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Construction Equipment Management Practices for

Improving Labor Productivity in Multistory

Building Construction Projects
Argaw Tarekegn Gurmu 1 and Ajibade Ayodeji Aibinu 2
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Abstract: Construction project productivity can be enhanced by the implementation of good management practices. The purposes of this
research are to identify construction equipment management practices that have the potential to improve productivity in multistory building
projects, develop a tool for measuring such practices, and on that basis, build a logistic regression model for predicting the probability of
exceeding a baseline productivity factor when the levels of implementation of equipment management practices are known. The research
adopted a two-phase exploratory sequential mixed-methods design. During Phase I, in-depth interviews were conducted with 19 experts
who have been involved in the delivery of multistory building projects. The qualitative data were analyzed, and construction equipment
management practices that have the potential to improve productivity were identified. In Phase II, data were collected from 39 principal
contractors on 39 projects using questionnaires. The quantitative data were analyzed to prioritize the practices identified in Phase I, and on
that basis, a scoring tool for measuring the practices was developed; a logistic regression model was also developed for predicting the
probability of exceeding baseline productivity factor using a sigmoid graph when the score of the practices is known. Construction equipment
maintenance, construction equipment procurement plans, and construction equipment productivity analysis are identified as the three
construction equipment management practices that could improve productivity in multistory building projects. Contractors can use the
probability-based predictive model to assess the risk of low productivity for specific levels of implementations of construction equipment
management practices. This research contributes to the body of knowledge by developing a construction equipment management practices
measuring, planning, monitoring, and evaluating tool in the context of multistory building projects. Also, the logistic regression model can be
used to test whether a certain level of implementation of a construction equipment management practice might be associated with higher or
lower productivity compared to the baseline. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001384. © 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Productivity; Construction equipment management practices; Logistic regression; Building projects; Australia; Labor
and personnel issues.

Introduction productivity because the outputs and inputs used for computing
industry-level productivity are obtained from projects. In most con-
In Australia, the construction industry provided 8.29% of the struction productivity studies conducted at the project level, the
annual gross value added in the year 2015, making it a significant terms productivity and labor productivity are used interchangeably.
contributor to the economy (ABS 2016a). Despite its significance, El-Gohary and Aziz (2013) explained that in construction, produc-
the industry’s productivity growth is low. According to a report tivity usually refers to labor productivity. In this research, the term
by Australia’s Productivity Commission (2015), in the year productivity refers to the labor productivity at the construction-
2013–2014, the labor productivity growth for the total economy project level.
was 1.4%, whereas labor productivity growth in the construction Australia’s Productivity Commission (2013) suggested that
industry was −1.0%. The report also indicated that multifactor pro- the use of advanced technology and changes in the management
ductivity in construction industry declined, but only marginally. practices could improve productivity. However, a study conducted
Thus, the labor productivity growth rate was low when compared by Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
with mutifactor productivity. Multifactor productivity is measured (OECD) (2001) indicated that technological change does not nec-
as output per unit of combined inputs of labor and capital, whereas essarily translate into productivity growth. Rojas and Aramvareekul
labor productivity is measured as output per unit of labor input (2003) concluded that enhancing productivity in construction proj-
in terms of hours worked (Productivity Commission 2013). Im- ects is a management issue, and the use of new technologies may be
provements in project-level productivity can enhance industry-level helpful but insufficient. Hence, this research focuses on manage-
ment practices that could improve productivity in multistory build-
Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, ing projects. Construction management practices that have the
Univ. of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia (corresponding potential to improve productivity could be categorized into con-
author). E-mail: struction materials management practices, preconstruction-phase
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Univ. management practices, management practices related to construc-
of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia.
tion methods, construction equipment and tools management prac-
Note. This manuscript was submitted on December 19, 2016; approved
on May 3, 2017; published online on August 14, 2017. Discussion period tices, human resources management practices, and safety and
open until January 14, 2018; separate discussions must be submitted for health practices (Table 1). In this research, construction equip-
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construction ment and tools management practices are investigated because
Engineering and Management, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364. most multistory building construction systems in Victoria State,

© ASCE 04017081-1 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(10): 04017081

Table 1. Categories of Construction Management Practices That Have the Potential to Improve Productivity in Construction Projects
Category Elements
Construction materials Procurement plans for materials, long-lead materials identification, procurement team for materials, materials
management practices status database, postreceipt preservation and maintenance, on-site materials tracking technology, materials
delivery schedule, material inspection process, and materials inspection team (Arditi 1985; Arditi and Mochtar
1996; Jergeas 2009; Nasir et al. 2010; Nasir 2013; Caldas et al. 2014).
Construction equipment and Construction equipment procurement plan, construction equipment maintenance, construction equipment
tools management practices productivity analysis, tools tracking technologies, tools management strategy, and tools maintenance
(Crespo Márquez and Sánchez Herguedas 2004; Wireman 2005; Goodrum et al. 2006).
Preconstruction-phase Short interval plan, dedicated planner, construction work packages, well-defined scope of works, contract types,
management practices use of software in planning work packages, model development, buildability review, utilities alignment, and
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regulatory requirements (Thomas et al. 2001; Liao 2008; Nasir 2013; CII 2013a, b; Caldas et al. 2014).
Management practices related Integrated schedule, work schedule strategies, schedule control, dynamic site layout plan, machinery
to construction methods positioning strategy, site security plan, traffic control plan, project start-up plan, project completion plan, and
innovations and new technologies (Tommelein and Zouein 1993; Arditi and Mochtar 1996; Attalla 1997;
Hanna et al. 2008; Kerzner 2010; Nasir et al. 2015; Gurmu et al. 2016a).
Human resource Financial incentive programs, nonfinancial incentive programs, career development, social activities,
management practices employees training, crew composition, stability of organizational structure, clear delegation of responsibility,
exit interviews, skill assessment and evaluation, and retention plan for experienced personnel (Luthans 2000;
Kazaz and Ulubeyli 2007; Fagbenle et al. 2004; Hewage et al. 2011; Tabassi et al. 2012; CII 2013a).
Safety and health Safety and health policy, safety and health plan, safe work method statement, hazards analysis, safety and health
practices training, toolbox safety meetings, housekeeping, and drugs and alcohol testing programs (Sawacha et al. 1999;
Jergeas 2009; Hinze and Wilson 2000; CII 2013b; Gurmu et al. 2016b).

