A Comparitive Study of "Product Penetration and Digitalization" by HDFC Bank in Chandigarh

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Submitted to

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of

Master of Business Administration


Chitkara Business School





I, “RATTAN GULATI”, hereby declare that the work presented herein is

genuine work done originally by me and has not been published or submitted
elsewhere. Any literature, data or work done by others and cited in the report
has been given due acknowledgement and listed in the reference section.



Date: ________________


I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude, thanks and regards
towards all of those who have directly or indirectly helped me in the successful
completion of this project. I present my sincere thanks to MR MANDEEP
SINGH (Branch Manager) who shared their knowledge with me.

I would also like to thank HDFC bank Staff for their wonderful support &
inspirable guiding. I also thank MR ANOOP OHRI & Dean SANDHIR
SHARMA who has sincerely supported me with the valuable insights into the
completion of this project. I am grateful to all faculty members of CHITKARA
UNIVERSITY, RAJPURA and my friends who have helped me in the
successful completion of this project.

Last but not the least I am indebted to my PARENTS who provided me their
time, support and inspiration needed to prepare this report.

Date: -

Place: -



The fundamental aim of studying the customer satisfaction towards services and products
offered by HDFC bank is like, to know about the services offered by the bank? The main
motive about this study is to check the awareness of the Internet banking products launched
by the Bank.

The report cont ai ns t he organi z at i onal st ud y don e at HD FC Bank. The

report t i t l e i s “PRODUCT PENETRATION AND DIGITALIZATION” .The report gives
an overview of the banking Sector and company profile. And awareness of customers about
different types of products and services offered by HDFC Bank. This study was conducted to
find out the customer satisfaction regarding HDFC bank. The methodology adopted for
the study was through a structured questionnaire, which is targeted to the different
shopkeepers and factories located nearby the branch in CHANDIGARH.

For this purpose sample size of 110 was taken. The data collected from the different
persons was analyzed thoroughly and presented in the form of charts and tables. HDFC must
use different ways to aware their customers as well as non-HDFC customers and create brand
value for its products and services. Most of its competitors like ICICI, Axis, kotak Mahindra
and nationalized banks use unique methods to promote their products.

The Indian consumer has a false perception about private banks – they feel that it would not
safe. Safety and returns are the two main reasons people invest in banks. On the
whole HDFC bank is a good place to work at. Every new recruit is provided with
extensive training on t he pro duct s o f HDF C . Thi s t r a i ni ng en a bl es an
advi s or/ s al es m an a ge r t o m ar ket t he policies better. The company should try to
create awareness about itself in India. . With an improvement in the sales techniques used, a
fair bit of advertising and modifications to the existing product portfolio, HDFC would be all
set to capture the banking market in India as it has around the globe.



14.2.2. MEDIA USED




 Findings & Recommendations of the Study
 Limitations
 References

Annexure (Questionnaire, Evaluation Format)


Banking is nearly as old as civilization. The history of banking could be said to have started
with the appearance of money. The first record of minted metal coins was in Mesopotamia in
about 2500B.C. the first European banknotes, which was handwritten, appeared in 1661, in
Sweden. Cheques and printed paper money appeared in the 1700’s and 1800’s, with many
banks created to deal with increasing trade.

The history of banking in each country runs in lines with the development of trade and
industry, and with the level of political confidence and stability. The ancient Romans
developed an advanced banking system to serve their vast trade network, which extended
throughout Europe, Asia and Africa.

Modern banking begin in Venice. The word bank comes from the Italian word “banco”,
meaning bench, because moneylenders worked on benches in market places. The bank of
Venice was established in 1171 to help the government raise finance for a war.

At the same time, in England merchant started to ask goldsmiths to hold gold and silver in
their safes in return for a fee Receipts given to the merchants are sometimes used to buy or
sell, with the metal itself staying under lock and key. The goldsmith realized that they could
lend out some of the gold and silver that they had and charge interest, as not all o the
merchants would ask for the gold and silver back at the same time. Eventually instead of
charging the merchants, the goldsmiths paid them to deposit their gold and silver.

The bank of England was found in 1694 to borrow money from the public for the government
to finance the war of Augsburg against France. By 1709, goldsmith were using bank of
England notes of their own receipts.

New technology transformed the banking industry in the 1900’s around the world, banks
merged into larger and fewer groups and expanded into other country.


In today’s dynamic world banks are inevitable for the development of a country. Banks play a
pivotal role in enhancing each and every sector. They have helped being a draw of
development on the world’s horizon and developing country like India is no exception.

Banks fulfil the role of financial intermediaries this means that it acts as a vehicle for finance
from those who have surplus money to (however temporarily) those who have deficit. In

everyday branch terms the bank channel funds from depositors whose accounts are in credit
to borrowers who are in debit.

Without the intermediaries of the banks both their depositors and their borrowers would have
to contact each other directly. This can and does happen off course. This is what has lead to
the very foundation of financial institution like banks.

Before few decades their existed some influential people who used to lend money. But
substantially high rate of interest was charged which made borrowing of money out of reach
of majority of the people so their arose a need for financial intermediate.

The bank have developed their roles to such an extent that a direct contact between the
depositors and borrowers in now known as disintermediation.

Banking industry has always revolved around the traditional function of taking deposits
money transfer and making advances those three hour closely related to each other the
objective being to lend money, which is profitable activity of the three. Taking deposits
generates funds for lending and money transfer services are necessary for the attention of
deposits. The bank have introduced progressively more sophisticated versions of these
services and have diversified introduction in numerable areas of activity not directly relating
to this traditional trinity.


The banking scenario in India has been changing at fast pace from being just the borrowers
and lenders traditionally, the focus has shifted to more differentiated and customized
product/service provider from regulation to liberalization in the year 1991, from planned
economy to market.

Economy, from licensing to integration with global economics, the changes have been swift.
All most all the sector operating in the economy was affected and banking sector is no
exception to this. Thus the whole of the banking system in the country has undergone a
radical change. Let us see how banking has evolved in the last 57 years of independence.

After independence in 1947 and proclamation in 1950 in the country set about drawing it’s
road map for the future public ownership of banks was seen inevitable and SBI was created in
1955 to spearhead the expansion of banking into rural India and speed up the process of

Political compulsions brought about nationalization of bank in 1969 and lobbying by bank
employees and their unions edit to the list of nationalised bank a few years later.

Slowly the unions grew in strength, while bank management strengthens the causality was to
the customer service declined, complaints increased and bank management was unable to
item the rot.

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In the mean time technology was becoming a global phenomenon lacking of vision of the
future and the banks. Erred badly in opposing the technology up gradation of banks. They
mistakenly believed the technology would lead to retrenchment and eventually the
marginalization of unions.

The problem faced by the banking industry soon surfaced in their balance sheets. But the
prevailing accounting practices unable banks to dodge the issue.

The rules of the game under which banks operated changed in 1993. Norms or income
recognition, assets classification and loan loss provisioning were put in place and capital
adequacy ratio become mandatory. The cumulative impact of all these changes has been on
the concept of state ownership in banks. It is increasingly becoming clear that the state
ownership in bank is no longer sustainable.

The amendment of banking regulation act in 1993 saw the entry of new private sector banks
in foreign banks.

4. HDFC Bank
 HDFC Bank Limited (Housing Development Finance Corporation) is an Indian
banking and financial services company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
 It has about 84,325 employees including 12,680 women and has a presence in
Bahrain, Hong Kong and Dubai.
 HDFC Bank is India’s largest private sector lender by assets.
 It is the largest bank in India by market capitalization as of February 2016.
 It was ranked 69th in 2016 Brandz Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands.
 As of December 31,2016, the Bank had a nationwide distribution network of 4,715
branches and 12,260 ATM's in 2,597 cities/towns.



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If ever there was a man with the mission. It was Hasmukhbhai Parekh our founder and
chairman emeritus. Who left this earthly abode on November 18, 1994.

Born in traditional banking family in surat, Gujarat, Mr. Parekh started his financial career at
harkishandas lakhmidas – a leading stock broking firm. The firm closed down in the late
seventies, But long before that. He went on to become a towering figure on the Indian
financial scene.

In 1956, he began his lifelong financial affair with the economic world, as the general
manager of the newly – formed industrial credit and investment corporation of India (ICICI).
He rose to become chairman and continued so till his retirement in 1972.

At the ripe age of 60, Hasmukhbhai started his second dynamic life, even more illustrious
than his first, his vision for mortgage finance for housing, gave birth to the Housing
Development Finance Corporation – it was trend-setter for housing finance in the whole
Asian continent.

He was a true development banker. His building up HDFC without any government asistance
is itself a brilliant chapter in the financial history. His wisdom and warmth drew people from
all works of life to him, for advice, guidance and inspiration.

A soft spoken man of few words. Mr. Parekh nevertheless held strong and definite views with
a quite conviction. He was always concerned with building bridges, improving and
encouraging communication between people.

He was also writer in his own right. There are over 200 published articles by him, full of his
incisive comments of finance and economics in 1953 he brought out a volume called: The
Bombay money market. It detailed the intricate working of the Indian money market. His
works in Gujarat – hirane patro, hirane vadhu – occupy pride of place in Guajarati literature.
In 1992, the government of India honoured him with the Padmabushan award. The London
school of economics and political science conferred on him an honorary fellowship.

But their was much more to the man thn his financial genius. In his own unassuming way.
Hasmukhbhai devoted all his life to raising resources for philanthropy causes. H was one of
the founder members of the centre for advancement of philanthropy, and it’s chairman till
1993. He took active interest in the Bombay community public trust , designed specifically to
serve needs of the cities under privileged citizens.

When Mr. Deepak Parekh took over as a chairman from Hasmukhbhai , he said “taking over
from Parekh his formidable task; his vision. Brought about not only an institution, but an
entire concept which has proved itself to be of lasting importance.”

In his last years, developments in the financial sector brought him some measure of
satisfaction. Says ICICI chairman, N Vaghul: the most gratifying aspect about his life is that
values he cherished all his life, come into reality in the last years. Opening up the financial
sector, and deregulation of lending rates were issues he stood for all his life, “and this
happened before his past away.”

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Farewell dear Hasmukhbhai all of us will miss not only HT Parekh the financial wizard, but
much more so, the man. The only and best tribute we can pay to such an individual is to try
and follow in his footsteps. Keeping in mind his ideals and philanthropy outlook.


Mr. Deepak Parekh is the chairman of HDFC, the country’s leading housing finance
company. A pioneer in mortgage finance, he has enabled scores of India’s middle class
people owning their houses or apartments through affordable loan.

A chartered accountant, Deepak Parekh begin his career with earnest management
consultancy services in New York. After returning to India, He worked with Grind lays Bank
and also chase Manhattan bank as it’s assistant representative for south Asia. Deepak Parekh
joined HDFC in 1978. He was promoted as its managing director in 1985 and appointed it’s
chairman in 1993, he is instrumental in making the HDFC a premium Housing Finance
Institution in the Country. Deepak Parekh is also the non-executive chairman of infrastructure
of development finance company ltd. (IDFC), a government of India enterprise for
infrastructure projects in 1997. He is also the non-executive chairman of Glaxo India ltd. And
burroughs wellcome (India) ltd. And on the board of Castrol BP India; Hindustan lever ,
Siemens ltd, Mahindra and Mahindra and Indian hotels company he is also a non-executive,
independent director of Singtel.

Deepak Parekh has been a member of various Committees setup by the government of India.

