Circle The Words That Complete Each Sentence Correctly

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1. Circle the words that complete each sentence correctly.

(2 marks)

 My mom is interested in __________ to Galapagos

a) To travel b)traveling c) traveled

 I enjoy ________ Salsa

a) dancing b)to dance c) dancede

2. Read and write the correct suffixes to complete the words below. Use the Word
Bank (1 mark)

 Adventur_______
a) ous b) ly c) lly

 Competit_______
a) ive b) ous c) in

3. Complete since/for according to the sentences (2 marks)

 I’ve danced Merengue ________ I was a child
a) since b) while c) nothing

 She’s been there__________ for 4 days

a) since b) while c) nothing

4. Choose the correct past participle of the following verbs (2 marks)

 catch
a) caught b) caughted c) cook

 fall
a) felt b) fallen c) falled

 feel
a) felt b) felted c) feltedede

 take
a) taken b) tookied c) tool

5. Circle the correct option according to the Past Perfect or Simple Past (1 mark)

 The children _________ asleep when he ______ telling the story

a) had falle n/finished b) have falled/finishes c)

fallen fallen beatenbeaten eaten eaten taken taken

felt felt caughtcaught
6. . Circle the correct option according to the Past Perfect or Simple Past (1 mark)

 I __________ the story before you ___________ it to me last night

a) had heard/told b) nothung c) telled/have had

7.Circle the correct option according to the Past Perfect or Simple Past (1 mark)

 Everyone___________ the story was true, until they _______out it was just a
n urban legend
a)had thought/found b) nothung c) have

Lcda. Diana Cabello V Lcda. Diana Cabello V Lcda. Marianella Merchán

Teacher-Area Coordinator Sub-levelCoord. Vice rector

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