Australia, consist of prefabricated elements that need construction have developed techniques to measure equipment and tools man-
machinery for their placement, and lack of good equipment man- agement practices in the context of industrial and infrastructure
agement practice can significantly influence productivity. Dai et al. construction projects (CII 2013a, b; Nasir 2013). However, these
(2009) found that unavailability of a crane, forklifts, person lifts measurements cannot be applied to building projects because
(hoists), consumables, and tools are critical factors reducing the the practices for multistory building projects could be different,
productivity of craftspeople. and the relative weight assigned to each practice would be different
Previous studies identified the best practices that could improve as well.
productivity in infrastructure and industrial projects. However, it is Implementation of higher levels of construction equipment man-
possible that none of these practices are appropriate for improving agement practices can help to increase the probability of achieving
productivity in multistory building projects. Also, management higher levels of productivity, whereas the implementation of lower
practices and their effectiveness would depend on the context such level of the practices decreases the probability of attaining higher
as differences in the resources supply chain within the local market, levels of productivity. This probability can be estimated using a
local regulatory requirements, and project type (Bloom and Van logistic regression model. Although previous studies have devel-
Reenen 2010). Thus, management practices for improving produc- oped tools for measuring construction equipment and tools man-
tivity might vary across project types and from country to country. agement practices for industrial and infrastructure projects, these
They may also vary across different local construction markets. For existing tools do not integrate a probability function when assess-
instance, the use of a control system for tool delay is found to be ing productivity levels based on the known level of implementation
one of the management practices that could enhance productivity in of the practices. Thus, users of existing scoring tools have no means
industrial projects, but the practice is not applicable to infrastruc- of assessing the probability of exceeding a baseline productivity
ture projects (Caldas et al. 2014). Similarly, a construction equip- factor based on a score of construction equipment and tools man-
ment utility requirement has been identified as a practice that could agement practices. Knowing the probability of achieving higher
improve productivity in infrastructure projects, but not industrial productivity levels can help project managers to plan for the
projects (Nasir et al. 2015). Thus, projects types are not homo- implementation of appropriate practices on a proposed building
geneous when considering equipment management practices that project. For instance, if the chance of having a productivity that
have the potential to enhance productivity. This study departs from exceeds the baseline productivity is low, then the project manager
and extends existing research in the area by focusing on multistory can make the decision to increase the level of implementation of
building projects in Victoria State, which is the second largest con- these practices to increase the chances of having an associated
struction market in Australia (ABS 2016b). There has been little or higher level of productivity. Accordingly, the objectives of this
no research conducted on what the practices might be in the context study are to
of multistory building projects in Australia. Therefore, an investi- • Identify construction equipment and tools management prac-
gation of construction equipment management practices that are tices that have the potential to improve productivity in multis-
applicable to multistory building projects, is essential. tory building projects in the context of Victoria, Australia;
Measuring management practices can help project managers to • Develop a scoring tool for measuring the level of implementa-
know if their practices are adequate or inadequate. It can also help tion of construction equipment and tools management prac-
them determine whether the level of implementation of such prac- tices; and
tices is low or high so that improvement actions can be imple- • Develop a logistic regression model that can be used to predict
mented to potentially enhance productivity. Previous researchers the probability of exceeding the baseline productivity factor

© ASCE 04017081-2 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(10): 04017081

based on a score of the construction equipment and tools man- subcontractor is a person conducting a business that enters into
agement practices. a contract with a principal contractor to undertake specified con-
struction work. Principal contractors were contacted during Phase
II of this research because they are responsible for the delivery of
Significance of the Study multistory building construction projects. For the sake of brevity,
the term building project is used to refer to a multistory building
To date, there is no tool that is used to measure, plan, monitor, construction project.
and evaluate the construction equipment management practices
that have the potential to enhance labor productivity in multistory
building construction projects. During the preconstruction phase, a Project-Level versus Activity-Level Management
scoring tool in conjunction with a prediction tool would help con- Practices
tractors to plan appropriate equipment management practices to
Construction management practices that could improve productiv-
achieve the desired level of labor productivity. The prediction tool
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ity at the project level can also enhance productivity at an activity

indicates the chance of exceeding a baseline productivity. If the
level. However, practices that could improve the productivity of an
chance of achieving productivity above the baseline is low using
activity might not necessarily enhance the productivity of a build-
a certain equipment management practice score, then the project
ing project. For instance, locating cranes in the most appropriate
manager can make a decision to implement appropriate practices
location for the construction of many work packages can improve
to increase the project’s score and potentially increase labor
the productivity of a project or group of activities such as concrete,
façade, and structural steel works. However, positioning a crane in
During the construction phase, the scoring tool can be used to
the most suitable position for only one activity could enhance the
monitor whether the planned practices are adequately implemented
productivity of that activity, for instance, façade work, but might
or not. If not, corrective actions will be taken to reduce the loss
not improve the productivity of other groups of activities or a
of productivity related to equipment management. Numerous re-
project. Similarly, procurement of a crane by considering the maxi-
searchers have reported the loss of labor productivity because
mum weight to be lifted in a single work package can affect the
of equipment unavailability and breakage during the construction
productivity of other work packages because these work packages
phase (Hughes and Thorpe 2014; Ghoddousi and Hosseini 2012;
might have the heaviest materials, which the procured crane could
Dai et al. 2009; Makulsawatudom et al. 2004). Thus, development
not lift. Thus, focusing on activity-level management practices
of the scoring tool can help to reduce such losses of productivity
might not increase overall project productivity.Therefore, this re-
and their consequences, such as project delays and additional costs.
search focuses on productivity improvement at the project level.
Hence, developing a technique to monitor implementation of these
practices is essential.
During the project completion phase, the scoring tool can be Construction Equipment and Tools Management
used to evaluate whether the implemented practices are associated Practices Influencing Productivity in Construction
with high or low labor productivity. If the productivity is low, Projects
lessons can be learned from the completed project and appropriate
practices can be planned for a new project. Based on a review of previous studies, a preliminary framework of
the construction equipment and tools management practices that
have the potential to improve productivity in building projects was
Literature Review and Conceptual Framework developed (Fig. 1). The framework will be modified based on the
findings of Phase I of the study in which the relevant independent
variables (construction equipment and tools management practices
Productivity in Multistory Building Projects
that could improve productivity in multistory building projects in
In Australia, construction projects can be broadly classified into Victoria, Australia) are identified. The proposed preliminary frame-
two groups: engineering and building. This research will focus work is shown in Fig. 1.
on productivity improvement in building construction projects be- According to Prasertrungruang and Hadikusumo (2007), a good
cause a significant level of activity occurs in this sector. In June equipment acquisition strategy is one of the success factors in con-
2016, the values of works done in the Australian building and struction projects. Similarly, procurement procedures and plans are
engineering sectors were 54 and 46%, respectively (ABS 2016b). found to be the best practices that have the potential to improve
Building construction projects can be classified based on the productivity in industrial projects (Caldas et al. 2014). Construction
number of storys. According to Australia’s Australian Government equipment procurement planning might also be one of the practices
(2006), a multistory building has a rise in storys greater than three. that could improve productivity in multistory building projects in
This research investigates productivity improvement in multistory the context of Victoria, Australia, because these practice might help
building construction projects because their construction processes to reduce the stoppage of the building works resulting from con-
are more complex given the involvement of complex engineering struction equipment shortages in the state. This assumption was
services. The South Australian Department for Communities and explored using in-depth interviews.
Social Inclusion (2016) apartment design guidelines state that Preventive maintenance could reduce loss of productivity by
apartments having 2–4 storys are simple to construct, whereas minimizing the rate of construction equipment breakage. Wireman
towers over 4 storys have a more complex design and construction (2005) described that equipment maintenance has the potential to
system. increase contractors’ profitability by increasing the availability of
In Victoria State, Australia, multistory building construction equipment and reducing the number of unexpected breakdowns.
projects are managed by a single principal contractor that employs According to the Wireman (2005), preventive maintenance
several subcontractors. The principal contractor is a person con- activities such as a lubrication program, routine inspections, and
ducting a business that commissions the subcontractors’ work and adjustments should be conducted to avoid potential problems by
is authorized to manage, control, and coordinate construction addressing them before they happen. Arditi and Mochtar (1996)
work at the workplace (Australian Government 2011), whereas a identified maintenance of construction equipment as one of the