He was appointed chairman of the high level expert committee formed to recommended
measures for straightening the units scheme 1964. The reserve bank of India appointed him
chairman of the advisory group for securities market regulation, which was tasked to compare
the level of adherence to international standards in India with that in other countries. He was
also chairman of the expert committee constituted by the ministry of power to look into the
reform efforts in the power sector.

Deepak Parekh has won several awards including business man of the year by business India
and the JRD Tata corporate leadership award by all India management association (AIMA)

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he was the first recipient Quipro platinum award for quality for his contributions to the
service sector and the youngest recipient of the prestigious corporate award for life time
achievement by the economic times.

He was also conferred PADMABHUSHAN by the government of India.

6. Parent Company – Housing Development Finance Corporation

It was founded in 1977 as the first specialised mortgage company in India. HDFC was
promoted by the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India. Hasmukhbhai Parekh
played a key role in the foundation of this company.
In 2000, HDFC Asset Management company launched its mutual fund schemes. In the same
year, IRDA granted registration to HDFC Standard Life Insurance, as the first private sector
life insurance company in India.

It also has a presence in banking, life and general insurance, asset

management, venture capital and education loans.


HDFC holds approx. 21.5% of shares in HDFC Bank. HDFC Bank sources home loans for
HDFC for a fee.
The key business areas of HDFC bank are wholesale and retail banking and treasury
operations. On 31 March 2013, its market capitalisation was INR 1.5 trillion (US$ 27.31
billion), making it India's seventh largest publicly traded company.

HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited

HDFC holds approx. 70.7% of shares in HDFC Life. Standard Life holds 26% shares. In
September 2013, it was ranked third in terms of market share of private life insurance
companies in India. On the same date, it had a network of approx. 72,000 financial
consultants to sell its policies.

HDFC Asset Management Company

HDFC formed this Mutual fund company with Standard Life Investments and holds approx.
60% of its shares. It manages 44 schemes comprising debt, equity, exchange traded fund and
fund of fund schemes. Average assets under management (AUM) as at the end of September
2013 were INR 1.07 trillion. It is ranked first in the industry in India on the basis of Average
Assets under management.

HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company

HDFC formed this General Insurance company with ERGO Insurance Group. HDFC holds
74% and ERGO holds 26% of the shares. By the end of September 2013, its Market share in
General Insurance stood at 4.1% (overall) in terms of gross gross direct premium in first half

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year of FY 2013-14. The total employee strength of the company as of March 31, 2013 was

GRUH Finance
HDFC holds approx. 59% in GRUH. It is a housing finance company offering loans to
individuals for purchase, construction and renovation of dwelling units. It also offers loans to
the self-employed segment where formal income proofs are not available. It has a retail
network of 136 offices across 7 states in India.

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HDFC Property Fund
It was launched in 2005. Its first scheme was a close ended fund for domestic investors:
'HDFC India Real Estate Fund'. The funds of this scheme are managed by HDFC Venture
Capital Limited. Its another scheme is for international investors and is a closed ended fund:
'HIREF International Fund'.

Credila Financial Services

Credila is a non-banking finance company and was the first Indian lender to exclusively focus
on education loans. The company lends to under-graduate and post-graduate students
studying in India or abroad. HDFC holds approx. 90% shares in this company. The average
amount of education loan disbursed is INR 880,000 approx.

HDFC is India's premier housing finance company and enjoys an impeccable track record in
India as well as in international markets. Since its inception in 1977, the Corporation has
maintained a consistent and healthy growth in its operations to remain the market leader in
mortgages. Its outstanding loan portfolio covers well over a million dwelling units. HDFC
has developed significant expertise in retail mortgage loans to different market segments and
also has a large corporate client base for its housing related credit facilities. With its
experience in the financial markets, strong market reputation, large shareholder base and
unique consumer franchise, HDFC was ideally positioned to promote a bank in the Indian


The Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Bank provides the following rights to
HDFC Limited, promoter of the Bank:

The Board shall appoint non-retiring Directors from amongst the Directors nominated by
HDFC Limited with the approval of shareholders, so long as HDFC Limited and its
subsidiaries, singly or jointly hold not less than 20% of the paid-up share capital of the Bank.

HDFC Limited shall nominate either a part-time Chairman and the Managing Director or a
full time Chairman, with the approval of the Board and the shareholders so long as HDFC
Limited and its subsidiaries, singly or jointly hold not less than 20% of the paid-up share
capital of the Bank.

Under the terms of Bank’s organisational documents, HDFC Limited has a right to nominate
two directors who are not required to retire by rotation, so long as HDFC Limited, its
subsidiaries or any other company promoted by HDFC Limited either singly or in the
aggregate holds not less than 20% of paid up equity share capital of the Bank.

Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd.

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Enterprises under common control of the promoter
HDFC Asset Management Company Ltd.
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Ltd.
HDFC Developers Ltd.
HDFC Holding Ltd.
HDFC Investments Ltd.
HDFC Trustee Company Ltd.
GRUH Finance Ltd.
HDFC Reality Ltd.
HDFC Ergo General Insurance Company Ltd.
HDFC Venture Captital Ltd.
HDFC ventures trustee company Ltd.
HDFC sales pvt ltd.
HDFC property ventures ltd.
HDFC asset management company (Singapore) ltd.
Griha investments

Solutionnet pvt ltd
Softcell technologies ltd
Atlas documentary facilitators company pvt ltd
Hbl global pvt ltd
Centillion solution and services pvt ltd
Kairoleaf analytics pvt ltd
International asset reconstruction company pvt ltd


Aditya Puri, Managing Director

Shayamala Gopinath, Chairperson
Paresh Sukhthankar, Deputy Managing Director
Kaizad Bharucha, Executive Director
Bobby Parikh, Director
A.N. Roy, Director


Salisbury investments pvt ltd

Sudha engineer


Under the micro, small and medium enterprises development act, 2006 which came into force
from October 2, 2006, certain disclosures are required to be made relating to micro, small and
medium enterprises. There have been no reported cases of delays in payments to micro and
small enterprises or of interest payment due to delays in such payments.

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On the basis of the intimations received from suppliers regarding their status under the micro,
small and medium enterprises development act, 2006, there are five (previous year : nine)
suppliers registered under the said act, and there are no amounts unpaid to these suppliers as
the year end.


The company has received intimation from a supplier regarding their status, under the Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises Development act 2006 and amount unpaid as at march 31,
2010 is Rs. 0.3 lacs (previous year : Rs 36 lacs)


HDFC Bank's vision is to be "a World Class Indian Bank", benchmarking ourselves against
international standards and best practices in terms of product offerings, technology, service
levels, risk management and audit & compliance.

HDFC Bank's business philosophy is based on five core values

 Customer Focus
 Operational Excellence
 Product Leadership
 People
 Sustainability



The bank’s target market ranges from large, blue chip manufacturing companies in the Indian
corporate to small and mid sized corporate and agri-based businesses. For these customers,
the bank provides a wide range of commercial and transactional banking services, including
working capital finance, trade services, transactional services, cash management etc.

The bank is also a leading provider of structured solutions, which combines cash
management services with vendor and distributor finance for facilitating superior supply
chain management for its corporate customers. Based on its superior product
delivery/services, levels and strong customer orientation , the bank has made significant in
roads into the banking sector of a number of leading Indian corporate including multinational,
companies on the domestic business houses and prime public sector companies. It is
recognised as a leading provider of cash management and transactional banking solutions to
corporate customers, mutual funds, stock exchange members and banks.

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The objective of the retail banking is to provide target market customers of full range of
financial products and banking services, giving a customer a one stop window for all his/her
banking requirement. The products are backed by world class services and delivered to the
customers through the growing branch networks, as well as through alternative delivery
channels like ATM’s , phone banking, net banking and mobile banking.

The HDFC bank proffered program for high net worth individuals, the HDFC bank plus and
the investment advisory services programs have been designed keeping in mind of customers
to seek distinct financial solutions. Information and advice on various investment avenues.

The bank also has a wide array of retail loan products including auto loans, loans against
marketable securities, personal loans and loans for two wheelers. It is also a leading provider
of depository participants (DP) services for retail customer providing the customer the facility
to hold their investment in electronic form.

HDFC bank was the first bank in India to launch an international debit card in association
with VISA (visa electron) and issue the MASTERCARD Maestro debit card as well. The
bank launched its credit card business in late 2001. By September 30 2005, the bank had a
total card base(debit and credit cards) of 5.2 million cards. The bank is also the on of the
leading players in the “merchant acquiring” business with over 50000, point of sale (POS)
terminals for debit / credit cards acceptance at merchant establishment.

Within the business, the bank has three areas – Foreign Exchange and Derivatives. Local
Currency Money Market & Debit Securities, and Equities. With the liberalization of the
financial markets in India, corporate need more sophisticated risk management information,
advice and product structures. These and fine pricing on various treasury products are
provided through the banks treasury teams. To comply with statutory reserve requirement, the
bank is required to hold 25% of its deposits in government securities. The treasury business is
responsible for managing the returns and market risk on this investment portfolio.

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12. Main Competitors of HDFC Bank Ltd.
13.ICICI Bank
14. ICICI Bank (Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India) is an Indian
multinational banking and financial services company headquartered in Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India, with its registered office in Vadodara. ICICI Bank is the main
competitor of HDFC Bank Ltd.
15.Kotak Mahindra
16. Kotak Mahindra Bank is an Indian private sector banking headquartered in Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India. Kotak Mahindra Bank has a network of 1,369 branches across
689 locations and 2,163 ATMs in the country (as of 31 March 2017). In 2018, it is the
second largest private bank in India by market capitalization after HDFC Bank.
17.Axis Bank
18. Axis Bank Limited is the third largest private sector bank in India. Axis Bank's stake
holders include prominent national and international entities. As of 31 Dec. 2013,
approximately 43% of the shares are owned by Foreign Institutional Investors.
19.IndusInd Bank

20.IndusInd Bank Limited is a Mumbai based Indian new generation bank, established
in 1994. The bank offers commercial, transactional and electronic banking products
and services.

Name Last Price Market Cap. Net Interest Net Profit Total Assets
(Rs. cr.) Income

HDFC Bank 2,115.15 550,818.45 80,241.35 17,486.75 1,063,934.31

Kotak Mahindra 1,371.20 261,368.80 19,748.49 4,084.30 264,933.40

ICICI Bank 270.05 173,690.93 54,965.89 6,777.42 771,791.46

Axis Bank 513.70 131,915.26 45,780.31 275.68 691,329.57

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IndusInd Bank 1,959.40 117,649.82 17,280.75 3,605.99 221,626.17

Yes Bank 352.60 81,299.44 20,267.42 4,224.56 312,445.60

Bandhan Bank 544.30 64,924.37 4,802.30 1,345.56 44,310.07

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“Human Resource Management function that helps managers recruit, select, train and
develop members for an organization. Obviously, HRM is concerned with the people’s
dimension in organizations.

Work force of an Organization is one of the most important inputs of components. It is said
that people are our single most important assets. Because of the unique importance of
HUMAN RESOURCE and its complexity due to ever changing psychology, behaviour and
attitudes of men and women at work, in all business concerns, there is one common element.
I.e. Human personnel function, i.e., manpower management function is becoming
increasingly specialized. The personnel function or system can be broadly defined as the
management of people at work- management of managers and management of workers.
Personnel function is particularly interested in personnel relationship and interaction of
employees-human relations.

