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1 hour 15 minutes

Name: _________________ ( ) Class: 4( )

1. This paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.

2. You are required to answer all the sections.

3. Each question in this paper is followed by four possible answers. Choose the best answer
from the answers marked A, B, C and D. Then on your answer sheet blacken the answer
that you have chosen.

( 20 marks )

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. Mei Ling wants to be _________ actress when she grows up.
A. a B. an C. the D. -

2. I borrowed her pen because I forgot to bring _________.

A. me B. her C. mine D. hers

3. There is a small park ________ the house.

A. at B. above C. below D. behind

4. My mother wants to buy some roses ________ the roses are all sold out.
A. so B. but C. and D. because

5. The smoke ________ as the fire grew bigger.

A. rise B. rises C. rose D. risen

Ting Kung Yiing/ Bahasa Inggeris Pemahaman/ Tahun 4/ Mei/ Muka Surat 1
Choose the most suitable simile.
6. Dan is ______________________. He does not like to help his mother with the chores around
the house.

A. as lazy as a toad

B. as angry as a wasp

C. as cunning as a fox

D. as playful as a puppy

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Mr. Wong is an engineer. He designs ___(7)___ builds roads and buildings. He usually works at the
construction site. Sometimes, he works ____(8)____ the office. When he works at the construction site,
he wears a safety helmet and a ____(9)____ of boots.

7. A. so B. and C. but D. because

8. A. in B. out C. above D. below

9. A. box B. set C. part D. pair

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.
10. Thomas rarely goes fishing in the river.
A. never B. always C. seldom D. sometimes

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A. “My fathers name is Benjamin.” said the boy.

B. “My fathers name is Benjamin,” said the boy.

C. “My father’s name is Benjamin,” said the boy.

D. “My fathers’ name is Benjamin,” said the boy.

Ting Kung Yiing/ Bahasa Inggeris Pemahaman/ Tahun 4/ Mei/ Muka Surat 2
Questions 12 - 15
Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Wei How works as a mechanic. He ___(12) ___ cars and vans in his workshop. He has ___(13)____
customers who are teachers, doctors, architects and lawyers. He is a hardworking man. Every morning,
he ___(14) __ his workshop at 8.00 a.m. and closes it at 9.00 p.m. He does not work ___(15)____

12 A. mends C. treats
B. builds D. repairs
13 A. any C. much

B. a little D. many
14 A. open C. opened

B. opens D. opening
15 A. on C. during

B. in D. around

Ting Kung Yiing/ Bahasa Inggeris Pemahaman/ Tahun 4/ Mei/ Muka Surat 3
Questions 16 to 20
Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Mr Lee is a fishmonger who operates a stall at the market in Taman Perling. He wakes up early to
work every day. At 5.00 a.m., he leaves his house with his plastic tubs and pails. He heads for Skudai
Fisheries by van.

At the fisheries, Mr Lee goes to his suppliers to bid for the fish he wants to sell at the market. He
has many regular customers and he knows exactly the types of fish that they like.

By 6.30 a.m., he will be at the market. About half an hour later, his stall is ready with the fish.
Around half past seven, Mrs Lee comes to help her husband. They always charge their customers fairly
so their fish are usually sold out fast. They always go home after cleaning up their stall.

Mr Lee is happy and satisfied with his livelihood. He has no intention of changing his occupation.

16. Mr Lee always leaves his house with his ___________.

A. plastic tubs and pails C. glass tubs and pails
B. plastic cups and plates D. glass cups and plates

17. The word “they” refer to the ___________.

A. fish C. fisheries
B. suppliers D. customers

18. When will Mr Lee get ready with his stall?

A. At 5.00 a.m. C. At 7.00 a.m.

B. At 6.30 a.m. D. At 7.30 a.m.

19. Which of the following word best describe Mrs Lee?

A. Polite C.
B. Clever D. Generous

20. Which of the following statement is false?

A. Mr Lee works as a fishmonger.

B. Mr Lee takes an hour to get ready with his stall.

C. Mr Lee departs from his house at five in the morning.

D. Mr Lee always cleans his stall with his wife before going home.

Ting Kung Yiing/ Bahasa Inggeris Pemahaman/ Tahun 4/ Mei/ Muka Surat 4
Name: _________________ ( ) Marks: _____________
Class: 4( ) Date: ___ / 05 / 2016
Parent’s Signature:

Q 1 – 20 20
( 30 marks ) Q 21 6
Question 21 Q 22 8
Based on the given pictures, give the correct Q 23 8
answers in full sentences. Q 24 2
Write your answers in the spaces provided. Q 25 6
Total 50

Answer :
Sure. Go straight on
and turn right. The
library is on your left.

