Keanekaragaman, Persebaran Dan Potensi Jenis-Jenis Garcinia Di Indonesia

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Nurse Stock Plant – A New Technique to Enhance Mangosteen

(Garcinia mangostana) Growth

Roedhy Poerwanto
Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University
Jl Pajajaran Bogor 16143, Indonesia.
Although mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is one of the most delicious
tropical fruits, large scale planting of this crop has not occurred, due to slow growth
and a long juvenile phase. Mangosteen trees require 8 - 15 years to begin flowering.
The vegetative method of propagation using top-grafting can shorten the flowering
age to 5 years. However, it takes 2-3 year to grow the rootstock and the growth of
grafted mangosteen is poor. The slow growth rate of the mangosteen tree is due to
the absence of root hairs and poor branching of the root system, thereby restricting
water absorption and nutrient uptake. To improve the root system of mangosteen
and enhance growth a nurse stock plant technique has been developed. Giving an
additional nurse stock plant to the mangosteen seedling provides the tree with a
double root system. Nurse stock plants of G. dulcis and G. fructicosa on non-grafted
seedlings enhanced seedling growth as much as twice compared to seedlings without
a nurse stock plant. Other experiments using mangosteen as the nurse stock plant of
three types of mangosteen seedlings (non-grafted, grafted with juvenile scion,
grafted with mature scion) showed that seedlings with a nurse stock plant, especially
non-grafted plants and those grafted with juvenile scion, grew better than seedlings
without a nurse stock plant. The growth of non-grafted seedlings was better than
grafted seedlings. Seedlings grafted with mature scion showed the poorest growth.

Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is one of the most delicious tropical fruits
in Indonesia. Because of the flavor, demand for the fruit has increased markedly.
However, large scale planting of this crop has not occurred, due to its slow growth and
long juvenile phase. If propagated from seedling, 8 - 15 years are required before
flowering occurs. The vegetative method of propagation through top-grafting can shorten
the time to flowering to 4-5 years. However, 2-3 years are required to grow the rootstock.
Furthermore, the growth of top-grafted mangosteen is slower than the non-grafted
The slow growth of mangosteen is attributed to: (a) poor growth of its root system
(no root hairs, poor branching, slow growth, easily broken and disturbed by adverse
environments resulting in very small contact surfaces between roots and medium), (b)
poor nutrient and water uptake, (c) low photosynthetic rate, (d) low cell division rate in
the apical meristem, and (e) long shoot dormancy period (Poerwanto et al., 1995; Wieble
et al., 1992; Ramlan et al., 1992; Cox, 1989).
Several attempts have been made to enhance seedling growth by cultural practice
and chemical treatments. Poerwanto et al. (1995) reported that applying 50 - 150 ppm
IBA to the seeds and seedling roots (at the time of transplanting), applying triacontanol
(0.075 - 0.150 ppm), or 3 ppm cytokinine, can improve the growth of mangosteen
seedlings. Soil amelioration using OST (5-15 g per 3 kg media) enhanced seedling
growth, root length and chlorophyll content (Poerwanto et al., 1995). Application of
endomycorrhizae Gigaspora sp to the mangosteen seedlings gave better shoot and root
growth (Poerwanto et al., 1998).
Although attempts have shown some success at enhancing mangosteen growth,
there are no reliable techniques currently available. As the slow growth rate of seedlings
has been attributed to the poor root system, a number of experiments have been conducted
involving the grafting of mangosteen onto its relative genera such as G. dulcis, G.