In a sense, management is personnel administration. Management is the development of

people, and not mere direction of material resources. Human capital is the greatest asset of a
business enterprise. The essential ingredient of management is the leadership and direction of
people. Each manager of people has to be his own personnel man. Personnel management is
not something you really turn over to personnel department staff.

14.1.1.Responsibilities of Human Resource Department.

 HRD maintain daily attendance record through branch manager via E-mail.
 Take decisions for approval regarding leave notes.
 He takes the decision related to the recruitment, selection and training of the candidates.
He talks to the consultant related to the recruitment of the qualified candidates. He also
does screening of the candidates, shortlist the candidate and takes the first round of the
 He maintains the database of the candidates to come for an interview. He also maintains
personal file of each employee. He also completes the joining formalities of each new

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 They are taking surprising visit in every branch and collect information about employees.
 He is responsible for the monthly salary of the employees as per their attendants and
passing to the Branch Manager.
14.1.2.Human Resource planning

This is handled by doing the planning at the beginning of every year. At the end of the year,
the Human Resource department from each Branch receives the requirement for the person
for whole year. Then the planning of recruitment and training is done by training manager
and recruiting manager which is approved from Head of HR Department.


Recruitment is a process of searching for prospective candidates for the given job in the
industry. As we know it is very important for an industrial concerns to have efficient and
effective personnel with right quality and at right time and at right place available whenever
they are needed. Every organization needs employee time by time because of promotion or
retirement of an employee. For this purpose an organization need to search for the right
candidate. And so it needs to encourage this type of right candidates whenever they require.

Sources of Recruitment

 Personal data of candidates and data bank maintain by the HR.


 Campus Recruitment.
 Company’s own website.
 Placement consultants.
 Advertisement in the news papers like Times of India, Gujarat

 Employee reference.

Recruitment Process

Applicant Profile Shortlist Screening Interview

pool Check
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14.1.4. Selection

 Selection is the process of taking individuals out of the pool of job applicants with
requisite qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organization. It is define as the
process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those with a
greater likelihood of success in a job.
 Selection is based on probation base, they are taking experienced person for 6 month’s
probation and for fresher the probation period is 1 year.
 While the selection of the senior level post, is taken by head office at Mumbai.

14.1.5. Training and Development

 Training aims at increasing the aptitudes, skills and abilities of workers to perform
specific job. It makes employees more effective and skillful. In present dynamic world of
business training is more important there is an ever present need for training men. So that
new and changed techniques may be adopted. A new and changed technique may be
taken as an advantages and improvement affected in the old methods.
 Training is learning experience that seeks relatively permanent change in an individual
that will improve his/her ability to perform on the job.
 They provide “on the job” training to their employees in the branch as they select these
employees for selling various products of bank by direct marketing. Whenever they select
new candidates for any post, they use to give them on the job work.
 In case of sales persons to distribute their various products, in the beginning the person
has to work under the observation of his senior then the have to go in market to have their
own experience.
 The time for training program for the candidate is depends up on the relevant position of
his work area. They also provide training related to customer care and communication.

14.1.6. Performance Appraisal

 An organization’s goals can be achieve only when people put in their best efforts.
Performance appraisal may be understood as the assessment of an individual’s

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performance in a systematic way. It is define as the systematic evaluation of the
individual with respect to his/her performance on the job and his/her potential for
 To appraise the performance of the employee they have developed a credit system on the
basis of the given target to the employee. After appraising the performance of the
employee they put the grade of each employee in the following grade criteria.

14.1.7. Employee Remuneration and Incentive Payments

 Remuneration is the compensation an employee receives in return for his/her contribution

to the organization. Remuneration occupies an important place in the life of an employee.
At HDFC, remuneration of an employee comprises – wages and salary, incentives.

14.1.8. Wages and Salary

 A part from various incentives and benefits, the personnel are compensated only in terms
of wages and salaries. A proper compensation in terms of this is necessary for motivation
employees for their continuous
 improved performance. For all this, it is required that wages and salaries are provided
well by organization.
 Wages and salary refers to the establishment and implementation of sound policies and
practices of employee’s compensation. A wage and salary is the remuneration paid for the
service of labor in production periodically to an employee. The bank is in service industry
so the salary is given on monthly basis. They use to hire certain salesman on commission
base and they are provided their salaries on commission base. While other permanent
staff are being given monthly salaries. As HDFC bank is reputed bank in market the pay
scale are as per the standard.
 Sales executives (coax) are being given salary of 6000 to 8000 per month. While sales
officer’s salary ranges from 15000 to 18000 per month. HDFC bank is also giving
attractive incentives as per the target. The salary of branch manager is around 35000 per

14.1.9. Incentive

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In HDFC, employees get incentives on the basis of the target given to each employee and
their area of work. They have developed the incentive structure for the employees on the
basis of point system. All the employees get the incentive in the form cash reward.

14.1.10 Employees benefit

The employees of HDFC automatically become HDFC bank salary account Holders with
special benefit and privileges and receive instant salary credit. The benefit include
international debit card, corporate card with individual liability (CCIL), access to phone
banking and internet banking, demat accounts, and host of other services to complement
their savings account. Here are some of the features of HDFC Bank’s salary account.

14.1.11. Motivation

Motivation is willingness to do something conditioned by this action’s ability to satisfy some

need. Motivation is given by the responsible person, like branch manager or team manager
for better performance in the department.

14.1.12. Disputes and their resolution

Disputes are common in organization. In practice, disputes mainly relate to the target only
because if any employee is not achieving target he/she will not eligible for incentive which
creates frustration among them.

Every employee is free to talk to the head of the particular department if they have any
problem related to the job. Firstly, the problem is solved by the head of the particular
department and if the problem does not solved by the head of that department then it is
addressed to the HR Manager.


The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It
includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in

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marketing departments of companies try to get the attention of target audiences by using
slogans, packaging design, celebrity endorsements and general media exposure.

Ajay Kelkar, Head, Marketing, HDFC Bank, said that these initiatives are especially targeted
at those consumers who are not aware about the bank's various value added services such as
direct banking facilities.

"We are going to demonstrate the advantages of net banking and mobile banking, as these
concepts are relatively new to people living in smaller towns and cities," said Kelkar. The
bank has also launched another initiative called “Business Ki Baten”, which is targeted at
areas where the bulk of the population comprises small businessmen. Kelkar said that the
bank would get experts to talk on a number of issues such as value-add tax and sales tax.
Bank can measure the result of a campaign through the sales that they generate and the
customers that are added. There is a clear return on investment, which from a functional point
of view gives the team a stronger voice. Bank has also been able to reduce their ad spends by
about 10-15 per cent and has also reduced the cost of acquisition Bank's focus in future
would be to enhance its database marketing initiatives. Bank plan to invest close to Rs 12
crore to create the environment that is required to support customer intelligence that leads to
data based marketing.

HDFC has chartered an extensive Customer Lifecycle based marketing campaign calendar
for this and the forthcoming fiscal. Fractal, which specializes in predicting the behavior of the
customers in the areas of risk and marketing, would be partnering HDFC Bank's marketing
team in various initiatives of growing the retail business quickly and cost effectively.

HDFC has been using analytics for taking informed marketing decisions. Fractal will help the
bank use information to reach new customers and to build, nurture and maximize lasting
customer relationships. Fractal will also help the bank solve the problem of ever-increasing
customer acquisition costs and reducing customer loyalty. The marketing programmes would
involve acquisition of customers profitably by reducing campaign costs, cross selling various
asset and liability products to the existing customers, thereby, leveraging the existing
relationships and proactively retaining existing customers. Fractal's analytics-based
marketing solutions span which the entire lifecycle of customer relationship right from
customer acquisition to customer retention to customer value management, is expected to
give HDFC an upper hand in understanding the needs and circumstances of their customers.

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14.2.1 Marketing Initiatives By The HDFC Bank

HDFC Bank is possibly the only bank in India, and one of the very few in Asia, to have
embarked on a data-led marketing analytics campaigns initiative, using marketing automation
technology provided by Unica. Unica has been recognized by Gartner as the leading player in
this field. Through this tool, we have been able to intelligently use the 4-5 terabytes of
customer data available in its warehouse. We have set up a team to conduct marketing
campaigns in a scientific manner using customer data, usage patterns, preferences, lifecycle,
etc, the bank also conducts event-based marketing.
These initiatives also complement our media-based marketing as well as on-the-ground
marketing activities, which remain important in the bigger scheme of things. However, the
marketing analytics initiative enables us to measure the efficacy of the campaigns, testing
every campaign every step of the way, experimenting with creatives, messages, media, etc.
There are learnings that can immediately be absorbed and incorporated in the next
campaigns, and these campaigns in a way provide us with information about customer
choices and preferences that can be used for mass media communication, making those more

14.2.2. Media Used For Sending Message To Reach Target Audience

HDFC Bank has been predominantly using direct mailers, e-mails, and SMS for
communicating our message to our target audience as they are the most cost-effective routes
of addressing our core target audiences with maximum degree of customization possible.


Market Segmentation is defined as the process of splitting customers, or potential

customers, in a market into different groups, or segments, within which the customers share a
similar level of interest in the same or comparable sets of needs satisfied by a distinct
marketing proposition; it is also explained as a marketing technique that targets a group of
customers with specific characteristics, i.e. a particular group that has its own distinct
customer profile and buyer characteristics so that for marketing purposes, it can be targeted
separately from other segments of the market.

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It is a key ingredient for successful marketing as it simplifies the targeting, positioning and
the planning process.

A true Market Segment meets all of the following criteria: it is distinct from other segments
(heterogeneity across segments), it is homogenous within the segments (exhibits common
attributes), it responds similarly to a market stimulus and it can be reached by a market
intervention. Market Segmentation simplifies the firm’s product, pricing, promotion and
distribution strategies and also facilitates planning and organizing function of management
more easily and cost effectively; but it requires a thorough understanding of the customers
needs. It is referred as a tool for defining markets and thereby allocating resources; it uses
statistical techniques called factor analysis and cluster analysis to combine attitudinal and
demographic data to develop segments that are easier to target.

Market Segmentation can be done on the basis of the location (Geographic Segmentation);
on the basis of age, income, gender and other measurable factors (Demographic
Segmentation); on the basis of lifestyle, likes, dislikes, taste and preferences (Psychological
Segmentation); and according to the history, loyalty and responsiveness (Behavioral

A business must analyze the different needs of the market segments; their internal strengths
and weaknesses; external opportunities and threats; and various others factors like the
mission, vision, values, beliefs, attitudes, norms and standards of the organization; as well as
the competitors strategy, social and cultural factors, economic environment, global
perspective, demographic environment, technological and political / legal aspects before
deciding their own niche.

Philip Kotler mentioned five criteria for an effective segmentation which states that
Segmentation should be: -

1. Measurable: - It should be possible to determine the values of the variable used for the

2. Relevant: - It should justify the expected profits and the growth potential.

3. Accessible: - The target customers must be reachable and servable for the organization.

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4. Distinguishable: - The target audiences must be diverse and able to show different
reactions to different marketing mix.

5. Feasible: - The firm must have an ability to draw an effective marketing program for its

Market segmentation is an effort to increase a company’s precision marketing. A market

segment consists of large identifiable group within a market with similar wants, purchasing
power, buying attitudes or buying habits. As HDFC bank is a service sector industry they
introduce different schemes for different people. Each person is different in nature and each
have differ criteria for investment like risk factor, return, liquidity, tax benefits etc.

