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Leave Policy


WRITTEN BY: Senior Manager Human Resources 29 September 2009

REVIEWED BY: Head of Operations 29 September 2009

APPROVED BY: CEO 29 September 2009


DATE OF ISSUE: 1 October 2009


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This document and the information herein are the property of XXXXXX. Limited and all unauthorized use and
reproduction is prohibited.


1. All Employees of All Designations included
2. <Job Title>
3. <Job Title>
4. <Job Title>


This document and the information herein are the property of XXXXXX. Limited and all unauthorized use and
reproduction is prohibited.


03 20 Oct 2008 6 4.1.13 Change leaves rules during

probation period.
03 20 Oct 2008 6 4.1.16 Add rule and dates for leave
intimation to HR
03 20 Oct 2008 6 4.1.17 Add Supervisor responsibility to
intimate about
deployment /
traveling of an
04 18 Feb 2009 7 4.2.11 Added more details for
approval and
recording of annual
05 29 Sep 2009 7 4.1.19 Added clarification about
adjustment of
excess casual / sick
05 29 Sep 2009 7 4.1.20 Added clarification about
adjustment of
excess annual leaves
06 06 Oct 2009 7 4.1.20 The above points (05 and 06) are
now changed to
4.1.21 and 4.1.22
due to change in
formatting and


This document and the information herein are the property of XXXXXX. Limited and all unauthorized use and
reproduction is prohibited.

1. Scope....................................................................................5
2. Purpose.................................................................................5
3. Exclusion...............................................................................5
4. Policy...................................................................................5
4.1. General.............................................................................. 5
4.2. Annual Leaves.......................................................................7
4.3. Casual Leave........................................................................8
4.4. Sick Leave...........................................................................8
4.5. Maternity Leave.................................................................... 9
4.6. Paternity Leave.....................................................................9
4.7. Hajj Leave......................................................................... 10
4.8. Umrah Leave.......................................................................10
4.9. Leave Without Pay................................................................10

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This policy is applicable to all departments and regular employees of the company.

The purpose of this Policy Document is to describe Leave Policies and Procedures at TPS.
The Policy Document is designed to facilitate the employees and to ensure smooth
functioning of the company.

All the employees other than permanent and full time are excluded from this policy.


We at (COMPNAY NAME)are always working for the benefit and betterment of our
4.1.1. All employees in the company are allowed to have fixed number of leaves
(Sick, Casual and Annual) in every financial year i.e. from 1st July to 30th

4.1.2. Newly appointed employees shall be entitled for Leaves on pro-rata basis,
counted from the date of joining. Similarly, for all employees leaving the
company during the year, their leaves will be counted on pro-rata basis
from July 1st to their last working day in the company. Any and all leaves
taken more than the employee’s entitlement will be considered as Leave
without Pay and the same will be deducted from his/her salary whenever

4.1.3. All gazetted holidays falling during the period of leave shall not be counted
as part of the leaves.

4.1.4. Employees are not allowed to accept employment, full time or part time or
under any other arrangement, in any other organization while on leave.

4.1.5. Applications for Annual Leaves, wherever possible, should be submitted to

the Head of Department at least one month before proceeding on leave.
The concerned authority, after approval of the leave application, should
forward the same to the Human Resources Department.

4.1.6. All employees, before proceeding on leaves should intimate the contact
details to their Department Head. No staff shall be allowed to leave
his/her duty before his /her application is approved.

4.1.7. The Company believes that an employee who proceeds on Annual Leaves
should be allowed to avail the entire period of leave. However, there
could be situation when employees may either be instructed by the Head of
Department not to take leave for specific period or be recalled from leave
if it becomes necessary for the critical operations of the company.

4.1.8. If an employee desires to extend his/her leave, he/she must submit an

application to the concerned Department Head or HR Department,

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explaining the reason for extension. Extension of leave will be decided on
merit of every case.

4.1.9. An employee who remains absent for more than 10 days beyond the period
of leave originally granted or subsequently extended without proper and
prior notice, he/ she shall be deemed to have abandoned the service

4.1.10. Leave without pay for limited period may be granted for exceptional
reasons at the sole discretion of the senior management.

4.1.11. When an employee is unable to attend work for any reason without
prior approval of leaves, they must inform their Team Lead/Department
Head and HR as soon as possible.

4.1.12. Frequent absences from work without notice should be reported by the
concerned Department Head to the HR for necessary action.

4.1.13. During the probation period, employee is allowed to avail 3 leaves. The
same leaves will be adjusted from their sick and / or casual leaves after
their confirmation of employment. Excess leaves will be treated as Leave
Without Pay

4.1.14. Staff hired on contract would avail annual leaves as per the terms and
conditions mentioned in their respective contracts.

