for
Then I realized its long time I must go to my
room, I immediately got dressed up, so he
too. While leaving he hugged me tight I too
hugged him n kissed him once before
A: Remember this is secret between us
nobody should know about this. Neither
Javed nor your boss.
W: Madam this secret will directly go to my
I smiled n kissed for his answer, locked the
room n went to my room. Fortunately Javed
was still asleep, I was so exhausted that I
went to sleep immediately after lying down
near javed on bed.

To be continued….
After last session with the waiter I was
dead tired as I was fucked 3 times in the
same night by three different cocks. As
soon as went to bed I slept like dog, when
morning I woke up to find javed wasn’t
there in bed. I became tens n woke up to
check but then realized he is in bathroom
so I found bit relaxed.
I just checked the time it was almost 12 in
the noon, omg I have already spent half of
the day over here and now I needed to rush
back as my husband was supposed to reach
home at night. So I got up and waiting for
Javed to come out of bathroom. He came
after a while
Javed: Oh so you finally awake? What
happened last night?
I got scared with this question, I thought he
got to know about my escapades of night
but I tried to be calm.
Amruta: Don’t you remember?
Javed: Sorry darling I somehow got drunk a
lot and I am not remembering after that
I got relived by his statement as atleast he
won’t think bad about me. So I played game
with him.
A: Oh that so sad, just because it was your
birthday I wanted to make it special and
made arrangements accordingly but look
what I got, you didn’t even remember what
I acted being sad. This trick worked and he
started to feel guilty for that. He came
close n hugged me.
J: Oh darling I am so sorry for that but this
has been the best birthday of my life.
Nobody cared for me so much in past.
Saying this he kissed my cheeks and I
hugged m tight. I was so damn happy that I
almost turned a slut in a night and got
fucked by three different cocks. Best thing
was that none of them was aware about all
my 3 adventures in night. I just thought to
play along and let they think whatever they
want about me. I was getting different kick
from this, after kiss we separated and I
went to bathroom.
After I finished my brush i came out of
bathroom and Javed was fully dressed and
said to me that he is going downstairs for
some fresh air, asked me to lock the door. I
locked the door and went to bath, after I
finished bath I came out and wear a tight
kurti and salwar, as I was supposed to go
home before it’s too late, my husband
would come by eve so I have to complete
my weekend household chores, else my
husband would get doubt about my
absence. I get ready and waiting for javed
to come but he wasn’t back even after an
hour, I was feeling little scared so I called
him up
A: Hello Javed ji
J: Yes
A: Where are you? And when will you come?
J: I am downstairs only and will come in
while, just ran into friend and chatting with
him. Why?
A: Actually I am hungry and want to eat
J: I had breakfast so, you order something
for you.
A: Ok I will do it.
Though we were not sharing any emotional
relation, I felt little sad as he ignored me on
call and also he even do not bother to have
breakfast with me or atleast ask me for the
same. My husband would never do this, but
I have to accept that I was not his wife and
share just bed with him that too with my
choice, he didn’t force me to do the same. I
try to console myself and called up the
waiter for the order.
I was again tensed that the waiter who
fucked me would come with the order and
again will try to take advantage of the
situation. But after sometime hunger takes
over me and I called up for breakfast, being
lodge I wasn’t having much option, so
better of it I order the Anda Bhurji. I heard
knock in sometime, I just was praying god
that he shouldn’t sent that bastard waiter
as I wasn’t actually in mood right now and
thankfully e wasn’t there, but some old
man around 50 showed up. He was kinda
stunned to see me there, he kept the food
on table and said
Old waiter (OW): You aren’t regular whore
A: I am not a whore, don’t call me that.
OW: Oh yes. You aren’t whore and this is
temple. You are here to offer your prayers
to god.
He said in sarcastic tone and laughed. I felt
shameful and looked down.
OW: oh you seems to be married or this is
He pointed at my mangalsutra. Though I
was ashamed, I replied in low voice.
A: I am married, why would someone wear
fake mangalsutra?
OW: Some women do that, as now a days
married whores are in good demand. But I
have never seen such beautiful whore here
around before. You recently started
working here?
A: I am not whore and I don’t work here. I
am from respected family and work for very
big company.
OW: Wow, so which woman spend a night
with a man in such lodge who is not
I knew he trapped me with his question, I
wasn’t able to reply him. He was laughing
and shaming me with his words, I got bit
pissed off.
A: I think that’s none of your business, you
should go.
OW: By the way what’s your rate? You are
best whore I have seen in this lodge so far.
A: I am not a whore, you leave from here
else I will call javed ji.
OW: Oh so you came here with Javed, don’t
worry I won’t touch you. I am poor old man
with no money I know no woman would let
me touch her. You say you are married then
who is javed?
A: He is er….. my…. My bf
OW: hahahaha. A respected family married
woman has a bf, what a joke.
It was humiliating for me but somehow my
body was responding to his vulgar talk n
horny manner. I decided to keep things
under control and not to get into some
I thought the situation might go out of hand
but fortunately Javed came back, I was
relieved to see him. Once he was back the
waiter went away. We did breakfast
together and he left me at my apartment.
The shameless watchman was on duty, once
Javed left he immediately came to me
W: Hello Madam, U went to office on
Sunday? That’s your office cab.
A: Hey its none of your business, you don’t
worry about the schedule.
W: come on madam, I casually asked you
and you are getting angry as if I asked you
about your affair.
I was about to freeze with that statement,
but that fellow was standing there with
mischievous smile and rubbing his cock on
A: Hello bhaiya I work in office and
sometimes I have to go on weekends, so
you don’t need to worry about it.
W: Work? Hmmmm I see.
He said in doubt mode but still rubbing his
cock. I decided to ignore him and went up
to our flat. Completed the chores and slept
as I was tired. Around 8 at night I was
woken up by my husband, then I cooked
dinner and have a nice sex session.
One week later Javed called me up and said
that there is some issue at his hometown so
he is taking off for few weeks. I was so
nervous listening this as now again may be
my thirst won’t be quenched, I didn’t had
nice fuck before he left.
I kept rubbing my cunt in those sweet
To be continued…
Javed was gone almost for 15 days and I
was being dry for this time. My husband
was busy with his routine schedule so I was
really feeling horny most of the times. This
dry phase of mine actually making me sad, I
was even replying to the lame flirts made
by my colleagues but I never found anyone
attractive enough to sleep with him.

