Pride Sample

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Brandon Saetern

May 16th 2019

Pride Sample

The project that I take pride in completing and working on was a project my group and I

did on a PSA about Standing Up to Bullying. The project was assigned by my english teacher to

make a PSA to a problem in the real world that happens in our everyday lives. We agreed that

bullying is still a huge impact on today’s society so we agreed to make our PSA on that topic.

The project was accomplished by a tremendous amount of teamwork within my group.

We made sure to film first and made sure to get the right angles and point of views to add into

the PSA. We used real life scenarios so people know to stand up when the time comes. After all

the filming our great team member Lily edited it all perfectly and finished our PSA a week after

it was assigned. We all threw in ideas when we got together as a group to make sure we did not

miss out on any important details that are involved with bullying. We earned an A on this project

by actually putting in effort and making sure our PSA made people stand up to bullying. We

made sure to have everything perfect without having any problems whatsoever on it.

The importance of accomplishing this PSA was a huge deal to us as a group. To show the

world that bullying is still alive and in today’s society and that it can be stopped even with a

minor little action. We wanted to change people’s perspective on bullying after watching our

PSA. Our classmates said that they looked at bullying different and that they will standup to

bullying if they see it happening. Our teacher also said that our PSA was one of the best she has

watched and that meant alot to our group as we worked our hardest on this PSA project. It felt

great as an individual to make a PSA about bullying and standing up to it.

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