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Facts about Amazon Rainforest

1. 20% of the earth oxygen is produced by the Amazon Rainforest.

2. Sand from the Sahara is blown by the wind all the way to the Amazon,
recharging its mineral. The desert literally fertilizes the rainforest.
3. Almost four hundred billions tree belonging to 16,000 different
species grow in the Amazon Rainforest.

Facts about Bacteria

1. All of the bacteria in our body collectively weights about 4 pounds.
2. The smell of rain is caused by a bacteria.
3. A clean mouth has between 1000 and 100 000 bacteria on each tooth.
4. Chocolate has anti-bacterial effect on the mouth and protects against
tooth decay.
5. New bacteria grows on a kitchen sponge every 20 minutes.
6. Babies are born with no bacteria in their bodies.
7. There’s virus that attacks human DNA making people less intelligent.

Facts about brain

1. When awake, the human brain produces enough electricity to power a
small light bulb.
2. Sleep deprivation affects the brain in multiple ways that can impair
judgment and slow reaction.
3. Half of our brains can be removed with surgery with no apparent
effects on personality or memory.
4. The human brain has enough memory to hold three million hours of
5. It takes about 0.2 seconds for your brain to understand the light that
reach to your eyes.
6. Research shows that people can handle two tasks at a time, but they
make three times as many errors when a third task is added.
7. When looking at a crowd, we only can recognize two faces at a time.

Facts about Chocolate

1. The smell of chocolate can remove stress and triggers relaxation.
2. Eating dark chocolate every day reduces the risk of heart disease.
3. 100 pounds of chocolate are eaten in U.S every second.
4. Long time ago, Chocolate was actually consumed as a bitter beverage
rather than as sweet edible treat.

Facts about cockroach

1. Cockroach have their own neighborhoods.
2. Cockroach get lonely and even become ill if they are left alone for too
3. Cockroach shed their skin.
4. Cockroach appeared 120 million years before dinosaurs.

Facts about Egypt

1. Sudan have more pyramids than Egypt.
2. Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stones.
3. The world’s largest pyramid is not in Egypt but in Mexico.

Facts about gold

1. Gold is edible.
2. Our bodies contain several milligrams of gold, most of it in our blood.
3. Earthquake turns water into gold.
4. Aurophobia is the fear of gold.

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