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is a naval architect on the Staff of the David Taylor Model Basin, Carderock,


For many decades the interaction be- Dickmann's first memoir [Z] which
tween the ship and the screw propeller deserves the predicate of a classical in-
has been successfully studied by experi- vestigation has been reviewed and sup-
mental methods. By introducing the con- plemented by experimental results by
cepts of wake and thrust deduction the Schoenherr and Aquino [7]. Otherwise
first step of any scientific approach has Dickmann's work on the subject, which
been performed, i.e., fundamental con- in 1939 was extended by another pub-
cepts have been created upon which a lication of more practical character [l],
further theoretical development can be has not found the merited acknowledg-
based. I n our case, however, this scien- ment in this country. Later other au-
tific developpient which essentially thors abroad presented further contri-
means an explanation of observed effects butions to the subject.
by hydrodynamic laws has been rather Because of the basic importance of
slow. This applies especially to the prob- the problem it was thought appropriate
lem of thrust deduction which for a long to give in this paper a simple descrip-
time was considered with a mystical tion of the theoretical methods used in
awe. Theoretical investigations by research of thrust deduction and to
Fresenius [ 181 and H o r n [ 5 ] and beau- sketch briefly the state of knowledge so
tiful experiments by Eggert and Janes far reached.
[30] contributed much to a clarification Although a lot of experimental data
of our problem but a sound hydo- a r e available a proper understanding of
dynamic theory of the phenomena in- the subject cannot be reached without
volved was not worked out until 1938 by elements of theory. I n what follows it
Dickniann. is assumed that the reader is familiar
with the basic presentation of the sub- resulting from the mutual interaction
ject as given for instance by references between the hull and the propeller. This
1351 and [36]. is done for uniform motions which
alone will be considered here by Lagal-
The state of our scientific knowledge
ly’s theorem. In P a r t I1 we give a short
may be summarized as follows: Dick-
explanation of this theorem which
maim has succeeded in elucidating the proves to be a powerful tool in hydro-
main features of the problem. Later con-
dynamic research.
tributions by other authors have not
added essential ideas ; however, experi- The whole field of Theoretical Naval
mental investigations indicate that reli- Architecture dealing with the motions
able quantitative agreement between of ships and other floating bodies is
theory and measurements has not yet now widely based on the study of some
been reached even in some basic cases hydrodynamic elements o r systems of
and that some important effects cannot singularities ancl the combinations of
yet be explained in the light of the pres- such elements. Solutions obtained for
ent theory. Thus, continued endeavors the wave resistance of ships can be im-
will be necessary to close the gap men- mediately applied to the present subject ;
tioned. Further, so far no theoretical the knowledge of velocity potentials in-
investigation exists dealing with the volved admits further solutions for ver-
?hip, propeller and rudder combined. tical forces and other items which are
important in the theory of directional
The main idea of modern investiga-
stability and seaworthiness.
tions on the subject consists in describ-
ing the flow around the hull and the Part I11 contains a brief survey of
propeller by an appropriate choice of wake phenomena, P a r t I V the analysis
singularities (images) ( P a r t I ) . Once of the interdependence between wake
these generating images (sources and and thrust deduction following Dick-
sinks, doublets) are known, it is a mat- mann, and P a r t V presents a discussion
ter of technique (although sometimes of various practical problems connected
tedious technique) to compute the forces with our subject.



The H d l . Powerful mathematical translate, so to speak, the actual hull

methods have been developed to treat form into an artificial hydrodynamic
two dimensional plane motions of fluids. language, or otherwise expressed, to
Unfortunately the interesting and other- represent the bodies by suitable singu-
wise important solutions so obtained are larities for which the flow in a non-
not too helpful in Theoretical Naval viscous flow can be calculated. The prob-
Architecture since the fluid motion is lem is severely complicated by the fact
here essentially three dimensional. There that the ship moves a t the free surface.
exist of course well known results for Thus, at present we can obtain only
simple three dimensional bodies, but the some rough approximations which, how-
shape of the ship hull is so complicated
ever, prove to be very efficient when
that these results furnish only some
general ideas and analogies when deal- solving practical problems.
ing with our problem. The appropriate singularities needed
As mentioned in the introduction the in theoretical naval architecture a r e
present state of knowledge forces us to mainly sources and sinks o r doublets,*
* Obviously this remark does not apply to propeller theory.

while in applied aerodynamics emphasis

is laid rather on vortices. This shift in
the importance of basic elements and -4 +e
,till more the presence of the free sur-
face in our problems are responsible for +L
the fact that the knowledge of classical
FIG.1-Image Systems for a Rankine‘s
aerodynamics is necessary but by far Ovoid
not sufficient when dealing with hydro-
dynamics of ships.
Because of the complex character of
our problem it is advisable to start with
the simplest case of wholly submerged
bodies of revolution.
The generation of bodies of revolution -1
by line sources and sinks distributed FIG.2-Image Systems for a Prolate
over an axis in a uniform flow is well Spheroid
known. Descriptions of the method in-
volved can be found in any text book
on hydrodynamics. The simplest exani- For a line distribution, q means the flux
ples a r e : (1) Rankine’s ovoid, gener- per second per unit length (dimension
ated by a point source and sink; and Vol/length X set.), for a surface dis-
( 2 ) the most important ovary spheroid tribution, q* has the dimension of a
corresponding to a source-sink line velocity.

