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Gabriel Capson Tojo

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Gabriel Capson Tojo

Surname(s): Capson Tojo

Name: Gabriel
Passport: PAD912725
ORCID: 0000-0001-6484-8199
ScopusID: 57190977155
ResearcherID: E-3471-2017
Date of birth: 28/05/1988
Gender: Male
Nationality: Spain
Country of birth: Spain
Aut. region/reg. of birth: Galicia
City of birth: Santiago de Compostela
Contact address: 161 Grey Street, 913
Postcode: 4101
Contact country: Australia
Contact city: South Brisbane
Mobile phone: (0034) 606231495

Current professional situation

Employing entity: University of Santiago de Type of entity: University

Department: Cross-Research in Environmental Technologies
Professional category: Postdoctoral researcher
City employing entity: Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain
Start date: 16/10/2018
Type of contract: Temporary employment Dedication regime: Full time
Performed tasks: Three-year research contract focused on the application of purple phototrophic
bacteria for wastewater treatment. The first two years will be carried out at the Advanced Water
Management Center at the University of Queensland (Australia)

Previous positions and activities

Employing entity Professional category Start date

1 SUEZ S.A. Project Engineer (postdoctoral contract) 01/05/2018
2 SUEZ S.A. Research Engineer (doctoral thesis) 05/01/2015
3 Arnika Association Environmental Assistant 01/06/2013
4 Repsol YPF Complejo Industrial A Coruña Process Technician 01/07/2011

1 Employing entity: SUEZ S.A. Type of entity: Business

Department: Centre International de Recherche Sur l'Eau et l'Environnement (CIRSEE)
City employing entity: Paris, Île de France, France


Professional category: Project Engineer (postdoctoral contract)

Start-End date: 01/05/2018 - 14/09/2018 Duration: 4 months - 16 days
Type of contract: Temporary
Dedication regime: Full time

2 Employing entity: SUEZ S.A.

Department: Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l'Environnement (LBE), Institut National de Recherche
Agronomique (INRA)
City employing entity: París, France
Professional category: Research Engineer (doctoral thesis)
Start-End date: 05/01/2015 - 04/01/2018 Duration: 3 years
Type of contract: Temporary employment contract
Dedication regime: Full time

3 Employing entity: Arnika Association Type of entity: NGO

City employing entity: Praga, Czech Republic
Professional category: Environmental Assistant
Start-End date: 01/06/2013 - 31/07/2013 Duration: 2 months
Type of contract: Grant-assisted student (pre or post-doctoral, others)

4 Employing entity: Repsol YPF Complejo Type of entity: Business

Industrial A Coruña
City employing entity: A Coruña, Spain
Professional category: Process Technician
Start-End date: 01/07/2011 - 31/08/2011 Duration: 2 months
Type of contract: Grant-assisted student (pre or post-doctoral, others)



University education

1st and 2nd cycle studies and pre-Bologna degrees

1 University degree: International Master

Name of qualification: International Master in Environmental Technology and Engineering (IMETE)
Degree awarding entity: Ghent University, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, UNESCO Institute of
Higher Education Delft
Date of qualification: 12/09/2014
Prize: Greatest Distinction

2 University degree: BSc and MSc

Name of qualification: Chemical Engineer (Specialization in Bioprocess and Process Control)
Degree awarding entity: University of Santiago de Type of entity: University
Date of qualification: 10/08/2012


Doctorate programme: Process Engineering

Degree awarding entity: University of Montpellier
City degree awarding entity: Montpellier, France
Date of degree: 12/12/2017
Thesis title: Valorization of commercial food waste via anaerobic processes
Thesis director: Jean-Philippe Delgenès
Thesis co-director: Renaud Escudié
Standardised degree: Yes Date of standardisation: 06/04/2018

Specialised, lifelong, technical, professional and refresher training (other than formal
academic and healthcare studies)

1 Training title: Analyse environnementales du Cycle de la Vie (Environmental Life Cycle Analysis)
Awarding entity: Institut national d'études supérieures agronomiques de Montpellier (Montpellier SupAgro)
End date: 30/05/2016 Duration in hours: 21 hours

2 Training title: Rédaction d'articles scientifiques en anglais (Writing of scientific articles in English)
Awarding entity: Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
End date: 17/06/2015 Duration in hours: 21 hours

