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PART – A (2 marks)
1. Why is an anallatic lens provided in tacheometer? (AUC Apr/May 2010 & May/June 2013)
This arrangement is made to reduce the additive constant to zero and simplifies the
mathematical calculations and only multiplying constant is present. This lens reduce the
brilliance of the image.
2. What are the multiplying constant and additive constant of a tacheometer?
(AUC Apr/May 2010)
In a tacheometer the constant is known as the multiplying constant or stadia interval
factor and the constant (f + d) is known as additive constant of the instrument where f is the
focal length of the instrument and d is the distance of the vertical axis of the instrument from the
focus O.
3. Consider the horizontal distance equation D = KS + C. what are represented by K, S and
C. (AUC Apr/May 2011)
D = KS + C
Where D = horizontal distance from instrument and levelling staff
K or = multiplying constant
C or (f + d) = additive constant
S = staff intercept
f = focal length of object glass
i = length of image
d = distance between optical centre and vertical axis of instrument
4. What is parallax? How it can be eliminated? (AUC Apr/May 2011)
Parallax is a condition arising when the image formed by the objective is not in the plane
of the cross-hairs. Accurate sight is possible only when parallax is eliminated. It is eliminated by
focusing the eye piece and objective.
5. What are the different systems of tacheometric survey? (AUC May/June 2009)
1. Stadia system
i. Fixed hair method
ii. Movable hair method
2. Tangential system
6. What is a base net? (AUC May/June 2009)
Some site conditions may not be favorable to get the required length of a base line. In
such a situation a short base line is selected and the same is then extended. Such group of
triangles which are meant for extending the base is known as base net.

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7. Define Stadia diagrams. (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
The diaphragm of the tacheometer is provided with two stadia hairs (upper and lower
ones). Telescope of the tacheometer is directed towards the staff held at a point whose distance
from the instrument is to be found. The readings pertaining to stadia hair are taken. The
difference in these readings gives the staff intercepts.
8. Write any two advantages of tacheometric surveying.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2010 & May/June 2013)
The multiplying constant should have a nominal value of 100 and the error contained in
this value should not exceed 1 in 1000.
The axial horizontal line should be exactly midway between the other two lines.
The telescope should be truly anallatic.
The telescope should be powerful having a magnification of 20 to 30 diameters.
9. What is a tacheometer? (AUC May/June 2012)
The conventional transit theodolite fitted with a stadia diaphragm and an anallatic lens is
called a tacheometer.
10. Enumerate the errors caused due to manipulation and sighting in tacheometric
surveying. (AUC May/June 2012)
i. instrumental errors
ii. errors of observation
iii. errors due to natural causes
11. State the uses of tacheometry. (AUC Nov/Dec 2012)
 Preparation of topographic maps which require both elevations and horizontal distances.
 Survey work in difficult terrain where direct methods are inconvenient
 Detail filling and Checking of already measured distances
 Reconnaissance surveys for highways, railways, etc.
 Hydrographic surveys and
 Establishing secondary control.
12. What is subtense bar? What are its advantages? (AUC Nov/Dec 2012)
The subtense bar is an instrument used for measuring the horizontal distance between the
instrument station and a point on the ground.
Field work for long sights is more accurate as it is easier to intersect a fixed vane with a
movable wire than to read the staff graduations. This is very effective in setting out curves for
railways, etc. there is no staff or target rod is needed.
13. What are the three types of telescope used in stadia surveying?
 External focusing telescope
 External focusing anallatic telescope
 Internal focusing telescope
14. List merits and demerits of movable hair method in tacheometric survey.
 Movable hair method is more accurate.
 Long distances can be taken with greater accuracy than in stadia method.
 Lacks speed in the field.
 Variables m and i should be measured accurately.
 Because of these limitations this method is almost obsolete.

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15. Compare tangential and stadia method.
S.No Tangential method Stadia method
1 Transit theodolite is used in this The stadia method is based on the principle
system and it does not possess with a that the ratio of the perpendicular to the
stadia hairs, the staff is provided with base is constant in similar isosceles
two vanes or targets at a known
2 The horizontal and vertical distances The horizontal and vertical distances are
are computed by measuring angles of computed by measuring angles of elevation
elevation or depression. In all cases or depression. In all cases staff is held
staff is held vertically. vertically and inclined also.

16. What is the difference between a theodolite and tacheometer?

S.No Theodolite Tacheometer
1 They are precision instruments As per this property of isosceles triangles the
having telescopic sights for ratio of the distance of the base from the
establishing horizontal and apex and the length of the base is always
sometimes vertical angles. constant.
2 Theodolite is precisely leveled and it Tacheometer is a somewhat obsolescent
is used from a tripod. term for a type of distance meter or range
finder. Tacheometer is precisely leveled and
it is used from a tripod.

17. What is tangential tacheometry?

The tangential method of tacheometry is being used when stadia hairs are not present in
the diaphragm of the instrument or when the staff is too far to read.
18. The readings on a staff held vertically 60 m from a tacheometer were 1.460 and 2.055. The
line of sight was horizontal. The focal length of the objective lens was 24 cm and the
distance from the objective lens to the vertical axis was 15 cm. Calculate the stadia
D= x 0.595 + (f + d)
Substituting the values,
60 x 100 = x0.595 x100 + (24 + 15)
600 – 39 =
i= 2.55cm
Stadia interval = 2.55 cm
19. What is the difference between staff intercept and stadia intercept?
The difference between the targets is kept fixed in a staff intercept whereas in a stadia
intercept the distance between the stadia hairs is variable.

