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(Solar Irradiane + Wireless Power Transfer + Photovoltaic)

Nama : Raja Muhammad Ridho Putra Aritonang / 5183530004

Jeremia Marvel Fernandez Purba / 5183530002

Wahyu Goheri Harianja / 5183530011

Pebri K. S. Padang / 5183530005

Magdalena Putri B. Sinambela / 5183530006

Andre Kayana Sitohang / 5183530015

Kelas : B

Prodi : Teknik Elektro

Dosen : Drs. Ir. Abdul Hakim Butar Butar, M.T

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Teknik


Literarute Riview

2.1 Introduction

Introduction Development of a Wireless Sensor Network for Individual Monitoring of

Panels in a Solar Photovoltaic Plant.

Monitoring of photovoltaic plants and optimization of the energy they produce is a key
issue in order to guarantee this type of plants can serve to their goal of significantly
contributing to supply the ever increasing demand of electrical power. Monitoring systems
currently available on the market are limited to the evaluation of the average power produced
in a given time interval, as a function of several parameters coming from the inverter. Even
though relevant, knowing the average power is not enough to either globally evaluate the
overall performance of the PV plant or to identify potential failures affecting some plant
components (such as single cells or clusters of cells). Instead, it would be very interesting to
have information related to how much energy each of the PV panels in the plant is producing.
Thus, it would be possible to easily identify the elements that are not operating properly and
repair or replace them. Obviously, this would require that each of these PV panels be
individually monitored and that the data obtained be communicated to some kind of control
system, and here is where wireless sensor networks come into play.

Goal of wireless power transmission is to transfer electricity from source to destination in

order to reduce high transmission losses. Wireless power transmission increases the
portability and convenience. It also fulfils the demand of recent devices and technologies
which already use wireless technique for different operations and communications like Wi-Fi
being used in laptops and cellular phones for the access to the internet.

Solar energy is the most abundant renewable energy source and today there is a large
interest for its use globally. The cost reduction of solar cells together with governmental
policies will accelerate the use of grid-tied photovoltaic systems in commercial, residential
and industrial applications. The solar cell manufacturing technology is continuously
improving, however the use of optimization techniques for solar power production,
monitoring and management is not following the same pace. Two main directions are

followed right now in the PV Industry for optimization of energy production with the
introduction of commercial products.

2.2 Solar Irradiane + Wireless Power Transfer + Photovoltaic

2.2.1 Development of a Wireless Sensor Network for Individual Monitoring of Panels in a

Solar Photovoltaic Plant

A. Overview of the Proposed System

The high costs of electricity produced from the sun highlight the importance of
optimizing system operation, energy production and reliability. As a result, it is essential
to analyze data and outputs of a photovoltaic (PV) plant in order to enable the elaboration
of detailed and precise evaluation of the system performance and, in particular, of the
effective energy production with respect to the plant’s potential.

As previously stated, monitoring systems currently available on the market are

generally based on data coming out from the inverter, which is a fundamental component
of the plant and allows direct current to be transformed into alternating current and,
therefore, into current entering the electrical grid. Generally, PV plants have an inverter
every ten or fifty solar panels. The main parameters available are usually: instant power,
frequency, voltage, electric current, environment temperature, inverter temperature, etc

In the last years, significant developments have taken place in some technologies
which can be usefully applied to the management of a PV plant, namely:
• Sensors and wireless sensor networks.
• Micro-inverters and electronic on-board of each panel.

These technologies allow users to implement new and powerful monitoring systems
capable of optimizing the efficiency of each panel as well as that of the whole plant,
while detecting faults or critical events. Several works can be found in literature related to
remote monitoring of solar power, but not many go as far as trying to determine the
performance of single panels.

In short, a solar power plant equipped with the system described in this paper can
optimize energy production based on the surrounding ambient state. Nowadays, despite
the relevant refinement of production technologies during the last years, many plants still
don’t have any optimization of their energy production, resulting in an overall efficiency
that is lower than the real capability of the plant

The Monitoring Plant Network has a central role in the system: it monitors PV status
and sends real-time information to the Monitoring Center system. The Monitoring Plant
Network is based on the concept of “smart” PV modules, in which sensors and electronic
components are set to control each panel or group of few panels; these Smart Modules are
able to sense voltage, current and temperature and to send information through a wireless
network at a service center (Monitoring Center).

This paper will mainly focus on the description of the sensors attached to every solar
cell (and their associated circuitry) and on the protocols established to make that
information reach the Monitoring Center, where it will be appropriately dealt with.

