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Nutrigenomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics, and

the Practice of Dietetics

utrigenomics is the scientific study of the way spe-
ABSTRACT cific genes and bioactive food components interact.
The human genome is estimated to encode over 30,000 It provides a basis for understanding how the
genes, and to be responsible for generating more than health consequences of eating behaviors may vary across
100,000 functionally distinct proteins. Understanding the individuals. The concept of nutrigenomics builds on the
interrelationships among genes, gene products, and di- premises that:
etary habits is fundamental to identifying those who will
benefit most from or be placed at risk by intervention ● diet and dietary components can alter the risk of dis-
strategies. Unraveling the multitude of nutrigenomic, ease development by modulating multiple processes in-
proteomic, and metabolomic patterns that arise from the volved with onset, incidence, progression, and/or sever-
ingestion of foods or their bioactive food components will ity;
not be simple but is likely to provide insights into a ● food components can act on the human genome, either
tailored approach to diet and health. The use of new and directly or indirectly, to alter the expression of genes
innovative technologies, such as microarrays, RNA inter- and gene products;
ference, and nanotechnologies, will provide needed in- ● diet could potentially compensate for or accentuate ef-
sights into molecular targets for specific bioactive food fects of genetic polymorphisms; and
components and how they harmonize to influence indi- ● the consequences of a diet are dependent on the balance
vidual phenotypes. Undeniably, to understand the inter- of health and disease states and on an individual’s
action of food components and gene products, there is a genetic background (1,2).
need for additional research in the “omics” of nutrition. It
is incumbent upon dietetics professionals to recognize The study of nutrigenomics and/or associated changes
that an individual’s response to dietary intervention will in proteomics and metabolomics could ultimately identify
depend on his or her genetic background and that this molecular targets for nutritional preemption. This infor-
information may be used to promote human health and mation is key to a personalized approach to nutrition,
disease prevention. The objectives of this review are to which will ultimately distinguish responders from nonre-
acquaint nutritional professionals with terms relating to sponders. The objectives of this review are to acquaint
“omics,” to convey the state of the science to date, to nutrition professionals with terms relating to “omics,” to
envision the possibilities for future research and technol- convey the state of the science to date, to envision the
ogy, and to recognize the implications for clinical practice. possibilities for future research and technology, and to
J Am Diet Assoc. 2006;106:403-413. recognize the implications for clinical practice. Figure 1
provides a glossary of terms used in this article.
Numerous dietary components can alter genetic and
epigenetic events, and thereby influence health. In addi-
E. Trujillo is a nutritionist, C. Davis is a program di- tion to the essential nutrients, such as calcium, zinc,
rector, and J. Milner is chief, Nutritional Science Re- selenium, folate, and vitamins C and E, there are a vari-
search Group, National Cancer Institute, National Insti- ety of classes of nonessential nutrients and bioactive com-
tutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. ponents that seem to significantly influence health (Fig-
Address correspondence to John Milner, PhD, Nutri- ure 2). These essential and nonessential bioactive food
tional Science Research Group, National Cancer Institute, components are known to modify a number of cellular
National Institutes of Health, 6130 Executive Blvd, Suite processes associated with health and disease prevention,
3164, Bethesda, MD 20892. E-mail: including carcinogen metabolism, hormonal balance, cell
Published by Elsevier Company on behalf of the signaling, cell cycle control, apoptosis, and angiogenesis
American Dietetic Association. (3). Often bioactive food components will modify several
0002-8223/06/10603-0001$0.00/0 processes simultaneously. Thus, one of the real chal-
doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2005.12.002 lenges is the identification of which process(es), either


Figure 1. Glossary of terms related to nutrigenomics, proteomics, and metabolomics.

