HSE Interview Series - ESSAY

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HSE Interview – ESSAY Question Example

Caution: this paper was recommended for HSE professional or HSE professional wanna be who
are serious in developing their career.
Perhatian: tulisan ini direkomendasikan untuk HSE profesional atau ingin menjadi profesional
HSE yang serius dalam mengembangkan karir mereka.

Tulisan mengenai contoh pertanyaan agak teknis ttg HSE saat interview di LN:
Story for example of a technical question about HSE during an interview at abroad:

QUESTION 1: You are in charge as safety officer in offshore rig or onshore drilling,
during the process it was detected that radioactive material was found ? What shall we do
as safety officer ?

PERTANYAAN 1: Kamu jadi safety officer saat ada process pengeboran laut ataupun di
Saat proses pengeboran dilakukan ditemukan kandungan bahan radioaktif, apa yang akan
kamu lakukan ?

English Answer :
Hint to answer: The answer to this question is more directed to the needs of emergency response
and risk management by being associated with K3LH general management.

“Decide on K3LH countermeasures and actions if the radioactive material found from the
formation / reserve or oil / gas well / mine vs the work area around the rig will be

For example, if radioactive material is found from logging work, TCP, perforation or inspection
of piping and equipment with radioactive material, then stop all work as long as work with
radioactive sources is carried out. Protect personnel, isolate areas from work areas that are
related to radioactivity.
Limit working time with radioactivity during lunch, dinner, or nighttime sleep schedules and
discussions with certified officers about the minimum safe distance limit when the radiation
work takes place and announce when you want to start and when the radiation work has finished.
All personnel working with radioactive materials must be trained and certified (PPR radiation
protection officer). Make sure the PPR / RPO provides and uses PPE for radiation work, and
radioactive material is stored at its place before work and after work is completed.

If radioactive material is found from the formation or reserves of oil and gas / mining in the
earth, then stop the work immediately.
Workers must be evacuated in a safe place and do not return to work until it is announced safe

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See and find out whether radioactive material is found in solid or liquid form, what type, and
contact the company's affiliate radioactive expert immediately to determine its exposure and
impact, how many and how much, is there any potential and other impacts that must be studied.
If it is decided that it is dangerous for health and has been exposed to the work environment
around the isolation area of exposure. Activate the emergency response and do a risk analysis to
continue and stop the work.
All pumps are stopped, the circulation of cement for drilling is stopped, stop the operation for a
while, all fluids and materials used or exposed to work must be put into a special container and
ask the company to provide. Clean the existing container. All Affected container and equipment
need to be cleaned and disposed safely, contact qualified contractor to assist and get management
If the source of radioactive material has been found and determined the practices that have been
carried out during the emergency response are correct and declared safe to work again then the
work can be continued. But if it turns out to be unsafe, a recommendation to close and leave a
plug and abandon well must be done.
Work if resumed must be determined by periodic radioactive checks during work time, limit
work time, determine the time of each group group that will work as per permit to work process
with special precaution for radioactive material and do all recommendations obtained from the
results of the risk analysis.

Jawaban / Indonesian answer version :

Petunjuk cara menjawab: Jawaban pertanyaan ini lebih diarahkan ke keperluan emergency
response dan manajemen risiko dengan dikaitkan dengan manajemen umum K3LH.

“Diskusikan cara penanggulangan dan aksi K3LH bila bahan radioaktif yang ditemukan
dari formasi/cadangan atau sumur migas/tambang vs dari area kerja sekitar rig akan

Contoh bila bahan radioaktif ditemukan dari pekerjaan logging, TCP, perforasi atau inspeksi
piping dan equipment dengan bahan radioaktif, maka hentikan seluruh pekerjaan selama
pekerjaan dengan sumber radioaktif dilakukan. Lindungi personnel, isolasi area dari wilayah
pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan radioaktif.
Batasi waktu kerja dengan radioaktif selama jadwal makan siang, makan malam, atau waktu
tidur malam dan diskusi dengan petugas bersertifikat tentang batas minimum jarak aman saat
pekerjaan radiasi berlangsung dan umumkan saat hendak memulai dan saat pekerjaan radiasi
telah selesai.
Semua personnel yang bekerja dengan bahan radioaktif harus terlatih dan bersertifikat (PPR
petugas proteksi radiasi / RPO radiation protection officer). Pastikan PPR/RPO menyediakan
dan memakai PPE utk pekerjaan radiasi, dan bahan radioaktif disimpan di tempat nya sebelum
bekerja dan setelah pekerjaan selesai.