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PART – B (16 marks)
1. (i) A vane 3 m above the foot of a staff was sighted at a point 1200 m away from the
instrument. The observed vertical angle was 1° 30'. The reduced level of the instrument
station was 250.50 m and the height of the instrument axis is 1.5 m. Find the reduced
level of the staff station. Apply the combined correction for curvature and refraction in
finding the R.L. of the station. (AUC Apr/May 2011)

Combined angular correction for curvature and refraction

( 1 2m ) d
= sec
2 R sin 1"
Assume m = 0.07 and R sin 1” = 30.88
(1 ( 2 X 0.07 ) ) 1200
Combined angular correction = 16.71"
2 X 30.88
Corrected vertical angle = 1o 30’ – 0o 0’ 16.71” = 1o 29’ 43.29”
Vertical height, V = D tan α = 1200 x tan (1o 29’ 43.29”)
V = 31.32 m
RL of staff station, Q = RL of instrument station P + HI + V – h
= 250.5 + 1.5 + 31.32 – 3
RL of staff station Q = 280.32 m

(ii) Determine the gradient from a point A to a point B from the following observations
made with a tacheometer fitted with an anallatic lens. The constant of the instrument was
100 m and the staff was held vertically.

Inst Staff Vertical

Bearing Staff readings
station station angle
A 134° + 10° 32' 1.360, 1.915, 2.470
B 224° + 05° 06' 1.065, 1.885, 2.705
(AUC Apr/May 2011)

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Let the station of observation be P. Here K = 100 and c = 0
a) Observation from P to A:
S1 = 2.470 – 1.360 = 1.11 m
Distance PA = KS1 cos2 θ1 + c cos θ1
= 100 x 1.11 x cos2 (10o 32’) + 0
D1 = 107.3 m
V1 = D1 tan θ1 = 107.3 x tan (10o 32’)
V1 = 19.95 m
Difference in elevation between P & A = 19.95 – 1.915 = 18.035 m
b) Observation from P to B:
S2 = 2.705 – 1.065 = 1.64 m
Distance PB = KS2 cos2 θ2 + c cos θ2
= 100 x 1.64 x cos2 (5o 06’) + 0
D2 = 162.7 m
V2 = D2 tan θ2 = 162.7 x tan (05o 06’)
V2 = 14.52 m
Difference in elevation between P & B = 14.52 – 1.885 = 12.635 m

Angle APB = bearing of PB – bearing of PA = 224o – 134o = 90o

Distance AB = PA 2 PB 2 107.3 2 162.7 2
Distance AB = 194.89 m
Difference in elevation between B & A,
= 18.035 – 12.635
= 5.4 m (A is higher)
Difference in elevation 5.4
Gradient from A to B = 0.0277
Dis tan ce of AB 194.89
Gradient from A to B = 1 in 36
2. To determine the gradient between two points A and B a tacheometer was set up at
another station C and the following observations were taken, keeping the staff vertical.
Staff at Vertical angle Stadia readings (m)
A + 4O 1.300, 1.610, 1.920
B + 0 10’ 40’’ 1.100, 1.410, 1.720
If the horizontal angle ACB is 35O 20’ 00’’. Determine the average gradient between A and
B, k = 100, c = 0. (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)

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Let the station of observation be C. Here K = 100 and c = 0
a) Observation from C to A:
S1 = 1.920 – 1.300 = 0.620 m
Distance CA = KS1 cos2 θ1 + c cos θ1
= 100 x 0.62 x cos2 (4o 20’) + 0
D1 = 61.65 m
V1 = D1 tan θ1 = 61.65 x tan (4o 20’)
V1 = 4.67 m
Difference in elevation between C & A = 4.67 – 1.610 = 3.06 m
b) Observation from P to B:
S2 = 1.720 – 1.100 = 0.62 m
Distance PB = KS2 cos2 θ2 + c cos θ2
= 100 x 0.62 x cos2 (0o 10’ 40”) + 0
D2 = 62 m
V2 = D2 tan θ2 = 62 x tan (0o 10’ 40”)
V2 = 0.19 m
Difference in elevation between C & B = 0.19 – 1.410 = - 1.22 m

Angle ACB = 35o 20’

Distance AB = CA 2 CB 2 2 CA . CB cos ACB

= 61.65 2 62 2 2 X 61.65 X 62 X cos (35 O 20' )

Distance AB = 37.52 m
Difference in elevation between A & B,
= 3.06 – (-1.22)
= 4.28 m (A is higher)
Difference in elevation 4.28
Gradient from A to B = 0.114
Dis tan ce of AB 37.52
Gradient from A to B = 1 in 9
3. In a subtense measurement of a leg of a traverse, two targets were set up at right angles
to the line of sight from the Instrument Station but on a sloping ground. From the
following data, calculate the distance of P and Q from the instrument stations.
Angle of elevation to target at P = 48O 00’
Angle of elevation to target at Q = 12’ 40”
Horizontal angle at instrument subtended by PQ = 1O 40’ 20’’

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Height of target above ground = 1.600 m
Slope measurement PQ = 28.0 m. (AUC Nov/Dec 2010)
Assume the instrument station be C.