Alternatively, doublet distributions

are used. W e define these distributions
by the moment of output m ( x ) or the
See Fig. 1 and 2. The origin is located
in the middle of the body. moment of strength p (x)
To avoid confusion we shall distin- where m ( x ) = 4 x (x)
guish between the output of a point The well known relation
source Q and its strength 2. The con-
cept strength has been introduced as X
abbreviation from considerations of po- P

tential theory

with the potential Q = 4__ --

- (2) connects the equations of the source line
x1- r and doublet line distribution. Thus the
q, U, with q = 4 x U, are the correspond- moment of the doublet m ( x ) at any
ing values for line and point gives the total flux up to this
point. For Rankine’s ovoid, Fig. 1. the
q*, U* with q* = 4 7 U* distribution is a horizontal line
for surface sources. Physically the out-
pzct Q is the more important item, since
ni (x) = 4 7 cL (x) = const
it equals the flux per second generated and for the prolate spheroid, Figure 2.
by the source; its dimension is Vol/sec. a simple parabola
m (x) = ni, [l: (x/Z)*] =(l-tz) m, (4)

In our case, the representation by area curve of the body A (x). The maxi-
doublets does not furnish any new re- mum section of the body A,, is con-
sult, but it has some practical advantages nected with the maximum ordinate of
when dealing with very elongated bodies the doublet curve mo by the approximate
since for large - b = - D ni, = 4 7 pLo= A, v, (5)
where vo = velocity of stream or speed
m(x) -A(x) of advance.
the distribution m ( x ) is approximately The total moment of the doublet dis-
affine (siniilar in trend) to the sectional tribution
M = j m ( x ) dxzzv,
A (x) d x = V v , (6)

i3 proportional to the volume; it can be The propeller. It is well known that

shown that M = V v, ( 1 +
K,) where from a hydrodynamical viewpoint the
K, is the added mass factor of the body screw propeller may be replaced by a
in the direction of the x-axis. system of vortices. F o r our present pur-
pose, which is to study the interaction
To represent a moving ship we should
between ship and screw, a much simpler
distribute sources and.sinks over a sur-
mechanical model may be substituted ;
face or a volume ; but the simplest meth-
leaving the slipstream outside the scope
od is to use the center plane (x z
plane). This procedure is very popular
of our considerations, we replace the
flow due to the propeller by a sink lo-
when dealing with resistance problems.
cated a t the propeller center, whose “in-
The shape of the resulting bodies is,
put” depends on the final slipstream
however, not known except for a general
velocity u and the disc area A.
ellipsoid which can be created by a
suitable distribution of doublets over Q = A v, s’ (8)
the focal conic [4]. s’ is the theoretical slip ratio -
Altho we do not know exactly what vo
The next step is to assume a niiziform
actual hull form corresponds to a given
(fistribtitioft of sinks q, over the disc.
intensity of doublets we can get an ap-
proximate idea from a relation similar Q = A clo qo = vo s’ (9)
to (5). stating affinity between the and finally. a more general soIution is
given by
form of the ship sections and the distri-
q $= const = q (Y, 2)

bution of doublets over these sections.
As soon as the singularities a r e known Q= qdA (10)
the theorem of Lagally [9, 101, men-
tioned later, enables us to calculate Experiments prove a remarkable
hydrodynamical forces experienced by agreement with some results deduced
the ship moving uniformly under given from our simple assumptions, as has
conditions in a frictionless fluid. been pointed out by Dickmann.


T h e theory of aerodynamical lift, and L , z P v r (11)

therefore, large parts of aerodynan1ics, Here the principal concept is the vortex
are based on the Kutta-Joukovsky with a given circulation.