Bila bahan radioaktif ditemukan dari formasi atau cadangan migas/tambang di dalam bumi,
maka hentikan pekerjaan segera.
Para pekerja harus di evakuasi di tempat aman dan jangan kembali bekerja sampai diumumkan
aman kembali.
Lihat dan temukan apakah bahan radioaktif ditemukan dalam bentuk padatan atau cairan,
jenisnya apa, dan hubungi ahli radioaktif afiliasi perusahaan dengan segera untuk menentukan

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paparan dan dampaknya, berapa jumlah dan besarnya, adakah potensi dan dampak lainnya yang
harus diteliti.
Bila diputuskan berbahaya untuk kesehatan dan sudah terpapar ke lingkungan kerja sekitar
isolasi area paparan. Aktifkan emergency response dan lakukan analisa risiko untuk melanjutkan
dan menghentikan pekerjaan.
Semua pompa di stop, sirkulasi semen untuk pengeboran dihentikan, hentikan operasi untuk
sementara waktu, semua fluida dan bahan yang terpakai atau sudah terpapar untuk bekerja harus
dimasukkan ke dalam special container dan minta perusahaan menyediakan. Bersihkan container
yang ada. Kontak kontraktor yang bagus untuk membersihkan peralatan dan membuang semua
kontainer yang telah terpapar secara aman, dapatkan dukungan manajemen.
Jika sumber bahan radioaktif sudah ditemukan dan ditentukan praktek yang telah dilakukan
selama emergency response telah tepat dan dinyatakan aman bekerja kembali maka pekerjaan
dapat dilanjutkan. Namun jikalau ternyata tidak aman, rekomendasi untuk menutup dan
meninggalkan sumur (plug and abandon) harus dilakukan.

Pekerjaan bila dilanjutkan harus ditentukan pengecekan radioaktif berkala ini selama waktu
kerja, batasi waktu kerja, tentukan waktu dari setiap grup grup yang akan bekerja dengan ijin
kerja dan perhatikan hal mengenai potensi paparan bahan radioaktif dan lakukan semua
rekomendasi yang didapat dari hasil analisa risiko.

QUESTION 2: You are leading risk analysis for case fixing valve problem at site of the
plant/facility, the job planned in online condition considering flow is stop for certain time.
The fluid in the piping where the valve installed is in liquid form and its contain H2S, when
solvent and hydrocarbon flashed H2S will disperse at 37%. What will you suggest to attend
the job safely ?

PERTANYAAN 2: Kamu terlibat dalam analisa risiko utk pekerjaan memperbaiki valve
di sebuah piping sistem. Job pekerjaan ini akan dilakukan dalam kondisi online dengan
mempertimbangkan sistem piping akan distop utk beberapa saat. Fluida di piping dalam
kondisi cair mengandung H2S, bila solvent dan fluida cair berubah fasa karena piping
dibuka dan pekerjaan dilakukan, H2S akan keluar flashed sebesar 37%. Apa yang anda
akan sarankan agar pekerjaan tetap aman ?

Answer :
Hint to answer: The answer to this question is more directed towards knowledge about
occupational health related to field work and the impact on workers and the need to decide
whether the work will continue or terminated/suspended/postponed to shutdown/turn
around period of the plant for maintenance.

See the P & ID image Piping and Instrument The diagram for the system in the upstream and
downstream valve that will be repaired, see if there is positive isolation that can be done by
temporarily disconnecting the fluid flow with the principle of closing the temporary flow with
blind / spectacle blind or proven isolation, the principle two valves / taps and one bleed to test
pressure and flow - DBB double block and bleed (reference HSG253 - the safe isolation of plant
and equipment).
If there is no blind or DBB then we can conclude that there is a choice of work that can be done
online - the system is not turned off, this is a proposal from the head of production.

