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Bea Nicole C.

Rosales Theology 3
12 – HUMSS February 6, 2018

Is Killing Justifiable?

Extrajudicial killings are one of the prevalent issues on the country today, and
became a great concern for many. An extrajudicial killing (also known as
extrajudicial execution) is the killing of a person by governmental authorities
without the sanction of any judicial proceeding or legal process. Cases of these
already happened in our streets even before yet they are being shed more light
now not only because of our current controversial president but they do seem to
greatly affect one specific group of people. Those who are involved with illegal
narcotics. Users, pushers, runners (someone who delivers illegal drugs to
customers), and syndicate groups.

Indicated as the sixth commandment: “thou shall not kill” no one has the right to
take another’s life for any reason. Even if man has committed a grave sin against
his brother. No human law can justify or validate a violation of a divine law. Not
only is this commandment a respect for the sanctity of life but also respect for
God himself. Since man is made in God's image, the shedding of innocent blood is
viewed as a direct offense against God. As He is the creator only He has the right
to take away that gift he had temporarily given us to spend here on this earthly
world. Only He has the right to judge a person, and he has a designated place for
each of us, this depends on how we live our lives.

The Church condemns death penalty and killing because only God can judge us
and give the full justice. The CCC teaches, each man receives his eternal
punishment at the very moment of his death. Ruling a divine sentence upon his
immortal soul. This act is clearly a violation to human rights. Everyone must
undergo the right, legal due process. It is injustice to impose a sentence on a
accused without going a judicial proceeding. Even criminals have the right to life.
Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

"A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just." - Pope Francis
Bea Nicole C. Rosales Theology 3
12 – HUMSS February 6, 2018

Ways to Prepare for His Coming

Christians around the world have waited for the glorious return of Jesus Christ
for another salvation and the final judgment of all. The Bible does not indicate
when, how and where it would be. Nor does the Church know the time of Jesus'
coming. It means He can come anytime. That’s why let’s all be like the five out of
the ten virgins in the parable. Be vigilant and alert. Only the wise are ready to
welcome the Lord into their lives, follow His calling and forever join Him in
paradise. The best way to attain all of this is to be prepared all the time rather
than being caught in a surprise. Be faithful and patient for His coming again.

Here are ways to be spiritually prepared: pray, listen, be watchful, store and
improve. Talk to Him, ask Him. Tell Him to guide you and your loved ones. To
give some sign to tell that His coming so you could prepare. Listen to His will, His
word and message. Rely on Him always, He will surely lead you the way and take
you to a safe place. Be ready with confidence and joy. Jesus’ return will be a
glorious time and all will be filled with gladness. Equip yourselves with the
necessary knowledge and wisdom for within: prayer, blessing, His word; things
that will prepare our spirits for his return. Improve for the better good. God does
not expect us to be perfect, and perfection isn't required of us in order to see Him
at His return. What is expected is that each day we are a little better than the day
before. We don't have to be perfect; we just have to do our best to become a
better person than before.

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