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“If You Could Change One Thing in Education, What Would It Be and Why?”

“Education is going through an adjustment period right now. Those of us who

have been in it long enough see the cycles on repeat and those new to the profession

have their own experiences. Too often folks who aren't close to the profession end up

having too much of a say in the direction it goes.” This is according to Ms. Starr

Sackstein, posted in a Teacher Blogs: Work in Progress, dated March 11, 2018.

Like Ms. Sackstein, I decided to ask educators I know who are my co-teachers in

my workplace as instructed by our professor Curriculum Development, Dr. Habijan. Last

May 1, 2019, I sent them the question online thru my Messenger application.

Unfortunately, because most of them are on their vacation mode, I was not able to get

10 substantial answers.

Last May 3, 2019, I decided to post the question given to us on Facebook

particularly in the account of DepEd Tambayan PH. This is a closed group with 516,022

members. It is not affiliated to any government organization and is open to all teachers

and employees of DepEd only. It was into my surprise that many got interested to

respond in my post. Voila! 248 reacted on my post and 336 posted their comments.

These are the responses that I’ve got from my co-teachers thru Messenger:

Rolan Baltazar – “I would change the system.”

Florlyn Resoles – “I would change the system itself.”
Mary Lee San Juan – “The system of mass promotion is my answer to produce
quality and not quantity.”
Alex Karganilla – “Abandonment of Western Influence in shaping the Philippine
educational system.”
Rhomylyn Dela Cruz – “First is the system of giving "quality" as they say.
Quality education is actually not being fully given to learners.”

“If you could change one thing in education, what would it be and why?” Dr. Habijan
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Tee Jaye Capistrano – “Actually the system to enhance the quality of education.
Almost all of our students graduated from school but with regards to the
quality of learning they do fail. Their knowledge is not that high in
Leonida Banquillo – “Maybe I would change the system of students’ promotion.
No to mass promotion to achieve quality education. Nowadays, students
go to school without studying their lessons nor browsing their notes. They
just go to school because of allowance or during exams. But if we strictly
implement the no output/performance, no pass policy maybe students will
do their best to pass.”
Grace Danak – “I want to change the way top management is running the
system. it is because, the advancing (the newly appointed ones)
management are just following what their preceding top brass were doing.
they don’t turn into other way on how to run the department adhering to
the VMCV of DepEd, They just lean on what is the culture going on
through the system.”
Kate Quitola – “The system, particularly "less failed". The fact the teacher have
done everything (home visit, remedial, contract with parents, home study
and others) for the student, so that he/she won’t have failing grades still
the teacher still need to make more efforts (magical effort). the worst part
is those students knows that system... so they know that even they won’t
go to school much, they come late, they won’t participate in class, they
don’t do their activities, home work, still they'll pass.”
Ruel Tirados – “The system itself, it should not just focus on the students but
should also give priority to teachers which are the vital part of the
educational system. There must be program to better enhance teacher's
capacity wherein they can able to show their fullest potential and they
have equal opportunities and benefits. The system that we have right now
is merely quantity over quality, the quality decreases and the students
don't have values.”
Anna May Cabotaje – “The discipline in the students. I want to go back to the
old ways of disciplining them.”
Liza Francsco – “I would like to integrate basic English in pre-school curriculum
especially in public school, empower of elementary pupils through writing
and public speaking, do values formation and parenting seminar.”
Lailyn Romero – Eliminate standardized testing and using schools as
justification for medicating kids. Use learning styles and what kids already
like and are good at to focus on building the skills and learning styles they
need to improve since that's when learning and growth occurs. Allow for
more teacher autonomy and collaboration. More time to teach and
practice social emotional wellness, coping skills, mindfulness, etc. More
art, music, physical activity and service learning.”
Fe Blas – “Too much and redundant paperworks for teachers.”
Suzette Damayo – “The Department of Education must allot plantilla for non-
teaching positions to handle clerical works so that teachers can focus on
the delivery of quality education to the learners.”

“If you could change one thing in education, what would it be and why?” Dr. Habijan
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The following are the comments with the greatest number of likes that I’ve got

from my post in DepEd Tambayan PH Facebook account:

Mark Anthony Bartolome – “Revitalized the emphasis of values.”