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However, if the fluid flow can be turned off with a valve at both the upstream and downstream
valves according to P & ID and it turns out that one valve is in accordance with P & ID, then it
must be asked and asked whether the valve / passing valve is passing or not. leak, valve-valve-
valve cannot close 100%). If it turns out passing, it can be concluded why there is a choice of
work carried out in an online condition that is submitted by the head of production.

So at this time we have to look at other important data, the process engineer has told us there is
the potential for flash gas and liquid in an online system with 37% H2S exposure which means
there are 370,000 ppm H2S.
If the work is carried out with personal protective equipment (PPE / PPE) namely Airline /
SCBA - respiratory protection, the SCBA according to the NIOSH standard is only effective in
the protection of 50-100-100,000 ppm; it can be concluded that the PPE / PPE in the industry
will not be effective for personnel protection and it can be ascertained that the risk of this work
falls into the red in the risk matrix for workers. The recommendation we should recommend is to
suggest that the work be carried out only when the production system stops for shutdown or
turnaround where the system has been stopped, all fluids are released, not pressurized so that
gas / liquid flash will not occur and does not endanger the personnel. HSE should recommend
not to repair and fix the valve in an online system state and only recommend to fix the valve
during shutdown/turn around condition.

Jawaban – Indonesian version :

Petunjuk cara menjawab: Jawaban pertanyaan ini lebih diarahkan ke arah pengetahuan
mengenai occupational health yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan lapangan dan dampak
yang mengenai pekerja serta keperluan memutuskan pekerjaan akan tetap dilakukan atau
dihentikan/ditunda sampai masa shutdown/turn around pabrik/fasilitas untuk

Lihat gambar P&ID Piping and Instrument Diagram untuk sistem di upstream dan downstream
valve yang akan diperbaiki tersebut, lihat apakah ada isolasi positif yang dapat dilakukan dengan
memutuskan aliran fluida untuk sementara waktu dengan prinsip menutup aliran sementara
waktu dengan blind/spectacle blind atau proven isolation yaitu prinsip dua katup/keran dan satu
bleed untuk mengetes tekanan dan aliran – DBB double block and bleed (rujukan HSG253 – the
safe isolation of plant and equipment).
Bila blind dan atau DBB tidak ada maka kita dapat menyimpulkan ada pilihan pekerjaan dapat
dilakukan secara online – sistem tidak dimatikan, ini proposal dari kepaa produksi.
Namun bila aliran fluida jika dapat dimatikan dengan satu katup (valve) baik di upstream dan
downstream valve sesuai P&ID dan ternyata satu katup ini ada sesuai P&ID, maka harus
ditanyakan dan diminta catatannya apakah valve/satu katup yang ada ini passing atau tidak
(passing artinya bocor, valve-keran-katup tidak dapat menutup 100%). Bila ternyata passing
maka dapat disimpulkan kenapa ada pilihan pekerjaan dilakukan dalam keadaan online yang
diajukan kepala produksi.

Maka di saat inilah kita harus melihat data penting lainnya, process engineer telah
memberitahukan ada potensi flash gas dan liquid dalam keadaan sistem online dengan paparan
37% H2S artinya ada 370,000 ppm H2S.
Bila pekerjaan dilakukan dengan alat proteksi diri (APD/PPE) yaitu Airline/SCBA – respiratory
protection, SCBA sesuai NIOSH standard hanya efektif di perlindungan 50-100-100,000 ppm;
maka dapat disimpulkan APD/PPE yang ada di industri tidak akan efektif untuk perlindungan

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personnel dan dapat dipastikan risiko pekerjaan ini jatuh ke warna merah di risk matrix untuk
Rekomendasi yang harus kita sarankan adalah menyarankan pekerjaan dilakukan hanya pada
saat sistem produksi berhenti untuk shutdown atau turnaround dimana sistem sudah dihentikan,
dikeluarkan semua fluidanya, tidak bertekanan sehingga gas/liquid flash tidak akan terjadi dan
tidak membahayakan personnel. HSE harus menyarankan tidak merekomendasikan pekerjaan
dilakukan dalam keadaan sistem online dan lakukan penggantian dan perbaikan valve hanya
pada keadan shutdown/turn around.

