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Course Code: 47116304

PART - A (1 Mark)
1. _________ refers to all types of relationship between all the parties concerned with industry.
a. Industrial relations. b. Human relations c. General relations d. All of these.

2. The scope of IR does not include

a. Employer and employee relation. c. Employee and trade union relation
b. Employer, employee and trade union relation. d. Employee and customer relation

3. Dominant aspects of industrial relations are

a. Co-operation. b. Conflict c. Both a & b d. None of these.

4. Which of the following factor affecting IR?

a. Institutional Factors b. Economic factors c. Social factors d. All of these.
5. Which of the following is not a part of the scope of industrial relations

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a. Labor relations c. Employer –employee relations
b. Group Relation d. None of these
6. Main aspects of industrial relations are
a. Promotion and development of healthy manager and labor relations
b. Maintenance of industrial peace and avoidance of industrial dispute
c. Development of industrial democracy
d. All of these
7. Which of the following is the approaches of industrial relation?
a. Gandhian b. System c. Oxford d. All of these
8. John Dunlop gave ________
a. Gandhian approach c. System approach
b. Oxford approach d. All of these
9. The conflicts and dispute between employers and employees on any industrial matters are known as
a. Industrial disputes c. Human relations
b. Conflict relations d. All of these
10. Temporary closing down the undertaking with the intention of forcing workers to accept the demand
of the employer is called
a. Lockout b. Layoff c. Strike d. Retrenchment
11. Which of the following is an objective for IR?
a. To safeguard mutual trust c. To raise productivity
b. To avoid industrial strike d. None of these

12. _____________ approach focus on the types of society in which organization functions
a. Lenin b. Gandhian c. Marxist d. None of these
13. According to ___________approach industrial relations a social sub system within the economic and
political system
a. System b. Human relation c. Leadership d. Group discipline

14. _____________ is person appointed voluntarily if the dispute is not settled by conciliation
a. Bidder b. Arbitrator c. Nominee d. Representative

15. _____________ is a work stoppage in which an employer prevents employees from working
a. Strike b. Gherao c. Picketing d. Lockout

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16. Work committee and joint consultation are the measures to encourage ___________ which will
increase productivity and lead to greater effectiveness.
a. Rehabilitation c. Workers participation in management
b. Discipline d. Creativity
17. Reduction of labour force is called
a. Termination b. Retrenchment c. Layoff d. Right sizing

18. Which of the following is the exact meaning of ‘lockout’ according industrial dispute Act 1947
a. Temporary closing of a place of employment
b. Suspension of work
c. Refusal by an employer to continue to employ any number of persons employed by him
d. All of the above
19. Which of the following statement is true about an industrial dispute
a. The dispute may relate to employment
b. The dispute may relate to non employment
c. The dispute may between worker and worker
d. The dispute may between employer and government
20. Which of the following is not cause of industrial dispute
a. Demand for pay and benefit hike c. Demand for better labor welfare
b. Demand for hygienic and safe working conditions d. None of the above

Part – B (2 Marks)
1. Define Industrial Relations.
2. List out three objectives of Industrial Relations.
3. Mention the cause of poor Industrial Relations.
4. List the main aspects of Industrial Relations.
5. State any four objectives of Industrial Relations.
6. Mention any four essentials of Industrial disputes.
7. Mention the types of industrial disputes.
8. Why the industrial peace is needed?
9. List out any three functions of Industrial Relations.
10. Who are the main parties involved in Industrial Relations?
11. Define the term ‘Industry’.
12. Define the term ‘Employer’.
13. Define the term ‘Employee’.
14. Give four importances of Industrial Relations.
15. State the important factors affecting Industrial Relations
16. State Industrial Conflict

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17. Define Lockout.
18. List out the impacts of industrial conflicts.
19. Describe putting-out stage.
20. Describe psychological factors.
21. Mention the basic elements of system approach to the Industrial relations.
22. Define Industrial Democracy.
23. Mention the various approaches of Industrial Relations.
24. Give the significance of good industrial relations.
25. Define labour movement.
PART - C (14 Marks)
1. Discuss the various importances of Industrial Relations.
2. Explain the scope of industrial relations.
3. Discuss the components of Industrial Relations system in detail.
4. Discuss the various factors affecting Industrial Relations.
5. What are the various perspectives / approaches to Industrial Relations?
6. Write an essay on evaluation of Industrial relations.
7. Write an essay on human relations approach to Industrial Relations.
8. Explain in detail the Essentials of Dispute?
9. Explain the classification of Industrial Disputes.
10. Explain the significance of good industrial relations.
11. Case Study
The friendly Supervision