[2 marks]

How’s the food? Answer :


[2 marks]

They are my sons. Answer :


[2 marks]

Ting Kung Yiing/ Bahasa Inggeris Pemahaman/ Tahun 4/ Mei/ Muka Surat 5
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Mrs Hii is a very strict English teacher. She wants all her pupils to use correct grammar. She
corrects their mistakes even while they are talking in the canteen or walking along the corridor. She will
then give many examples of correct sentences. Therefore, whenever the pupils see Mrs Hii coming, they
try to speak English without making any grammatical errors.

One day, a new pupil named Henry fell asleep while Mrs Hii was teaching. She walked towards
Henry. She stood in front of Henry and said angrily, “Henry! Why are you not writing the examples in
your exercise book?” Henry sat up straight at once. He quickly thought of an excuse and replied, “I not
have a pencil, teacher.”

Mrs Hii said, “I not have a pencil? Did you say that?” The pupils sitting around Henry smiled. Mrs
Hii said to Henry, “Now, listen carefully. I do not have a pencil. They do not have a pencil. He does not
have a pencil. She does not have a pencil. We do not have a pencil.”

Henry looked at his classmates sitting next to him. Then, he turned around to look at the girl sitting
behind him. He scratched his head and said, “Oh dear! What happened to all their pencils?”

Question 22
Tick (√) the correct answer.
(a) Mrs Hii corrects her pupils’ grammar _________________________.

anywhere in the school

during her English lesson

when she goes to the canteen
[1 mark]

(b) When Mrs Hii saw Henry sleeping in class, she ____________________.
scolded him
kept herself quiet
called the headmaster
[1 mark]

Write your answers in the space provided.

(c) Why is Mrs Hii a very strict English teacher?

[2 marks]

Ting Kung Yiing/ Bahasa Inggeris Pemahaman/ Tahun 4/ Mei/ Muka Surat 6
“I not have a pencil?
Why do you think Mrs Hii repeated Henry’s mistake?

[2 marks]

(e) Henry fell asleep while Mrs Hii was teaching. Do you think his action was
correct? Why?

[2 marks]

Study the map below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Question 23
Tick (√) the correct answer.
(a) Where is the market? Opposite

the bank Behind SJK(C) Pei An

Between the library and the bank

[1 mark]

Ting Kung Yiing/ Bahasa Inggeris Pemahaman/ Tahun 4/ Mei/ Muka Surat 7
(b) Shermanie always goes to the temple opposite Bryan’s house. She is a _________.



[1 mark]

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is given below.
List A List B
Bryan’s house is beside the post office.

The library is near the river.

The post office is opposite SJK(C) Pei An.

The police station is behind the restaurant.

[2 marks]

(d) Muthu is at the post office. Suggest simple directions for him to go to SJK (C) Pei An.

[2 marks]

(e) Suggest an outdoor activity that Bryan may do during his free time. Give a reason
to support your answer.

[2 marks]

Ting Kung Yiing/ Bahasa Inggeris Pemahaman/ Tahun 4/ Mei/ Muka Surat 8
Study the notice and read the dialogue below. Answer the questions that follow.

Aiman : Hello, Tracy. Did you read the notice about the clean-up in Taman Perling?

Tracy : Yes, I’m going to attend the clean-up with my sister. What about you?
: I will be there too. I think I’m going to ask my younger brother to go along.
Hey, shall we go together?
Tracy : Yes, sure. Come to my house by 9.00 a.m.
Aiman : Alright.

Question 24
Tick the correct answer.
(a) The clean-up will start at …

9.30 a.m.
12.30 p.m.

2.30 p.m.

[1 mark]

(b) The word “we” in the dialogue refers to _______________________.

Aiman and Tracy

Aiman and his younger brother

Aiman, Tracy and their siblings

[1 mark]
Ting Kung Yiing/ Bahasa Inggeris Pemahaman/ Tahun 4/ Mei/ Muka Surat 9
Question 25
Write your answers in the space provided.
(c) Where must the participants gather for the clean-up in Taman Perling?

[2 marks]

(d) Why do you think the organiser ask the participants to dress suitably?

[2 marks]

(e) Do you think the clean-up is a good event? Why?

[2 marks]

Set by : Miss Ting Kung Yiing
Vetted by : Madam Oon E-Mei

Ting Kung Yiing/ Bahasa Inggeris Pemahaman/ Tahun 4/ Mei/ Muka Surat 10

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