QUESTION 3; You were involved in reviewing work at flare...the team need to repair flare
stack at certain height and install heat shield. Scaffolding and rope access have been
selected in this job. The stack structure have two flares, one is online and the other is in
shutdown condition. The job is on shutdown flare stack condition. What will you suggest to
ensure the job performed safely ?

PERTANYAAN 3: Kamu terlibat dalam sebuah pekerjaan di flare stack. Tim pekerja
hendak memperbaiki piping dan memasang pelindung panas di perpipaan flare stacknya.
Metoda scaffolding dan rope access telah dipilih. Ada 2 flare stack di struktur tersebut,
yang satu online yang satunya dalam keadaan mati. Pekerjaan harus dilakukan utk flare
stack dalam keadaan mati. Apa yang akan anda sarankan agar pekerjaan dapat dilakukan
dengan aman ?

Hint to answer: Of course the work will be carried out according to the operation safety
management and work permit system. The key to the answer is management of the impact
of heat exposure on workers.

Ask for the results of checking data from the process engineer or process safety engineer
according to the amount of production flow and discharge to the flare, at a high flare stack with a
certain distance how much potential for heat exposure is according to API RP 521 Pressure-
relieving and Depressuring System There is a table of recommendations on what should be done
along with self-protection requirements according to exposure to heat that will occur at a certain
Ask for advice from the head of production whether it can reduce production during work time
so that heat exposure can be reduced.
As HSE we have to ask the workers what type of rope rope rope worker will use, whether it can
burn and break with exposure to certain heat at a certain temperature. How long does the work
have to be done. Can not do the work done with scaffolding only. Anything that has to be lifted
up, how much it weighs and what it raises. Determine all protection methods according to the
procedure of working at height, lifting and transporting, work permits, checking certificates for
all equipment to be used, do MCU for workers at height. Do a special PPE check what to use, for
example a fire fighter suit (firefighting clothes) should it be used for workers at that height by
using a cold vest to stay comfortable and the rhythm of work time is limited (eg every 30
minutes should be rested and drink area authority (eg head of production), field worker leader,
project manager, IH / OH expert. Determine recommendations to be made according to the
results of the discussions that have been conducted.

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Petunjuk cara menjawab: Tentu pekerjaan akan dilakukan sesuai manajemen keselamatan
operasi dan sistem ijin kerja. Kunci dari jawaban adalah manajemen dampak paparan
panas terhadap pekerja.

Minta data hasil pengecekan dari process engineer atau process safety engineer sesuai jumlah
aliran produksi dan buangan ke flare, di tinggi flare stack dengan jarak tertentu berapa potensi
paparan panasnya sesuai API RP 521 Pressure-relieving and Depressuring System. Ada
tabel rekomendasi apa yang harus dilakukan berikut keperluan proteksi diri sesuai paparan panas
yang akan terjadi di ketinggian tertentu.
Minta saran dari kepala produksi apakah bisa menurunkan produksi selama waktu kerja
berlangsung agar paparan panas bisa berkurang.
Sebagai HSE kita harus menanyakan kepada para pekerja jenis tali apa yang akan dipakai
rope access worker, apakah bisa terbakar dan putus dengan paparan panas tertentu di
suhu tertentu. Berapa lama pekerjaan harus dilakukan. Apakah tidak dapat pekerjaan
dilakukan dengan scaffolding saja. Apa saja yang harus diangkat ke atas, berapa beratnya
dan dengan apa diangkatnya. Tentukan semua metoda perlindungan sesuai prosedur
bekerja di ketinggian, mengangkat dan mengangkut, ijin kerja, cek sertifikat semua
peralatan yang akan dipakai, lakukan MCU untuk para pekerja di ketinggian. Lakukan
pengecekan special PPE apa yang harus dipakai misal fire fighter suit (baju pemadam
kebakaran) apakah harus dipakai untuk pekerja di ketinggian tersebut dengan memakai cold vest
agar tetap nyaman dan ritme waktu kerja terbatas (misal setiap 30 menit harus istirahan dan
minum. Diskusikan dengan melibatkam area authority (misal kepala produksi), pimpinan pekerja
lapangan, project manager, IH/OH expert. Tentukan rekomendasi yang harus dilakukan sesuai
hasil diskusi yang telah dilakukan.

