Oregon Trail Student Worksheet

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Name: ______Grace Levatino________________ Per.

: ___7__
Oregon Trail
Directions: ​In this assignment, you will be asked to play the game ​Oregon Trail​ or ​Oregon Trail (Archive)​. Your goal will be to reach
Oregon or get as far as you can without dying. While pretty retro, it is still representative of life along the Oregon trail. You will
experience the trials and tribulations as you and your family try to go from Missouri through the frontier into the West. This game
takes strategy, calculation, and luck. Have fun and see who can make it the furthest. Make sure to respond in complete sentences
where necessary with proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. Please type your answers in ​BLUE​.

Name in the game: G Lev

People in your wagon:

Nae Nae

Occupation: ​Farmer

Items you purchased to begin your trip and their cost:

1000 pounds of food
6 Oxen
2 spare wheels

Month you chose to start your trip and why: ​April because that way winter is ending, so hopefully there won’t
be as much sickness or need for clothing​.

Track your trip (tell me where you went, what made your stop, who you encountered, etc. in detail):

Kansas River Crossing- caulk the wagon and float across. (no trouble)
82 miles to Blue River crossing
Mary has cholera
Blue River Crossing- caulk the wagon and float across. (no trouble)
118 miles to Fort Kearney
wrong trail. Lose 4 days.
250 miles to Chimney Rock. no problems
86 miles to Fort Laramie
Found an abandoned empty wagon
190 miles to independence rock
mary has measles- mary dies
jeremy broke his arm
wrong trail lost 3 days
rest for 2 days in Independence Rock
FInd abandoned wagon with - 2 sets of clothing, 21 bullets, 2 wagon tongues
57 miles to green river crossing
caulk across green river (no trouble) 143 miles to soda springs
wrong trail lose 1 day
find abandoned wagon with 2 wagon axles and 1 tongue
67 to fort hall
impassable trail lose 1 day
wagon tipped at snake river lost a wagon wheel , 2 tongues, jeremy drowned
john broke his arm
john is exhausted
john died
nae nae has a fever
nae nae died
g lev broke her leg

1. How far did you get? ​OREGON

2. How was this game representative to the trials and tribulations of a family taking the Oregon Trail west?
How was this game factually correct? Make sure to use specific examples from the game and previous
knowledge of westward expansion.
This game showed the many challenges that travelers faced along the trail such as sickness, hunger, and
lack of supplies.
3. Why would people want to take this extremely treacherous and dangerous journey to the West?
People made this journey with the hope that they could live out a more prosperous life in oregon.
4. What events are occurring in history during the period of 1810-1850 that led people to move westward?
The presidency of James K. Polk motivated the idea of westward expansion.
5. Looking at your textbook what were the some motivating factors of westward expansion for the United
States Government? What role did Manifest Destiny play in those factors?
Manifest Destiny encouraged families to travel west in order to live a more prosperous life. Motivated
by the vast land and opportunities available. The state offered many land grants out West to motivate the
6. Take a ​screenshot​ or snip of your game to show me how far you got within it.

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