“Market Specialization is a business term meaning the market segment to
which a particular good or service is marketed. It is mainly defined by age,
gender, geography, socio-economic grouping, or any other combination of

It is generally studied and mapped by the organization through list and reports containing
demographic information that may have an effect on the marketing of key products / services.
A product focusing on a specific target market contrasts sharply with one, following the
market strategy of mass marketing”.

Targeting can be done by the firms by adopting a logical and systematic methodology /
steps. Which are as follows: -
STEP 1: - Identify the potential buyers: - Through proper market research and market
segmentation (it is the process of pulling apart the entire market as a whole and separating it
into manageable disparate units based on various demographic, political, economic and social
factors; it can also be customer / product / competition related segmentation).

STEP 2: - Select the target audiences: - The factors that influence Targeting are the Internal
and External Environment. Internal environment includes the mission, vision, values and
objectives of the firm; whereas; External factors are the social, cultural, economic, global,
demographic, natural, task, technological, political and legal environment. Through
compiling the customers profile to decide the 4 P’s – Product, Price, Place and Promotion and
obtain the demographic, psychological, geographic and behavioural information of the buyer.

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“Positioning is the act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a distinctive
place in the target market’s mind.

Positioning starts with a product. A piece of merchandise, a service, a company, an

institution, or even a person. But positioning is not what you do to a product. Positioning is
what you do the mind of the prospect. That is, you position the product in the mind of
prospect. A company’s differentiating and positioning strategy must change as the product,
market, and competitors change over time. Once the company has developed a clear
positioning strategy, it must communicate that positioning effectively.

HDFC bank have positioning strategy of “Continuing a Tradition of Trust”. It is accurate

positioning strategy because it signifies a trust with its clients. Here is special Relationship
Manager dedicated towards customer service and satisfaction and give them guidance about
various schemes which helps them to get right scheme which suit their needs. In this way it
continues to maintain a trust with its clients.


In this modern era it is very easy to know how much important the finance is in the business.
As current position of the market is totally different from ancient where it was very easy to
get the finance. But now a days it is not so, it is very difficult task to raise funds from
market. As today people are facing lot of problem and have less confidence on the market so
it is difficult to raise fund without proper planning.

For the bank as it is a Financial Institution we can consider finance as lifeblood of this
business. The company should manage to get sufficient finance. The company should use to
keep proper planning for the finance of its own and also of the large no. of depositors who are
there with the bank. We can define financial management as a task of acquisition and
utilization of funds needed in the business in a manner so that organizations goal can be
achieved. In HDFC Bank, its chief Financial Officer and Treasurer manage the finance. Due
to proper policies and separate management the company can have proper operation of


Main sources of finance of HDFC bank are :-

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 Total share capital - 512.51 Cr.
 Deposits – 6,43,639.66 Cr.
 Borrowings- 74,028.87 Cr.


For the bank finance itself is the product now it is not an easy task to manage this finance.
As bank has to keep watch on the deposits of its millions of customers and also it has to
manage its own large financial base. As in recent it is popular “No finance no business”, for
the bank “Finance itself is business”. There are different types of organizational structure
such as group organization, line organization, line and staff organization. HDFC Bank has
line of authority and line of authority is vertical i.e. authority passes from top to bottom and
responsibility passes from bottom to top level management.

As HDFC Bank is very big company and it has large cliental base so it is very difficult and
complicated to manage its finance in proper way. There we need of concrete and proper
policies to have proper management of it. Because of big size of the bank one cannot manage
all the accounts of it alone. So, company has to appoint many different persons so that there
is proper maintenance of the funds of different persons is possible.


SWOT Analysis is a powerful technique for understanding your Strengths and Weaknesses,
and for looking at the Opportunities and Threats you face. Used in a business context, it helps
you carve a sustainable niche in your market. Used in a personal context, it helps you develop
your career in a way that takes best advantage of your talents, abilities and opportunities.

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 Right strategy for the right products.

 Superior customer service vs. competitors.
 Great Brand Image
 Products have required accreditations.
 High degree of customer satisfaction.
 Good place to work
 Lower response time with efficient and effective service.
 Dedicated workforce aiming at making a long-term career in the field.
 HDFC has good financial advisors in terms of guiding customers towards right
 The attrition rate in HDFC is low and it is one of the best places to work in private
banking sector.


 Some gaps in range for certain sectors.

 Customer service staff need training.
 Management cover insufficient.
 Sectoral growth is constrained by low unemployment levels and competition for
staff .
 HDFC bank doesn’t have strong presence in Rural areas, where as ICICI bank its
direct competitor is expanding in rural market.
 The bank focuses mostly on high end clients.
 The share prices of HDFC are often fluctuating causing uncertainty for the investors.


 HDFC bank has better asset quality parameters over government banks, hence the
profit growth is likely to increase.
 Could extend to overseas broadly.
 New specialist applications.
 Could seek better customer deals.

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 Fast-track career development opportunities on an industry-wide basis.
 An applied research centre to create opportunities for developing techniques to
provide added-value services.
 HDFC bank has improved its bad debts portfolio and the recovery of bad debts are
high when compared to government banks.


 Legislation could impact.

 Great risk involved
 Very high competition prevailing in the industry.
 Vulnerable to reactive

 Lack of infrastructure in rural areas could constrain investment.

 High volume/low cost market is intensely competitive.
 The HDFC is not able to expand its market share as ICICI imposes major threat.
 The government banks are trying to modernize to compete with private banks.
 RBI has opened up to 74% for foreign banks to invest in Indian market.


SWOT Analysis is a simple but powerful framework for analyzing company's Strengths and
Weaknesses, and the Opportunities and Threats you face. This helps you to focus on your
strengths, minimize threats, and take the greatest possible advantage of opportunities
available to you.

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1. Increasing market share India’s expending banking.

2. Delivering high quality customer service
3. Marinating current high standards for asset quality through discipline credit risk
4. Develop innovative product and services that attract targeted customers and address
inefficiencies in the Indian financial sector.


Banking should be effortless. With HDFC bank, the efforts are rewarding. No matter what a
customer’s need and occupational status, we have a range of solutions that are second to
none. Whether you are employed in a company and need a simple Savings account or run
your own business and require a robust banking partner.

HDFC Bank not only has the perfect solution for you, but also can recommend products that
can augment your planning for the future.

It includes these services :-

1. Saving accounts
2. Current accounts
3. Fix deposits
4. Demat account
5. Safe deposits lockers

21.1.Savings Accounts
These accounts are primarily meant to inculcate a sense of saving for the future,
accumulating funds over a period of time. Whatever person’s occupation, bank have
confident that person will find the perfect banking solution. There some saving accounts like

Regular Saving Account

An easy to operate savings account that allows you to issue cheques , draw demand drafts and
withdraw cash. Check up on your balances from the comfort of your home or office through

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Net Banking. Phone Banking and Mobile Banking. If you need money urgently then you can
take money from the ATM machine. There are 1977 ATM centres across the country.

Saving plus account

Introducing the best banking option for you with HDFC bank savings plus account. Now you
can get access to some of the finest banking facilities with HDFC Bank’s Saving plus
account. All you have to do is maintain an Average Quarterly Balance of RS. 10000.

Saving Max Account

Welcome to a world of convenience. Presenting Saving max account, loaded with maximum
benefits to make your banking experience a pleasure. By maintain an average quarterly
balance of just Rs. 25000. You get host of premium services from HDFC bank absolutely

Senior Citizen Account

HDFC bank appreciates your needs and endeavors, which is why, they present an account
especially dedicated to customer , which like a dutiful child will help you fulfill your needs in
the best manner possible.

No frills Account

In an effort to make banking simpler and more accessible for customers, bank has introduced
the “No Frills” Savings Account, which offers customer, all th basic facilities. Customer can
even avail of services like Net Banking, Mobile banking free of cost. In this customer can put
zero initial paying and a zero balance account.

Institutional saving accounts

A specially designed account that offers twin benefits of a savings as well as a current
account. Customer’s fund continue to earn you interest while he enjoys hassle free banking &
a host of other features. All this and more in a zero balance account.

Salary accounts

In this account, customer can get salary from where he/she doing such job and organization
or company at where the customer of the bank in doing job deposit their salary into the salary
account a person can get salary.

There are various kinds of the saving accounts in the HDFC Bank like -

1. pay roll account

2. classic salary account
3. regular salary account

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4. premium salary account
5. defense salary account
6. no frills salary account
7. reimbursement account

Kid’s advantage account

start saving for your child today and secure his/her future, a sentence told by the HDFC bank.
Open a savings account and transfer money every month into customer’s kid’s advantage
account and watch the savings to grow as customer child grows. The accumulated savings
account in the kids advantage account can over the years help in meeting customers child

Main features and benefits of this account are as below

For their growing needs

1. Free education insurance cover of Rs. 1,00,000 in the event of death of the parent/
guardian through vehicular accident by road, rail or air to safeguard the future of your
2. ATM/ International Debit Card will be issued for children between 7-18 years of age
in the child’s name with your permission. Amount for this plan is able to withdraw is
Rs. 2,500 at ATM’s or spend Rs. 2,500 at merchant locations.
3. Free cash withdrawals on any other bank ATM’s.
4. 1 free personalized cheque book for your child.
5. Monitor the transactions of your children’s account with the free quarterly physical
statement of account or free monthly email statement of account.
6. Free net banking for you to monitor your children’s account.
7. Free SMS/Email alerts informing you about the account transactions.
For their Secured Future

1. Standing instructions to transfer any amount from your account to your Kid’s
Advantage Account every month (minimum value = Rs. 1000 & Minimum tenure =
1year) (mandatory)

2. Once the balance in the Kid’s Advantage Account reaches/ exceeds Rs. 35,000, the
amount in excess of Rs. 25000 will automaticallybe transferred into a Fixed Deposit
for 1 year 1 day I yout child’s name by signing in for our sweep out facility.

3. You can also opt for systematic investments in mutual funds from the Kid’s
Advantage Account in your child’s name.

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HDFC Bank Current Account gives the power of inter-city banking with a single account and
access to more than cities. From special cheques that get treated at par with local ones in any
city where branch, faster collection of outstation cheques (payable at branch locations), free
account to account funds transfer between HDFC Bank accounts to Free inter-city clearing of
up to 100 lacs per month, bank’s priority services have become the benchmark for banking
efficiency.Now, with an HDFC Bank Current Account, experience the freedom of multi-city
banking. Person can have the power of multi-location access to his account from any of our
761 branches in 327 cities. Not only that, he can do most of his banking transactions from the
comfort of his office or home without stepping out.

There are various kinds of current account in this bank like

Plus current account

HDFC Bank plus Current Account gives the power of inter-city banking with a single
account and access to more than cities. Plus Current Account requires maintaining an average
quarterly balance of Rs. 100,000.

Trade current account

In today's changing business requirements, you need to transfer funds across cities, and time
is of the essence. HDFC Bank Trade Current Account gives power of inter-city banking with
a single account.

From special cheques that get treated at par with local ones in any city where bank have a
branch, to free account to account funds transfer between HDFC Bank accounts, to free inter-
city clearing of up to 50 lacs per month, bank’s priority services have become the benchmark
for banking efficiency. Trade Current Account requires maintaining an average quarterly
balance of Rs. 40,000.

Premium current account

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Business needs a partner who can manage finances while concentrate on growing business.
Form this account customer can avail benefits of inter-city banking account that requires an
average quarterly balance of only Rs. 25,000, offers Payable-At-Par cheque book facility &
FREE inter-city clearing transactions across our network up to Rs.25 Lacs per month.