I n Theoretical Naval Architecture,

the prevailing singularity is the source
(<ink) characterized by the output Q.
For steady tilotion a formula exists FIG.3-Momentunl Theorem Applied to a
due to Lagally which is analogous to Source in a Uniform Stream
Kutta-Joukovsky’s; it links the force F
experienced by a source (sink) with the
speed of flow a t the location of the sin-
gularity v and the outpict Q , [9, 10. 11, and mean attraction [ 131.
Q i Q,
Formula ( 1 5 ) written as - p ___
F = -- P v Q (12) 4rrrz
In [ 111 this formula is deduced for a expresses Newton’s or Coulomb’s law ;
source in a uniform stream v, by apply- sources and sinks interact in a manner
ing the momentum theorem, Figure 3. like electrostatic charges, with the im-
portant difference that singularities of
-1s controlling surfaces assume two equal sign attract, of differentsign repel
vertical planes and a very long cylinder, each other. On the other hand, Formula
in the limit, the whole output of the
source flows thru the curved sheet. In- (15) written as - p Q _Qz_ can be in-
vestigating the flow a t the cylinder ’
sheet we find the rate of change of terpreted as Lagally’s formula with
momentum given by p Q vor Figure 3 ;
v=-Qz . Thus in some simple cases
the direction of the force is opposite to 4ar2
the direction of speed vo, hence, we may we may use Newton’s formula as well as
write Lagally’s, but the latter has the advan-
F+, = -p voQ (13) tage of much higher generality.
A source is attracted by a uniforvz These simple rules are a safe guide
stream T h e result may be easily grasped when dealing with the behavior of
from a physical reasoning ; representing bodies in a divergent or convergent
the source by a pipe discharging an stream. However, it must be kept in
amount of water Q into a uniform mind that the shape of the bodies rep-
stream, we see at once that a jet is resented by source-sink combinations
deflected rearwards ; hence, a force in depends also on the outside flow..
the opposite direction must arise. Figure
4. Similar reasoning applies to vortices
-4sifik is repelled by a uniform stream. [12, 131.

F-Q=+ p v Q (14) We note a further theorem due to

Lagally dealing with forces experienced
F-Qis a resistance.
These interesting results can be gen-
eralized for any steady flow. T h e forces
F, depend only on the value of the
velocity field v at the locus of the sin-
gularities involved.
A’ proof of Lagally’s theorem in a
simple case follows immediately from
potential theory. For two sources or
two sinks the resulting forces are equal FIG.&The Model of a Source in a
and opposite. Uniform Stream

FIG.&Forces Experienced by a Cylinder in a Diverging and a Converging Stream

hy a doublet [ l Z ] Figure 5. thrust deduction force.

F=- M ax with M moment of

the doublet (16). 47r (17)

By applying Lagally’s theorem to a --1
combination body of revolution sink + I- =a +1+x
(propeller) in an unlimited uniform flow
we obtain a simple expression for the \vhere Q = Avos’

FIG.6-Calculation of Thrust Deduction for a Body of Revolution

111. WAKE

When we consider the different arise (and really has arisen) when de-
“kinds” of ship resistance in calm water ; veloping ship forms.
1. Frictional (tangential) resistance
2. Viscous pressure drag. 3. Wave re- The nature of the interaction be-
sistance. 4. Spray resistance, it may be tween hull and propeller, and concepts
advantageous to include the suction and definitions introduced are explained
force caused by a stern screw as a fifth in Schoenherr’s and Aquino’s report [7]
component [161. Generally a sharp divi- to which reference is made. The actual
sion is made between the resistance of technical problem presents considerable
the hull without screw and the hydro- difficulties.
dynamic forces caused by the working
propeller ; this division is legitimate, but The Propeller works in a region of
involves an obvious danger which may flow disturbed by the hull. Its action

I- Lc


causes a decrease of pressure on the low velocity relative to the hull, hence,
stern and some increase in frictional re- a positive wake speed wpv.
sistance of the ship. Studying waves produced by a ship,
The wake speed ( W V ) is the speed we conclude (the best way is to treat it
of particles to which the hull has ini- as a steady motion) that under a crest
parted a motion. Taylor’s Wake Frac- we get a Positive wake, under a trough
tion w varies generally over a section a negative ; the speed WV, may be easily
representing the idealized propeller 2 x a
disc = (y, z > , but for evaluation calculated from the orbital motion -
of experiments some average values are a = wave amplitude, T, = wave period.
used which can be arrived at in differ- The frictional wake corresponds to the
ent ways. resistance
The difference A R = T-R (18)
R, = p s ( v - v f ) vf d A
Thrust on propeller shaft-tow rope
resistance, is known as suction force, ,\,here vf = w f v ;
thrust deduction force or resistance in-
the wake speed v1 a loss of pres-
crease; ___ = is the thrust deduc- sure head of about
T p v t (v--vr/2) r11. (21a)
tion (coefficient). The different components of wake in-
The wake velocity consists of 3 “com- fluence each other so that each com-
ponents” characterized by the wake ponent is quite different from that value
fractions : which it would attain when the other
a. potential (streamline) . . . . . . . .wp components disappear. This is par-
b. wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w, ticularlY true for the influence of the
c. frictional (viscous) . . . . . . . . . .wf viscous wake on the potential and wave
wake [I].
The first notation is unlucky, as the
wave wake ca& be derived from a PO- Helmbold has proposed a procedure as
tential ; probably displacement wake i s to how to Separate the values Wp and W f
a better terminology. [ 141 ; the problem is quite important as
the influence of wp on the propulsive
=Z w~ f ww f wf (19) efficiency is opposed to that of wf. T h e
The concept “potential wake” o r “dis- frictional wake influences deeply the
placement wake” is familiar from the displacement (potential) wake [I J ;
study of motion of a body in a n un- Helmbold’s earlier proposal to measure
limited ideal fluid (without free sur- the latter by reversing the towing direc-
face) : A t the screw disc (near the tion does not lead, therefore, to a solu-
stern) there is a high static pressure or tion.