I had really hottest experience with Javed

and Raghu, somehow I realized that I am
getting attracted more towards the cheap
guys rather than the affluent people. Some
of my colleagues, friends husbands used to
hit on me, but I never entertained them
more than small causal flirting.

The office has also changed the cab policies

due to complaint from some female
employees, so now the cabs were sent
randomly and also no cab was supposed to
repeat for more than once a fortnight. So I
was not getting any attention from any of
the driver.
The only cheap guy I was getting attention
from was my society watchman as he used
to be there at night when I used to return
from office, but I wasn’t keen to be with
Day by day my frustration was increasing, I
even had sex with my husband but
unfortunately I did not enjoy that much. To
my surprise even watchman now was
behaving like a gentleman to me as I
scolded him when he enquired about going
out in office cab on weekend.

My apartment is 200m inside of the main

road and there is narrow lane connecting
main road to my apartment which is
covered with trees on both sides, there is
one construction going on near our building
and no other building is there. So at night
the lane is completely deserted, these new
drivers now started dropping me on main
road instead of the society gate as per
them it is difficult for them to turn their
vehicle due to construction material of the
new building.

I also got used to it as at night 200 m

wasn’t big deal to walk as only our building
was there and no other people would come
to this side at this time of night.

One day I had returned from office half hour

early as there was network issue in office n
we were asked to leave early. It was 2.00
am in night and my cab dropped me off at
the main road and I was walking down the

As I went to the gate I found it to be locked

and I was surprised by that and also little
scared as when I saw in security cabin, it
was empty. I tried to be calm as I thought
shouting his name may attract some undue
attraction if there are some thieves around,
so I decided to look for him around.

As I was looking around I found out that

someone like our guard was standing near
the under construction building looking
away from the gate.

