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A. Choose the correct answer a,b,c,d, or e to each questions!

This text refers to number 1-5!

Storage Devices

Part of the main memory of computer is volatile for example when the computer is switched off;
information in the memory is lost. Storage devices are therefore used to provide a more permanent backing
store. They do this by storing the information on a medium such as magnetic tape or magnetic disc storage.
Devices which use a laser beam to store information on video discs are also being developed.
Each group of information stored in backing store, is referred to as file. The use of storage devices
allows an almost unlimited number of files to be stored. However, before a particular file can be used, it must
be transferred to the main memory; otherwise it can’t be a accessed.
The time taken to find a file and transfer it from the backing store to the main memory is called as
access time. This affects the speed of the computer system and is important in deciding which type of storage
device to use.

1. The main idea of paragraph one is . . . . . . . .

a. Computer memory is volatile
b. Information in the memory is easily lost
c. The function of storage devices is very useful
d. The development of storage devices is very fast
e. Storage information in disc storage

2. “. . . . .” before a particular file can be used . . . . “ ( paragraph 2)

The synonym of the underlined word is . . . . . .
a. Specific
b. Different
c. Common
d. Sensational
e. Essential

3. Something happen if we don’t transfer the file to the main memory is . . . . . . . .

a. The file can’t be find
b. The information in the memory is lost
c. The time taken to find the file is longer
d. The information is stored in the storage medium
e. It can’t be accessed

4. “ They do this by storing the information . . . . . “ ( paragraph 1)

The word “they” in paragraph 1 refers to . . . . . .
a. Memory
b. Storage devices
c. Computer
d. Information
e. Hard disk

5. The affect the speed of the computer system is . . . . . . .

a. A file
b. Memory
c. The access time
d. A laser beam
e. Virus
This text refers to number 6-8!
Ali Budiono is a reporter for Indonesia news. Reporter is an interesting job and Ali likes his job very much.
He has to write two or three stories everyday about different things that happen in the city. He often has to talk
to people to get the information he needs, and he has to spend a lot of time in the library to get other
information. Sometimes his work is exciting. If there is a fire or crime, Ali has to there as quickly as he can.
And often has to work late at night to make sure his stories are ready for next day’s paper.

6. How does Mr. Ali feel about his job?

a. He is not satisfied
b. He is sick of it
c. He dislikes it
d. He enjoys the job
e. He doesn’t want his job

7. What does the text tell you about?

a. An introduction of Mr. Ali
b. A reporter
c. Mr. Ali’s occupation
d. The Indonesia News
e. The writer’s occupation

8. How many stories are he has to write every day?

a. One
b. Two or three
c. Four or five
d. Six or seven
e. Ten

9. If we don’t want to be worried before travelling by plane it will be much better to . . . . . . . the flight tickets.
a. Booking
b. Booked
c. Book
d. Books
e. Is booked

10. Waiter : “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .”
Customer : Yes, please. I would like a glass of orange juice.
a. Would you like something to drink?
b. Do you have drink?
c. Which drink do you like?
d. Do you like to drink?
e. Do you want drink?

11. Mr. Billy : “. . . . . . . . . . a ticket to Denpasar?”

Andi : “Yes, Sir. When will you have it? “
a. Excuse me, do you have
b. Do you need to reserve
c. Do you want to reserve
d. I’d like to reserve
e. Give me
12. If I were you, I . . . . . . . study to the university.
a. To continue
b. Will continue
c. Would continue
d. Continue
e. Am continuing

13. Adam : The restaurant service is not good.

Sammy : How do you know?
Adam . . ………...there would be many people coming there.
a. If the service is good
b. If the service was good
c. If the service were good
d. If the service had been good
e. If the service are good

14. Caller : I would like to . . . . . . . my booking flight ticket last week.

Operator : may I know who is calling?
a. Reserve
b. Call
c. Confirm
d. Leave
e. Sell

15. Mr. Katana : “Could I make a reservation for my travelling to Bali?”

Mr. Burhan : “. . . . ... . . . . . “ to inform you that all seats have been reserved.”
a. Yes, of course
b. Certainly
c. I’m sorry
d. Alright
e. I don’t think so

This text refers to number 16-17!