4.1.15. It is the responsibility of the staff member availing any type of leave to
intimate the HR Dept. by sending an e-mail at with a copy
to the respective Supervisor / Department Head. The e-mail must mention
the following details in the subject:-

a. Type of Leave

b. Availing Date(s) From – To

4.1.16. The Supervisor/Department Head must approve/reject the leave application

request by replying the email sent by the employee keeping HR Department
in loop.

4.1.17. Any leaves taken without prior approval or in cases where approval may be
required after taking the leaves, will be considered as Leaves Without Pay.

4.1.18. All the leaves availed during 15th of preceding month to 15th of proceeding
month should be intimated to the HR Dept. latest by 19th of each month,
in case of failure the same will be assumed ‘Absent” and will be treated as
Leave Without Pay.

4.1.19. It is the responsibility of the supervisor / Manager to intimate the HR Dept.

if their team members are on deployment or on official travelling by
marking the daily attendance sheet or by sending an-email. The email must
mentioned the following details in the subject:- Deployment / Travelling Dates

4.1.20. Incase of no intimation from the supervisor / Manager the same period will
be marked absent and treated as Leave without Pay

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4.1.21. Incase of excess casual / sick leaves from entitled limit, the excess leaves
will be adjusted against available annual leaves

4.1.22. Incase of excess annual leaves from the entitled limit, the excess annual
leaves will be counted as leave without pay and will be deducted from the
upcoming monthly salary


4.2.1 Permanent employees of the company are entitled to 21 workingXXXX days
of Annual Leaves for a full year.
4.2.2 Newly appointed employees shall be entitled for Annual Leaves on pro-rata
basis, counted from the date of joining. Similarly employee leaving the
company during the year will have their Annual Leaves counted on pro-rata

4.2.3 Every individual will be responsible for submitting his/her tentative Annual
Leave Plan to the concerned Head of Department at the beginning of each
financial year.

4.2.4 In order to facilitate successful carrying out of company’s business;

vacations must be arranged at the convenience of both the employee and
the company.

4.2.5 A minimum of 3 consecutive working days leave must be availed in order to

qualify it for Annual Leave.

4.2.6 Extension in sanctioned leaves is allowed on a case to case basis at

Department Head discretion.

4.2.7 Serving employees are expected to avail their Annual Leave entitlement
within the year. If an employee does not avail all his / her annual leaves,
then up to a maximum of 5 XXXX days will be en-cashed in the month of
August ABCD following year, rest of the non availed leaves will be lapsed.
For employees joining or leaving the company during the year, leaves
encashed will be counted on pro-rata basis

4.2.8 Employee can avail his / her annual leaves after confirmation of service on
pro-rata basis from the date of joining the company.

4.2.9 In the month of July every year, the Department Head will prepare an
Annual Leave Plan for the coming year for his/her team to enable the
Department to keep the smooth flow of operations with the availability of
the staff and their planned leaves in advance.

4.2.10 In cases, where dates for proceeding on annual leave, as proposed by

employees are overlapping with same functional responsibilities, the
person with longer length of service is preferred to proceed first on
vacation, followed by the employees who have been rejected Annual
Leaves earlier or recalled on duty during their Annual Leaves.

4.2.11 Any employee who wants to avail Annual Leaves must send an email at, mentioning the dates in which he/she wants to avail the
annual leaves and copy to his/her Supervisor/Manager/Head of Dept.

4.2.12 Supervisor/Manager/Head of Dept. will send the approval/rejection of the

leave request by forwarding the same to the HR with his / her comments.

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4.2.13 Any annual leave availed without prior approval and intimation to HR
Department will be marked as Leave Without pay and the will be deducted
from employee’s next due monthly salary.

4.2.14 An employee proceeding on leave should notify the contact number and
address in the email for Leave Request.

4.2.15 Change in residence/telephone contact number should be communicated to

the immediate superior.

4.2.16 Whenever possible, the Company should first contact the employee (on
leave) by telephone and obtain his / her input on a particular matter if this
could serve the purpose and prevent the need to recall the employee.

4.2.17 Un-availed days of the recalled employee will be credited back to his / her
account. In such cases, company may consider reimbursement of traveling
expenses incurred from the place recalled.


4.3.1. All permanent or full time confirmed employees are entitled to 10 XXX
working days per year as paid casual leaves, subject to a maximum of 2
days at a time. Leaves of more than 2 continuous days will be counted
towards Annual Leaves

4.3.2. Casual Leaves cannot be accumulated and any un-availed casual leave will
automatically lapse at the end of each financial year.

4.3.3. During employee’s first year of service or for employees leaving the
company during the year, Casual Leave will be calculated on pro-rata basis.

4.3.4. Employees are required to obtain approval similar to Annual Leaves process
as mentioned in Clause 4.2.11 and 4.2.12 from their respective Supervisor /
Department Head, prior to avail Casual Leave and submit an application to
the HR Department.

