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Question Bank

Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Neera and Tara

LISTENING (10 marks)

Q1. Listen to the following stanza and answer the following questions. (5 marks)
Instructions for the conduction of Listening Activity:

a. The facilitator will speak out a paragraph from the story ‘Neera and Tara’.

b. The learners have to listen to the paragraph carefully and answer the following multiple
choice questions.

c. At the end of the oral reading, the learners will be presented with the multiple choice

a. Pick the correct option. (5 marks)

i) Neera had got full marks in her _______ test.
a. spelling b. maths c. science

ii) Neera’s teacher was _______ of her.

a. angry b. proud c. upset

iii) Tara looked ______ after seeing her test.

a. sad b. happy c. excited

iv) Tara’s eyes were filled with _________.

a. dust b. pain c. tears

v) Neera touched Tara’s __________.

a. shoulder b. hand c. back


i) spellings

ii) proud

iii) sad
Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Nara and Tara

iv) tears

v) hand

Q2. Listen to the story and answer the questions. (5 marks)

Instructions for the conduction of Listening Activity:

a. The facilitator will speak out a poem.

b. The learners have to listen to the story carefully and answer the fill in the blanks.

c. At the end of the oral reading, the learners will be presented with the fill in the blanks.

a. I have a little ___________. (frog/fish)

b. His name is ____________. (Little Tim/Tiny Tim)

c. I put him in ____________. (bucket/bathtub)

d. He drank all the _______. (water/soup)

e. When he tried he talk he had _______ in his throat. (water/bubbles)


a. frog

b. Tiny Tim

c. bathtub

d. water

e. bubbles

Speaking (10 marks)

Q3. Imagine your friend is sad. What will you do to make her happy? Share your feelings
with the class. (10 marks)

Answer: Answer may vary. You can assess the learner based on the following rubric.

Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Nara and Tara

Rubric for speaking sentences

S.No. Parameter Marks Allotted

1. Clarity (loud, clear voice) 3

2. Framing of sentences 4

3. Confidence and Spontaneity 2

4. Originality 1

Reading (40 marks)

Q4. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions. (10 marks)

“My mother is sick.” Tara cried. “She is in the hospital. My father is so upset. I'm so scared
something will happen to her.”

When Neera went home she told her mother what had happened. She told her that she felt bad
for Tara. “Poor Tara,” her mother said. “She must feel so alone.”

“If you were in the hospital, Mama,” she said, “I would feel so scared too.”

Neera's mother called up Tara's father. They spoke for a while. Then Neera's mother told Neera.

“I have spoken to Tara's father,” she said. “Tara will stay with us till her mother is back.”

a. Whose mother was sick? (1


b. Why was Tara scared? (2 marks)

c. Why did Neera feel bad for Tara? (2 marks)

d. What did Neera tell her mother? (1


e. What had Neera’s parents decided? (2 marks)

f. Frame sentences on- scared, alone. (2 marks)

Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Nara and Tara


a. Tara’s mother was sick.

b. Tara was scared because her mother was sick and was in the hospital. Even her father
was upset. Tara was scared if anything happened to her mother.

c. Neera felt bad for Tara because Tara was really scared about her mother.

d. Neera told her mother that she would be scared too if her mother was in the hospital.

e. Neera’s parents had decided that Tara would stay with them till the time Tara’s mother
was back from the hospital.

f. Sentences may vary.

i) scared- Tara was scared for her mother.

ii) alone- Tara used to feel alone without her mother.

Q5. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions. (10 marks)

So Tara came and stayed for four days. She slept in Neera's room. They studied together. They
went to school together. Neera's mother made snacks for them. They played in the park
together. Tara was no longer sad.

Tara's mother soon became better. Her father brought her home. He asked Tara to come back

Before going back Tara hugged Neera's mother and Neera tightly. She told Neera. “I don't have
a sister. But if I did, I would want her to be just like you.”

a. State whether True or False. (5 marks)

i) Tara stayed with Neera for five days. __________

ii) Tara slept in Neera’s room. __________

iii) Neera’s mother made snacks for them. __________

Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Nara and Tara

iv) Tara was no longer happy. __________

v) Tara’s mother became better. __________

b. Fill in the blanks. (5 marks)

i) Tara’s ______ brought her mother back home.

ii) Tara _______ Neera’s mother and Neera.

iii) Neera wanted _______ as her sister.

iv) Neera and Tara played in the __________ together.

v) Neera and Tara _________ and went to school together.


i) False

ii) True

iii) True

iv) False

v) True


i) father

ii) hugged

iii) Tara

iv) park

v) studied

Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Nara and Tara

Q6. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions. (10 marks)

Bunny rabbit lived in the forest. He had many friends. He was proud of his friends.