Here D’ = 28 m
The distance between instrument station and bar point,
D' 28
D= o
cos cos (1 40' 20" )
D = 28.012 m
From Δ CC’P,
CC ' 28.012
CP =
cos cos (48 o )
CP = 41.86 m
From Δ CC’Q,
CC ' 28.012
CQ =
cos cos (12' 40" )
CQ = 28.01 m
4. Derive the expressions for horizontal and vertical distances by fixed hair method when
the line of sight is inclined and staff is held vertically. (AUC Apr/May 2010)

Fig. Angle of elevation

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Let P = Instrument station;
Q = Staff station
M = position of instruments axis;
O = Optical centre of the objective
A, C, B = Points corresponding to the readings of the three hairs
s = AB = Staff intercept;
i = Stadia interval
θ = Inclination of the line of sight from the horizontal
L = Length MC measured along the line of sight
D = MQ’ = Horizontal distance between the instrument and the staff
V = Vertical intercept at Q, between the line of sight and the horizontal line
h = height of the instrument;
r = central hair reading
β = angle between the two extreme rays corresponding to stadia hairs.
Draw a line A’CB’ normal to the line of sight OC.
Angle AA’C = 900 + β/2, being the exterior angle of the ∆COA’.
Similarly, from ∆COB`, angle OB’C = angle BB’C = 900 – β/2.
Since β/2 is very small (its value being equal to 17’ 11” for k = 100), angle AA’C and angle
BB’C may be approximately taken equal to 900.
Angle AA’C = angle BB’C = 900
From ∆ ACA’,
A’C = AC cos Ө or A’B’ = AB cos Ө = s cos Ө ………. (a)
Since the line A’B’ is perpendicular to the line of sight OC, equation D = k s + C is directly
applicable. Hence, we have
MC = L = k x A’B’ + C = k s cosӨ + C . . . . . . . (b)
The horizontal distance
D = L cosӨ = (k s cosӨ + C) cosӨ
D = k s cos2Ө + C cosӨ . . . . . . (1)
Similarly, V = L sin Ө = (k s cosӨ + C) sinӨ = k s cosӨ x sinӨ + C sinӨ
sin 2
V=ks + C sinӨ . . . . . . (2)
Thus equations (1) and (2) are the distance and elevation formulae for inclined line of sight.
(a) Elevation of the staff station for angle of elevation:
If the line of sight has an angle of elevation Ө, as shown in the figure, we have
Elevation of staff station (Q) = RL of instrument station (P) + h + V – r.

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(b) Elevation of the staff station for the angle of depression:

Fig. Angle of depression

If the line of sight has an angle of elevation Ө, as shown in the figure, we have
Elevation of Q = RL of P + h – V - r
5. Determine the gradient from a point P to point Q from the following observations carried
out with a tacheometer fitted with an anallatic lens.
Inst Staff Vertical
Bearing Staff readings
station point angle

O P 340° + 17° 0.760, 1.455, 2.170

O Q 70° + 12° 0.655, 1.845, 3.150

Assume that the staff is held vertical and that the multiplying constant of the instrument
is 100. (AUC Apr/May 2010)
Let the station of observation be O. Here K = 100 and c = 0
a) Observation from O to P:
S1 = 2.170 – 0.760 = 1.41 m
Distance OP = KS1 cos2 θ1 + c cos θ1
= 100 x 1.41 x cos2 (17o) + 0
D1 = 128.95 m
V1 = D1 tan θ1 = 128.95 x tan (17o)
V1 = 39.42 m
Difference in elevation between O & P = 39.42 – 1.455 = 37.965 m
b) Observation from O to Q:
S2 = 3.150 – 0.655 = 2.495 m
Distance OQ = KS2 cos2 θ2 + c cos θ2
= 100 x 2.495 x cos2 (12o) + 0
D2 = 238.71 m
V2 = D2 tan θ2 = 238.71 x tan (12o)
V2 = 50.74 m

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Difference in elevation between O & Q = 50.74 – 1.845 = 48.895 m

Angle POQ = bearing of OP – bearing of OQ = 340o – 70o = 270o

Angle POQ = 270o – 180o = 90o

Distance PQ = OP 2 OQ 2 128.95 2 238.712

Distance PQ = 271.31 m
Difference in elevation between P & Q,
= 48.895 - 37.965
= 10.93 m (Q is higher)
Difference in elevation 10.93
Gradient from P to Q = 0.0403
Dis tan ce of PQ 271.31
Gradient from P to Q = 1 in 25
6. Explain the objectives and theory of anallatic lens. (AUC Apr/May 2010)
A convex lens specially provided in a telescope between the object lens and eyepiece to
eliminate the additive constant (f + d) from the tacheometric distance equations is known as
Anallatic lens. It is fitted in external focusing telescopes only.
Theory of an anallatic lens:

Consider the figure, in which O is the optical centre of the objective of an external
focusing telescope.
Let A, C, and B = the points cut by the three lines of sight corresponding to three wires.
b, c, and a = top, axial and bottom hairs of the diaphragm.
ab = i = interval b/w the stadia hairs (stadia interval)
AB = s = staff intercept;

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f = focal length of the objective
f1 = horizontal distance of the staff from the optical centre of the objective
f2 = horizontal distance of the cross-wires from O.
d = distance of the vertical axis of the instrument from O.
D = horizontal distance of the staff from the vertical axis of the instruments.
C = centre of the instrument, corresponding to the vertical axis.
A’B’ = position of the image
K = distance between anallatic lens and object glass
F1 & F2 = conjugate focal distances of the object glass
From the laws of lenses, we know
1 1 1
F F1 F2
1 1 1
f f1 f2
(negative sign indicates boa and B’O’A’ are same side of the anallatic lens)
Let A’B’ = i and ab = i’
Since the rays BOb and AOa pass through the optical centre, they are straight so that AOB and
aOb are similar. Hence,
From similar triangles ΔABO and A’B’O, we get
S F1
…………….. (3)
i F2
From similar triangles ΔABO and A’B’O, we get
i f2
…………….. (4)
i' f1
Multiply equation 3 & 4 we get,
S F1 f 2
x ………… (5)
i' F2 f1
F1 f
Sub, the values of & 2 in eqn (5)
F2 f1
S F1 F f f2
x ………… (6)
i' F f
S F1 F f ( F2 K)
i' F f
F1 ( F f K ) F (K f)
F1 ( F f K) S F (K f )
Ff i' Ff
S Ff F (K f )
F1 = x
i' (F f K ) (F f K )
But D = F1 + d

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Where d = distance of objective from the vertical axis of the theodolite
S Ff F (K f )
D= x +d ………… (7)
i' (F f K ) (F f K )
The condition of distance D should be proportional to the intercept S,
F (K f )
- +d=0
(F f K )
F (K f )
(F f K )
K=f+ …………….. (9)
F d
The distance between anallatic lens and objective should be made equal to K. by adopting
suitable values of F, f, i' & K in the first term of eqn (7),
i' ( F f K)
D = 100 S ………………… (10)
From the above equation, if the theodolite is fitted with an anallatic lens, the horizontal
distance between the instrument axis and staff position is obtained by multiplying the staff
intercept by multiplying constant.
7. The following are the observation taken by a theodolite.
Inst Staff Vertical Staff
Target Remarks
station station angle reading
A BM Lower -12° 0.650
Upper -9° 2.550 RL of B.M.
A B Lower -6° 1.255 = 500 m
Upper +4° 3.100
Find out the observation of BM and station B and the distance between the BM and
station B. (AUC Apr/May 2010)

a) Observation to BM:
S1 = 2.550 – 0.650 = 1.9 m
h1 = 0.650 m
S1 1.9
D1 =
tan ( 1 ) tan ( 2 ) tan (12 ) tan (9 0 )

D1 = 35.07 m

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V1 = D1 tan θ1 = 35.07 x tan (12o)
V1 = 7.45 m
RL of instrument axis, A = RL of BM + h1 + V1
= 500 + 0.65 + 7.45
RL of instrument axis A = 508.1 m
b) Observation to B:
h2 = 1.255 m; S2 = 3.100 – 1.255 = 1.845 m
S2 1.845
D2 =
tan ( 3 ) tan ( 4 ) tan (6 ) tan (4 0 )

D2 = 10.54 m
V2 = D2 tan θ3 = 10.54 x tan (6o)
V2 = 1.108 m
RL of B = RL of instrument axis – V2 – h2
= 508.1 – 1.108 – 1.255
RL of B = 505.74 m
Distance between BM and station B = D1 + D2
= 35.07 + 10.54
Distance between BM and station B = 45.61 m
8. Explain how you would compute the horizontal and vertical distances from the
instrument station in the tangential method of tacheometry. With the help of a schematic
diagram, deduce the equations for the horizontal distance and the vertical distance when
both the vertical angles measured are angles of elevation. (AUC Apr/May 2011)

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9. A theodolite was set up at a distance of 150 m from a tower. The angle of elevation to the
top of the tower was 10° 08', while the angle of depression to the foot of the tower was
03° 12'. The staff reading on the B.M. of R.L. 50.217 with the telescope horizontal was
0.880. Find the height of the tower and the reduced level of the top and foot of the tower.
(AUC Apr/May 2011)

Here D = 150 m; θ1 = 10o 08’, θ2 = 3o 12’, HI = 0.880 m

S = D (tan θ1 + tan θ2) = 150 [tan (10o 08’) + tan (3o 12’)]
S = 35.19 m
V = D tan θ2 = 150 x tan (3o 12’)
V = 8.39 m
RL of instrument axis = RL of BM + Height of instrument (HI) = 50.217 + 0.88
RL of instrument axis = 51.097 m
RL of foot of tower = RL of instrument axis – V = 51.097 – 8.39
RL of foot of tower = 42.707 m
RL of top of tower = RL of foot of tower + S = 42.707 + 35.19
RL of top of tower = 77.897 m

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10. Explain the principles and uses of a Beaman stadia arc. (AUC May/June 2009)

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11. Explain different errors that may arise in stadia. (AUC May/June 2009)

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12. Distinguish between vertical and normal holding a staff in tacheometry survey.
(AUC May/June 2009)

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13. The following readings were taken with an anallatic tacheometer. The value of the
constant was 100 and the staff was held vertically.