The frictional flow may be dealt with tential wake may be described by a
by introducing a change in the distribu- change in generating singularities neces-
tion of doublets determining the form sary to keep the shipform constant when
of the stern [l]. The influence of vis- our ship is floating on the surface in-
cosity on wave motion is equally im- stead of being deeply submerged. This
portant; it is known that the genera- influence is generally neglected because
tion of waves at the stern is appreciably of lack of knowledge, although the neg-
reduced. lect may cause appreciable errors at
The influence of wave wake on po- high Froude numbers.

FIG %--Wave \\.‘ah


The thrust deduction force A R can

be calculated from differences in the
F =JA p cos (n, x) d S
potential, wave and viscoics flow between
the two conditions-hull with working where p, corresponds to the condition
screw and without screw. We distin- hull + working propeller, po = hull
guish potential = t,, wave = t,, and without propeller.* Unfortunately, that is
viscous = t r thrust deduction. The two not the case: experiments made by
latter components generally are very Janes and at the Berlin Tank [17]
small. A negligible wave thrust deduc- yielded F 0.5 to 0.75 A R only. The
tion means that the generation of ship reason for this discrepancy has not yet
waves is only slightly influenced by a been explained ; as mentioned before,
working propeller. Experiments made friction is much too low to account for
by Janes (TMB Report 453) support it. Since pressure measurements have
clearly this theoretical reasoning which been hitherto somewhat inaccurate we
at first does not seem to be may hope to get better results with a
all; it may fail in some limiting cases better technique of experimenting, espe-
such as high loaded propellers. cially as high peaks of under-pressure
The statement tf g 0 means that the may be responsible for a considerable
increase in viscous resistance all over part of the resulting pressure force.
the ship (stern parts forward of the Even secondary effects must be ob-
screw, rudder in the race) is negligible served. For instance, experiments made
or extremely small; it does not hold for at the Berlin Tank indicate that a nar-
old fashioned bad rudder and stern row slot between the propeller hub and
forms. Thus the main part of the thrust stern tube flange may cause appreciable
deduction appears to be due to the po- suction forces [ 171.
tential flow t,,. One should expect a good
agreement between the suction force de- W e have approximated the hydro-
rived from A R = T-R and the force dynamical effects of the propeller by a
calculated from the difference of pres- sink or system of sinks neglecting the
sure values A p = p1-po over the rotational properties of the slipstream,
afterbody since the tangential component of the
- n is the normal to the surface.

ub/ef D/sfr/;6uf/bh

FIG.9-Influence of a Working Propeller on the Body Form Due to a

Given Doublet Distribution

velocity is created in the propeller space a T

only. Some doubts may be expressed if the local density of thrust -exceeds
a A
this neglect can lead to errors ; they may T
not be serious in the light of experi- sensibly the mean value -; the dis-
ments made by Aquino and Baker. A
tribution of sink intensity q over the
I t is somewhat laborious but not diffi-
disc is then very far from uniformity
cult to measure the wake behind a model
and a high increase in the suction force
without screw ; we get the so-called
may result [1] following the reasoning
basic wake. I t has been proved by Helm-
developed in Part 11.
bold [15] and Dickmann [l], that the
effective wake, which is averaged by W e proceed now to establish a most
Froude’s method and should be used important dependence between the po-
when applying Lagally’s formula, is tential wake (uniform distribution) and
somewhat different as : thrust.
a. The working propeller (sink) Imagine that a wholly submerged body
changes the shape of hull represented advances with a speed v, through a non-
by a definite sink distribution-instead viscous medium. The equivalent of the
of the continued line we get the dashed resistance force R is given by a tow-
line, Figure 9. To restore the original rope force applied from outside to the
body we must add some doublets ( o r system. This force is counter-balanced
shift some sinks) ; this causes an in- by a part of the propelkr thrust and
crease in the potential wake. must appear as the momentum of the
b. The working propeller has a wave propeller race.
velocity field of its own, which reduces
slightly the wave wake originated by W e get, therefore, an expression con-
the ship. necting the tow-rope resistance R with
the momentum of the slip stream. Far
c. The suction of the propeller causes away from the propeller we have
a narrowing of the frictional wake belt
and a reduction of its mean value. Thus R = p A , (v,+u)u (21)
in principle, no exact agreement be- where A, is the cross section of the
tween measurements of the basic and race far behind
effective wake can be expected as they u is the theoretical slip
really refer to different items. stream velocity.
Another important matter is the in- Let the propeller work in a uniform
fiuence of the irregularity of the wake wake w p ; the water volume per unit
on the thrust distribution over the pro- time passing through the propeller disc
peller. A t points of high wake values is