B. System Description

1. Smart PV Modules

Each panel or group of panels includes a Smart Module that measures some relevant
magnitudes in the panels and sends this information to a Central Node placed in the tower
supporting the arrays of panels. These modules will therefore include some sensors to
measure the magnitudes of interest and some circuitry in charge of the transmission. The
power supply for these electronic circuits will be obtained from the panels themselves,
while guaranteeing that the modules keep working even under low-radiation conditions—
or during the night. This involves the use of some sort of energy storing device that
manages to keep the circuit working when the panels are not providing enough energy;
supercapacitors have been identified as an optimum component to achieve this goal.
Moreover, these devices can be found in the literature associated to both communication
systems and photovoltaic panels .

2. Power Supply from the PV Panel

The power supply built includes two steps: one to charge the supercapacitor and
another to supply the wireless communication stage
This power supply must guarantee that all the electronic circuitry is correctly supplied
from the PV panel—even under low or no irradiation conditions—which means that it
must be able to correctly charge the supercapacitor. Since the voltage provided by the PV
panels is typically larger than the operating voltage of supercapacitors, a step-down
converter must be included in the power supply. This converter controls the charge of the
supercapacitor so that it is achieved in a reasonably short time.

Although it is obvious that, as far as energy production is concerned, no useful

information will be delivered during the night, the system is still operating when the sun
is gone for safety purposes— protection against possible theft of the panels. In the same
way, all the circuitry will be switched off during the idle periods to reduce consumption

3. Communication System

(a). Communication within the Monitoring Plant Network: Smart Modules send
information to a Central Node on their tower; and
(b). Communication between these Central Nodes and the communication interface in
the Monitoring Center.

In order to establish the communication between Smart Modules and the Central
Node, each PV panel includes an XBee 802.15.4 low-power module from Digi and an 8-
bit PIC microcontroller from Microchip [32]. This node will also include all the circuitry
in charge of sensing the magnitudes of interest. In the prototype, a current sensor from
Allegro (ACS711) suitable to measure currents up to 12.5 A is included.

Finally, an additional XBee-PRO 802.15.4 extended-range module and a PIC

microcontroller will be required for the communication interface in the Monitoring
Center. A device making it possible to connect this interface to a PC (such as a MAX232
or FTDI FT245, for instance) is also necessary

4. Communication Protocol

In order to gather information from all the panels in the solar farm, a tree-structure
using XBee modules is implemented. XBee modules have been chosen because they are
easy to work with and have proven adequate performance in different kinds of

There is a Monitoring Center attached to a central computer that stores and displays
relevant data from all the panels. The Monitoring Center is aware of the solar farm
distribution: how many towers there are, how many panels in each tower, etc. This
information must be passed on to the other nodes during the setup stage. Therefore, it is
the Monitoring Center that must be powered first, i.e., before connecting the Central
Nodes in the towers or the so-called Smart Modules.

C. Operation of the System Implemented

Supply of the Smart Modules is a key issue towards the adequate performance of the
system. As well as output voltage stability, one of the most important features of the
power supply implemented is energy storage. Since the system must keep sending
information during the night, the supercapacitor is selected to provide the energy

1. Node Identification

In a WSN likely to include many Smart Modules, synchronization is a key issue.

Appropriate identification of each of the nodes must be carried out so that problems do
not arise later during steady-state operation. Thus, a protocol is defined that detects all the
nodes in the system, provides them with a unique name and clearly identifies their
location in the PV plant.

A similar procedure will be followed to have each of the Central Nodes identify all
the Smart Modules in their tower. From this point on, polling will be implemented so that
the information captured at the Smart Modules in the PV panels can be sent over to the
main computer in the solar farm.

2. Storing Information in the Computer

The Monitoring Center will carry out a polling similar to the one described above.
After fulfilling the monitoring, storing and whatever other tasks that might be established
for the system, a request from the computer will be sent to the Monitoring Center so that
all the information available is transferred to the PC.

D. Results and Discussion

The results included in this section are mainly focused on the correct performance of
the power supply included in the Smart Modules. Some comments related to the
communication protocol will also be provided.