Inst Height Staff Vertical

Staff reading Remarks
station of axis station angle
RL of BM
A 1.46 B.M -5O 30’ 0.92, 1.76, 2.55
= 209.05 m
A 1.46 B +3O 24’ 0.96, 1.70, 2.45
B 1.40 C +6O 12’ 0.90, 1.97, 3.04

Determine the horizontal distances between A, B and C and also the elevations of the
three stations. (AUC May/June 2009)

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a) From the observation A to BM:

S1 = 2.55 – 0.92 = 1.63 m; θ1 = - 5O 30’; k = 100; C = 0
sin 2 1 sin (2 X 5o 30' )
V1 = k S1 100 X 1.63 X
2 2
V1 = 15.55 m
b) From the observation A to B:
S2 = 2.45 – 0.96 = 1.49 m; θ2 = 3O 24’
AB = D1 = KS2 cos2 θ2
= 100 x 1.49 x cos2 (3O 24’)
AB = D1 = 148.476 m
sin 2 2 sin (2 X 3o 24' )
V2 = k S 2 100 X 1.49 X
2 2
V2 = 8.82 m
c) From the observation B to C:
S3 = 3.04 – 0.90 = 2.14 m; θ3 = 6O 12’
BC = D2 = KS3 cos2 θ3
= 100 x 2.14 x cos2 (6O 12’)
BC = D2 = 211.50 m
sin 2 3 sin (2 X 6 o 12' )
V3 = k S 3 100 X 2.14 X
2 2
V3 = 22.98 m
d) Reduced levels of stations:
RL of instrument axis at A = RL of BM + Axial hair reading + V1
= 209.05 + 1.76 + 15.55
= 226.36 m
RL of station A = RL of instrument axis at A – (HI)A
= 226.36 – 1.46
= 224.9 m
RL of station B = RL of station A + (HI)A + V2 – Axial hair reading
= 224.9 + 1.46 + 8.82 – 1.7
= 233.48 m
RL of station C = RL of station A + (HI)A + V3 – Axial hair reading
= 224.9 + 1.46 + 22.98 – 1.97
= 247.37 m

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14. You are given a theodolite fitted with stadia hairs, the object glass of telescope being
known to have a focal length of 230 mm and to be at a distance of 138 mm from the
trunnion axis. You are told that the multiplying constant for the instrument is believed to
be 180. The following tacheometric readings are then taken from an instrument station A,
the reduced level of which is 15.05 m.

Inst Sight Vertical

H.I Stadia readings Remarks
at to angle

Staff held vertical RL

A 1.380 m B +30O 1.225, 1.422, 1.620
of B = 40.940 m

Staff held normal to

A 1.380 m C +45O 1.032, 1.181, 1.330
line of sight
Find the distance AB, AC and reduced level of C. (AUC May/June 2012)
Focal length, f = 230 mm = 0.23m
Distance of optical centre and trunnion axis, d = 138 mm = 0.138 m
Additive constant of the instrument, (f + d) or C = 0.23 + 0.138 = 0.368 m
Multiplying constant of the instrument, K = 180
RL of instrument station, A = 15.05 m
RL of plane of collimation = 15.05 + 1.38 = 16.43 m
i) Staff held vertically:
S1 = 1.620 – 1.225 = 0.395 m
Distance, AB = KS1 cos2 θ1 + C cos θ1
= (180 x 0.395 x cos2 (30O)) + (0.368 x cos (30O)
= 53.64 m
ii) Staff held normal:
S2 = 1.330 – 1.032 = 0.298 m
Distance, AC = KS2 cos θ2 + C cos θ2 + h sin θ2
= (180 x 0.298 x cos (45O)) + (0.368 x cos (45O)) + (1.181 x sin (45O))
= 39.02 m
iii) RL of C:
V = KS2 sin θ2 + C sin θ2 = (180 x 0.298 x sin (45O)) + (0.368 x sin (45O))
= 38.18 m
RL of C = RL of instrument axis + V – h cos θ
= 16.43 + 38.18 – (1.181 x cos (45O))
= 53.33 m
15. The vertical angles to vanes fixed at 1 m and 3 m above the foot of staff held vertically at
a station A were 03o 10’ and 050 24’ respectively. Find the horizontal distance and the
reduced level of A if the height of the instrument axis is 138.556 m above datum.
(AUC May/June 2012)
S 2
tan ( 1 ) tan ( 2 ) tan (5 24' ) tan (30 10' )

D = 51.02 m

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V = D tan θ2 = 51.02 x tan (03O 10’)
V = 2.82 m
RL of A = RL of instrument axis + V – h
= 138.556 + 2.82 – 1
= 140.376 m
16. A tacheometer was set up at station A and the following readings were obtained on a
vertically held staff.
Inst Staff Vertical Stadia hair readings
station station angle (m)
A B.M. -02O 18’ 3.225, 3.550, 3.875 RL of B.M = 425.515 m
A B +08O 36’ 1.650, 2.515, 3.380
Find the distance between A and B, R.L of B. (AUC May/June 2012)

