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Republic of the Philippines )

Cebu City ) s.s.

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / )


I, HIGH WAY, 28, married resident of Downsview Nivel

Hills,Busay, Cebu City after having sworn in accordance with law,
do hereby depose and state THAT;

1. On July 18, 2018, I was with my husband, Milky Way in Mr. J

having a little celebration for our first success in our job. The
table is round and big, there’s another customer sharing with
our table.

2. As I watched outside it was already dark, I looked at my watch

and it was red at 7:30. Then as my eyes looked again outside I
saw a guy walked like a zombie [respondent], I told my
husband about what I saw. He looked also and said maybe that
guy has a problem.

3. Later on, the guy we said that walked like a zombie came to our
table. He’s not kind of drunk but you could feel he was carrying
big problem on his own. He talked to us as if we knew each
other before. He talked in a vernacular:

“Mga sweethearts, ayaw gyud ninyu pabaya.e ang usag-usa.

Dili raman tungud laki ka ikaw na bahala sa tanan. Kon dili
kamu duha magtinabangay”
In effect:

Sweethearts, don’t ever neglect one another. Not because you

are the guy, it’s you who will do all the things, But the two of
you will help each other

4. While he was telling more, a guy from our table shooed him,
told him to go home because he was already drunk.

5. The guy answered him that he is not drunk that he just want to
share his pain to us but instead the guy’s voices who shooed
him got louder and the guy who approached us also talked
back in a loud voice but not in angry tone.
6. Later on, someone was on his[respondent] back. It seems the
respondent did not notice the guy behind him and I just realized
too, it was a police officer. The police officer handcuffed the
respondent without introducing himself to the respondent.

7. At first he resist to the handcuffed but once he looked at the

guy behind from top to foot, he stop resisting.It shows on the
respondent’s face he was shocked what the police officer did to

8. I was about to stand to explain to the police officer that the

respondent did nothing wrong but my husband grab my hand
telling not to interfere with them.

9. I felt sorry to the guy [respondent] as he was dragged along by

the police officer.

10. I execute this affidavit to attest to the truth of the

foregoing facts and for whatever legal purpose that this may

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this

July 23, 2018 at Cebu City, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this July 23, 2018 at

Cebu City, Philippines. I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have examined
the herein affiant and I am fully convinced and satisfied that he
voluntarily executed the affidavit in his own free will and volition and
that he understood all the contents of the same.


Assistant City Prosecutor

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