1. Power Supply Performance

As already indicated, a step-down converter is needed in the power supply to charge

the supercapacitor (up to 2.5 V) from the voltage delivered by the PV panel. This goal is
achieved by including an integrated circuit by Maxim (MAX5090C),

Once the voltage across the supercapacitor has reached a minimum value, the step-up
converter starts operating and producing a constant supply voltage. In the prototype
developed, this voltage has been chosen to be 3.3 V, since that is a requirement of the
XBee module and can also be used with the microcontroller. In this case, Microchip’s
MCP1624 integrated circuit has been selected to generate the 3.3-volt voltage. In order to
determine whether the performance of the power supply was adequate, it was connected
to a preliminary prototype of a communication module.

2. Communication Protocol

The protocol implemented in the three blocks of the system (Smart Modules, Central
Nodes and Monitoring Center) has been checked in the lab by means of preliminary
prototypes that represented a network consisting of one Monitoring Center and two
Central Nodes: one including two Smart Modules and the other one with only one Smart
Module. This system succeeded in identifying all the nodes during start-up, after which

the Smart Modules periodically send the information to the Monitoring Center. Extension
to a larger system only requires that the system parameters be changed.

Also, a Matlab-based environment has been developed for testing purposes that
complies with the features described above. This environment allows users to define the
size of the PV plant considered and plot the evolution of relevant magnitudes associated
to the whole plant, to a given tower or even to a simple panel.

E. Conclusions

This paper fully describes a WSN suitable for inclusion in photovoltaic plants in order
to improve efficiency and optimize energy production. This is achieved by developing
smart sensor nodes attached to each PV panel in the plant and defining a communication
protocol that succeeds in taking all the information related to the panels to a Monitoring
Center, where it is displayed and conveniently analyzed. A start-up procedure to identify
all the nodes in the WSN has also been presented.

The sensors attached to each panel are supplied power from the panels themselves.
Thus, a power supply that obtains energy from the panel and stores it during the night so
that information can still be gathered and sent to the Monitoring Center (for safety
purposes, mainly) has been designed. Supercapacitors have been used as energy storage
devices instead of the traditional batteries in order to take advantage of their high cycling
capability and their fast charge process. Such a power supply can be used by any other
sensors that get their energy from PV panels and must still operate during the night.

Preliminary prototypes demonstrating the feasibility of the system described have

been implemented and tested. A MATLAB application has been developed to define the
preliminary configuration of the communication network used to collect the data from
each PV panel.

Future work is related to cost-optimization of the Smart Modules so that the system
becomes more attractive to developers of PV plants. Also, and even though authors
preferred defining a self-contained system that did not depend on third-party products, a
system based on storing information in the cloud might be considered.

2.3.2 A Comparative Study of Wireless Power Transmission Techniques


Several methods have been explored for Witricity. This section describes the different
methods of wireless power transmission. Various methods are discussed in detail in
subsequent subsections.


Microwave wireless power transmission is a wide range process in which long

distance electric power transmission becomes possible. This process uses the microwave
voltage source which emits the microwaves. The microwave source acts as a transmitting
antenna and a microwave receiver is attached with the load which acts as receiving
antenna. The received microwaves are then converted back in to electrical energy through
which the load is driven. Different parts of the wireless power transmission through
microwaves are briefed as following.

A typical rectifying antenna used to produce dc power from microwave energy is

called rectenna. . These are extensively used in microwave wireless power transmission
systems. As defined in, “simple rectenna consists of a dipole antenna with an RF diode
connected across the dipole elements. The diode rectifies the AC current induced in the
antenna by the microwaves, to produce dc power, which powers a load connected across
the diode.”


The second technique is the wireless power transmission using laser beam which acts
as a source. The laser beam of high intensity is thrown from some specific distance to the
load end. Depending on the range and intensity of the beam this method is used for small
distance applications. This process is similar to the solar cells photovoltaic generation
which uses the solar energy of the sun light and converts it into electricity. At the load
end highly efficient photo voltaic cells are used which receive the laser beam, energize
laser light and finally convert light energy in to electrical energy.

Experiments have shown that the wireless power transmission through laser beam is
50 percent efficient with respect to other methods but by using advance technology of
laser photovoltaic cells receivers the efficiency could be increased. Various stages of
process are described as following.


The mutual induction phenomena between two coils work on the principle that if
there is a continuous varying current passes through one coil produces the magnetic field
in the space around first coil called primary coil. As this varying magnetic field interacts
with the secondary coil it produces an induced current in the secondary coil. This is also
called magnetic resonance between two coils operating at a same resonance frequency.
Principle of mutual induction is elaborated in Fig. 2.

