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Answer questions no. 1 to 5 based on this text!

Have you ever sent an e-mail? I am Joan Hayes. I am an SMP student in my home town Pematangsiantar.
I have some hobbies, one of them is correspondence. I like making friends by sending letters and now I do it
by sending e-mails to my friends.

You know, making friends is very important for us. It can make us happy and we can also get so many
informations and experiences from our friends. Now, I have sent and received a lot of letters. I have some
favourite pen pals. One of them is Anisa. Anisa used to send letters to me. We stopped sending letters to each
other about a year ago but we still keep in touch. How do we do it? We send messages through the internet
using e-mail, which stands for electronic mail.

There are many e-mail providers such as, or You must sign in first to
be a member of the provider before you send e-mail to your friends.

I sent an e-mail to Anisa two days ago. Up to now, I have sent a lot of e-mails to my friends. Sending
massage through e-mail is easier and quicker. The massage can be received a minute after sending. I have
already made some new friends through chatting, too.

1. What is the most suitable title of the text above?

a. Sending e-mail c. How to make friend by e-mail
b. Making e-mail d. How to make friend by chatting

2. What does Joan like to do?

a. Correspondence c. Making friends
b. Making e-mail d. Share Information

3. “ But we still keep in touch”.(Paragraph 2)

The underlined phrase means …

a. love each other c. miss contact

b. contact each other d. miss each other

4. What must we do first before send an e-mail?

a. Sign in the e-mail c. Sign in to be a member of pen pal first.
b. Sign in the letter first d. Sign in to be a remember of the provider first.

5. How long can a massage received after sending?

a. Some minutes c. A few minutes

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b. A minute d. A second

Questions no.6 to 10 are based on this text.


Tsunami is a Japanese word for a seismic sea wave generated by an undersea earthquake or
landslide under a sea or eruption.
Most tsunamis happen along the Ring of Fire. It is a zone of volcanoes and seismic activity
under the earth. The zone is very big and extremely hot. It encircles the Pacific Ocean.
Historically tsunamis have caused much destruction and death. Since 1819, about 40 tsunamis
have strucked the Hawaiian Islands and since 1883, about 20 Tsunamis have strucked Indonesia.
The last one was on December 26th, 2004 and caused over 100.000 to die.
A tsunami can have the width of 100 to 200 km and may spread far away across the deep
ocean. The speed is as fast as a jet plane. When the waves reach the land, it can be very high, which
is about 15 m high or more.

6. The above text is…

a. descriptive text c. a procedure text
b. a report text d. a narrative text
7. The main idea of the first paragraph is…
a. the description of tsunami c. the general classification of tsunami
b. the definition of tsunami d. the history of tsunami
8. “It is a zone volcanoes…”.( Paragraph 2)
What does the word “It” refer to?
a. Pacific Ocean c. Ring Of Fire
b. Tsunami d. Volcano
9. “…, tsunamis have caused much destruction and death”
(Paragraph3). The other word of the underlined word is…
a. impact c. damage
b. danger d. construction
10. The following utterances are correct, except…
a. The waves tsunamis are 15 m.
b. The width of tsunami can be 100 to 200 Km.
c. The speed of tsunami is as fast as a het plane.
d. The last tsunami is Indonesia was December 26th, 2004

Read the next text for questions no 11 to 14!

How to operate blender
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- Before starting, ensure that the blender cord is unplugged and the switch is the “off” position
- Check the blade and the circuit are in the right position.
- Place the glass container on the blender base.
- Tighten it completely
- Add ingredients to be processed in the carafe
- Place carafe cover on the container and be sure the cover is fully seated.
- Plug the cord in an outlet
- Turn the switch knob to 1 or 2 position
- Wait for a few minutes until it blends completely
- Hold the carafe while blending
- Press the “off” button to stop it
- Pour the blend ingredients out.

11. How many steps are there in the text?

a. Eleven steps. c. Thirteen steps.
b. Twelve steps. d. Fourteen steps.

12. What is one condition before starting?

a. To check the blade and circuit.
b. To place the glass container on the blender base.
c. To ensure the switch is the “off” position.
d. To tighten the blender completely.

13. “Wait for few minutes until it blends completely”. ( Step 9)

What does it refer to?
a. Ingredients c. Cord
b. Carafe d. Blender

14. What should we do when the blender is operated?

a. To hold the glass container c. To press it button
b. To hold the carafe d. To plug the cord

The next text is for question no.15 to 19!

Whales are big mammals which live in the sea. A thick layer of fat called blubber keeps out the
cold. The whale’s body is shaped for easy swimming. Its front limbs are shaped as flippers. It also has a
broad tail flattened from the top to bottom, not from side to side like a fish tail.
Unlike fishes, whales must swim to the surface to breath. Before breathing in, they blow out stale
air through a blowhole, or two slits on top of the head. Baby whales are born on water. As soon as they
born, they swim up to take a breath.
There are two groups of whales. Toothed whales, like the dolphin, mostly catch fish. But killer
whales are toothed whales that attack seals, penguins and other whales.
Baleen whales are the other main group of whales. Baleen whales include the gigantic blue
whale. Each baleen whale catches tiny shrimp like creatures with a special sieve. This is made of a horny
substance called baleen or whale bone. When the whale opens its mouth, long baleen plates hang from
its upper jaw like the teeth of a giant comb. A large whale can swallow over a tonne of these tiny krill at
one time. Hunting by men has made the biggest whales very scare.