Raju manages the customer relation s department of a public utility company. The department is
responsible for replaying to customer requests for information and to customer complaints. There are
seven typists in the department who handle the correspondence to customers dedicated by the staff.
Raju recently promoted Bobby to office supervisor Bobby had been a typist in the department for ten
years. She was considered the fastest and most accurate typist who had ever worked for Raju. Bobby
had the best attendance record in the department and Raju considered her his most dependable
employee. She was very well linked by all typists and they considered her to be a good personal friend.
As a supervisor Bobby does a good job of handling out work assignments, but she does little else to
supervise the typists. She does not link to criticize the typists and does not enforce office rules. No
matter what a typist does Bobby will not take any disciplinary action? She makes no attempt to check
the work of the typists for compliance with quality standard or to see that work is completed on time. In
fact, she spends most of her time typing to reduce the work load of the other typists.
Raju has been receiving an increasing number of complaints from the department staff about the poor
quality of the typing and about the slow turnaround time for work. He has received complaints about the
typists taking excessively long coffee breaks and spending time on personal phone calls.
When Raju talked to the typists, they told him that Bobby frequently invites them to her house for dinner
or to play bridge. It appears to Raju that the typists all like Bobby as a friend , but they are becoming
concerned about her lack of supervisory skills.Raju mentioned to Boby that she should focus her effort

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on improving the work of the typists. She replied “these women are my friends and I don’t feel right
about cracking down on them.’
1. Can an individual effectively manage a group and be a close personal friend with group members?
2. What should Raju do to ensure that the work of the typists will improve?
3. Should Bobby have been promoted to office supervisor?
4. If you were Bobby, What would you do? Would you quit the supervisor’s job? Would you no longer
be friends with the typists?
PART - A (1 Mark)
1. The phrase collective bargaining was first coined by
a. Sydney and Beatrice web b. U.K. c. Both a & b d. None of these

2. A trade union is a continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining or
improving the condition of their working lives
a. Sydney & Beatrice web b. G.D.H. Cole c. Both a & b d. None of these
3. A______ strives to protect maintain and improve economic, social and vocational interest of their
a. Trade union b. Employer union c. Both a & b d. None of these
4. The objectives of trade union includes
a. Employee compensation c. Working Condition
b. Recognition and participation d. All of these
5. Which of the following is not a type of trade union?
a. Craft Stable union b. Company union c. Industrial union d. None of these

6. Which of the following is the method of trade union?

a. Mutual insurance b. Collective bargaining c. Political action d. All of these

7. The first union was recognized in

a. 1884 b. 1890 c. 1918 d. 1920

8. Theories of trade union includes

a. Industrial democracy c. Social psychological
b. Capitalism approach d. All of these

9. Internal problem of trade union are

a. Migratory character c. Homogenous character

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b. Poor economic conditions d. All of these
10. Which of the following factors are not the measures to strengthen the trade union in India?
a. Education of workers c. Economic and social uplift
b. Effective leadership d. None of these
11. The central trade union in India is/are
a. AITUC b. INTUC c. UTUC d. All of these
12. Which of the following matters are usually brought under collective bargaining?
a. Working conditions c. Labour welfare
b. Organizational matters d. All of these

13. Which of the following is not the most important aspects of the process of collective bargaining?
a. Negotiations b. Confrontations c. Discussions d. Compromise

14. Which of the following is method of union recognition?

a. Secret ballot c. Membership verification
b. Check-off system d. All of these
15. Workers do join trade unions find out the incorrect reason out of the following
a. To attain economic security c. To improve bargaining power
b. To ventilate their grievances d. To satisfy their family needs
16. The first to introduce the term collective bargaining
a. Sydney & Beatrice web b. Samuel Gompers c. Clark kerr d. Robert Hoxie
17. Recognition of trade union is made by the provision of
a. Trade union Act 1926 c. Industrial dispute Act 1947
b. Code of discipline d. Factory Act of 1948
18. Which is not a structure of Trade union of Industrial organization?
a. Craft Union c. General Union
b. Industrial union d. Consumers Union
19. A trade union should be registered as per the law must have
a. 20% of the workers c. 150 workmen
b. Minimum 17 persons d. None of the above