© ASCE 04017081-3 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(10): 04017081

Construction Equipment
Procurement Plan

Construction Equipment
Productivity Analysis

Construction Equipment Construction Multistory Building

Maintenance Equipment and Tools Construction Projects’
Management Practices Productivity
Tools Management

Tools Tracking
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Tools Maintenance

Fig. 1. Preliminary conceptual framework of the study

potential areas where productivity gains could be obtained. For uses the findings in a second quantitative phase. The qualitative
multistory building projects in Victoria, equipment such as cranes phase may be used to build an instrument that best fits the sample
and hoists might need preventive maintenance because their stop- under study, identify appropriate instruments to use in the follow-
page could affect activities on a critical path whose delay could up quantitative phase, or specify variables that need to go into a
affect projects’ progress, and implementation of this practice could follow-up quantitative study (Creswell 2013). In this research, the
improve productivity. The assumption that equipment maintenance exploratory sequential mixed methods are used because construc-
could enhance productivity in multistory building projects will be tion equipment and tools management practices identified by pre-
verified during Phase I of the study. vious studies might not be applicable to the Victorian construction
Construction equipment productivity analysis is considered one industry, and there could be other practices that are specific to local
of the best practices that could improve productivity in infrastruc- industry. Thus, an exploratory study was conducted first by collect-
ture projects (Nasir et al. 2015). Analyzing performances of various ing and analyzing qualitative data obtained from interviews during
equipment and choosing the most suitable construction equipment the first phase. The preliminary conceptual framework developed
for a certain building project could help principal contractors to based on the literature review was modified on the basis of the
reduce unnecessary costs and increase productivity. The signifi- qualitative data and practices that have the potential to enhance
cance of equipment productivity analysis for improving productiv- labor productivity in multistory building projects in Victoria State,
ity in multistory building projects will be explored by this study. Australia. Furthermore, the instrument used to measure construc-
The use of tracking technologies such as bar codes and radio tion equipment and tools management practices was verified in
frequency identification (RFID) could also have important applica- Phase I. To develop the scoring tool and probability-based predic-
tions in tools management. The technology could be used to iden- tive model, quantitative data were collected and analyzed during
tify the location of tools, the date the item was checked out, and Phase II of the research.
the person who took the tool. Goodrum et al. (2006) explained the
significance of tool availability for productivity improvement and
Data Collection and Analysis Techniques
developed a tool-tracking and inventory system capable of storing
operation and maintenance data using RFID tags. Because multi-
story building projects might involve various tools, tracking tech- Data Collection: Phase I
nology could be important to enhance productivity. Objective 1 of the study is to identify construction equipment and
Site tool and consumables management strategies are recom- tools management practices that have the potential to improve pro-
mended as potential area for productivity improvement in industrial ductivity in multistory building projects in the context of Victoria,
projects (Caldas et al. 2014). Finally, conducting onsite tool main- Australia. In order to address this objective, data relating to equip-
tenance by carrying out prior activities, such as identifying which ment and tool management practices were collected in Phase I
tools need maintenance, when they should be repaired, and as- using interviews. Nineteen professionals who have experience in
signing qualified personnel, is a best practice that could enhance delivering multistory building projects in Victoria were inter-
productivity in infrastructure projects (Nasir 2013). Tool manage- viewed. They have 5–40 years work experience and have been
ment systems could also be important for multistory building working as general manager, construction manager, project man-
projects because the damage or loss of tools might influence their ager, project coordinator, project engineer, site engineer, contract
productivity, and this suggestion will also be explored. administrator, supervisor, and/or cost manager. The experts were
selected based on their experience in working for subcontractors
and principal contractors that are involved in the construction of
Research Methodology multistory building projects in Victoria State, Australia. A snow-
balling technique was used to select the participants for the inter-
This study uses an exploratory sequential mixed-methods research views. In this technique, some experienced building construction
design involving a combination of qualitative and quantitative experts were contacted first, and the researcher asked them to
data in two phases. In exploratory sequential mixed methods, the nominate other experienced professionals to participate in the
researcher first begins by exploring with qualitative data, and then interviews.