3 Training title: Setting up and managing scientific collaborations

Awarding entity: Collège Doctoral Languedoc Type of entity: University Department
End date: 09/06/2015 Duration in hours: 7 hours


4 Training title: Modélisation des comportements microbiens. Quels modèles pour quelles applications en IAA et
procédés de dépollution (Modelling of microbial behaviors. Which models for which decontamination applications)
Awarding entity: Institut national d'études supérieures agronomiques de Montpellier (Montpellier SupAgro)
End date: 05/05/2015 Duration in hours: 12 hours

5 Training title: A three days course on Agro-resources Dry Biorefinery

Awarding entity: Institut national d'études supérieures agronomiques de Montpellier (Montpellier SupAgro)
End date: 27/04/2015 Duration in hours: 18 hours

6 Training title: Advanced Course on Nanotechnology for Water Treatment

Awarding entity: Ghent University Type of entity: University
End date: 13/09/2013 Duration in hours: 40 hours

7 Training title: Patrimonio natural e cultural do Bierzo (ll). Reserva da biosfera de ancares (Natural and cultural
background of "O Bierzo". Reserve of the biosphere of "Os Ancares")
Awarding entity: Universidade de Vigo Type of entity: University
End date: 15/07/2012 Duration in hours: 25 hours

8 Training title: Predictive Multivariable Control in the Industry

Awarding entity: Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society - University of Santiago de Compostela
End date: 30/04/2011 Duration in hours: 10 hours

9 Training title: Identification and Simbology of Instrumentation. Standard ANSI/ISA

Awarding entity: Instrumentation, Systems and Type of entity: University
Automation Society - University of Santiago de
End date: 25/02/2011 Duration in hours: 5 hours

10 Training title: Social and Corporate Responsibility in Spain and Portugal: general frame and business practices
Awarding entity: Xunta de Galicia - University of Santiago de Compostela
End date: 03/05/2010 Duration in hours: 4 hours

11 Training title: Workshop in Social Corporate Responsibility and Trans-border Workers

Awarding entity: Xunta de Galicia - University of Santiago de Compostela
End date: 12/04/2009 Duration in hours: 4 hours

Specialized healthcare studies

Name of the speciality: Lifeguard in aquatic installations

Awarding entity: Fundación para la Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación en Salvamento, Socorrismo y
Actividades Acuáticas (IDISSA)
City awarding entity: Nigrán, Galicia, Spain
Start-End date: 01/10/2005 - 20/12/2005 Duration: 2 months


Language skills

Language Listening skills Reading skills Spoken interaction Speaking skills Writing skills
Portuguese B1 B1 B1 B1 A2
French C1 C1 C1 C1 C1
English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1
Spanish C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Gallegan C2 C2 C2 C2 C2

Teaching experience

General teaching experience

Name of the course: Drinking Water Supply - Source, Treatment and Distribution
University degree: Master of Science
Start date: 25/02/2019 End date: 01/06/2019
Entity: University of Queensland Type of entity: University
Faculty, institute or centre: Advanced Water Management Centre

Experience supervising doctoral thesis and/or final year projects

1 Project title: Biochar and trace elements as means for stabilizing anaerobic digestion of food waste
Entity: AgroParisTech Type of entity: University
Student: Chloe Girard
Date of reading: 08/09/2017

2 Project title: Stabilizing food waste anaerobic digestion: co-digestion, granular activated carbon and trace
Entity: University of Technolgoy of Compiegne
Student: Diane Ruiz
Date of reading: 20/02/2017


Scientific and technological experience

Scientific or technological activities

R&D projects funded through competitive calls of public or private entities

1 Name of the project: Contribution to the optimization of the dry anaerobic digestion of urban food waste
(contract CIFRE Nº 2014/1146)
Type of project: Precompetitive development Geographical area: European Union
Degree of contribution: Researcher
Entity where project took place: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - Laboratoire de
Biotechnologie de l'Environnement (INRA-LBE)
City of entity: Narbonne, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Jean-Philippe Delgenès; Renaud
Nº of researchers: 5
Funding entity or bodies:
SUEZ Group S.A. Type of entity: Business
City funding entity: París, France
Type of participation: Team member
Start-End date: 2015 - 2018

