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Mission Code Name: 9897 ID: ​76561198048834333​ LOG:  

Psychological Profile - 
While he does thrive in large groups, Adam is known to be engaging and expressive 
in one-on-one conversations. He has patient temperament and can be very 
introspective. With his background as an artist, his curiosity, and attention to detail 
has trained him to be mindful and precise, making Adam an excellent spotter and 
sniper. As a skilled painter, Adam’s art is expressive and colourful which is a stark 
contrast to his military life. After what happened to his Dad he will never go back to 
England and if he did he would suffer the consequences, but he will try his best to try 
to make an impact on wherever he may be...  
SPECIALITIES: ​Explosives Expert, Protective Security, Covert Cyber, Mobile 
Surveillance Officer, Speech Analyst, Behavioural Scientist, Firearms Expert, 
Former Officer, Drug Enforcement Officer, Paramedic/Air Rescue, BA Trained, 
Former NPAS, Marine Trained, DEA Informant and Previously Commander of 
multiple Cartels. 
-MI5 and SAS called him codename “eye” - this coincides with his stealth and 
-Adam has a scar on his right eye. However, this does not appear to affect his vision 
in any way. 
-According to one of the pouches on his old rig, his blood type is A+ 
-Usually seen wearing any item of clothing on his head. 
-Operation 9897 will never be found out as he was the one who caused the operation 
to happen 
-He is on the top wanted list of NCA: 
- Everything he does is to a high level of skill and he does not ever put him or his 
colleagues at risk  
-His Dad is located in England in a Secret location being questioned for Adam’s 
current location 
FEDERAL PERMIT: ​Silencers for rifles and pistols are not illegal to own, however 
you do have to go through an inordinate amount of paperwork and fees to get one, 
because a silencer falls into a restricted class of weapon. When you purchase a 
silencer, you have to pay tax fees and go through a 
background check and at the end of it you will either be 
denied, or approved and given a form that states you are 
allowed to own your silencer. Therefore, the following agent 
(9897) has been equipped with a Silencer Permit between the 
United Kingdom and Altis borders. This permit shown on the 
right side of this page is his FEDERAL LICENCE and is only to 
been seen by law-enforcement or any agent above: 
Her Majesty The Queen of England: ​I give the following agent: (9897)​ ​to be fully equipped for 
situations and security tier 4 measures between the borders of England & the island of Altis and 
this document is only to be read by authority working with the United Kingdom’s law enforcement 
team. If you are to be caught in possession of this document without consent from the United 
Kingdom’s law enforcement, myself or the following agent: (9897) you will be prosecuted and 
sentenced to jail depending on the intent of use and treason against the United Kingdom's government 
and myself. This specialized agent is authorised to be suitably equipped for any on going classified 
operation or intent to enforce the law. I pledge upon this document supplied by classified personnel in 
Yours sincerely: Elizabeth II 