A Current Account with the benefits of accessing account from a large network of branches,
and through direct access channels - the phone, mobile, Internet and through the ATM.

Regular current account

A Current account is ideal for carrying out day-to-day business transactions. With the HDFC
Bank Regular Current Account, customer can access account anytime, anywhere, pay using
payable at par cheques or deposit cheque at any HDFC bank branch. It also facilitates FREE
NEFT transactions & FREE RTGS collections for faster collections in account. Regular
Current Account requires to maintain an average quarterly balance of only Rs. 10,000.

With a vast network of branches in cities all over the country.

Reimbursement Current Account

No more paperwork, no more receipts to keep track of - a hassle-free account that allows
deposit the reimbursements receive from company/organization on a monthly basis.

To open this account a person has to follow these processes:

Procure an Account Opening Document (AOD) from HDFC Bank. (If person has just joined,
first request to company to open up a Salary Account for particular person).

Mention Salary Account number and Debit Card number on the AOD so that Debit card can
be linked to both, Salary Account as well as new Reimbursement Account.

Request company to directly credit cash payments to the Reimbursement Account.

RFC – Domestic Account

Full name of this account is Resident foreign currency account.

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Have you accumulated foreign currency from travelling abroad frequently? Received gifts
from relatives in foreign currency? Or earned it by any other means as approved by the
Reserve Bank of India?

If so, open Resident Foreign Currency Domestic Account and manage foreign currency
efficiently. Person can choose to set up your account either in US Dollar, Great Britain Pound
or Euro.

To open this accounts a person as to follow this process: -

Choose the currency in which person wish to operate. Open account with an initial amount as
per the following-US Dollar = 250 Great Britain Pound = 200 Euro = 250 and maintain an
Average Quarterly Balance of the same amount.

Flexi current account

Tired of static transaction limits during peak seasons? HDFC Bank Flexi Current Account is
the answer to changing banking needs during peak seasons.

With HDFC Bank Flexi Current Account Cash Deposit and Anywhere Transaction limits are
a multiple of the balance you maintain in Current Account. So, during peak seasons,
customer get the benefit of higher transaction limits due to the higher average balances
maintained in account. What’s more, during lean seasons, person need not worry about
maintaining huge balances to enjoy high transaction limits, which person anyway may not
need. Flexi Current Account requires to maintain a minimum Average Monthly Balance
(AMB) of just Rs. 75,000.

Apex current account

The top position is always the desirable position. With the Apex current account, take
business to a new high. On maintaining an average quarterly balance of Rs. 10 lakhs, this
account makes sure person make the most of every business opportunities coming his way.
Unlimited, free, anywhere Banking experience at the APEX is reserved for person who joints

Max current account

Maximum benefits and minimum hassles for customer with Max Current Account with a Rs.
5 lakhs average quarterly balance requirement, bank present to world of privileges that helps

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business expand and grow. Features like maximum free transaction limits including other
beneficial features on this current account truly enhances business potential to the Maximum.

21.3.Fix deposits service

Long-term investments form the chunk of everybody's future plans. An alternative to simply
applying for loans, fixed deposits allow to borrow from own funds for a limited period, thus
fulfilling needs as well as keeping savings secure.

People can invest his/her money into either in security market or gold or mutual fund or into
a fix deposits. People always go to that way where he/she can get more benefits and
minimum risks. So, for this purpose he has a better chance to deposits money in to the fix

If people believe in long-term investments and wish to earn higher interests on his/her
savings, now is the time to invest money in HDFC bank Fixed Deposit. Get up to 9.75% on
HDFC Bank Fixed Deposit with an additional 0.50% for Senior Citizens. What's more NO
PENALTY if withdraw part of the FD in times of need. Flexibility, Security and High
Returns all bundled into one offering.

Regular fix deposit

As per the rules and regulation of the bank a person can deposit their money in to a fix
deposit in the bank and can get the benefits of these facilities.

Five year tax saving fix deposit

In 2006, it was announced for the first time that Bank fixed deposits booked by an
Individual/HUF for 5 years & up to Rs. 1,00,000/- will be allowed exemption under Sec 80C
of the Income Tax Act,1961 subject to necessary declarations taken from the Customer.

Supper saver facility

Customer can enjoy a high rate of interest along with the liquidity of a Savings Account by
opting for a Super Saver Facility on his or her savings account. Avail of an overdraft facility
of up to 75% of the value of his or her Fixed Deposit.

Sweep-in facility

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Do you wish to avoid taking overdrafts, and still take advantage of your Fixed Deposits?
Then what you need is a Sweep-In Facility on savings account. Link Fixed Deposit to
Savings or Current Account and use it to fall back on in case of emergencies. A deficit in
Savings or Current Account is taken care of by using up an exact value from Fixed Deposit.
Since deposits are broken down in units of Re 1/-, customer will lose interest only for the
actual amount that has been withdrawn.

21.4.Demat account service

Nowadays share market is becoming is the main occupation of the person. So to avoid faulty
processes demat account is really most important for the share market and for the safety of
shares it is most important.

HDFC BANK is one of the leading Depository Participant (DP) in the country with over 8
Lac demat accounts.

HDFC Bank Demat services offers a secure and convenient way to keep track of securities
and investments, over a period of time, without the hassle of handling physical documents
that get mutilated or lost in transit.

HDFC BANK is Depository participant both with -National Securities Depositories Limited
(NSDL) and Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL).


A Safe Deposit Locker with HDFC Bank is the solution to person’s fear. Located at select
branches in cities all over the country, bank’s lockers ensure the safe keeping of valuables.


An individual (not minor), firms, limited company, associations, clubs, trusts, societies, etc
may hire a locker.

Advantages of safe deposit locker in HDFC bank

Wide Availability.

Lockers available in various sizes. i.e. Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large with varying

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Lockers are rented out for a minimum period of one year. Rent is payable in advance.

No deposits are required to avail a locker. Just open an account and get the locker facility.

There is a nominal annual charge, which depends on the size of the locker and the centre in
which the branch is located.

Nomination for Safe Deposit Locker

The Lockers and their contents can be nominated to people near and dear to you.

Nomination facility is available to individual hirer of Safe Deposit Locker.

In the case of a sole hirer of a safe deposit locker, nomination can be made in favor of only
one individual.

Where the safe deposit locker is hired in the name of a minor, the nomination shall be made
by a person lawfully entitled to act on behalf of the minor. Lockers can be allotted
individually as well as jointly. The Locker holder is permitted to add or delete names from
the list of persons who can operate the Locker and can have access to it. Loss of Key is to be
immediately informed to the concerned Branch.


In today’s competitive world every thing happens only with the help of money or through the
money every person need money. But some time a person has not cash on hand at that time
he needs lone either from any friend or from any financial institute. Lone dose not mean that
only lower class person needs it but also upper class person it is needed.

As per the requirement of the every person there are much type of loans are there in the
HDFC bank.

Personal loan

A person has so many dreams but some time due to scarcity of money a dream can’t be
satisfy. So, here one solution for that person this is personal loan. From this he/she can fulfill
their needs or requirement. It can be any thing either a dream of vacation or son/daughter’s
admission to college or any wedding, so personal loan can be helpful in this entire

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As person ordered in the hotel for tea or coffee and it is immediately came fast, same over
here any person want to get a personal loan with the nominal documents he can get the loan.

Home loan

HDFC Bank brings, HDFC home loans to doorstep. With over 30 years of experience, a
dedicated team of experts and a complete package to meet all housing finance needs, HDFC
Home Loans, help people realize dream.

Vehicles loan

Nowadays the life is being so fast, time value is becoming more important so to reach at the
destination of any business related occasion or for a boy to reach college or any where at the
fix time there are so many requirement of vehicles. But every people have no capacity to
purchase vehicles with cash so for that here in the HDFC bank vehicles loan is available.
There are many types of vehicles loan.

Types of vehicles loan:

Two wheeler loans.

New car loan.

Used car loan.

Tractor loan (for agree culture business).

Commercial vehicle loan.

So, as per the requirement of the person there are these types of loans are available this are at
the chip rate and hassle free from more documentation and other procedure. And commercial
businessman can get the benefits of the commercial vehicles loans. Thus as per the need of
different people there are vehicle loans available. And also terms and condition are different
as per the requirement.

45 | P a g e
Express loan plus

Bank offer Express Loans Plus at person Doorstep to help fulfill all his/her needs. The
procedure is simple, documentation is minimal and approval is quick. It is helpful to person
in repairing of house, School admission or also in the family holiday.

Gold loan

With HDFC Bank's Gold Loan, person can get an instant loan against gold jewellery and
ornaments. The procedure is simple, documentation is minimal and approval is quick. A
person can get 70% loan on the value of the gold jewellery and ornaments. There is also
availability of the overdraft on the gold jewellery. With this a customer can get free
additional services like free personalized cheque book, free international debit card, and free
net banking phone banking services.

Educational loan

Nowadays important of education becoming very high. ASs it important becoming high it is
becoming costly. So in the higher education some time people can not effort a high price at a
same time. So, there is education loan is also available for the student.

A person can get loan up to 10 lakhs to study in India and 20 lakhs if he wants to study in
abroad. Loan available up to tenure of 7 years including moratorium period.

Loans disbursed directly to the educational institution. It is released as per fee schedules of
institutes. Exclusive Telegraphic Transfer facility available for courses abroad. Loans
available for short duration/ job oriented courses also.

Loan against security

With HDFC Bank's Loan against Securities, person can get an overdraft against securities
like Equity Shares, Mutual Fund Units(Equity, Debt, FMPs), Gold Exchange Traded
Fund(ETF),NABARD's Bhavishya Nirman Bonds, Policies issued by LIC & Select Private
Insurance Companies, NSC, KVP, UTI Bonds (ARS & US64 Bonds) and Gold Deposit

46 | P a g e
Certificates, while still retaining ownership. And the best part is that he can continue to enjoy
all his shareholder benefits such as rights, dividends and bonuses Loan available to NRIs
against Shares, Mutual Funds (equity, Debt, FMPs), US64 Bonds, Insurance Policies, NSC,
and KVP.

Loan against property

HDFC Bank brings Loan Against Property (LAP). Person can now take a loan against
residential or commercial property, to expand his business, plan a dream wedding, and fund
his child's education and much more. He can depend on bank to meet all his business
requirements even to purchase a new shop or office for business. Loan to purchase
Commercial Property (LCP) is a specially designed product to help person expand his
business without reducing the capital from his business.

These are loans services providing by HDFC bank which are very hassle free and really
benefits for most of customer and most of customer are satisfied by the loan services
providing by the bank.


In today’s competitive and fast time card services providing by the banks are really very
important to every person and every business needs or to take meal in to the hotel or to
purchase jewellery from the jewellery shops cards are playing good role in the banking
sectors. Bank ranges of Cards help to meet financial objectives. So whether persons are
looking to add to his buying power, conducting cashless shopping, or budgeting his
expenditure, he will find a card that suits him.

Credit cards

A person wants many things like, a trip to Bali, a diamond ring for wife's dreams. Some
dreams can't wait. If there's something person has always wanted. If a person wanted fulfil his
wants he can get benefits from the HDFC bank’s credit cards facilities. different types of

Classic cards

Silver Credit Card.

47 | P a g e
Value plus Credit Card.

Health Plus Credit Card

Gold Credit Card

Titanium Credit Card

Titanium Credit Card

Woman's Gold Card

Platinum Plus Credit Card

Visa Signature Credit Card

World Master Card

Commercial Cards

Corporate Credit Card

Debit card

HDFC Bank Debit Cards give person complete and instant access to the money in his
accounts without the risk or hassle of carrying cash.

