Education: Loras College

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Loras College​, Dubuque, IA

Bachelor of Arts​ in Social Work ​May 2019
GPA: Overall- 3.984/4.0 scale; Major 4.0
Dean’s List (7 semesters)
● Breitbach Catholic Thinkers and Leaders Program ​August 2015- present
● Women’s golf ​August 2015- August 2017
● Valder Social Justice Award ​June 2018 – July 2018


Dubuque Rescue Mission, ​Dubuque, IA

Field Placement Worker January 2019 – Present
Meet one-on-one with men experiencing homelessness and advocate for them during this crisis.

Loras College Spiritual Life,​ Dubuque, IA

AmeriCorps Sustainability Intern September 2018 - Present
Facilitate educational and direct service programs to promote sustainability at Loras College

Sisters of the Presentations​, Dubuque, IA

Wellness Intern August 2017 – May 2018
Promote wellness by putting on programs and developing relationships with retired sisters

New Communities Partnership: Citizenship Application Support Service, ​Dublin, Ireland

Advisor Internship January 2017 – May 2017
Met one-on-one with and advised immigrants and refugees looking to apply for Irish Citizenship

The Giving Tree Coordinator​, Dubuque, IA ​August 2016 - December 2018
Work with Operation New View to fundraise Christmas present for over 300 children in

Jerusalem Farm Sojourner​, Kansas City, MI June 2018 - July 2018

Lived in a community serving the people of Kansas City through sustainable food, housing work,
and hospitality

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