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Research project

Impact of Terrorism on Educational Institution

Specially thanks to:

Sir Atif Khan Jadoon

(Department Of Economics)

University of the Punjab

To examine the impact of terrorism on educational 
institution a quantitative data is collected from the 
different students. I made three variables which are 
terrorism, education and insecurity and I generated 20 
questions on these variables and take answers from the 
students. Among these terrorism is dependent variable 
and other are independent variable .The main purpose of 
this study is to know the students behavior about the 
terrorist attack, their study which is effected by the 
terrorism and over all education institution which is being
affected by the terrorism .

Terrorism has become an international problem that the 
international community has devoted a lot of effort to 
resolve and to reduce the impact on people. Under the 
umbrella of the United Nations, it has been a number of 
agreements and decisions at the international level to 
adopt. In addition, at the regional level, the EU has taken 
a lot of measures to help this serious problem. In addition,
countries such as the United States, England and others, 
which strongly suffered terrorist attacks, strict measures 
have been taken to put an end to these injured problems. 
Although each of the international or regional level and 
individual countries had a lot of measures, terrorism 
continues to pose a major problem to be addressed. There 
are many causes of terrorism, such as poverty, the right to
self­determination, in violation of international law and 
religious incentives. In order to effectively fight terrorism,
first, the international community must put an end to the 
causes of terrorism. For example, if poverty is the likely 
reason for terrorism, the international community must 
help the country concerned, both technically and 
economically feasible to eradicate poverty. After the 
diagnosis of the causes of terrorism, fully defined, 
consistent and coherent terrorism can give a strong boost 
in the fight against terrorism. Seen from the international 
conventions, we understand that there is no specific 
definition It is generally accepted by the states, which 
lead to suspicion and mistrust between the nations. All 
this, and human rights are other topics that should be 
played. Some states take such strict measures, which go 
beyond the need. These measures led to the violation of 
human rights. Therefore, the balance between counter­
terrorism and human rights must be protected under the 
European Court of Human Rights decisions. In this study,
we sought to examine the definition of terrorism in terms 
of the causes, the measures by the international 
community and the European Human Rights taken. We 
ended our study, and evaluate the International and 
European Law on terrorism and the measures taken at the 
conclusion that.

It was one of the most horrific and tragic 11/9 emergence 
of the issue of terrorism consequences. 11/9 and its 
aftermath have had a clear impact on the world.

Terrorism suddenly become the focus of the world during 
the 21st century Pakistan, once again came in the lime 
light, but this time not by choice. Pakistan has announced 
that the state "frontline" in the war against terrorism in the
United States, but at such a high cost that was never 
anticipated by decision­makers. Pakistan was also a 
victim of the so­called "jihadists" and a new era of terror 
began to Pakistan. The situation has also become a very 
worrying. Internally, it is usually considered that 
terrorism prevails in Pakistan is the result of Pakistan's 
alliance to the US war against terrorism, but terrorism in 
Pakistan is not as simple as that. 11/9 terrorism in 
Pakistan is a multi­dimensional complex issue with roots 
that lead to more than one source. This paper explores 
added 11/9 terrorism in Pakistan on the basis of actual 
events, any terrorist acts announced in Pakistan, such 
attacks and the type of goals. This paper presents the acts 
of terrorism and their studies for objective reasons to 
determine the path of terror site in Pakistan.