QUESTION 4: Is there a Slum Shut Valve for each oil & gas well? What if the well is low
pressure? Does it still need a slum shut valve?
Are there references to this? thank you
The case in the project document FEED with old wells, wells with no SSVs ..

PERTANYAAN 4: Apakah untuk setiap sumur minyak & gas harus ada Slum Shut Valve-
nya ? Bagaimana kalau sumurnya bertekanan rendah? Apakah tetap perlu slum shut
Apakah ada referensi untuk ini? Terima kasih
Kasus ada di FEED dokumen proyek dengan sumur lama, sumur sumur tidak ada SSV-
nya ...

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Above is example of the original P & ID of the well diagram per the question.
While the reference of well configuration standard can be seen below:

Contoh diagram P&ID sumur asli sesuai pertanyaan ada diatas.

Sementara standard konfigurasi sumur rujukannya dibawah ini:

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Hint to answer:This question might be use with or without schematic diagram of wellhead.
This question is more aimed at finding answers to our understanding on how many
minimum number of barrier/prevention controls in the working principle a well.

Must be asked whether the philosophy of well integrity or spec is not from the company?
The Specification 6A API for wellhead and christmas tree equipment may be possible for

Just do Hazid and Hazop, if you really want to be safe.

Even though the pressure is low, the well control principle as a best practice must have 2
minimum barriers that are functioning, calibrated, tested. Can barriers exist in "downhole
barriers" or "surface barrier".

This Hazid / Hazop must be done to the selected schematic well head integrity, not only to
see the surface system and the P & ID.

What barriers are in the design of the well head integrity must be asked to the designer or the
original document.
These barriers usually have passed a certain test according to the maximum allowale operating
pressure and the design pressure, called "pressure tested".

Example barrier in well head can be refer to below table:

API 14B can also be checked for subsurface equipment. My understanding is that this is reversed
to the Company Policy and also those related to the HSE Policy.
Indeed there is no single standard that states which sunnah and which must be installed. But what
is said is the "need to be installed" tool.

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In essence, the wing valve, production valve and master valve are relied on to control well with
low pressure, without SSSV / DHSV.

Jawaban :
Petunjuk cara menjawab: Pertanyaan ini bisa ditanyakan saat wawancara tanpa atau
dengan gambar skema kontrol sumur yang dimaksud. Pertanyaan ini lebih ditujukan
mencari jawaban kearah pemahaman kita berapa jumlah minimal kontrol pencegahan
bahaya di prinsip kerja sumur.
Harus ditanya adakah filosopi well integrity atau spec tidak dari companynya ?
API Specification 6A utk wellhead and christmas tree equipment mungkin bisa anda rujuk untuk

Lakukan Hazid dan Hazop saja, kalo memang mau dinyatakan aman.

Walau pressure rendah, prinsip well control sebagai best practice itu harus ada 2 barrier
minimum yang berfungsi, telah dikalibrasi, di tes. Bisa barrier yg ada dalam "downhole
barrier" ataupun "surface barrier".

Hazid/hazop ini harus di lakukan terhadap schematic well head integrity yg dipilih, bukan hanya
melihat surface system dan P&ID nya saja.

Barrier apa saja yg ada dalam design well head integritynya harus ditanya ke desainernya atau
dokumen originalnya.
Barrier tersebut biasanya sudah lulus dari test tertentu sesuai maximum allowale operating
pressure dan design pressure nya atau dinamakan telah "pressure tested".

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Contoh barrier di well head ada dibawah ini tabelnya

API 14B juga bisa dilirik utk peralatan subsurface. Sepahaman saya hal ini dibalikkan ke
Company Policy dan juga yg terkait Policy HSE nya.
Memang tidak ada satupun standard yg menyatakan mana sunnah dan mana yg wajib dipasang.
Tapi yg dibilang apa saja alat "yg perlu dipasang".
Intinya wing valve, production valve dan master valve yg diandalkan utk mengcontrol well dgn
pressure rendah, tanpa SSSV/DHSV.

Written by:
Alvin Alfiyansyah
HSE Professional and Engineer who love to share and write his original experience

Bandung Indonesia, 11 November 2018

Rainy cloudy day in grieve mood
Tribute for my super daddy Ir. Amran Zuchri who passed away in 06 November 2018.
Deep prayer for him – Al Fatihah.

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