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A study on monitoring of air quality and modeling

of pollution control

Pratima Gupta and Ranjit Kumar* Shalendra Pratap Singh and Ashok Jangid
1 2
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science Department of Physics and Computer Science,
Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University) Faculty of Science
Dayalbagh, Agra-5 (India), E-mail: Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University) Dayalbagh, Agra-5 (India),

Abstract— The most vulnerable global challenges faced today leads release of different-different pollutants viz., particulate
are of global warming and its effect on climate with deteriorating matter, gases (sulfur and nitrogen containing oxides) etc.
air quality. Air pollution is increasing and causing global
warming, rise in sea level, change in seasonal patterns, rainfall Table 1 Present Air Quality Status in different cities of India.
pattern, extreme summer and winter temperatures, droughts and
floods, etc. along with various endemic and epidemic diseases.
S.N City SO2 NO2 PM10
There is a lack of understanding of air pollution and related
Annual I R Annual I R Annual I R
health risk. The condition of air quality in India is poor. As many average average average
as 54% of Indians live in cities not meeting NAAQS standards on (µg m-
(µg m-
(µg m-
) ) )
fine particulate matter and none of the cities meeting WHO
1 Agra 7 L L 28 M L 186* C C
standards. The whole world, including India, is worried about
the degradation of air quality which is affecting every form of life 2 Delhi 5 L L 57* M M 222* C C
and material; hence there is a need for extensive study on the 3 Ahmedabad 13 L L 25 L L 79* M H
causes, effects and mitigation of air pollution. A scientific model 4 Ranchi 18 - L 35 - M 170* - C
is proposed to control environmental pollution. The ultimate
5 Bangalore 16 L L 29 M M 94* M H
solution of global warming climate change problem is making the
6 Mumbai 5 L L 35 L M 119* M H
people aware about the causes, consequences, and control of
7 Pune 32 L L 58* L L 113* M H
energy consumption through environmental consciousness.
8 Ludhiana 11 L L 28 M M 221* C C

Keywords—air pollution; climate change; pollution control; 9 Chennai 12 L L 19 L L 65* M M

modeling 10 Kanpur 8 L L 33 L L 184* C C

11 Varanasi 17 - L 20 - L 127* - C
I. INTRODUCTION 12 Kolkata 13 L L 66* M H 115* M C
Air pollution is a difficult issue to deal with, which
span across multiple sources from vehicular emission, Source: CPCB (National Ambient Air Quality and Trend 2008-2012)
I-Industry, R-Residential, L- Low, M-Moderate, H-High & C-Critical
resuspended dust, industrial plumes, construction material,
waste burning, domestic heating and cooking. In addition to
Table 1 shows that several cities are critically polluted in
these reasons, there are various seasonal sources like, burning
India. The level of SO2 is within the limit while the level of
of agricultural waste, dust storms or sandstorms and sea-salts
NO2 in major cities in India shows a fluctuating trend. PM10
[1]. Air pollution causes global warming and resultant into the
levels are critically high in Agra, Delhi, Ludhiana and Kanpur.
climate change. Climate change is one of the biggest global
CPCB classifies cities on the basis of pollutant level, if level
challenges faced by humankind and has received considerable
of criteria pollutants is more than 1.5 times the standards, then
global attention from scientist and media. The excessive
it is classified as ‘Critical’ whereas it is labelled ‘Moderate’ if
dependence on fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas) to fulfill the
growing energy needs increases the emission of pollutants into levels reaches up to fifty percent of the standards. Nearly fifty
percent of the cities monitored under NAMP (National Air
the atmosphere. Approximately 1.1 billion people breathe
Qulaity Monitoring Programme) witnessed critical levels of
unhealthy air and responsible 7 million deaths every year
globally [2, 3]. The problems related to health is not PM10 [6]. Several efforts have been made to monitor the
quality of air in India, but air pollution is steadily increasing
symmetrically distributed as developing countries contribute
[7, 8, 6, 9]. With this in view the objectives of the present
approximately two-thirds of the deaths and lost life in Asia
investigation is to review the air quality situation, monitor the
[4]. The Indian economy is growing fast and has developed in
air quality of city of Taj Mahal (Agra), and develop control
the field of construction, energy production, etc., [5] which
and mitigation strategy.
II. IMPORTANCE OF STUDY Sampling and analysis
Developing countries are facing the worst form of air The measurements of mass concentration of aerosol (PM10,
pollution in the race to unsustainable development [10]. India and PM2.5) and monitoring of meteorological conditions have
is one of the most changing economy and also on the top of been performed. The samples of PM10 and PM2.5 were
the polluted country. collected using the Polltech fine dust sampler at a flow rate of
16 LPM. The difference in the mass of filter paper after
sampling and before the sampling gives PM10 and PM2.5 load.
In this study, the secondary data have been collected in the
form of survey from DEI (Dayalbagh Educational Institute)
and surrounding location (Rural/Urban) in Agra.