In the wake of the September 2001 terrorist attacks on the
United States, President George W. Bush launched major 
military operations as part of a global U.S.­led 
antiterrorism effort. Operation Enduring Freedom in 
Afghanistan has realized major successes with the vital 
assistance of neighboring Pakistan. Yet a resurgent 
Taliban today operates in southern and eastern 
Afghanistan with the benefit of apparent sanctuary in 
parts of western Pakistan. The United States is 
increasingly concerned that members of Al Qaeda, its 
Taliban supporters, and other Islamist militants find safe 
haven in Pakistani cities such as Quetta and Peshawar, as 
well as in the rugged Pakistan­Afghanistan border region. 
This latter area is inhabited by ethnic Pashtuns who 
express solidarity with antiU.S. forces. Al Qaeda militants
also reportedly have made alliances with indigenous 
Pakistani terrorist groups that have been implicated in 
both anti­Western attacks in Pakistan and terrorism in 
India. These groups seek to oust the Islamabad 
government of President Gen. Pervez Musharraf and 
have been implicated in assassination attempts that were 
only narrowly survived by the Pakistani leader and other 
top officials. In fact, Pakistan’s struggle with militant 
Islamist extremism appears for some to have become a 
matter of survival for that country
E e I n
d r r s
u o e
c r i c
a s i u
ti m r i
o t
n y

Terrorism is the deliberate use or threat of violence by
individuals or groups without a national target for
political or social reasons, because of the fear of a large
audience beyond the immediate victims (Enders and
Sandler 0.2012) use. This definition is consistent with
others in the literature (Hoffman, 2006; Rand 0.2012).
Violence is the hallmark of terrorism and terrorist groups
involved in the terrible attacks to create public anxiety or
repulsion. It described as terrorism, and should be a
politically motivated attack. By agents to curb terrorism
without national and above definition does not include
state terrorism, when the government terrorizes its own
people. However, the definition does not eliminate state-
sponsored terrorism, and that the confidentiality of state
aid to a terrorist group by the money, intelligence, safe
passage, or some other means. Finally, the definition
confirms that the real target of the attacks that generate
concern is wider audience. It can exert pressure on the
government of caving in to the demands of terrorists.
An analytical study of terrorism in part because scientists
like Landes William, who saw terrorists as actors rational.
This logic is based on a prediction, not a desire to plans
or targets of the terrorists. If the changes in restrictions
on the terrorists, he says, through government policies,
leading to behavioral responses to the terrorists cannot
be predicted, and the terrorists are rational actors. Some
researchers - most notably Abrahms (2008) - wonders
whether terrorists are rational, they usually do not
achieve their goal sought. Abrahms (2008: 83) states: "I
realized that in a sample of twenty-terrorist campaigns
known terrorist organizations have a policy thousand
from zero percent of the time goals to attack civilians."
On the contrary, he said Jones and Libicki (2008) 132
campaigns that terrorist groups to renounce terrorism
and joined the political process or achieved its goal.
Although Abrahms (2008) offers several interesting
rationality and evidence is a selective challenge to some
Terrorism is an extreme and violent shock exacerbated by
human shape design. After the terrorist attacks of
September 11, 2001, the United States and around the
world has entered a new era in history. As far as adults
are trying to protect children from harm, and often
touched their lives through the shock, including
terrorism. It is necessary to examine and compile the
results of previous investigations into the terror and
trauma in order to guide our work in the field of mental
health with children and families, especially after the
recent terrorist events. Stress disorder and put annoying
symptoms in children affected by terrorism are high, with
the other common long-term consequences, such as
depression, anxiety, and behavioral and developmental
The United States and the world entered this new phase
of history, questions about the potential impact of these
attacks was raised. One area of concern is the lack of
psychological security, while going to school, especially
with regard to children. Empirical literatures on the
psychological effects of terrorism are rare. Literature
related to children is more than that. Basically literature
is extracted from war-torn countries where terrorist acts
are more common.
Since the attacks in the United States on September 11,
2001, has tried to politicians and the public to shed light
on the factors that incite terrorism.. Bush has said (2002)
that there is a vicious cycle of marginalization and state
failure, terrorism, pointing out that for persistence of
poverty and oppression can lead to hopelessness and
despair .
Failed states have become a haven for terrorism." The
media and the audience very receptive to the argument
lines linking terrorism in the development of social,
economic and political backwardness”. As a result, and he
defended the policy, which aims to alleviate
underdevelopment, for example, measures to reduce the
social, economic or political instability burden. For
example, the then German Chancellor Gerhard
Schroeder (2003), he said. To address, the root causes of
terrorism isinsecurity. If there is a social and physical
security and guarantee, there should also the cultural
security in the region.
He revealed the causes of terrorism and get sound advice
in politics is important because terrorism is costly for the
affected countries. Even if the direct costs of terrorism
marginal, it can be political, economic, indirect costs are
large. For example, it can reduce the stability of the
government's terrorism (Gassebner et al., 2008).
Terrorism can also be a negative impact on trade and
capital and economic development of both flows (Nitsch
and Schumacher, 2004; Crane Crane and 2006) Abadi and
Gardeazabal 2008; Mirza and Verdier, 2008) and can lead
to loss of satisfaction with the individual and collective
life (Frey et al., 2009).
There is no universally accepted definition of terrorism. A
large audience usually is defined as the deliberate use of
violence and intimidation to force the society (the
government) to grant or ideologically motivated political
demands. Tactical objectives (short-term) Home
terrorism are (1) to get publicity and media attention, (2)
political instability and (3) damage to economies (eg
Tavares 2004). Among the long-term goals of terrorism is
a redistribution of power, influence and wealth (such as
Fry and Luechinger 2004). Terrorist organizations must be
objectives that can not be imposed in the normal political
process, implementation, and its members are willing to
use force. Tactical terrorist behavior (for example,
murder, hostage-taking) and then works to achieve these
strategic objectives, making violence as a means to more
abstract goals.
Individually, the terrorists must provide certain personal
attributes that enable them to carry out terrorist acts.
Organizationally, and the predominance of group leaders
and group dynamics and other factors (psychological)
also affect the terrorist behavior (see Victorov 2005).
Therefore, public opinion is often associated with
terrorism to irrationality or insanity. However, this
argument is very simple, and perhaps even wrong. And
economic point of view instead of terrorism assumes that
the terrorists are rational, so that the average terrorist
act more or less like homo economicus (Kaplan, 2006).
Actors as rational a violent terrorist act to maximize their
usefulness, given some of the benefits, costs and
restrictions associated with these actions (for example,
Sandler and Enders

