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Draw the Bode Plot of a system using MATLAB.
Bode Plot:
The Bode plot method gives a graphical procedure for determining the stability
of a control system based on sinusoidal frequency response. The transfer function of a
system for sinusoidal input response can be obtained by substituting j in place of
Laplace operator “s”. Therefore, if the open loop transfer function of a system is
G ( s ) H ( s ) , the corresponding sinusoidal open-loop transfer function is G ( j ) H ( j )
which can be expressed in the form of magnitude and phase angle.
The variation of the magnitude of sinusoidal transfer function expressed
in decibel and the corresponding phase angle in degrees being plotted w.r.t. frequency
on a logarithmic scale (i.e. log 10) in rectangular axes. The plot thus obtained is known
as Bode Plot. The logarithmic Bode Plot has an advantage of being approximated by
asymptotic straight lines.
Relative stability of a closed loop control system can be determined by plotting
its open loop transfer function by Bode Plot method. The Gain Margin and Phase
Margin is determined directly from Bode Plot.

Bode Plot for Transfer Functions:-

The open loop transfer function of a closed loop transfer function can be
expressed as:
K [(1  sT1 )(1  sT2 )....] n2
G( s) H (s) 
s N [(1  sTa )(1  sTb )......( s 2  2 n s   n2 )]
The sinusoidal form of transfer function (1) is obtained by substituting s  j , therefore
K [(1  jT1 )(1  jT2 )....] n2
G ( j ) H ( j ) 
( j ) N [(1  jTa )(1  jTb )......(( n2   2 )  2 n  )]
In decibel equation (2) can be expressed as:
20 log10 G ( j ) H ( j )  20 log10 K  20 log10 1  jT1  ..........

.....  20 N log10 j  20 log10 1  jTa ..........

 n2   2 ( j 2 n )
.....  20 N log10 
 n2  n2
And for phase angle,
G ( j ) H ( j )  tan 1 T1  tan 1 T2  ......  N90  tan 1 Ta  tan 1 Tb

 (2  ) 
....  tan 1  2 n 2 
 ( n   ) 
The bode plot is a graph obtained from equation (3) and (4) consisting of two parts as
I. Magnitude of G ( j ) H ( j ) in decibel
II. Phase angle of G ( j ) H ( j ) versus log10
Procedure for drawing Bode Plot:-
1. Identify the corner frequencies.
2. Draw the asymptotic bode plot. The slope will change at each corner frequency
by +20db/dec for zero and -20db/dec for pole. For complex conjugate pole and
zero the slope will change by db/decade.
3. (i) For type zero system draw a line upto first (lowest) corner frequency having
0db/dec slope.
(ii) For type one system draw a line having slope -20db/dec upto =K. Mark
first (lowest) corner frequency.
(iii) For type two system draw a line having slope -40db/dec upto   K and so
on. Make first corner frequency.
4. Draw a line upto second corner frequency by adding the slope of next pole or
zero to the previous slope and so on.
5. Calculate phase angles for different values of  and join all points.
6. Obtain Gain Margin and Phase Margin from the Bode Plot.
1. Sketch the bode plot for the transfer function given below:

From the bode plot determine:

(a) The phase crossover frequency (b) The gain crossover frequency
(c) Gain Margin (d) Phase Margin

2. The open loop transfer function of a system is given below

(a) Gain Margin
(b) Phase Margin
(c) Closed loop stability
3. Draw the Nyquist plot for the open loop transfer function given below and
comment on the closed loop stability.

 First solve the problem on the paper and attach it with the Practical.
 Using MATLAB draw the Bode plot & compare it with your result.
 Take print out of the result and attach it with the practical.

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