404 March 2006 Volume 106 Number 3

termining physiological processes and their ultimate in-
fluence on a person’s phenotype.
A more recent strategy being used to draw associations
between disease and genes and nutrients is the examina-
tion of haplotypes or haplotype blocks. A haplotype is the
set of SNP alleles along a region of a chromosome. Hap-
lotype analysis can be used to identify groups of SNPs
linked together, and therefore may be useful in under-
standing the distribution of risk alleles in human popu-
lations and for tailoring prevention strategies to those at
increased risk. Although theoretically there could be
many haplotypes in a chromosome region, recent studies
are finding only a few common haplotypes. For example,
there are many SNPs in the human growth hormone
Figure 2. Some nonessential nutrients and bioactive components that secretagogue receptor (known as the GHSR or ghrelin
can alter genetic and epigenetic events. receptor) that have an important role in the regulation of
food intake and energy homeostasis (7). Baessler and
colleagues (6) provide evidence showing that there is link-
singly or in combination, are most important in bringing age and association between five SNPs and the two most
about a phenotypic change (Figure 3). common haplotypes with obesity in the general popula-
Although significant advances have been made in un- tion. The development of common patterns, or haplo-
derstanding the relationship between dietary factors and types, of human genetic variation, as is occurring across
disease prevention, the identification of those who will or populations in Africa, Asia, and the United States via the
will not benefit from dietary intervention strategies re- International HapMap Consortium, will be an invaluable
mains a major obstacle to health promotion. The genetic resource for scientists searching for genes related to
revolution and the associated “omics” are providing new health and disease (8,9).
insights into a number of health issues, including the role
of nutrition in disease prevention. Rapidly developing
analytical and information technologies may allow for the GENETIC RESPONSES TO INDIVIDUAL NUTRIENTS
identification and validation of molecular sites of action The study of gene-nutrient interactions is an expanding
for bioactive food components and the discovery of how area of science and one that is becoming increasingly
changes in these targets bring about phenotypic changes. documented in the literature. A complete discussion of
the current understanding of nutrigenomics is beyond the
scope of this review; however, critical concepts are high-
INTERINDIVIDUAL RESPONSE TO NUTRIENTS lighted through the use of examples. Some specific exam-
Most genes have small sequence differences or polymor- ples of the interrelationship between SNPs and specific
phisms that occur between individuals at about every food components are reviewed in this article. These ex-
1,500 base pairs (4). Some of these polymorphisms may amples show that some of the reported discrepancies in
affect how well a protein works and how the protein the response to disease outcome may arise from failing to
interacts with other proteins or substrates. In 1999, sev- account for interindividual genetic differences. For exam-
eral gene polymorphisms were identified as screening ple, a polymorphism in the angiotensinogen gene may
tools for predicting disease risk, including the HFE gene determine how an individual’s blood pressure responds to
for hereditary hemochromatosis and the E4 allele of the dietary fiber. Angiotensinogen is a liver protein involved
APOE gene for cholesterol homeostasis and Alzheimer with increasing vascular tone and promoting sodium re-
disease [reviewed by Motulsky (5)]. Although single nu- tention, and plasma levels correlate with blood pressure.
cleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may hold true for some A common protein polymorphism of the angiotensinogen
conditions, the phenotype predominately depends on a gene encodes threonine (T) instead of methionine (M) at
combination of genes and environmental and behavioral amino acid residue 235 (10). The interrelationship be-
factors. Nevertheless, SNPs seem to be important in ex- tween polymorphisms in the angiotensinogen gene and
plaining some of the variation in response to food compo- the response to insoluble and soluble fiber intake was
nents. Scientists have identified over 3 million locations examined in a year-long crossover design study involving
where single-base DNA differences or SNPs occur in hu- 40 normotensive subjects. Individuals with the angio-
mans and thus are potential sites for introducing vari- tensinogen TT genotype had a decrease in blood pressure
ability (6). SNPs are the most common form of DNA when provided a diet with increased amounts of insoluble
sequence variation and are useful polymorphic markers fiber compared to increased amounts of soluble fiber were
for investigating genes. However, not all SNPs directly given (2.7 to 3.0 g/100 kcal of either insoluble or soluble
influence the quality and/or quantity of the gene product. fiber). In contrast, blood pressure in individuals with a
As more information surfaces about the links between TM or MM genotype was not significantly influenced by
SNPs, dietary components, and phenotypes, it should the type of fiber consumed (10). Thus, some of the re-
become easier to predict those who might benefit most ported discrepancies in the response of blood pressure to
from dietary intervention. The simultaneous examina- dietary fiber (11,12) may be related to interindividual
tion of multiple SNPs may offer special advantages in genetic differences in response to different types of fiber.
defining the biological response to food components or Research over several decades supports a role for sele-
drugs because multiple genes are likely involved in de- nium in reducing cancer incidence when provided to an-

