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Bonnie S.

Wiese, MD, MA, FRCPC

Geriatric depression:
The use of antidepressants
in the elderly
Depression is a common but undertreated condition in the elderly.

epression is the most common the nation as a whole.6 Effectively

ABSTRACT: Depression in the elder-
ly significantly affects patients, fam- mental health problem in the lethal self-harm behaviors increase
ilies, and communities. Awareness elderly1 and is associated with with age, with the most common means
of predisposing and precipitating a significant burden of illness that of suicide in older men being firearms
factors can help identify patients in affects patients, their families, and and hanging, and in older women
need of screening with tools such as communities and takes an economic being self-poisoning and hanging.6
the Geriatric Depression Scale. After toll as well. Prevalence studies sug- Fortunately, depression in the eld-
diagnosis, regular follow-up and gest that 14% to 20% of the elderly erly can be treated successfully. How-
active medication management are living in the community experience ever, it is necessary first to identify
crucial to maximize treatment and depressive symptoms,2 with higher and diagnose depression, which can
remission. Selection of an antide- rates among the elderly in hospital be challenging in this population
pressant medication should be (12% to 45%)3 and even higher rates owing to communication difficulties
based on the best side effect profile in long-term care facilities (an esti- caused by hearing or cognitive impair-
and the lowest risk of drug-drug mated 40%).4 Because of our aging ment, other comorbidities with physi-
interaction. If remission is not population, it is expected that the num- cal symptoms similar to those of
achieved, then add-on treatments, ber of seniors suffering from depres- depression, and the stigma associated
including other drugs and psy- sion will increase. Symptoms include with mental illness that can limit the
chotherapy, may be considered. In low mood; reduced interest, energy, self-reporting of depressive symp-
cases of severe, psychotic, or refrac- and concentration; poor sleep and toms. There is also often a tendency
tory depression in the elderly, elec- poor appetite; and preoccupation with for people to see their symptoms as
troconvulsive therapy is recom- health problems. Depression in the part of the normal aging process,
mended. elderly is associated with functional which they are not. Depression in the
decline that can require increased care elderly still goes undertreated and
or placement in a facility, family untreated, owing in part to some of
stress, a higher likelihood of comor- these issues.
bid physical illnesses, reduced recov-
ery from illness (e.g., stroke), and pre-
mature death due to suicide and other Dr Wiese is a clinical instructor in the
causes.5 Suicide rates are high in the Department of Psychiatry at the University
elderly, with an average of 1.3 sui- of British Columbia. She is also a psychia-
cides committed daily by Canadian trist with the UBC Hospital Mood Disor-
seniors. According to a Statistics ders Centre, and the Geriatric Psychiatry
Canada report in 2005, the suicide rate Outreach Team at Vancouver General Hos-
This article has been peer reviewed. for elderly men is almost twice that of pital. VOL. 53 NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2011 BC MEDICAL JOURNAL 341