20. The causes for unsound functioning of Indian trade unions are
a. Multiple union c. Intra union and inter union rivalry
b. Category wise union d. All of the above
Part – B (2 Marks)

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1. Why do workers join in trade union?
2. Define collective bargaining
3. List the features of collective bargaining.
4. Define negotiation.
5. Define trade union.
6. Mention two objectives of Trade Union.
7. List two problems of trade union.
8. Explain about workers participation in management.
9. List three importance of workers participation in management.
10. State the important principles of trade union.
11. Describe white collar union.
12. List the important recommendations of National Commission on Labour.
13. List out the types of collective bargaining.
14. Give some examples for obstacles in Trade Union Movement.
15. Describe the significance of collective bargaining.
16. Mention the process of collective bargaining.
17. List out the contents of collective bargaining.
18. Mention the agreements of collective bargaining at different levels.
19. List out the pre-requisites of successful collective bargaining.
20. List out any two negotiation techniques.
21. How to develop bargaining relationship?
22. Define peace treaty.
23. Define legal frame work.
24. Mention any two causes for failures of collective bargaining.
25. Brief about the structure of trade union.
PART – C (14 Marks)
1. Briefly explain the concept of Trade Union and its importance in Industry.
2. Define the Term Collective Bargaining and explain the importance of Collective Bargaining.
3. Explain in detail the various classification of Trade union.
4. Explain the important recommendations of National Commission on Labour.
5. Explain the importance of workers participation in Management.
6. Discuss on the nature and scope of Collective Bargaining.
7. Explain the important features of trade union?
8. Explain in detail the content of negotiation contract.
9. Explain the important obstacles of Trade union?
10. Explain the process step in collective bargaining.
11. Case Study


Chief Engineer Raju

Raju has been with the company for the last 15 years. He is considered to be very competent in
his job. Raju always greeted people with a smiling face and never lost his temper on the shop floor
Workers had considerable regard for him. In union circles Raju enjoyed a good reputation for his
fairness. He had a unique style of his own when it came to personnel matters. He advocated patience and

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restraint while dealing with people. He would often say “gone are the days when one could deal with
employees strictly. Now you have to be flexible, considerate and fair”.
Supervisor Madan
A young man of 25, Madan is always keen on meeting production targets. He took genuine
interest in his job and handled all his assignments carefully. He is of the view that top management and
specially the HR manager more often than not. might fail to back up supervisors in their efforts to bring
about some discipline in the plant. He believed that complaints from supervisors are ignored by
management and as a result, workers get encouraged to indulge in disruptive activities, adversely
affecting production.
Balbir Singh
Balbir, a skilled worker, has recently been elected as the Joint Secretary of the Union. He holds
leftist political views, though he is not a member of any political party. He is ambitious and wants to
reach the top levels in union circles as quickly as possible.
On Monday, Raju has hardly entered his office when the supervisor Madan rushes in.
Madan: Sir there is a great commotion in the section. No one is working. Even after repeated
requests, workers have not stopped the shouting and hooting. Sir, please come to the shop
and see for yourself the extent of indiscipline that has become rampant.
Raju: Madan, take your seat. Tell me the truth. I will come to the shopfloor if you so desire. But
first tell me why are you so much upset.
Madan: Sir. you know, Balbir, the joint secretary of the union, was loitering around and not
attending to his machine. I called him and told him to go to his machine and start it.
Raju: Then what happened?
Madan: Balbir retorted quickly. “Do not shout at me. Your lung power does not work here. Even
your bosses cannot order me about like that. What are you, after all?” Many workers
gathered around and witnessed the scene.
Raju: O.K. Now please go to your section. I will ask Balbir to come immediately.
Balbir: Sir, you wanted to see me? What is the purpose?
Raju: Please sit down. What would you have? Tea of coffee? (Presses the buzzer). Bring two
cups of tea. (After the tea has arrived) - Do you need more sugar? Balbir. tell me now
why are you after Madan? He is a sincere and hardworking young supervisor and you
should cooperate with him.
Balbir: Sir, first listen to me and then decide. This Madan has run amuk. Kal Ka Chokra, he
thinks he is Hitler. This morning the security staff did not allow two workers of my
section in. Somehow I came to know. I left the section and went to see the security
officer. With great difficulty I managed to get the two workers punch their cards and join
duty. On my return I saw Madan fuming and fretting. In a derogatory tone he started
shouting at me. When I could stand it no longer I also raised my voice and told him to go
and report against me.

