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Rizal’s commentary about the concept of national community dawn inspecting the traceable aspects to the
nature of Spanish ecclesiastical domination from those of valuable Filipino characteristics are to be tend responsible. The
civil lives in a place of unjustifying political and social system that lead all sense the airing inequality; and it’s inseparable
in all the world in its extent. Rizal explained factors that abundantly affect Spaniards to make abuses toward Filipinos.
These basic defects are 1educational training, and the 2lack of national sentiment. Filipinos are inferior to their
conquerors, and our urges to personal development are judged by authorities. The control of education is handed by
Spanish ecclesiastical rulers, which did not stipulate rational progress. However, intimately, the problem is related to
other and more important defects occurring in the society. The notion of national sentiment one the other side is fraught
with political implications; ethics and politics was a thin one. It may seem to be blurring, but some arts of Rizal reflect
situations pertaining to the absence of it. Lack of national sentiment lead people to go 1guided fancy and self-love, as
Dona Victorina in Noli Me Tangere portrayed an image which implies nothing good about being a Filipino. The national
sentiment sarcastically lies with Spanish culture as the wealth and a societal standard for Filipinos, 2brings evil as absence
of all oppositions to measure prejudicial to people, in character of Basilio in El Filibusterismo, a scholar and has no will to
take risk in defense of justice. He sees revenge as an abomination only, and it will not reciprocate back all what he lost.
Subordination of personal interest and comfort to the social good was lacking in fitting national sentiment in its second
sense, and 3absence of initiatives to whatever may redound to people’s good. Senor Pasta in El Filibusterismo, an affluent
lawyer, in his conversation with Isagani and his will to foster Spanish language universally. Senor did not consider
anything better but his own reprisals of interest among other concerns. The concept of perfection however did not
precede the general [national] one. Rizal implied national sentiment as victory over self-love, petty personal interest and
fear of reprisals in the love and defense of justice. Simoun, on the other hand, possess love of country and the good of
society. However, he passively do not know that his plans are founded by his desire for revenge. Nevertheless, Majul
optimistically assured national sentiment initiates from individuals when actions are guided toward social benefits.
Spaniards called Filipinos as indios. Where Filipinos could settle their place if abstractly there’s none for them? There lie
Rizal’s senses in the preface to Annotation to Morga’s 1609 Philippine History to awaken the consciousness of the past
for the resurrection of national sentiment. As long as Filipinos did not possess distinct culture or national sense, they will
not do away with them. Furthermore, the establishment of La Liga Filipina was Rizal’s contribution to the sphere of
political action in cause of building Filipino Nation to unite the whole Archipelago. , According to Rizal, national
sentiment was a unifying tie binding together the different individuals of the country into a communal unit in spite of
regional differences, and by the increase of recognition of an individual to another, it would be evidenced. However, if
there are gross economic inequalities [in the other hand] in community, then its members will not be able to will for the
good of all, but for their own class. In Rizal’s time, he think that if and only if the community would have become a more
mature one, then Spain would be willing to grant us our Independence. National sentiment is much more effective if
everyone’s disposed in it, that the social good can be more effectively attained if each member of national community
were disposed to will for the good of all.

The will to evaluate our patrimony and prospective nationality, in line to fight for what the Fatherland call us is
really from our own social experience. There’s no perfection for this country love, which tells us to protect it without
considering our personal intentions. That’s why there’s this conception of individuality among us. Everyone’s different in
mind, thought and decisions. It brings variation of national and cultural admiration. My point is, just as Simoun, knowing
he’s a patriot. He will think may do everything for the safeguarding of the Fatherland. However, his national sentiment is
different from other patriots. He brings with his character the revenge that has called him; and that makes sense to be
separate, an individual. The notion to gather a nation is preceded by these variations, and I think it’s much sentimental
than prospecting one, general, and specific aspect for the country. Also in my thinking, the thought of “perfection”
generally exist. Anyone’s perfected as one and whole yet they do not know where they’ll meet because of this concept
of individuality. The occurring conceptions are constructively discussed. I have nothing much to say.

The artist-in-mind who created these conceptions let me fraught the profoundness of my national sentiment
alongwith the call of my perfection, that, in a way that it had let me see everyone to be an instrument of peace and
individuals who are historically national at heart. I have to see my country for its real image. Majul mentioned an
implication from Rizal, where the latter said that “as long as the people were ignorant of their historical past and
common ancestry, they would remain an unhistorical people without direction in their future”, this is what the people of
this nation is right now. Much history books about the Philippines know little before the coming of the Spaniards and
only tells us specific details from the Spanish era onwards. I’ve realized that the youth of today needs to see the
potential they have just like the potential the Filipinos possess before. We are to be great men in the future for our
capabilities to do work and we are now shadowed by the indolences we have learned from previous invaders.

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