© ASCE 04017081-4 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(10): 04017081

The semistructured interview questions consisted of lists of each practice. Similar iterative procedures were used for all the in-
equipment and tool management practices that have the potential terview results. Similarities among the successive summaries were
to improve productivity in construction projects. For each proposed observed to find the saturation point. After analyzing the outcome
practice, questions included of the 15th interview, similar explanations for the construction
• Does this practice exist? equipment and tools management practices that have the potential
• How is it practiced by local contractors? to improve productivity in multistory building projects were ob-
• Does this practice improve productivity in multistory building served. Although the saturation point was reached at the 15th inter-
construction projects? viewee, more interviews were conducted until the 19th participant
• What other practices enhance productivity in multistory build- for the sake of validating the saturation point. Finally, the output
ing construction projects? and of the first phase was used as input to the second phase, which en-
• How do you measure productivity in multistory building tailed quantitative data collection and analysis. The construction
projects? equipment management practices that were described as suitable
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Each interview lasted for an average of 1.5 h. The interviews to improve productivity in multistory building projects by the par-
were conducted until the data analysis reached a saturation point. ticipants were included in the list for the industrywide survey.
Saturation refers to the point where similar reasons for accepting or Furthermore, the instrument used to measure the identified practi-
rejecting a particular practice were given by the participants. ces was verified.
Analysis of the qualitative data was conducted in three concur-
rent steps: data reduction, data display, and conclusion (Rose et al. Data Collection: Phase II
2015). Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, sorts, In Phase II, data were collected to address the following Objectives
focuses, discards, and organizes data in a way that final conclusions 2 and 3 of the study:
can be drawn (Miles et al. 1994). Writing summaries, coding, and • Develop a scoring tool for measuring the level of imple-
making clusters are common methods used in a data-reduction pro- mentation of construction equipment and tools management
cess. The latter two methods are more suitable when the research practices; and
is entirely inductive in nature. In this study, writing summaries • Develop a logistic regression model that can be used to predict
was used as a technique to reduce the transcribed interviews. the probability of exceeding the baseline productivity factor
The reduced data were displayed using matrices, graphs, charts, based on a score of the construction equipment and tools man-
and networks. In this research, a matrix technique was used because agement practices.
it is suitable to display response summaries in matrix boxes. Once Quantitative data were collected using a self-administered inter-
the data were displayed, the conclusion was drawn by either notic- view questionnaire survey. Respondents were asked the questions
ing the patterns of similarities and differences among categories face-to-face and requested to write down their answers (Fowler and
and/or processes, clustering, making contrasts and comparisons, Cosenza 2009). This approach can increase the response rate, and
and noting relations among concepts (Rose et al. 2015). in this study, it allowed the researchers to clarify issues during the
During the analysis, the audiotaped interviews were first tran- interview survey.
scribed, and a matrix was prepared in Excel spreadsheet to match The questionnaire consisted of three parts. In the first part,
the responses of an expert and the construction equipment and tools respondents were asked to provide information on a specific multi-
management practices (Table 2). A summary of each interview re- story building project that they completed within last 5 years
sult was written in a matrix box, and a conclusion was drawn for (2011–2016). The information includeed project cost and project

Table 2. Summary of the Interview Results

Management practice Summary of interviews Conclusion
Construction equipment “In high-rise building projects, the crane is the major equipment that influences productivity. Applicable
procurement plan Sometimes, there are too many construction projects in city and cranes might not be available
for a particular job. Thus, procurement of the equipment should be planned ahead of the
commencement of a project to reduce delay, and the practice is essential to improve
Construction equipment “Slow-speed hoist cost less money but it takes longer time and high-speed hoist lifts materials Applicable
productivity analysis quickly and saves construction time. For high-rise building, it is recommended to use two
high-speed hoists side by side to increase productivity. The time the crane took to place
concrete panels or other items is recorded to analyze its productivity.Thus, the practice is
Construction equipment “Principal contractors should ensure that equipment is calibrated, inspected and maintained. Applicable
maintenance Induction should be conducted when new equipment is delivered to the building site. If there
is no maintenance record, the equipment might not be used for the project. Therefore,
equipment maintenance is important for productivity improvement.”
Tools management strategy “As most of the works which involve tools are done by subcontractors, tools management Not applicable
strategy is not important for productivity improvement from principal contractors’
Tools tracking technologies “The practice is not essential to increase the productivity of building projects as the tools used Not applicable
by the principal contractors are minimal.”
Tools maintenance “The lifespan of tool is monitored and corrective action could be taken, but the practice is not Not applicable
important for productivity improvement.”