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Raju: Look! Balbir you are a responsible union official. You should not have created the scene.
After all a supervisor has to ensure discipline. I am sorry you have set a bad example for
other workers. How do you want me to proceed? Madan is very sore at being insulted in
the presence of so many workers. I have to do something so that such incidents do not
occur again.
1) Who is at fault and why?
2) Do you think unionised employees require a different kind of treatment on matters relating to
3) What should Raju do now to check both Madan and Balbir from going to the street in future?

PART - A (1 Mark)
1. The code of discipline is based on which of the following principles
a.No strike or lockout without prior notice
b. No deliberate damage to a plant or property of the establishment
c.Usage of existing machinery for settlement of disputes
d. All of the above

2. Which of the following is not a principle of industrial relations policy?

a.The code of conduct c. The code of discipline
b. Labour welfare d. None of these

3. Which of the following are the main causes of indiscipline?

a.Wage differentials c. Unreasonable work assignment
b. Nonpayment of bonus d. Any of the above

4. Which of the following is a cause of grievance?

a. Increments b. Promotions c. Recovery of dues d. All of these

5. In organizations, the employee dissatisfaction is indicated by

a. Complaint c. employee ownership
b. grievance arbitration d. grievance strike

6. The situation in which the disputes arose from labor contract's different interpretations are settled by
third party is called
a. Grievance conciliation c. grievance procedures
b. grievance arbitration d. grievance ratification

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7. The formal communication channels that are used to resolve employee grievances are classified as
a. Grievance conciliation c. grievance procedures
b. grievance arbitration d. grievance ratification
8. The presence of grievances among employees may cause
a. Strain on the Labour management relationship c. Indiscipline among them

b. A decline in the employer performance and productivity d. All of these

9. The management should redress only those grievances that are

a. real b. imaginary c. real or imaginary d. none of these

10. The practice of storing up grievances so they may be unloaded at another time is called
a. Brown bagging b. gunny sacking c. stonewalling d. harboring

11. Recognizing that your partner has legitimate feelings demonstrates

a. Sympathy b. empathy c. mindreading d.

12. The primary purpose of employee safety Programme is to preserve the employees’
a. mental health b. emotional health c. physical health d. All of these

13. The visual representation of the ranking of work sites in the factory based on the number of
accidents reported from each sites is called
a. accident frequency method b. spot map method c. incidence rate d. severity rate

14. The responsibility of maintaining employees health and safety is with

a. Employees b. employers c. c. government d. all of these

15. Ensuring the safety, health and welfare of the employees is the primary purpose of the
a. Factories Act, 1948 c. Payment of Wages Act, 1936
b. Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 d. d. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
16. The main statute governing health and safety at work is the……?
a. The Health and Safety of Employees Act 1974.
b. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
c. The Health and Safety of Workers Act 2011.
d. The Health and Safety of Independent Contractors Act 2005

17. When the employee perceives threat in the environment even if there is no such threat existing in the
environment, it is normally described as
a. organizational stressor c. individual stressor
b. extra-organizational stressor d. None of the above

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18. Which of the following is not a source of the law on health and safety at work?
a. Guidance notes b. Recent case law. c. Regulations. d. Common law

19. Which organisation is responsible for the enforcement of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
a. The Health and Safety Commission. c. The Health and Safety Executive.
b. The Equality and Human Rights Commission. d. ACAS

20. Does an employer have to produce a health and safety statement outlining their policies?
a. Yes, but only if they employ over 5 people.
b. Yes, but only if they employ over 500 people.
c. No, there is no requirement to provide a health and safety statement.
d. Yes, but only if they employ over 100 people.

