Maitha A 2

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MCT/MST Observation Feedback #1

Course Code: EPC 3403

Trainee Name: Maitha A. School: Shaikha bint Suroor - 3rd
MCT/MST Name: Kesha Oliver/Mrs. Nabeela Date: March 14th
The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback
based on the selected teaching competencies.
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A

Comments: See comments below
Planning for Learning F D C B A
Comments: See comments below
Managing Learning F D C B A
Comments: See comments below
Implementing Learning F D C B- A
Comments: Good utilization of teaching vocabulary using visual aides;
Assessment F D C B A-
Comments: Implement formative assessment strategies within the active engagement portion of your
lesson cycle
Reflection on Practice F D C B A
Comments: TBD
Overview of the Lesson: Maitha began the lesson with the students seated at their tables.

She then stated “Today we will be learn how to multiply using arrays? Who knows what the word
arrays means?” She then proceeded to explain the vocabulary rows and columns to students
using visual representation. Next, she wrote the example on the board 2 X 3=? She randomly
choose a student to help her represent the equation using visual representation. Maitha guided
the student to draw 2 rows and then guided her to identify how many objects should be in each
row, which was 3. Next, she counted all the objects to find the answer which was 6.

 Excellent job of stating the learning outcome at the beginning of the lesson to ensure student
understanding. Also great job of making an abstract concept concrete using the use of visual aids

She then rewrote the problem to: 3 rows of 2 and called upon a student to help her solve the
problem by creating arrays. The same process was repeated as the above and students were
able to complete this with ease.
Maitha then explained to students that when multiplying it doesn’t matter which number comes
first because it will be the same answer.
Question to consider: (1)What strategies can be implemented to ensure maximum student
participation? Think about what the other students are doing who weren’t chosen. (2) Also, what
strategies can be implemented to ensure that all students are given an opportunity to be chosen?

She explained to each table group that they would solve a multiplication problem by creating
arrays. As students worked on the problem Maitha circulated around helping each table group
were necessary:

 Group 1-3: Students will solve the multiplication problems by drawing arrays
 Group 4-6: Students will use manipulatives to create the multiplication questions
Question to consider: (1) What is the benefit of modelling the learning centers to the students?
Once finished, Maitha reviewed the LO with students that by stating “Today we learned how to
multiple using arrays,” and then randomly selected a student to solve the problem 6 rows of 2 .
using arrays. Students were able to do successfully and with ease. Another example was written
on the board 5 rows of 3 and all students were asked to identify how many rows and objects
were needed to been drawn. Students identified this with ease were successful.
 Excellent job restating the LO at the end of the lesson so that students are sure about what
the lesson was covering 
Students played a game to solve the array problem by identifying its corresponding
multiplication problem. Finally, Maitha asked the students to self-assess their understanding of
the LO by drawing Happy face for “I got it”, Sad face for “I don’t understand,” or a frown face for
“I kinda understand.”
Action Plan:
Implementing and Managing Learning

 Utilize strategies to allow for maximum student participation and accountability of all
 Implement formative assessment strategies within the active engagement portion of
your lesson cycle so that students can demonstrate their knowledge of the learning
 Continue to teach at least 1 lesson per day using MST’s lesson plan so that you can gain
practice and confidence

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