A set of copper wires is used which acts as transmitting and receiving coil. The
number of turns of copper wires, resistance and diameter affects the mutual induction
between them. Important parameters of the system include: operating frequency of signal
generator or source, voltage of the source, diameter and resistance of the coils and
number of turns of coils.

The amplifiers are used for the amplification of the voltage signal so that a high
power voltage signal should be fed to the primary coil acting as transmitting antenna.
There are many types of amplifiers like class A, B.


Wireless power transmission is the only process through which we could eliminate the
existing system of high power transmission lines, towers and substations, which is
inefficient and costly way of energy transmission. This will lead to a globally efficient
and cheap transmission system. The cost of the transmission and receiving power would
lower for the daily users and the large scale reduction of power tariff would be easily
visible. The loss of transmission will be decreased and the power could easily be
transferred to any place irrespective of the geographical situations. Power failures
minimization will become possible which are caused by short circuit and faults. It will
make the system more efficient and environment friendly system.

In terms of portability, this system is very superior to any other existing system.
However, the most important concern remains the biological impacts. But according to
the safety studies and reAsearch it indicates clearly that the radiation level achieved by
the wireless power transmission is very close or slightly higher than the radiation of
cellular phones or never greater than microwave oven exposure. Therefore, public
exposure of wireless power transmission will be within the acceptable limits

F Conclusions

The wireless power energy concept is indeed a great and a noble one. It has entirely
changed the concept of power transmission. It has the potential to bring complete
revolution in scientific development. Ranging from charging of the handset up to the
reduction in global warming; wireless power transmission has many applications and
solutions. It could reduce the human dependency on the fossil fuels and other petroleum
products due to its efficiency in order to achieve sustainable development. We have
reviewed and compared different methods of wireless power transmission. Different
applications in context of smart grid have also been covered. Researchers are trying to
make this technology more efficient and to overcome the challenges being faced. Though
the practical implementation of this technology is quiet limited due to the technological
barriers but this could be the biggest breakthrough in the field of power transmission. In
future, we are interested to carry out a detailed regional survey of energy management
system including residential, home and industrial energy management systems, as done in

2.3.3 Smart Solar Panels: In-situ monitoring of photovoltaic panels based on wired
and wireless sensor networks

A System Architecture

In Fig. 2 (a) the overall system architecture is given. A three-tire architecture has been
followed for the monitoring and characterisation system, with the first level referenced to
the characterization module of the PV solar panel, the second level referenced to the PV
cluster gateway, with the third level to be referenced to the PV park coordinator and the
web-based communication technologies with remote monitoring and control computers.

In the first level a characterization device is embedded in each PV panel (PV

characterization module), which integrates a microcontroller with the associated
electronics for control of the overall procedure and support of communication with a local
gateway through a serial bus. The embedded microcontroller in the PV panel
characterization device realises a miniature data acquisition system [16- 18]. The local
gateway supports bidirectional communication through a wired serial communication bus
with a number of PV panels that belong to a group (called cluster hereafter) with similar
insolation characteristics (orientation and shading from various objects) and manufacturer
specifications. Moreover the gateway provides wireless communication services for the
PV cluster using WSN networking technology with a central remote PV park coordinator.
With the proposed architecture characterization data from the PV panels are transferred to
remote clients using free web publishing services like Cosm [19]. In the reverse direction
the capability of sending control data to the PV panel embedded microcontroller for
monitoring and “triggering” of the characterization procedure is also supported via simple
server-client commands.

B PV panel Characterization procedure

RIn Fig. 2 (b) the flow of the control and monitoring data for the characterization
procedure of the PV panel is presented. As the characterization procedure of each
individual PV panel uses the existing solar

radiation it is critical to synchronize each PV panel measurement unit with the similar
PVs of the cluster. With this approach the characterization procedure for each cluster of
PV panels is based on similar solar irradiation conditions. Such a grouping of PV panels
is a common practice in PV installations especially on roof tops of houses where specific
PV panels have identical orientation and can form PV clusters

The characterization procedure starts with the electric isolation of each individual PV
panel from the PV panels of the cluster through a electromechanical relay When the relay
is activated the PV panel is electrically isolated from the other panels of the PV cluster
and the characterization procedure can be started The voltage and current signals are
digitized by the 10 bit ADC which is embedded in the microcontroller used.