Part – B (2 Marks)
1. Define the term ‘grievance’.
2. Define the term ‘accident’.
3. Define Discipline.
4. List out the objectives of discipline.
5. List out the prerequisites of grievance procedure.
6. Mention any two grievance procedures.
7. List out the direct costs of an accident.
8. Define occupational hazards.
9. Define the term ‘Dispute’.
10. List any three causes of grievance.
11. List the different types of punishment.
12. List three causes of accident.
13. Give the important safety provisions
14. List out the different types of accidents
15. List out the work of safety programme.
16. Mention any two provisions for health measures.
17. Write any two steps that are needed to reduce the accident.
18. List the various forms of workers participation in India.
19. Define Hot Stove Rule in disciplinary action.
20. Mention some kinds of punishments in disciplinary action.
21. Mention some safety provisions in industries.
22. Define industrial health and hygiene.
23. Define industrial accident.
24. How are safety training given?
25. List out the causes of Indiscipline.
PART - C (14 Marks)

1. Explain the statutory protection of industrial workers against occupational hazards.

2. Define Grievance. How redress of grievance is important to an industrial organization?

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3. Explain the various causes of accident.
4. Identify and analyse various causes of grievance. How these can be prevented?
5. Discuss the various steps needed to reduce the accident.
6. Illustrate the important procedures for taking disciplinary action.
7. Explain in detail the Indian Law of Punishment. List out the different kinds of punishment.
8. Explain about the major Occupational Hazards. How these can be prevented?
9. List out the importance of industry health and hygiene.
10. Elaborate the causes of indiscipline.
11. Case Study

Mr Ram Sharma was a doctoral student in the Department of Telugu in one of the reputed
Universities in Andhra Pradesh. Unlike other students, he joined the Ph.D. Programme at the age of 36
years. He was nearly 10 years older than most of the other students in the department. He did not receive
any fellowship from any financial agency. However, he was rich enough to stand on his legs during the
Sharma’ background was quite well known. After obtaining M.A. degree in Telugu, he joined as
a lecturer in one of the colleges in Hyderabad. During his leisure time, he used to write short-stories. At
the age of 26 years, he could publish his first novel which was highly acclaimed by the public.
Thousands of the copies of the book were sold. His second novel was published after two years. With
this, he could establish himself in the market firmly. This novel, too, had enjoyed phenomenal
popularity. His third novel was the best-seller. The copy rights of the book were sold for a hefty sum.
Mr Sharma, however, was not happy with his achievements. He had developed an aspiration for
academic excellence. He wanted to become a professor in a University and loved constant interaction
with young brains so as to share his thoughts and feelings. To this end, he wanted to complete the Ph. D.
programme by joining the University Department as a full-time research scholar.Life was not easy in the
Department. His professors could not relish neither his ideas nor his popularity. He had to struggle a lot
while collecting information for his doctoral programme. He had to cross several hurdles and
impediments thrown in his way by faculty members. One Professor, after a heated argument with Mr
Sharma burst out: “You don’t deserve a place here. You’ve no talent. You may be popular as a novelist
but you don’t deserve the doctoral degree. I’ll see that you never get if.
Sharma’s frustration knew no bounds. He wondered why all faculty members are tossing
brickbats against him. It is true that he is a popular novelist. But that has nothing to do with his academic
pursuits. Like any other student, he is humble, sincere and hard-working. It is now clear to him that his
success in the department is critically dependent on his relationship with Professors alone.
What is the actual conflict Mr Sharma was undergoing?
Analyse the situation in terms of inter-personal conflict.
How can Mr Sharma overcome the problem to obtain his degree?

