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A Qualitative Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the School of Nursing

Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Program
Saint Louis University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Advanced Research Design II: Qualitative Methods in Nursing Research

Submitted by:
Victor C. Quimen, Jr., RN, PhD
PhD in Nursing Student

Submitted to:
Mary Grace C. Lacanaria, RN, PhD

February 2016

In our contemporary world, people have opened their minds for other people about their
sexual perception but some of them are still not accepting the fact that our gender is not only
limited to men and women but also it has different variation like bisexuality. These people face
health care risks that are often not addressed because of lack of knowledge of the individuals’
sexual orientation, ignorance of specific health care issues, or because the patient feels that the
health care professional is homophobic. Only limited amount of information is available on health
care risks within the bisexual population. Most of them were discriminated that is why the main
topic here is that, how do these people overcome their everyday lives with other people
discriminating them? Do their lived experiences on health disparities since they were little really
affect who or what they are right now? If so, what pushed them to be like that? Since bisexuality
increases, all of the people around them should know how to respect their gender preference
because they also have their rights. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

Despite the growing tolerance towards male bisexuality people, acceptance is still yet to
be achieved. Male bixexuality persons in the Philippines still face violence and discrimination
from the family, from civil society organizations, from medical and health institutions, in schools,
in employment and from the government. They have been kicked out of our homes, bullied at
school, barred from establishments and ridiculed in public places, and have been denied the
opportunity to participate in legislation.

Sexuality is very important to one’s identity. However, sexuality became one of the most
serious social problems that lead these people to be judged and discriminated by the society.
Nowadays, it is very obvious that there are increasing number of establishments that offers
entertainment for male bisexual individuals especially in Olongapo City. These establishments
caused the population to increase. Society on the other hand is alarmed because of the influences
they bring to the people. Health is also considered to be one of the most concerned.

The researcher is motivated to conduct this study in order to determine factors that lead
them to be male bisexuals and to be able for them to understand their behaviours and activities
which will lead to inequalities in health. Due to this scenario, the researcher were motivated to
come up on the lived experiences on health disparities of male bisexuals.

The researcher accepted that there are limitations in doing this study. This study will
require ample amount of time and work involved will be tedious, thereby would challenge the
researcher to manage time effectively.

Objectives of the Study

This Research study will seek to understand the Health Disparities among Male Bisexuals,
how an individual lived and was accepted in the society and determine an individual’s differences,
behaviour and feelings in relation to health continuum. Furthermore, it will also show the readers
the standing of male bisexuals in this society, how they can be approached, accepted and respected
especially in the health care settings.
Statement of the Problem

The study will seek to answer following questions:

1. What are the factors that you think contributed or influenced you the most with your gender
2. What are the problems that you have encountered upon the disclosure of your gender
3. How did these problems affect you?
4. How did you cope up with the problems you have encountered because of your gender
5. What are those health related situations in your life that you experienced disparities? In
what specific health setting? How did you address such experience?

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