C Embedded networking platform for characterization and monitoring of PV panels

For realizing the described PV cell characterization architecture a basic platform has
been developed with two variations for the characterization module and the cluster
gateway. These variants have a common basic microcontroller board with different
communication and sensing capabilities. The PV characterization module has embedded
LIN (Local Interconnect Network) slave capability, while the PV cluster gateway
integrates a LIN master for serial communication with the members of the PV cluster
together with WSN technology for wireless communication with the PV park
concentrator. The PV park coordinator is based on the Arduino open source platform that
realizes a WSN coordinator for wireless communication with all the PV clusters gateways
and supports web technologies for communication with a remote server.

D Conclusions

The methodology demonstrated in this article fuses computation and communication

technologies for real-time monitoring and characterization of PV panel operational status.
The use of wireless sensor network technology provides low complexity and cost
communication with a coordinator, while new web-based publishing technologies
simplify the design, maintenance and operation of large networks of PV panels. By
grouping of the PV panels in clusters and the use of the single wire LIN bus the

complexity of the network deployed is kept at the minimum. The architecture proposed is
fully scalable with the number of PV panels and takes advantage of open-source
platforms for web-publishing of characterization data at a low-cost. Panels with efficiency
changes due to aging or other effects can be identified through the proposed in-situ
characterization system and the owner will be informed in real- time for maintenance
actions and possible guarantee claim.

2.3.4 wireless solar irradiance Meyers and photovoltaic

A Project Design Methodology

This section will discuss the methodology involved in the design of the Wireless Solar
Irradiance Meter. The project is divided into parts to make the design process modular. In
the prototype board fabricated by the authors, these parts replaced with their
specifications are:

 RF Transmitter and an RF Receiver. The transmitter/receiver (Tx/Rx) pair operates at

a frequency of 434 MHz.
 CIP-8 bit encoder and decoder, which is used to synchronize transceiver ends and also
the data conversion from parallel to serial at transmitting end and serial to parallel at
the receiving end is done by it.
 ADC0804-8 bit parallel analog to digital convertor, 8 bit resolution, single channel
input, works on +5V.
 8051 microcontroller(AT89S51) at both ends-full static CMOS controller, 8k Flash
memory, 256 bytes RAM,4 I/O ports of 8 bit wide, 3 timers/counters, 8 interrupt
sources etc.
 Liquid Crystal Display(HD 162A)-16x2
 LCD that is 16 character per row.
 Shunt resistance of value 0.9Ω.
 Crystal oscillator-11.0592 MHz.
 Ceramic capacitors-33pf (2 pieces), 150pf, electrolytic capacitor-10µf.
 Resistors-8.2KΩ, 10KΩ (8 pieces), variable resistor-10KΩ.
 Power supply unit.

Radio Frequency. The corresponding frequency range varies between 30 kHz & 300
GHz. In this RF system, the digital data is represented as variations in the amplitude of
carrier wave. This kind of modulation is known as Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK).
Transmission through RF is better than IR (infrared) because of many reasons. Firstly,
signals through RF can travel through larger distances making it suitable for long range
applications. Also, while IR mostly operates in line-of-sight mode, RF signals can travel
even when there is an obstruction between transmitter & receiver. Next, RF transmission
is more strong and reliable than IR transmission. RF communication uses a specific
frequency unlike IR signals which are affected by other IR emitting sources. This RF
module comprises of an RF Transmitter and an RF Receiver. The transmitter/receiver
(Tx/Rx) pair operates at a frequency of 433 MHz. An RF transmitter receives serial data
and transmits it wirelessly through RF through its antenna connected at pin 4. The
transmission occurs at the rate of 1Kbps - 10Kbps.The transmitted data is received by an
RF receiver operating at the same frequency as that of the transmitter.

 434 MHz Transmitter Operation
 500 Ft. Range - Dependent on Transmitter Power Supply

Figure 2 . Block diagram of wireless Transmitter and Receiver operating at

433 MHz

B Construction and operation

Ultimately the subparts of the project discussed in Sections 3.1 through 3.6 were
consolidated to construct a complete project. Figure 8.which is given below provides a
complete hardware schematic of the transmitting end. In transmitting end, when the
sunlight strikes with the PV Cell, it convert the solar energy into its equivalent voltage