Some studies confirm the role of the factors affecting the

global production in terrorism. The general idea is that
terrorism takes place in response to the global economic
and political system.
Although it seems intuitive to assume that the conditions
were not "fair" global terrorism has become, it is difficult
to capture empirically globalization and its links to
terrorism. As the global economic system and trade
liberalization (the relationship between exports and
imports to GDP) is often used to measure the degree of
exposure and economic integration. Proof Kurrild-
Cletgard and others. (2006) and Bloomberg and Hess
(2008A) indicates that the highest levels of economic
integration significantly reduce the generation end
terrorism. Freytag and others. (2008) found that the
highest levels of trade openness can produce more
terrorism in the most advanced countries, while still
found the opening to curb terrorism in the less
developed economies. Only Burgoon (2006) find a
positive relationship between trade openness and
terrorism, however, is not significant. These results
indicate that economic integration works healthy rather
than a threat, and reduced support for terrorism and
therefore production. It seems that the effects of
terrordampening economic integration (for example, to
the erosion of the financing of terrorist organizations by
the global increase competition) to control the possible
effects of improving terrorism (see Mirza and Verdier,
2008). However, the use of measures to better
distinguish between terrorism and mitigate the effects of
terrorism amplify economic integration can help to
increase uncover the complex relationship between
terrorism and the possibility of the global economic
system. As for global political and Azam and Delacroix
system (2006) and Azzam and Thelen (2008) found that
receive foreign aid reduces the possibility of the
production of terrorism in the country. I found
Bloomberg and Hess (2008A) that political integration
(WTO membership) also reduces the possibilities. These
results indicate that the international political
cooperation can reduce the production of cross-border
terrorism (see Sandler 2005). However, it can be other
international political factors increase the production of
terrorism. Lay (2007) and Square (2008b) found that
participation in the war between the US and significantly
associated with more terror, while Burgoon (2006) finds a
negative relationship but trivial. Lay (2007) detected a
strong positive correlation between a country that is a
state sponsor of terrorism and the possibility of
generating terror in reality. I found obesity and
Neumayer (2010) that membership in international
alliances can increase the "flow" cross-border terrorism
between the two countries, especially when there is a big
difference in power between them. Overall, these results
indicate that the production of terrorism interacts
significantly with the international political factors. The
direction of effect has been shown to depend on
payment of the specified relevant policies force. While
international cooperation policies that can help reduce
terrorism, hostile and exclusive can be paid. The auditing
of research on the psychological effects of terrorism on
youth and evaluated. Children who suffer from close
contact with high tension show post-traumatic terrorism,
separation anxiety, and / or other symptoms. After being
a terrorist, near and far for young people from attack, an
attack on the many related to the attack and exposure to
cover these media associated with the attack in the later
symptoms of PTSD media coverage (PTSD). However,
research to emerge, including a sufficient scale and
methodological limitations. Research has yet to study the
effect of extended exposure to the context of the threat,
prediction, alerting him to the child's development. More
importantly, the children how negative terrorism, in the
context in which cultural influences address
disproportionately possibilities rather than the likelihood
of terrorism in the future affected. There is a need for
research to assess the impact of terrorism on mental
illness (beyond the post-traumatic stress disorders),
functional impairment, and racial stereotypes in young
people, and to study the effectiveness of psychological
programs that are trying to correct the problems of
young people affected by terrorism.
Through many tribulations faced by young people
through the development and disasters are among those
who are in need of systematic research.