2 Name of the project: The Climate-KIC supported Microalgae Biorefinery 2.0 (MAB 2.0)
Geographical area: European Union
Degree of contribution: Researcher
Entity where project took place: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - Laboratoire de
Biotechnologie de l'Environnement (INRA-LBE)
City of entity: Narbonne, France
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Jean-Philippe Steyer
Funding entity or bodies:
European program Climate-KIC (Knowledge and Innovation Communities)
Type of participation: Team member
Start date: 2015

3 Name of the project: Biogas production from microalgae as an efficient way to harvest solar energy
Type of project: Precompetitive development Geographical area: Non EU International
Degree of contribution: Current university student
Entity where project took place: Universidad de La Type of entity: University
City of entity: Temuco, Chile
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): David Jeison
Funding entity or bodies:
Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Type of entity: State agency
Tecnológico-Comisión Nacional de Investigación
Científica y Tecnológica (FONDECYT-CONICYT)
City funding entity: Chile


Type of participation: Team member

Start date: 2014

R&D non-competitive contracts, agreements or projects with public or private entities

1 Name of the project: Biobelle

Type of project: Demonstration, pilot projects, Geographical area: European Union
conceptual formulations and design of processes and
Degree of contribution: Researcher
Entity where project took place: SUEZ S.A.
City of entity: Paris, France
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Maxime Rouez; Esther Alcover
Funding entity or bodies:
Start date: 2017 Duration: 3 years

2 Name of the project: Innovation Task Force

Type of project: Demonstration, pilot projects, Geographical area: National
conceptual formulations and design of processes and
Degree of contribution: Researcher
Entity where project took place: SUEZ S.A.
City of entity: Paris, France
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Maxime Rouez
Participating entity/entities: BioEnTech; SUEZ Group S.A.
Funding entity or bodies:
Start date: 2017 Duration: 2 years

3 Name of the project: Optimization of Strasbourg anaerobic digestion plant

Type of project: Industrial research Geographical area: National
Degree of contribution: Researcher
Entity where project took place: SUEZ S.A.
City of entity: París, France
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Patricia Camacho; Esther Alcover
Participating entity/entities: SUEZ Group S.A.; VALORHIN
Funding entity or bodies:
Start date: 2017 Duration: 2 years

4 Name of the project: Sludge wastewater treatment plant Cluses

Type of project: Industrial research Geographical area: National
Degree of contribution: Researcher
Entity where project took place: SUEZ S.A.
City of entity: Paris, France
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Patricia Camacho; Esther Alcover
Funding entity or bodies:


Start date: 2017 Duration: 2 years

5 Name of the project: Smart-Charac

Type of project: Demonstration, pilot projects, Geographical area: European Union
conceptual formulations and design of processes and
Degree of contribution: Researcher
Entity where project took place: SUEZ S.A.
City of entity: Paris, France
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Mélanie Lemunier; Esther Alcover
Funding entity or bodies:
City funding entity: Paris, France
Start date: 2017 Duration: 3 years

Scientific and technological activities

Scientific production

Publications, scientific and technical documents

1 Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Chloé Girard; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Jean-Philippe Steyer; Nicolas Bernet;
Jean-Philippe Delgenès; Renaud Escudié. Addition of biochar and trace elements in the form of industrial FeCl3
to stabilize anaerobic digestion of food waste: dosage optimization and long-term study. Journal of Chemical
Technology & Biotechnology. Accepted Online, 13/08/2018.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Impact source: SCOPUS
Impact index in year of publication: 2.587

2 Angel Robles; Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Maria-Victoria Ruano; Eric Latrille; Jean-Philippe Steyer. Development and
pilot-scale validation of a fuzzy-logic control system for optimization of methane production in fixed-bed reactors.
Journal of Process Control. 68, pp. 96 - 104. 21/05/2018.
Type of production: Scientific paper
Impact source: SCOPUS
Impact index in year of publication: 3.1

3 Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Eric Trably; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Nicolas Bernet; Jean-Philippe Steyer;
Jean-Philippe Delgenès; Renaud Escudié. Methanosarcina plays a main role during methanogenesis of high-solids
food waste and cardboard. Waste Management. 76, pp. 423 - 430. 04/04/2018.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Impact source: SCOPUS
Impact index in year of publication: 4.7


