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Questionnaire on FMCG products of Hindustan Unilever.

Dear respondents that this questionnaire is only for Survey purpose &information:

Q1) Are u aware about products of Hindustan Unilever?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

Q2)Have you purchased from this Brand?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

Q3) Does advertisement influence your Shopping behaviour?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

Q4) Do you buy product after seeing the Advertisement of that product?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

Q5) Does advertisement is effective for the awareness of the products?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

Q6) which media gets your attention for making purchase?

Print [ ] Radio [ ] Television [ ] Internet [ ]

Q7) how do you choose products?

Past experience [ ] Advertisements [ ] others advice [ ] seeing feedback [ ]

Rank the following aspects of HUL products from 5 to 1:

Strongly agree [5] Agree [4] Neutral [3] Disagree [2] strongly disagree [1]

Q8) Quality?

Good ( ) Finest( ) High Quality ( ) Rich ( )

Q9) During purchase what in influence your purchase?

A) Price B) Quality C) Packaging D) Influence by others
Q10) Price?

A ) Affordable B )Expensive C)Economical

Q11) How do you feel about this brand?

A) Negative B)Neutral C)Positive

Q12) Packaging

Satisfied( ) Dis-Satisfied( )

Q13) Are u satisfied with the products of Hindustan Unilever ?

Yes [ ] No [ ]


A-16-25 [ ] B-26-35 [ ] C-36-45 [ ] D- 46 &above [ ]

Q15) Gender:

Male [ ] Female [ ]

Q16) Name:

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