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PART - A (1 Mark)
1. It is one of the ______ function to protect labor against victimization and injustice
a. Trade unions b. Social groups c. Government d. None of these
2. _______ is focused on worker’s education and has established an institute of Indian labor in Calcutta
a. International Labor Organization c. National Front of Indian Trade Union
b. World Trade Organization d. None of the above
3. Which of the following is national Labour organization?
a. INTUC b. AITUC c. HMS d. All of these
4. According to Factories Act, what is the minimum number of worker required in a factory to make an
appointment of Labour Welfare Officers
a. 200 b. 500 c. 1000 d. 800
5. ILO was established in the year
a. 1910 b. 1915 c. 1919 d. 1920
6. A Labour court is a ________machinery
a. arbitration b. adjudication c. conciliation d. Investigation
7. Who among the following has the responsibility for employee welfare?
a. Employers c. Central government
b. State government d. All of the above
8. Which of the following is national Labour organization?
a. INTUC b. AITUC c. HMS d. All of these
9. The employee welfare facilities available outside the organization are called
a. intra-mural facilities c. extra-mural facilities
b. extravagance d. None of these
10. What is meant by the acronym ILO?
a. International Law Organization. c. International Labour Organization
b. International Logistics Organization. d. International Legal Organization.
11. Making peace with employees by fulfilling all their needs without any resistance is the essence of
a. Religious theory c. Policing theory
b. Appeasement theory d. Benevolence theory
12. Which of the following is not a principle of industrial relations policy
a. The code of conduct c. The code of discipline
b. Labour welfare d. None of these
13. According to ___________approach industrial relations a social sub system within the economic
and political system
a. System approach c. Human relation approach
b. Leadership approach d. Group discipline approach
14. _____________ is process in which representatives of workers and employees are brought together
before a third person or a group of person with view to come to mutually satisfying agreement

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a. Conciliation b. Merger c. Diversification d. Expansion
15. _______________ is the another name of compulsory arbitration
a. Adjudication b. Amortization c. Dissolution d. Fraction
16. _______________or _____________ regulates the relationship between workers organization and
employer’s organization.
a. Society, Employees c. NGO’s , Government
b. Government, State Machinery d. None of the above
17. The person appointed by the government to settle the dispute presented in labour court is known as
a. Presiding officer b. Officiate c. Substitute officer d. Arbitrator
18. The strike organized to express solidarity with the striking employees in the same organization,
industry or region is called
a. Hunger strike b. Sympathy strike c. Tool down strike d. All of these
19. When employees resort to unauthorized strike in violation of the labor contract agreement it is called
a. Pen down b. Tools- downc. Sit in Strike d. Wild cat strike
20. Welfare activities provided within the factory is called as
a. Intra-Mural Activities c. Intra – Morale Activities
b. Extra- Mural Activities d. Extra- Morale Activities

Part – B (2 Marks)
1. Give the meaning of Labour welfare.
2. List out the features of Labour welfare.
3. Mention the aims of Labour welfare.
4. Define Extra-mural.
5. State the health services provided for workers.
6. Mention the Labour welfare activities undertaken by Indian organization.
7. List out the three agencies which concentrate on labour.
8. List the important approaches of labour welfare.
9. List the scope of labour welfare.
10. Mention the types of Labour welfare services.
11. Define Labour education.
12. Give the importance of social security for employees.
13. List out the principles of labour welfare.
14. Mention the objectives of ILO.
15. List out three recommendations of NCL.
16. Give some examples for extra-mural welfare schemes.
17. Give some examples for statutory welfare measures.
18. Give some examples for mutual welfare facilities.
19. List out the significance of Labour welfare activities.
20. Mention some objectives of ILO.
21. Give the purpose of the post Labour officer.
22. List out the functions of Labour welfare officer.
23. State Dock workers scheme.
24. Mention the levels of labour education.
25. State the associations of workers organization.

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PART - C (14 Marks)
1. Discuss the various types of labour welfare services.
2. Elucidate the recommendations of National Commission on labour, 1969.
3. Write an essay on ILO and bring out its objectives and principles.
4. Explain in detail about the scope of labour welfare.
5. Discuss on workers education in India.
6. Write short notes on:
a) Objectives of ILO
b) Structure of ILO
7. Discuss the labour welfare measures in India.
8. Write short notes on: a) Principles of ILO b) Membership of ILO
9. Explain the importance of welfare services. How it is appraised?
10. Explain industrial accidents and its causes.
11. Case study
Miss Kalyani hails from a sophisticated family. She is twenty-two year old and will be receiving
her M.A. degree from Bhopal University at the end of this semester. She has spent the past two summers
working for a large dress-making company, ‘Styles’, designing clothes for women while the permanent
employees of the organisation took their vacations. Having undergone training in USA for about six months
when her father was posted there, she had no problems in designing clothes for women and her designs
were appreciated and readily accepted by both management and customers. It is small wonder, then, that
she has received and accepted an offer to join Styles on a permanent basis upon her post graduation, as a
chief designer in the design department
Styles is a large dress-making company taking care of the development of latest designs for gents,
ladies and children in Madhya Pradesh. In the headquarters office (Bhopal) alone, where Miss Kalyani will
be working, they employ 800 employees. The company believes strongly in the personal development of all
its employees and takes every care to meet employee expectations.
The job Kalyani will be assuming requires her to direct the activities of 12 designers. Their job
requires a certain amount of training so as to develop attractive designs for women and children. They designs
have to be approved by the chief designer before they see the light of day.
Kalyani’s group is composed of all females ranging from 19 to 50 years of age, with a median of 23.
For the most part they have high school education, we 11-supported by a certificate in dress designing
awarded by a reputed design institute in Madhya Pradesh. The salary range is Rs 400-1000 per month. Miss
Kalyani will be replacing a long time employee, Mrs Vanaja, who is retiring after 27 years with Styles, the
last fourteen years as a chief designer. Since Kalyani had spent a few weeks in Styles group last summer with