Before calling out his name I thought let me

confirm if that’s the watchman else I might
be in trouble. So I slowly went towards the
man, to my surprise I moved little bit
sideways n I found out that he was indeed
our watchman but he was urinating, as he
moved sideways I was able to see his cock
and that was trigger for me. Though its
wasn’t the longest cock I have seen but it
really has good thickness I thought as even
being limp I it seems bigger to me.

I hide behind one wall of the under

construction building and was watching his
piss coming out of his cock. My body
stopped listening to my brain. Unknowingly
my hand went down and started rubbing
my cunt on the salwar.

All of these non fucking days has kept me in

such state that even look of limp cock was
enough to turn me on. As I was
concentrated on his cock suddenly I
realized that he about to finish his peeing, I
immediately rush myself to the gate trying
to control my breath, as all that scene has
made me hot. He came back to gate and
surprised to see me there

W: Madam, you came early.

I was in no state to reply, so just was trying

to avoid eye contact with him.

W: What happened madam? All you all

right? You don’t look well?

A: No I am ok, please open the gate.

I somehow manage to say that, he was

surprised by my behavior but only I knew
about it. He opened the gate and I rush to
my flat. As soon as I got in, I directly rushed
to the bathroom pulled down salwar with
panty. Rubbed my pussy so hard thinking
about the cock and imagining the same
going in my cunt, I had one of the best

But after that I felt so ashamed of myself,

how can I deviate from my path and think
about the cheap guy again in my bed.
Although pleasure of orgasm was much
more than the guilt of imagination, the
powerful orgasm gave me a very good

Next day I woke up late and finished my

household chores. Somehow the last night
incident wasn’t getting out of my mind. I
was trying hard to control but still the
image of his cock was clear in my eyes.

So while leaving for office I went downstairs

5 min before, as usual he was there

W: Hello madam

A: Hello

W: Are you ok? Yesterday you didn’t seem


A: yes I am fine. Yesterday I was just tired.

I told him plain lie with straight face, he
would have not got that. I was having hard
time to control my eyes looking at him. So I
just went aside pretending to wait for my
cab and noticing him with corner of my

First time I clearly notice him. He was with

dark complexion but with very good
physique, well-toned body as his uniform
was bit tight so I could see his nice biceps
and almost flat stomach. Fat weren’t
anywhere on his body.

Till now whatever experience I got was with

ugly fat men with big paunch n all. Though
the watchman wasn’t good looking but has
good physique. He seemed to have habit of
some pan masala as I could see his teeth
stained red.

As I was engrossed in the observation I got

call from cab driver and I rushed to my
office. Entire night my mind was running
the same thought about the watchman.
After office when I was returning, I was
hoping him to see his cock again and my
mind was praying the god for it, but
unfortunately when I came back he was
standing at gate.

I was totally disappointed but still manage

to smile at him.

W: Hello madam, how are you?

A: Hello. I am good. By the way whats your


W: Sanju

A: oh nice. I wasn’t knowing.

W: No problem madam. I am poor person,

why would you be knowing my name.

A: hey its nothing about being poor or rich.

W: Madam you think I am bad person so

never talk with me. Also scolded me once.

A: Oh its not like that and I don’t remember

scolding you.

Though I knew, I was pretending to ignore

the same.

W: You wont remember madam, but I

remember madam. Anyways its nice that
you are atleast talking to me.

A: I am sorry if I have been rude to you


W: Actually madam I am new here, my

family stays at my hometown. I don’t have
much friends here so it feels nice when rich
people like you talk to us.

A: I will talk to you don’t worry but don’t

come up with crap of poor n rich again.

W: Madam you are so nice. Thank you. I will

do anything for you.

A: Sorry? What do you mean?

W: I mean I will do as you say if you are

talking with me.

A: That’s fine. I will leave now. Good night.

W: Good night.
The talks with the watchman was going on
every day but didn’t get it to the next level.
As the watchman’s shift was changed and
now my hopes also went dry in that. My
sexual frustration was getting high but
again I wasn’t having any other option.

As I was scared to go for anyone, as what if

that guy started to blackmail me or
something. In between I thought of going to
lodge to get Raghu or the waiter but I
wasn’t sure how safe that would have been
for me. I drop that idea as well.

