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The suspended solid refers to small solid particles which remain in suspension in water as
a colloid or due to the motion of the water. It is used as one indicator of water quality.
Suspended solids are important as pollutants and pathogens are carried on the surface of
particles. The smaller the particle size, the greater the total surface area per unit mass of
particle in grams, and so the higher the pollutant load that is likely to be carried. Removal of
suspended solids is generally achieved through the use of sedimentation and/or water
filters (usually at a municipal level). By eliminating most of the suspended solids in a water
supply, the significant water is usually rendered close to drinking quality. This is followed
by disinfection to ensure that any free floating pathogens, or pathogens associated with the
small remaining amount of suspended solids, are rendered ineffective.

1. To identified the concentration of total suspended solid in the water sample.

2. To compare the water sample with the National Water Quality Standard for Malaysia.

3. to analyse the data and interpret the result of the total suspended solid in this experiment.


1. sample cell

2. spectrophotometer

3. measuring cylinder

1. 10ml of the water sample is added into sample cells by using measuring cylinder.

2. 10ml of the distilled water is added into sample cells by using measuring cylinder and label
it as blank sample.

3. The spectrophotometer was switch on and select stored program 630 suspended solid.

4. The blank sample was wipe clean and placed it inside the spectrophotometer.

5. The zero button had been selected in order to calibration.

6. Replace the blank sample with the water sample and press read.

7. The average reading had been recorded by taking 2 to 3 readings

8. Repeat step 1 to 7 by changing the sample water to tap water.

Result and Analysis

Type of water 1 (mg/l) 2 (mg/l) 3 (mg/l) Average (mg/l)

Water Sample 105 104 104 104.3
Tap Water 1 1 1 1


To determine the average value:

Example of determining average value of water sample.

105+104 +104
= 104.3 mg/l

Based on the result, the average value of water sample is 104.3 mg/l while the average value
of tap water is 1 mg/l. the value from the results mimic the influent before treated from the
water treatment plant and effluent after treated. The water sample contain a high
concentration of the suspended solid which is troublesome when using it as the water sources.
Therefore the water sample need to be cleaned and treated. Besides that, we can identified
which class of the water sample based on the standard of National Water Quality Standard for
Malaysia. Based on the standard, the value of the water sample is in the class III where the
uses are for water supply III-extensive treatment required and Fishery III-common ,of
economic value and tolerant species and livestock drinking. Moreover we can also compare it
with the Indah Water Effluent Standards. Based on the standards, the suspended solid in the
water is more than the required standard which is 50 mg/l. Therefore, a need of treatment
before it will be use as water resources. For the tap water however, we all knew that there
will be less or no suspended solid. Therefore, the tap water can be collate with the National
Water Drinking Standard for Malaysia. The result shows that the tap water is drinkable as the
standard required less than 1000mg/l. nonetheless, we can still compare the tap water with the
national water quality standard for Malaysia which result the tap water is in class 1.

In conclusion, the water sample is in class III while the tap water is in class 1. The tap water
is drinkable since it is range of the drinking water quality standards. The water sample
mimics the influent before treatment while the tap water mimics effluent after treatment.

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