A[v,(~-w,) +u/2]=Am (v, +

plicated case [21.
The propeller thrust 'r cannot be cal-
hence culated from the momentum imparted.
Since there seems to be some confusion
= P A cvo ( l -wp)+u/21 '; (22) regarding this important point we re-
W e have anticipated Dicktrzn~~t's peat shortly a reasoning due to Dick-
proof that the velocity induced a t the mann. Using Bernouilli's equation it
propeller disc is u/2 also in this COIU- can he proved, that

T = p A (v, + ~ / 2 u) = p Av,' ( 1 4- ~ ' / 2 S') (23 i

the thrust is independent of the potential wake xvl, !
Putting T (1 - t,) = R one obtains from (22) and (23)

2 v,,
- 2
t I' - 3 +-
I 11
- 'VP

The same result may be obtained b?- The potential thrust deduction t, is
calculating proportional to the potential uniform
t,T = A R from LagallyJsflleornrt eeuke and decreases with increasing load
i ocficient.
R = p Q vowp
with Q = Avos'; hence, A R = This is a most important resrclt.
p Avos' V, wP = p Av,~w,s' (25)
By introducing a resistance load co-
leading to (24). Introducing the load efticimt
coefficient 2R
t r = ___ = ( l - t p ) T
2T p v,'A
~,=-------,~'=-l+ v'TG (2'3,
p VO2A
2 Dickniann gets for the propulsive co-
we get further t, = wp
1 4CC efficient

This is again an important result: it Important calculations were made by

proves that the positive potential wake Dicktnann concerning the wave-making
is detrimental to efficiency, especially resistance of a propeller. [I, 2, 31 Rep-
when rr is large while a negative wp is resenting the screw by a sink and using
advantageous. Thus, the high efficiency the expression for the velocity potential
of Kurt nozzles at high load coefficients
of the latter, he has shown that the re-
T? can be explained : they create a strong
negative w, at the propeller disc. sistance plotted as a function of a

cially recommended. Assuming a uni-

Froude’s number \\.here h is the fcrm wake w the propulsive efficiency
G becomes
depth of immersion of the propeller axis,

reaches a maximum at
45 = l. ?. t = t, t, tf + + =
This corresponds to a “common” Froude since t, and t, are very small
+ +
w = w,, w , wf (effective wake)
which is regularly attained or exceeded 770 = v p r ~ approximately (30)
by ships of medium or high speed. Even the propeller efficiency corresponding to
so the wave resistance of the propeller a rate of advance
is normally small and has a considerable
importance only by interference effects
with the ship waves. When the propel-
ler penetrates the surface the energy
When dealing with a non-uniform
lost by creating waves may become more distribution. of wake, we consider the
appreciable. F o r readers familiar with propeller as being composed of ele-
the theory of surface waves the theory mentary propellers, for which calcula-
of this part of Dickmann’s work is espe- tions can be performed individually.


1. An important problem is the influ- >

model wake w’, or wp w’,; hence,
ence of scale effect on the thrust deduc- by formula (24) the pDtential thrust
tion, especially the relation between the deduction t, >
t’p. O n the other hand,
scale effect of the model and the ship. I t under the same conditions, the non-
has been pointed out that the viscous uniformity of the ship wake, especially
thrust deduction is a small quantity; but some peaks in the velocity distribution,
it would be erroneous to conclude that is lower than in the model; this influ-
no scale effect can exist. I n principle ences the relation between t, and t’, in
such an influence can be expected as an the opposite direction as before trying to
indirect effect: we know that the thrust make t, < t’l).
deduction is highly sensitive to the non- b. NO estimates have been made so
uniformity of wake (including the fric- f a r as to the order of the two-mentioned
tional wake), which of course is vari- influences. However, in the light of the
able with Reynold’s number ; besides the preceding reasoning one can expect
frictional wake interferes in a different with some confidence that the thrust
way with the potential wake on ship and deduction of the ship does not differ
model. We get the following conflicting appreciably from the corresponding
tendencies : value of larger models.
a. Using dashed symbols for the model c. Investigations in the model range
let us compare a ship with a model. have not led to conclusive results. Ex-
Under normal conditions (smooth sur- periments on model families made by
face) the mean value of the frictional zan Lantmeren [ZO] did not reveal any
ship wake w f is smaller than the fric- c!ependence of the thrust deduction on
tional model wake w ’ ~ ;thus the poten- Reynolds number while N. Voigt has
tial wake of the ship w,,is less reduced stated a drop of t with increasing model
by viscosity than the corresponding size [19].