Types of debit card: -

Classic card

Easy shop international Debit card.

Premium card

Easy shop gold Debit card.

Specialized card

Easy Shop International Business Debit Card.

Easy Shop Woman's Advantage Debit Card.

Easy Shop NRO Debit Card.

48 | P a g e
Prepaid card

Besides offering convenience, Prepaid Cards have been tailored to answer travel and gifting

ForexPlus Cards

Prepaid Travel Card.

Gift Plus Cards

Prepaid Gift Card.

Food Plus Cards

Prepaid Food Plus card.

Money Plus Card

The Corporate Payment card


Nowadays a ward investment is becoming more popular. Person invest their money in to
various schemes or in to the gold or share market etc. but some time he is in to the difficult
situation, for that bank help person invest wisely through financial and investment services.

Types of investment: -

Mutual Funds

Invest through the Mutual Fund route to meet varied investment objectives.

49 | P a g e
Traditional Plans Unit Linked Plans

HDFC children's PLAN HDFC Unit Linked Young Star Plus II

HDFC Money Back Plan HDFC Unit Linked Young Star Suvidha

HDFC Savings Assurance Plan HDFC Unit Linked Young Star Suvidha Plu

HDFC Assurance Plan HDFC Unit Linked Pension

HDFC Term Assurance Plan HDFC Unit Linked Pension Plus

HDFC Loan Cover Term Assurance Plan HDFC Unit Linked Endowment Plus II

HDFC Endowment Assurance Plan HDFC Unit Linked Endowment Suvidha

HDFC Single Premium Whole of Life Insurance HDFC Unit Linked Endowment Suvidha

HDFC Unit Linked Enhanced Life Protection


Complete protection for business, health, travel & more.


A secure investment avenue giving stable returns with tax benefits.

Financial Planning

Start Now Plan investments to meet financial goals

Knowledge Centre

Profit from research and make informed investment decisions.

Equities & Derivatives

Leverage bank’s vast information repository and transact online.

50 | P a g e
Mudra Gold Bar

Buy 24 Karat gold bars made in Switzerland and certified by Assay.


Nowadays businesses becoming worldwide e.g. India to America but main problems are
about monitory transaction because at every country the currency become changed so for that
banks are playing a very important for the businesses.

If people need to deal in foreign currency and keep tabs on exchange rates every now and
then, transfer monies to India, make payments etc., HDFC Bank has a range of products and
services that people can choose from to transact smoothly, efficiently and in a timely manner.

Bank offering following Foreign Exchange Products and Services.

Foreign Exchange and Trade Services.

The following are different methods of transacting in Foreign Exchange and remitting

Travelers Cheques

Foreign Currency Cash

Foreign Currency Drafts

Cheque Deposits


Cash to Master

Trade Services

Forex Services Branch Locator


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All Foreign Exchange transactions are conducted by strictly adhering to RBI guidelines.
Depending on the nature of transaction or point of travel, people will need to understand his
Foreign Exchange limits.


Nowadays life of a person become very stressful and he/she becoming busy with their own
business, but they have to payment for something so for that reason bank’s payment services
become started.With HDFC Bank's payment services, person can bid goodbye to queues and
paper work. Bank’s range of payment options make it easy for pay for a variety of utilities
and services.

Verified By Visa

Do you want to be worry free for your online purchases. Now you can shop securely online
with your existing Visa Debit/Credit card.

Net Safe

Now shop online without revealing your HDFC Bank Credit Card number. What more, you
can now use your HDFC Bank Debit Card also for online purchases.

Merchant Services

Accept all Visa, MasterCard, credit and Debit cards at your outlets through state of the art
POS Machines or through your website and experience hassle free payment acceptance.

Prepaid Mobile Refill

If you are an HDFC Bank Account holder, you can now recharge your Prepaid Mobile Phone
with this service.

Bill Pay

52 | P a g e
Pay your telephone, electricity and mobile phone bills at your convenience. Through the
Internet, ATMs, your mobile phone and telephone - with Bill Pay, our comprehensive bill
payments solution.

Visa Bill Pay

Pay your utility bills from the comfort of your home! Pay using your HDFC Bank Visa credit
card and forget long queue and late payments forever.

Pay Now

Use your HDFC Bank Credit Card to pay your utility bills online, make subscriptions and
donations; no registration required. Enjoy credit free period and reward points as per your
credit card features.

Insta Pay

Pay your bills, make donations and subscribe to magazines without going through the hassles
of any registration.

Direct Pay

Shop or Pay bills online without cash or card. Debit your account directly with our Direct Pay

Visa Money Transfer

Transfer funds to any Visa Card (debit or credit) within India at your own convenience
through HDFC Bank's Net Banking facility.

e-Monies National Electronic Funds Transfer

Transfer funds from your account to other Bank accounts across India - FREE of cost.

Online Payment of Excise & Service Tax

Make your Excise and Service Tax payments at your own convenience through HDFC Bank's
Net Banking facility.

Religious Offerings

Now donate to your favorite temple easily and securely using HDFC BANK's Net Banking.

53 | P a g e

As a special customer bank providing a TAJ to customer with name imperia/preferred

customer. For that bank provide a special service to their customer. HDFC Bank's
preferred/imperia Program is the royal decree that enhances the exclusivity that you are
accustomed to. It makes you feel special at every step, pampering with services those others
can only dream about. This service goes beyond the obvious, rises above the expected, so that
the whole world can see, that even today, the grandeur and magnificence of royalty is alive
and well.

Thus as retail banking service bank providing really good and beneficial services to their
customer and as family member they are providing good services to every customer either
they are came business related or anything. So for this reason HDFC bank playing a good
role in the customer’s life for their monitory transaction.


With a view to attract the savings and other remittance into India through banking channels
from the person of Indian Nationality / Origin who are residing abroad and bolster the
balance of payment position, the Government of India introduced in 1970 Non-
Resident(External) Account Rules which are governed by the Exchange Control Regulations.

The funds held in Non-Resident (External) Accounts (NRE Accounts) qualify for certain
benefits like exemptions from taxes in India, free repatriations facilities, etc.

Deposit types

NRI-Banking facilitates the NRI customer to open the following account types.

NRE (Non Resident External Accounts)

It can be in the form of Savings, Current or fixed deposits in Indian rupees. The funds in this
account are fully reparable.

NRO (Non Resident Ordinary Accounts)

It can be in the form of Savings, Current or Fixed Deposits in Indian Rupees. The funds in
this account are not reparable (only interest accrued is reparable).

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FCNR (Foreign Currency Non Resident Accounts)

It can be in the form of fixed Deposits only, in the five major currencies, namely US Dollars,
GBP, DM, Euro, and Japanese Yen. The funds in this account are fully reparable.


Wholesale banking is the provision of services by banks to the like of large corporate clients,
mid-sized companies, real estate developers and investors, international trade finance
businesses and institutional customers, such as pension funds and government
entities/agencies. Also included is banking services offered to other financial institutions. In
essence, wholesale banking services usually involve high value transactions. Wholesale
banking compares with retail banking, which is the provision of banking services to
individuals. Wholesale banking services includes.

Corporate service

Corporate Banking reflects HDFC Bank's strengths in providing our corporate clients in
India, a wide array of commercial, transactional and electronic banking products. We achieve
this through innovative product development and a well-integrated approach to relationship

Large Corporate

Supply Chain Partners

Agricultural Lending

Small & medium term enterprises

HDFC Bank understands how much of hard work goes into establishing a successful SME.
Bank also understands that business is anything but "small" and as demanding as ever. And
as business expands and enters new territories and markets, person need to keep pace with the
growing requests that come in, which may lead to purchasing new, or updating existing plant
and equipment, or employing new staff to cope with the demand. That's why HDFC Bank has
assembled products, services, resources and expert advice to help ensure that your business

55 | P a g e
The following links will help identify individual needs.

Funded Services.

Non-Funded Services.

Specialized Services.

Value Added Services.

Internet Banking.

Financial institutions & trusts


Financial Institutions.

Mutual Funds.

Stock Brokers.

Insurance Companies.

Commodity Businesses.



HDFC Bank acts as an active medium between the government and the customers by means
of various services. These services include:

Tax Collection wherein customers can directly pay their taxes like Direct taxes, Indirect
taxes and Sales Tax collections at their local HDFC Bank.

E-Ticketing - Helps the customer by providing him a direct access to book a Railway Ticket
online and get it home delivered.

Opening of L/C's is done by the bank on behalf of Government of India, Mints and Presses,
thus facilitating imports for the Government.

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Collection of levies and taxes on behalf of Municipal Corporations i.e. Kalyan -Dombivli
Municipal Corporation, is undertaken by the Bank.

Collection of stamp duty is done via franking mode in the state's of Maharashtra & Gujarat.

The Stamp Duty Franking Facility is available at following branches in Maharashtra Fort,
Chembur, Lower Parel, Mira Road, Thane (Talao Pali), Panvel, Ratnagiri, Pune(FC Road),
Kolhapur, Nagpur, Pimpri.

The Stamp Duty Franking Facility is available at following branches in Gujarat

Disbursement of Pension to retired Employees of Central Govt and Defence is directly done
by HDFC Bank along with the disbursement of pension to the members of EPFO (Employees
Provident Fund Organisation).

Electronic Collection of fees on behalf of DGFT is done by the bank too.



Branch Code – 0597

Assignment Guide (Branch Manager) – MANDEEP SINGH


 PB Auth. –

 PB Sales –

 PB Welcome Desk –

 Teller Auth. –

 Teller –

 Liability Sales Officer –


57 | P a g e
Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide
new revenue and value-producing opportunities. It is the process of moving to a digital
business. It is integration of digital technologies into everyday life by the digitization of
everything that can be digitized. The new Apple watch is an example of digitalization at
its best where technology has taken an ordinary watch and introduced technology into it
with phone capabilities, messaging, and even internet capabilities. Digitalization is
forcing banks to undergo the most extensive transformation in their
history.Digitalization in banking is more than just going paperless.It helps in
delivering faster and more efficient services. It offers a new and improved customer

On the outside, customers benefit from fair prices with increased transparency and
comparability. Banks meet their needs with immediate, high-quality interactions, and
transactions are performed quickly and securely. Purchasing a product no longer requires
14 days. Customers are proactively informed about a rich spectrum of personalized
products and services, including financial advice, new opportunities, and peer
comparisons. Overall, customers enjoy the banking experience, and they are happy to
hear from their bank (or non-bank).

Making all of this possible will require support from the inside. The underlying operating
model will need reshaping, with lean channel and organization structures in place to allow
for fast processing. Decision and governance processes will need to be streamlined, with
a new more-agile culture that has the right spirit to support a superior customer

58 | P a g e
experience. An integrated IT infrastructure will be needed to meet all requirements, with
fast computing to allow for super-fast processing. Last but not least, digital banking will
change the way revenue is generated. As customer centricity becomes more important,
deep customer insights will open up new sources of revenue, such as third-party
advertising and customers paying for value-added services.