Geriatric depression: The use of antidepressants in the elderly

Assessment sleep difficulties, significant somatic whether there are any psychotic or
An awareness of risk factors for concerns or recent onset of anxiety, catatonic symptoms, and complete a
depression in the elderly can guide refusal to eat or neglect of personal suicide risk assessment.13 A full as-
screening. Predisposing risk factors care, recurrent or prolonged hospital- sessment1 for depression in the elder-
for depression include: ization, diagnosis of dementia, Par- ly includes the following:
• Female sex. kinson disease, or stroke, and recent • Review of diagnostic criteria accord-
• Widowed or divorced status. placement in a nursing home or other ing to DSM-IV-TR.
• Previous depression. long-term care facility.1 • Estimation of severity, including
• Brain changes due to vascular prob- The Geriatric Depression Scale presence of psychotic or catatonic
lems. (GDS) is a well-validated screening symptoms.
• Major physical and chronic disabling tool for depression in the elderly that • Suicide risk assessment.
illnesses. comes in two common formats: the • Review of psychiatric comorbid ill-
• Polypharmacy. 30-item (long form) and 15-item (short- nesses.
• Excessive alcohol use. form) self-rating scale. The long-form • Review of medical illnesses.
• Social disadvantage and low social uses an 11-point cutoff and the short- • Personal and family history of mood
support. form uses a 7-point cutoff.7,8 The GDS disorder, as well as other psychiatric
• Caregiving responsibilities for per- is available free online in a variety of illnesses.
son with a major disease (e.g., de- languages. Evidence suggests that while • Review of current medications and
mentia). the GDS is a reliable screening tool allergies.
• Personality type (e.g., relationship for depression in the elderly with min- • Review of substance use.
or dependence problems). imal cognitive impairment, its relia- • Review of current stresses and life
Precipitating risk factors for de- bility decreases with increasing cogni- situation.
pression should also be considered. tive impairment.9 If there is dementia • Level of functioning/disability.
These include: or significant cognitive impairment, • Review of support system, family
• Recent bereavement. then the Cornell Scale for Depression situation, and personal strengths.
• Move from home to another place in Dementia (CSDD) is the gold stan- • Mental status examination, includ-
(e.g., nursing home). dard.10 The CCSD relies on an inter- ing an assessment of cognitive func-
• Adverse life events (e.g., loss, sepa- view with a family member or care- tioning.
ration, financial crisis). giver as well as with the patient, and • Physical examination and laborato-
• Chronic stress caused by declining is validated for use with nondemented ry investigations in order to identify
health, family, or marital problems. and demented depressed elderly. No any medical problems that could
• Social isolation. set Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) contribute to or mimic depressive
• Persistent sleep difficulties. scores exist for when to use the CSDD. symptoms (e.g., hypothyroidism
Screening for depression should When diagnosing depression in and anemia, leading to TSH, B12, and
be undertaken for any recently be- the elderly the criteria for a major Hb testing being part of the workup).
reaved individual with unusual symp- depressive disorder set out in the • Review of collateral information
toms (e.g., active suicidal ideation, DSM-IV-TR must be met.11 However, when available.
guilt not related to the deceased, psy- in the elderly minor depressive epi-
chomotor retardation, mood congru- sodes are common (2 weeks or longer Treatment
ent delusions, marked functional im- with fewer than five symptoms of The current Canadian practice guide-
pairment more than 2 months after depression) and are often associated lines for the treatment of depression in
loss, or a reaction seemingly out of with the same negative effects as the elderly were developed by the
proportion to the loss). Screening major depression.12 Diagnostic chal- Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Men-
should also be considered in cases lenges in the elderly often include the tal Health (CCSMH) in 2006.1 They
involving bereavement effects contin- absence of depressed mood, signifi- were created by experts in the field,
uing 3 to 6 months after the loss, social cant cognitive impairment, and high are evidence-based, and include both
isolation, persistent complaints of degrees of somatic or physical prob- pharmacological and nonpharmaco-
memory difficulties, chronic disabling lems. Once criteria for depression are logical strategies.
illness, recent major physical illness met, it is important to assess the Note that most depression studies
(e.g., within 3 months), persistent severity of the depression, determine have been conducted on younger pop-


Geriatric depression: The use of antidepressants in the elderly

Table. Commonly used antidepressant medications for older adults.

Starting dose Average dose Maximum recommended

Generic name Trade name Comments
(mg/day) (mg) dose (CPS) (mg)
Citalopram Celexa 10 20–40 40
Escitalopram Cipralex 5 10–20 20
Sertraline Zoloft 25 50–150 200
Other agents
Buproprion Wellbutrin 100 100 b.i.d. 150 b.i.d. May cause seizures
Mirtazapine Remeron 15 30–45 45
Do not combine with MAOB inhibitors or
Moclobemide Manerix 150 150–300 b.i.d. 300 mg b.i.d.
Venlafaxine Effexor 37.5 75–225 375* May increase blood pressure
Tricyclic antidepressants
Anticholinergic; may cause cardiovascular side
Desipramine Norpramin 10–25 50–150 300
effects; monitor blood levels
Anticholinergic; may cause cardiovascular side
Nortriptyline Aventyl 10–25 40–100 200
effects; monitor blood levels

*For severe depression. Adapted from guidelines of the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health.1

ulations, and when mixed-aged groups of clinical response and referrals made and cardiac conduction abnormalities.
have been studied older adults have to specialists for depression incorrectly It is also important to minimize drug-
been underrepresented. This limits the diagnosed as “treatment resistant.”16 drug interactions, especially given the
ability to generalize from these study number of medications elderly pa-
findings when treating the elderly. Principles of treatment tients are often taking. Tricyclic anti-
Nonetheless, in recent years there is When selecting an antidepressant it is depressants are lethal in overdose and
an increasing body of literature spe- important to consider the elderly pa- are avoided for this reason.
cific to the elderly (as referenced tient’s previous response to treatment,
below), which helps guide the clini- the type of depression, the patient’s Choice of antidepressant
cian in the appropriate prescription other medical problems, the patient’s Fortunately there are several antide-
and use of antidepressants in this other medications, and the potential pressants that have been shown to be
patient population. risk of overdose.1 Psychotic depression efficacious in elderly patients being
When using antidepressant med- will likely not respond to antidepressant treated for a major depressive episode
ication to treat the elderly, it is impor- monotherapy, while bipolar depres- without psychotic features. In choos-
tant to be aware that older adults have sion will require a mood stabilizer. ing an antidepressant it is recom-
response rates similar to those of Antidepressants are effective in treat- mended that selection be based on the
younger adults.14 Also, antidepres- ing depression in the face of medical best side effect profile and lowest risk
sants have similar efficacy when used illnesses, although caution is required of drug-drug interactions. For a list of
to treat elderly patients with and with- so that antidepressant therapy does not commonly used antidepressants and
out multiple medical comorbidities.15 worsen the medical condition or cause associated doses for older adults, see
If older adults are unresponsive to low adverse events.17 For example, demen- the accompanying Table .
doses of antidepressants, higher doses tia, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, The selective serotonin reuptake
may be required to achieve a thera- and Parkinson disease, which are com- inhibitors (SSRIs) and the newer anti-
peutic effect. Unfortunately, the fail- mon in the elderly, can worsen with depressants buproprion, mirtazapine,
ure to use effective doses in elderly highly anticholinergic drugs.18 Such moclobemide, and venlafaxine (a selec-
patients is often the reason for a lack drugs can cause postural hypotension tive norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor VOL. 53 NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2011 BC MEDICAL JOURNAL 343