One day Bunny rabbit heard the loud barking of wild dogs. He was very scared. He decided to
ask for help. He quickly went to his friend deer. He said, “Dear friend, some wild dogs are
chasing me. Can you chase them away with your sharp antlers?”

The deer said, “That is right, I can. But now I am busy. Why don’t you ask bear for help?”

Bunny rabbit ran to the bear. “My dear friend, you are very strong. Please help me. Some wild
dogs are after me. Please chase them away,” he requested to the bear.

The bear replied, “I am sorry. I am hungry and tired. I need to find some food. Please ask the
monkey for help.”

Poor Bunny went to the monkey, the elephant, the goat and all his other friends. Bunny felt sad
that nobody was ready to help him.

He understood that he had to think of a way out by himself. He hid under a bush. He lay very
still. The wild dogs did not find the bunny. They went chasing other animals.

Bunny rabbit learnt that he had to learn to survive by himself, not depending on his unhelpful

a. State whether the following statements are True or False. (5 marks)

i) The bunny lived in a house. __________

ii) The bunny was proud of his friends. __________

iii) One day the bunny heard roaring of lions. __________

iv) The bunny was not scared. __________

v) The bunny ran to a bear. __________

Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Nara and Tara

b. What did the bunny tell the deer? (2 marks)

c. What did the bear reply to the bunny? (2 marks)

d. What did the bunny realise? (1




i) false

ii) True

iii) False

iv) False

v) True

b. The bunny told the deer that some wild dogs were chasing him and could he chase them
away with his sharp antlers.

c. The bear said that he was hungry and tired and he needed to find some food.

d. The bunny realised that he had to survive alone, without depending on his unhelpful

Q7. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions. (10 marks)

There lived a saint in an ashram in the kingdom of Emperor Akbar. He was believed to see the
future correctly.

Once he had a visitor who had come to treat their niece. The child's parents were killed in front
of the girl's eyes. Once she saw the saint, she started to scream loudly saying that that saint was
the culprit. Angered by the girl's words, the saint demanded the couple to get away with their

Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Nara and Tara

The whole day the girl cried which made the couple to realise that the girl was not lying.
Therefore, they decided to seek the help of Birbal.

Birbal consoled them and asked them to wait at the Emperor's assembly. Birbal had invited the
saint to Akbar's court too.

Then in front of all the ministers he drew a sword and neared the saint to kill him. The saint in
surprise immediately drew another sword and began to fight. Thus by this act of the saint it
was proved that he wasn’t blind.

Therefore, Akbar demanded to hang the culprit and rewarded the girl for her bravery for telling
the truth even at the critical situation.

a. Where did the saint live? (1


b. What could the saint do? (1


c. Why was the girl screaming? (3 marks)

d. Why did the couple go to Birbal? (2 marks)

e. What did Birbal tell them to do? (2 marks)

f. What happened to the saint and the girl? (1



a. The saint lived in an ashram in the kingdom of Emperor Akbar.

b. The saint could see the future correctly.

c. Once the saint had a visitor who had come to treat their niece. The child's parents were
killed in front of the girl's eyes. Once she saw the saint, she started to scream loudly
saying that that saint was the culprit.

Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Nara and Tara

d. The girl cried the whole day, which made the couple to realise that the girl was not lying.
Therefore, they decided to seek the help of Birbal.

e. Birbal consoled them and asked them to wait at the Emperor's assembly.

f. The saint was hanged and the girl was rewarded for her bravery for telling the truth even
at the critical situation.

Grammar (25 marks)

Q8. Circle the adverbs in the following sentences. (5 marks)

a. Jatin walked to the park happily.

b. The balloon rose quickly in the sky.

c. We danced merrily.

d. Lisa watched the ball game closely.

e. The player ran boldly.


a. happily

b. quickly

c. merrily

d. closely

e. boldly

Q9. Complete the sentences using appropriate adverbs from the help box. (5 marks)

loudly, happily, angrily, sweetly, quickly

a. My grandfather laughs __________.

Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Nara and Tara

b. She sang _______.

c. The teacher spoke _________.

d. The children were playing _______.

e. He ran _______.


a. My grandfather laughs loudly.

b. She sang sweetly.

c. The teacher spoke angrily.

d. The children were playing happily.

e. He ran quickly.

Q10. Identify the adverbs from the series of the words. (5 marks)

a. purse man Agra softly

b. here chips colours phone

c. park home today glass

d. party happily song Taj Mahal

e. angrily dress movie bus


a. softly

b. heres

c. today

d. happily

Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Nara and Tara

e. angrily

Q11. Match the Column A with Column B by completing the sentences with adverbs.
(5 marks)
Sr. No. Column A Column B
a. She hugged me _____. here
b. _____ is my birthday. brightly
c. She sings so ______. today
d. They play ______. tightly
e. Sun was shining _______. well


a. She hugged me tightly.

b. Today is my birthday.

c. She sings so well.

d. They play here.

e. Sun was shining brightly.

Q12. Read the following poem and identify the adverbs. (5 marks)

The pizza beast is here,

He is eating pizza quickly.

Today is his last day,

He is fluffy,

And he eats happily.

a. _____________

b. _____________

c. _____________

Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Nara and Tara

d. _____________

e. _____________


a. here

b. quickly

c. today

d. fluffy

e. happily

Literature (24 marks)

Q13. Why was Neera happy? (1
Answer: Neera was happy because she had got full marks in her spelling test.

Q14. What did Neera teacher tell her? (1

Answer: Neera’s teacher told her that Neera was a good learner and that she was proud of her.

Q15. What did the teacher say to Tara? (2 marks)

Answer: The teacher told Tara that she did not study hard and it was not good. The teacher was
upset with Tara.

Q16. How did Tara feel? (1

Answer: Tara became sad and her eyes were filled with tears.

Q17. What did Neera tell Tara? (1

Answer: Neera told Tara that she should not worry and Tara would do better the next time.

Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Nara and Tara

Q18. What happened during the break? (2 marks)

Answer: Neera was going to play during the break when she saw Tara sitting on the stairs. Neera
saw that Tara was crying.

Q19. What did Tara tell Neera? (2 marks)

Answer: Tara told Neera that her mother was not sick and she was in the hospital. Tara’s father
was also very upset. Tara was scared that something would happen to her mother.

Q20. What did Neera tell her mother? (2 marks)

Answer: Neera told her mother what all was happening with Tara. Neera felt bad for Tara and she
felt that Tara was feeling alone.

Q21. What did Neera’s mother tell her? (2 marks)

Answer: Neera’s mother told her that she had talked to Tara’s father and Tara would be staying
with them till her mother comes back from the hospital.

Q22. For how many days did Tara stay with Neera? What did they do? (3 marks)
Answer: Tara stayed with Neera and her family for four days. Tara slept in Neera’s room. They
used to go to the school together. They studied together. Both of them played in the park
together. Neera’s mother used to make snacks for them. Neera was no longer sad.

Q23. What did Tara tell Neera before going back? (2 marks)
Answer: Tara hugged Neera tightly and told her that if she had a sister, she would have wanted her
to be just like Neera.

Q24. What did Neera’s mother tell her after Tara was gone? (2 marks)
Answer: Neera’s mother told her that she was a good and a kind girl. Neera’s mother was proud of

Q25. How did Neera feel afterwards? (2 marks)

Answer: Neera felt very happy. Her heart felt full. Neera was glad that Tara’s mother was better.
Neera was very glad that she understood that Tara felt lonely and she was there to help

Grade 2 English Chapter 3 Nara and Tara

Listening Worksheets
Q1. Story:

Neera was very happy! She had full marks in her spelling test. The teacher was smiling happily

“You have done well, Neera! You are a good learner. I am proud of you.”

She looked at Tara. Tara sat next to Neera. The teacher said,

“Tara! You did not study hard. This is not good. I am upset. What happened to you? ”

Tara looked sad. Her eyes filled with tears. But she said nothing. She took the test paper from
the teacher. Neera felt bad for her. She touched Tara's hand and said softly, “Don't worry, Tara.
You will do better next time.”

Q2. Poem:

I have a little frog

His name is Tiny Tim.

I put him in the bathtub,

To see if he could swim.

He drank up all the water,

And drank up the soap.

And when he tried to talk,

He had bubbles in his throat.


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