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most of the group members, she expected no problems from any of her soon-to-be employees, except
possibly from Mrs Vimal. Mrs Vimal was well into her fifties, had been a designer for over a dozen years,
and as the ‘grand old lady’ carried a lot of weight with group members. Miss Kalyani concluded that without
Vimal’s support her job could prove very difficult.
Miss Kalyani is determined to get her career off on the right foot. As a result, she has been working
hard on how to win over Vimal and other group members.
1. What strategies do you advise Kalyani to pursue?
2. What if Vimal revolts along with her teammates?

PART - A (1 Mark)
1. By which of the following are the main implications summarized by ILO in regard to workers
participation in management
a. Workers are also creative and have innovative ideas
b. Workers’ are capable enough to give rational and logical justifications provided they are
well aware and well informed
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

2. By which of the following methods workers participation can takes place management
a. Staff or work council c. Board level participation
b. Joint council and Committees d. All of these
3. The main objectives of workers participation in management
a. Elevating, the status of a worker in the society
b. Increasing the efficiency of the enterprise and establishing harmonious relations
c. For promoting solidarity among workers and tapping human talents
d. All of the workers
4. Which of the following can be considered as advantages or quality circles
a. Employees become involved in decision-making
b. Employees getting chances of production
c. Employees improve their communication and analytical skills
d. All of the above
5. Which of the following is not the principle of total quality management
a. High quality high cost
b. Measure the cost of quality
c. Manage by prevention, not correction
d. Meet the customers requirement on time, the first time and 100% of the time

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6. Which of the following are the pre requisites of workers participation in management
a. Pension-fund participation c. Profit linked pay
b. Profit- Sharing and employees stock option schemes d. All of the above
7. Which of the following are considered to be the bottlenecks of workers participation in
a. Employers cannot think beyond their knowledge and skills
b. Role of trade union is not satisfactory
c. Employers are unwilling to share power with workers representative
d. All of the above
8. Which of the following are the basic objectives of code of discipline
a. Maintain peace and order in the industry
b. Avoid work stoppage in industry
c. Promote options from all levels of management and employment
d. All of the above
9. Which of the following are the main reasons of workers participation in management not getting
successful in India
a. Multiplicity of trade union and conflicts between them
b. Confusion and duplication of functions
c. Lack of education and training
d. All of the above
10. Which one is free from joint management councils?
a. To improve the operational efficiency of the workers
b. To provide welfare facilities to them
c. To satisfy the psychological needs of the workers
d. It should have well organized trade union.
11. Work committee and joint consultation are the measures to encourage ___________ which will
increase productivity and lead to greater effectiveness.
a. Rehabilitation c. Workers participation in management
b. Discipline d. Creativity
12. By which of the following methods workers participation can take place in management?
a. Staff or work councils c. Board level participation
b. Joint councils and committees d. All of these
13. Workers committee is to be constituted in an industry which is employing- ________or more
a. 75 b. 90 c. 100 d. 804
14. __________ is the term used for the workers or employees who are the members of trade unions or
employee association
a. Un-organized labor c. Organized labor
b. Uneducated labor d. None of the above
15. Which of the following is not a part of primary strikes
a. Sympathetic strikes c. Tools down- Pen down