Proc. IS on Trop. & Subtrop. Fruits

Ed. R. Drew 751
Acta Hort. 575, ISHS 2002
subelliptica, G. tinctoria (Poerwanto et al., 1995; Coronel, 1986; Cox, 1988; Hume,
1947), but almost all attempts have been unsuccessful. Lim and Kuppelwelser (1991)
made double rootstock grafting of mangosteen by inarching, then top-grafting the double
rootstock with a mature scion. Although top-grafting was 90% successful, the growth of
the grafted scion was slow. The present study was conducted to develop a new technique
to improve the root system of mangosteen using a nurse stock plant. This means that
mangosteen seedlings have their small root system supported, or nursed, by a second root
system of the nursing plant. This technique aims to enhance mangosteen growth by
providing the mangosteen seedling with a double root system (its own root and the root of
the nurse stock plant).
Three experiments were conducted at the Experimental Farm of Bogor
Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia. Experiments I and II were conducted from
May 1997 to May 1998 and Experiment III from January 1999 to June 2000. The trees
were planted in polybags (25 cm in diameter and 35 cm height) filled with a mixture of
top soil, coarse sand and compost (1:3:2), enriched with 4 g per polybag of Decastar 22-8-
4 (N-P-K). Plants were placed in a shaded greenhouse (55% shade cloth).
In Experiment I two-year old seedlings of Garcinia mangostana Linn. (30 trees),
G. celebica Linn. (6 trees), G. fructicosa Linn. (6 trees), G. dulcis Kurts. (6 trees), and
Calophyllum inophyllum Linn. (6 trees) were used.
In Experiment II, 63 trees of one-year-old top-grafted mangosteen (one year after
top-grafting onto 2 year-old rootstocks) and two-year-old seedlings of mangosteen (9
trees), G. fructicosa (9 trees), G. celebica (9 trees), G. dulcis (9 trees), G. porrecta Linn.
(9 trees) and G. subelliptica Merr. (9 trees) were used. The mangosteen seedlings
(Experiment I) and top-grafted mangosteen (Experiment II) were approach-grafted using
several Garcinias as nurse stock plants on August 27, 1997. Approach-grafting was done
below the scion/rootstock union. The top part of the nurse stock plant was cut off on
November 1, 1997, and the plants were replanted into 10 liter pots with the same media
enriched with 20 gram Decastar 22-8-4 on December 12, 1997.
In Experiment III two-year-old mangosteen seedlings (90 trees) and mature
mangosteen trees (as source of scions) were used. The mangosteen seedlings were top-
grafted with juvenile or mature scions or were left as non-grafted seedlings. The source of
juvenile scions was two-year-old seedlings, and the source of mature scions was mature
trees. Top-grafting was done on April 10, 1999. Plants were then approach-grafted using
two-year-old mangosteens as nurse stock plants on May 22, 1999. These plants were
replanted into 10 liter pots filled with the same media and fertilizer on May 29, 1999.
In all experiments, plant height, girth, and number of flushes were measured
weekly, but the data presented in this report was accumulative data at 6 months after
approach-grafting for Experiment I and II, and at 6 months and 1 year for Experiment III.
Data of the leaf size was taken from terminal mature leaves at 6 months after treatment
for Experiment I and II.
The three-month-old terminal leaves of the trees of Experiment III, were sampled,
dried and ground for nutrients analysis on December 1999. Nitrogen content was
analyzed using the semi micro Kjeldahl method. For phosphorus and cation analysis, the
samples were wet-digested. Phosphorus content was determined by spectrophotometer
(vanadate-molybdate-yellow method), potassium content by flame photometer and other
cations by atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
The design of the experiments was randomized block design with 6 replications in
Experiment I, 9 replications in Experiment II and 10 replications in Experiment III and
one tree per treatment in each experiment. The statistical analysis was F test followed by
Duncan multiple range test.

Table 1 shows that the double rootstock mangosteen seedlings using G. dulcis as

nurse stock plants (second rootstock) produced significantly taller plants than control
plants and the double rootstock plants using G. celebica. G. dulcis, G. fructicosa and C.
inophyllum resulted in a larger number of flushes. On the other hand, all double rootstock
plants produced a shorther leaf, and C. inophyllum produced narrower leaves than the
Although nurse stock plants using certain Garcinias enhanced the growth of non-
grafted seedlings of mangosteen, they did not influence the growth of top-grafted
mangosteen plants (Table 2). The growth of all double rootstock plants using six species
of Garcinias as the nurse stock plant did not differ from the control.
Results of Experiment III also showed that nurse stock plants using mangosteen as
the second rootstock, had little effect on the growth of mangosteen top-grafted with
mature scion. However, growth was significantly increased of non-grafted seedlings and
plants top-grafted with juvenile scions at 6 months and one year after approach-grafting.
The maturity of scions also had a significant effect on plant height. The non-grafted
seedling plants and the plants grafted with juvenile scion were significantly higher than
those grafted with mature scion (Table 3).
Giving nurse stock plants to mangosteen, either non-grafted, grafted with juvenile
or with mature scion, did not affect the girth, but the girth of the non-grafted seedlings
was bigger than top-grafted plants (Table 3).
Nurse stock plants of non-grafted seedlings (double rootstock) and grafted plants
with juvenile scion (double rootstock) produced more flushes than other treatments during
6 months. After one year, only grafted plants with juvenile scion (double rootstock)
produced more flushes. For grafted plants with mature scion, single and double
rootstocks, the number of flushes did not significantly differ. Seedlings produced more
leaves than grafted trees (Table 3). Leaf size did not differ between treatments (data is not
Double rootstocks significantly increased zinc absorption in the leaves. Mature
scions had more phosphorus content in the leaves than juvenile scion. The interaction
between scion and rootstock was significant only for phosphorus and magnesium content
in the leaves. The nitrogen, potassium, calcium, ferrum, and copper content did not differ
among treatments (Table 4).