Voj Da Sapi – “Stop focusing on rating children and teachers. Teachers should
perform their role as educators only which is to teach the young ones not
to gather documents just to prove how worthy you are as teacher. Use the
department's resources to actual teaching process and in making sure the
learners basic rights are given to them or being met, especially the right to
education, thus, bring them to school by hook or by crook. Empower and
respect the teachers.”
Go Soriano – “I will change the DepEd secretary and replace her with one who
is open to addressing the plight of the teachers, instead of being
subservient to foreign dictates... Someone who came from public school
and not from prominent private university. “
Harry Xian Mason Ryan II - “If given the chance, I would change the Secretary
of Education and throw her into the actual field of teaching for her to
realize all the things that she had said. So she could see that there is no
silver lining on the things she asked to do and there are no smile on the
faces of the teachers because negativity always foster.”
Chris San Jose – “Teaching of values and pose a big emphasis on it. Bring back
the good old Filipino games instead of gadgets. Bring back the old system
wherein grammar structure teaching is given bigger emphasis and more
on English topic conversations. Teach nationalism especially in the arts,
bring back the love of OPM. Teach the TRUTH and the FACTS of history.”
Ghyl Alkuino – “Teachers should focus more on teaching with minimal paper
works and abolish mass promotion. These are the major contributory
factors for the declining quality of our education nowadays. Teachers
could not focus on their teaching, because of too much paper works that
eat most of their time and energy. Letting students to pass even if they are
not yet ready for the next grade level for fear that the concerned teacher
would be made to explain before higher authorities for failing the students
aggravate the worsening situation of our educational system. As if the
whole world connive together and pass the blame to the poor teacher for
not moving heaven and hell so that all his more or less 250 students could
be promoted to the next grade level, forgetting that educating a child is a
collaborative effort between and among the school, the family and other
Chona Ecuacion – “Teachers should prioritize teaching. Any forms of
paperworks should not be done by the teachers that can disturb classes
and prolong the working hours of teachers until midnight. Teachers will
only study their lessons for tomorrow because lesson plans and
instructional materials are already provided. Mastery of subject matters
can be achieved and surely students will be focused.”
Flor Cundiman Basira – “If our facilities are nice, we can attract rich enrollees.”

“If you could change one thing in education, what would it be and why?” Dr. Habijan
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Arnel Agubo – “I believe that nothing can be changed in the educational system
in the Philippines, rather, the leadership of these higher authorities will
change, there is nothing wrong with the system, the problem is how it is
managed of course from concerned individuals. Change the way they rule,
management and leadership. If not, as a whole, the behavior alone, self
discipline as the foundation.”
Mary Ann Ilagan – “Bring back the good old practice, let reading take the center
stage. and yes, values should always be the backbone.”
Anding Mirasol – “Too much competencies taught in each quarter will result to
less mastery. Sometimes they allocated 1- 2 days only to a broader
competency which can be actually taught for about a week. The end result
of these, the students will learn only little for each topic or the worst they
may forget everything by next school year. The next teacher who will
handle them needs to review again the basic concept as if it was not
taught during lower grades. We cannot blame those teachers because the
problem is the curriculum itself. RBEC is better.”
Cj Batz – “Facilities. We need more equipment to facilitate the concepts we
wanted to imbue to students.”
Alejo Leo Martinno – “I'll add Financial Literacy in the curriculum.”
Bo Paña – “It would be shifting the eclectic philosophy to purely idealism. It
should be Realistic instead of Idealistic.”
Joselito Bocalan Sorosoro – “The so called "Blind Education"Get rid of that...
Learning something impractical to make us forget the true knowledge or
skills that we usually need.”
Grace Bernardo – “Lessen teaching loads in elementary so that focus are on
reading and numeracy skills because 8 subjects in one day stresses the
child and also teachers most especially in preparing plans, IM, reports,
surveys. I had this feeling that people on the field are under experiment.”
Ana Clarisa Anque-Dumalaog – “The curriculum for grade 1 and 2... Focus on
3 subjects only... Reading writing and arithmetic with comprehension.”
Resa Yandog-Ruiz Content. – “It’s very academic and puts a lot of stress to
students. British and American curriculum focus on core skills and many
subjects are integrated. Filipino and Indian curriculum are perhaps the
heaviest in terms of content. Youth has a lot to memorize but the skill does
not stay with them because of bulk content that they’ve learned.”
Lilia Galamgam Rabena – “Schedule of classes-- I suppose MWF and TTh
would be good to give students time to digest their lessons... Curriculum -
the older curriculum is better than the K -, 12, everyday change of lesson
and competencies would make our students learn less...they got no
retention over the lessons they are taking its because we are giving them
so much everyday. And remember, they are not all above average so they
can digest all the lessons for the day and link them to the next lesson.”
Christina Rulona – “Teacher-student ratio should be changed. 25-30 pupils only
in a class. Arrange in sequence the lesson in the book so that parents can
follow up their children at home by just looking on the activities done in the
book just like in Private schools.”

“If you could change one thing in education, what would it be and why?” Dr. Habijan
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Majority of the responses made their point that there is problem in the system of

the Philippine education in terms of quality. Quality - There was a decline in the quality

of the Philippine education, especially at the elementary and secondary levels. This is

the major problem at the tertiary level and it is also the cause of the existence of a large

group of educated unemployed or underemployed. The Philippine education sector is

subject to constant scrutiny and evokes wildly different opinions – and rightly so.

