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Jahanzaib Khan

INRW 0410

Professor Dominique Brown

April 18, 2019

Divorce is the biggest headline these days. It is getting very popular among this

generation. It used to be the very rare thing in old times. People who did divorce were

considered very bad. But now it has become a trend. There are many causes of divorce such as

adultery, cruelty, financial problems and criminal conviction. More than million cases are filled

every year for divorce and people don’t even think before doing so. People don’t think they

have kids who are their responsibilities and their future are depending on their parents. Some

people just marry each other because of money and this is the biggest truth, because there is

many news about these incidents and sometimes they kill each other.

The first cause for divorce is adultery. Human nature is always unpredictable and

unbalanced. They can’t get enough even they have everything in their life. Sometimes the

reason for adultery is time. Men are always working day and night for their family and can’t give

enough time to their wife. But they think their husband is spending time with other ladies and

not loving them enough, and it can be true sometimes and can be misunderstanding. This can

lead to many issues like fighting, but when it does not sort out they think divorce would be a

great decision. Many true cases are heard about the wrong relations many times that husband

cheats their wives and wives cheat their husbands.

Another main reason is money. Their goals are different, lack of understanding and not

making enough money for their families. If a man earns 2000$ a month, he must pay bills, rent,

children’s school fee and many liabilities. And he is unable to collect money for other desires,

which leads to unstable relations and stress. Couple fight and do not think of struggle he is

doing for his family. So, Women sometime looks for other men to fulfill her desires and

sometimes men look other women for his desires. And even people have money they still are

not satisfied because they are busy in making money and do not know give time.

Some countries have a culture of living together as a joint family. Because this comes from

their ancestors and they want to keep the legacy. This is most common in Asian countries and

now a days as everything is changing the concept of joint family is changing as well. Family have

many members, so they have so many issues with each other. Some want peace in family, but

everyone has not same thinking. And they want to live separate, but parents do not want their

kids to live without them and divide. It makes them confuse to make decision. It also leads to

divorce later. Also some people are not ready for marriage and get married in their parents

pressure, also in future leads to divorce.

Social values are getting lesser and people are getting materialistic and for their personal

desires social and moral values are lost. Most of the reasons are coming from internet which

give people wrong influence on their personal lives. Every married couple should have

understanding between them. Does not matter what the situations are, they should stand back

in every harsh time. Have to keep honest relation because everything is tempting and it does

not mean that husband have to buy everything for his wife or husband should not have any

extra marital relations. If you are not satisfied with each other, then sort out things between

each other.

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