March 2006 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 405

Figure 3. Bioactive food components can influence genetic and epigenetic events associated with a host of disease processes.

imals in nontoxic amounts. Likewise, some epidemiolog- humans with the different glutathione peroxidase alleles
ical studies suggest that selenium may help prevent is unknown. However, in a breast cancer model in which
cancer in humans. Selenium supplementation has been breast cancer cells were transfected with glutathione per-
linked with a reduced incidence of liver, colon, prostate, oxidase containing either the leucine or the proline coding
and lung cancer in humans (13). However, all individuals allele, the leucine-coding allele was less responsive to
may not respond equally. Genetic variability may deter- increased activity as a result of selenium supplementa-
mine how a person responds to selenium supplementa- tion as compared with the proline-containing allele (14).
tion. Glutathione peroxidase is a selenium-dependent en- It is possible that this correlation reflects the reduced
zyme that acts as an antioxidant enzyme. A ability to use and metabolize selenium because glutathi-
polymorphism at codon 198 of human glutathione perox- one peroxidase activity did not vary. Such information
idase results in a substitution of leucine for proline, and suggests that we may be able to use information about
has been associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. some polymorphisms as surrogate markers to identify the
Why this occurs is not yet known, but may relate to the need for increased or decreased amounts of essential nu-
amount of selenium needed to optimize enzyme activity trients, as suggested by Ames and colleagues (2).
(14). In a study nested within the ␣-Tocopherol, ␤-Caro- The response to other dietary components, such as
tene Cancer Prevention Study cohort, individuals with caffeine, may also depend on SNPs. A study investigating
one copy of the allele for leucine (proline/leucine) were at the role of caffeine as a risk factor for bone loss in elderly
an 80% greater risk for lung cancer, and individuals with women found that those with a variant of the vitamin D
two copies of the allele for leucine (leucine/leucine) were receptor (tt genotype) and who had caffeine intakes
at a 130% greater risk compared with those with the greater than 300 mg/day had significantly higher rates of
proline genotype (proline/proline) (15). Similar findings bone loss than did women with the TT genotype (18).
were reported for breast, head and neck, bladder, and Because abstinence from caffeine-containing beverages
skin cancer (14,16,17). The efficacy of selenium use in may not represent a popular alternative, additional re-