1.Products covered-

1.1. Chillr

It is a mobile app that allows users to instantly transfer money to any contact in their
phonebook 24 hours a day, seven days a week. HDFC Bank has partnered with MobME,
a Kochi-based technology firm, to launch this app. Chillr allows users to send money in 3
simple steps:

1. Choose the recipient from your list of Chillr contacts

2. Enter the amount to be transferred & a message to recipient
3. Enter your secret M-PIN & press PAY

The recipient will instantly receive money in his / her bank account.
Chillr is a first-of-its kind application that is linked directly to the customer’s bank account,
so there is no need to worry about filling up a prepaid wallet. No passwords are stored on
the phone and it can be accessed only with an M-PIN known to the customer alone.
With this app, customers no longer have to ask for account information and wait for a set
amount of time in order to add beneficiaries if they wish to transfer money. They can send
and request money directly on their mobile.
With Chillr, HDFC Bank customers can transfer money to any person in India, once they
download the app and register. The app is widely accessible as it works on Android and
iOS operating systems. It will soon be launched for the Windows phone as well.

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HDFC Bank launched Pay Zapp on 10th June 2015. Aditya Puri, Managing Director, HDFC
Bank said “the wallet we introduced under PayZapp, unlike other wallets, is not a pre-paid
wallet. It reflects your account and it reflects your credit card balance. More importantly, it is
one click. That is the convenience.”
With PayZapp, one can shop on their mobile at partner apps, buy movie tickets, music and
groceries, compare and book flight tickets and hotels, shop online and get great discounts at
SmartBuy, send money to anyone in your contact list, pay bills and recharge your mobile,
DTH and data card.
In this , one no need to add his account details every time. Just link debit and credit card once
and then enjoy .
Tagline used to promote this-
‘Cards link karo ek baar, pay karo baar baar!’
The App is not really great but Payzapp is currently giving some really cool offers on
Recharges and grocery purchase.

About PayZapp:
1. PayZaap is a complete digital payment and purchase solution, a one-stop online portal
offering customers ‘great deals at one place’.
2. It is a two factor authentication.
3. Customer don’t have to enter their information again and again. It is one click app.
4. PayZapp will help its customers do multiple transactions.
5. customer can transfer funds, recharge mobiles, pay bills, do travel bookings, book movie
tickets; and order food, grocery and music.
6. Customer can download the app from the Google Play Store from June 15 2015.
7. A customer can also apply for loans, purchase insurance and the bank will also give
investment advice through it.
8. The customer can do transactions and for payment, the amount will be debited directly
from her credit or debit card.
9. The product is fully compliant with RBI’s two factor authentication and has also been
cleared by the regulator.

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1.3.POS machine
A point of sale terminal (POS terminal) is an electronic device used to process card payments
at retail locations. A POS terminal generally does the following:

 Reads the information off a customer’s credit or debit card

 Checks whether the funds in a customer’s bank account are sufficient
 Transfers the funds from the customer’s account to the seller’s account (or at least,
accounts for the transfer with the credit card network)
 Records the transaction and prints a receipt

Types of pos machine:

1. Landline terminal- this is the one of the oldest which require landline. For
this a customer has to come to the counter to pay to the merchant.
2. Gprs terminal – for this, bank gives a sim to merchants
3. M.pos.- this is latest product which doesn’t require landline and sim. It is
operated through smart phones through Bluetooth.

61 | P a g e
1.4. Smart buy

SmartBuy is a platform only for display of offers extended by Merchants to HDFC Bank's
Customers, and HDFC Bank is not selling/rendering any of these Products/Services. The
Bank does not act as express or implied agent of the Merchants/the owners of the Products
vis-a-vis the Customers.
HDFC Bank is merely facilitating the payment by its Customers by providing the Payment
Gateway Services and will not earn any fee by hosting this website.
HDFC Bank is neither guaranteeing nor making any representation with respect to the offers
made by the merchant. HDFC Bank is not responsible for sale/quality/features of the
Products/Services under the offer.
If the Customer proceeds from here, any purchase of a Product/Service will only be through
the HDFC Bank's credit/debit cards/net banking facility. The Products/Services offered by
Merchants may also be available at other stores/online platforms. The Customer's discretion
is advised in this regard.

Features :-

 It mainly works as a marketing promo for merchants

 This option can be availed by those merchants who are HDFC customers.

62 | P a g e
 It offers some discounts to participants so that they can offer some discount to
their cardholders
 Bank publicize their products to their internal customers through sms alert, e-
mail, branch display and on their official website
 Cashback is received by customers within 90 days
 It also has the ability to tell how much business has increased because of this
marketing promo.

Offers :-

1. Electronics 5% cashback

2. Apparels 10% cash back

3. Restaurant 15% cash back

Types of option a merchant can avail:

Discount on Obligation of Ticket size Cash back Reward

debit cards merchant per month points
Option 1 5% cash back Full Min 5000 Max 1500 No
Option 2 5% cash back 1% of entire No Max 2500 per 5x for
amount card credit cards
Option 3 5% cash back 2% of entire No Max 5000 per 10x for
amount card credit card


EMI (equated monthly instalment) is usually a fixed amount of money that you need to pay
to your bank every month as repayment of loan taken until your loan is totally repaid.

63 | P a g e
Features of EMI:

 Emi can be taken for maximum 12 months

 It can e availed only on credit cards
 It always paid on a fixed date of each month.

Types of EMI machine

o Brand EMI

 Bank tie up with branded companies example apple, Sony etc.

 Effective rate is 0% to customers
 At one point rate is charged but then it is reversed in the form of upfront
 All the cost is beard by merchants ,
 Merchants choose this option to multiply his business

o Bank EMI:

 In this there is no tie up with manufacturer

 Merchant will be charged 15/20 bps rest cost is beard by cardholders
 8 banks card are accepted on pos machine to convert into EMI


A web portal is most often one specially designed web site that brings information together
from diverse sources in a uniform way. Usually, each information source gets its dedicated
area on the page for displaying information .Apart from this common search engines feature,
web portals may offer other services such as e-mail, news, stock quotes, information from
databases and even entertainment content. Portals provide a way for enterprises and
organizations to provide a consistent look and feel with access control and procedures for

64 | P a g e
multiple applications and databases, which otherwise would have been different web entities
at various URLs.

features of portal:

 All merchant details can be seen. eg name, address and email id etc
 Transaction details -

 History of last 7 days transactions

 Current transaction details (last day settled and
unsettled transactions can be seen)

 Statement shown in excel which helps in reconciliation

 The main benefit of this product to merchants is that they can see unsettled
transaction on their screen which earlier was not possible
 After form signed up it takes 4 working days to activate
 MDR (merchant discount rate ) is applicable same as pos machine rates
 It reduces dependency on banks


Net Banking is a system of banking in which customers can view their account details, pay
bills, and transfer money by means of the Internet.
Internet banking, sometimes called online banking, is an outgrowth of PC banking. Internet
banking uses the Internet as the delivery channel by which to conduct banking activity, for
example, transferring funds, paying bills, viewing checking and savings account balances,
paying mortgages, and purchasing financial instruments and certificates of deposit. An
Internet banking customer accesses his or her accounts from a browser— software that runs
Internet banking programs resident on the bank’s World Wide Web server, not on the user’s
PC. NetBanker defines a “ true Internet bank” as one that provides account balances and
some transactional capabilities to retail customers over the World Wide Web. Internet
banks are also known as virtual, cyber, net, interactive, or web banks.


65 | P a g e
Personal home page

 Consolidated and account by account balances for all accounts under your relationship
number/s held with the bank
 Online banking inbox- this allows you to have instant communication with the bank.
You will also receive e-mail alerts and confirmations for all transactions done through
online banking.

Personal updates

 Change password
 Change contact details (residential, postal, work & home phone number and email)
 Subscribe for email alerts


 Transaction details and account information

 Chequebook request
 Request for statement
 Account statement download
 Status of issued cheques

Funds Transfer

 Account to account transfers with SCB (own A/C's and other SCB A/C's)
 Local fund transfer (RTGS)
 Telegraphic transfer

Market watch

 Prevailing daily FX rates.

66 | P a g e

A revolutionary invoicing solution by HDFC Bank which enables merchants to request and
receive payments on the go! While the merchants enjoy ultra-convenience & whole lot of
benefits, their customers too get to make cashless payments.

How it works:

 Retailers takes order and generates invoice

 Using the URL merchant logs into payZapp for business
 Merchant enters customer details and bill amount
 Merchant attaches invoice and send payment request to customer
 Customer gets an sms or an email with payment link and a guest log in request
 Customer makes payments online using debit card, credit card, prepaid card or even a
commercial card.
 Frequent customers can also register on payZapp for business and save their card
details, to make future payments fast.
 After payment is done by customer, the status of transaction can be seen by merchant

Benefits to Merchant:

 Bill-on-the-go via mobile & desktop

 Payment collection without EDC machine or website
 Hassle-free cash management
 Instant payment receipt
 No dependence on delivery personnel for handling cash

67 | P a g e
 Customer Delight through convenient payment option

payZapp for business helps in solving various issues which are a s follows:

 When customer is not present at the delivery address

 Customer not having adequate cash to make payment
 Customer/ delivery agent unable to tender exact change
 To prevent from fraud

Benefits to customer:

 Pay-on-the-go via mobile & desktop

 Convenient mode of payment through Debit/ Credit Card and Net Banking
 Customer need not download any app or register for any service.


Mr. Vijay Prakash Gupta & Dr. P. K. Agarwal (2013) - In their research paper
“Comparative Study of Customer Satisfaction in Public Sector and Private Sector Banks
in India”. This paper gives with the introduction of liberalization policy and RBI's easy
norms several private and foreign banks have entered in Indian banking sector
which has given birth to cut throat competition amongst banks for acquiring large
customer base and market share. Banks have to deal with many customers and
render various types of services to its customers and if the customers are not
satisfied with the services provided by the banks then they will defect which will impact
economy as a whole since banking system plays an important role in the economy ofa
country, also it is very costly and difficult to recover a dissatisfied customer.
Since the competition has grown manifold in the recent times it has become
a herculean task for organizations to build loyalty, the reason being that the customer
of today is spoilt for choice. It has become imperative for both public and private sector
banks to perform to the best of their abilities to retain their customers by catering to
their explicit as well as implicit needs. Many atimes it happens that the banks fail to

68 | P a g e
satisfy their customer which can cause huge losses for banks and there the need of this
study arises. The purpose of this research article is to examine the customer satisfaction
among group of customer towards the public sector & private sector banking
industries in India. Study is cross-sectional and descriptive in nature. The
researcher tries to makes an effort to clarify the Customer Service satisfaction in
Indian banking Sector. Descriptive research design is used for this study, where
the data is collected through the questionnaire. The information is gathered from
the different customers of the two banks, viz., PNB and HDFC Bank located in the
Meerut Region, Uttar Pradesh. Hundred bank respondents from each bank were
contacted personally in order to seek fair and frank responses on quality of service in
banks. The service quality model developed by Zeithamal, Parsuraman and Berry18

(1988) has been used in the present study. The analysis clearly shows that there
exists wide perceptual difference among Indian (public sector) banks regarding overall
service quality with their respective customers, when compared to Private sector banks.
Whereas the said perceptual difference in private banks is narrow.

