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PLANNED ASSESSMENT - 1 formal assessment that links to a key understanding or learning

point, develops higher order thinking skills and comprehensively assesses student learning. Include
how you would record the student achievement and how you would use this information for future

Presentation Rubric

CATEGORY Excellent Satisfactory Developing Needs

Delivery Speaks with Speaks with Speaks in Speaks in low
fluctuation in satisfactory uneven volume volume and/or
volume and variation of with little or no monotonous
inflection to volume and inflection. tone, which
maintain inflection. causes audience
audience to disengage.
interest and
emphasise key
Content Demonstrates Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem
full knowledge understanding understanding to understand
by answering of the topic, of parts of the the topic very
all class answering most topic, well.
questions with questions. answering only
explanations literal
and elaboration. questions.
Preparedness Student is Student seems The student is Student does
completely pretty prepared somewhat not seem at all
prepared and but might have prepared, but it prepared to
has obviously needed a couple is clear that present.
rehearsed. more rehearsals. rehearsal was
Posture and Eye Stands up Stands up Sometimes Slouches and/or
Contact straight, looks straight and stands up does not look at
relaxed and establishes eye straight and people during
confident. contact with establishes eye the
Establishes eye everyone in the contact. presentation.
contact with room during the
everyone in the presentation.
room during the
Enthusiasm Facial Facial Facial Very little use
expressions and expressions and expressions and of facial
body language body language body language expressions or
generate a sometimes are used to try body language.
strong interest generate a to generate Did not
and enthusiasm strong interest enthusiasm. generate much
about the topic and enthusiasm interest in topic
in others. about the topic being presented.
in others.
Listen to Other Listens intently. Listens intently Sometimes does Sometimes does
Presentations Does not make but has one not appear to be not appear to be
distracting distracting noise listening but is listening and
noises or or movement. not distracting. has distracting
movements. noises or

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