which is then fed to the Analog to Digital convertor, According to the step size of ADC
which could be adjusted manually by using variable resistor. It converts the received
voltage signals into its equivalent digital value and gives it to the microcontroller [13-15].
The microcontroller reads the value through its input port pins and transmits it to the
encoder which is connected with its one of the output port. The encoder converts the
received data from parallel to serial and fed it to RF Transmitter. The A0/Baud pin of
encoder as well as decoder are connected to ground, it means that they both are working
at a baud rate of 2400 bps. The transmitter as well as receiver (Tx/Rx) pair operates at a
frequency of 433 MHz. An RF transmitter receives serial data from the encoder and
transmits it wirelessly through RF through its antenna connected at pin 4.
the transmitting end. The transmitted data is received by a RF receiver operating at the

same frequency as that of the transmitter. The data is then fed to the Din pin of decoder,
which after receiving the data decode it and convert it serial to parallel data stream
suitable of microcontroller to read. Then the microcontroller will transfer it to its one of
the output port which might be connected with LCD for display purpose.

C Conclusion

In our project work, embedded C language was utilized for this project. It was more
than adequate to satisfy design objectives while enhancing level of understanding of the
programming language. All the schematic and circuits are designed and simulated by
using Proteus designing tool.

Here we are using encoder and decoder circuitry in the transmitter as well as receiver
end, the purpose of using it to synchronize the transmitter and receiver RF transceivers. If
we want to interfacing the microcontroller without encoder/decoder directly to the RF
transceivers using serial ports, we should take care much because the modules are
sensitive to any RF signals at the range so there will be a lot of junk characters we should
take care of the conditions where we are going to implement the system and take care of
the junk. This can be done by using some kind of cyclic redundancy check (CRC) and
preambles. Since its difficult to achieve so the simplest solution to this problem is to use
encoder/decoder IC’s.

Secondly there are two data output in the RF receiver, digital and linear, we need to
use the digital one only and connect the linear one with the ground

It is evident from figures 8 and 9 that by using RF transceiver in conjunction with 8

bit encoder/decoder IC’s, it is possible to receive the values from PV cell to
microcontroller which then transmitted it with the help of RF transmitter to remote site
where a RF receiving operating in the same frequency range pick the give it to receiver
micro controller which then display them to LCD.

2.3.5 Wireless Solar Irradiance Meter

A Construction and operation

Ultimately the subparts of the project discussed in Sections 3.1 through 3.6 were
consolidated to construct a complete project. Figure 8.which is given below provides a
complete hardware schematic of the transmitting end. In transmitting end, when the

sunlight strikes with the PV Cell, it convert the solar energy into its equivalent voltage
which is then fed to the Analog to Digital convertor, According to the step size of ADC
which could be adjusted manually by using variable resistor. It converts the received
voltage signals into its equivalent digital value and gives it to the microcontroller. The
microcontroller reads the value through its input port pins and transmits it to the encoder
which is connected with its one of the output port. The encoder converts the received data
from parallel to serial and fed it to RF Transmitter. The A0/Baud pin of encoder as well
as decoder are connected to ground, it means that they both are working at a baud rate of
2400 bps. The transmitter as well as receiver (Tx/Rx) pair operates at a frequency of 433
MHz. An RF transmitter receives serial data from the encoder and transmits it wirelessly
through RF through its antenna connected at pin 4. Which is given below provides a
complete hardware schematic of the transmitting end. The transmitted data is received by
a RF receiver operating at the same frequency as that of the transmitter. The data is then
fed to the Din pin of decoder, which after receiving the data decode it and convert it serial
to parallel data stream suitable of microcontroller to read. Then the microcontroller will
transfer it to its one of the output port which might be connected with LCD for display

B Conclusions

In our project work, embedded C language was utilized for this project. It was more
than adequate to satisfy design objectives while enhancing level of understanding of the
programming language. All the schematic and circuits are designed and simulated by
using Proteus designing tool. Secondly there are two data output in the RF receiver,
digital and linear, we need to use the digital one only and connect the linear one with the

It is evident from figures 8 and 9 that by using RF transceiver in conjunction with 8

bit encoder/decoder IC’s, it is possible to receive the values from PV cell to
microcontroller which then transmitted it with the help of RF transmitter to remote site
where a RF receiving operating in the same frequency range pick the give it to receiver
micro controller which then display them to LCD.

The Transmitting end of this wireless solar irradiance meter can be placed at the top
of the solar plant

installation environment to find the best location with maximum radiation in such a
way that the PV cell will remain perpendicular to the incident radiation. While the
receiving end of this instrument is installed in the base station which is located remotely
.Thus due to its simplicity and usability, this meter is expected to find wide spread
application across solar industry, power stations, field engineers, academic scholars etc.

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