/CRITERIA=PIN (.05) POUT (.10)



Variables Entered/Removed

Variables Variables
Model Entered Removed Method
1 I, Eb . Enter

a. Dependent Variable: T
b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate

1 .181a .033 -.002 .689

a. Predictors: (Constant), I, E

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression .896 2 .448 .944 .395b

Residual 26.576 56 .475

Total 27.472 58

a. Dependent Variable: T
b. Predictors: (Constant), I, E


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 2.149 .343 6.268 .000

E .045 .107 .057 .423 .674

I .084 .071 .160 1.185 .241

a. Dependent Variable: T
The main causes of Terrorism
 Injustice
 Corruption
 Unemployement
 Lack of Education
 poverty

Suggestion and conclusion:

The extremism and terrorism a growing threat to all
countries of the world. Today the country does not seem
safe in the hands of terrorists, one way or another.
Countries such as Pakistan was hardest hit by terrorism in
the growth that has paralyzed the economy of this
country. Are all civilized countries in the world deeply
concerned about the growing terrorism all over the
world, and now it seems that everyone is worried about
how to deal with the growing terrorism.

And made a lot of efforts to eradicate terrorism, but it

seems that instead of coming to an end is increasing day
after day, more and more people are becoming victims
because of terrorism. Extremism and terrorism is
spreading like a cancer almost everyone. The question
comes to mind as to why this threat is growing and is not
about to end and what the intentions of terrorist groups.
It seems that the terrorists are determined and focused
on destabilizing the country unless certain nefarious their
plans and what they really want from the world,
particularly from Western countries.

It is clear that there are several causes of terrorism, there

is a growing need to find the root causes of this growing
danger to save the world and save our next generation to
be in the hands of the victims of terrorism.
If we are able to overcome all causes of terrorism then
we are definitely able to overcome over all terrorism of
the world as well as its impact on the educational

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>The impact of terrorism on children

Robin H. Gurwitch PhD, Betty Pfefferbaum MD, JD & Michael J. T.

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>The Emotional and Behavioral Impact of
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>Youth, terrorism and education: Britain's Prevent programed

P Thomas - International Journal of Lifelong Education, 2016 - Taylor & Francis

>Sociology of terrorism

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>Terrorism: Policing's new paradigm

M Keelty - Sydney Papers, the, 2008

>What causes terrorism?

Tim Krieger ·Daniel Meierrieks
Received: 14 December 2008 / Accepted: 14 January 2010 / Published online: 28 January 2010
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

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