Lesson Plan

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Teaching Team:  Lesson Topic/Title: 

Katherine Jones, Katie Harwood, Hailey Lam,  Poverty as a result of war (Spanish Civil War) 
Anabella Maldonado, LaLa Joyner   
Subject Area/Grade Level:  5/17/19 
Objectives/Standards (refer to specific TEKS): 
6th grade teks  
- The student understands that historical events influence contemporary events.  
- The student understands the influences of individuals and groups from various cultures  
- follow multi-tasked instructions to complete a task, solve a problem, or perform procedures; 
8th grade teks  
- Identify and describe the influence of individual or group achievements on various historical or 
contemporary societies.  
- Analyze the experiences and evaluate the contributions of diverse groups to multicultural societies.  
- Analyze the similarities and differences among various world societies 
Essential Learnings (What do you want the students to learn about your culture?) 
● Students should leave with a basic understanding of what the Spanish Civil War was and the causes 
and effects of the war. 
● Students should learn about the effects that war has on the general population, specifically the 
financial wellbeing of the people. 
● Students should learn about the many effects that poverty has on individuals and families. 
What will the students be doing? Create a step by  What will the teachers be doing? How will you 
step list of activities that will appeal to a variety of  check for understanding or assess learning? 
  1. Hand out Identity cards and blank piece of 
1. Students receive identity cards and blank  printer paper as soon as students are 
piece of printer paper when they walk in  seated/walk in  
and they sit in a group with one person of  a. Tell students to sit at tables with a 
every role.  group that does not have their same 
2. Students use piece of paper to make name  card (4).  
placards.  2. Advise students to use the piece of paper 
3. Intro to Powerpoint and Knowledge Question  they were given to make a name placard. 
a. Students will listen as teachers and  3. Intro to powerpoint and knowledge 
topic are introduced. Students will  question 
then be asked what they know about  a. One teacher will be running the 
the Spanish Civil War or Spain in  powerpoint and switching between 
general and will respond with the best  the slides. Two teachers in our 
of their ability by raising their hand  group will be standing in front of the 
and waiting to be called on by one of  room reading the knowledge 
the teachers.  question and calling on students. 
4. Lesson on Spain, Spanish Civil War, and  The other two teachers will be 
Poverty  walking around the room and making 
a. https://docs.google.com/presentation sure that students are not talking 
/d/1zddW_Bvscxk8TI92F0dWCcXpvI8xV unless called on. 
b. Students will actively pay attention to  4. Lesson on Spain, Spanish Civil War, and 
presentation and sit quietly in seats.   Poverty 
5. Poverty Simulation ​(students will draw  a. https://docs.google.com/presentati
identity cards to determine their groups)  on/d/1zddW_Bvscxk8TI92F0dWCcXp
a. https://docs.google.com/document/d vI8xViWdwpjcXUUtos8/edit?usp=shar
/1UegJlUTazq9jWc0U4oQEXF_6jFJ3yxf ing  
NNDIE8zXKfWE/edit?usp=sharing   b. One teacher will be running the 
b. Students will already be sitting in  powerpoint and switching between 
groups with one person from each  the slides. Two other teachers will 
role. Students will receive candy and  be teaching the powerpoint by 
be told how much every type of candy  reading off and elaborating on 
is worth. Students will then be told  information on the slides. The other 
the events and have two minutes to  two teachers will be walking around 
speak with their group about which  the room and making sure that 
option they will choose. Then once the  students are not talking unless 
two minute has elapsed one student  called on. 
from each group will share out the  5. Poverty Simulation 
option they choose. One all of the  a. https://docs.google.com/document
events have been ran through the  /d/1UegJlUTazq9jWc0U4oQEXF_6jFJ
group with the most “money” left will  3yxfNNDIE8zXKfWE/edit?usp=sharing  
distribute their candy between each  b. Simulation will begin by having two 
member and the groups that did not  teachers explain how the simulation 
have the most money have to put the  will run and how much the pieces of 
candy back in a bin we will have set  candy are worth while one teacher 
out but will be allowed to keep one  will hand out a specified amount of 
piece.  candy to each table. Once all of the 