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time among other things. In the second part, the respondents were The interview results reveal that preparing plans for either
asked to rate the relative importance of construction equipment and leasing or hiring of construction equipment has a positive impact
tools management practices identified during Phase I. A response on productivity. Some of the interview participants explained that
scale of 1–5 was used in order to achieve optimum reliability and cranes and hoists are the most critical equipment in building proj-
validity (Jamieson 2004; Lozano et al. 2008). In the rating, 1 = not ects, and lack of proper procurement procedures could negatively
important, 2 = slightly important, 3 = somewhat important, 4 = very influence productivity. Other interviewees explained that the sub-
important, and 5 = extremely important. In the third part, the re- contractor involved in structure works provides the crane, and the
spondents were asked to choose the level of implementation of each principal contractor negotiates on how the crane is used by other
practice on the multistory building projects they nominated in the subcontractors. Moreover, principal contractors can also identify
first part of the questionnaire. The levels of implementation of these any equipment required for execution of a particular task and in-
practices were measured on the basis of a survey instrument devel- clude in the subcontract an agreement so that the subcontractor is
oped as part of Phase I of the study. In developing the measurement responsible for hiring it.
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instrument, an existing instrument developed by the Construction According to the interviews, the productivity of a crane is an-
Industry Institute (CII 2013b) was used as a starting point. alyzed by considering its speed in lifting materials and the source of
On that basis, a new tool was developed and validated through power. For instance, because an electric crane does not make noise,
interviews with local experts during Phase I of the study (the contractors can start their works early in the morning without dis-
validated instrument is given in Table S1). turbing neighbors. However, if it is a diesel crane, they could not
Before choosing the sample multistory building projects for start early because the crane’s engine is noisy. The principal con-
Phase II of this research, a list and addresses of contractors were tractor should start work as per the permission provided to them by
obtained from the registry of Victoria’s Department of Treasury and the city council. Cranes that have a fast speed and are capable of
Finance (2015). The Department maintains a list of contractors that lifting the maximum weight to be lifted at a particular building
are prequalified to provide different construction activities. They project are preferred. For a mobile crane, weather conditions are
have been assessed against a range of management, technical, also considered. The contractor needs to look at weather forecasts
and financial prequalification criteria to ensure they meet the high before bringing the crane to the site or signing an agreement with
standards required of government suppliers. According to the De- the crane hiring company.
partment’s requirements, firms applying for prequalification must In analyzing the hoists’ productivity, the number of stories of
demonstrate that they have the management capability, qualifica- the building and floor area are considered. Interview participants
tions, expertise, experience, and technical and financial capacity explained that for a high-rise building taller than 30 stories, it is
to deliver construction projects successfully. All the 39 principal recommended to use two high-speed hoists side by side rather than
contractors on the list having experience in constructing multistory use two low-speed hoists. A low-speed hoist costs less than high-
building projects were selected. Multistory building projects that speed one, but it takes longer time and affects productivity. The
have been delivered by these contractors were identified from their time required to transport materials from ground to the desired
companies’ websites. The questionnaires were distributed to these working level is recorded and analyzed to choose the most suit-
contractors. The persons directly responsible for the construction of able hoist. Some respondents added that for small jobs up to three
a multistory building project within these companies were con- stories, the choice of speed does not make any difference in pro-
tacted and were the respondents. They were construction directors, ductivity. However, for multistory buildings, the choice of appro-
operation managers, construction managers, project managers, priate hoist or lift could make a major difference.
project coordinators, and/or site managers. The letters explaining Construction equipment maintenance is found to be one of
the objectives of the research and benefits of participating in the the practices that could improve productivity in building projects.
research were sent to the respondents via email and in person. According to some participants, a crane is commonly serviced
Researchers then sent follow-up emails and phone calls requesting every 2 weeks, and a hoist is serviced once a week. When subcon-
participation and setting a suitable time and places for the inter- tractors are responsible for hiring construction equipment, they are
views. The results of the study can be generalized because the sam- required to provide evidence regarding maintenance of construction
ple size of 39 represents all potential principal contractors that have equipment to the principal contractors. Other respondents added
the capability to execute multistory building projects. Moreover, that inspecting and maintaining crane is fundamental because lift-
the suitability of the survey data was checked using various tests ing construction materials is a risky task. If materials fall while lift-
such as Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO), Bartlett’s test of sphericity, ing because unsafe cranes were used, the contractor is responsible
and events per variable (EPV), and acceptable results were found for the damages to nearby properties or persons. The respondents
(see “Logistic Regression Model Building” section for EPV). Thus, also described the regulatory requirement that must be fulfilled re-
the sample size is adequate to enable a valid conclusion to be garding the frequency of maintenance and what items should be
drawn. inspected regularly. Based on the findings of Phase I, the six inde-
pendent variables in the preliminary conceptual framework were
reduced to three independent variables. The validated framework
Qualitative Data Analysis, Findings, and Discussion is shown in Fig. 2.

Construction Equipment and Tools Management

Practices That Could Enhance Productivity in Quantitative Data Analysis, Findings, and
Multistory Building Projects Discussion

Construction equipment procurement plans, construction equip- Part I of the questionnaire was analyzed to compute the produc-
ment productivity analysis, and construction equipment mainte- tivity factors for the 39 building projects nominated by the 39 par-
nance are found to be the three construction equipment ticipating contractors. A construction project’s productivity can be
management practices that have the potential to improve produc- expressed in either absolute or relative terms. In absolute terms,
tivity in multistory building projects (Table 2). the units of measure for both output and input are shown in the

© ASCE 04017081-6 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(10): 04017081

Construction Equipment
Procurement Plan

Construction Equipment Construction Multi-story Building

Productivity Analysis Equipment and Tools Construction Projects’
Management Practices Productivity
Construction Equipment

Fig. 2. Validated conceptual framework

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productivity value. The relative measure, or productivity factor important,” and 5 for “extremely important” regarding practices to
(PF), refers to the ratio of the actual to planned productivity. In this improve productivity in multistory building projects are shown as
study, the actual productivity was computed using a building proj- n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 , and n5 , respectively.
ect value as output and actual project completion time as input, and
the planned productivity was calculated using a building project Relative Importance of the Practices
value as output and planned project completion time as input
(the data for computing PF are given in Table S2). For instance, The finding of this study confirmed that not all construction equip-
the project start date for one of the projects coded R2 was ment and tools management practices that are identified for infra-
June 1, 2011; its planned completion date was March 1, 2014; structure and industrial projects are suitable for building projects.
its actual completion date was August 1, 2014; and its project Moreover, the priorities of these practices are different. Site tools
cost was AU$100 million. Thus, the planned duration (input) = management strategy, tool tracking systems, and on-site tools main-
(March 1,2014)–(June 1,2011) = 1,004 days; actual input = tenance are the three practices that are common to infrastructure
(August 1,2014)–(June 1,2011) = 1,157 days; actual productiv- and industrial projects (CII 2013a, b). However, it is found that
ity = (AU$100 million)/(1,157 days) = AU$0.086 million=day; these tools management systems are not suitable for building
planned productivity = (AU$100 million)/(1,000 days) = projects. This could be a result of the contracting system in the
AU$0.099 million=day; accordingly, PF ¼ 0.086=0.099 ¼ 0.87. Victorian building industry, in which principal contractors engage
Productivity factors of the other projects were computed using a numerous subcontractors that bring their own tools, which are not
similar procedure. usually stored on the building sites. Hampson and Brandon (2004)
According to Alby (1994), a productivity factor is a useful explained that most large construction companies in Australia
measure to compare the productivity of different construction proj- employ small firms that deploy necessary tools and equipment for
ects. Nasir (2013) concluded that the use of productivity factor as a the execution of subcontracted tasks. According to the Australian
metric to measure productivity is more beneficial than adopting an Bureau of Statistics (ABS 2013), 78% of the building construction
absolute measure. According to that study, the weighted average works are carried out by small and medium firms.
project productivities can be computed because PF is independent Using the RII technique, the weights for the construction equip-
of units of measurement. Caldas et al. (2014) validated the use of ment procurement plan, construction equipment productivity anal-
PF to measure productivity in industrial projects. In this research, ysis, and construction equipment maintenance are 0.69, 0.61, and
PF was used because it is suitable to compare productivities of vari- 0.79, respectively. Accordingly, construction equipment mainte-
ous multistory building projects.The mean PF of the projects is nance is ranked first. This could be attributed to local regula-
0.95, the minimum PF ¼ 0.59, and the maximum PF ¼ 1.14. tory requirements that oblige contractors to carry out construction
Part II of the questionnaire was analyzed to assign weights to the equipment inspection and maintenance. According to Clause 253
construction equipment management practices identified in the in- of the Australian Government (2011), any person conducting a
terviews and to rank them accordingly. A relative importance index business involving the management or control of plant must ensure
(RII) and mean value can be used for ranking purpose. According that maintenance, inspection, and testing of the crane is carried out
to Lam et al. (2007), both methods produce similar rankings, but by a competent person. Failure to carry out such tasks is an offense
the RII method is used to derive relative indices within the range of against the regulation and result in a financial penalty of AU
0–1, which makes the relative comparisons of different variables $18,000 (US$14,000). Construction works could also be sus-
easy. Holt (1997) explained that many researchers in construction pended if accidents occur.
management prefer RII because the relative comparison of varia- The construction equipment procurement plan and construc-
bles whose indices are less than or equal to 1 is easier to perceive. tion equipment productivity analysis are ranked second and third,
Doloi (2012) stated that the mean and standard deviations are not respectively. The finding of the study suggests that contractors in-
reliable statistics for assessing the overall ranking of the attributes volved in multistory building construction in Victoria, Australia,
and used the relative importance weights as input for factor and focus on selecting and hiring the major construction equipment
regression analyses. This research adopted the RII technique be- such as cranes and hoists to reduce the loss of productivity resulting
cause it is suitable for ranking purposes and recommended for in- from equipment unavailability. An analysis was also conducted to
ferential statistical analyses. The following equation was used for check if there are significant differences among the weights of
RII computation (El-Gohary and Aziz 2013): the three practices. Because the data are not normally distributed,
a Friedman test was conducted, and the result shows p < 0.001.
5ðn5 Þ þ 4ðn4 Þ þ 3ðn3 Þ þ 2ðn2 Þ þ n1 Accordingly, there is a significant difference among the weights
RII ¼ ð1Þ
5ðn1 þ n2 þ n3 þ n4 þ n5 Þ assigned to the practices. However, because the Friedman test
does not indicate which variable is significantly different from
The number of respondents who selected 1 for “not important,” another, a Wilcoxon test was carried out. Pairwise comparisons
2 for “slightly important,” 3 for “somewhat important,” 4 for “very using Wilcoxon’s test indicate p ¼ 0.007 < 0.05 for construction