Majority also spoke of a reduction in the number of teachers and budget cuts, saying:

“There is a lack of funding and increased pressure on school numbers, as well as the

dwindling morale of teachers who are feeling undervalued and therefore leaving the

profession. Also, too many tests and too much bureaucracy is having a negative

impact.” In order to create and maintain the best possible system of learning for our

children, and to nurture and protect our country’s educators, candid discussions about

the education sector should be encouraged.

As I would compare the answers that I’ve got to the answers that Ms. Sackstein

have gathered, majority put number 1 as the highest priority and 6 as the least.

1. Systemic Changes/Restructuring/Initiatives

Hans Tullmann – “Education needs a revolution. A new generation of schools that

throw out everything we've done in the past. We start over with a blank canvas. The
focus is the students. We use the paintbrush of research-based pedagogy and paint
strokes of the best and most impactful pedagogical practices. Plant these new "work of
art" districts across America, observe, reflect, and improve each year. Then we

However, my respondents wants to bring back the old curriculum rather than

throwing out everything we’ve done in the past.

“If you could change one thing in education, what would it be and why?” Dr. Habijan
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2. Leadership

Jason Flom – “Empower teachers. If we can build teachers' capacities to construct and
adapt curricula to the identified needs and interests of students then we can also grant
them greater autonomy for making the sort of differentiated decisions that can
individualize and personalize learning. We need to give teachers the opportunity to
make decisions that improve and strengthen their relationships with the students.”

Well, my respondents prioritizes teachers’ salary as form of power.

3. Funding/Cost

Chris Lehmann – “Inequitable per pupil funding. The way we fund public education in
this country, where wealthy districts spend far more per pupil is the single most anti-
democratic (small d) policy in American society. Public education should never be a
parental meritocracy.”

On the other hand, our government allotted big budget for education yet if we are

going to compare it from the budget of other countries for education, our budget is still

small and yet it is getting smaller because it is mostly being corrupted by the officials.

Speaking of graft and corruption happening in our country, that is really toxic. Let

me quote two of my respondents as regards financial support and funding:

Kristelene DelosReyes Padios – “I would return the control of education to the

government. To open only public schools so that private sectors would be
force to help build and inprove because their children are also enrolled.”

Flor Cundiman Basira - “Napag isipan ko, ang DepEd ay nagcater lamang sa
mga pobre o mahihirap in terms of facilities: type of classrooms, desks/
furniture, system ( number of tchrs and office staff, flow of work,
documentation, etc). Funding ay may flaw din. Hal. Ang budget
pagpagawa ng bldg ay mas mababa kay sa budget na nakalaan at
approved. Alam natin tumingin ng materials. Hal. May CR na 4m square,
concrete, ang nagasto 1million. Maniwala ba tayo nyan? Kung sana
maganda ang classrooms, tchr student ratio, sigurado ma attract natin ang
mid class at upperclass. At may katuwang na tayo.”

“If you could change one thing in education, what would it be and why?” Dr. Habijan
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4. Outside Stakeholders

Rosa Perez-Isiah – “The lack of support for public education and for the students we
serve from our current political leaders. It's infuriating to have to defend and protect our
students and staff from our own government. It takes a toxic toll on our entire system.”

It is imperative that public schools continue to look for outside stakeholders such

as private companies or private institutions even the so-called “Public and Private

Schools Partnership” in order to make our students become sustainable in learning.

5. Learning Environments

Jason Hlavacs – “No desks. Only tables with wheels for a flexible learning

I have not encountered any respondent that is interested to make some changes

in the learning environment of the students. But during one of the Research Congresses

of P.A.G.E. that I have attended, one of our invited speakers suggested to try having a

workshop without table and chairs. Just let the participants stand or roam around and

you will see that they will become more eager to listen, learn, and pay attention.

6. Social Emotional Learning

Bethany Hill – “The lack of social-emotional support in our schools, especially for kids
battling the effects of trauma, behavioral disorders, and mental health disorders. We
have a crisis, and we must face the fact that whole child learning is a priority.”

No one of my respondents supported Social Emotional Learning of students. In

fact, they want to remove Child Protection Policy in schools because according to them,

students nowadays are getting hard headed and lack of discipline because of this law.

“If you could change one thing in education, what would it be and why?” Dr. Habijan
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True. Educational systems are in a crisis. The people at the top in government

don't understand the important job we do or what changes need to occur. If only they

would listen to the folks who spend their lives trying to improve the lives of the children

they work with. We all need to remember that what we do matters and we can make a



e_one_thing_i.html. Retrieved last May 1, 2019.

7347718&notif_id=1556883857674442&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic. Retrieved

last May 7, 2019.

“If you could change one thing in education, what would it be and why?” Dr. Habijan
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