Meteorological status over study area

Temperature, relative humidity (RH), wind speed (WS)
have been measured using Rave AWS 1.0 Weather station. The
temperature goes extremely high up to 48 ºC during summer
and goes extremely low 0ºC during winter. The annual average
temperature is 19.1 ºC and varies from 8.6 ºC to 31.2 ºC; the
relative humidity is 64.7 % and varies from 34.4 % to 83.4 %
and wind speed is 1.9 m s-1 and varies from 1.1 m s-1 to 3.4 m
s-1. The dominant wind direction is N, NW, W and SE.


Fig. 1: PM2.5 levels in 2014 in selected cities in China, India and USA.
The data were collected and compiled for the period
April 2015-March 2016 and analyzed. The statistics of annual
Fig. 1 shows that levels of PM2.5 in Indian cities are variation in the air quality parameter (PM10, PM2.5,
substantially higher than set standards of WHO, USEPA, temperature, relative humidity and wind speed) are presented
EUPAQ and NAAQS, India. Emissions from industries, in Fig. 2. This study area has been selected for monitoring on
automobiles, agricultural & domestic combustion, energy the basis of high vehicular emission, rapid industrialization,
production and unplanned urban growth are the chief sources human population/floating population and emission source.
of pollutants. The Indo-Gangetic Basin inhabits nearly forty
percent of India's population, spanning along the northern
states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh (UP) and eastern
states of Bihar and West Bengal [11]. This region comprises
of most polluted cities of India and Agra being one of the most
polluted city of the country is selected for this study. The city
is famous all over the world due to ‘Taj Mahal’ and attracts
huge number of tourist daily. Tourism along with rapid
industrial growth in and around the city have made it victim of
air pollution through various sources, ranging from
automobiles, industries, agriculture, household and urban
construction. The city of such importance and repute needed a
specialized study to identify the sources, pollutant types and
causes of air pollution along with their control methods. It also
required developing a proper long term mitigation strategy to
overcome this menace.
Fig. 2: Statistics of annual variation in air quality parameters at
Site description
The analysis of widely monitored particulate matter
PM10 shows the very high mean mass concentration of 186.8
Agra, situated at 27.17° N, 78.01° E over the Indo-
µg m-3 violating international standards (WHO, USEPA,
Gangetic basin is presently among the most polluted cities in
EUPAQ) including that of NAAQS, India. Vehicular
the country. The population of Agra is 15,85,704 as per the
emissions and road paved dust are responsible for high loads
census of 2011 and floating population is about 23 thousand
of aerosols. Two-third periphery of Agra is surrounded by
tourist per day [12]. Agra is experiencing very drastic change
Rajasthan and lots of sand particles released from the grinding
in climatic pattern since last two decades.
of marbles and red stone might be contributing towards high
load of aerosols. The Mathura refinery and Firozabad glass
industry are situated in North West and East of Agra, people should take the initiative to clean their environment.
respectively, may be also adding to the high load of aerosols. Nearly 92% believe if people are made aware of causes and
Agra is a favorite tourist center due to The Taj and other consequences, a large volume of pollutants can be stopped at
monuments and most of the tourist travel from Delhi to Agra the beginning itself. People are willing to make changes in
by road. their lifestyle as 92% accept that ignorance of moral
responsibility as the biggest reason, whereas 98% believe,
their negligence towards the environment is harming the air
quality. 95% of respondents believe creating awareness and
arising consciousness will be easiest and long time solution to
this big problem. People are worried. Hence, they are ready to
make changes in their lifestyle and contribute to control air