© ASCE 04017081-7 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(10): 04017081

Table 3. Spearman’s Correlation Coefficients
Variable Spearman’s rho PF CEMP CEPP CEPA
Construction equipment management practices Coefficient 0.366a — — —
Significance 0.022 — — —
Construction equipment procurement plan Coefficient 0.435b 0.908b — —
Significance 0.006 <0.001 — —
Construction equipment productivity analysis Coefficient 0.330a 0.859b 0.772b —
Significance 0.040 <0.001 <0.001 —
Construction equipment maintenance Coefficient 0.162 0.685b 0.424b 0.419b
Significance 0.324 <0.001 0.007 0.008
Note: CEMP = construction equipment management practices; CEPA = construction equipment productivity analysis; CEPP = construction equipment
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procurement plan; PF = productivity factor; sample size = 39.

Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

equipment procurement plan and construction equipment produc- obtained, which indicates that there is a significant difference be-
tivity analysis; p ¼ 0.031 < 0.05 for construction equipment tween the two groups. The finding implies that building projects
procurement plan and construction equipment maintenance; and with higher levels of implementation of construction equipment
p ¼ 0.001 < 0.05 for construction equipment productivity analysis management practices have also higher productivity. Therefore, the
and construction equipment maintenance. All the three possible scoring tool is valid. The mean PF for Group 1 and Group 2 is 1.01
combinations are statistically significant, which show that the and 0.90, respectively.
weights of the practices are different from each other. The internal consistency of the scoring tool was checked by
running a reliability test using SPSS version 24.0 before conducting
Scoring Tool for the Practices correlation and logistic regression analyses. Cronbach’s alpha (α) is
the most popular reliability statistic to determine the consistency of
To measure the levels of implementation of the practices quantita-
items in a survey instrument; the recommended acceptable mini-
tively, a scoring tool was developed and validated. The weight com-
mum value of α is 0.70 (Santos 1999). In this research, a Cronbach
puted for each practice was used to develop the scoring tool. The
alpha value of 0.74 was found, which indicates that the scoring tool
data collected from building projects were transformed into equiv-
is reliable.
alent scores using the scoring tool. The weight is proportionally
distributed among five levels of each practice. For instance, the
weight for construction equipment procurement plan is 0.69 and Correlation and Linear Regression Analyses
the proportions are Level A ¼ 0; Level B ¼ 1=5 × ð0.69Þ ¼ 0.14;
Level C ¼ 2=5 × ð0.69Þ ¼ 0.28; Level D ¼ 3=5ð0.69Þ ¼ 0.41; Correlation analysis was conducted to investigate the association
Level E ¼ 4=5 × ð0.69Þ ¼ 0.55; and Level F ¼ 0.69. Similarly, the between productivity and the construction equipment management
weight proportions for other practices are computed and the scoring practices, and the results are given in Table 3. Accordingly, all con-
tool is developed (presented in the Appendix). Using the scoring struction equipment management practices are positively correlated
tool, the project scores are computed based on respondents’ se- with productivity, which confirms the findings of Phase I of this
lected level of implementation for each practice on the nominated research. However, the correlation between the level of implemen-
39 projects. For instance, Respondent 1 picked Level B for con- tation of the construction equipment management practices and
struction equipment procurement plan, Level B for construction productivity performance might not necessarily be a cause-effect
productivity analysis, and Level C for construction equipment relationship. Construction equipment procurement plans and con-
maintenance, and the equivalent total score of construction equip- struction equipment productivity analysis have statistically signifi-
ment management practice for that particular project is 0.14 þ cant associations with productivity.
0.12 þ 0.32 ¼ 0.58. Similarly, 117 scores (39 projects × 3 scores= To investigate the proportion of variance in the productivity
project) were computed. factor explained by the construction equipment management prac-
tices, bivariate linear regression analysis was conducted, and the
Validity and Reliability Test for the Scoring Tool results are presented in Tables 4–6. Accordingly, a R2 of 0.144
was found, with a p-value of 0.017 implying significant relation-
To validate the scoring tool, mean, mode, and median scores were ship, which means that 14.4% of the total variance in productivity
computed to choose a baseline score for grouping the projects. If factor can be explained by construction equipment management
data are not highly skewed, the mean is the best measure of central practices, with the remaining variance explained by other factors
tendency (Lurd and Lurd 2013). The skewness ¼ 0.157, standard beyond the scope of this study, such as materials management
error ¼ 0.378, and Z ¼ ð0.157=0.378Þ ¼ 0.41 < 1.96 are ob-
tained. According to Kim (2013), if the Z-score for skewness is
less than 1.96, the distribution could be considered normal. Thus, Table 4. Linear Regression Model Summary
the mean score of 0.93 is used as a baseline for classification.
Parameter Value
Projects with scores below the mean value are classified under
Group 1 (low-score), and those having scores greater than the base- R 0.38
line are classified under Group 2 (high-score). A Mann-Whitney R2 0.144
U-test was conducted because the grouped data do not fulfill the Adjusted R2 0.121
Standard error of the estimate 0.134
assumptions of parametric tests, and a p-value of 0.009 was