Geriatric depression: The use of antidepressants in the elderly

or SNRI) are all relatively safe in the Of the SSRIs, fluoxetine is gener- problems can be worsened by a tri-
elderly. They have lower anticholiner- ally not recommended for use in the cyclic antidepressant. If a tricyclic is
gic effects than older antidepressants elderly because of its long half-life chosen as a second-line medication,
and are thus well tolerated by patients and prolonged side effects. Paroxetine then nortriptyline and desipramine are
with cardiovascular disease. Common is also typically not recommended for the best choices given that they are
side effects of SSRIs include nausea, use in the elderly as it has the greatest less anticholinergic.16 Also, it is rec-
dry mouth, insomnia, somnolence, anticholinergic effect of all the SSRIs, ommended that an ECG and postural
blood pressure reading be obtained
before starting a patient on a tricyclic
antidepressant and after increasing the
dose.1 Tricyclic antidepressant blood
levels should be monitored since tri-
cyclics are associated with more toxi-
Suicide rates are high in city and since blood levels can be
the elderly, with an average of high despite low doses because some
patients can be slow metabolizers.
1.3 suicides committed daily Given the side effect profile and
by Canadian seniors. high rates of drug-drug interactions,
monoamine oxidase inhibitors
(MAOIs) are not considered first- or
even second-line agents for depres-
sion in the elderly.

agitation, diarrhea,excessive sweating, similar to that of the tricyclics desi- Once an antidepressant is selected for
and, less commonly, sexual dysfunc- pramine and nortriptyline.1 SSRIs an older patient, the starting dose
tion.17 Owing to renal functioning considered to have the best safety pro- should be half that prescribed for a
associated with aging, there is also an file in the elderly are citalopram, esc- younger adult1 in order to minimize
increased risk of elderly patients de- italopram, and sertraline.16 These have side effects. Increased side effects
veloping hyponatremia secondary to a the lowest potential for drug-drug in- from antidepressant use in the elderly
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuret- teractions based on their cytochrome are thought to be due to changes in
ic hormone secretion. This is seen in P-450 interactions. Venlafaxine, mir- hepatic metabolism with aging, con-
approximately 10% of patients taking tazapine, and bupropion are also con- current medical conditions, and drug-
antidepressants, and is associated par- sidered to have a good safety profile drug interactions. In the past the rec-
ticularly with SSRIs and venlafax- in terms of drug-drug interactions.16 ommendation was to “start low and go
ine.19 It is important to check sodium SSRIs such as fluoxetine, paroxetine, slow,” although now evidence sug-
levels 1 month after starting treatment and fluvoxamine have higher risks of gests that it may not be necessary to
on SSRIs, especially in patients tak- drug-drug interactions. titrate upwards so slowly in all indi-
ing other medications with a propen- Tricyclic antidepressants are no viduals. Instead, the goal should be to
sity to cause hyponatremia, such as longer considered first-line agents for increase the dose regularly as tolerat-
diuretics. Of course it is also impor- older adults given their potential for ed at 1- to 2-week intervals in order
tant to check sodium levels if symp- side effects, including postural hypo- to reach an average therapeutic dose
toms of hyponatremia arise, such as tension, which can contribute to falls more quickly, 20 with the CCSMH
fatigue, malaise, and delirium. There and fractures, cardiac conduction ab- guidelines suggesting therapeutic
is also an increased risk of gastro- normalities, and anticholinergic effects. dosing be reached within a month.
intestinal bleeding associated with These last can include delirium, uri- Also, it is now recognized that while
SSRIs, particularly in higher-risk in- nary retention, dry mouth, and consti- the average therapeutic dose is typi-
dividuals, such as those with peptic pation. Many medical conditions seen cally lower than that prescribed for
ulcer disease or those taking anti- in the elderly, such as dementia, younger adults because of the way
inflammatory medications. Parkinson disease, and cardiovascular aging affects hepatic metabolism,