406 March 2006 Volume 106 Number 3

search is needed to identify other interventional strate- mated that about 90,000 deaths per year from cancer
gies, such as modifying calcium and/or vitamin D intake might be avoided if the adult population could maintain a
for individuals with the tt genotype. body mass index of less than 25 throughout life (27).
Many of the known effects of vitamin D are likely The nuclear receptors, peroxisome proliferator-acti-
mediated through a genomic pathway by way of the vita- vated receptors (PPARs), for example, are ligand-acti-
min D receptor (VDR). VDR is expressed in many normal vated receptors that regulate the expression of genes
tissues and solid epithelial tumors. Polymorphisms in the involved in the storage and metabolism of fats. Three
VDR gene may influence the expression or function of the subtypes have been identified and include alpha, gamma,
VDR protein. Several VDR polymorphisms, including and delta. The nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-
Fok1, BsmI, and poly-A polymorphisms, may affect the activated receptor-gamma (PPAR gamma) is recognized
response to various dietary components and possibly dis- for its involvement in regulating insulin resistance and
ease risk (19-21). The Fok1 VDR polymorphism, with the blood pressure. In individuals with a specific polymor-
FF genotype, may be particularly important in determin- phism in the PPAR gamma (Pro12Ala), a low polyunsat-
ing the effect of dietary calcium on colon cancer risk. urated-to-saturated fat ratio is associated with an in-
Although dietary calcium or fat did not influence colon crease in body mass index and fasting insulin
cancer risk in those with the FF genotype, a decrease in concentrations. When the dietary ratio of polyunsatu-
the intake of dietary calcium or fat was linked to in- rated (P) to saturated (S) fats is high, the opposite is true
creased colon cancer risk with multiple copies of the f (28). Their data suggest that when the dietary P:S ratio is
allele (ff⬎Ff). Overall, individuals possessing the ff geno- low, the body mass index in Ala carriers is greater than
type were at a 2.5-fold increased risk of colon cancer when that in Pro homozygotes, but when the dietary ratio is
low-calcium and low-fat diets were consumed (22). In high, the opposite is seen. The interaction between type of
another study investigating energy balance and VDR ge- dietary fat and PPAR gamma genotype emphasizes the
notype, individuals who were least physically active and complexity found in examining gene-nutrient interac-
had the ff VDR genotype were at greater risk of colon tions and that ratios of nutrients may be important. As
cancer (23). Furthermore, two VDR polymorphisms, more information surfaces about diet-gene interactions,
BsmI and poly-A, have been evaluated for their associa- we should be in a better position to explain the large
tion with diet and colorectal cancer risk. High levels of heterogeneity in findings that has plagued clinical nutri-
dietary calcium and vitamin D reduced the risk of rectal tion.
cancer and provided support for a weak protective effect
for the SS (poly-A) and BB (BsmI) VDR genotypes. This
study found that the risk associated with VDR genotypes RESPONSES TO COMBINATIONS OF FOODS
depends on the level of dietary calcium and vitamin D Evidence exists showing that important interactions oc-
intake and the tumor site (21). cur by combining foods or food components. For example,
Diet and genotype may also affect mortality in geneti- the combination of soy and tea as part of a complete diet
cally altered models of cancer susceptibility. Using a appears more effective than either alone in inhibiting
mouse model for familial adenomatous polyposis, a com- prostate cancer growth and metastasis in a mouse model
mon genetic alteration in colon cancer, Yang and col- of human prostate cancer (29,30). Similar results were
leagues showed that providing a Western-style diet (high observed in levels of prostate-specific antigen, a marker
in fat and phosphate and low in calcium and vitamin D), used to diagnose prostate cancer. Soy, combined with
compared with an ideal semipurified diet, decreased sur- black or green tea, has been reported to synergistically
vival (24). This effect is magnified when the p21 gene, reduce serum prostate-specific antigen concentrations in
which is an important regulator of the cell cycle, was men (29). Considerable insight into food-food interactions
inactivated (25). However, without controlling for both is needed to understand how to use diet to bring about
the genotype and these differences in dietary patterns, phenotypic change.
differences between the groups would not be discernible.

MORE IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER Epigenetic events can be modified by bioactive food com-
Increased intake of some dietary components may not ponents and are another critical factor in establishing
improve health. Undeniably, high energy intake result- which gene functions are selectively activated. A variety
ing in obesity is a major public health concern and is of regulatory proteins including DNA methyltrans-
associated with several chronic diseases (26). Gene-nutri- ferases, methyl-cytosine guanine dinucleotide binding
ent imbalances may explain the morbidity and mortality proteins, histone-modifying enzymes, chromatin remod-
complications that are linked to obesity (Figure 4). The eling factors, and their multimolecular complexes are
prevalence of obesity has increased dramatically in the involved in the overall epigenetic process (31). Because
United States since the 1980s and is increasing at an epigenetic events can be changed, they offer another ex-
alarming rate throughout the world. Both postmeno- planation for how environmental factors, such as diet,
pausal breast and prostate cancer deaths significantly can influence biological processes and phenotypes. The
correlate with body mass index (27). It is estimated that degree of methylation can be determined by the availabil-
current patterns of overweight and obesity in the United ity of methyl donors, methyl transferase activity, and
States could account for 14% of all deaths from cancer in potentially demethylation activity (31). Hypomethyla-
men and 20% of those in women (27). It has been esti- tion, or decreased DNA methylation, patterns are a

