Culte Des Ghoules: Compt Deerlette

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Culte Des Ghoules

Compt DeErlette

Translated to English
I have tasted the fruit of life, and it shall
change me in time.

In my seventh month with the Order of the

Ebon Hand, I was graced with communion.
The meeting transpired in the accustomed
place and at the accustomed time. My new
brothers surrounded me. I was cleansed by
their hands and their water. They adorned me
in the robes and livery of the initiate. My hair
was cut and burned as supplication. My nails,
both hand and foot, were trimmed and given
to the highest to consume. Despite all I have
seen, the curl of their mouths as they chewed
even these meager human leavings still chills

As the ceremony proceeded, I was overcome

with a feeling of stillness, which I had not
encountered before. Looking back, I know it’s
nature, but then it was fresh and gleaming,
begging to be savored later. And savor it I did.

I was lead to the red chamber blindfolded. I

now know this room lies deep below street
level. I could lead someone there if necessary,
though I will not.

Once within the chamber, I was told that the

masters would teach me the proper
communion. My blindfold was removed and
my brothers receded.

It was some minutes before I noticed the

arrival. A stench, a mix of rotten flesh and wet
mongrel began to seep into my awareness. I
felt fear, but stood in my appointed place as I
had been instructed.

The velvet curtains at the opposite end of the

chamber billowed suddenly, as though a door
to a windy night were being opened behind
them. The movement startled me and I
believe I made a noise. I would later learn to
be completely silent in their presence.

The sound was like the tolling of the funeral

bell for all I had believed about the world.
They rushed forward, the curtains fluttering
back to reveal their abhorrent shapes.
The frame was human, or human like. Their
feet resembled those of a wolf or canine.
Their heads, hairless and gleaming, were
fronted with gore-choked snouts. Their ears
were high and alert. And the skin of every one
of them was pale and mottled, caked in dirt.

They rushed down upon me and I thought my

death had come. It was then my mind broke. I
recall collapsing upon the floor. I do not know
if I cried out but I assume I must have. I
cannot say how long I was comatose.

When my senses returned to me, something

was being nuzzled to my mouth. I opened my
eyes and almost lost my senses again.

One of those things was crouched over me

like a gargoyle. In its corpulent claw it held a
child’s arm, which it was pressing to my face,
like a mother trying to get her baby to eat it’s
I would have panicked then, but being that
close I saw it’s eyes. They were human,
perfectly human. Those damnable eyes were
looking at me with the same expression a
mentor gives to his flawed student. It was
concern and pity that filled those eyes.

I cannot say why, but I began to eat.

The taste was unearthly. I would equate it to

ham, but there was a palpable energy. It was
like tasting a storm.

As I let the flesh slide down my throat, I

began to hear a voice. I cannot speak to the
gender, nor the tone, but I heard it in my soul.
It spoke the following:

"To the Emerald Lama, Drinker of Thought,

must all things be told…”

“The scholar of old Man shall return to the

land of the new bearing the Black Marga…”
“And the scholar shall gather his worldly
companions, and the eye of the Lama shall fix
upon that spot…”

“And they shall be stolen from their rightful

death and they shall be His priests…”

“And they shall stand vigil, as the star

Aldeberan rises, and provide their thought for
His sustenance…”

“And He shall put on the semblance of men,

the waxen mask and the robe that hides, and
come down from the world of Seven Suns to

“And never again shall man be burdened with


I have thought on these words many times

since that night. I have tasted the fruit of life
many times now, in the presence of those
ghouls and without them. Never have I heard
the voice again. I suspect it spoke not to me,
but to those who will one day read my words.
By the time the voice quieted, there was
nothing but bones, and the ghouls had left me.

Emerging from the Red Chamber I felt the

elevation of the true gods. It was then that I
knew that Man was truly dammed.




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