© ASCE 04017081-8 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(10): 04017081

Table 5. ANOVA two data sets (26 points), and (2) a validation data set (13 points).
Sum of Mean A threefold cross-validation technique was used as it is less biased
Model squares df square F-value Significance than the sample splitting method (Abou-Assaleh et al. 2004).
Events per variables (EPVs) were computed using mean-PF ¼
Regression 0.112 1 0.112 6.227 0.017
Residual 0.665 37 0.018 — — 0.95, mean-PF þ 5% × ðmean-PFÞ ¼ 1.00, mean-PF − 5% ×
Total 0.777 38 — — — ðmean-PFÞ ¼ 0.90, mean-PF þ 10% × ðmean-PFÞ ¼ 1.05, and
mean-PF − 10% × mean-PF ¼ 0.86 as baseline productivity fac-
Note: df = degrees of freedom.
tors. Logistic regression analysis was conducted using model-
building data sets, and the results are presented in Table 7.
Accordingly, the result obtained using PF ¼ 0.90 as a cut-off value
to transform projects’ productivity factor data into binary equiva-
Table 6. Coefficients lent was found to be statistically significant with better predictive
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Unstandardized accuracy and EPV ¼ 26 > 10. Thus, cut-off PF ¼ 0.90 was chosen
coefficients and Data Sets 2 and 3 were used in the logistic regression analysis.
Standard Standardized
The rule of thumb for sample size for logistic regression analysis
Model B error coefficients t-statistic Significance states that the number of EPVs should be greater than 10 (Peduzzi
et al. 1996). Some authors argue that the minimum of 10 events
Constant 0.847 0.047 — 18.007 —
per predictor is conservative (Bowerman and Murphree 2014).
Construction 0.112 0.045 0.380 2.495 0.017
In this research, there were 26 projects with productivity factors
management greater than baseline PF ¼ 0.90 (positive events), and there is
practices one predictor.
Some results of the logistic regression analysis are provided
Note: B = parameter estimate.
in Tables 8–12. For the sake of brevity, not all the outputs are pre-
sented in this paper. The model’s Omnibus test indicates signifi-
cance value of 0.02 < 0.05; a Hosmer and Lemeshow test shows
a p-value of 0.72 > 0.05, indicating the strength of the model.
practices, advances in technology, and government regulations, Furthermore, the model variable’s p-value ¼ 0.04 < 0.05 and the
among others. constant’s p-value ¼ 0.03 < 0.05, which indicate that the model is
good. The model in Block 0 during the analysis indicates a predic-
tive capacity of 69.20%, whereas the final model has a predictive
Logistic Regression Model Building capacity of 76.9%. Thus, the selected model is better. The ExpðBÞ
Logistic regression analysis was conducted to address Objective 3 for construction equipment management practices is 9.9, which in-
of the study, which is to develop a logistic regression model that can dicates that for a one-unit increase in score, the odds of exceeding
be used to predict the probability of exceeding the baseline produc- the productivity factor of 0.90 increases by a factor of 9.9. Finally,
tivity factor based on a score of the construction equipment and to check the reliability of the logistic regression model, bootstrap-
tools management practices. ping using 1,000 samples was conducted and statistically signifi-
Before conducting the logistic regression analysis, the 39 data cant results were found (p ¼ 0.03 < 0.05). This implies that the
points were divided into (1) a model building data set containing model is reliable.

Table 7. Validation and Model Building Data Set Selection

Trial 3: Model building
Trial 1: Validation data set Trial 2: Model building data set (1-13 data points),
(1-13 data points), model building data set (1-13 data points), model building data set
data set (14-26 data points), validation data set (14-26 data points), (14-26 data points), and
Cut-off productivity Criteria for and model building and model building dataset validation data set
factors (PF) selection data set (27-39 data points) (27-39 data points) (27-39 data points)
Cut-off PF1 ¼ 0.86 Prediction accuracy 80.8 80.8 76.9
Significance 0.12 0.46 0.38
EPV 31 — —
Cut-off PF2 ¼ 0.90 Prediction accuracy 76.9 65.4 65.4
Significance 0.04 0.79 0.51
EPV 26 — —
Cut-off PF3 ¼ 0.95 Prediction accuracy 73.1 61.5 57.7
Significance 0.13 0.57 0.55
EPV 23 — —
Cut-off PF4 ¼ 1.00 Prediction accuracy 61.5 65.4 61.5
Significance 0.09 0.26 0.41
EPV 21 — —
Cut-off PF5 ¼ 1.05 Prediction accuracy 61.5 76.9 65.4
Significance 0.03 0.19 0.04
EPV 12 — —

© ASCE 04017081-9 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(10): 04017081

Table 8. Omnibus Test for Model Coefficients 1.05
Step Chi-square df Significance 1.00
Step 5.44 1 0.02 0.90

Probability of Exceeding PF=0.90

Block 5.44 1 0.02 0.85
Model 5.44 1 0.02
Note: df = degrees of freedom. 0.70
Table 9. Hosmer and Lemeshow Test 0.55
Parameter Value 0.45
Chi-square 3.7 0.35
df 6 0.30
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Significance 0.72 0.25

Note: df = degrees of freedom. 0.15
Table 10. Classification Table 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4
Description Binary equivalent Value Construction Equipment Management Practices Score