6. Class DIscussion​ (students will make  tables are set two of the teachers 
comments and ask questions, if students are  will begin to read aloud all of the 
not talkative we will have prepared open  pre-written events. After each event 
ended questions)  is read aloud students will have two 
a. Students will actively participate by  minutes to collaborate with their 
raising hands and waiting to get picked  group and decide which option their 
on by teachers. Students will be begin  group will be picking. While this is 
by commenting on the lesson, the  happening two teachers will walk 
simulation, and overall what they have  around the room to answer any 
learned. Once multiple students have  questions and ensure that the groups 
been heard they will move on to  are on task. After the two minutes 
answering open-ended questions that  following each event are over the 
will be asked by the teachers.   two teachers that have been reading 
  the events aloud will regain the 
  attention of the class and call on 
  each table to share out the option 
  they choose. While this is being 
  done one of the teachers will record 
the option that each table choose 
for future reference in the 
simulation. One all of the events 
have been ran through, the two 
instructing teachers will have the 
students count the money they have 
left and share out their amount with 
the class when called on. The group 
with the most money left will be 
instructed to evenly split their candy 
between the group members and all 
other groups will be instructed to 
keep one piece of candy per team 
member but put the rest back into a 
bin that one of the teachers will put 
6. Class Discussion 
a. Three teacher will begin the 
discussion portion of the lesson by 
asking students what they learned 
about or noticed during the lesson 
and/or the simulation. Teachers will 
then call on students that are raising 
their hands. If no students are 
raising their hands then the teachers 
will move on to reading the 
pre-written open-ended questions 
and if many students do respond the 
teachers will call on 3-4 students 
then move on to the other 
open-ended questions. Two teachers 
will walk around and make sure that 
students only talk when called upon. 
This activity will last until the end of 
b. Questions 
i. What did you learn from the 
ii. In what ways did the war 
affect family life? 
iii. Do you think it was fair that 
the people of Spain had to 
face the effects of a war 
that they didn’t start? 
iv. What do you think about the 
difficult choices that 
families had to face because 
of a lack of money? 
v. Do you think the effect of 
war on poverty is still 
relevant to this day? 
Interdisciplinary Connections: (What part of your lesson involves English? What types of activities relate 
to Social Studies?) 
Class discussion will involve English by giving the students the opportunity to share their opinion on the topic 
and reflect on what they learned with the class. Our lesson will teach about social studies as it will teach the 
students about the history in Spain and the social issues that accompany war. Also the simulation will allow 
the students to adopt the perspective of someone living and poverty and imagine what it would be like to live 
in Spain during the Spanish Civil War. 
Levels of Thinking in Lesson:  Closure: 
  Students will participate in a class discussion that will 
__X__ Knowledge (Remember)    allow them to reflect on the lesson and simulation 
__X__ Comprehension (Understand)   and share what they learned with the class. 
__X__ Application   
__X__ Analysis  
_____ Evaluation (Critique) 
_____ Synthesis (Create)   
Teaching Team Roles and Responsibilities: (Who will teach which aspect of the lesson? What is each 
person responsible for preparing/bringing/researching/creating?) 
Bringing (candy)-​ Lala/Anabella  
Preparing Simulation- ​Katherine & Hailey 
Preparing Powerpoint- ​Katherine/ Katie  
Researching-​ Everyone 
Creating (ID cards)-​ Anabella 
Creating (candy key)-​ Lala 
Setting up Powerpoint/ Navigating Slides (1): ​Hailey 
Teaching Powerpoint (2): ​Katherine & Anabella 
Walking Around Room During Presentation (2): ​Lala & Katie  
Set Up For Simulation (Hand Out Candy)(1): ​Katherine 
Run Simulation (Read Off Events and Call On Students)(2): ​Katie & Anabella 
Walk Around During Simulation (2): ​Lala & Hailey 
Keep Track Of Results During Simulation (1): ​Katherine 
Class Discussion 
Ask Questions During Discussion (3): ​Lala & Katie & Hailey 
Walk Around During Discussion (2): ​Katherine & Anabella 

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