d. Van Lammerelz has roughened one e.g., by testing a propeller behind a flat
of his models and has not found any plate, etc.
influence on t compared with the smooth The use of bodies of revolution as a
model at the same thrust [ZO]. preliminary step before investigating
Such experiments should be repeated ship models is a merit of Weitbrecht’s
with great care. It may be interesting to approach. Good agreement has been
make the frictional wake of a model found between calculated and measured
similar to the corresponding one of the velocities around these bodies due to
ship by influencing the boundary layer the propeller action.
of the model. 3. Experiments should be performed
2, W e mentioned a considerable gap for various speeds and load coefficients.
between the measured “resistance aug- Theory has succeeded in explaining that
mentation” A R = T - R and the suc- in the moored condition t = to increases
tion force computed from pressure meas- with increasing propeller load while for
urements F =
s A p cos (n, x) d S and

found as the only explanation available

today the inaccuracy of pressure meas-
the advancing ship t decreases with in-
creasing load coefficient. Especially in-
teresting a r e measurements at the zero
thrust point T = 0 where the suction
force is only due to the non-uniform
urements and the insufficient number of distribution of thrust over the disc [I].
spots investigated which may lead to A formula proposed by Helmbold
appreciable errors as A p is the differ-
ence of readings; for instance the lack
of orifices at the bossings in Janes’
experiments is a grave objection to the valid for ideal fluid has been checked
validity of the final values. However, by Bassin [24]; it is suitable for ex-
it is more c1iffi:ult to explain why even perimental verification.
with bxlies of revolution the agreement
between the two methods is not satis- 4. T h e thrust deduction of single
factory, since here the pressure distri- screw ships is much higher than the
bution is much more uniform. As a corresponding one of bodies of revolu-
remedy one can suggest: increase in tion. Proposals have been made by Hog-
number of orifices, increase in accuracy ner and Kempf to produce a more uni-
of measurenxnts, elimination of errors form wake, for instance by tapering the
like the underpressure in slots, etc. after body into a body of revolution.
[23] This proposal may be linked up
The uncertainty of the present state with the writer’s findings on some ad-
of knowledge leads to such artificial vantages connected with a stern bulb at
and improbable explanations as adopted higher speeds [ 161. However following
by Weitbrecht [ l i ]: he tries to bridge the present prevailing opinion on Hog-
the gap between the two experimental ner’s suggestion expressed by van Lam-
results by arbitrarily assuming high meren in a contribution to [I] the
additional frictional forces. Following increase of resistance of such forms out-
Weitbrecht these are due to the suck- weighs the favorable influence on pro-
ing off of the boundary layer and the pulsion.
resulting increase in tangential stresses ;
but a rough estimate indicates that Contradictory solutions have been
these effects can be secondary only. If, proposed even for elementary practical
however, one does not succeed in explain- problems connected with our subject.
ing the difference stated even by wholly Van Lainmeren has suggested to de-
reliable pressure tests, the problem of crease the diameter of the propeller of
tangential forces should be reconsidered, single screw ships with the purpose to

