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Instrumentasi Intelijen
Adhi Harmoko Saputro

Sensors with Artificial Intelligence

Adhi Harmoko Saputro

Introduction: Artificial Intelligence

• Artificial intelligence (AI) is the study and design of intelligent systems
components, which perceives its environmental conditions and accordingly can
take action to maximize its chances of success
• The basic characteristics of AI are
1. Reasoning
2. Knowledge
3. Planning
4. Learning

AI: Reasoning
• to imitate the step-by-step reasoning methods used by humans while solving
puzzles, playing board games, or making logical decisions
• Humans solve most of their problems using fast intuitive judgments rather than the
conscious step-by-step deductions
• Step-by-step reasoning is possible to be modeled in AI but intuitive judgments are
difficult to be modeled and implemented
• Mimicking of human reasoning is step by step in local but intuitive in global.
• Needs an initial point, a goal, a set of feasible actions, and a set of constraints.
• To find the best sequence of permissible actions that can transform the initial
point to a goal.

AI: Knowledge
• Knowledge representation and knowledge engineering are two important aspects
of AI
• Most AI-based systems need to explore and use extensive knowledge about the
• The knowledge representation mainly deals with objects, properties, categories,
relation between objects, situations, events, states, time, causes, effects, etc.

AI: Planning
• Intelligent systems always set goals and try to achieve them by planning.
• In classical planning problems, the system can assume that it is the only thing
acting on the world and the consequence of its actions are known.
• However, this is not always true and the system must check if the world matches
its predictions.
• Planning is a role of AI, which increases its autonomy and flexibility through the
construction of sequences of actions to achieve its goals.

AI: Learning
• An intelligent system should be able to learn from its environment or the user
• Machine learning is the key learning in the AI systems
• Machine learning allows the AI system to change behavior based on the data from
sensors or databases
• The major focus on machine learning is providing the ability to the AI system to
learn to recognize the complex patterns and draw inference from it intelligently

Sensors with Artificial Intelligence

• Able to perform complex operations comparable to human or animal intelligence
• AI systems can mimic the human or animal intelligence;
• sensors can be enabled to perform the tasks of reasoning and learning by
• Sensors with Artificial Intelligence
• Multidimensional intelligent Sensors
• AI for Prognostic Instrumentation
• ANN-Based Intelligent Sensors
• Fuzzy Logic–Based Intelligent Sensors

Multidimensional Intelligent Sensors

• Human perception of the sense of audio, visual, olfaction, and touch is
multidimensional in nature.
• The sensory systems of our eyes, ears, nose, and skin accommodate a large
number of sensory receptors that sense the signal distributed in a wider space
• Using multidimensional array-based technology that can investigate spatial
distribution of a quantity

Gas Classification and Recognition

• Odors are sensed by the human olfactory system when volatile organic compound
(VOC) stimulates the olfactory receptors located in the human olfactory epithelium
at the upper surface of the nasal cavity
• The area of the olfactory receptors in each nasal passage is about 2.5 cm2 with 50
million receptor cells.
• The odor receptors can detect and differentiate up to 10,000 different VOCs.
• Each olfactory receptor neuron holds 8–20 cilia that receive the VOCs.

Gas Classification and Recognition


Gas Classification and Recognition

• The VOC produces a specific neuron activity pattern and, since patterns are
distinctive for each VOC, the pattern allows us to discriminate between a large
number of different odors.
• VOCs are tiny molecules with molecular weights of 20–300 Da.
• The human olfactory receptors can detect VOCs with concentrations below 1 ppb.
• The detection levels of different materials are different such as green leaves, 0.32
ppm; rose, 0.29 ppm; thyme, 86 ppb; lemon, 10 ppb; off flavor in fish, 0.01 ppb;
green pepper, 0.001 ppb; and grapefruit, 0.00002 ppb.

Gas Classification and Recognition

• The E-nose technology is a mimic of the human olfactory system and is similar to
the array of olfactory receptors, signal excitation by neurons, and finally pattern
classification in the brain.
• The E-nose technology adopts the following basic signal processing and
classification stages:
1. Preprocessing
2. Feature extraction
3. Classification

Gas Classification and Recognition

• Block diagram of various stages of E-nose signal processing
Gas Classification and Recognition 15

• On application of VOCs to the E-nose sensor array, the E-nose sensors experience
a change in conductivity in case of chemoresistive sensors, or a variation in mass
and resonant frequency in case of piezoelectric or surface acoustic sensors.
• This variation is processed to obtain a variation in voltage or current.
• A Wheatstone bridge is commonly used in case of a chemoresistive sensor, while
an oscillator circuit can be used in case of quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and
surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensors.
Gas Classification and Recognition 16

• Noise reduction, normalization, drift correction are other important signal
processing of this stage.
• The preprocessed signal is then applied to a computer using a data-acquisition
system and the data is stored in the memory for pattern recognition.
Gas Classification and Recognition 17

Feature Extraction
• This process uses statistical or other mathematical techniques to find some
relevant, but hidden, information from the data.
• One most common technique of feature extraction is principle component analysis
• PCA is a linear combination of orthogonal vectors accounting for a certain
amount of variance in the sensor data.
• The variance in the data in each principle component is the result of each
eigenvalue with varying importance.
• This technique removes any redundancy and dimensionality of the data.
Gas Classification and Recognition 18

• The class of an unknown sample is determined from a class assignment.
• On projecting the E-nose data on an appropriate low-dimensional space, the
classification stage is used to identify the patterns that are representative of each
• The classification stage assigns a class to the data by comparing its pattern with
the trained patterns.
• The common mathematical tools used for classification are K-nearest neighbors
(KNN), Bayesian classifiers, and artificial neural network (ANN).