4 Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Roman Moscoviz; Diane Ruiz; Gaëlle Santa-Catalina; Eric Trably; Maxime Rouez; Marion
Crest; Jean-Philippe Steyer; Nicolas Bernet; Jean-Philippe Delgenès; Renaud Escudié. Addition of granular
activated carbon and trace elements to favor volatile fatty acid consumption during anaerobic digestion of food
waste. Bioresource Technology. 260, pp. 157 - 168. 19/03/2018.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Impact source: SCOPUS
Impact index in year of publication: 6.1

5 Angel Robles; Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Maria-Victoria Ruano; Aurora Seco; José Ferrer. Real-time optimization of
the key filtration parameters in an AnMBR: urban wastewater mono-digestion vs. co-digestion with domestic food
waste. Waste Management. 80, pp. 299 - 309. 2018.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Impact source: SCOPUS
Impact index in year of publication: 4.7

6 Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Eric Trably; Jean-Philippe Steyer; Nicolas Bernet;
Jean-Philippe Delgenès; Renaud Escudié. Kinetic study of dry anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and cardboard
for methane production. Waste Management. 69, pp. 470 - 479. 01/09/2017.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Impact source: SCOPUS
Impact index in year of publication: 4.7
Source of citations: SCOPUS Citations: 1

7 Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Diane Ruiz; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Jean-Philippe Steyer; Nicolas Bernet;
Jean-Philippe Delgenès; Renaud Escudié. Accumulation of propionic acid during consecutive batch anaerobic
digestion of commercial food waste. Bioresource Technology. 245, pp. 724 - 733. 23/08/2017.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Impact source: SCOPUS
Impact index in year of publication: 6.1
Source of citations: SCOPUS Citations: 1

8 Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Eric Trably; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Nicolas Bernet; Jean-Philippe Steyer;
Jean-Philippe Delgenès; Renaud Escudié. Cardboard proportions and total solids contents as driving factors in dry
co-fermentation of food waste. Bioresource Technology. 248, pp. 229 - 237. 07/06/2017.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Impact source: SCOPUS
Impact index in year of publication: 6.1
Source of citations: SCOPUS Citations: 2

9 Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Eric Trably; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Jean-Philippe Steyer; Jean-Philippe Delgenès;
Renaud Escudié. Dry anaerobic digestion of food waste and cardboard at different substrate loads, solid contents
and co-digestion proportions. Bioresource Technology. 233, pp. 166 - 175. 25/02/2017.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Impact source: SCOPUS
Impact index in year of publication: 6.1
Source of citations: SCOPUS Citations: 10


10 Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Alvaro Torres; Raúl Muñoz; Jan Bartacek; David Jeison. Mesophilic and thermophilic
anaerobic digestion of lipid-extracted microalgae N. gaditana for methane production. Renewable Energy. 105, pp.
539 - 546. 21/12/2016.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Impact source: SCOPUS
Impact index in year of publication: 4.8
Source of citations: SCOPUS Citations: 2

11 Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Jean-Philippe Steyer; Jean-Philippe Delgenès; Renaud
Escudié. Food waste valorization via anaerobic processes: a review. Reviews in Environmental Science and
Bio/Technology. 15 - 3, pp. 499 - 547. 30/09/2016.
Type of production: Scientific paper Format: Journal
Impact source: SCOPUS
Impact index in year of publication: 5.0
Source of citations: SCOPUS Citations: 24

12 Javiera Toledo-Alarcón; Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Antonella Marone; Florian Paillet; Antônio Djalma Nunes Ferraz
Júnior; Lucile Chatellard; Nicolas Bernet; Eric Trably. Basics of bio-hydrogen production by dark fermentation.
Bioreactors for Microbial Biomass and Energy Conversion. Springer, 21/04/2018. ISBN 978-981-10-7676-3
Type of production: Book chapter Format: Book

Works submitted to national or international conferences

1 Title of the work: Addition de matériaux conducteurs à base de carbone et oligoéléments pour stabiliser la
digestion anaérobie des biodéchets alimentaires (Addition of carbon-based conductive materials and trace
elements for stabilizing anaerobic digestion of food waste) (oral presentation by R. Escudié)
Name of the conference: Journées Recherche Innovation Biogaz et Méthanisation (Days on Innovation in
Biogas and Methane Production)
City of event: Rennes, France
Date of event: 02/10/2018
End date: 04/10/2018
Organising entity: Club Biogaz Association Technique Energie Environnement (ATEE); Institut national de
Recherche en Sciences et Technologies pour l'Environnement et l'Agriculture (IRSTEA) Rennes
Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Diane Ruiz; Chloé Girard; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Nicolas Bernet;
Jean-Philippe Steyer; Jean-Philippe Delgenès; Renaud Escudié.