Vijay M. Kumbhar (2011)- In his research paper “Factors Affecting the

Customer satisfaction In E-Banking: Some evidences Form Indian Banks”. This study
evaluates major factors (i.e. service quality, brand perception and perceived
value) affecting on customers ’satisfaction in e-banking service settings. This study
also evaluates influence of service quality on brand perception, perceived value and
satisfaction in e-banking. Required data was collected through customers’ survey. For
conducting customers’ survey liker scale based questionnaire was developed after
review of literature and discussions with bank managers as well as experts in customer
service and marketing. Collected data was analyzed using principle component (PCA)
using SPSS 19.0. A result indicates that, Perceived Value, Brand
Perception, Cost Effectiveness ,Easy to Use, Convenience, Problem Handling,
Security/Assurance and Responsiveness are important factors in customers satisfaction
in e-banking it explains 48.30 percent of variance. Contact Facilities, System
Availability, Fulfilment, Efficiency and Compensation are comparatively less
important because these dimensions explain 21.70 percent of variance in customers’
satisfaction. Security/Assurance, Responsiveness, Easy to Use, Cost Effectiveness and
Compensation are predictors of brand perception in e-banking and Fulfillment
69 | P a g e
,Efficiency, Security/Assurance, Responsiveness, Convenience, Cost
Effectiveness, Problem Handling and Compensation are predictors of perceived value
in e-banking.

Pooja Malhotra & Balwinder SINGH (2009) - In their research paper “The
Impact of Internet Banking on Bank Performance and Risk: The Indian
Experience”. The paper describes the current state of Internet banking in India
and discusses its implications for the Indian banking industry. Particularly, it seeks
to examine the impact of Internet banking on banks’ performance and risk.
Using information drawn from the survey of 85 scheduled commercial bank’s
websites, during the period of June 2007, the results show that nearly 57percent of the
Indian commercial banks are providing transactional Internet banking services. The
univariate analysis indicates that Internet banks are larger banks and have efficiency
ratios and profitability as compared to non-Internet banks. Internet banks rely more
heavily on core deposits for funding than non-Internet banks do. However, the multiple
regression results reveal that the profitability and offering of Internet banking does not
have any significant association, on the other hand, Internet banking has a significant
and negative association with risk profile of the banks

Rajesh Kumar Srivastava (2007) - In his research paper “Customer’s perception on

usage of internet banking”.This paper present to Internet banking is still at infancy stage
in the world. Many studies focused on usage of internet banking but many
factors on non-usage were over looked. This research was carried out to validate the
conceptual model of internet banking. The causes were identified and researched
through correcting the causative factors so that internet banking can be used by
more people. This will help the banking operations to be more cost effective. The
research is focused on what are the customer’s perceptions about internet banking19

and what are the drivers that drive consumers. How consumers have accepted internet
banking and how to improve the usage rate were the focus of research area in this study.
Qualitative exploratory research using questionnaire was applied. 500 respondents
were selected for study after initial screening. They were all bank customers. The study
revealed that education, gender ,income plays an important role in usage of internet
banking. Not much researches been done on these areas as they were focused more on
the acceptance of technology rather than on people. The research corroborated the
70 | P a g e
conceptual framework stating that if skills can be upgraded therewill be greater will
tousle internet banking by consumers. Inhibitory factors like trust, gender,education,
culture, religion, security, and price can have minimal effect on consumer mindset
towards internet banking

Shaza W. Ezzi (April 2014) - In their research paper titled “A Theoretical Model for
Internet Banking: Beyond Perceived Usefulness and Ease of Use” tried to inquired
different types of electronic banking like ATM’s, telephone banking, and electronic
funds transfer, Internet banking like has evolved from consumers’ needs to have
superior access to banking services clear of most20

banks teller-staffed, normal operating hours. Additionally, Internet banking has

grown swiftly from the recent and the span increases in ecommerce. Internet banking
(IB) continues to govern the landscape of electronic banking as consumers
continue to use IB to complete schedule banking transactions in addition to
conducting on-line sales and purchasing. This study presents a theoretical model
considered to help researchers and practitioners better understand the
acceptance and adoption of Internet Banking. The proposed model maybe particularly
useful in developing nations where consumers are loath to use Internet Banking even
when the services are available. However, a review of several studies that have
investigated consumers’ acceptance of Internet banking services from a
multiplicity of perspectives have not reached a clear consensus of the factors that
contribute to overall consumer acceptance and adoption. The paper concludes with
discussions of the managerial implications and avenues for future research.

Anil Kumar and Manoj Kumar Dash (2013) - In their research paper
“Constructing a Measurement in Service Quality for Indian Banks: Structural
Equation Modeling Approach”.The aim of this paper is to construct a measure in
service quality for Indian banks and establishes a causal relationship of service
attributes performance with customer satisfaction .The SERVQUAL model is used.
The quantification of service quality led to the attempt to construct an index. The
index is constructed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and American
Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) as the underlying frameworks. The analysis is
based on data of 200 bank customers from the DelhiNCR. An adapted ACSI is
enhanced and improved to accommodate two exogenous constructs. The results
71 | P a g e
indicate that service quality variables are important antecedents of customer
satisfaction and retention. These antecedents of service quality have a positive
significantly relationship with customer satisfaction. The study concludes with an
analysis of how different dimensions of service quality performance attribute impact
on customer satisfaction and retention. Such a framework should provide
valuable insights to the bank manager to identify key service performance indicators
and to design more effective and efficient marketing and management strategies to
satisfy their customer.

Ankit Kesharwani & Gajulapally Radhakrishna (2013) -In their research paper
“Drivers and Inhibitors of Internet Banking Adoption in India”. This paper research on
different banks is on condition that e-banking services, as this would revolutionize their
profits. Since internet banking in India is still in its nascent stage, it is essential for e-
banking institutions to enhance reception and usage of internet as a banking channel by
their customers. This paper has reviewed21

the most of seminal studies in the area of diffusion of innovation and makes an attempt
to do an experimental research that looked into the factors that drives and inhibits
internet banking usage in India. An investigative factor analysis followed by a positive
factor analysis has been applied on 362 internet banking users. Findings resulted in
seven factors – perceived benefit, hacking and fraud risk, performance risk, computer
selfefficacy, technology intricacy, social influence ,and pricing concerns. The results
suggest that acceptance and usage of internet banking services can turn into a
fundamental concern for future research, as the drivers overcoming the inhibitors over
time at an influencing rate. Moreover, this study also compares the findings with
extant diffusion of innovation literature and identified several additional factors that can
affect internet banking adoption in India


 To get to know about the consumer attitude towards the digital products of HDFC
 To increase the market share of products of HDFC bank.
 To create awareness about these products in the market.
 To get to know whether the consumers are satisfied with the HDFC services or not
72 | P a g e

i. To study the behaviour of consumer towards these products.

ii. To generate the leads for the bank
iii. To create the awareness about digitalised products of HDFC bank
iv. To give knowledge to the customers regarding the use of these products and its


 Total number of individual from whom data was collected and survey was done :
 Sample size – 121 respondents from CHANDIGARH SECOR 22B

 Sampling technique – sampling techniques which we used was selective sampling


i. Interaction with branch staff.

ii. Interaction with walk in customers.
iii. Solving customer’s queries related to net banking.
iv. Survey done in CHANDIGARH to know the use of chillr, payZapp and pos
machine (total respondents-121)
v. Survey done in CHANDIGARH to know that how many customers are aware of
digital products of HDFC bank.

73 | P a g e

Interpretation and analysis of Study in CHANDIGARH


Others, HDFC
34.71% Bank,

Bank, Vijay Bank,
PNB, 6.60% ICICI,
4.90% 7.40%

74 | P a g e
In sec 40D many of the customers are HDFC customers. And they are satisfied with the
HDFC services. Other competitors of HDFC in sector 40D are SBI, Vijay Bank, ICICI,
Union Bank, PNB.


 Lots of Hidden charges.

 Many of the customers are not interested in Private Banks because they think that
private bank charges more then Government banks.
 Some customers told that HDFC Bank is less reliable than any Government Bank.
 More POS machine charges.
 HDFC Bank is not for everyone. This Bank is only for rich people.


100% 90%

60% 54%
40% 46%



Many of the Customer said that HDFC posses Lots of Hidden charges. Many of the
customers are not interested in Private Banks because they think that private bank charges
more then Government banks. less reliability factor. More POS machine charges.


75 | P a g e


64% NO


Many HDFC customers are aware about the online Products of HDFC Bank. They uses
Online banking and apps launched by HDFC like Chilllr, PayZapp.


6% 19%
26% 34%


Major proportion of respondents is satisfied with these services of HDFC bank.

76 | P a g e


55% YES


Only 45% of the respondents use pos machine as the size of the firm was small in the
catchment area but still numbers are increasing because of the consumer’s habit.


77 | P a g e
17% 21%



Major Number of respondents are using m-pos machine as it is wireless and easy to carry.
But other customers were using GPRS and Landline machines because they have established


9% 35%


Major respondents are using HDFC bank pos machine which shows market share of HDFC
bank is high as compared to other banks.

78 | P a g e

31% 26%



 Most of the respondents consider charges of banks as an important factor for

installing a pos machine.
 And Dealing of the bank is important factor. As many customers said that rolls are not
provided on time.
 Customer service for POS machines is a main factor. Complaints are timely resolved
by the customer service executives.

79 | P a g e


AWARE 62 32 84 23 29 21 34
NOT AWARE 48 76 26 87 81 88 76


i. More than 50% of respondents are aware of EMI on pos machine.

ii. Most of the respondents aren’t aware of PayZapp for business as it’s a new product of
HDFC bank.
iii. Major proportion of respondents are aware of net banking and they are frequently
using it.
iv. Most of the respondents aren’t aware of web portal but finds it amazing product while
explaining to them during survey and most of them were ready to avail.
v. Only 30% of the respondents know about smart buy.

80 | P a g e

Form the survey it has been observed that people think it is important to use online banking
services as it saves time, secure, fast and hassle free. HDFC bank has launched so many
digital products which provide customers a better experience like mobile banking, payZapp,
chillr, miss call recharge etc.

• Findings & Recommendations of the Study


i. It has been interpreted from the study that most of the people prefer banks
nearer to their office
ii. Most of the people nowadays use online banking as it is efficient, free,
convenient and saves time of customers
iii. The main reasons why people don’t use online banking services is because
of the fear of fraudulent cases or some people finds the process difficult
iv. Most of the people somewhat trust the security of online banking services
because of the busy working life
v. It has been found from the study that there are still so many people who
are not using chillr and payZapp.
vi. According to survey results most of the people are satisfied with HDFC
bank services
vii. From the study ,it is concluded that HDFC market share is high as
compared to other banks
viii. It is observed from the study that most of the people first like to check
charges or interest rates to open an account

81 | P a g e

 People should start availing online banking services as it is a simple, hassle-free,

secure and gives you access to your account anytime, anywhere as long as there is
an internet connection.
 People should start trusting the security of online banking services as it helps in
keep an eye on accounts balances
 It also decrease the chances of theft.
 People should use the new apps of HDFC bank because their instant money transfer,
recharge etc


1. Sample size was small

2. The time limit is also one of the major constraints in conducting study.

3. Biases may creep in the information given by the respondents.

4. Main root of this research study was questionnaire & interview which has its own
limitations, for example we can't measure the reliability, enthusiasm dissonance etc.

82 | P a g e

 Basic information about digital products of HDFC bank

 www.HDFCbank.com

 Financial Information about both the Industries was taken from the Original

Documents of Respective Industries.

 www.moneycontrol.com

 www.wikipedia.com

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RESEARCH(SSIJMAR) Vol. 2 No.4 July 2013 (ISSN 2278 – 5973)

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 Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, April 2013, vol. 18, no.1Journal of

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85 | P a g e


1. NAME: ______________________________________________________
2. ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________
3. EMAIL ID: ____________________________________________________
4. CONTACT NO: ________________________________________________
IF NO, WHICH BANK __________________
9. EEG




86 | P a g e
9. EEG





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