Appreciation Letter

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My mother has always been this biggest role model in my life and is someone I have always

looked up to. My mom and I have a special bond that I feel like every mother should have with

their son. She showed me what it is like to work your way up to become successful and that not

everything in life will come easy. I look up to my mom because I see how hard she works

everyday to provide for us. I would have been raised differently if I had a dad in the picture, but I

adore my mom for her time and effort she put in, she was all I really needed. I feel like my

mother is very sincere and trustworthy. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without my mom

and I think it’s important to realize how much of an impact moms can make on our lives. If my

mother wasn’t in my life I don’t think I would learn a good representation of what it’s like to be

independent. My mothers influences will definitely impact my future because she showed me

you have to work your way up to being successful and it won’t always be easy. My mom has

made me into a friendly and welcoming person as she is one too. She always seems to stay

positive even in the worst situations and works hard in order to overcome any problems she

comes across. My mom is very selfless and always help others or try to make others happy even

if it means it comes before her own. She is a very generous person and goes out of her way to

benefit my needs in any way possible.This generosity is not just to me but it’s to anyone she is

around whether it be at work or in a public setting. My mom had to work her way up to get

where we are today and that is why she is a very important person that I look up to in my life. If

it weren’t for her I would not be the independent person I am today. My mother is someone that
has taught me, every mistake I make will somehow benefit me in the future and that it won’t be

easy but I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to.

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