The Connection Between What They Are Learning in The Classroom and Reality

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the connection between what they are learning in the classroom

and reality
I have seen that students are able to gain a better understanding of
anything when they can understand WHY they are learning it.
Once students understand why they are learning material they
have an appreciation for the knowledge you are passing on to
How could this global experience impact her teaching and learning
to prepare her students for their role as global citizens? How could
this experience translate into teaching the relevance of a global
education to prepare her students for the future of work?
Global competencies are essential for students to be prepared as
global citizens for the work place
perseverance" was a key factor to success in both locations
Understanding diverse perspectives is essential as students develop
as global citizens.
must be prepared to work with people from different backgrounds
recognize perspectives of others, communicate ideas effectively and
"take action" to make the world a better place in the classroom,
home or world community!

Although physical resources are finite, human potential is infinite, as

is our capacity to create value. The real significance of sustainability
is, in my view, as a dynamic concept in which there is a striving or
competition to generate positive value and share it with the world and
with the future.
In today’s rapidly changing societies, technology has managed to infiltrate into numerous
fields of life with ease and accuracy and educational technologies is most definitely one of
such fields.

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