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The University of Lahore

Lahore Business School

Strategic Marketing
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Semester Fall 2018

Instructor Name: Umer Ramzan Email:

Course Code: MKT05502 Course Cr. Hrs: 3

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I. Course Description:
The business landscape over the last couple of decades has been changing swiftly, and all signs indicate
that the trend will continue. The ever changing hypercompetitive market has compelled organizations
continuously improve each and every aspect of business so as to survive and grow.

Strategic Marketing is an advance level Marketing course. The aim of the course is to develop a strategic
thinking approach to marketing. It aims to help students understand how companies compete using
marketing strategy and its correlates focusing on achieving a competitive advantage for the firm by
creating customer value and leveraging the firm’s marketing resources in the most efficient and effective

The course examines the development and implementation of marketing strategy by providing a
framework from which to identify and evaluate strategic options and programs. Topics: forecasting and
contextual possibilities, product-market definition, relationships with channels of distribution,
relationships with customers, competitive analysis, financial models for marketing strategists, portfolio
models, strategic assessment of offerings, marketing strategy implementation systems. This is a subject
which allows students to focus on strategy making based on strong foundation of marketing knowledge
gained from a range of marketing subjects to take this course. Within this course environment, students
will learn how to become an effective marketing decision maker, one who is capable of minimizing (though
not completely removing) much of the uncertainties surrounding marketing decisions through disciplined
analysis and prudent judgment. By the end of the training, you will be able to competently analyze
complex marketing situations based on both qualitative and quantitative market research and financial
information and then decisively determine solutions and strategies with confident forecasts of
performance outcomes.

II. Course Objectives:

The course objectives are to provide students with:

1. To integrate various Marketing concepts and understand the interplay of these within
the dynamic marketing environments
2. To strategically analyze the market using various analytical tools
3. To understand strategic marketing resources that the firm possesses and how to
leverage them

4. To think strategically and develop a strategic marketing plan to provide customer value
with a focus on sustainable competitive advantages

III. Learning Outcomes (LOs):

At the end of the course, the students shall have ability to:

1. To understand key principles of marketing strategy and their application.

2. To identify the failure points in relation to marketing.
3. To evaluate the better strategy by appropriate utilisation of marketing components.

4. To justify the marketing and strategic tools in Pakistani environment through your
business ideas.
5. To communicate, clarify, and present to peer audiences in a professional setting and
work in a team reflected in assessment activities.
6. Critically evaluate an organisation’s strategic approach based on mission and vision

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7. Apply key learning to a company’s strategic (marketing) efforts through detailed
8. Successfully work as a team to enforce the market research based strategy.
9. Consider ethical issues.

IV. Soft Skills and Personal Effectiveness:

At the end of this course, students shall have ability to demonstrate:

1. Excellent presentation, communication and interpersonal skills

2. Strong Influencing skills
3. Ability to drive and motivate others
4. Willing to actively listen and build rapport
5. Effective at managing client and stakeholder relationships
6. Critical Analysis
7. Problem Solving

V. Course Material:
Recommended Textbook:

Marketing Management by Philip Kotler (latest edition)

Strategic Marketing By Cravens and piercy , ( latest edition )
Marketing Strategy and Competitive advantage By Hooley, Piercy and Nicoulaud (latest

Additional Resources:
Instructor will facilitate students by providing all training material mentioned in week-wise broader
content break-up. In addition, you can refer to following:
 Harvard Business Review (Available in Library)
 Journal of marketing
 Industry cases
 Journal of Consumer Behavior
 Dawn Aurora Magazine

VI. Training Methods:

In addition to lectures on ppt slides, the instructor will also use following training methods during 16
weeks semester, 32 sessions

 4-6 case studies

 2-3 exercises and activities
 2-4 articles
 5 videos

VII. Assessment
Quizzes 10
Assignments 25
Mid Term Exam 25
Final Exam 40

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Total 100

VIII. Week-wise Broader Content Break-up:

Week Contents
1 Introduction
 The contribution of strategic Marketing within the context of business
strategies of the firm
 Market oriented perspective

2,3 Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans

 Marketing and Customer Value
 Corporate and Division Strategic Planning
 Marketing Plan Criteria

4 Identifying Market Segments and Targets

 Bases for segmenting consumer markets
 Market Targeting
 Effective segmentation criteria

5,6 Crafting brand positioning and brand equity

 Developing a brand positioning
 Choosing competitive frame of reference
 Building and maintaining brand equity

7,8 Setting product strategies

 Product Characteristics and Classifications
 Product and brand relationships
 Packaging, labelling, warranties

Mid term
9,10 Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs
 Setting the price
 Adapting the price
 Initiating and responding to price
11 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications
 Marketing Communication Mix Strategies
 Developing Effective Communications programs
12,13 Strategies for growth market
 Strategies for market leaders
 Strategies for followers

14,15 Digital Marketing Strategy

 Social Media Marketing
 Google Advertising
 Analytics
16 Revision

** Note: Last lecture before mid and end term exams will be a revision session.

IX. Consultation Protocol:

All relevant inquiries will be encouraged and it is highly advisable to ask them during lecture or
consultation time. However, if any query is missed during those times, please ask via email and/or SMS of
class representative (CR). Consultation hours are as follows:

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Important Note: This course outline works under general policy guidelines and rules & regulations of the university.

X. Plagiarism Policy:
Academic offenses like cheating, plagiarism (in any form, type or kind) weaken the distinctive ethical
character of the university and for the very reason, LBS takes them very seriously and holds
punishable under the university disciplinary system. All such cases are referred to Exam Cell for
initial investigation. Exam Cell, if deems appropriate, forwards the case LBS Disciplinary Action
Committee for inquiry as per university policy.

In case a student is found involved in cheating/plagiarism (of any form, type or kind), the offender
may be:

 Expelled/Rusticated from the Business School and/or from joining any institution of Higher
Education in Pakistan.
 Relegated to a lower class.
 Given a failure grade in the subject.
 Fined an amount as deemed appropriate.
 Carry out social responsibility activity.
 Any other penalty as recommended by Disciplinary Action Committee.

Important Note: This course outline works under general policy guidelines and rules & regulations of the university.

XI. Case Studies and Research Papers to be discussed:

Week Contents Case Study/Article Source

3 Product Line Extension Class Activity Book

4 Segment Profiling Class Activity Book

5 How a Small Company went Global Case Study Marketing Profs
How an Interactive Game Stimulated Marketing Profs
10 Case Study
Product Awareness and Sales
Do Consumers Always Spend More American Marketing
12 Article
When Coupon Face Value Is Larger? Association

Important Note: This course outline works under general policy guidelines and rules & regulations of the university.

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