reduce somewhat the non-uniformity of The magnitude of the total coefficient

wake; he claims a gain in efficiency. x = Cv = +
(CVA CVF) depends
Horik and Yainagata on the other hand, upon the shape of the sections in the
have found an increase in the thrust forebody expressed by xF = CVF, as
deduction t with increasing number of much as upon xA= CVA,but variations
revolutions of the propeller due to a of xF affect the wake in a different way
reduction of diameter [33]. Probably a by influencing primarily the wave pat-
solution of this contradiction will be tern.
found by a closer investigation of the The Schoenherr formulas apply to the
character of wake. usual position of the screw relative to
5. Loitgitudinal position of the propcl- the ship. Such important items as the
lev. Some experiments have been made distance e and the Froude number do
to check the influence of a propeller not appear. Finally, since the wake
position on the efficiency, for instance by formula has been derived from model
D. W . Taylor [32], and by van Lanz- tests only, the question remains open
ineren [20]. The latter stated a beneficial as to how results may be extended to
effect with increasing distance e of the full size ships.
propeller up to 2D. The matter is a b. A simple formula
rather complex one, as it includes:
t = kw (32)
a. decrease of t with increasing e (in-
creasing propulsive efficiency). links the thrust deduction of single
screw ships with the wake.
b. decrease of wp with increasing e
(increasing efficiency). The factor k depends espxially upon
the effects of locally not streamlined
c. nearly constant w f .
parts of the ship (run, sternpost, rud-
d. changes of w, which may be bene- derpost and appendages, rudder). These
ficial or detrimental to efficiency. effects can be very large, as for the first
Contrary, however, to the findings of time was found by Schlirfip [21] during
van Lamnieren experiments niade by investigations on the effect of contra-
Yainagata [ l ] and analyzed by Dick- rudders on propulsion. Scldrcpp has
nzaizn [ I ] indicate a drop of hull effi- shown that the sometimes amazing im-
ciency with increasing distance so that provement in propulsive efficiency due
in any special case a careful investiga- to these devices is caused primarily by
tion is needed. a decrease of the thrust deduction,
6. Schoenherr and Aquino have de- whereas the original idea to regain the
veloped empirical formulae for the wake tangential losses of the slip stream has
and thrust deduction [7, 35].* Since they generally a secondary importance only.
are based on the analysis of a large Therefore, the streamlined rudder is
number of model data they deserve a nearly equivalent to the contra-rudder.
careful study. A theoretical explanation of these
a. The formula proposed for the wake rudder effects which involves the in-
of single screw ships [7, 351 depends +
vestigation of a system hull propel-
among other factors upon the vertical ler + rudder is still lacking, altho in
prismatic C, = x ; obviously it is prefer- principle something could be done on
able to use the value for the afterbody the basis of singularities.
x,, = C, only, as this coefficient de- c. Following Schoenherr [7, 351 the
scribes fairly well the U o r V shape of wake of a twin screw vessel depends on
the run sections which influences de- the block coefficient C, = a and the
cisively the distribution of the wake. angle of bossings only. Perhaps here
* Because of their length they a r e not reproduced here.


again the afterbody coefficient 8, is a paper on thrust deduction by Bassill

more characteristic. No parameters are [24), which pretends to extend Dick-
given for the position of the screw mann’s results.
relative to the hull and for the wave Unfortunately, the investigation in-
formation. cludes basic errors : in applying Lagal-
Somewhat different expressions are ly’s theorem Bassin obtains a term
proposed for inward turning screws and representing a self-induction of the
for arrangements with struts. The dif- propeller sink system which is obviously
ference in the wake formulae due to the wrong, as the velocity due to the sink
sense of rotation indicates that the as- itself must be excluded when calculat-
sumption of a simple sink ( o r sink dis- ing the force
tribution) does not picture adequately F=-p,vQ (12)
the action of the propeller flow on the By a double error he succeeds in prov-
hull. ing Helmbold’s formula (31). Thus the
d. The thrust deduction formula for results must be applied with great cau-
twin screw ships tion notwithstanding the elegance of
t = .25w+ .114 (33) the method used.
suggests that the concentrated effect of Finally, we mention a paper by Lefol
the bossings expressed by the constant [34]. Although this work is partly based
term is more important than the average on modern literature, the present writer
wake value. does not see any real advance coni-
7. The influence of chnnges it& ihc pared with more elaborate earlier puh-
forebody on thrust dedicction has been lications, except some small corrections.
studied by various authors [2G] [27]. Thus it must be concluded as has been
The comparatively small alterations of pointed out before that Dickniann’s
the forebody in question can produce papers [ l , 2, 31 still represent the most
effects on the wave pattern only, leaving advanced publications on the subject.
the other flow “components” (poten- 9. Correlated problems. The changes
tial and frictional wake) at the stern of pressure on a hull due to a working
nearly the same. Following theory, the propeller have important bearing on
wave formation has only a small bear- other problems in naval architecture.
ing on the thrust deduction coefficient t, Well known is F. Lewis’ research on
so that t, 0. Hence, we should expect hull vibrations [28] caused by the non-
tIiat the thrust deduction is practically uniform motion of water in the region
invariant to changes in the forebody of the propeller.
while changes in the wake fraction are Less known seems to be the influence
imaginable depending upon the different of the propeller field on the steering
wave patterns. This agrees on the whole qualities of twin and multiple screw
with a remark made by Emerson [ 2 5 ] . ships. By changing, stopping, or revers-
* However, a thorough investigation on ing the revolutions of one propeller we
3 models with different forebodies, due change the corresponding pressure field
to Troost, discloses a n appreciable influ- around the stern of the ship. Thus, a
ence of the entrance on the thrust de- transverse force K on the stern is pro-
duction [27]. Because of the large size duced which may be considerably higher
of the models and adequate turbulence than the thrust deduction force t T Fig-
stimulation, we must presume that the ure 10. The turning moment KL, has
results a r e not spoiled by unstable flow the same sense as the moment due to
and represent a fact which endeavors the propeller thrust, but because of it.;
to extend the theory. large lever, L,, with respect to the cen-
8. A considerable amount of mathe- ter of gravity of the ship its magnitude
matical analysis has been performed in may exceed by far the latter [22].