Piano Recital Jean Dube, at Taman Ismail Marzuki
Jl. H. Rasuna Said, Kav. 5-3 Kuningan South
Book early for best seats

16. What does the word “book” in the advertisement means?

a. Retell
b. Receive
c. Reserve
d. Recite
e. Reward

17. What is being performed in Taman Ismail Marzuki?

a. Dance performance
b. Drama theatre
c. Musical course
d. Musical performance
e. Art Gallery

18. The expression that is rarely used to start a speech is . . . .

a. Good evening
b. Brother and sister
c. First of all
d. Ladies and gentleman
e. Hello

19. First of all, I’d like to . . . . . . . our speaker today.

a. Introduced
b. Introduction
c. Introductory
d. Introduce
e. Introducing

20. Mr. Andreas was very . . . . . . . with the presenter gave during the presentation.
a. Impress b. Impressionable c. Impression d. Impressed e. Impressing

21. When you are asked to represent your friends to deliver a speech a farewell party which happens at 10 a.m.
You open the speech with . . . . . . . .
a. Good day b. Good, very well c. Good night d. Good afternoon e. Good morning

22. Yanda arrives late at the office. She doesn’t meet the new director. If she arrived earlier, she . . . . .. . him.
a. Met b. Will met c. Would meet d. Had met e. Meet

23. She smile at me as if she . . . . . . . me before.

a. Known b. Had known c. Knew d. Knows e. Know

24. You can . . . . . . . the machine by pushing the “start” button.

a. Turn on
b. Get into
c. Shut down
d. Knock down
e. Put on

25. Rara . . . . . . . you if she had your phone number.

a. Will call b. Would call c. Called d. Would have called e. Is calling

26. I’ll take this opportunity well. The synonym of “opportunity” is . . . . . . . .

a. Reply b. Reserve c. Chance d. Relation e. Possession

27. They are going to . . . . . . . Japan to do such training.

a. Leave for b. Leaf c. Land d. Loose e. Leaving

28. Student : What should we do to open the computer?

Teacher : It’s easy, just press the power on. Then . . . . . . the program you want.
a. Click b. Clicked c. Clicks d. To click e. Try clicking

29. Most students in the classroom know how . . . . . . . . . a computer.

a. By operating b. For operating c. To operate d. By operate e. Operated
30. By . . . . . . . .a microphone sounds are made into more electrical signals.
a. Use b. Using c. Used d. Uses e. Use

31. Nita doesn’t agree with Harry’s statement about CPU.

Harry : I really like this CPU. It works very fast.
Nita : . . . . . . . . some of the programs are not compatible.
a. I don’t think so
b. That’s right
c. I like it, too
d. I suppose so
e. I did it

Question 32 – 33 Refer to the following instruction!

First, push the handle down. The plunger rises and creates a vacuum in the cylinder
below it. The water rises up into the pope. The cylinder passes the value.
Then push the handle up. The plunger moves down and the water cannot go back
through the value. It opens another value in the plunger to go out of the pump as the plunger
32.More water is drawn when the handle is moved up and down.

32. What come out from the pump if you push the handle up?
a. the cylinder c. the water e. the handle
b. the plunger d. the value

33. How many value are there in the cylinder?

a. One value c. More than two values e. ten values
b. Two values d. not more than one value

Questions 34 to 35 refer to the following procedure!

1. Lift the back cover of the phone

2. Insert the SIM card to the phone
3. Place the battery
4. Replace the back cover
5. Switch the phone on by pressing and holding the power key
6. Key in the phone number, including code area
7. Press "Call" to call the number
8. Press "End Call" to end the call (or cancel the call)

34. What should you do after inserting the SIM card to the phone?
a. Put off the battery.
b. Place the battery.
c. Replace the batter.
d. Switch the phone on.
e. Press "Call" to call the number
35. The words switch on in "Switch the phone on by pressing and holding the power key." has the same
meaning with....
a. put on
b. get on
c. move on
d. turn on
e. next to

B. Answer these questions correctly!

This dialog for question 1-3!

Mr. Bryan is making plane reservation to take a business trip to Los Angeles.

Agent : Galaxy Travel Agents. Good morning.

Mr.Bryan : Good morning, my name is Bryan. I’m calling from Chicago
Agent : Can I help you, Mr. Bryan?
Mr.Bryan : I’d like to reserve a flight ticket for next Sunday.
Agent : What airline would you like Sir?
Mr.Bryan : I’d like Lion Air if it’s possible.
Agent : We still have two tickets of Lion Air to Los Angeles, the flight at 8 a.m and 4 p.m.
Mr.Bryan : OK. I prefer the flight at 8 a.m because my meeting is in the afternoon.
Agent : Well, may I have your complete name Sir?
Mr.Bryan : Bryan Adams.

1. a. What’s the name of the travel agent?

b. Who is Mr. Bryan? Where is he from?
2. a. Why does he call the travel agent?
c. What airline does he prefer?
3. a. What time is his flight departure?
b. Why does he prefer that flight?

c. Change this conditional sentence into appropriate forms!

Type 1: “If I get good score in English test, my teacher will give me a present”.
Type 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Type 3: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

d. Make an instruction text about how to operate computer!

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