The biggest problem in mangosteen cultivation is the slow growth of the plant due
to the poor growth of the root system. Cox (1988) reported that the root system of
mangosteen is very poor. It has no root hair, grows slowly, and is easily broken and
disturbed by adverse environments. Based on these facts, we expected that an improved
root system using a nurse stock plant would increase the growth of mangosteen. By
providing the mangosteen with a second root system (i.e. the root system of the nurse
stock plant) it was supposed that the capability of the root system to supply water, mineral
nutrient and growth hormone (gibberellins and cytokinin) to the plant would be increased.
Results of these experiments showed that a double rootstock using G. mangostana
and G. dulcis as the nurse stock plant increased the growth of non-grafted and top-grafted
mangosteen using juvenile scion. However, the growth of top-grafted plants using mature
scion was not influenced. Our results are in conformity with the results of Lim and
Kuppelwelser (1991). They showed that giving double rootstock using mangosteen on
grafted mangosteen seedling did not influence the plant height. However, for Duku
Terengganu (Lancium domesticum) the use of double rootstocks did not significantly
enhance the growth and maturity (Kamariah et al., 1996) after 6.5 years evaluation. For
durian (Durio zebethinus), nurse stock plants enhanced the growth compared to single
rootstock plants during the first 3 years of planting, after which no significant difference
was observed (Zabedah, 1988 in Kamariah et al., 1996).
The ability of G. mangostana and G. dulcis as nurse stock plants to promote the
growth of mangosteen seedlings may be because they are closely related species. All of
these Garcinias produce yellow latex in the fruit. On the other hand, plants with double

rootstocks using other Garcinias produced smaller leaves than mangosteen seedlings.
However, when the nurse stock plant was mangosteen, the leaves produced by the plant
were not different from single stock plants. All of the Garcinias used as nurse stock plants
in these experiments had smaller leaves than mangosteen.
We assumed that the positive effects of nurse stock plants on the growth of
mangosteen seedlings was due to the second rootstock increasing water and mineral
absorption and growth hormone production. The double rootstock plants may absorb
larger quantities of water, thereby increasing the water potential of the leaves, stomatal
conductance to CO2 and photosynthetic rates. It seems likely that growth of flush and
leaves was highly correlated with water status of the leaves and photosynthate production.
The relationship between water status and growth of the tree was well defined by
Borchert (1973). He hypothesised that a balance existed between the surface of water
uptake in the root system and the surface of transpiration in the shoot system. Limitation
of water absorption stops shoot growth and production.
It was known that dwarfing rootstocks might exhibit their characteristic effects
because of their own low production of endogenous growth hormone. In this experiment
nurse stock plants enhanced the growth of plants, maybe due to their ability to produce
growth hormone higher than the normal plant.
The growth rate of non-grafted seedlings and plants top-grafted with juvenile
scion was higher than plants top-grafted with mature scion. The low growth rate of
mangosteen grafted with mature scion may be due to: (a) low growth potential of mature
scion, (b) slow recovery from an injury of the mature tissue scion, (c) incompatibility
between the callus from mature scion and juvenile rootstock disrupting the development
of new phloem. The nurse stock plant did not enhance the growth of mangosteens grafted
with mature scion.
Although the growth of grafted seedlings is slow, earlier in Indonesia, millions of
grafted mangosteen seedlings were produced and planted in order to shorten the flowering
age. The program is supported by the government. However, other mangosteen-growing
countries such as Thailand, Malaysia and Australia still use non-grafted seedlings as plant
material for mangosteen plantations. The relative benefits of using grafted or non-grafted
seedlings requires further investigation to decide whether Indonesia in the future will
continue using grafted seedling.

This research was funded by Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of
Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia under Competitive Research Grant Project,
contract number 09/P2IPT/DPPM/97/PHB II/5/V/1997. The authors express their thanks
to Ms Rismitasari, Mr. Anwar and Mr. Wawan Munawar for assistance in conducting the
present studies, and to Prof. Sri Setyati Harjadi for critical reading of the manuscript.
Literature Cited
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Coronel, R.E. 1986. Promising Fruits of the Philippines. College of Agriculture, Univ. of
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Cox. J.E.K. 1988. Garcinia mangostana - Mangosteen. p. 361-375. In Gardner, R. J and
S. A. Chaudori (eds.). The Propagation of Tropical Fruit Trees. FAO and CAB,
Hume, E.P. 1947. Difficulties in mangosteen culture. Trp. Agric. (Trinidad)., 14:32-36.
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Northern Territory of Australia.