Assume K = 100 and C = 0

a) From the observation A to BM:
S1 = 3.875 – 3.225 = 0.65 m; θ1 = - 2O 18’; k = 100; C = 0
sin 2 1 sin (2 X 2 o 18' )
V1 = k S1 C sin 1 (100 X 0.65 X ) 0
2 2
V1 = 2.61 m
b) From the observation A to B:
S2 = 3.380 – 1.650 = 1.73 m; θ2 = 8O 36’
AB = D = KS2 cos2 θ2 + C cos θ2
= (100 x 1.73 x cos2 (8O 36’)) + 0
AB = D = 169.13 m
sin 2 2 sin (2 X 8o 36' )
V2 = k S 2 C sin 2 100 X 1.73 X 0
2 2
V2 = 25.58 m
c) Reduced levels of stations:
RL of station B = RL of BM + V1 + Axial hair reading (h1) + V2 – h2
= 425.515 + 2.61 + 3.55 + 25.58 – 2.515
= 454.74 m

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17. Calculate the tacheometric constants from the following readings taken with a
tacheometer on to a vertical staff. (AUC Nov/Dec 2012)
Horizontal distance b/n
Staff reading (m)
inst. and staff (m)
66.3 0.77, 1.10, 1.43
75.3 1.68, 2.055, 2.43

Here D1 = 66.3 m; D2 = 75.3 m; θ = 0O;
S1 = 1.43 – 0.77 = 0.66 m;
S2 = 2.43 – 1.68 = 0.75 m;
D1 = KS1 + C
66.3 = 0.66 K + C …………. (1)
D2 = KS2 + C
75.3 = 0.75 K + C …………. (2)
By solving above two equations we get
K = 100 and C = 0.3
18. A staff held vertically at a distance of 50 m and 100 m from a transit fitted with stadia
hairs, the staff intervals with the telescope normal were 0.494 m and 0.994 m
respectively. The instrument was then set up near a B.M of R.L 1500 m and the readings
on the staff held on the B.M was 1.495 m. The staff readings at the station A with staff
held vertically and the line of sight horizontal were 1.00, 1.85, and 2.70. What is the
horizontal distance between the B.M and A and R.L of A. (AUC Nov/Dec 2012)
a) Find the value of K and C:
Here D1 = 50 m; D2 = 100 m; S1 = 0.494 m; S2 = 0.994 m; θ = 0O;
D1 = KS1 + C
50 = 0.494 K + C …………. (1)
D2 = KS2 + C
100 = 0.994 K + C …………. (2)
By solving above two equations we get
K = 100 and C = 0.6
b) Distance b/n BM and A and RL of A:
Here RL of BM = 1500 m; θ = 0O;

S = 2.70 – 1.00 = 1.7 m

D = KS cos2 θ + C cos θ
= (100 x 1.7 x 1) + (0.6 x 1)
D = 170.6 m

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RL of A = RL of BM + HI – h1
= 1500 + 1.495 – 1.85
= 1499.645 m
19. During the course of tacheometric traversing from A to D, the following observations
were made with a theodolite fitted with an anallatic lens.
Line Bearing Staff reading (m)
AB 33o 35’ +5o 45’ 1.050, 1.950, 2.850
o o
BC 115 50’ +6 30’ 1.300, 2.165, 3.030
CD 202o 32’ -2o 55’ 1.385, 2.250, 3.115
Assuming the staff was held vertical and the multiplying constant of the instrument as
100, calculate the distance of D from A along the traverse line. Also determine the
reduced level of B, C and D if the reduced level of A is 215.5 m and height of the
instrument axis at A, B and C are respectively 1.45 m, 1.4 m and 1.55 m.
(AUC Nov/Dec 2012)

K = 100; C = 0; RL of A = 215.5 m; HIA = 1.45 m; HIB = 1.4 m; HIC = 1.55 m

a) From the observation A to B:
S1 = 2.85 – 1.05 = 1.8 m; θ1 = 5O 45’;
AB = D1 = KS1 cos2 θ1
= 100 x 1.8 x cos2 (5O 45’)
BC = D2 = 178.19 m
sin 2 1 sin (2 X 5o 45' )
V1 = k S1 100 X 1.8 X
2 2
V1 = 17.94 m
b) From the observation B to C:
S2 = 3.030 – 1.300 = 1.73 m; θ2 = 6O 30’
BC = D2 = KS2 cos2 θ2
= 100 x 1.73 x cos2 (6O 30’)
BC = D2 = 170.78 m

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sin 2 2 sin (2 X 6 o 30' )
V2 = k S 2 100 X 1.73 X
2 2
V2 = 19.45 m
c) From the observation C to D:
S3 = 3.115 – 1.385 = 1.73 m; θ3 = 2O 55’
CD = D3 = KS3 cos2 θ3
= 100 x 1.73 x cos2 (2O 55’)
CD = D3 = 172.55 m
sin 2 3 sin (2 X 2 o 55' )
V3 = k S 3 100 X 1.73 X
2 2
V3 = 8.79 m
d) Reduced levels of stations:

RL of station B = RL of A – (HI)A + V1 – h1
= 215.5 – 1.45 + 17.94 – 1.950
= 230.04 m
RL of station C = RL of B + (HI)B + V2 – h2
= 230.04 + 1.4 + 19.45 – 2.165
= 248.725 m
RL of station D = RL of C + (HI)C - V3 – h3
= 248.725 + 1.55 – 8.79 – 2.550
= 238.935 m
20. Explain the different between tangential and stadia tacheometry. (AUC May/June 2013)
Stadia tacheometry:
In this type of system the diaphragm of the tacheometer is provided with two stadia hairs
(upper and lower ones). Telescope of the tacheometer is directed towards the staff held at a
point whose distance from the instrument is to be found. The readings pertaining to stadia hair
are taken. The difference in these readings gives the staff intercept. The horizontal distance is
obtained by multiplying constant.
There are two kinds of stadia systems,
i) Fixed hair method
ii) Movable hair method.
Tangential tacheometry:
In this method the stadia hairs are not used. Only the single horizontal hair is used to take
the reading. The staff consists of two vanes or targets kept apart at a known distance. To
measure the staff intercepts two points are required. The angles of elevations or depressions
are measured. Their tangents are used for finding the horizontal distances and elevations. This
method is generally not adopted as two vertical angles are required to be measured for one
single observation.

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21. In tacheometer survey made with an instrument whose constants are 100 and 0.5 the
staff was inclined so as to be normal to the line of sight for each reading. Two sets of
readings were taken as given below. Calculate the gradient between the staff stations P
and Q, the RL of station R is 41.800 m. (AUC May/June 2013)

Inst Height of Vertical

Staff Hair reading
at instrument Bearing angle

P 85O 4º 30’
1.600 1.000, 1.417, 1.838
Q 135O - 4º 00’ 1.000, 1.657, 2.313

Here K = 100; C = 0.5; RL of R = 41.800 m

a) From the observation R to P:

S1 = 1.838 – 1.000 = 0.838 m; θ1 = 4O 30’;
D1 = KS1 cos θ1 + C cos θ1 + h1 sin θ1
= (100 x 0.838 x cos (4O 30’) + (0.5 x cos (4O 30’)) + (1.417 x sin (4O 30’))
D1 = 84.15 m
V1 = k S1 sin 1 C sin 1 (100 X 0.838 X sin (4 o 30' )) (0.5 X sin (4 o 30' ))
V1 = 6.61 m
b) From the observation R to Q:
S2 = 2.313 – 1.000 = 1.313 m; θ2 = - 4O 00’ (depression)
D2 = KS2 cos θ2 + C cos θ2 – h2 sin θ2
= (100 x 1.313 x cos (4O 00’) + (0.5 x cos (4O 00’)) - (1.657 x sin (4O 00’))
D2 = 131.36 m
V2 = k S 2 sin 2 C sin 2 (100 X 1.313 X sin (4 o 00' )) (0.5 X sin (4 o 00' ))
V2 = 9.19 m
c) Reduced levels of stations:
RL of station P = RL of station R + (HI)R + V1 - h1 cos θ
= 41.8 + 1.6 + 6.61 – (1.417 x cos (4O 30’))
= 48.59 m

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RL of station Q = RL of station R + (HI)R - V2 – h2 cos θ
= 41.8 + 1.6 + 9.19 – (1.657 x cos (4O 00’))
= 50.94 m
22. A tacheometer was set up at station A and the following readings were obtained on a
vertically held staff.

Inst Vertical
Staff Hair reading
at angle Remarks

B.M -2 º 18’
3.225, 3.550, 3.875 R.L. of B.M. is
437.655 m
B +8 º 36’ 1.650, 2.515, 3.380
Calculate the horizontal distance from A to B and the R.L. of B, if the constants of the
instrument were 100 and 0.4.

d) From the observation A to BM:

S1 = 3.875 – 3.225 = 0.65 m; θ1 = - 2O 18’; k = 100; C = 0.4
sin 2 sin (2 X 2 o 18' )
V1 = k S1 1
C sin 1 (100 X 0.65 X ) (0.4 X sin( 2 o 18' ))
2 2
V1 = 2.62 m
e) From the observation A to B:
S2 = 3.380 – 1.650 = 1.73 m; θ2 = 8O 36’
AB = D = KS2 cos2 θ2 + C cos θ2
= (100 x 1.73 x cos2 (8O 36’)) + (0.4 x cos (8O 36’))
AB = D = 169.53 m
sin 2 sin (2 X 8o 36' )
V2 = k S 2 2
C sin 2 100 X 1.73 X (0.4 X sin( 8o 36' ))
2 2
V2 = 25.64 m
f) Reduced levels of stations:
RL of station B = RL of BM + V1 + Axial hair reading (h1) + V2 – h2
= 437.655 + 2.62 + 3.55 + 25.64 – 2.515
= 466.95 m

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23. Explain how a subtense bar is used with a theodolite to determine the horizontal distance
between two points.
The subtense bar is an instrument used for measuring the horizontal distance between the
instrument station and a point on the ground.