Geriatric depression: The use of antidepressants in the elderly

there is much individual variability 10-day tapering period is recommend- sion rates.26 In an open-label trial of
and some individuals will require a ed for all antidepressants. risperidone augmentation of patients
greater than average therapeutic dose.1 If there is significant improvement who had failed to remit on a previous
If there is no significant improvement but not full remission after 4 weeks antidepressant, most patients reached
after 2 to 4 weeks on an average ther- on the optimized antidepressant, the remission, although when a placebo
apeutic dose, further increases should recommendation is to wait another arm was introduced there was a non-
be made until there is either a clinical 4 weeks and then consider add-on significant delay in the time until
improvement, intolerable side effects, treatment if remission is still not relapse for the risperidone group
or the maximum suggested dose is achieved. 1 Add-on options include versus the control group.27 The latest
reached. Thus, it is important to sched- either an antidepressant of a different 2009 CANMAT national practice
ule regular follow-up visits to monitor class, another agent such as lithium, guidelines for the treatment of major
treatment response while assessing for or psychotherapy such as cognitive- depressive disorder in adults28 recom-
side effects and titrating accordingly. behavioral therapy or interpersonal mend the use of atypical antipsychot-
It is also important at each visit to therapy. If a second antidepressant is ic agents such as rispiridone, olan-
monitor for any worsening of depres- added, monitor for the emergence of zapine, and aripiprazole as first-line
sion, emergence of agitation or anxi- serotonin syndrome, which can arise add-on agents in the treatment of
ety, as well as for suicide risk, espe- if both medications are serotonergic. depression, while quetiapine is rec-
cially in the early stages of treatment. ommended as a second-line add-on
There is no evidence of an increase in Newer pharmacological agent owing to fewer studies. Howev-
suicidal ideation due to antidepressant approaches er, the CANMAT recommendations
use in the elderly.21 Since the CCSMH guidelines docu- are based on studies of younger adults
ment was published in 2006, newer and are not intended for the elderly.
Treatment to remission antidepressant agents have become The use of atypical antipsychotics
According to the current CCSMH available including duloxetine and poses particular problems in older
guidelines, if there is no improvement desvenlafaxine, both SNRIs. Placebo- adults given the risk of extrapyrami-
in depressive symptoms after 4 weeks controlled studies of duloxetine sug- dal symptoms and falls as well as
or insufficient improvement in symp- gest that it is an effective treatment for sedation, weight gain, dyslipidemia,
toms after 8 weeks on the maximum depression in the elderly and general- and diabetes. There is also a black box
recommended or tolerated dose of an ly well tolerated at daily doses of 60 warning on atypical antipsychotics
antidepressant, then the antidepres- mg.23,24 However, to date there is a lack because of their association with an
sant should be changed. This may of geriatric-specific research on des- increased risk of death, largely due to
result in a loss of clinical improve- venlafaxine and more studies are cerebrovascular events, among elder-
ment as the patient is weaned off the needed. Methylphenidate has also ly demented patients compared with
agent and started on another. Cross- been used in the medically ill depress- placebo. 29,30 Nonetheless, atypical
titrating can be done—weaning the ed elderly, with some evidence to sug- antipsychotics may prove to be an
patient off the old antidepressant gest that it might be effective in treat- effective treatment for severe or
while introducing the new one— ing depressive symptoms, fatigue, and refractory depression in the elderly
although caution is needed to ensure apathy, although study methodologies who fail to respond fully to other
that there are no interactions between have been poor.25 medications. Atypical antipsychotics
the two antidepressants. For example, Atypical antipsychotics used as at the lowest doses for symptom con-
if fluoxetine is being discontinued, add-on therapy in the treatment of trol are also recommended for the
then a wash-out period of several depression shows some promise. A treatment of psychotic symptoms
weeks is recommended because of the recent post hoc pooled analysis of associated with depression. Overall,
drug’s long half-life. Stopping some three placebo-controlled trials sug- rates of recovery from psychotic
medications suddenly (particularly ven- gests efficacy for the use of adjuvant depression in the elderly are low at
lafaxine and paroxetine) can lead to a aripiprazole in older adults with an 33% with medication alone.31
withdrawal syndrome that includes incomplete response to standard anti-
anxiety, insomnia, and flu-like symp- depressant treatment, both in terms of Electroconvulsive therapy
toms. This can be prevented with a significant reduction of depressive Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is
gradual tapering.22 In general, a 7- to symptoms and improvement in remis- recommended as a first-line treatment VOL. 53 NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2011 BC MEDICAL JOURNAL 345

Geriatric depression: The use of antidepressants in the elderly

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