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Sanepa-3, Lalitpur
Balance sheet
FY 2074/2075
Fy: 2075 Jestha 15 to End of Ashadh 2075

Current Year Previous Year

S.N. Particular Sch.
074/075 073/074
1 Source of Fund
Capital Fund 4 425,000.00 0.00
Secured Loan 0.00 0.00
Unsecured Loan 0.00 0.00
Reserve and Surplus 43,725.00 0.00
Sub Total 468,725.00 0.00
2 Application of Fund
Fixed Assets(Net) 0.00 0.00
Current Assets
Sundry Debtor's 0.00 0.00
Advance & Deposit 3 13,245.00 0.00
Closing Stock 0.00 0.00
Cash & Bank 5 521,863.00 0.00
Sub Total 535,108.00 0.00
3 Less : Current Liabilities
TDS Payable 1 8,300.00 0.00
Other Payable 2 58,083.00 0.00
Sub Total 66,383.00 0.00
Total Source of Fund (CA-CL) 468,725.00 0.00

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Accountant Chairman Auditor
Sanepa-3, Lalitpur
Income Statement
FY 2074/2075
Fy: 2075 Jestha 15 to End of Ashadh 2075

S.N. Particular Sch. Current Year Previous Year

074/075 073/074
1 Income
a.Contract 882,800.00 0.00
b. Less: Cost of Sales 4 225,000.00 0.00
Sub Total 657,800.00 0.00
2 Expenditure
a. Administrative Exp. 599,500.00 0.00
b. Depreciation 0.00 0.00
c.Bank Interest 0.00 0.00
d.Repair and Maintenance 0.00 0.00
Sub Total 599,500.00 0.00
3 Net Profit/ Loss A/c
a. Net Profit /Loss before Tax 58,300.00 0.00
Less. Income Tax Provision 14,575.00 0.00
c. Net Profit/Loss after Tax 43,725.00 0.00
d. Net Profit/Loss Previous Year 0.00 0.00
Sub Total 43,725.00 0.00
Net Profit/ Loss To BS 43,725.00 0.00

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Accountant Chairman Auditor
Sanepa-3, Lalitpur
Income Statement
FY 2074/2075
Fy: 2075 Jestha 15 to End of Ashadh 2075

Sanepa-3, Lalitpur
Schedule related to Balance Sheet
FY 2074/2075
Fy: 2075 Jestha 15 to End of Ashadh 2075

TDS Payable Schedule:1

S.N. Particular Current Year Previous Year
1 TDS Payable on Audit Fee 3,000.00 -
2 TDS Payable on House Rent ` - -
3 TDS Salary 5,300.00 -
Total 8,300.00 -

Trade and Other Payable Schedule:2

S.N. Particular Current Year Previous Year
1 Audit Fee 17,000.00 -
2 Income Tax Provision 14,575.00 -
3 Vat Payable 26,508.00 -
Total 58,083.00 -

Advance & Deposit Schedule:3

S.N. Particular Current Year Previous Year
1 Other Advances - -
2 Prepaid Tax 13,245.00 -
Total 13,245.00 -

Cost of Good Sold Schedule:4

S.N. Particular Current Year Previous Year
Detailed Engineering survey soil investigation &
1 design 225,000.00 -
Total 225,000.00 -

Cash & Cash Equavalent Schedule:5

S.N. Particular Current Year Previous Year
1 Cash 8923.00 0.00
2 Bank 512940.00 0.00
Total 521863.00 0.00

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Sanepa-3, Lalitpur
Schedule related to Balance Sheet
Accountant FY 2074/2075
Chairman Auditor
Fy: 2075 Jestha 15 to End of Ashadh 2075
Sanepa-3, Lalitpur
Schedule related to Balance Sheet
FY 2074/2075
Fy: 2075 Jestha 15 to End of Ashadh 2075

Sanepa-3, Lalitpur
Cashflow Statement
FY 2074/2075
Fy: 2075 Jestha 15 to End of Ashadh 2075

S.N. Particular Amount Amount

Opening Cash & Bank Balance 0.00
1 Cash In Flow
a. Change in Share Capital 425000.00
b. Change in Reserve and Surpl 43725.00
C. Change in Secured Loan 0.00
d. Change in Current Liabilities 66383.00
e. Change in Director's Loan 0.00

Sub Total 535108.00 535108.00

2 Cash out Flow
a.Change in Fixed Assets 0.00
b.Change in Advance and Depos 13245.00
c. Change in Sundry Debtors 0.00
c.Change in Closing Stock 0.00
Sub Total 13245.00
Closing Cash & Bank 521863.00

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Accountant Chairman Auditor
Sanepa-3, Lalitpur
Administrative Expenses
FY 2074/2075
Fy: 2075 Jestha 15 to End of Ashadh 2075

Particular Current Year Previous Year

Salary 530000.00 0.00

House Rent 0.00 0.00
Tours & Travelling 8000.00 0.00
Stationary 3000.00 0.00
Telephone 8410.00 0.00
Insurance 12490.00 0.00
Printing 2000.00 0.00
Misc.Expenses 15600.00 0.00
Audit Fee 20000.00 0.00
Total 599500.00 0.00

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Accountant Chairman Auditor
Sanepa-3, Lalitpur
Details of Salary Sheet
F.Y 2074/75
From 2075-02-15 to End of Ashadh 2075

S.N Name Position Basic Salary Period Total 1% TDS Afte Tds Status
1 Sudhan Shrestha Engineer 45000 2 90000 900 89100 Married
2 Satendra Ray Engineer 45000 2 90000 900 89100 Married
3 Ashok Isar Engineer 45000 2 90000 900 89100 Married
4 Manoj Isar O/C 30000 2 60000 600 59400 Married
5 Chandan Shah O/C 30000 2 60000 600 59400 Married
6 Trilok Mallik O/C 30000 2 60000 600 59400 Married
7 Rajina Kaspal Accountant 25000 2 50000 500 49500 Married
8 Sukumaya Magar Peon 15000 2 30000 300 29700 Married
Total 265000 530000 5300 524700

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Accountant Chairman Auditor

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