March 2006 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 407

Figure 4. Certain genetic polymorphisms can shift the balance of energy intake and energy expenditure and thereby influence bioenergetics and
obesity. Higher energy intakes, a low polyunsaturated-to-saturated fat ratio, insulin resistance, and a sedentary lifestyle leading to obesity are risk
factors for chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, depicted when the scale is sloping downward. The right side of the scale
portrays lifestyle including physical activity and a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and soy protein, which are associated with less risk
for obesity and chronic disease. Gene-nutrient imbalances may explain the morbidity and mortality associated with obesity.

nearly universal finding in cancer. These patterns are spring has been investigated in the agouti mouse model.
accompanied by site-specific hypermethylation DNA pat- Supplementation of choline, betaine, folic acid, vitamin
terns. Chronic administration of methionine- and cho- B-12, methionine, and zinc to the maternal diet led to an
line-deficient diets resulted in global hypomethylation of increase in the level of DNA methylation in the agouti
hepatic DNA and spontaneous tumor formation in rats gene and a change in the color pattern of the hair coat.
(32). Several dietary factors may influence the supply of This phenotypic change has recently been shown to coin-
methyl groups available for the formation of S-adenosyl- cide with a lower susceptibility to obesity, diabetes, and
methionine. Furthermore, dietary factors may modify the cancer (34,35). This study suggests that in utero exposure
use of methyl groups by processes including shifts in to dietary factors may not only influence embryonic de-
DNA methyltransferase activity. A third plausible mech-
velopment but also have long-term health implications as
anism may relate to shifts in DNA demethylation activity
caused by food components, although this process is not
well understood. Finally, DNA methylation patterns may The discovery that the coat color and disease suscepti-
influence the response to bioactive food components and bility in mice can be affected by the diets of their mothers
thereby account for differences in response in normal and provides rather compelling evidence that nutrition can
neoplastic cells (Figure 5). alter epigenomic expression (35). These data suggest that
Studies show that DNA methylation is dependent on environmental factors, such as diet, are key regulators in
bioactive food components ranging from alcohol to zinc DNA methylation and histone regulation modifications.
(3,31-34) (Figure 6). The role of maternal dietary methyl These processes can control gene expression (31,36). Epi-
donor supplementation in mice on DNA methylation and genetic changes may regulate cell cycle control, DNA
methylation-dependent epigenetic phenotypes in the off- damage, apoptosis, invasion, imprinting, and aging.

408 March 2006 Volume 106 Number 3

Figure 5. Dietary factors and the regulation of DNA methylation.

nents represents another intriguing site for regulation of

an individual’s phenotype (Figure 7). A host of essential
nutrients and other bioactive food components can serve
as important regulators of gene expression patterns. Vi-
tamins, minerals, various phytochemicals, and macronu-
trients can modify gene transcription and translation,
which can alter biological responses such as metabolism,
cell growth, and differentiation, all of which are impor-
tant in the disease process. The development of microar-
ray technology is providing nutritional scientists with a
Figure 6. Dietary factors known to influence DNA methylation. powerful tool for examining potential sites of action of
food components and their interactions with various cel-
lular processes. Genome-wide monitoring of gene expres-
TRANSCRIPTOMICS AND MICROARRAY TECHNOLOGIES sion using DNA microarrays allows the simultaneous
DNA modification alone will not give the entire picture of assessment of the transcription of tens of thousands of
the impact of how various dietary factors may contribute genes and of their relative expression between normal
to a person’s phenotype. The regulation of the rate of cells and diseased cells or before and after exposure to
transcription of genes (transcriptomics) by food compo- different dietary components. Microarray technology pro-

March 2006 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 409

Figure 7. Using the “omics” of nutrition to identify how dietary factors contribute to establishing a phenotype.