Biography -  
Adam was born and raised in London, England where his father worked in the shipping industry. It was here 
that Adam studied art in secondary school and proceeded with an A-Level pass to try to be an Architect, he 
continued to study at school until The University of Oxford hostage crisis inspired him to transfer to the Cadet 
Corps and pursue a career in the armed forces. Afterwards he attended the Hereford Base Military Commanders 
Training Academy before joining the Ground Forces of the English Federation and later the SAS Tier 4 regiment. 
After being a SAS operative for 4 years he was in on an inside job with a cartel gang on a small island called Altis 
where he would give information about the British Government in return for money. He was found out as an 
ANPR from the cameras on the M25 located his Dad’s vehicle being traced to a discrete location up North in 
Scotland. The MI5 were tracing him and his Dad all over Britain and they were ​soon​ to realize that Adam’s Dad 
was using a second cell phone to make contact with this cartel and authority arrested him for Drug Trafficking 
as he was seen using his boat to transport the finest Meth across England. Adam found out about this on the 
news and knew that MI5 and the Police would begin to search for him to gain additional information and as they 
had suspicion that he was involved. He went off the grid and has not contacted his family since the day his Dad 
was arrested. He is now a rogue agent and highly wanted in the whole of the UK and if found, God knows the 
consequences. If you do ever come into contact with this man, be very careful as he is highly trained and if you 
piss of the “eye”, he will make your life a living hell. 
I'm agent 9897, or you could call me Adam.BZ. I started my life by living in Cubitt Town in central London near a 
lot of the docklands as my father was working in the shipping industry but was not allowed to tell me for 
security reasons what was being transported on these ships. I did not have a good education in London as it was 
very rough and the gang crime was very popular where we lived and I was hard to get an education but I 
desperately wanted to become an architect designing buildings all over England and the rest of the world. The 
only subject I found that I was partially good at was Art and I was one of those kids that was born with that type 
of talent. The teachers recognized this about and how I was very observant of my surroundings and if 
something was out of place I would investigate it. I will always remember this day to the day I die and it was 
when I was in Secondary School and it affected my whole life. The Oxford University Hostage situation hosted by 
Al-Asad was awful and a cruel thing to do to so many lives. The whole day I was watching the TV watching the 
police try to infiltrate the terrorists in the interior of the building that had 28 students hostage at gunpoint and 
if there were any mistakes or anything seemed threatening they would shoot them on sight. My Dad kept me 
away from violent things and he did not like me watching or witnessing these types of events because it reminds 
him of his life when he was in the Army and lost one of his best friends in front of him. Luckily my Dad was at 
work and I pretended to attend school that day but simply turned around glued to this event that was so 
unpredictable. I just wanted to help and try to save the lives in the building and be the hero but unfortunately 
that was not possible but it was in the future. Sadly all of the individuals in the interior of the building including 
terrorists were K.I.A and were killed due to the amount of Mustard Gas that flowed into the vents and into all of 
the surrounding area. This event changed me and as soon as I left my Secondary School with some ok grades I 
decided to join the ​Cadet Corps and pursue a career in the armed forces. I done this and it was a tough time for 
me and my Dad because we were barely in contact and Hereford Base for the SAS training was more intense 
than I would've ever expected. After all of my special force training and working on missions with MI5 I decided 
that I needed something different and more rewarding. I wanted to finally find out what my Dad was actually 
transporting as he would not tell anyone and was a high clearance level to understand what was going on at 
those docks. After a few months he finally got back to me on his phone and we met at a discrete location up 
North near Scotland. I will always remember the words that came out of his mouth. “I am not proud to tell you 
this son but it has to be said. You need to leave this country immediately, everyone is after me and after that you 
will be the intel to light their candles. You need to go immediately and I will probably never see you again but 
stop these people from doing this to us. They are 9897”. I was a bit confused when I was told this but my first 
instinct was to escape so I hitched hiked to avoid the ANPR scanners on the cameras towards -------------- Airfield 
where I learned to fly a helicopter and pilot confidently, luckily there was still fuel in the tank and enough to 
travel across a maximum of 20,000 miles which is about 6 hours of flight time. This would be off-the-grid as I 
could take the tracker out of my helicopter signal system and I would be gone. First I grabbed all of the different 
licenses and passports that I had in different names and also my firearm from my locker. I started up the 
helicopter and was travelling for more than 3 hours and I was out of England. I could hear a buzzing sound 
which was the Air-Radar on my helicopter saying that there was a nearby signal. It was getting smoother and 
smoother until I could finally hear a voice on the comms system saying “5,4,3,2,1, if that's your introduction to 
other people, go away, because this is the island of Altis not the UK?.” And this was when my journey began as a 
rogue agent that was unknown to everyone apart from the UK. By the way all of the things scribbled out were 
me, I don't want people who read this giving this back to the United Kingdom and if that does happen, we will 
have to see the consequences. 




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