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Hospital Digital Marketing:

Konsep, Experience, &


Andreasta Meliala
The Thoughts

• Advancements in communication technology have given rise

to the evolution of a new electronic form of word-of-mouth
publicity i.e., viral marketing communication.
Apa yang anda pikirkan tentang
Adakah yang bisa ditambahkan?
• Website
• Social media
• Online Personal
Adakah yang bisa ditambahkan?
• Website
• Social media
• Personal selling
• ..
• Virtual dashboard
• Health apps
• Fintech in Health
Apa yang sudah dikerjakan?
Current Status
• Website
• Online chatting
Current Status
• Website
• Online chatting
Changing World
Supply Side: Hospital Digital Marketing
• As with every other marketing endeavor,
hospitals’ efforts to acquire new patients have
increasingly gone digital

• This shift has, for the most part, been hugely

beneficial; digital channels offer many more
targeting and measurement options than
traditional approaches

• Still, the speed and breadth of the transition has

caused more than a few headaches for hospitals.
The number of new digital marketing channels
seems to be endlessly expanding, leading to
confusion and questions
Demand Side: Patient’s Behavior
(Google: The Digital Journey to Wellness – Hospital Selection)

• 38% searched symptoms or departments*

• 37% searched conditions and disease related terms*
• 19% searched branded terms*
• 6% searched treatments or procedures*
• 49% of patients started searching about
• 48% of patients finished searching on branded terms
Patient’s Behavior (2): Booking & Appointment
• 21% booked via computer or mobile browser/app*
• 56% called on phone*
• 23% booked in person*
• 77% of patients used search prior to booking an appointment*

• 1/3 of patients used tablets and mobile devices on a daily basis for
research and/or booking appointments*
• 48% took over 2 weeks to research prior to booking an
The Driver of Digital Marketing
• Pharma Will Give Patients a Dose of Engagement
• Mobile-Optimized Websites Will Lead to Better Outcomes
• High-Quality Content Becomes Critical
• Telemedicine Will Prosper with Both Providers and Patients
• Social Messaging Apps Will Develop Into Leading Marketing
• Improving the Patient Experience Will Be the Remedy for Better
The Main Aims of HDM
US Crowd
Face the Force of Facebook

• Almost 1.4 billion people worldwide use the network every month.
• 890 million people visit the social media site each day.
• 71% of U.S. Internet users are on Facebook.
• 70% of Facebook users engage with the social network on a daily
• 45% of users engage with the social network multiple times per day.
Take to Twitter for Real-Time Results

• With more than 284 million active global users, Twitter has grown by
leaps and bounds and this growth is only bound to continue as the
site continues to evolve.

• Its defining demographic is under-50, college-educated, and living in

urban areas, so it lets a practice position itself to serve the current
healthcare needs of users, as well as their growing needs as they age.
Back to Concept
Value Proposition of Hospital: The Main Message
Curing &

Access &
Price & Value Standard

Improving Patient Experience (NHS)
• Respect for patient-centred values, preferences,
and expressed needs
• Coordination and integration of care
• Information, communication, and education
• Physical comfort
• Emotional support
• Welcoming the involvement of family and
• Transition and continuity
• Access to care
Patient Participation
Customer Satisfaction

• Experience of care, clinical effectiveness and patient

safety together make the three key components of
quality in the NHS.
• Good care is linked to positive outcomes for the
patient and is also associated with high levels of staff
satisfaction .
What to do….
Improving Customer Engagement (CRM)
1. Search Engine Optimization and Marketing, With an
Emphasis on Services and Location

2. Relevant Digital Content About Health Conditions

3. Social Media Engagement With a Purpose

Search Engine Optimization and Marketing, With an
Emphasis on Services and Location
Relevant Digital Content About Health Conditions
Social Media Engagement With a Purpose
Bonding The Customer with
Branding Strategy
Branding in Healthcare Social Marketing

• Getting customers picking up the choice in order to change their

behaviour in specific measurable ways
What is Branding…

• ‘Your brand is derived from who you are,

who you want to be, and who people
perceive you to be..”

• “Your brand is your promise to the


• ‘Your brand differentiates your offering from

your competitors…”
Defining The Brand

• What is your hospital's mission?

• What are the benefits and features of your products or services?
• What do your customers and prospects already think of your
• What qualities do you want them to associate with your hospital?
Brand Strategy

• Your brand strategy is how, what, where, when and to whom you plan
on communicating and delivering on your brand messages.
• Where you advertise is part of your brand strategy.
• Your distribution channels are also part of your brand strategy.
• And what you communicate visually and verbally are part of your
brand strategy, too.
Brand Equity

• Consistent, strategic branding leads to a strong brand

equity, which means the added value brought to your
hospital's products or services that allows you to
charge more for your brand than what identical,
unbranded products command
Brand & The Logo
• The foundation of your brand is your logo. Your website, packaging
and promotional materials--all of which should integrate your logo--
communicate your brand.
Brand and The Mission


Brand and The Resource



Concept of Brand Social Media Strategy
Purpose-driven Cross-platform
Strategy integration strategy



Creative outlet Commitment

Entertainment Caution

A marketing communications approach for the digital era: Managerial guidelines for social media integration
(Killian & Mc Mannus, 2015)
What US’ Hospitals Do in Digital Marketing
The Three Players
• The Leaders: They are ahead of their competition in digital marketing

