Cad Cam Lab

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CAD/CAM LAB#02 15-02-2019

Introduction to Part Modeling in PRO-E software using Extrude, Round and Chamfer

Software used:


Part Modeling:
3D Parts and Assembly Modeling: 3D parts and assembly modeling is the CAD technique
through which the design intent of a part or assembly is accurately and unambiguously
described by a 3D virtual model, an almost tangible representation of physical reality.

Round Command:

The ROUND function rounds numbers to a specified level of precision. A round is an edge
treatment feature in which a radius or chord is added to one or more edges, an edge chain, or
the space between surfaces. Round works by rounding numbers 1-4 down, and rounding
numbers 5-9 up. It can round to the right or left of the decimal point.

Chamfer Command:
A bevel or chamfer can be defined by selecting two objects of the same or different object
types: lines, polylines, rays, and xlines. If the two selected objects are on the same layer, the
line defined is created on that layer. Otherwise, the line is created on the current layer. The
layer affects object properties including color and linetype. Chamfers are a type of feature
where an edge or corner is beveled. Surfaces can be solid model surfaces or

Kashif Hussain(16-011) Page 1

CAD/CAM LAB#02 15-02-2019

traditional Creo zero-thickness quilts and surfaces. You can create two types of chamfers:
corner chamfers and edge chamfers.

Extrude Command:
Extrude Command creates a 3D solid from an object that encloses an area, or a 3D surface
from an object with open ends. Objects can be extruded orthogonally from the plane of the
source object, in a specified direction, or along a selected path. An extrude feature is based
on a two-dimensional sketch. It linearly extrudes a sketch perpendicular to the sketching
plane to create or remove material. You can either select the sketch first then start the
Extrude tool, or you can start the Extrude tool and then select the sketch.

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CAD/CAM LAB#02 15-02-2019

Task# 01:

 First of all I created a new part file on creo screen.
 I selected front panel.
 Made a rectangle of 96 inch in length and 12 inch in width.
 Made it hollow as shown in fig.
 Then I made two holes of radius 10 inch on both sides as shown in fig.
 Selected top panel I made a new rectangle of 10 inch in width and 30 inch in height.
 Using round and chamfer tools I made its shape as shown in fig.
 I successfully made the part according to the proper dimensions.

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CAD/CAM LAB#02 15-02-2019

Task# 02:

 First of all I created a new part file on Creo screen.
 I selected front panel.
 Made a rectangle of 100 inch.
 Using chamfer I cut it.
 Using 3 point circle tool I made half circles on both sides.
 Made two holes at both ends.
 I selected top panel.
 Made hole at top of radius 60.
 Made another hole of radius 47.
 Cut this hole in middle on both sides by making a rectangle of 10 inches.
 I successfully made the part according to the proper dimensions.

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CAD/CAM LAB#02 15-02-2019

Task# 03:

 First of all I created a new part file on Creo screen.
 I selected front panel.
 Made a rectangle of 80 inch.
 At bottom side I made 2 another rectangles.
 At end of these rectangles I made half circle of radius 40.
 Made 2 holes of radius 16 at the distance of 25 inches from top.
 Made a circle of 80 inch.
 Made inner hole of radius 60.
 Made another hole of radius 30.
 I successfully made the part according to the proper dimensions.

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CAD/CAM LAB#02 15-02-2019

Task# 04:

 First of all I created a new part file on Creo screen.
 I selected front panel.
 Made a circle of radius 60.
 Made inner hole of radius 40.
 At left side of this circle made a rectangle of 60 inch in length and 60 in width.
 At the end of this rectangle made a half circle of radius 25.
 At the top side I made a rectangle as shown in fig.
 At right side made a rectangle at distance of 15 inch from bottom.
 Its length and width are 60 inch.
 Made another rectangle of 60x45 as shown in fig.
 Made 2 holes of radius 16.
 Joined circle and boundary wall by a rectangle of 10 inch in width.
 Kept care of dimensions.
 I successfully made the part according to the proper dimensions.

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