Observed PF 0 8 Fig. 3. Probability plot of construction equipment management

1 18 practices
Predicted PF 0 3
1 17
Percent correct 0 37.5
1 94.4
Overall percent 76.9 their projects’ CE score using the scoring tool and read the prob-
ability from the graph. For instance, if a project manager computes
the construction equipment management practice score of 0.30,
Table 11. Equation Variables then the probability of exceeding PF ¼ 0.90 is 43%. Thus, the ac-
Step 1 B SE Wald df Significance ExpðBÞ tual productivity could be less than the planned productivity, and
Construction equipment 2.29 1.15 3.98 1 0.04 9.90
the possibility of occurrence of project delay is high. However, the
management practices project manager can make other trials by increasing the level of the
Constant −0.98 0.93 1.12 1 0.03 0.38 practices to maximize the chance of completing the project early.
Thus, the scoring tool and model help the project team to make
Note: df = degrees of freedom; SE = standard error.
necessary decisions regarding which level of each practice to im-
plement during the actual construction phase so that the productiv-
ity of the building project could be enhanced.
By using the coefficient and constant in Table 6, the model’s
equation is constructed as follows: Model Validation
Pi To validate the logistic regression model, probabilities of validation
LogðOddsÞ ¼ LogitðPi Þ ¼ Ln ¼ 2.29CEi − 0.98 ð2Þ data sets were computed. Productivity factors were predicted as
1 − Pi
binary values (1,0) and compared with the actual productivity fac-
where Pi = probability of exceeding PF ¼ 0.90 for an ith proj- tors. In addition, a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
ect; and CEi (construction equipment) = score of construction was drawn and compared with the reference line; the area under the
equipment management practices for an ith project. For the sake ROC curve (AUC) was also computed. Accordingly, approximately
computing probabilities easily, this equation can be simplified 85% of the PFs were correctly predicted, indicating the strength of
the model. The ROC curve was drawn and the curve of the graph is
e2.29CEi −0.98 greater than the reference line, indicating that the model offers good
Pi ¼ ð3Þ
1 þ e2.29CEi −0.98 predictive abilities (Fig. 4). Furthermore, the area under the curve is
computed to be 0.85, which is greater than the minimum acceptable
By using the model’s equation, probabilities are computed and value of 0.5. According to Hanley and McNeil (1982), if the graph
the sigmoid graph is drawn as shown in Fig. 3. Users can compute is close to the left top boundary, the ROC curve is acceptable;

Table 12. Bootstrap for Variables in the Equation

95% confidence
Step 1 B Bias SE Significance Lower Upper
Construction equipment management practices 2.29 3.83 42.40 0.03 0.26 13.62
Constant −0.98 −2.06 23.91 0.03 −7.14 −1.08
Note: SE = standard error.

© ASCE 04017081-10 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(10): 04017081

multistory building projects. However, because practices could
vary from country to country, validation is required to adapt to
any local context.

Appendix. Scoring Tool for Construction Equipment

Management Practices

Level Description Weight

Procurement plan for construction equipment
Level A A procurement plan for construction equipment is not 0
applicable for this building project.
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Level B Construction equipment procurement plan is not 0.14

prepared for this building project.
Level C Construction equipment procurement strategies such 0.28
as hiring or leasing are prepared for this building
Level D Continuation of Level C and there is a procedure for 0.41
identifying reputation of potential equipment
Level E Continuation of Level D, plus the plan identifies 0.55
necessary equipment and onsite resources to support
Fig. 4. ROC curve for validation data sets
Level F Continuation of Level E and construction equipment 0.69
schedule is integrated with other project schedules.
Construction equipment productivity analysis
AUC ≤ 0.5 implies no accuracy and AUC ¼ 1 indicates perfect Level A Construction equipment is not used on this building 0
accuracy. project.
Level B Construction equipment is used but requirements and 0.12
usage are not planned and tracked.
Level C Construction equipment requirements are planned 0.24
Conclusion and tracked but they are not tied to a schedule. Usage
is tracked against budget only.
A scoring tool to be used to measure, plan, monitor, and evaluate Level D Continuations of Level C and regular meeting is 0.37
construction equipment management practices that have the po- conducted to assess the requirement of construction
tential to improve labor productivity in multistory building con- equipment.
struction projects has been developed. The tool is applicable to all Level E Continuation of Level D, and construction equipment 0.49
equipment used in the construction of multistory building proj- resource curves are drawn and resources are leveled.
ects. However, for the sake of brevity, the discussion in this paper Level F Continuation of Level E and equipment schedule is 0.61
focused on crane use. Multistory building projects with a con- adjusted based on the audit report that shows
struction equipment management score below 0.93 are classified equipment downtime and other information.
as low scores, and the associated labor productivity would also be Construction equipment maintenance
low. Construction equipment maintenance, construction equip- Level A Construction equipment maintenance is not 0
ment procurement plans, and construction equipment productiv- applicable for this building project.
ity analysis are the three most important construction equipment Level B Construction equipment maintenance is not planned 0.16
management practices that could enhance productivity in multi- for this building project.
story building projects. A model that integrated probability, pro- Level C Construction equipment is logged in simplified 0.32
ductivity factor, and the score of the practices was also developed. spreadsheet and maintenance is carried out by
operator request.
Future researchers can conduct an investigation to develop a new
Level D Continuation of Level C and equipment maintenance 0.47
scoring tool for multistory building projects in other contexts record is linked to individual construction equipment,
based on the finding of this research. Moreover, investigation and maintenance is centrally scheduled and
of the costs associated with each level of implementation of administered.
construction equipment management practices needs further Level E Continuation of Level D and a computer program is 0.63
study. used to record and administer equipment maintenance
This study has practical implications for contractors in Australia information such as required and accomplished
and other countries. Contractors involved in the delivery of multi- maintenance logs and usage logs.
story building projects in Victoria State, Australia, can implement Level F Continuation of Level E and maintenance schedule is 0.79
the identified construction equipment management practices to im- electronically updated and maintenance due notices
are automatically issued to concerned parties.
prove productivity in their projects. They can also score the imple-
mentation levels of the practices and use the logistic regression
model to predict the probability of exceeding the baseline produc-
tivity factor. Based on the predicted probability, contractors can
implement corrective actions to increase the chance of achieving Data Availability Statement
a higher level of productivity compared to the baseline. Contrac-
tors in other countries can also implement the higher levels Data generated or analyzed during the study are available from the
of the identified practices to enhance the productivity of their corresponding author by request. Information about the Journal’s

© ASCE 04017081-11 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2017, 143(10): 04017081

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