vides the tools to elucidate gene expression changes that be reversed by refeeding (40). Again, the ability of the
occur in diseased compared with normal cells. This infor- body to adapt will dictate the frequency by which inter-
mation should assist in the discovery of new biomarkers ventions will be needed to bring about a desired effect.
for disease diagnosis and prognosis prediction and of new Another challenge with microarray analysis is how to
therapeutic tools. The use of a molecular approach to analyze the massive amounts of data that are generated.
health and disease should help to introduce individual- Because of the number of genes whose expression can be
ized medicine and to determine appropriate clinical strat- modified by dietary components, a hierarchical cluster
egies, including those associated with nutritional pre- analysis is often used, which may minimize the signifi-
emption. cance of a particular gene in explaining the overall re-
To prevent transcriptomics from becoming purely de- sponse. Although most studies use a 50% change in gene
scriptive, a greater understanding will be needed about how expression patterns as a cut point for statistical signifi-
food components regulate genes (37). For this purpose a cance, a shift in mRNA expression in much lower
variety of mice models, particularly knockouts, have been amounts may have physiological significance. As ad-
used to identify specific sites of action of bioactive food vances in bioinformatics occur, the importance of changes
components. For example, use of knockout mice has as- in mRNA expression should help with predicting disease
sisted in identifying the nuclear factor E2 p45-related factor risk and identifying those individuals who would benefit
2 (Nrf2) and the Kelch domain-containing partner Keap1 as from dietary change.
the complex that is modified by sulforaphane (38). Gene Another new technology is RNA interference, which
expression profiles from wild-type and Nrf2-deficient mice can be used to stop the expression of a particular gene.
fed sulforaphane have shown several novel downstream This technology has been used to investigate which genes
events and thus more clues about the true biological re- are involved in explaining the actions of bioactive food
sponse to this food component. For example, in addition to components and characteristics of diseases and condi-
an inability to upregulate glutathione s-transferase, nico- tions (41). By using RNA interference, investigators sys-
tinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate:quinone reduc- tematically disrupted expression of all of the genes in the
tase, gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase, and epoxide hy- worm model system Caenorhabditis elegans to determine
drolase, a block in Nrf2 also is involved with the regulation which gene inactivation decreased body fat and which
of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes, antioxidants, and bio- increased fat storage. This allowed for the identification
synthetic enzymes of the glutathione and glucuronidation of a core set of fat regulatory genes and pathway-specific
conjugation pathways. Similar studies with PPAR alpha- fat regulators (42). Likewise, this technology has been
null mice have shown its role in regulating various sites of used to identify sites of action of isothiocyanate com-
lipid metabolism (39). pounds, such as sulforaphane, that arise from broccoli
Because microarray technologies only give a point-in- and other related foods (43). As transcriptomic informa-
time comparison, overinterpretation is a real possibility. tion becomes available, it should be possible to identify
It has long been recognized that adaptive processes occur targets for treating obesity and other unhealthful condi-
after the ingestion of foods or components in a number of tions with foods or their components.
metabolic pathways. Thus, the quantity and duration of
exposure are critical dimensions to consider when evalu-
ating microarray information. Molecular studies have al- THE OTHER “OMICS” OF NUTRITION
ready shown that specific events in cell cycle progression Dietary components can also modify the translation of
that are modified by energy restriction can rather quickly RNA to proteins and the posttranslational events, which