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15. What does the first paragraph talk about?
a. The body description of whales
b. The identification of whales
c. The general classification of whales
d. The orientation of whales

16. All the following statements are true, except…

a. Whale is one of a big mammal which live in the sea
b. Whale must swim to the surface to breath.
c. Baby whales are born on water.
d. There are a few groups of whales.
17. …. are groups of whale mentioned in the text.
a. Killer and toothed whale. c. Toothed and baleen whale.
b. Gigantic and blue whale. d. Whale bone and orca.

18. “Each baleen whale catches tiny shrimp like creatures with a special sieve”. (Paragraph 4).
The opposite of the underlined word is …
a. many c. beautiful
b. big d. small
19. How is the population of the biggest whales( Baleen) recently?
a. They are very scarce c. They are still survive
b. It has been extinct d. Their population is still balanced

20. Nona : Are you certain about this step?

Ardon :…
Nona : It’s okay, just go on
a. I doubt it b. Definitely c. I’m not so sure d. I’m rather doubt

21. Rory : Are you sure this hint is correct?

Selma :…
Rory : Uh, I’m so confused now
a. I’m not convinced about it c. How do you think?
b. Really? d. I’ve no doubt about it.
22. Zacky : We made the special cake yesterday.
Melan :…
Zacky : I say, we made the special cake yesterday.
a. Oh, I see c. Would you be louder, please?
b. Really? d. Absolutely

23. Jordan : They’ve practiced that procedure.

Leon :…

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Jordan : Yes, this is the result.
a. Are you? c. Do they?
b. Have they ? d. That’s marvelous

24. Ben : look! This is my handycraft. I made it by my self

Rio :…
Ben : Thank you.
a. Really? c. Oh, thank you very much
b. What a nice handycraft d. How did you make it?

25. Let us … the ingredients for pizza hut.

a. to prepare c. prepare
b. preparing d. prepares
Questions No. 26 to 27 are based on the next text!

26. The above short functional text is…

a. poster c. advertisement
b. announcement d. notice

27. Where is the competition held?

a. Siantar Park c. 2 Desember 2012
b. Siantar Hotel d. Personal Participant

28. …. is Lenna’s hobby.

a. To Cook c. Cook
b. Cooking d. Cooks

29. Arrange the following words into a good sentence!

All over - the word – gone –Juna –competition -has-for –cooking
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

a. 4-6-3-7-8-2-1-5 c. 4-6-3-1-2-7-8-5
b. 4-6-3-1-2-8-7-5 d. 4-6-3-2-1-7-8-5
30. Tina is an active student. she likes… very much.
a. to write c. write
b. writing d. written

31. Rani has … her cooking course well at Sarinah.

a. finishing c. finish
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b. finishes d. finished

Question no.32 to 33 are based on this text!

32. The above short text is …

a. advertisement c. poster
b. announcement d. notice

33. Where will the movie be played?

a. In Cute Cinema c. In Cute Cinema & Studio 21
b. In studio 21 d. On Sunday, 2 December 2012

34. The correct order of the following words into a good sentence is …
delicious – it’s – simple – a - very - it’s – but – dish – very
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a. 2-4-5-3-8-7-6-9-1 c. 2-4-5-3-7-8-6-9-1
b. 2-4-5-8-3-7-6-9-1 d. 2-4-5-3-8-6-7-9-1

35. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph about how to withdraw cash with an ATM card!
1. Put your card into the slot.
2. When the machine asks you are finished, press “yes”.
3. Punch in your PIN.
4. When your money appears, remove it.
5. Read the direction.
6. Take out the receipt.
7. When the choice appear, select “withdrawal from checking”
8. Enter the amount that you want to withdraw.

a. 5-1-3-7-8-4-2-6 c. 5-1-3-7-8-2-4-6
b. 5-1-3-7-4-8-2-6 d. 5-1-3-7-8-2-6-4

36. All the following sentences are imperatives, except….

a. Start it by cutting the paper c. Open the chocolate can properly
b. Let’s prepare the ingredient d. Shake it until it mixed well

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What do you call the TV channel above ?
a. List c. Schedule
b. Table d. Channel

38. Rosa : Do you think that Sean will go to final round?

Kevin :…
Rosa : But there’s no doubt in my mind
a. I’m not convinced about it. c. I’ve no doubt about it
b. I’m a hundred percent certain about it d. I’m fairly sure about it

Read the dialogue for questions no.39 to 40!

Mita : Hi, Sarah. What are you doing?
Sarah : I’m making milk shake
Mita : What are the ingredients to make it?
Sarah : You need 1 pint of milk, ice cream, flavouring, a jug, a tablespoon, a wisk, glasses and
Mita : Oh, I see. Tell me how to make it
Sarah : First, put for tablespoon of ice cream into a jug and pour on the milk. Add the flavouring and
wisk well. Pour into glasses. That’s all
Mita : can I get some?
Sarah : Yes please
Mita : Oh, it’s terrific! Very delicious
39. a. To compliment. c. To say certainty.
b. To show attention. d. To say repetition.

40. a. To congratulate c. To show uncertainty

b. To show admiration d. To say hesitation

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