Khara o Kay

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Republic of the Philippines )

City of Cebu ) s.s.

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x )


I, KHARA O. KAY, 36, married, resident of Downsview

Nivel Hills,Busay, Cebu City after having sworn in accordance
with law, do hereby depose and state that;

1. On December 9, 2018, I was present and personally saw that

accused, Desdie S. Samer, committed the crime of slight
physical injuries against the victim Hyori A. Kaine.

2. On or about 3:45 in the afternoon of the same date Desdie S.

Samer came with animosity in the Guidance Counselling Room
in Hell University.

3. She mumbled first to herself as if she had an opponent in front

of her before insistently talking to me. She want Hyori A. Kaine
to be expelled from this University being a teacher because she
is a harlot and not worthy in her job being a teacher.

4. On or about 4:00pm of the same date, Hyori A. Kaine came in

with confusing expression and asked the accused what is she
wanted but instead, the accused attacked by slapping Hyori A.
Kaine on the face, accusing the complaining witness of being a
paramour of the accused's husband and while the accused
continued her verbal insults, because of the aggressiveness of
the asscused, Hyori A Kaine brushed herself on the rough
wall,pulled the hair and inflicted scratches upon the complainant.

5. I execute this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing facts

and to support the filing of a criminal case for slight physical
injuries against DESDIE S. SALE.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereby set our hand this 11th day of

December 2018 at Cebu City, Philippines.

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 11th day of
December 2018 at Cebu City, Philippines. I HEREBY CERTIFY that I
have personally examined the above- named affiant and that I am
convinced that the affiant personally and voluntarily executed this
instrument and fully understood the same as well as the legal
consequences thereto.

Prosecutor II

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