410 March 2006 Volume 106 Number 3

can affect protein activity. Just as the genome is the tective against cancer. In a rat chemical carcinogenesis
entire set of genes, the proteome is the set of proteins model, limiting the exposure of dietary genistein to the
produced by a species. However, unlike the genome, the prenatal or adult periods of life does not predispose or
proteome is dynamic and varies according to the cell type protect against mammary cancer. In contrast, exposure
and the functional state of the cell. Although the genomic to dietary genistein during the prepubertal and prepu-
response to bioactive food components may have limited bertal plus adult periods protects against chemically in-
influence, it could have marked effects on the proteome. duced mammary cancer in this model (46). The mecha-
One of the frontiers in nutrition and disease prevention nisms of these differential effects may stem from
research is the development of pioneering technologies mammary gland differentiation (46). An epidemiological
for proteomic analysis. Proteomics can be used to identify report using the Shanghai Center Registry, a case-con-
abnormal protein structures and show how they affect trolled study, showed an inverse relationship between soy
biology and respond to diet. It allows one to determine food intake by adolescent girls (13 to 15 years old) and
whether and how bioactive food components influence breast cancer incidence later in life (47). It may be that
three-dimensional proteins. In an animal model, the im- the consumption of soy during the prepubertal period,
pact of dietary fish oil, conjugated linoleic acid, or elaidic compared with other stages in the life cycle, may be more
acid on lipoprotein metabolism and insulin levels was efficacious against mammary cancer development. Again,
investigated using proteomics (44). Fish oil supplementa- metabolomics may provide important subtle clues that
tion was found to lower plasma and liver cholesterol and are critical for health promotion.
triglycerides, plasma free fatty acids, and glucose, but to
increase plasma insulin. Providing conjugated linoleic
acid lowered plasma cholesterol, but increased plasma CONCLUSIONS
and liver triglycerides, plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate, The “omics” and associated technology will surely provide
and insulin. Elaidic acid was observed to lower plasma a greater understanding of the environmental and behav-
and liver cholesterol. Proteomic techniques identified sig- ioral factors that influence phenotype and its relationship
nificant regulation of 65 cytosolic and 8-membrane pro- to health and wellness. Nutritional strategies for health
teins, many of which were related to lipid and glucose in the future will require greater attention to a person-
metabolism and to oxidative stress. The combination of alized approach that builds on nutritional preemption for
proteomics and physiologic measurements provided im- desired outcomes. The use of such an approach may allow
portant insights into the possible mechanisms by which for prevention measures to block or suppress the initia-
these dietary fatty acids regulated lipid metabolism (ie, tion, promotion, and progression of pathways that lead to
altering protein levels of long-chain acyl-coenzyme A a lethal phenotype. Although nutritional preemption has
thioester hydrolase and adipophilin in the liver) (44). been the foundation for understanding the essential na-
As with transcriptomics, proteomic analysis provides a ture of nutrient deficiencies and the complications related
point-in-time snapshot in relation to dietary interven- to deficiencies, it has not been embraced as an overall
tions. To assess the impact of diet, multiple exposures strategy for how all bioactive food components may influ-
and varying durations will be needed to predict who ence disease risk.
might respond to dietary change. Although we should never lose the public health mes-
One of the newest “omics” in nutrition is metabolomics, sages for health promotion, it is clear that not all indi-
which refers to the dose and temporal changes in cellular viduals respond identically to a diet or to dietary compo-
small-molecular-weight compounds in response to di- nents. Eventually, the integration of nutrition and
etary treatments. For example, one study used a metabo- genomics may lead to the enhanced use of personalized
lomic approach to evaluate all of the biochemical changes diets to prevent or delay the onset of disease and to
occurring after dietary intervention in humans. In this optimize and maintain human health. Although unprec-
study, plasma profiles of healthy premenopausal women edented opportunities exist for the expanded use of foods
were analyzed before and after consumption of 60 g soy and bioactive food components to achieve genetic poten-
(45). Despite the presence of substantial intersubject tial, increase productivity, and decrease risk of disease,
variability, the metabolomic analysis enabled the identi- the science to make such decisions has not reached a level
fication of plasma components related to the dietary in- of confidence to achieve personalized nutrition recom-
tervention. Soy intervention changed the plasma lipopro- mendations. The success of nutritional preemption ap-
tein, amino acid, and carbohydrate profiles, suggesting proaches will depend on the ability to identify and vali-
soy-induced alterations in fat, protein, and carbohydrate date nutrigenetic, nutritional epigenetic, proteomic, and
metabolism. It is possible that these types of studies will metabolomic biomarkers to determine cause, effect, and
allow for the identification of individuals, based on their susceptibility to disease. In addition, the success of this
metabolic abilities, who would benefit from a variety of approach will depend on the ability to communicate ef-
foods and/or food patterns. As information in this area fectively to the health care community and consumers the
emerges, dietetics professionals will be provided with ad- value of genomic information for developing a personal-
ditional tools to make personalized nutrition recommen- ized nutrition plan and to do so within a bioethical frame-
dations. work.
The metabolic response will also depend on the quan-
tity and timing of exposure to bioactive food components.
For example, timing seems to be crucial in determining The authors thank Lydia Kibiuk and Donald Bliss for the
whether genistein, the primary isoflavone in soy, is pro- development of the medical graphics.

March 2006 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 411

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