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Ramlan, M.F., Mahmud, T.M.M., Hasan, B.M. and Karim, M.Z. 1992. Studies on
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Table 1. Effects of nurse stock plant using several Garcinia Spp. on the growth of
mangosteen seedling at 6 months after approach-grafting with other Garcinias.

Nurse Stock ∆ Plant Height ∆ Girth No. of Leaf Length Leaf Width
Plant (cm) (mm) Flushes (mm) (mm)
Control 11.88 bc* 3.74 a 4.17 b 25.00 c 10.17 a
G. dulcis 19.90 a 4.93 a 7.60 ab 21.48 a 9.10 ab
G. fructicosa 17.72 ab 3.14 a 6.83 ab 21.80 a 9.70 ab
G. celebica 6.92 c 2.86 a 4.83 b 22.31 a 9.70 ab
Calophyllum 14.88 ab 2.64 a 9.20 a 21.10 a 8.80 b
*The letters a, b, c indicate significant different at 5%

Table 2. Effects of nurse stock plant using several Garcinia Spp. on the growth of grafted
mangosteen at 6 months after approach-grafting with other Garcinias.

Nurse Stock ∆ Plant ∆ Girth Number of Leaf Length Leaf Width

Plant Height (cm) (mm) Flushes (cm) (cm)
Control 6.26 ns* 3.61 ns 1.89 ns 18.43 ns 8.94 ns
G. mangostana 6.02 3.67 1.75 17.81 7.65
G. dulcis 5.24 3.56 1.33 17.81 7.65
G. fructicosa 5.91 2.58 1.30 16.85 8.10
G. celebica 5.91 4.22 1.44 18.16 8.82
G. porrecta 6.30 2.67 1.33 18.38 8.31
G. subelliptica 6.02 3.91 1.44 19.29 9.54
*ns indicate that the treatments was not significantly different at 5%

Table 3. Effects of scion and nurse stock plant on the growth of mangosteen.

Treatments ∆ Plant Height ∆ Girth (mm) Number of Flush Number of Leaves

6 months 1 year 6 months 1 year 6 months 1 year 6 months 1 year
Single rootstock 13.45 b* 38.48 b 6.25 a 8.44 a 3.30 b 6.00 b 11.4 0 a 33.25 a
Double rootstock 22.81 a 48.63 a 6.05 a 7.93 a 4.19 a 6.63 ab 12.47 a 37.71 a
Grafted; juvenile
Single rootstock 14.04 b 32.59 b 3.55 bc 5.68 bc 3.49 b 5.71 b 4.60 b 12.14 c
Double rootstock 23.50 a 44.44 a 3.90 b 6.18 b 4.27 a 6.88 a 6.00 b 19.63 b
Grafted; mature
Single rootstock 8.02 c 21.99 c 2.70 c 4.62 c 3.26 b 5.13 b 4.20 b 15.75 bc
Double rootstock 8.27 c 24.25 c 3.20 bc 5.18 cb 3.36 b 5.50 b 5.80 b 16.63 bc
*The letters a, b, c indicate significant different at 5%

Table 4. Effects of scion and nurse stock plant on the nutrient content in the leaves of

Treatments N P K Ca Mg Fe Cu Zn
% ppm
Single Rootstock 1.53 0.063ab 0.470 0.883 0.433a 170.00 6.330 10.790
Double Rootstock 1.51 0.056b 0.643 0.680 0.326 ab 133.17 8.207 14.040
Grafted; juvenile scion
Single Rootstock 1.56 0.053b 0.693 0.813 0.303b 135.00 4.653 7.090
Double Rootstocks 1.50 0.056b 0.803 0.856 0.300b 186.00 6.920 11.833
Grafted; mature scion
Single Rootstock 1.54 0.060ab 0.780 0.850 0.343ab 161.00 7.160 6.480
Double Rootstock 1.50 0.076a 0.643 0.840 0.316ab 145.33 8.100 15.500
Seedling (no scion) 1.52 0.060ab* 0.556 0.781 0.380 151.58 7.268 12.415
Juvenile 1.53 0.055b 0.748 0.835 0.301 160.50 5.787 9.462
Mature 1.52 0.068a 0.711 0.845 0.330 153.17 7.630 10.990
Single 1.54 0.058 0.547 0.848 0.360 155.33 6.048 8.120b
Double 1.50 0.063 0.643 0.792 0.314 154.83 7.742 13.791a
*The letters a, b, c indicate significant different at 5%


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