Control and mitigation through consciousness

Air pollution has started to deteriorate since past two

centuries, but it has now taken up the form of problem that is
extremely complex and difficult to manage. It needs both
expertise to identify the problem along with the improvement
of public understanding about environmental issues and
Fig. 3: Statistics of seasonal variation in air quality parameters at
Agra. related effects. In most of the developing countries, emissions
happening due to faulty urban planning, domestic heating,
Fig. 3 shows the highest concentration of PM10 in energy production and transport development is still not being
winter (309.1 µg m-3) followed by monsoon (101.9 µg m-3) regulated by any standard [5]. Peoples ignorance about the
and summer (75.6 µg m-3) seasons. PM2.5 is showing effects of the pollution on health and shallow understanding of
seasonally peak concentration during winter (84.3 µg m-3) > its volume, is itself a big obstacle in defining the actions, and
summer (43.4 µg m-3) > monsoon (25.9 µg m-3). The high mobilizing local stakeholders. Environmental education may
concentration of particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5 in this play an important role to educate the societies on issues
region during the colder months of winter are mainly due to related to the environment and its related consequences [13].
increased anthropogenic activities and prevailing A comprehensive long time strategy in parallel to
meteorological conditions of low wind speed, low boundary technological improvement must be undertaken and everyone
layer and limited precipitation. The variation in the seasonal should be involved in the Yojna of cleansing the environment.
pattern of PM10 and PM2.5 may be due to the fact that in the The goals of the 21st century educational system should
monsoon season up liftment of soil particles takes place and include environmental education and formation of an
increases concentration of PM10 while crop burning during environmentally literate citizen who can contribute in
summer season over this region increases concentration of addressing environmental issues [13]. Individuals (adults and
PM2.5. The status of particulate matter in Agra is higher than children) may change their behavior when their values, beliefs
the other big cities in India. The pollutant is released at ground and environmental understanding improves. The movement of
level, hence the impact on the population will be more. A creating consciousness through education must be
survey based questionnaires have been conducted to know the scientifically wetted. It must start right from the elementary
understanding of the public and their perception and attitudes schools and go on till the top education system. These deep
toward air quality. rooted values should be inculcated so that the consciousness

Though understanding about environmental issues

have increased manifold in metropolitan cities, but according
to the survey lots of people are unaware about its effects. A
large group of 91% of survey takers believes that air quality
has worsened and 95% think that it adversely affects human
lives. They accept almost unanimously that air pollution is
affecting their health and 75% also believe that it is fatal to
live. Though still a large number of 25% think otherwise. The
air quality of Agra is worse than many big cities are accepted
by 55% but 45% thought otherwise. On a question related to
usage of domestic fuel 93% has opted for LPG against 7%
using of other unrefined fuels. They advocated for penalizing
of polluting industries and people responsible for emission of
air pollutant. They also suggested that apart from government,
of students will improve as the future is on their shoulders. pollution will get reduced. The four way efforts should be
made in parallel. It needs awareness and consciousness
towards the environment. This is like 1-2-3-4 formulae to
formulate the menace of air pollution, which can be achieved
by raising the consciousness.
This work has been carried out under the ARFI (Aerosol
Radiative Forcing over India) project of ISRO-GBP. Prof.
Shahb Das, Head, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of
Science and Dr. B.B Rao, Principal, Technical College, D.E.I
(Deemed University), Dayalbagh are gratefully acknowledged
for their support and kind encouragement. Mr. Hazur Saran is
appreciated for sampling assistance.


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