So I got totally engrossed in the office work

just to keep me busy and away from the
sexual thoughts, next week my husband
was there so we do really spent quality
time together and have lot of fun like
shopping, nice exotic dinner. Even got tipsy
and had raunchy sex at home but somehow
I wasn’t totally satisfied, after the
encounters with my driver and lodge guys, I
had developed a kind of fetish for ugly and
dirty men. That might have been the reason
of my dissatisfaction, as while my husband
was humping me hard I my mind was
imagining the strokes at lodge.

Later I was so ashamed of myself when I

thought how a young married woman like
me think like this, I have been chaste
woman sometime back with a loving
husband, nice job and wonderful sex life. If
only I haven’t took the driver request for
the classes, I would been happy with my
life. It wasn’t like I wasn’t happy but just
my sex drive has significantly increased due
to escapades I had with those guys. Now I
was always dreaming about that

While I somehow suppressed my thoughts

of having another experience with other
than husband and was concentrating on my
work and family. My husband was all
around me so that was kind of helping me
to get over my emotions of adultery. Even
when the watchman has changed his shift I
tried to make conversation minimal and
tried to avoid any talks that would led to
otherwise. But I wouldn’t said that I was
being successful in that as whenever I used
to be in bed with my husband my mind
never co-operate with me, I don’t even got
a good orgasm in all these days.

But again my husband again had lot of work

load and wasn’t able to give me a good
quality time and also a good fuck so my
desperation was going on n on.
Suppressing the thoughts was getting
difficult for me. One day evening husband
came back home from office with a very
good surprise. He directly come n hugged
me tight.

Husband: Hey baby there is good news.

Amruta: Oh darling what is it?

H: I got the nice raise in office and very

good incentives.

A: Oh darling that’s the best news you gave

to me, I love you so much.

H: ya and moreover now we shall change

the sofa as we planned with new one.

A: Darling that’s the best news, now we will

be having new sofa before my birthday.

H: yes darling that’s my birthday gift to


We had this conversation and next day we

went to the best furniture store to get the
sofa but unfortunately we don’t find the
design of our choice so they gave us the
option of customized design as per our
wish, the workers shall come to our house n
prepare the same. We agreed for it as we
wanted the same as per our choice. There
we finalized the design and they told us
that tomorrow morning workers shall come
to our place and start the work, they will
finish in two days.
I was so excited as we had planned this
long time but didn’t got the chance do that,
now our home furnishing would start as per
our wish.

Next morning the workers came to our

place and wanted to start the work we had
primary discussion about the design and
everything they assured as that it would
complete in three days. My husband asked
me to take leave for three days as someone
needs to be there and he won’t be able to
take the leave. So I asked my manager he
said instead of leave I should take work
from home and that was more happy part.
So the husband left for office around 11,
those guys wanted to discuss some more
part of work and needed to shift some
furniture next room to make space, so I was
guiding them in process that time I notice
them well their description are as follow
First guy was young must be around 25-26
years old average built, not bulky not so

Second guy was middle aged one around 35

years old quite bulky but not fat, amazingly
he had flat stomach and good build.

Third guy was also middle aged but kind of

skinny not much of fat in his body.

All of them extremely dark skinned and

while talking I could sense the red stains on
the teeth of the second guy, means he
would be habituated with eating gutkha.

As I was talking to them I could find that

they were ogling my body like that meat
piece, even though that day I was wearing
fully covered salwar kameez without giving
them hint of my skin.
I understood that they rarely get chance to
work in house while hot fair skinned woman
with sexy figure accompany them. I wasn’t
stranger to such stares but right in my
house was surly a new thing for me.

As I explain them the work and made the

necessary shifting to give them space to
work. I went back to my bed room and
started working on my laptop. In some time
I heard knock on my room door, I opened it.

Young guy: Madam Can you please give us

some water?

A: Sure.