2 Title of the work: Comparison of Different Strategies for Stabilizing Food Waste Anaerobic Digestion (oral
presentation by R. Escudié)
Name of the conference: The 2nd International Conference on Anaerobic Digestion Technology:
Sustainable Alternative Bioenergy for a Stable Life
City of event: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Date of event: 04/06/2018
End date: 07/06/2018
Organising entity: King Mongkut′s University of Technology Thonburi; Institut National de Recherche
Agronomique (INRA); Griffith University; University of Arkansas
Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Diane Ruiz; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Jean-Philippe Steyer; Nicolas Bernet;
Jean-Philippe Delgenès; Renaud Escudié.


3 Title of the work: Methanosarcina Sp. as Key Archaea to Avoid Acidification in Dry Anaerobic Digestion of
Food Waste (poster defended by G. Capson-Tojo)
Name of the conference: 15th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion
City of event: Pekín, China
Date of event: 18/10/2017
End date: 20/10/2017
Organising entity: International Water Association (IWA)
Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Eric Trably; Jean-Philippe Steyer; Jean-Philippe
Delgenès; Renaud Escudié.

4 Title of the work: Optimization of urban food waste valorization: cardboard as suitable co-substrate for dry
anaerobic co-digestion (oral presentation by G. Capson-Tojo)
Name of the conference: 15th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion
City of event: Pekín, China
Date of event: 18/10/2017
End date: 20/10/2017
Organising entity: International Water Association Type of entity: Associations and Groups
Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Eric Trably; Jean-Philippe Steyer; Jean-Philippe
Delgenès; Renaud Escudié.

5 Title of the work: Déchets de papier/carton comme co-substrat pour stabiliser la digestion anaérobie
des biodéchets alimentaires commerciaux (Cardboard waste as co-substrate for stabilizing the anaerobic
digestion of food waste) (oral presentation by G. Capson-Tojo)
Name of the conference: Journées Recherche Innovation Biogaz et Méthanisation (Days on Innovation in
Biogas and Methane Production)
City of event: Beauvais, France
Date of event: 11/04/2017
End date: 13/04/2017
Organising entity: Club Biogaz Association Technique Energie Environnement (ATEE); UniLaSalle
Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Jean-Philippe Steyer; Jean-Philippe Delgenès; Renaud

6 Title of the work: Stabilization of anaerobic digestion of food waste for methane production (oral
presentation by G. Capson-Tojo)
Name of the conference: 1st International Advanced Biological Waste-to-Energy Technologies (ABWET)
Conference: Waste-to-bioenergy: Applications in Urban areas
City of event: París, France
Date of event: 19/01/2017
End date: 20/01/2017
Organising entity: Advanced Biological Waste-to-Energy Technologies (ABWET) Joint Doctorate
Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Jean-Philippe Steyer; Jean-Philippe Delgenès; Renaud

7 Title of the work: Dry Anaerobic Food Waste & Cardboard Co-digestion: Effect of Initial Load on Substrate
Conversion (oral presentation by G. Capson-Tojo)
Name of the conference: Organic Resources and Biological Treatment (ORBIT) 2016: 10th International
Conference on Circular Economy and Organic Waste
City of event: Heraklion, Greece
Date of event: 25/05/2016
End date: 28/05/2016


Organising entity: European Compost Network Type of entity: Associations and Groups
Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Maxime Rouez; Marion Crest; Eric Trably; Jean-Philippe Steyer; Jean-Philippe
Delgenès; Renaud Escudié.

8 Title of the work: Oil extraction process as pre-treatment process for mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic
digestion (poster defended by A. Torres)
Name of the conference: 14th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion
City of event: Viña del Mar, Chile
Date of event: 15/11/2015
End date: 18/11/2015
Organising entity: International Water Association (IWA)
Alvaro Esteban Torres Aravena; Gabriel Capson-Tojo; Francisco Cabrera; Javier Pavez; Christian Vergara.