• The Average: They are in the middle of the crowd

• The Laggard: They are behind of their competition in digital marketing

The Three Players Distribution
Leader’s Digital Marketing Effort
The Average’s Digital Marketing Effort
The Laggard’s Digital Marketing Effort
Integrated Marketing Strategy
Social Media Strategy
Contents & Deliverables
The most effective contents
The gap between use vs effectiveness
The Future Adoption of Advanced Strategy
The Budget (per year, non staffing)
Marketing Total Investment
Digital Marketing Budget Proportion
Outcome measurement
Overall Evaluation Seen
• Reach – Measures the expanse of the brand’s digital footprint. KPI’s
include metrics around how often the brand is seen, such as
impressions and views of ads, visibility in social news feeds, and the
volume of non-bounce email receipts
• Engagement – This measures people interacting with your brand.
KPI’s include metrics around people taking an action to know more
about your product or brand, such as traffic to your site, interactions
with content on the site like PDF downloads or video views,
subscriptions to the newsletter and more
• Conversions – This tracks the volume of conversions. Some Used
examples of tracked conversions include e-commerce transactions,
lead form completions, newsletter signups, and more. Typically, a
dollar value can be associated with conversion action
• ROI – This metric shows how the effort was worth the return. Here,
the value of the conversion will be weighed against the cost of
maintaining the program infrastructure, and will provide insight into
opportunities for optimization or expansion. Paid
The Barriers
Near future outlook….
(UGM, 2016-2020)
The Megatrends (Orion Health, 2016)
• The Rise of Digital Consumers:
• Beyond the traditional characterization The revolution of Med-Tech:

1. Knowledge generating speed

• 1950: 50 years
• Advances in knowledge & technology • 1980: 7 years
• 2010: 3.5 years
• Cloud computing • 2020: 73 Days
• Big data
2. By 2030 Robots will reached human level
• Internet of things of technology
• Blockchain
• Bitcoin in healthcare: Koinworks
Fintech in Healthcare
Good Book

• Hospitals as they exist today are set up to fail

• The paradoxical harm instead of heal potential
cannot be dismissed or substantially diminished
• We need to transfer current hospital bulky
space into smart medical home
Refleksi & Kontemplasi
Era JKN dan Rumah Sakit
Konsep kendali mutu dan kendali biaya
Implication: BoD and The Implementation of SHI
In the shadow of supply-
side issue, the Jaminan
Kesehatan Nasional
(JKN) has been
implemented in 2014

The principle of cost

containment and quality
management were
highly promoted in the
resource constraint
setting, rather than
digital marketing
How Digital is Indonesia?
Supply Side Management vs Demand Side Management
Magic Words di Era JKN

1. Kendali Mutu dan Kendali Biaya

2. Cost Containment
1007. Digital Marketing
Do We Need Digital Marketing in Current Hospital Setting

 Work load in hospital  Over burden leads to dual-

increases significantly, whilst practice in literally meaning
number of physician remains
Cost Containment Strategy

Practical Normative

? Investment Gaps Investment Gaps

BPJS Operation Gaps OperationGaps


? Maintenance Gaps Maintenance Gaps

? Reinvestment
Gaps Reinvestment Gaps
Jumlah Kasus & Biaya Penyakit Katastropik:
Rawat Inap Januari-Juni 2014
Jumlah Kasus Biaya(Rp) Jenis Penyakit

56,033 313,094,604,232 Kanker

12,170 71,250,444,475 Hemofilia

53,948 174,850,865,430 Thalasemia

Ranap 70,584 313,639,067,679 Diabetes
172,303 794,079,777,612 Stroke

232,010 1,820,092,504,825 Jantung

138,779 750,610,932,614 Ginjal

Model: Margin-based
Low-cost Hi-cost


Model (2): Revenue-based
Low- Hi-
volume Volume


Communication in Health Service Level
Tertiary Hospital
• Located in major province
• Advanced HR & medical devices

Secondary Hospital
• Located in District & Municipality
• Apply minimum service standard
REFERRAL level & Communication
Primary care level
• Located in sub district
• Mainly to conduct public
health services

Dual Track Pelayanan:
Kesempatan atau Tantangan?
• Pelayanan Pasien BPJS: • Pelayanan Pasien Non BPJS
• Aktifitas adalah sumber biaya. • Aktifitas adalah sumber
Semakin banyak aktifitas, maka pendapatan. Semakin banyak
semakin banyak biaya yang aktifitas, semakin besar
diperlukan kesemoatan memperoleh revenue
• Obat adalah sumber biaya. Jika • Obat adalah sumber pendapatan
banyak pemakaian obat di luar terbesar. Semakin banyak obat
Fornas, maka semakin besar biaya dipergunakan, maka semakin
yang dikeluarkan pasien besar pendapatan
• Tidak ada audit untuk tindakan
• Pelayanan “over-service” akan “over-service”
diaudit untuk menentukan “up
coding”, “abuse”, atau “fraud”.
Perkembangan di sector lain…
Contoh Sukses Kendali Mutu & Biaya dengan
Profit Luar Biasa…..
•Facebook •Kuncinya:
•Whatsapp • Volume/crowd
•Gmail & Google • Add on
•GoJek function
•Grab & Uber • Partnership
• Parameter klasik
Terjemahannya di Rumah Sakit
• Paradigma: zero marginal revenue
• Price is given
Mungkin ini
• Creating crowd:
• Make it “free”
• Multi-function:
• Hospital & hospitality Digital
• Partnership: Marketing
• Referral system
Terima Kasih

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