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b. Stay away strikes d. Protest strikes
16. _________ are the rules and regulations which govern the conditions of employment of workers
a. Standing orders b. Policies c. Advice d. None of these
17. Which area Industrial Relations does not cover
a. Economic development c. Role of management, union and government
b. Collective bargaining d. Machinery for resolution of industrial dispute
18. __________ refers to the kind of rivalry present within the establishment as there is provision in law
of being more than one union in a plant
a. Intra union rivalry b. Unionism c. Socialism d. None of these
19. _________ are the bodies on which the representation is entirely of the employees
a. Staff and work councils c. Management committee
b. Mentors and councilors d. None of the above
20. ________ is a sort of insurance covers to members to fight against irrational , arbitrary and illegal
actions of employees
a. Collective strength c. Industrial strength
b. Social strength d. None of these

Part – B (2 Marks)

1. Define WPM.
2. Mention the constraints of WPM.
3. Define the concept of WPM.
4. Write the objectives of WPM.
5. List out the factors that influence WPM.
6. State any two recommendations of sachar committee on WPM.
7. Mention the levels of participation.
8. Define shop councils.
9. Define plant council.
10. Mention the forms of workers participation in India.
11. Write the importance of WPM.
12. Write the levels of participation.
13. Define objectives of WPM.
14. Mention the factors influencing WPM.
15. List out the functions of joint councils.
16. Mention the objectives of joint councils.
17. List out the functions of unit councils.
18. State the modes of worker’s representation on Board of Management.
19. Define Illiteracy of workers.
20. State the ideological differences of WPM.
21. Define participative scheme.
22. Give some examples for Forms of workers participation in India.
23. Mention any two conditions necessary for effective working of the scheme.
24. Define Multiplicity of participative forms.

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25. List the working schemes in Indian industries.

PART - C (14 Marks)

1. Write an essay on WPM as it is practiced in India.
2. Write an essay on the evolution of WPM.
3. Explain in detail the forms of participation.
4. Explain about the objectives of WPM.
5. Discuss the various levels of participation.
6. Explain the forms of WPM in India.
7. Briefly review the participative schemes in industrially advanced countries.
8. Explain the factors influencing Workers Participation in Management.
9. Discuss the various participative schemes in industrially advanced countries.
10. Elaborate the conditions necessary for effective working of the scheme.
11. Case Study

A large South based fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) company wanted its employees to have
highly specialised, focused sales training - so that the firm could achieve faster sales growth, utilising such
skills. To this end it had hired the services of a premier sales training agency and asked 9 of its executives
(mostly engineers and commerce graduates) to undergo training for a period of 15 months. The company
supported the programme by meeting all the expenses charged by the agency in addition to a special
allowance for buying books, study material, stationery etc. The training was offered in the company’s
own premises in Chennai. The executives were allowed to focus on the programme in the afternoon hours, in
addition to two off days on weekends. The whole exercise was meant to update their skills in ‘sales’ as
quickly as possible The programme went on smoothly and concluded only recently. The results were
beginning to manifest themselves in more than one way. As per the recommendations of the training agency
and the newly trained executives, the company is about to launch new brands into the market.
Rahul, a bright and aspiring young engineering graduate full of energy and ideas - for whom
management had high hopes - resigned in August 99, exactly after four months of the sales training
programme. Rahul found that the intraorganisation training, the invaluable 6 year work experience and the
newly acquired sales training certificate presented a fairly lucrative portfolio of credentials, which he took to
a large multinational firm. The offer from the MNC seemed irresistible and Rahul had no hesitation in
quitting the company that had spent nearly fifty thousand rupees on his sales training just four months back.
Rahul, on his part, had expressed a desire to stay, but he was told by the management that there were no
anticipated openings at middle management level and he might have to wait for his turn patiently.
Rahul’s manager Vikram is caught in a dilemma now. Loss of Rahul meant a ten-month set-back
for the project Rahul was working on. He also felt that the extensive sales training Rahul had received at the
company’s expense was little utilised compared to what Rahul would have contributed had be remained with
the company. Another pressing problem stared Vikram in the face - many others may be waiting in the

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queue. Rahul had shown the other trainees that if the firm would not recognise and reward his capabilities,
other employment could be easily found.
1. As Rahul’s manager, what would you do to retain him?
2. What changes would you recommend in the company’s employee development programmes?
3. Does it make sense to develop employees at company’s expense, only to lose them afterwards?
4. What policy guidelines would you advance so as to benefit trainees as well as the company?

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