Other achievements

Stays in public or private R&D centres

1 Entity: Advanced Water Management Centre (University of Queensland)

City of entity: Brisbane, Australia
Start-End date: 11/2018 - 11/2020 Duration: 2 years
Goals of the stay: Post-doctoral
Provable tasks: Research on wastewater treatment using purple phototrophic bacteria

2 Entity: SUEZ S.A.

City of entity: Paris, Île de France, France
Start-End date: 01/05/2018 - 14/09/2018 Duration: 4 months - 15 days
Goals of the stay: Post-doctoral
Provable tasks: Research and consulting on anaerobic digestion

3 Entity: Universidad de la Frontera (UFRO)

City of entity: Temuco, Chile
Start-End date: 01/02/2014 - 15/08/2014 Duration: 6 months
Goals of the stay: Master Thesis
Provable tasks: Research on anaerobic digestion of microalgae

4 Entity: Gdansk University of Technology Type of entity: University

Faculty, institute or centre: Faculty of Chemistry
City of entity: Gdansk, Pomorskie, Poland
Start-End date: 01/09/2011 - 01/06/2012 Duration: 10 months
Goals of the stay: Master Thesis
Provable tasks: Research on ion and precipitate flotation of pollutants


Obtained grants and scholarships

1 Name of the grant: Postdoctoral research fellowship type A

Aims: Post-doctoral
Awarding entity: Xunta de Galicia Type of entity: State agency
Conferral date: 26/09/2018 Duration: 3 years
End date: 16/10/2021

2 Name of the grant: Erasmus Scholarship

Aims: Master syudies
Awarding entity: University of Santiago de Compostela
Conferral date: 2011 Duration: 10 months
End date: 2012

3 Name of the grant: Category B Erasmus Mundus Scholarship

Aims: Master studies
Awarding entity: European Comission Type of entity: State agency
Conferral date: 2012 Duration: 2 years

4 Name of the grant: Internship

Aims: Internship
Awarding entity: Repsol YPF Complejo Industrial A Type of entity: Business
Conferral date: 2011 Duration: 2 months

Prizes, mentions and distinctions

1 Description: Best oral presentation from the doctoral school GAIA, University of Montpellier
Awarding entity: University of Montpellier
City awarding entity: Montpellier, France
Conferral date: 2017

2 Description: Graduated with the greatest distinction in the International Master of Science in Environmental
Technology and Engineering (IMETE)
Awarding entity: Ghent University Type of entity: University
City awarding entity: Ghent, Belgium
Conferral date: 2014

Summary of other achievements

1 Description of the achievement: Active reviewer in international high-impact journals (28 certified reviews)
Accrediting entity: Elsevier
Conferral date: 01/05/2018

2 Description of the achievement: Author of six publications of sequencing results in the GenBank database
from the "National Center for Biotechnology Information" (NCBI)
Accrediting entity: United States of America National Center for Biotechnology Information


Conferral date: 2018

3 Description of the achievement: Presenter of the work "Digestate typology from common fertilizing-value
parameters: feedstock influence and recovery potentials" in the conference "15th IWA World Conference on
Anaerobic Digestion"
Accrediting entity: International Water Association (IWA)
Conferral date: 20/09/2017

4 Description of the achievement: Session co-animator in the conference "Journées Techniques Eau et
Dechéts" (Days on Waste and Waste Techniques)
Accrediting entity: Institut national des sciences appliquées (INSA) Toulose
City accrediting entity: Toulouse, France
Conferral date: 17/11/2016

5 Description of the achievement: French course level A2

Accrediting entity: Institut Agronomique Type of entity: Institute of higher studies
Méditerranéen de Montpellier
City accrediting entity: Montpellier, France
Conferral date: 14/08/2015

6 Description of the achievement: C1 grade in Galician

Accrediting entity: Instituto de educación Type of entity: Public institute
secundaria "Val Miñor" de Nigrán
Conferral date: 12/09/2014

7 Description of the achievement: TOEFL iBT test (score 106/120)

Accrediting entity: Educational Testing Serice Type of entity: Business
Conferral date: 17/12/2011

8 Description of the achievement: Cambridge First Certificate in English (B2)

Accrediting entity: University of Cambridge Type of entity: University
City accrediting entity: Cambridge, United Kingdom
Conferral date: 23/05/2011

9 Description of the achievement: Advanced Intensive English Course

Accrediting entity: Kaplan International Center Washington D.C.
City accrediting entity: Washington D.C., United States of America
Conferral date: 30/07/2010

10 Description of the achievement: Assistance to different international congresses (Mendeleev 2007, Ecrice
2008, Journées de la Méthanisation 2016)


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