I went to kitchen and filled a jar with water

and gave them glasses to drink it. As I had
removed duppatta while working on laptop,
I didn’t put it back and went like that only.
While I was gave them water being little bit
I could find all three pair of eyes staring my
boobs, even though nothing much was
visible due to full covered kurti.
I immediately handed over the glass and
came back to room, I was feeling very
nervous due to their staring, but strangely I
wasn’t angry with them. Before my mind
could have some naughty thoughts I
started working on laptop and got busy
with it.
After some time again I heard knock on
door so opened it, same young guy was

YG: madam sorry to disturb you but

actually we wanted to request you that it
would be great if you give us cup of tea.

A: ok just wait for 5 min I will bring it.

I went to kitchen n prepared tea and gave it

to them.

Guy2: Madam you also have it

A: no thanks. This isn’t my tea time.

Guy2: Please madam its request as you

have taken efforts to make it, please you
also take so that we wont feel like give are
trouble to you.

A: no nothing like that.

Suddenly all of them kept requesting so I

decided to have some so I bought half cup
of tea and sat in hall to have it.
Guy2: Madam we thank you that you chose
to build the sofa instead of buying it from
the shop.

A: Why so?

Guy2: Actually madam we don’t work in

that shop we only get the customized order,
rest is done in their factory.

A: oh so how many orders do you get.

Guy2: We generally get good orders but

don’t know this month yours is only order
for us. I was scared that if we don’t get any
order may be we won’t be able to send
money to our home in village. But you come
like angel.

A: Hey come on you would have got one or

another order. There is no point me being

Guy2: Madam you don’t realize you are rich

but for us one order matters a lot, out
family is dependent on it.

A: Ya I know that but now don’t worry, you

have the order so no problem to you.
Saying this I gave him smile to all of them.

Guy2: Ya thanks to this angel.

That guy smiled pointing at me showing the

stained teeth.

A: don’t call me angel.

I said in mocking anger.

Guy2: Why not you came to our rescue in

difficult time and also you are too beautiful
like angel.

A: Hey now you are just trying to flatter me.

Guy2: No madam. I swear to god you are

really beautiful, I have never seen beautiful
woman like you.

A: That’s enough now. You are good at

talking, but don’t waste time in it and finish
the job. I am not going to make the
payment if the work is not satisfactory.

Guy2: you don’t worry about it madam. I

never left any lady unsatisfied.
A: What the hell you said?

Guy2: I mean all my customers are happy

with my work.

A: We shall see that.

Guy2: Don’t worry madam, I will surly show


Saying this he smiled at me showing

stained teeth, I left the place and came
back to my room.

I was actually surprised that the guy made

a double meaning remark and like a fool I
responded him. I wasn’t able to concentrate
on work as I was thinking that he might
have got a clue that I am not an impossible
target, I was feeling so foolish of myself.
But I decided not to over think on this, but
long time surprised thoughts were not
letting my mind rest. As I have unsatisfied
for a long time and now whatever fear I had
now I have to face it.

As from long time I was trying to avoid the

company of such people to suppress my
excitement but now unfortunately I have to
be with them for 3 full days. I wasn’t sure
how am I going to control my feeling but I
decided that whatever happens I won’t fall
in this trap and don’t let my body to take
over my brain.

But was really everything in my hand? Will

my body cooperate with my brain?

Only coming time had the answer.

Couple of hours went like that fortunately
nobody bothered me during this time, so I
concentrated on my work, I checked the
watch I was showing 2.00 pm. I decided to
have lunch now and also to check the work
going on. I went out n pecked in, those
guys were working quietly so went n asked

A: Hey you all had lunch?

Guy1: No madam, actually we wanted to

finish this part and then go for lunch.

A: ok fine.

Guy3: Madam, Do you had lunch?

A: Not yet. I will have it now.

Guy2: Madam, can you please give us some

more water before you go inside?

A: Ya sure.

I went into kitchen and fill up bottle and

went back to the hall. As I extend my hand
to give the water, this second guy put his
hands directly on my hand in pretext of
taking the same. I also didn’t object to that
as he was smiling at me. I also smiled back
he hold it for few seconds and then I pulled
it back.

Then I went to kitchen and got my lunch

took it in bed and finish it. After that I once
again got busy with my work and I thought
they would also be busy with their own
work as nobody disturbed me. Around 4.30
there was knock on the door. As I opened I
found the
Guy2 was at door smiling at me showing
stained red teeth. I smiled him back

Guy2: Madam hope I haven’t disturbed you.