AI for Prognostic Instrumentation

• Traditional condition monitoring for a plant deals with detection, reporting, and
response to fault in the system; however, it cannot predict future conditions of the
• Prognostic instrumentation is intended to support condition-based maintenance
(CBM), which has the ability to predict a future condition.
• Prognostic instrumentation is different from diagnostic instrumentation because
prognostic can predict a fault allowing reduction in impact to the system, while
diagnostic facilitates repairing only.
• The prognostic instrumentation intelligently utilizes the diagnostic results,
knowledge- based data and statistical forecasting so that the remaining life or fault
probability of the system can be predicted.

AI for Prognostic Instrumentation

• Prognostic instrumentation typically consists of a sensing, interpreting, and
reporting module supported by physical experience and knowledge model of the

AI for Prognostic Instrumentation

• Prognostic instrumentation is useful in high-end and complex systems where
system maintenance logistics are high.
• Some of the applications of prognostic instrumentation are
1. Aircraft engine health
2. Vibrations and mechanical degradation of motor-driven heavy machines
3. Gas turbines
4. Power plants
5. Human health

AI for Prognostic Instrumentation

• The basic components required for prognostic methodology are
1. Identification of failure predictors
2. Sensor for measurement of conditions
3. Data storage, processing, and analysis
4. Fault and degradation models
5. Estimation of fault and degradation levels

AI for Prognostic Instrumentation

Identification of Failure Predictors
• Before designing the prognostic instrumentation, the failure mechanism must be
identified and prioritized.
• Failure mechanism identification can be done based on the comparison of
measurement conditions under various states and ideal ones.

AI for Prognostic Instrumentation

Sensors for Measurement of Conditions
• The conditions that indicate failure or degradation of the system should be reliably
measured using sensors.
• Identification of measurement variables again depend on how efficiently the failure
predictors are identified.
• Following are the examples of sensors for prognostic instrumentation:
1. Temperature, humidity, and airflow sensors for environment monitoring
2. Accelerometer and torque sensors for structural and vibration monitoring of
rotating machines
3. Flow temperature and pressure sensors for compressor degradation
monitoring of gas turbine

AI for Prognostic Instrumentation

Data Storage, Processing, and Analysis
• The sensor data acquired either online or off-line are stored, processed, and
analyzed based on the identified prognostic model algorithm.
• The speed of data collection from the sensors must compromise with the
necessary resolution and capacity of algorithm.

AI for Prognostic Instrumentation

Fault and Degradation Models
• Prognostics is based on a model that can monitor impending fault in future.
• The model can be developed from the following sources:
• Experience, knowledge, and historical data
• First principle or empirically derived
• Dependency model linking conditions with failures
• Probabilistic predictions

AI for Prognostic Instrumentation

Estimation of Failure and Degradation
• For estimation of failure and degradation, the conditional sensor data of the
system are fed to the model and then analysis techniques are used to determine
the progress of degradation.
• The prognostic analysis techniques use the following approaches for solving
different problems:
1. Experience-based prognostics
2. Evolutionary/statistical trending prognostics
3. State estimator prognostic
4. Model-based or physics failure–based prognostics
5. AI-based prognostics

ANN-Based Intelligent Sensors

• The reasons lead to the applications of ANN based sensors in intelligent signal
• Uncertainty and nonlinearity in sensor dynamic behavior is a major problem in
designing signal processing for those sensors
• An exact mathematical model showing the relationship between the measurand
and the response and its dependency on the environmental parameters is not
• Increasing computational complexity in signal processing also makes it difficult
to design the signal processing module.

ANN-Based Intelligent Sensors

• The ANN-based sensors can be classified into the following categories:
1. Linearization and calibration
2. Compensation of errors
3. Soft sensing
4. Sensor failure detection
5. Pattern classification

Fuzzy Logic–Based Intelligent Sensors

• Fuzzy logic–based intelligent sensors are typically modeling of a measurement
system using fuzzy logic rules that behaves as human-like reasoning.
• Fuzzy logic–based measurement models have the following advantages:
1. Complex mathematical model is avoided and uses simple mathematical
2. Memory requirement is less compared to that of lookup table used in nonlinear
3. Allows fast computations making the system cost effective in realtime

Fuzzy Logic–Based Intelligent Sensors

4. Fuzzy logic–based models are universal approximations and they can model a
nonlinear continuous time function.
5. Have less learning time compared to neural networks.

Terima Kasih
Adhi Harmoko Saputro

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