Primera Prueba Escrita

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Actividad 1: Lea detenidamente el siguiente PRUEBA ESCRITA

texto y responde las siguientes preguntas.

Who is she? What will she do? What is going to happen?

This weekend, Erica will be competing in a tennis tournament. She will practice hard all week because she
wants to win the tournament. The winner will receive $1,000. Erica will be getting first place.
Erica's husband will be travelling to the tournament with Erica. He will watch her compete. He will be sitting
in the stands and cheer for Erica. He will be proud of Erica even if she does not win first place.
Erica's parents won't travel to the tournament. They will be watching the tournament on television. They will
cheer for Erica at home. They will be feeling proud of Erica whether she wins or loses.
1. What will she do this weekend?
2. What will the winner receive?
3. Who will be travel to the tournament with Erica? What will he do?
4. What will Erica’s parents watch the tournament?

Actividad 2: Del texto anterior extraiga 2 oraciones que estén en futuro simple y 2 oraciones que estén en futuro

Actividad 3: Elabore oraciones afirmativas, preguntas de yes/no questions y Wh questions con las siguientes
oraciones tomando en cuenta como principal la palabra subrayada.
1The winner will receive $1,000.
3. He will watch her compete
4. They will be feeling proud of Erica

Actividad 4: Complete las siguientes oraciones usando la información del texto.

1. The Erica’s husband will be ____________ in the stands.
2. Erica’s parents __________ watching the tournament on __________.
3. Erica's husband will be ___________ to the tournament with __________.
1. Erica __________ practice hard all week because she ________ to win the tournament.
2. If Erica wins she __________ getting _______ place.

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