A: No. What happened?

Guy2: Madam actually we want some tea.

Sorry if we are troubling you.

A: Don’t be sorry. I was going to ask you

about the same, I know you guys have a lot
habit of drinking tea.

Guy2: Yes we have a cup of tea lot many

times but we don’t want to disturb so we
rarely asked you.

A: You don’t need to be so reluctant. Please

ask me when you need tea.
Guy2: How can we do it madam? We are
poor people, our clients get offended if we
ask them something.

A: is it so? I don’t think someone will get

offended. Now let me go to kitchen to
prepare a tea for you.

I say this smilingly. He too responded with

smile and walked behind me to kitchen
stood aside. I looked at him surprisingly
why he is here, but before I think about
anything he continued the topic.

Guy2: Madam People do think ill of us poor

people. You know what happened once I
was working at some memsaab’s house?

A: What?

Guy2: I was working there and I had strong

urge of tea. So I went to that madam and
requested for tea suddenly she started
shouting on me saying I don’t work and
most of time spend on timepass. Are you to
do timepass and what not? Madam I felt so
guilty that I didn’t even drank water while
working in that house.
All of sudden he seemed very sad, his
expression made me feel bad for that guy.
At in flow of the moment I hold his hands n

A: hey don’t worry I would never treat you

like those person. You can feel free here
and ask me for tea anytime.

He put his other hand on my hands and

smilingly said

Guy2: Madam thank you so much. You really

have big heart and that’s why I called you

A: Now stop flattering and leave my hands,

so that I can prepare tea.

We both smiled at each other and he left

my hands. I started preparing tea, the
sugar box was kept above stove level, so I
stretched my hands to get it but all of
sudden he came very close to me n hold my
hand along with the sugar box. I was so
stunned that I didn’t realize to react at that
particular point of time so I froze there like
a statue.

He slowly bought my hands down and slid

down his hand till my upper arms n went

A: What are you doing?

I asked him with a surprise, though I wasn’t


Guy2: Madam you are so kind and helping

us so much so I thought of helping you a
little. Hope you don’t mind.

He said this with a wicked smile, I also

responded him with smile

A: That’s ok, but all of sudden you did so it

frightened me.

Guy2: Are what is there to be frightened

from me madam. You are our angel and will
never even think about harming you.

He said this by putting hand on my

shoulder, which I didn’t not object. But was
really impressed by his boldness.

A: Oh that’s so sweet of you. But I know

this is purely flattery for tea.

Seeing no resistance from side his

confidence rose and he came a bit closer.
Tough there was atleast a foot distance
between us, my brain started alarming me
that I should stop him here.

Guy2: No way madam. If you want don’t

give us tea, still our feeling for you won’t
change. You are behaving so sweetly with
us from day 1, which no customer has ever
done. We are always treated like the
garbage by rich customer as we are so

With his constant remarks of his bad

experience, my pity for him was growing
more. I was being so dumb to understand
that he was playing mind game with me,
which I realized much later. Though he was
illiterate but very sharp with his mind

A: Hey you should never speak like that to

me again, those were bad people who ill-
treated you. You need to forget those bad

Guy2: Very true madam. As we are getting

very nice treatment from angel like madam
we will definitely forget those bad
A: Now you need to stop calling me angel, I
am simple married woman. Nothing like

Even if I said that my mind was loving the

praises by them.

Guy2: Why should we stop that? You are so

divine in nature and also most beautiful
woman I have seen so closely, else such
beauties are seen only in movies.

A: Now that’s too much, I am not falling for

your lies.

I say laughing.

Guy2: Oh come on madam, look at you.

Such a beautiful face, extremely well figure
and this silky smooth skin. You are no less
than angel.

Saying this is moved his hand from my

shoulder to my fingers, his rough hands
were very bad for me as I was experiencing
this after much longer time, seeing no
resistance he moved behind me and started
moving his rough hands on my smooth arm
length. Unconsciously my eyes closed due
to such seductive touch and his smooth

All of suddenly he shook my shoulders and I

open my eyes.

Guy2: What happened madam? Tea is


I came back to my senses with that and

immediately went away from him.

