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St Francis de Sales Regional College, Leeton

NAME: HSC Standard English LEVEL: 12


English YEAR:

TERM FOUR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Common Common Module: Texts and Human Experiences: In this common module students deepen their
TOPIC Module Excursion understanding of how texts represent individual and collective human experiences. They examine how
Intro texts represent human qualities and emotions associated with, or arising from, these experiences. 30 hours
OUTCOMES EN12-1, EN12-2, EN12-3, EA12-4, EN12-5, EN12-6, EN12-7, EN12-8, EN12-9

ASSESSMENT Assessment: Formative (including a critical response)

TERM ONE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Module C: The Craft of Writing: In this
Module A: Language, Identity & Culture: In this module, students consider how their responses to written, spoken, audio
module, students strengthen and extend
TOPIC and visual texts can shape their self-perception. They also consider the impact texts have on shaping a sense of identity
their knowledge, skills and confidence as
for individuals and/or communities. 30 hours
writers. 10 Hours
OUTCOMES EN12-1, EN12-4, EN12-5, EN12-7, EN12-8 EN12-1, EN12-4, EN12-5, EN12-7, EN12-8
Assessment 1: Multimodal Presentation (Common Module) with related material - Week 3 - 30%
Assessment 2: Critical Response to Module A (10%) + Module C Response (creative 10%) - Week 11 - 20%

TERM TWO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Module B: Close Study of Text: In this module, students develop an informed understanding, knowledge and appreciation of a
Module C continued substantial literary text. Through their development of considered personal responses to the text in its entirety, students explore
8 Hours and analyse the particular ideas and characteristics of the text and understand the ways in which these characteristics establish its
distinctive qualities. 30 hours
OUTCOMES EN12-2, EN12-3, EN12-5, EN12-9

ASSESSMENT Assessment 3: Critical Response to Module B (10%) + Module C Response (reflective 10%) - Week 9 - 20%)

TERM THREE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Module C continued Trial HSC Final week
TOPIC Revision of all Modules
12 Hours activities
OUTCOMES EN12-1, EN12-3, EN12-4, EN12-5, EN12-6

ASSESSMENT Assessment 4: Week 4 - Trial HSC 30% (incl. 5% on Module C)

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