4.3.5. If employee needs to take casual leave in emergency and cannot give
notice, then he/she will be required to complete and submit the leave
application email on return to work within 7 days of return. However, it is
the responsibility on part of the employee to inform the supervisor through
appropriate means.

4.3.6. If employee is unable to submit approved Leave Application within 7

working days after taking the Casual Leave, then the leave will be counted
as absent and disciplinary action will be taken in consultation with the
concerned Department Head.

4.3.7. Casual Leave availed in excess to employee’s entitlement may be adjusted

on approval of management against his/her Annual Leave due at the time
and not availed.


4.4.1. All full time confirmed employees are entitled to eight (8)XXX working days
paid Sick Leave per year.

4.4.2. If employee is absent because of sickness then he/she should immediately

inform his/her immediate Supervisor / Head of Department.

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4.4.3. During employee’s first year of service, Sick Leave will be calculated on
pro-rata basis.

4.4.4. In case of absence for 3 or more days due to sickness, employee will be
required to submit a certificate from a medical practitioner / Doctor along
with the application on return to work within 7 days of return. However, it
is the responsibility on part of the employee to inform the supervisor
through appropriate means.

4.4.5. Sick Leaves cannot be accumulated and any un-availed Sick Leave will
automatically lapse at the end of each financial year.

4.4.6. In case of accident / long term hospitalization / heart attack / any major
disease, Special Sick Leave with pay may be granted on approval from
senior management depending upon the doctor’s advice.

4.4.7. All annual leaves will be consumed first before extended sick leaves are
granted. The Company may ask for a further examination and report by a
medical practitioner named by the Company before granting extended Sick

4.4.8. In instances, where an employee applies for sick leave on a frequent basis,
such cases shall be reviewed by the Manager Human Resources. The course
of action could include counselling the concerned employee or application
of disciplinary procedure.


4.5.1. All full time confirmed female employees are entitled to Maternity Leave
for a maximum period of 12 weeks with pay subject to the maximum twice
in the entire service with the company and rest, if any, will be treated as
leave without pay.
4.5.2. Employee must give information of maternity leave at least two months
before proceeding on leave, and approved maternity leave application
should be submitted to the HR one month prior to proceeding for maternity

4.5.3. Maternity Leaves can be extended for a maximum of 8 weeks if the

condition of female employee is not suitable to resume full time Job.
During the extended maternity leaves, salary and all other monthly
benefits will be reduced to half.


4.6.1. Male employees are entitled to Paternity Leave for a maximum period of 5
XXX days with pay subject to the maximum twice in the entire service with
the company.
4.6.2. Paternity leaves can be availed once after 2 years other wise will be
considered as leave without pay.

4.6.3. Birth Certificate copy of child should be submitted to HR Department

within one month of his/her birth.

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4.7.1. Employees are granted Special Hajj Leave with pay once in his/her entire
service with the company for the period of Hajj stay or 40 XXX calendar
days, whichever is lesser.
4.7.2. Only 2 employees from each Dept. can apply for special Hajj Leave subject
to completion of at least 2 year of continuous service with the company.

4.7.3. In case of more than 2 employees a draw will be conducted to select and
the first 2 winners will be granted the special paid hajj leaves.

4.7.4. An eligible employee must submit his/her Hajj Leave application to the
department Head and HR Department at least 2 months before the
commencement of Hajj.

4.7.5. Employees are required to submit proof of travel after return to work.

4.7.6. Applicants who do not qualify in the process will be allowed to take leave
without pay on management discretion. The Department Head can refuse
to allow the employee from taking Hajj Leaves if the extended Leaves are
effecting the normal operations of the department.


4.8.1. Employees are granted Special Umrah Leaves with pay once after every 3
years, for the period of 8 working XXX days. Any extension in Umrah leaves
will be deducted from the employee’s annual leaves.
4.8.2. A maximum of 2 employees per Department can be granted Umrah Leaves
in one year. In case of more than 2 employees, a draw will be conducted
and successful candidates of the draw will be granted leaves

4.8.3. An eligible employee must submit his/her Umrah Leave application to HR

Department at least 15 days before the departure.

4.8.4. Employees are required to submit proof of travel after return to work.

4.8.5. Applicants who do not qualify in the process may be allowed to take leave
without pay or from their remaining Annual Leaves on Department Head


4.9.1. Leave without pay will be granted to regular staff only.
4.9.2. Leave without pay may be granted at the discretion of the Department
Head in consultation with the Senior Management where no other leave
arrangement is available or appropriate and will normally be for relatively
short periods (max. of 5 working days)

4.9.3. Longer periods of leave without pay may be granted in special

circumstances. In granting such leave the Department head will take into
account operational needs; the level of inconvenience caused by the staff
member's absence; and any additional costs arising from the proposed
absence. These may include the costs associated with replacement staffing
and additional leave liabilities.

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4.9.4. Leave without pay will not be considered in presence of any unused annual

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