The transit theodolite is set up over the instrument station.
The subtense bar is set up and leveled at P which is the position of the alidade.
The targets B and C are located at S (3m) apart. The horizontal distance D is required to
be found.
Using the alidade the line of sight of the telescope of the theodolite is made
perpendicular to the axis of the bar.
The horizontal angle BAC is measured by the method of repetition. Let the angle be θ.
AP is perpendicular to BC and bisect P. from Δ ABC,
tan 2 or
D tan
2 2
D= S cot ……………… (1)
2 2
Thus horizontal distance can be computed.

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If θ is small, then
tan where θ in radians.
2 2
X , if θ in seconds.
2 206265
(1 radian = 206265 sec)
From equation (1) D is inversely proportional to angle θ. Thus a negative error in the
measurement of angle θ will produce positive error in D. Then if an error of δθ (-ve) will
cause an error of δD (+ve).
S=Dθ D D
D .................................(2)

Similarly if δθ is +ve; δD is negative,

D .................................(3)

If , then,
D .................................(4)
24. A theodolite has a tacheometric multiplying constant of 100 and an additive constant of
zero. The centre reading on a vertical staff held at point B was 2.292 m when sighted
from A. If the vertical angle was +25º and the horizontal distance AB 190.326 m, calculate
the other staff readings and show that the two intercept intervals are not equal. Using
these values, calculate the level of B if A is 37.950 m angle of depression and the height
of the instrument is 1.35 m.

IV Semester Civil CE2254-Surveying II by M.Dinagar A.P / Civil Page 28

D = AB = 190.326 m; h = 2.292 m; k = 100; c = 0; θ = 25O
HI = 1.35 m; RL of A = 37.95 m
V = D tan θ = 190.326 x tan (25O)
= 88.75 m
D = KS cos2 θ
190.326 = 100 x S x cos2 (25O)
S = 2.317 m
RL of station B = RL of station A + HI +V – h
= 37.95 + 1.35 + 88.75 – 2.292
= 125.758 m
25. How will you determine the stadia constants?
The stadia constants and (f + d) may be determined by two measurements.
i. Laboratory measurement
ii. Field measurement
i) Laboratory measurement:
The three components contributing for the constants are f, i and d. they are determined
in the laboratory as explained below.
 The focal length f of the lens can be determined by using an optical bench as per the
1 1 1
f u v
 The stadia intercept i can be measured from the diaphragm with the help of a vernier
 The distance d is also obtained by measuring the distance between the optical
centre and the vertical axis of the instrument.
Based on these measured values the multiplying constant and additive constant
(f + d) can be determined.
ii) Field measurement:
The following procedure is followed:
A tacheometer is set over a station on a fairly level ground.
Wooden pegs are driven at distances D1, D2 and D3 from the vertical axis of the
instrument at A, B and C.
The staff intercepts i.e., the stadia hair readings, are noted at each of the pegs.
Let the intercept be S1, S2 and S3.
By substituting the values of D1, D2 …….. and S1, S2 ……. in general equation,
D= S + (f + d)
The equations for different distances are

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D1 = S1 + (f + d)
and D2 = S2 + (f + d) and so on
By solving the equations in pairs, several values of and (f + d) can be
obtained. Average values can be obtained.

26. A line was leveled tacheometrically with a tacheometer fitted with an anallatic lens, the
value of the constant being 100. The following observations were made, the staff having
been held vertically :

Inst. Ht. of axis Staff Vertical Staff

Station (m) at angle readings
A 1.38 B.M. -1 º 54’ 1.02, 1.720, 2.420 R.L=
A 1.38 B +2 º 36’ 1.220, 1.825, 2.430 638.55 m
C 1.40 B +3 º 6’ 0.785, 1.610, 2.435

Compute the elevation of A, B and C.


a) From the observation A to BM:

S1 = 2.42 – 1.02 = 1.4 m; θ1 = - 1O 54’; k = 100; C = 0
sin 2 1 sin (2 X 1o 54' )
V1 = k S1 100 X 1.4 X
2 2
V1 = 4.64 m
b) From the observation A to B:
S2 = 2.43 – 1.22 = 1.21 m; θ2 = 2O 36’
AB = D1 = KS2 cos2 θ2
= 100 x 1.21 x cos2 (2O 36’)

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AB = D1 = 120.75 m

sin 2 2 sin (2 X 2 o 36' )

V2 = k S 2 100 X 1.21 X
2 2
V2 = 5.48 m
c) From the observation C to B:
S3 = 2.435 – 0.785 = 1.65 m; θ3 = 3O 6’
BC = D2 = KS3 cos2 θ3
= 100 x 1.65 x cos2 (3O 6’)
BC = D2 = 164.52 m
sin 2 3 sin (2 X 3o 6' )
V3 = k S 3 100 X 1.65 X
2 2
V3 = 8.91 m
d) Reduced levels of stations:
RL of instrument axis at A = RL of BM + Axial hair reading + V1
= 638.55 + 1.72 + 4.64
= 644.91 m
RL of station A = RL of instrument axis at A – (HI)A
= 644.91 – 1.38
= 643.53 m
RL of station B = RL of station A + (HI)A + V2 – Axial hair reading
= 643.91 + 1.38 + 5.48 – 1.825
= 648.945 m
RL of station C = RL of station A + (HI)A + V3 – Axial hair reading
= 643.91 + 1.38 + 8.91 – 1.61
= 652.59 m

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