FIG. IGInfluence of Backing of a Propeller on the Steering Process


The application of the source and present theory. One basic problem-the
sink concept to the system ship and influence of the scale effect on the thrust
propeller leads to a satisfactory explana- deduction, especially the relation between
tion of the various phenomena summar- the corresponding values for the model
ized under the notation “thrust deduc- and the ship-cannot yet be rigorously
tion.” The quantitative analytic evalua- solved ; theoretical considerations indi-
tion of the forces involved, altho in cate, however, that the common assunip-
principle successful, meets still some dif-
ficulties and there are some important tion following which the thrust deduc-
gaps between results of theory and facts. tion coefficient t is roughly the same for
Thus, there remains a wide field for the model and the ship may be a rcason-
systematic experimental investigations able approximation especially when the
which can be planned and guided by the size of the model is large.

Area, especially propeller disc area
Sectional area curve
Area of maximum section
Section of propeller race far behind
Block coefficient
Vertical prismatic coefficient
Vertical prismatic coefficient of the afterbody
Vertical prismatic coefficient of the forebody
Rate of advance
Ship length
Total moment of doublet distribution
Number of revolutions
Total output of a source distribution
3 77

T Thrust
Volume displacement
Wave amplitude
Larger semiaxis
Depth of immersion
Half length
Doublet distribution
Maximum ordinate of distribution
Pressure ; A is pressure difference
Source distribution
Slip stream ratio
Thrust deduction
Potential (displacen~ent),frictional, wave thrust deduction
Thrust deduction in the moored condition
Slip stream velocity
Constant speed of advance
Taylor’s wake fraction
Potential (displacement), frictional, wave thrust deduction
x=- Q Strength of source
Propulsion efficiency
Propeller efficiency
Doublet strength distribution
Source strength distribution
Load factor
Resistance load factor


[ 11 H. Dickmann ; Jahrb. SchifTb. Ges., Vol. 40 (1939)
[2] H. Dickmann ; Ingenieurarchiv ( 1938)
[3] H. Dickmann; V Int. Congr. f. Appl. Mechanics, Cambridge, Mass. (1938)
[4] T. Havelock; Proc. Royal SOC. A., Vol. 132 (1931)
[5] F. Horn ; Hydrom. Probleme d. Schiffsantriebs ( 1932)
[6] F. Horn; Trans. N E C Inst. Shipb. Eng. (1938)
[7] Schoenherr and Aquino ; TMB Report 470
[8] F. Weinig; Zeitschrift f. Techn. Physik (1928)
[9] Lagally; ZAMM (1922)
[ 101 Milne Thompson ; Hydrodynamics
[ 111 Prandtl-Tietjens ; Aerodynamics
[ 121 A. Betz ; Ingenieurarchiv ( 1932)
[ 131 M. Munck in Durand ; Aerodynamic Theory, Vol. I ( 1934)
[ 141 Helmbold ; Ingenieurarchiv ( 1931)
[ 151 Helmbold ; Werft, Reederei, Hafen (1938)
[ 161 Wefnblum ; T M B Report 710
[ 171 Weitbrecht ; Jahrb. Schiffb. Ges. (1940)
[ 181 Fresenius ; SchifTbau (1922)
[ 191 H. Voigt; Schifiau (1934)
[20] van Lammeren ; Resistance and Propulsion of Ships
[21] Schlupp; Schiffbau (1936)
1221 Baker ; Ship Design and Economy, Liverpool
[23] Hogner, Kempf; Hydromech. Probleme D. Schiffsantriebs, Vol. I ( 1932)
[24] Bassin ; Transactions of the Russian Academy of Sciences Technical Divi-
sion (1946)
[25] Emerson; Trans. NEC. Inst. Eng. Shipb., Vol. 64 (1948)
[26] Couch and St. Denis ; TSNAME, Vol. 48 (1948)
[27] Troost ; T I N A (1948)
[28] F. Lewis; T S N A M E (1935)
[29] C. Baker ; Ship Form Resistance and Screw Propulsion
[SO] C. E. Janes; T M B Report 453
[31] G. I. Taylor; Proc. Roy. SOC. A., Vol. 120 (1928)
[32] D. W. Taylor ; Speed and Power of Ships
[33] Yamagata; T I N A (1934)
[34] Lefol ; Bulletins de I’Association Technique Maritime ( 1947)
[35] Schoenherr in Principles of Naval Architecture, Vol. I1
[36] F. H. Todd ; Transactions of. the Institute of Marine Engineers-1946


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