A: You please go in hall, I shall bring the


He immediately moved to hall and I here

was dying in shame.

A: (In my mind) what had happened to me?

How did I have aroused with his simple
touch? What am I becoming? Oh god please
help me from getting into this thing again
as I am trying hard to avoid this.

I stood in kitchen for some time to recover

from the shock of what had just happened.
After I recovered I went to hall with tea in
tray and hand over it to all of them.
Surprisingly he didn’t make any advances
this time, not even a smile, which left me
confused. As I was walking back to kitchen

Guy1: Madam

A: Yes

Guy1: Arent you having tea?

A: I will also have it.

Guy1: Madam then why don’t you have tea

with us.

I was bit confused with latest developments

but I thought again there is no harm in
having tea with them as I have already
done it in morning.

A: I will bring it here.

I said smilingly and sat down on chair in

hall, they were sitting on some wooden

I realized I didn’t even know their names,

so I asked

A: Oh sorry but I don’t know your names,

can you please tell me?
Young guy: Madam I am Babu

Guy3: Madam my name is renga

I was kind of awkward for second guy

introduction but fortunately he didn’t say
anything but babu said

Babu: madam he is our boss Rafiq ji.

I didn’t dare to look at him, just smiled n

finished tea. I collected all the cups went to
kitchen, kept it there and locked myself
back in bedroom. Tried to concentrate on
my work but was unable as all those images
were flashing in my mind of what happened
with Rafiq guy. I was lost in that thought n
got call from my hubby. I received it

Hubby: Hey darling how’s the work going?

A: It is going good.

H: Are these guys working properly? Any

complaints you have?

A: Nothing so far they are doing their work

and I am doing mine in our bed.

H: Ya but keep eye on them, we can’t

blindly trust them, and you know it.

A: Don’t worry these guys are harmless and


H: that’s good, let see if they do a good

work I am thinking of making one bed in
our guest room.

A: Lets see that, let them complete it fast.

H: Ya that is also true, anyways keep eye on

them. I shall be late.

A: You are being late regularly, it is pissing

me off. I thought you would come early
today as I am at home but no work is more

H: Hey why are you creating scene? I have

important meeting here, I am not doing

A: Ya correct I am not doing any work, its

just you who have the job. Come whenever
you want. Bye

I disconnected the call as I was very angry

for him being so careless, first of all he kept
me all alone with these labors in house,
secondly he is not even bothered to come
early. Actually it wasn’t the big deal but
sexual frustration was there and I thought
that Rafiq incident happened because of it,
so I was more angry with him.

My mind was totally clueless about my life

as one side I was trying to control the slut
in me, which was getting dominant day by
day and for that I required my husband
support but he wasn’t providing me all the
time. He was totally clueless that his wife is
already fucked by three cheap guys and he
has left her with three more labor class
guys all alone that too for full day.

I was getting tense so picked a cigarette

and moved to balcony, it fortunately
making me bit relaxed. As I was about to
finish the cigarette, I heard the knock on
the door. I hastily threw cigarette n rushed
to open the door with wish in my mind that
Rafiq shouldn’t be there and thankfully
babu was standing there, I was relaxed
looking him.

A: What happen babu?

Babu: Madam, actually I have a request.

But if you won’t get angry, then only I will

Now I was tense again that what he is going

to ask now, already I am trying to get over
the Rafiq episode. I somehow gathered the
courage and said

A: ok whats it?

Babu: Actually madam, I have habit of

smoking bidi and its been 8 hours I haven’t
smoke so my head is getting high. My boss
is not allowing me to go out.

A: So what should I do?

I cut him in between. He made small face n


Babu: Madam if you allow me to smoke

somewhere in this house I would be really
grateful else I would have to work

I was confused what to say now as he must

have smell cigarette coming from my
breath and also he was young n kind of
cute even though dark n dirty, I really
didn’t want to disappoint him. So I said
A: ok but you can’t smoke in apartment, so
better go to balcony and smoke.

I said with smile. He was very happy to

listen so he rushed to balcony, I too went to
open balcony door. As we step out I could
see my cigarette bud was lying there. He
too noticed it but didn’t say anything.

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